cover of episode Toxic Gossip Train ft. Adam McIntyre

Toxic Gossip Train ft. Adam McIntyre

Publish Date: 2023/7/13
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Sofia with an F


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It's Sophia Franklin. You are listening to Sophia with an F and the F is for phenomenal. This podcast is rated F.

Last trip I came here or something like that, like one of my last LA trips I got reached out to by a YouTuber who was in, who used to be in her social circle. And I've actually never told this story before, but they reached out to me and they were like, "Hey, just want to let you know, this happened, this happened, this happened to us, this happened. One day people will know the truth about her." And this is someone that people still think that is publicly one of her friends.

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Hi everybody, welcome to Sophia with an F. I'm recording from WTF Media Studios. How gorgeous is it? I had a five minute conversation. Where am I looking by the way? Because this is right here. Yeah. Sorry, as you can tell, I don't do this often. But yeah, the first thing I said was how unbelievably beautiful and the scale of this setting is incredible. I know.

Adam, let me go ahead and introduce you, because that's what professional podcasters do. Adam McIntyre, you are a social media sensation.

You've been in a lot of headlines recently. I want to dive into all of that, but I just think you're so fantastic. I was like researching and I went down a rabbit hole into all this stuff. I watched your YouTube videos. I think the YouTube video, I forgot what it was titled. It was like an hour and 45 minutes. As they mostly are, unfortunately, these days.

- How do you talk, like, do you edit them a lot or no? - Not really. I kind of have like a stream of consciousness that I do. - And you just go. - Especially if it's like a topic that I'm really passionate about, I will, like someone needs to hit the stop recording for me, which you will find out very soon. - You should be a podcaster. Are you gonna launch a podcast?

I just kind of The responsibility That comes with that For me I kind of like The lack of responsibility With like uploading content On like social medias And stuff like that And you can do it When you want You have a face That needs to be on camera I think that's really What you're trying to say So

You grew up in Ireland. - Yes. - I'm so intrigued by that. I wanna like hear about your childhood a little bit. So what part of Ireland did you grow up? - I grew up in Derry, which is like the smallest city ever. And it's like really up north.

Everyone knows everybody. And which is, I mean, ironic considering everything that's going on right now, the amount of people that are reaching out to me from like my school or people that I've like, you know, worked with for like a period of time or did apprenticeships with like everyone knows everyone. It's a beautiful city. It was definitely something that I wanted to get out of because it was, you know, I don't want to,

but it was very small minded and very whatever. So being able to go to other places was really eyeopening for me, but I still really, I'm a dairy boy at heart. So I really appreciate it and the people there, but yeah, it was very like small humble city with very small humble people, which are, the people are the best part about it. - I feel that on so many levels. Every time I talk about my upbringing, 'cause I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah. You probably, do you even know what that is?

I know Salt Lake City and Utah, yeah. - It's very similar, we just put it that way, very close-minded. And I always get like shit on, like I'm not talking bad about it. It's just, it is what it is. And I felt like, you know what, I kind of, I need a little bit of culture, just a little bit,

- More depth. - So you're in New York full time, right? - New York full time. - Okay. Well, that'll give you culture and everything. - Right away. Like right away. That was like culture shock for sure. But best decision I've ever made. - Yeah. - When did you actually start creating content?

I always wanted to create content because I wasn't good at school in any way, shape or form. Like how bad are we talking? Oh, I'm talking like ungradable in exams. Like I'm talking about, I don't know how your grading system works here, but we do like letters and stuff. I would get you on like math exams and stuff. Do you know what you means? Is that like an F? Like failed? Ungradable.

