cover of episode MINI: New Year, Happier Me

MINI: New Year, Happier Me

Publish Date: 2024/1/8
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Sofia with an F


Shownotes Transcript

It's Sophia Franklin and you are listening to Sophia with an F, but I think I'm in the mood for a quickie. What do you think? Christmas, I'ma be drinking alcohol. Christmas Eve, I'ma be drinking alcohol. New Year's Eve, I'm drinking alcohol.

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Welcome to the show. It's Sophia. You're listening to Sophia with an F and this is a little mini episode. By the time this episode comes out, it will be 2024. I will be probably in Los Angeles for work and the new year will have a

started and Christmas and New Year's will have passed. I'm actually excited to do this episode beforehand because I'll be able to look back

and think to myself, okay, did I follow these things? Because I think these things are extremely important to do during the holidays. And by the way, I want to do a Sloot University this week. Let's just start off the new year with a bang. I want to talk about

This new year knew me. I don't want to be a new me, but I'm always trying to be like a better version of myself. And when I say a better version of myself, yeah, there's the hotter, smarter, richer, cooler, have the husband, have the house, have the kids. Like, yeah, that's an incredible version of myself. But

I just want to be a happier version. Like the money and shit is great and it's fun. That, let me tell you, does not make you happy. You know how many fucking miserable, super wealthy people I know? Like even some of my closest friends, they embarked on a business venture and it went incredibly and they fucking hate their lives.

So with all that said, I struggle with minor depression. I don't get depressed the way I used to. I used to take antidepressants and that was a different time. I've been pretty good now. Anxiety, on the other hand, is major, major, major for me. Like I struggle with serious anxiety and

So there have been a few things that I have implemented and a lot of these honestly happened in the past year. I think, you know, when these habits start and when you really start making changes in your life is kind of when you're at a very low point.

And I do think I hit that and I started to kind of do these things, not all at once. Oh my God, this used to happen to me all the time. I would have a crazy ass fucking weekend. And this is when I like worked at that finance firm. And then come Monday, I would be

so depressed. I would be like, I acted like an idiot. I fucking hate this job. And I would go home and be like, okay, we're getting up at 6am every single day. We're working out every day. We're meditating every single day. We're getting 15 minutes of sunlight. Then we're ending the day with yoga. We are not eating out. We're only eating shit that we cook. Like

All of those things are incredible. Implementing all of those things right away, all at once, you're kind of setting yourself up for not a great outcome. My trainer, who has now become my therapist, I love how I just like turn everyone to my therapist, but...

He had me start doing this thing where instead of canceling one of our two weekly workouts, which I would do on a regular basis, he

He was like, just show up. And if you can't give me 100%, just give me 40%, give me 80%, whatever you can do. Just, you need to stop canceling. So I started to show up for every single session, even if I was showing up.

And I would get on the Zoom call and I would be like, I'm not feeling it today and I'm just not going to work out. And I would spend that session either talking it through with him or he would have me do like very minimal shit just so I was moving my body. But the whole point of it was that it taught me to at least show up. And I rarely cancel a session now. And it's kept me going.

going and keeping it up and having the best body I've ever had I'm not even gonna apologize for that one my body does look so good right now and just a completely different body than two years ago or a year and a half ago so that's one thing is like just show up the other thing he taught me and this I promise it's not just gonna be all shit my personal trainer has told me

But he did teach me this rule and he didn't come up with it and he sent me like the YouTube video and I was looking for it everywhere. I couldn't find it, but once I find it, I'll post it. And it's basically this mentality that you will not go more than a day or two days not doing something. So...

The way I used to set goals was I'm going to meditate every single day. And then time after time, a day would go by where I wouldn't meditate and it would just like destroy me. And it would honestly make me just like not even want to do it. Because at that point, I'd just be like, OK, so what's two days? What's three days? Like you already fucked it up. So then I would just it would never happen. I would never reach my goal. And then I would just get even more off track.

