cover of episode MINI: Au naturale

MINI: Au naturale

Publish Date: 2024/5/27
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Sofia with an F


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What's up, my favorite people in the entire universe? This is Sophia Franklin. Welcome to a Monday Mini, the show Sophia with an F. I have never intro'd this podcast before. This is my first time and I'm just so happy to be here. Had this kind of agenda for what I wanted to talk about recently

And I think I like want to save it for a full solo episode because holistic doctors, psychiatrists, functional medicine doctors, endocrinologists, hormone experts, nutritionists that are going to fix your hormones. Can you guys like all...

Come together right now. Like the Beatles for real, because I can't deal with like the doctor wars anymore. Like I can't do it. Well, you know, now that I started off with a bang, might as well just do it. Long story short is I have been wanting to be more natural.

Am I going to grow my armpit hair? Am I going to take less showers? Like not so much, but I don't want to be on the prescription medication that I'm on for the rest of my life unless it is completely necessary. And I just think that there's so many different holistic approaches and ways

things that I could be taking or doing in place of said medications. I'm just, I'm kind of doing like an overhaul and a revamp of my life. So I don't have like a primary care doctor here because I am from Utah and Dr. Margaret Baldwin is in Utah. And you know, I,

have health insurance that I swear to God doesn't exist. Like I think a lady spoke to me on the phone, called it something through healthcare at the end of that word. And I just pay her 300 something bucks a month and for fun. Um,

Because I have never mentioned said healthcare entity and had a doctor or anyone say that they take that insurance. Half the time, they don't even know what the hell I'm talking about.

And I'm like, "No, I mean this is like a New York, like this should work in New York." And then I've had a lot of places who tell me that they do take the insurance, but for the particular thing that I'm doing, which is every single thing that I happen to be doing, it's just not covered by it. So, I started looking into a holistic doctor.

And it's a little bit easier said than done. It's like with any kind of doctor, they're not all great. Like, I love you guys. We need you. You're the best. I respect it more than anything. But there are some doctors that care more than others that...

have different approaches. Basically what I'm saying is I was looking for a holistic doctor and then I would like have a quick conversation with them to see if we were a good fit. And it was, it just wasn't my vibe. And then I came across a functional medicine doctor. What the fuck is that? What's the difference? And,

similar to a holistic approach. They kind of like to deal with the underlying issue and get to the root of the problem rather than like, you can't sleep, here's a fucking Lunesta. I meet with this functional medicine doctor and they

I hand her a list of medications I'm on and she sees that I take spironolactone. And her reaction was as if I take, you know, three perk 30s per day for like a fucking hangnail. Like she about fell off of her chair. And I was really surprised by that. And if you don't know what spironolactone is, it is...

used to treat hormonal acne. So it's mostly women who take it in their 20s, 30s, but I think people are now starting to take it for, you know, longer and longer. And it basically disrupts or halts various hormones. And

What it really actually is, is a blood pressure medication. Let me see. I like looked this up and I was like, oh shit. It's a medication to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. But one of the side effects is it suppresses certain hormones, right?

So then your hormones don't overact and then you don't have all this crazy ass acne that I started to get like around 25. Like I'm talking jaw, chin, cystic, deep, huge zits.

I've seen a lot of people be open about their skin and they show pictures and I understand that my skin looks pretty blemish free and wonderful. That's not really what this is about. What it's about is how the fuck are you supposed to bridge the gap between modern medicine and

holistic medicine and find a doctor who understands both who it's just it's I didn't realize just how complicated it is she put me on a vitamin serious vitamin regimen you guys like I'm talking like thousands of dollars worth of vitamins and some of them I'm a little bit like eh

That's kind of crazy. However, if we're just sticking to the topic of spironolactone and hormonal acne, she does have me on this particular vitamin regimen that my friend had done. And it was the only way that she was able to get off of spironolactone. Now, let me tell you this. My friend...

It took her years of lowering her dose by a percentile and also taking these said vitamins, which were, I'm taking the PCO-PX vitamin, but it's, oh, come on. I can't just not say what's in it. Guys, I need to know. Let's just look really fast.

Supports menstrual regulation, fertility support, ovarian support, healthy prolactin and androgen levels. No one gives a shit. This is what it has. Saw palmetto, chase tree berry extract. There was another one that's in this list that my friend was taking. And she said that she had to be taking that for...

about six months before she started lowering her spironolactone dose. Why am I bringing all of this shit up? Because Reddit is my new place that I hang out just on random ass shit. And women are having serious fucking issues with this drug.