- I didn't even know that was a thing. - Neither did I until I saw that. - How are you ungradable? - Being that bad, being that bad. - Was it the type of thing where you would try to like cheat or try to answer the question or were you the kid that would just write bullshit? Hi, I know you're reading this and I have to write shit down, but. - I feel like I look better if I'm like

I didn't try. You know, I just put down anything or I didn't fill it out. But unfortunately, I was trying, but I wasn't good at it. And so to answer what you were saying, that's like I was very much so in the creative field and stuff like that. And I was moving image arts is what it was called, like film studies and stuff. And I graduated from that like during the pandemic. And I was uploading content on YouTube, though, since like 2010. And it was like

let's not revisit it, but like singing covers and stuff like that. - Stop, do one for us right now. You're like, "Shut up." - I'm not going to do that. - Wait, just tell me one song you did the cover to. - "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. Oh, I don't, not the ukulele cover already. - And this is crazy. I didn't even, oh my God, I didn't even do that on purpose. That is rich. That is rich. For people listening, we will get into the ukulele, who's really the star of the show, but

Carly Rae Jepsen, that's a great one. I thought you were gonna say, "Hey there, delight." Do you know that one? - I do know that one, but no, I was just a little gay boy at heart. It was all the gay classics from 2012 and stuff. So I did that for a couple years, and then whenever I started really getting into YouTubers, it was Jenna Marbles and Colleen Ballinger. They were my ones. I kind of started emulating that content of, dare I even say, comedy style, 'cause looking back on what I was posting was not that. And then I was doing that for a good couple years, and then

When the Colleen thing happened in 2020, which I know we'll get into, but like just like looking at it broadly, when that happened in 2020, I kind of like left the internet for a little bit, just kind of like gathering what I want to do if I continue wanted to post. Cause I mean the dog piling was crazy, so I didn't want to be on the internet again, but it was my passion. And then there was a scandal with Shane Dawson or something like that. And I made a video talking about what was happening because every one of my friends I went to talking about it, they were like,

we do not know, nor do we care. About the Shane Dawson shit? What was happening. Okay. So I filmed a video about it and people were then commenting on that. So I continued doing that. And then that kind of segued into covering like drama. Then it kind of segued into commentary. And then we are where we're today. So since like 2010, which is weird to say. That's like such a testament to you because I feel like growing up in such a

small minded community, the fact that you were like, you know what? I'm gonna start recording myself doing covers of songs and I'm gonna fucking make it and I'm gonna kill it. Like I never thought that way. - Yeah, I don't think I did as well. I think the delusions were just crazy at that age. I'm not saying they're any better than I, but like they were crazy at that age. - Yeah, I mean, delusions of grandeur are what every successful person has in common. - I guess, I guess.

Don't be humble, like you're delusional. It's completely amazing and incredible. Okay, so let's just like dive into it because I feel like talking about Colleen

talks about your story 'cause it was so much of your life. - Yeah. - So Colleen Ballinger, AKA, oh my God, what is it? - Miranda Sings. - Miranda Sings. By the way, I did not grow up even knowing who she was. Like I had no idea. - If I could trade positions with you right now, I would like that.

That is fucking good. So you discovered her, I think you were nine years old. Yeah, it would have been around 2012. I discovered her 2011, 2012 was the first video I saw of her. Okay. What grade are you in when you're nine?

I'm so bad with this shit. Didn't I just tell you I failed math? So don't make me go back. But it would have been really young. It would have been like, I think it was around like nine or something like that. Okay. So you discover her and what kind of drew you to her? What did you like find enticing about her? Well, I really enjoyed the Miranda Sings character because it was obviously catered towards children, which it still is, which is an argued point, but it is. I very much so

fell into that humor because that was what was catered towards. And then if it was just Miranda that wasn't Colleen, it would not have turned into what it was because it would have died out. But whenever I learned that there was this whole other section of Colleen Ballinger, I got really in the world. And I mean, you know, her sister uploaded, her brother uploaded, everyone uploaded. So it was kind of like the

this like big world that you were watching, this big like reality show. And that was, there was so much content to watch. So a lot of my time was watching every single video that all of them posted every single day rather than any other creator. So that was why I really started getting in it because looking back on it now, it's,

Crazy to think, but they were always catered towards like, you're my friends and, you know, I'll do anything for you. So it was different than watching like Jenna Marbles, who I also watched at the same stage because she wasn't sitting on a video being like, I want to be your friend and stuff. Yeah. So there was almost like, this is going to turn into like a friendship or something. So there was a deeper level there. Totally, totally. Do you think...

looking back, it was truthful. Her coming out and being like, you know, speaking to her fans that way, like we're all best friends. Like, do you think she meant that and felt a connection with everyone? Or do you think it was just like full blown manipulation? I can barely take the question. Because you're like, it's laughable. It is. It 100% is just

How much can she make people feel that they need to support her? Because you're supporting your friend, not supporting a creator. So it's, I've said this as well, but it's like, I feel like every single creator in any form has a power social relationship with their audience. Like I would say you have one with your audience. I have one with my audience, even like people who just post on Instagram or whatever. The problem is when people abuse it.

