cover of episode Ridley Jones: Dino-Night Rescue

Ridley Jones: Dino-Night Rescue

Publish Date: 2022/3/2
logo of podcast Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr.

Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr.


Shownotes Transcript

Bedtime Stories with Netflix Junior. Ridley Jones, Kino Night Rescue.

Another museum mission complete! Great work finding Ida's sword today, team! No sweat, Ridley. Who knew we'd find the sword in the museum trash chute? Gnarly. And who knew the trash chute is the perfect size for a dodo to jump in and save a sword? Not me! You were so brave, Dudley. Thanks, Ridley, but I will never unsee all those empty pudding cups.

This bird is ready for some shut-eye. I'm with you, Dudley. Now that all the other exhibits are asleep, we should head to bed too, huh? This dodo has a nest that's ready to go-go. And this dino can't wait to snooze in my volcano exhibit. Well, I'm heading up to my treehouse. Night, team. Okay, teeth are brushed, alarm is set, lights are out. It's time for bed.

Hello? Anyone there? Ridley! Is that you down there? Hey, Ridley. I need your help. It's a Mondo emergency. Hold on. Be right down. So, what's wrong, Dante? I was, like, getting ready to snooze and did the whole nightly routine. Flossed my pearly whites, meditated my brainwaves, counted every bison in the museum, and then I realized... Mikey is missing! Huh?

Oh no! Wait, who's Mikey? Uh, only my most favorite dino bro! He's fluffy and green and a total expert in the art of snuggling. He's also my tiny bedtime buddy. Oh, so Mikey's a toy? Yeah! He's the most Jurassic toy a dino could ask for! Aw, sounds like Mikey is the best.

But I'm sorry, Dante. I haven't seen him. I know it's, like, late and all, but can you help me find him? Well, I do want to help, but it's so dark in the museum and everyone's asleep. Any chance we can search for him in the morning? Aw, but I can't fall asleep without Mikey by my side, and I'm his ride back to my digs. Mikey has a terrible sense of direction.

You know, I think if we can quietly search, then sure. Oh, dynamite! Thanks, Dudette! I mean, thanks, Dudette! We just need to tiptoe around the museum so we don't wake anyone- Too late! Oh, sorry, Dudley. You should go back to sleep. Nah, that'll take too much energy. I'm already up. I'll help you find Mikey.

First, we need some light so no one trips. Catch! Oh, flashlights. Perfect-a-mundo. You always find a way to light up my life, Ridley. Get it? Maybe Mikey didn't go too far. Let's check around here first. Soots! Absidodo-lutely.

No sign of Mikey by the gemstones. Nothing over here except snoring butterflies. Aha! I found him! False alarm, just a caribou. Their fur is so soft they're basically a pillow, you know. I don't think Mikey's here. How about we retrace your steps from today, Dante? Toodad, that's a mondo brilliant plan. Follow me!

The first thing Mikey and I did this morning was go for a ride on my skateboard around the volcano. Like this. Woo! I call that jump the vanilla chocolate ice cream cone swirl. Well, I call that jump careful in the dark, Dante, before you melt like an ice cream cone. Got a point. We need to be careful around all this volcano lava. Sure thing, T-Dat. Squish!

Uh, I'm speaking Mikey. He's Spix and Squeaks. That makes sense. Squeaky squeak squeak! Hold on. What if Mikey's perched at the top of that tall boulder all the way over there? I'm gonna go check it out. You with me, Dudley? Sounds like a great, uh, idea. Be, um, right there. I think Dudley just fell asleep in a puddle of mud.

You stay with the deadster. I'll be right back. Okay. Be careful, Dante. I'm gonna jump up really high like this and... Whoa! Close call. The lava just jumped out of the volcano and almost gave me a hug, but, like, not in a good way. Uh-oh. The lava's bubbling up again. I'm, uh, kind of stuck over here. Oh, no! Grab onto my lasso, Dante. Dante?

