cover of episode MINI: Truth About Emergency Contraception

MINI: Truth About Emergency Contraception

Publish Date: 2024/4/1
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Sofia with an F


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If you guys haven't noticed, I haven't had a new merch drop in a minute, but that is all about to change very, very soon. What you guys don't see is the madness behind the scenes and what shipping merch out really looks like.

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and listeners can get an exclusive 20% off IXL membership when they sign up today at slash audio. Visit slash audio to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. It's Sophia Franklin, and you are listening to Sophia with an F, but I think I'm in the mood for a quickie. What do you think? Like, should I even be recording right now? I don't know.

Mini Monday. I'm sitting in my apartment right now under studio lighting, lizarding, 3.30 a.m. I was trying to look for study music on Spotify and came across an album titled My Year of Rest and Relaxation. And I pressed play and it turns out to be an audiobook of

And I'm fucking into it and I'm hooked and I can't wait. Not that I'm not loving this, but I can't wait to go to bed tonight and hopefully fall asleep. Except now I have reverse insomnia where I fall asleep, but then I wake up and I don't even know if it's fucking insomnia anymore. I just haven't been happy yet.

Like, should I even be recording right now? I don't know. I want to start off by saying PMS is a hell of a drug on its own. In fact, I was talking to my best friend, Fabi. You guys know her. She's going to be coming on an episode very soon. But anyways, I was talking to her and we are going to set up a recording.

And then she said something that was so insightful. She said, also, when are you thinking about recording? Like, when is the studio available? Because I have my period coming up and I won't schedule things the first two days of my period. Mic drop. Like, she's a fucking icon for that.

We can't all afford to do that. Like, I know other countries will literally give you leave time for your menstrual cycle. And it dawned on me how much PMS can affect you. Because it's so much more than PMS. It's emergency contraceptives.

and the realness. I have been a total advocate and I am a total advocate for taking the day after pill. I used to take that shit like it was a tic-tac. Recently, I've taken it and I

have felt a little off but did not make the correlation to the pill whatsoever. I'm like, oh, maybe my period, like maybe it's, I don't know. I look ugly today. I feel ugly today. I feel like my self-worth is zero today. I never correlated it with the pill because if you look at the pill packaging,

What does it say? Like, I'm actually going to pull it up right now. Because I can tell you right now, not one emergency contraceptive pill will list any mental side effects. Not one. And I have taken it 50 times in my life probably.

Never had an issue. Wouldn't make the connection. It's not listed anywhere on any website as something that would happen. Depression, anxiety, mood swings, like insane PMS, PMS on steroids level.

And then Allie made a comment to me and she said, the last time I took a day after pill, I was fucked up for a month mentally. And then it took two months or more for my body to go back to normal physically. You know what else it says on the box?

Your period might come a week earlier or a week later. I took that shit a month ago. Haven't had a period. My mental state was, I almost checked myself in somewhere. And I know this sounds like you're going to blame this shit on an emergency contraceptive pill or

Yeah, I am. Because I have taken those other things and none of them have ever had the kind of effect that this did, where I was having, for a moment, like suicidal thoughts. And why is there no information about this? So then I decided to

Go on the internet and see if other people have talked about this. And the amount of forums and Facebook groups and Reddit threads of women talking about how they have taken it and been completely fine and others have taken it and

actually checked themselves in somewhere because of how dark their PMS got, how their emotions were so up and down and so crazy and out of fucking control. And it didn't go away until their next period or the period after that.

So we're talking months. Some people, it was a couple weeks, but it's a real fucking thing. And I don't think I'm the last person on planet Earth to find out about this. I think a lot of people would find this alarming. And I think that...

doctors and people creating these things which are necessary and wonderful. And honestly, if I have unprotected sex, I will still take it. But at least I will know what I'm in for instead of feeling like a completely crazy person who is just losing the plot and losing my mind.

Because just knowing that something that you took could be contributing to this dark, dark, dark, dark place that you're in. You know what I'm saying? I don't understand why it's not mentioned fucking anywhere.

And these women talking on the internet about their experiences. Like I was completely shocked. It was just like insane to me. It makes sense. You're basically giving yourself a bomb of hormones. Like you are just giving your body hormones.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50 times the amount of hormones you're supposed to. And I made that number up, but y'all not listing the emotional side effects of this shit is you making shit up. So I totally support the day after pill and emergency contraception. I just, for me, I'm going to be a lot more careful about the sex I have.

Because back in the day, it was like, oh my God, it's so hot for him to come in me. And it is. It is hot. And it feels good for both of you. And you can both crave it if you really love someone. But yeah, after how I've been feeling, I'm going to be a lot more careful about that. And I think it's something that everyone should know. ♪

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Your cash back really adds up. I want to get more into how I've been feeling and how I plan to improve on it. And I'm going to save it for next week because it's not ayahuasca, you guys. It's either going to be the Hoffman process, which was recommended to me by

People I highly respect or are very intelligent. Scott Braun, we don't call him Scooter anymore. He recommended it to me. Katy Perry did the Hoffman process and absolutely loved it. My friend Sarah Federer, who also was the one who showed me the waking up app, which changed my life. She could not suggest it more. Justin Bieber did it and left early.

which is not really surprising to me, but that's option A. And then the next option is psychedelic therapy, but not the ayahuasca in the jungle with a shaman type of therapy I used to rant and rave about. This is with a licensed professional in a safe setting, uh,

in a medical type of way. And I think I'm going to do mushrooms, but there's kind of like a list of, it could be ketamine, it could be DHT, it could be LSD, it could be marijuana, it could be MDMA, which I'm like, I'm pretty sure I've done MDMA. I don't know if it

you know, help me self-actualize or anything like that, but we'll get more into it. And that's my, that's my mini.