And I feel like that was what she was engaging in rather than other YouTubers who just have the power of social relationship. - Totally. And I think obviously the level that she would engage with her fans was completely inappropriate. But even aside from that, just how deep and how interactive, like it was almost, I don't know, like did it make sense to you or did you think it was a little bit weird? - Oh, back then it was just kind of like,

it was a competition to see who could be the biggest friend of her. - Right. - It didn't, there wasn't any alarm bells really that popped into my head until probably 2018, 19. Until that point, I saw absolutely nothing wrong with it because it was,

unfortunately so normalized. So I didn't see any problem with it at all. Like I can't even sit here and lie and be like, oh, you know, thinking back, like there were moments there wasn't at all. - I completely feel that. People are always like, oh my God, there's no way you didn't see any red flags and blah, blah, blah. No, like I think because you and I do not think the way that she does or other people who are not,

You know, I'm not going to comment on her mental health, but I think we can all kind of agree that there's something not quite right. You're looking at me like, I'm biting my tongue right now. Me so scared to say anything? Okay, you speak on. I'm just going to sit here and look at you. Well, and by the way, I wanted to just acknowledge the fact that

You, I mean, there have been a few people who have come out and we'll get into like those details. But were you the very first person to publicly say anything negative about her? I don't think I was the first to say something negative about her because there were times here and there over the years of when I was like texting with her or calling with her that she would say, you know, someone said this or someone said this and like, can you investigate it? Like I used to

just go through gossip sites on the internet and stuff like that. So there were people that said negative things about her and whenever she got divorced, there was a huge hate train towards her. So I wasn't the first, but I think what was different about my video was it was like the first, I guess in her eyes, threat of like truth coming out. Because I think what's different about talking in 2020 about her versus now is

It kind of makes sense to me why she wanted to shut me down so quickly in 2020 because in 2023, when I spoke up again after Cody Tyler made that video, look at the amount of people who've spoken up. So I think that there was like a domino effect that she was scared was going to happen, which has inevitably happened. Yeah. Were you shitting your pants? Because that took a lot of bravery and she's, you know, has what, 10, 11 million subscribers on YouTube. She's huge or was huge.

That was not shade by the way, that was just truth. She's 36 now. - Wow, yeah. - You're 20. So she was 16 years older. So the fact that you were brave enough to be like, you know what? I don't care that she has this massive platform. She's older, you guys had this relationship and you were her number one fan, right? So that takes balls to be like, you know what?

I think in 2020 it was less of... I didn't think it was going to do what it did. And the full-on example I can give to that is the 2020 video was made specifically for her fans because there were so many plot holes in the video because to the fans who...

were doing what I was doing, it made sense. So when the video reached the general public, they were all like, okay, well, there's a gap here, there's a gap here, there's a gap here. What I was trying to say, but obviously I couldn't because it was like the dog piling was crazy, is it's for the fans. Like in my description, I'm like, I'm making this for, you know, the fandom to let them know that I'm like cutting ties because my audience on YouTube that stage was really small. So the only people watching were always,

"How's Colleen doing?" or you know, whatever. "How's your friendship with Colleen?" So I wanted to make that to be like, "Okay, stop asking those." So that was what the video was for. I did not want it to do what it did. And the reason again for that was because there were so many things if I knew it was going to have done what it did, I would have done differently. So in 2020, was I nervous about it? Yeah, because I knew that I was going to be speaking out and losing a lot of my friends at the time. That was the main thing. And then in 2023, it was just kind of like,

