cover of episode MINI: My Internet Search History

MINI: My Internet Search History

Publish Date: 2024/6/10
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Sofia with an F


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If you guys haven't noticed, I haven't had a new merch drop in a minute, but that is all about to change very, very soon. What you guys don't see is the madness behind the scenes and what shipping merch out really looks like.

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They bag eggs like the 12 precious pieces of cargo they are. So let Instacart shoppers overthink your groceries so that you can overthink what you'll wear on that third date. Download the Instacart app to get free delivery on your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order. Additional terms apply. It's Sophia Franklin and you are listening to Sophia with an F. But I think I'm in the mood for a quickie.

And God knows I have an allergy problem to Poland. Poland? Poland. Okay, I'm high. Good morning or good afternoon or good night. Happy Monday. My favorite people in the entire world. My mom, my brother,

Then it goes to you guys. Not a joke. How are we feeling? How are we doing? It is 1151. So I'm going to say this recording is really a great accomplishment because procrastination sees no bounds. However, this particular episode, I am extremely excited to discuss because

More like teach because it is salute university time. Meaning you guys basically just have to listen to what the fuck I'm about to preach. And I kind of love that for us. And I think you guys might not see it right now. I feel like my mom. You might not see it now, but when you're older, it will all make sense. There is this thing that I have been doing recently

Ever since high school, that's as far back as I can remember, where I like to obsessively look things up on the internet and read every single thing about this particular topic till the death. Usually it's to inform me to make a better decision.

You guys might be thinking, okay, that's called fucking research. No shit. We all do that. I do it to an obsessive degree. Like I spent three hours, no exaggeration on Amazon, purchasing a humidifier. And that wasn't just me like, you know, clicking and looking at reviews. That was me looking into reviews

Do humidifiers even work? Okay, I suffer from allergies really bad. Will humidifiers actually help? What kind of humidifier? There are humidifiers that are $500. Is it an expensive humidifier that will really make a difference in my life? Like, it's just completely...

bonkers, but it's also this wealth of knowledge that I have on basically not everything, but things that maybe you don't think about. Well, you know what? You don't have to worry about thinking about them because I am here to let you in on some of the research that

that I have done and I will be referring to it as fucking research so without further ado let's jump into it I have a pinned notes tab called things to search and you know what that's for that's when I

have something I want to look into and I know that me looking into it won't be like a quick one two three okay we found the answer let's move on it has to be this like it's like the thrill like I get a serious thrill from looking into things and I don't know I just I feel like everyone will learn something from this episode I want to make this a reoccurring segment

And I probably will because I mean the things that I have looked into. And by the way, peer reviewed articles and like really make sure my facts are correct. They are endless. So let's just jump into cutting flowers. If you don't follow me on TikTok, you absolutely should because right now I'm pointing at these three things.

daisies that are a baby pink peach gorgeous color and this is actually what prompted me to make this particular mini episode today. I bought these flowers and I thought to myself you know what I want to keep these guys around. I'm single now I'm

I don't have anyone staying with me. The least I can do is have these three sexy ass bitches near me and for a while. So I purchased them. I got home. I go straight to the sink and I grab my scissors and I start trimming and then I drop the scissors in the sink because I am dramatic as fuck.

And I'm like, wait a second. I'm not able to keep flowers around for that long. I must not be doing something correctly. And why do I feel that the thing to do for these flowers after I buy them is to go straight over to the sink, cut the stems as short as I want them, put them in a vase with water,

add the little flower food and call it a day. So you know what I did? Slapped open my laptop, got on the MacBook, and let me tell you something I learned about cutting flowers, okay? That no one, none of you guys knew. A, yes, you should trim the flowers after you purchase them. You should only cut them three-fourths to one inch long.

on an angle, we all knew that, underwater, because the second you trim them, they are losing water and have no water to drink. And you should be doing this every three days. You guys didn't know that? I don't believe, unless you're a fucking florist listening to this, which I actually was for a moment in time at Flowerama.

first six months they didn't teach me the big things like you know all the jokes on the internet like okay i know the pythagorean theorem and i had a protractor but i don't know how to do my taxes why does no one talk about this you have to trim them every three days and you can only trim them

Up to an inch at a time. So that's one thing. But trust me, I have more to go. What's another? Speaking of flowers, let's talk about honey. Honeybee. I spent over $100 on two significantly small bottles of honey a couple months ago. I'm not proud of it. I paid...

20 something dollars in shipping when this honey can be purchased at the Union Square, not flea market. Oh my God. What is it called? What is the market on the fucking weekends? That's really cute. And you go and people bring their fruits and veggies. Trader Joe's. What the fuck is it called? This is going to really bother me.

