cover of episode MINI: Princess Treatment vs Being an Independent Woman

MINI: Princess Treatment vs Being an Independent Woman

Publish Date: 2024/5/6
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Sofia with an F


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You deserve to feel great. Book your virtual visit today at That's It's Sophia Franklin, and you are listening to Sophia with an F. But I think I'm in the mood for a quickie. Who cares? Small tits, beautiful. Huge tits, beautiful. Fake ones, great. Not fake ones, amazing. Blonde, cool, beautiful.

Kind of. Brunettes, amazing. That's the real takeaway here.

All right, sleuths, happy mini Monday. We are doing SOS, save our sleuths, questions, stories, advice, and let's dive in. Question number one. Hi, Sophia. I am 34 years old and just started dating this new man. I am conventionally hot and he is wonderful to me, but

But his ex slash baby mama is legit Barbie. Fake boobs, BBL, Barbie hair, super skinny, and I'm more like chill hot.

I work out, so my body is D's, but small boobs. I'm constantly comparing and feeling insecure, and it's making me consider leaving him. What do I do? He tells me he doesn't like that and finds me sexy, but like, is he lying?

Am I being a little bitch? Please help. Love you. Are you being a little bitch? No. Is he lying? Also no. Also, you're funny as shit. Like for the way that you worded this question. I work out so my body is deez but small. I'm more chill. I want to know what chill hot is because that could mean a lot of different things.

That could mean like model off duty, but like, I don't know. Please submit a picture. Is that me right now? Because like the ponytail. But okay, I have been in this exact situation. One of my exes had a type and dated this type pretty much exclusively. And I was the first girl he dated to look pretty.

Polar opposite and I remember it really really bothered me. I could not wrap my brain around it I asked every single guy friend that I fucking know to explain it to me and I do remember one of my guy friends he told me he prefers this type of girl and

I was like, okay, so you wouldn't fuck me. Like you wouldn't be attracted to me. And he said, no, I would because you're pretty. So I think just because a dude has a type, it's not as if that is the only thing that they're attracted to. I mean, we're talking about dudes as if they can't have a palette of any kind. I used to hate squash a

I kind of love it now. I used to hate mezcal. Now I prefer it over tequila. Like men can evolve. Men can change. Humans can change. This is the biggest thing though. Okay. Men, I also think are more likely to have a type. However, have you ever noticed that we...

care so much about what their past girlfriends have looked like, yet men don't really do the same. Like I know for the dudes I've dated, they A, say they don't even want to see or know what my exes looked like. And if they did come across a picture or, hmm, I don't know, we run into them at the mall while we're shopping for Christmas.

They like they might make a little snide remark, but they don't sit there and obsess over what the dudes you've dated look like the way that women do. And this is why we tend to overvalue just how important beauty is when it comes to a man choosing a partner.

And I don't know why. I mean, I kind of do know why, because that's for ages. Women were basically their self-worth or their worth to the outside world had a lot to do, if not everything to do with how they looked. And it's just not the case. Men are

actually have brains. They actually do care about other things than if she has a fat ass or if she fits the mold of what his type is. And hello, there's this thing called L-O-V-E. I don't know if you've ever heard of it. Men fall in love.

And you can have a certain type and you can be looking for this particular thing. But if the right person comes around and this goes for men and women, all of that shit goes out the window. Okay. And that's really how I want to wrap this up. Instead of feeling insecure or intimidated by what his ex looked like,

Take it as a testament to just how fucking hot you are. Small titty bitch. You're that fucking gorge that even with small ass poops, it sounds so degrading. I'm saying it in a funny ass way because I don't really have tits. Who cares?

Small tits, beautiful. Huge tits, beautiful. Fake ones, great. Not fake ones, amazing. Blonde, cool, kind of. Brunettes, amazing. Like, just take this as a testament to how hot you are. And you were the girl with the small tits that was so fucking hot that she was able to change the brain chemistry of this man.

That's the real takeaway here. And also that men can change their fucking minds. Hot is hot. I would never look for like a blonde surfer bro, but Orlando Bloom as Legolas, which is a little bit different because he was an elf in Lord of the Rings. Like I would touch myself to that shit. Yeah.

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Your cash back really adds up. Okay, next question. Would love to hear your thoughts about dating slash breaking up slash being dumped by narcissistic men. I think that dating a narcissistic guy is

Is a blessing. I think it is a rite of passage. To a successful relationship. And we owe the narcissistic men. A thank you. Because they have taught us. So many fucking things. And the fact that you're saying. Dating slash breaking up slash being dumped by. That's why I'm saying. That's why I'm saying.