Oh my god, it's like it's we're back in the emergency contraceptive lane. I mean at least that drug is like you don't need to get off of it and all I was pointing out is it can be it can have more intense side effects than you realize which I'm realizing is basically any drug that you take. So

I tried to cut my 100 milligram dose, which once again, my doctor did not like in half.

And pretty soon, like two weeks after, I started to get not even like cystic acne, but like small like comedone acne, like teeny tiny just bumps that like along my forehead. It was not fun. That also happened to me when I forgot my prescription in Mexico. And you know, you can buy whatever the fuck you want in Mexico, but

But you know what you can't get? Spironolactone. You want Xanax, you want Valium, you want Klonopin, you want Ephedrine, you want Tramadol, go for it. Whatever you want, we've got it for you. What we don't have is Spironolactone though. I finally was able to find that shit, but like I swear to God, I went to like 89 pharmacies.

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Your cash back really adds up. So I want to get off of it and I don't really know how to tackle it. Like what kind of doctor do I look into? I know that my diet, my sleep and my lifestyle and my exercise habits are always going to be the top indicator of how I feel, how I look, how my body is functioning, how

But like, I'm not going to cut out fucking soy and dairy and nightshade vegetables and all of these other things. Like, I'm just not going to do it. So back to this functional medicine doctor. Some of you guys may be thinking, oh,

It sounds like she's on the right track. She is suggesting something that you know has worked for your friend. Here's the thing. I have a psychiatrist and I feel that it is important to let each doctor know what you are doing, right? And so I let him know

I am going to get off this Spironolactone. And as far as these other things that I'm prescribed, like I want to slowly start to get off of those. Apparently the Spironolactone was like the craziest shit on there. And there's some crazy shit on there. That was a joke. So I'm telling my psychiatrist about this functional medicine doctor. Let's call her Dr. Spironolactone.

Barb, Dr. Barb. And my psychiatrist has a visceral reaction to this and asked me to show him the blood work results that I received and just like hold it up to the zoom. And he starts calling some things out and he's like squinting his eyes. I'm sorry, you have Lyme's disease. Like, am I seeing that correctly? Yeah.

And I go, no, but she did tell me that I was recently bit by a tick and that there is like a vitamin protocol that I should maybe look into like in a couple months just to like double down on not having the Lyme's disease. And my psychiatrist said,

lost his mind. Like he lost his shit. And kind of with good reason. Like he looked at me and he was like, you were bit by a tick, but you don't have Lyme's disease, which means that your body fought it off naturally. There is no vitamin regimen that you need. And then he saw that she had given me like an IV of B12, which

To be honest, I've done my fair share of research and like you can't really like just pump intravenously vitamins like that and be good to go. You can get an IV and it can hydrate you like there's other things it can do, but like it can't just like, oh, you're vitamin D deficient. Like let's just fucking throw a needle in there with some vitamin D and you're good to go. So yeah.

There were some red flags, but there were also some green flags. Now let's turn this conversation on itself. My psychiatrist, who I love and adore, he is going to think about things very differently.

Also, he is very German and very intense. And like, I will laugh about things and he will think I'm serious. And then I like have to explain to him like, no, like, you know, in America, like sometimes we laugh about things, but I understand what you're saying. But, you know, he also is a psychiatrist and he is going to prescribe things and doctor me, um,

in a different kind of way, which I don't necessarily think is that fucking healthy either at all. So I don't know. This was really just more of like a vent. And I think it's something that a lot of you guys can relate to. And it's kind of like, do I just need to figure this out on my own?

I think like you kind of do and maybe it's trial and error and maybe that's what I'll do. But I think like half of the women listening or at least half of my friends are on spironolactone. And I don't know if, you know, at our age we should be on hypertension, high blood pressure medication. Like my grandpa wasn't even on that shit at my age, but

And I just think it's something to look into. And maybe I'm full of shit and maybe there are no harmful effects. I know you can't be on it if you get pregnant. But I want to just open the forum and open the doors and like let's have like a real discussion.

Maybe we can like throw this into, oh, the broadcast channel. That is what I want to do. I want us to all go in there. And if you guys have seen anything work or know of anybody that you like really trust or even like have some insight into what kind of medical quote unquote professional I should be looking into, please let me know.

And with that, Sleuths, I love you so much. A little tiny update. I will give you my full blood work. I am deficient in every single nutrient. And I love you guys so much. Talk to you next week. Bye.