cover of episode MINI: Getting Your Dream Job

MINI: Getting Your Dream Job

Publish Date: 2024/6/3
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Sofia with an F


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And listeners can get an exclusive 20% off IXL membership when they sign up today at slash audio. Visit slash audio to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. It's Sophia Franklin and you are listening to Sophia with an F. But I think I'm in the mood for a quickie. Because I don't care if I fucking am a multi, multi, multi, multi-millionaire.

if i'm depressed what's the goddamn point you know what i mean happy monday my favorite people in the whole world welcome to sophia with an f but mini version we are gonna jump into save our sleuths aka sos

If you are not following me on TikTok, that's a big mistake. Huge. Because my Botox just recently set in as of yesterday. And I can't make too much of a facial expression when I'm answering these. But just know that I really, really care.

when i'm answering these questions i just you know it might not show up in the forehead area i do not touch my crow's feet though thank you okay guys let's jump right in

Question number one. Hey, Sophia, I have a very well paying job currently, but I'm feeling very burnt out. I barely have any free time in the day. Can't make time for friends and family and overall feel unfulfilled. My dream job would be in media, but would be a major drop off in pay. What should I do?

Girl, you're preaching to the choir and I have what I would say is my dream job. However, I think you should absolutely quit your fucking job and start on this new venture.

I don't think all the money in the world can make up for you losing social connection, whether it's with friends or family and being depressed. I mean, when you feel burnt out, ultimately you feel disinterested, overwhelmed, cynical,

I don't know about you, I start to feel like inadequate and like I can't even do my job correctly and depressed. And it's just, it's not a good place to be. And so I don't think this insane salary is worth it. However, I'm always going to give you guys both sides of the coin because

That doesn't mean that once you get your dream job, you won't experience burnout. So I just want to make that very clear because...

You can reach burnout in the job that you love more than anything. In fact, I think sometimes you're almost more prone to burnout if you are working in a career that you absolutely are obsessed with and in love with because it takes over your life.

So just be aware of that. And I also just want to point out, if you are going to be starting from square one in a job in media and you don't really have the past experience, yada, yada, yada.

There's a really good chance that they're going to have you doing fucking cartwheels, running up and down and working 12 hours a day. Do I think if you're doing something you love, working 12 hours a day is a lot easier and more fulfilling? Of course I do. But just be weary of that.

I'm not saying it's not worth it. Listen, I have spent the last four or five years working an insane, ridiculous amount. And I kind of like took a step back a little bit because I reached burnout. But at the end of the day...

The United States specifically, we are so money obsessed. And yes, you need to make a certain amount of money to feel comfortable and to do the things that you want to do. But it's too much like money.

That's why Europeans hate us. Europeans are like, yo, can we sit at this cafe and just chill for two seconds and I don't know, maybe have a conversation where we don't ask each other, what do you do for a living within the first 30 seconds? They appreciate leisure time and family time and I think that's why they're fucking happier. Okay? So...

Yes, I think you should quit your fucking job. Yes, I think maybe you want to make sure you have like a little cushion, maybe make sure you're putting some stuff into savings if you can. And I think just know that

This other job, you might think of it as your dream job and it very well could be your dream job and be more fulfilling, but you might be putting in crazy hours there too. So whatever you need to do in order to make sure that your mental health is not going to shit. Because I don't care if I fucking am a multi, multi, multi, multi-millionaire.

If I'm fucking depressed, what's the goddamn point? You know what I mean? Okay, next question.

Hi, Fofia. Nice one. How do I get my neighbor to stop asking me out, but also not endanger myself by hurting his feelings? He said he wanted my number so he could warn me if he was throwing a party, but now he uses my number to incessantly text me and ask me out using weird emojis. I don't know.

The problem is this dude lives next door in my building and I live alone. How would you handle this? Help. Oh my God. It is just so goddamn unfortunate how we, and by we, I mean women, like this is, these are thoughts that we have on a regular basis and it's just so fucking annoying, right?

Like, we always have to think, okay, I need to accommodate this man for no other reason than the fact that I'm scared for my fucking life and scared for my safety. It's just, we'll never get old. And not only that, we need to accommodate them while they are harassing us.