We're doing this again Like when Cody made that video I was like We're doing this again And I kind of had like A day where I sat on it And I was like You know what I am going to talk about it again And I'm laying everything Out there I love it And this is like The last time So like if everything's out there I can't revisit this In three years And no one can Because everything's out there So let's talk about it tonight

y'all want this, you know, because Cody made that video trying to get everyone to talk about it again, talking about my story, things I have not shared before, did not want to share. Because again, the 2020 video did not scrape the surface at all about the inappropriate things because I did not want my parents to know about it and I didn't want my friends to know about it. So when Cody released that this year, it was kind of like,

Okay, someone else is talking about it. I may as well put everything out there so I don't have to fear one day that another person like Cody will share a screenshot between me and Colleen showing Colleen being inappropriate towards me and I'll have to address it in three years from now. So it was different both times. Yeah. But it was very weird both times. Yeah, totally. I love that. You're like, you know what? I'm just going to get out in front of it and I don't want to wake up every day worried about what's going to be said. I'm just going to own the shit and put it out there. It was 100% that. And I think...

I don't like saying I was trying to like take control of the situation because it wasn't like that because it was already out of my control once Cody did that. Yeah. But it just wasn't Cody's story to share. And that was why this time it was a little bit different and it was kind of like...

I was way more sad doing it this time than 2020. And I feel like I appear more sad in my 2020 video, but the 2023 video, I had dealt with it for three years. So it was less fresh to me in a way. But yeah, it was different both times, but it still sucked either time. I, yeah, I bet.

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Your cash back really adds up. I mean, I feel like we should actually back up for people who don't know Miranda Sings, aka Colleen. What was like the first thing that made you feel uncomfortable where you were like, this is not okay?

It was whenever she started sharing to me about her divorce, because that was when we really started getting close. It was like my 14th birthday. It was September 30th, 2016, I think it was. And it was whenever she messaged me and was like, hey, happy birthday. I'm sorry I ruined your birthday because she just posted her divorce announcement. On your birthday? Yeah.

She wasn't doing it despite me. She wasn't like, oh, it's Adam's birthday. Today is the day that I know. No, no, no. It just happened to be that day she posted it. And I posted on Twitter being like, oh, it's my birthday. And everyone was talking about the divorce thing. So she messaged me and was like, sorry, I ruined your birthday with my news. Like, I'm going to be taking a social media break. Throughout that social media break that she took, it was like, you know, was when she really started opening up to me. And it was about like,

the abusiveness of the relationship. She would make jokes about like her sex life with Josh. She would make jokes about like his penis size and stuff. And it was really around them whenever I started thinking like, I didn't be like, oh, she shouldn't be having these conversations with me because I was just so happy she was talking to me in any way.

But it was definitely the first time where I messaged one of my friends from home, who I'm still friends with and we were talking about it this week and we were like, what the fuck? That I was like, you know, I don't really know what to say to her. Like,

I'm 14. I have not had a kiss yet. And I'm like giving like relationship advice and how to, you know, talk her out of the divorce. Cause she was coming for, you know, tips and tricks, if you will, on how to deal with it. And my friend was like, yeah, but like, you know, she is your friend and you know, whenever your friend's in need,

And so I kind of just was like, okay. So that was the first time I ever felt weird, but I still went ahead with it because I was so happy she was talking to me, but all she was talking to me about was that. Yeah. Like that specific part of their relationship. Yeah.

Why do you think it never occurred to her because you're 14, 30. I am 30 right now. - Really? - Yes. - Okay. - Go on. - Work. - I thought you were 21. - Work. - So I am 30 and I'm thinking about speaking too.

someone in the eighth or ninth grade about divorce, just even a divorce. You know what I mean? Why do you think she felt either A, comfortable doing that or B, I guess, no, A, like why did she feel comfortable doing that or do you think it was a little bit more evil? I think it was because anything she said, I would praise her.