You guys know the fucking market I'm talking about. I'm brain dead. That's why I don't record at midnight, except I am right now and I always do. I could have just gone to Union Square, got this honey, threw it in a bag, went home. Nope. I wanted to spend a ridiculous amount on shipping. And you know why I did that?

is because one of their honeys is grown on a rooftop in the Lower East Side, which is where I live. I mean, I live on the water, but it's basically the Lower East Side. And they advertise that this can help with allergies. And God knows I have an allergy problem to Poland. Poland? Poland. Okay, I'm high. Okay.

To pollen, to dust, severely pollinate.

and to coca-madrapal betaine, which is found in shampoo and soaps. Anyways, this honey, because it's grown locally, and it has all of these triggers to the allergies within the honey and the bees, if I can have sex on these allergens and then produce this honey, it's like, it's basically like the vaccine, right?

It's like getting a tetanus shot. You know, they put a little bit of it in you so that you can build a tolerance. Well, I decided that I was going to have some of this honey every single day. And then I thought to myself, I want to look into this. I want to look into this because this particular honey I know is factually grown on this rooftop in the Lower East Side. They also grow it

Why am I saying grow honey? Pretty sure honey is not a flower or a plant or a cactus. Honey is semen from a bee, is what it is. It is. When two bees make love and ejaculate, that is honey. That's where we get honey from. I'm obviously joking. They pollinate flowers and then...

they bring, I don't fucking know how honey is made, but what I do know is that it has been told that if you consume locally sourced honey, it will help your allergies. I looked into this bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. No, it does not.

There is no scientific evidence that consuming locally sourced honey will help with your allergies. And you know what? That made me really upset. That one made me really sad, to be honest.

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Next one. We're gonna move on. We're gonna keep going. My washing machine. I don't know about your washing machine, but my washing machine kind of has it all. Okay? And when I say kind of has it all, I mean quick cycle, two options. You got your 15 minute and you got your 30 minute quick wash. You got your delicate cycle,

You've got your hand wash cycle. You've got cold, warm, hot, and get this, extra hot for temperature. I don't, I mean, yes, my washing machine is very high tech and I really appreciate it, except I really fucking don't because when I go to do laundry, I get stressed. I literally get stressed.

And I Google, that's the other thing. I will re-Google things that I've read and I know the answer to over and over and over again. And this is the case with the washing machine. And what's the difference between a delicate and a hand wash cycle? Not much. Not much. Quick wash. What's the difference between 15 and 30 minutes?

Yeah, I love using quick wash. Less damage to your clothes. We're washing our clothes after wearing it for 30 seconds for some reason. I'm all about it.

could not find a response to that. Okay, the quick 30 minute cycle maybe like washes it a little bit more like it's too much. It's not necessary and when I find out the answer to what temperature hot is versus extra hot on my washing machine, I will let you know. Just know I've gone to the ends of the earth to find answers.

And you know what? Let's go rapid fire. Let's go rapid fire now. Brita filters, a bunch of bullshit. Unless you're trying to filter out debris such as rocks, pieces of rice,

huge floaties and maybe not huge, but floaties bigger than the little tiny holes that are in the Brita filter, then you're great. In terms of thinking your water is just safe as can be and good to go. No, that's not how it works. IVs. This might make people upset. For hydration purposes, they work. Scientific proof is there.

IVs can help you get hydrated. Can you get a B12, vitamin D, hyaluronic acid shot and intravenously and get all of those vitamins and be like, God damn, I'm good to go? No, you can't. You can't.

There is proof that you cannot put a needle in your veins and get vitamins that way. You can get high if you're doing drugs that way. Vitamins, unfortunately, I don't know why, don't work the same as heroin. iCloud storage, I still need to do more research on that one. Recycling, if you were wondering. Yes, of course, you should recycle. I recycle regularly.

every single thing to an also obsessively weird degree. If you are recycling cardboard or paper of any kind and there is food residue, let's say like you order a pizza and the pizza grease has gone through the cardboard, it is no longer acceptable for recycling. There you fucking go. The list just goes on and on.

The list goes on and on. And I personally find these little details and these little things fucking fascinating. I get hyper fixated on them. My friend told me that it's part of having ADHD, which I also am still in denial about having. I almost think that

taking Adderall consistently gave me ADHD. That really sounded like denial. And now that I'm hearing myself say it out loud. Guys, let me know if you just fucking loved this episode. Cause let me tell you, I got more. I got a notes pinned section for this shit.

And with that, I would like to gracefully end this episode by telling you guys, I love you more than anything. You're the best. You will hear from me next week. And you know what? Let's keep curious. That's all I've got to say. The second you stop being curious, you're dead. Love you, sleuths. Bye.