Because we need to look out for ourselves and our safety. It's just, I hate it. However, I'm gonna come in here and slide in with some banger advice. I would hit him with the fake boyfriend card. I don't know if he already knows you're single. Doesn't matter. I would text him back and I would say, Brad, I need to stop using the name Brad.

Hey, George, this is the thing. I started dating somebody and I'm going to have to kindly decline. Good luck, though. That's it. I think that you can always pull that shit out. I also think as annoying as like the emojis and the asking you out thing is and everything

I could be totally wrong on this one and I am just now learning what boundaries are. So take this with a grain of salt. I don't like to block the crazy people because I like to...

kind of just have a vibe check on them. Not saying that you could even prevent anything in that from these text messages, like these text messages also cause harm in and of themselves because they're stressful to even read and uncomfortable and blah, blah, blah. But I personally, it's like we don't want to agitate them, which is so fucked up.

But I don't want to give them any reason to be more psycho than they are. Last thing I'm going to say, I think that we can practice safety, but we cannot allow for these creepy men in the world to have this power over us.

It's important that if you genuinely feel that your safety is at risk, you let a friend know. Better yet, maybe another person in the building, another neighbor know. Just so that someone is aware of the situation and there's someone that you can rely on. That's always a huge thing is tell your friends and tell your family what's going on and what

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All right, next question. Hi, Sophia. I'm a 24-year-old guy from Ireland currently living in New York and I'm scared shitless of approaching a woman. Is there any advice you can give me? Love the pod. You're from Ireland. You already have a hot fucking accent. So you're already like light years away from your average American dude.

So let me just throw that out there. I'm not shallow whatsoever. Number one piece of advice when it comes to hitting on someone, have fun with it. Because you are not going to succeed if you are...

Feeling nervous and uptight and, you know, scared. That's not going to land the bitch. I have had dudes who were just grotesque aesthetically.

I'm allowed to fucking say that. Sorry. And because of the way they approached me and the confidence that oozed off of them and yada, yada, yada, I gave them my goddamn number. I also gave them my number because I was scared as shit of what will happen if I don't. Because one time I tried to give a fake number and then they called me on the spot. That's like happened a few times.

But that's like my own shit. I need to just start telling dudes to fuck off. Like I need to stop giving my number to anyone who asks. But you know what? Let's get back to your question. It's not about me right now. Have fun with it. I watched a Andrew Huberman YouTube video and he was interviewing this like FBI high stakes negotiator, right?

His number one piece of advice was to be playful and have fun. And I'm talking like he is speaking to people whose lives are on the line. Like he is speaking to people who have four people kidnapped and are threatening to behead them. So I think if he...

can be playful and talk to that kind of person, you should not have an issue going up to a girl. And I also think you need to rationalize rejection. Like, okay, let's say you go up to a girl and she fucking rejects your ass and she tells you to fuck off. Hell no. Oh my God. Oh my goodness. What are we going to do? Who cares?

Like actually, who gives a flying fuck? On to the next. There are so many gorgeous, beautiful women out there. On to the next. Getting rejected, it's like, it's really not a big deal. And the more you do it, aka exposure therapy, the better you'll get at going up to women and...

approaching them and the more okay you'll be with getting rejected because that shit will happen. I don't really hit on guys, which that's just my thing. I definitely probably should. But like with work and kind of like the field I'm in, rejection is like the name of the game. Like my life is based on fucking engagement and likes. So...

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, bro. If I wanted to give you some tangible things to do, send a drink over. Send a drink over or go up to her and say...

You are really beautiful and I want to take you out sometime. I wouldn't love that one actually. Have a joke. Have a joke ready. Hit her with the joke or just come up with something funny on the spot. You're from Ireland so I already know that you are funnier and wittier than most Americans. And have fun with it. Or say some shit about your accent. Yeah.

Milk that shit. I just moved here from Ireland and I can be your good luck charm. There you fucking go. Just kidding. That is completely leading you astray. But I mean, make a joke about...

whatever the luck of the Irish in a way funnier way and you'll be fine. Just fucking do it and do it. Do whatever is comfortable to you. So it comes off natural and no one's feeling weird. And if you do feel weird and if she ends up feeling weird, who gives a shit? That's life. And with that, you guys, I love you so, so, so, so much. I am going to not move my forehead because I physically can't.

But I'm going to jump in the shower and clean my apartment and do a little bit of soul searching. I love you guys so much and I will talk to you next week. Bye.