Thank God and literally tell this guy thank you because dating a narcissist slash being married and tied down to one with children involved, two totally different things. Still both very damaging, but you dodged the biggest bullet ever. And by doing so, you can now protect yourself a little bit better.

And I would like to clarify when I say protect yourself a little bit better because I fucking hate when people say, how did you like not see the signs? How did you not see it coming? Because, because you are a good person and you, your brain doesn't operate that way. And so you don't think that way. But,

I know exactly. I can just feel through my iPad right now at what stage you're in with this narcissistic dude. You are in the why stage, which happens with every narcissist encounter. You are like, why did they do this? How could they do this?

Was our entire relationship a fucking lie? Were we even in a relationship? That is the type of shit that will drive you crazy. I have been there. I spent months trying to understand how someone I felt so close to could that quickly just do a 180 on me.

And I drove myself crazy. And the only way that I was able to move on and gain a little bit of peace was to just accept the fact that there is no answer waiting for you. This narcissistic dude is not going to all of a sudden come to you with like a, aha,

reasonable, tangible thing that you can hold on to that justifies your relationship and your relationship ending. It doesn't exist. And so the best thing you can do is to accept that and

And just let it go. And the sooner you can accept that as the answer, then the quicker you can move on. Don't let them take up any more of your valuable time and energy. Think about all the time and energy and fucking terror that they've caused to your life and the people around you. And they shouldn't be taking up any more of it.

Accept the relationship for what it was and accept a narcissist for what they are. It's incapable of having real feelings, incapable of admitting fault, and incapable of caring about something or someone more than themselves. That's all there is. And you don't want someone like that to be in your life.

So just take the L. Don't beat yourself up over not seeing the signs and just go into your next relationship being a little bit more weary, maybe a teeny bit more cautious, but never ever fucking jaded. Do not let this narcissistic dude have any say on your outlook on love moving forward. Like,

We are cutting the cord. They have no more power over us. Bye. Okay. Next question. How to find the balance between being a baby girl who wants to be treated like a princess and being an independent woman who doesn't need help from anybody, especially from a man. Thanks a lot. Love you, Slu. Okay.

This is interesting because I've never even thought about this, but I feel like I straddle this line very well. And I think it really just comes down to stay in your feminine energy, but get your fucking bag. That's the balance right there. You don't need to act like

What's the word? We got to be careful these days. I don't want to use the wrong terminology, but I think it's fair to say men naturally want to provide their providers. Women naturally want to nurture. But just because a man...

naturally wants to provide for you, which I'm shaking my head up and down. Yes, like I would like that type of man, please. And so would you. You just need to make sure he isn't intimidated by you

Your success or by you having your own shit going on. And there are plenty of men out there that will find it sexy and exhilarating and really respect you for being that badass bitch.

But if you want the man that likes to provide, then you need to be comfortable receiving. That's a huge one because I think I used to do this. Oh my God. When I was younger and this is when I was like, I had first moved to New York and dating like these really successful dudes and they would tell me about like,

They're ex-girlfriends that were trust fund girlies and super rich and blah, blah, blah. And I literally had no money. I had a mattress on the ground in a studio apartment that was really terrifying. And that would make me feel insecure and inferior. And so I would kind of come at them with the opposite and say,

kind of brag and try to act so cool. And I would tell them like, I can pay for dinner.

This is really, really, really, really, really, really crazy because I've been asked this question so many times, should you pick up the bill? And I've always said, hell no, I've never done that. That's actually a lie. When I was super, super broke and had no money is the one time that I would offer to pick up the bill because I was so insecure of being broke, which is kind of this like crazy thing to think about.

But if you're like secure in who you are, you don't need to offer to pick up the bill. A guy is not going to like you less or more if you're rich or if you're not. And if he does, you are dating the wrong kind of guy. Honey boo boo. But yeah, yeah.

Be comfortable receiving. Stay in the feminine energy. And, you know, you can be both. Women are multifaceted. You can also be independent. Also, last thing I want to say about it. You do sometimes need to leave work at the office and turn into damsel in distress baby girl princess when you get home. Like, no.

If you're an attorney, leave that energy in the courtroom. And when you get home, it's your time to like, you know, relinquish control. And with that, I will talk to you guys next week. Ciao.