cover of episode MINI:  Do I S the D?

MINI: Do I S the D?

Publish Date: 2024/6/24
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Sofia with an F


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I also got made fun of for sounding really, really stupid, which not much has changed, although I do make a living off my voice now, which is kind of interesting.

What is up party fucking people? I should not swear within the first second of filming this slash recording it, but actually this isn't going on YouTube, which it should, but there is lint all over my microphone.

That's not why it's not getting uploaded to YouTube, but there will be clips on TikTok and I'm basically naked. So you should probably go follow me. So if you then have Franklin with a Y, just kidding, I'm wearing a huge baggy t-shirt and I'm sitting on the floor. I do look pretty cute though. I do look pretty cute. Okay, guys, happy Monday. Let's jump into this mini. Now it looks like I have dandruff on my shirt.

But it's not, even though I do kind of suffer from dandruff here and there. And with that, welcome to Sophia with an F. We are going to do an SOS mini today. And I'm very excited because listen to this first one.

Hey, Sophia, I'm going to a new high school in September. Do you have any advice on making a ton of new friends and getting people to know me? I am always so fucking shocked when I hear that people are in high school listening to my show, even though I guess like it's not as raunchy. Like I used to really be raunchy and like step by step raunchy.

How to give a blow job. Hilarious coming from me, by the way. But also high schoolers are no longer high schoolers. Like you guys look and act like you're 26 years old. So I guess, you know what? It makes sense. Here's the thing about high school is every high school is totally different.

When it comes to who the popular kid is. Contrary to like what you see on every movie. Where it's like the football jock and the hot blonde cheerleader. And like those are the popular kids. I don't think so. Like in my high school, the popular people were in student body. And like the student body president. Yeah.

And I know this is going to be a shock to some of you guys. I was not part of that group, which I actually did run, I think, to be like some kind of something for student body. And I didn't get it, which is so crazy because I it's not like I failed the mandatory drug test at my high school. I don't know, three times in a row and would get suspended all the time. But you know what? I

To this person who wrote in who's in high school, do not follow in my footsteps. It's not cool to fail a drug test, although I do think if you could get your hands on a fake ID and or if you have access to get booze,

For the other, you know, classmates of yours in your high school, I think that's like a, that's just a quick one-way ticket to having a lot of people like you and getting a ton of friends. They might be using you for your hookup, but then they'll get to know your personality and that's what's going to win them over. But okay, let me answer this for real. Let me answer this like the adult that I am.

Making a ton of new friends, I don't think that should be like your MO. You don't need a ton of new friends. You just need one or two good, good friends. You don't need everyone to like you in high school. And you don't even need a lot of people to like you in high school. You just need like your core friends.

friend group, and maybe that consists of one or two people. That was me in high school. Are you joking? Also, I would only hang out with the dudes that were in grades above me, which is probably part of the reason I wasn't the most liked person in my grade. I also got made fun of for sounding really, really stupid, which...

Not much has changed, although I do make a living off my voice now, which is kind of interesting. But just be yourself because I think the biggest turnoff and what's not going to get you far is trying to be something you're not. Just be you. And also be you, but be the outspoken person

kind of extroverted version of you. Because if you really want to make friends quickly and you're going to a new school and you want a lot of people to know you, that's kind of the only way to do it. I don't think any of the super, super quiet kids in my high school, I wouldn't

Say, you know, they had a ton of friends, but also I didn't really talk to them. So I don't really know. I hope I answered your question. Oh my goodness. I am not ready to be a parent. Okay, next.

Hi, Sophia. So I went on a date with this guy and it went really well. He started saying stuff like, I'm so happy I found you. So I sucked his dick and he came in two seconds. The only reason I did it is because he made it clear he wanted a relationship beforehand. The next day, he told me he didn't see it going anywhere and just wanted to hook up.

A few days later, he was like, never mind. I don't think hooking up is a good idea. I'm so confused. What did I do to make him change his mind? Love you. Let me get this straight. You guys go on a first date. Was it before or after the appetizers that this guy asked you to be his girlfriend? Yes.

Like you didn't find it to be alarming that on your first date with this dude, he said, quote, I'm so happy I found you on the first date. Okay. A, that's a red flag to me. You don't, you don't make someone your girlfriend or even say something that intense on a first date.

I think right there, it kind of is showing either an extreme immaturity on his part or extremely manipulative. Like, I'm almost wondering, was he like saying all this crazy shit just so he could get in your pants?

That's number one. That would throw me for a loop and I would not trust this guy. I don't even trust when guys say they're in love with me and we're on our 12th date. I'm like, okay, so how many other girlfriends do you have and what is it that you want from me?

But those are my issues. And I don't want you to carry those issues with you because it's not realistic. And there are good men out there. However, this dude, not a good guy. There is no reason. He doesn't fucking know you on date one. He does not know you. You guys probably like, I don't know, went to a Chuck-O-Rama party.

That is a buffet in Utah for those of you who are like, what the hell are you talking about? Bomb ass buffet, by the way. And then you guys went to a movie and you just, you guys don't know each other enough to say, A, I want to be in a relationship. B, oh my God, I'm so happy I found you. Okay. Okay.

I want you to completely reframe your way of thinking and it hurts my heart that you ended this question with what did I do to make him change his mind? You didn't do shit.

You did nothing wrong. The only thing I would point out is I hope and I pray that it wasn't just a blow job that went down. I've never really understood that. I mean, I guess there's like women out there that genuinely enjoy doing that or pretend to enjoy doing it. I just hope like the favor was returned.