You know, if she came to me and said there was a problem in the relationship, I'd be like, no, no, no. Yeah. Like, whatever. And I think it 100% boiled down to the fact that, like, I know a lot about this relationship from both parties. I've spoken to both of those people who were in that marriage, like, at length. And I've heard a lot about each other, whether it was then or now or whatever. And I can kind of piece a lot together with the relationship. And I think it boiled down to the fact that she...

was getting a lot of shit about things that she had done so if she came to me got it I was not blaming her for anything and then I think the boundaries like slowly but surely kind of broke down over time when she started trusting me because she would tell me things and be like you know I'm really trusting you with this like don't tell your parents about this and stuff so there was kind of like a unanimous like trust between us and I think it 100% boiled down to the fact that

I was there to praise her for any situation. - Yeah, you were like her yes man. So like any wrong she did, you were like, and also you're 14. So of course you're gonna be like, you didn't do, like you're fine. 'Cause you can't even understand like what the hell she's talking about. I mean, you can't like a certain degree. - Oh no, I couldn't.

I couldn't at all. Like, I mean, to talk to me about like, how should she handle when she's in a situation with him again, knowing that he was emotionally abusive towards her? What am I supposed to say? That's crazy. What am I supposed to say? Yeah. So that was the context for like, honestly, many years. And even whenever she was pregnant with her first born and she was with her new husband, I mean, she was still talking about it.

So like for years we were talking about this. Yeah. Years. Wow. And was she, were you like her go-to or would she speak to a lot of people, dare I say like, you know, younger people that she, that were fans of hers? Yeah. Or were you like the go-to? Well, we had a group chat called the Weenies. Right.

Right. And there was 23 members in it, including Jessica, who's Colleen's sister-in-law and Colleen. And she would talk about it in there as well. Like all those screenshots have been released now of her saying the same things about the emotionally abusive, the sex life, the penis size, all the rest in the group chat. But

But then if she wanted to say something like a little bit more explicit or something a little bit more deep, she would message me privately. So conversations were happening on both, but there's also a guy called Johnny who actually worked for her as well and he was a fan. He was a little bit older than me. I think he was 22 when he started working for her, but he was a fan of her since he was like 15 or something like that.

We've connected recently and he was also getting the exact same messages as well. So I think it was, she was writing it to us too. And then the weenie script chat. So there's a lot of people that she was putting a lot of trust in. Yeah. Who were all kids, by the way. Yes. So you've spoken publicly about it. There have been a few others that have spoken about it.

would you say there's probably a ton more that just don't want to speak, right? - I can 100% confirm that there is. - Yeah. - And there's other group chats too. - Yeah. I mean, once there are several people coming forward and talking about one individual and all with similar stories, it's crazy to me, like to this day, people will,

still not believe them for whatever reason. And it's like, it's easy for someone to be told something about like a situation you've gone through, a situation I've gone through or anyone in this room.

it's much easier for someone to be like, "Oh, whatever," rather than have to learn the lore behind it, right? So that's what I mean by easy. If I was to ask you about something and you would go to talk about it and it would be 20 minutes minimum that you would tell me about it, it would be much easier for me to be like, "Oh, okay, never mind," or something like that and make up a preconceived thing. And a lot of people did that with the Colleen thing. And a lot of people did that with

whatever we all go through as well, it's very easy to throw something aside. Yeah. I also think, you know, there's this thing where people coming forward to talk about how they've been hurt or as a society and like as a culture, we just, we don't like that. Yeah. And I also think that

you know, people don't even want to believe or face the facts that like this exists in the world. Let's pay attention. And I think as well, like a lot of people have been saying something that has been really pissing me off. It's like, well, with all these people coming out, like how do you think Colleen feels right now? And how do you think Colleen's mental health is doing? And I'm like, she was creating a smear campaign for three fucking years. Sorry, I don't know if I can swear on here for like, yes, you can. Okay, perfect. For like three years. And,

you know, we'll not take it to that level, but that was really rough. And that was on a 17 year old, you know, and my support system was dwindling as she was, you know, stealing friends from me by like feeding lies to them and stuff. Whereas, you know, it's not to discredit her mental health or anything like that, but you know, she has this big family and friends and this support system and money for amazing therapy and stuff like that. I had none of that. The other people had none of that. So that argument is like one of the things that like,

- I can't. - You're like, shut the fuck up. - I can't, I can't with the argument. - I mean, I can't either. And it wasn't even just you. It sounds like she launched public smear campaigns on her ex-husband, really on anyone who-- - Ex-friends, ex-fans. - Yeah. - Yeah, it goes on. - And she would never do it directly.