Got it! Gotcha! Mesozoic! Thanks for saving me, Dudette. Anytime. But it doesn't look like Mikey is in the volcano exhibit. Should we head to the next spot? Totes! Let's wake up Diddly. Wake up, little dodster. Come out of your sweet little dodo slumper. Yikes. You can't wake me up like that. I have a sensitive sleep cycle.

Sorry, bro. Let's kick it. Next on Dante's Jurassic Tour of the Day, I jammed out in the music exhibit this afternoon. It's totes possible that I left Mikey in here. Oh, the little dude loves a concerto. Oh, man, I miss him so much. Uh...

Let's split up and check around the instruments. Dante, you check brass. Dudley, you're on strings. And I'll search woodwinds. Totes! You got it! That's a no on the trombone. But a yes on this song I just made up! Mikey isn't in the string section. Unless he transformed into a majestic harp.

I don't see him in the woodwinds either. That's a no on the percussion. But I do see the xylophone. Want to hear the song I made up today? Brace for Dora's wizard caps are two of my favorite types of hats.

Rad backup vocals, kiddly! Wake up, Dudley. Oh, I'm awake! What's happening? Who stole my pudding cup? Dudley, you can go back to your nest if you're sleepy. Are you kidding? I'm invested now. Where to next, Dante? To the Egyptian exhibit, dudes!

Our favorite mummy queen, Ismin and I had a peacock dance party in here today. Yeah, Mikey is obviously a sick dancer. Remember to be extra careful in here. There's a lot of fragile artifacts in the Egyptian wing, like-- Ancient vases, pottery, and sleeping mummies? Precisely.

How about we split up? We can cover way more ground. Great idea! I'll start with underneath this fancy dining table. Huh. No sign of Mikey under here. What? What's that? Oopsie. My tail bumped into a vase. Total tail fail.

Uh-oh. I knocked into the vase again. Catch the vase, Ridley. It's heading your way. Got it. That was a close one. At least we didn't wake up any grouchy mummy guards. Hello? Who goes there? And I spoke too soon. I think we, like, just woke up a mummy guard. Um, excuse me? I asked who woke me up.

Sorry, Mr. Mummy Guard, sir. I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say, let's fly like the wind and get our butts out of here before we wake anyone else up. Looks like we made it out of the Egyptian exhibit without waking up any more mummy dudes. My wings are exhausted. We gotta call it a day. Or a night, really.

safer to search around the museum in the daylight. I'm so sorry, Dante, but I promise we'll find Mikey tomorrow. I understand, Dudette. But like, what if I never fall asleep tonight? How about we help you fall asleep? I know some pretty great bedtime stories. Thanks, Radoodly. You're the best. Welcome to my personal digs, aka where I snooze.

That is, when I have Mikey by my side. We might not have found Mikey yet, but don't worry, Dante. I'm determined to help you fall asleep. Me too! Because the sooner you fall asleep, the sooner I fall asleep. Dudley, you can go back to your nest any time. Truly. No, no, no. I'm here and I'm gonna help.

I'm full of bedtime tips. You are an expert in sleep, dude. I agree. And Sleep Doctor Dudley is here to help. Tip number one. You gotta get to the coziest you've ever felt in your life. And the best way to get cozy is with... Mikey? Blankets. The fluffier, the better. Totes. Those are in that closet. These soft blankets will do the trick.

So... Looks like the cozy blankets tip worked for Dudley. But what about me? Aw, man. There's just no hope. I'm never gonna fall asleep. How about I tell you a bedtime story? I'll try anything, Dudette. Great. Now get comfy and close your eyes and... Got it. Comfy stance initiated. Eyes are closed.

I'm officially relaxed! Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there were two of the coolest dinosaurs in the universe named Dante and Mikey. I know them! Dante and Mikey go on the most rad adventures. One day, Dante and Mikey surfed all the way down a giant rainbow and even sang about hats together. Mmm, hats. I like hats.

He's asleep. He's finally asleep. We did it. Wait a minute. Where'd that squeak come from? Mikey, you were under Dante's pillow this whole time. I'm gonna put you right next to Dante so you can both have a cozy sleep. Good night, Dante. Good night, Mikey. And good night to you too, Dudley. Toast?