So this rule is you will never go one or two days without doing something. I personally started implementing this rule and I told myself this was a few months ago, I will not go more than one day without meditating so that if there was a day where I didn't get to it,

It wasn't like this, holy shit, all bets are off and I'm just completely over this thing. It was just like, okay, that was your one day and then I would just pick it up the next day. That has been so life-changing for me. The other thing I learned is non-negotiables. I have three non-negotiables that I have to hit every day. Meditate, workout, drink water.

Okay, that does not mean I have to work out every single day. It does, but let me explain. I don't need to do a full workout. If I just do two squats,

If I just like do a stretch, that counts as exercise and moving my body. If I only meditate for one second that day, I just close my eyes and take a deep breath and that's all I do. I did it for the day. Water, yeah, trust me. I've set myself up...

with the drink water app that reminds me and the water jug that has like the times listed down so you can like keep track and supposed to keep you motivated. I've done every single thing in the book to make sure I drink 60 ounces of water every day minimum. None of that shit worked. So what I started doing is I'm going to drink water and I just have to hit 20 ounces.

And usually every day I end up doing more, but it's just these non-negotiables that even if I just do them for one second, I will make sure they get done. This has been the most transformative thing because it's just gotten me and my mind and my body in a place where I'm at least hitting my goals and I feel accomplished and I feel good about it and I don't go to bed feeling like shit. And also...

It's something I can keep up with and then I end up working out, meditating and drinking more water than I ever would have if I held myself to this standard of like, you're gonna do the full 10 minutes of meditation or what's the point of working out if it's only gonna be five minutes? I used to think that all the time. Like if you're not doing 45 minutes of hard shit, what's the point?

And no, even just five minutes is the biggest fucking difference. We are in a cost of living crisis, people. And everyone knows I am the queen of finding ways to save money. And that applies to my retail therapy as well. Rakuten is going to help you save money, period. I mean, it already has for me. So why wouldn't it for you?

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Your cash back really adds up. So non-negotiables, only letting yourself go one or two days without. You have to pick either one or the two. Morning routines. I think I've talked about this just because it's been such a game changer. I work from home. I am my own boss. No one is telling me what to do, when to do it, how to do it, how long it should take. That's like fully on me.

And I'm a very responsible person. I love my mom to death. She was a great mom. We were not raised with structure.

Period. It's taken me like years to get to a point where I have a morning routine. I know what works for me and I do it not as much as I would like to because the weekends are just fucking all hell breaks loose, which I know you shouldn't do, but...

For the weekdays, I'm implementing it almost every day. For me, it's wake up, don't look at the phone, do a meditation, make my bed. That's a huge one. Making your bed is setting yourself up for success. And it takes two seconds. And then my vocal warmups, which I've not done in a while. It doesn't matter though. I am so much happier. And then the last one I'm going to wrap this up is...

Taking alcohol breaks. And I think it's not just alcohol, but I think that's like the thing that we were probably, if you're anything like me, Christmas, I'm gonna be drinking alcohol. Christmas Eve, no.

I'm a be drinking alcohol. New Year's Eve, I'm drinking. I don't need to. Alcohol doesn't really serve me. It just can be fun as shit. I got in a habit. I was drinking every single day. And I was just like, let's try to, let's like do a little break. And...

So something very interesting I noticed, I had 10 times the amount of energy. I slept 100 times better. And then my mental was just, I felt less anxiety, more calm, and just overall happier. Like there was just, I had like a natural happiness that's always there. But I think I was definitely using alcohol as a crutch and, you know,

I don't think we realize like how fucking toxic that shit is for your body. Now, if you want to get after it during the holidays and you just, you know the consequences when you drink, you're not going to feel your best for the next day or two. But...

I think having a break from alcohol, weed, whatever it is, is really important to just be like in your natural state. So I've been talking for seven hours. Those are just some things that I plan to bring into the new year. And I want to just implement them even more than I am now. And sleuths, I don't know. Hopefully you can take one of these things and implement it. And I love you guys so much. And we're back on our bullshit. And I will talk to you next week. Bye.