Like, I hope you at least got a finger or he went down on you. Like, something. Unless you really genuinely love sucking dick, which I don't think that necessarily is the case. Not that you hate doing it, but you said the only reason you did it is because...

He stated he wanted a relationship beforehand. Now, that's another thing. Did he actually say he wanted a relationship or did he just throw out the, I am so happy I found you, thank God? Because those are two very, very different things. And I have told you guys over and over and over again, until a dude is so relentless and

in letting you know how much they love you, how much they want to be exclusive and serious and committed. And when I say relentless about it, I don't mean, you know, wearing you down until you say yes. I mean, you have doubts because you're a woman living in this world and

And men need to go at lengths to really prove to you and get your trust that that is what they want. Okay, so I don't know how on date one you guys established like a relationship was happening, right?

I do not blame you for S-ing the D on the first date. I don't. That has nothing to do with why this guy decided to like pull a fucking 180 and say, okay, actually, let's just hook up and then say, actually, I don't even think we should hook up anymore. I think this dude is just a piece of shit. The only reason I brought up the S-ing the D thing is because I just want to make sure that

Ladies, we are out here, if we're speaking in heteronormative terms, we are out here engaging in any sex act because we enjoy it and we want it and it's something that is fulfilling to us too. And you know what? To each their own. I guess maybe I'm the wrong person because for me,

Meeting up with a dude. Going on a date. Sucking his dick. Going home. I would be like, where is my orgasm? Or attempt to give me an orgasm. But that could just be me. However, has nothing to fucking do with that. Because if he is throwing out like serious deep shit. Like you're, I'm so happy I found you. Which is like a really intense thing to say. Right?

And you guys end up hooking up and he ends up pulling back and then pulling back even more. That is on him. I think that it was a manipulation tactic to throw some crazy shit out there on the first date to maybe hook up with you. I really do. And if it wasn't and it was just reckless behavior on his part, then

All the more reason to say, thank God. Thank God this guy is no longer in my fucking life. And in the off chance that he decided to pull back because you did engage in something sexual with him on the first date, then fuck this dude. He can suck my dick.

Any guy who's like that and loses respect for a woman because she hooks up on a first date, especially after basically saying he wanted your hand in marriage, fuck them. Literally, they're gross and they're the type of dudes that are like,

oh my God, I'm just like, I'm really holding out to like find a virgin wife and those are my standards. Guys like that are disgusting and gross and have a very outdated, ridiculous, insecure, and straight up fucking stupid point of view and perspective of the world. So good riddance. And again, don't let this dictate your,

how you behave on another first date. I have said this and I will say it again. I have, okay, how many boyfriends have I had? Six maybe. I'm going to say three of those six, maybe four I hooked up with on a first date. Okay. Period. Mic drop.

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"Sofia, I'm 26 and just came out as a lesbian. My boyfriend doesn't understand why I don't want to stay with him. I'm a girly girl and I'm attracted to girly girls. Now that I've accepted myself, I just don't see my boyfriend or any man as anything other than platonic and hairy and gross.

Sorry, I'm just thinking about how I wish I was just... I do consider myself pretty fluid when it comes to my sexuality, but, like, it would be kind of fucking dope to be a lesbian. I'm not one. I don't know if that's okay to say in 2024, but to just not deal with guys, because you're right. They are hairy, and they are fucking gross. And I feel that. But...

You saying, my boyfriend doesn't understand why I don't want to stay with him after you came out as a lesbian and let him know. Does he not know what the term lesbian means? Does he...

not believe you, like does he think this is like a phase or whatever other just completely ignorant people seem to think, then I mean the relationship's over. You like vagina. You no longer like penis. He wants you to stay the same as you were before you

I don't know, decided that you like pussy. This is insane to me. My boyfriend doesn't understand why I don't want to stay with him. Then I think you kind of dated a idiot. Or you know what? I'm going to try to be sensitive and empathetic right now. Either way, regardless if it's because you cheated or came out as a lesbian or what have you.

You are ending the relationship and it is going to hurt him, right? It's going to break his heart. So I think maybe he's like a little bit in denial and maybe he just doesn't really want to believe that that's your truth and the truth of what's happening. So I don't know. I guess we can be a little bit patient with him, but also...

Just stick true to who you are and eventually I think he'll fucking get it.

Because I don't get... My boyfriend doesn't understand why I don't want to stay with him. Like, is he fine with an open relationship and you not engaging in anything with him sexually, but you wanting to engage in things sexually outside of the relationship with women? This probably isn't that rare. Because dudes, I mean...

There was like a dude the other day who asked me if I had ever hooked up with a girl and I said yes. And he was like, oh my God, like that's so hot. Which, okay, great. I could see how that's hot, but it also kind of like signaled a little bit of immaturity to me because it was like, it's like a fetishy thing for him. And it was not a fetishy thing for me when I've done it. But yeah,

I don't know. I think sometimes men don't take homosexuality as serious as when it's between two women and two men. Or they think it's just like this kind of cool, extra fun, quirky thing that he can fucking get in on. And either way, whatever the case is, he'll understand. Yeah.

Trust me, over time, he will get it. And with that, you guys, I love you so much. I am kind of going through it, aren't we all? And I love you guys so much. And I will talk to you guys next week during the next mini-sode, which are my favorite episodes to fucking do. Good night, goodbye.