- No. - Right? Like that's like the little smart marketing shit. I mean, I'm not gonna say smart, but she was like, "I don't wanna be the one to do it." And why do you think that is? - No, it was smart because she always came across as YouTube's golden girl. - Yep. - And like all the YouTubers behind the scenes and all the fans knew that that wasn't the truth, but to the general public, which is what, you know, is obviously most important to her when she's trying to make money, think that she's great. And I think what was so interesting is,

last trip I came here or something like that. Like one of my last LA trips I got reached out to by a YouTuber who was in, who used to be in her social circle. And I've actually never told this story before, but they reached out to me and they were like, hey, just want to let you know, this happened, this happened, this happened to us. This happened. One day people will know the truth about her. And this is someone that people still think that is publicly one of her friends. So that for me was kind of like a moment of like,

You know, I'm not going crazy here. - Yeah, yeah. 'Cause I mean, I'm sure people have tried to make you feel that way. - Yeah, her. - Her, obviously. But I mean, I'm sure like her fans. And I'm sure you had such a close relationship with her. She was your best friend. You idolized her to some degree. And for all of a sudden, for that to just be gone overnight,

and then she like goes evil on you. - Yeah. - What did that feel like? Like, what were you thinking? - It's like something I'm still dealing with. - Same. - Today. - Same. - And you get it because, and I wonder if you'll feel the same way. It's like, you start to question

everyone's motives because how can you trust that one person so much for them to do that? So if I trusted them so much for the day-to-day person, like what are their intentions? And I don't know about you, but I not only struggled with it with like extended family or like friends, but I like,

Really struggle And it's like an inside joke In my like friend group In Brighton That like Adam doesn't date Adam doesn't Whatever Adam doesn't do hookup culture Right And the only reason for that Is because I'm so God scared On people Only wanting me for things Now After thinking That my friend For all that time Only wanted me for that thing So like

Oh my God, to hear that you feel the same way on that, it's like super validating. - A thousand percent. - But it's like, it really does, the lingering effect is crazy. - A thousand percent. I think with me, it was so jarring. And I remember like, I swear to God, this is gonna sound crazy. My mom is my best friend. She is my sister. She is my world. She is my life. I had like instances where I was like,

Like, I wouldn't trust her for some reason. Yeah. Because it's scary. It's hard to know the intentions after something, I thought. Yeah, it really is. This season, Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies like backpacks, binders and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow.

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And sold. Go to to sell your car the convenient way.

- You, there's like, this story is like, I feel like it's like, you know, a beautiful mind and like we're scribbling and it's like over here, over here, but let's back up a teeny tiny bit. I wanted to ask you about the other people in the Weenies chat. So the Weenies chat basically were her fans, right? - Yes. - And you guys would all go in this chat and talk to each other. - Yeah.

What is your relationship like with them now? - Well, until like three weeks ago, I didn't have one because they all turned on me in 2020. And they've now came forward with screenshots showing that she wrote in the group chat, like, "Do not even watch his video. Do not trust him. He will turn on you." He turned on me. She did all this. So they all then- - Which is so funny 'cause she turned on you, but- - And they've all turned on her now, so. But because they were young as well. So I don't hold anything against them because

They all see it now. Yeah. And I'm not here to be like the police of like when people should figure things out at all. What relationship do I have with them now? I'm friendly with most of them now. I mean, I think most if not all of them have like apologized to me within the past like five weeks. Or if they've not apologized, they've sent like, I didn't understand the gravity of it. And it was really one of my videos that they watched recently where I put everything out there that they were like, oh,

this is not what we were told happened at all. So my relationship with them now is that I just respect them all. And they also went through something as well. I mean, they're all coming to terms with what they had to deal with as well. So they're equally in this is what I am. - Yeah. You are one classy ass bitch. I love that. - Was that classy? - Yeah. You're like, I respect them.

you know, and I'm not. - I mean it though, they're like, we're all so similar in age. Like it's not like, I mean, there were people that were younger than me in the chat. I think there was one girl below me that was, I think 13. And then there was me and then there was like 15, 16 year olds. And I think there was like one or two, like 18, 19 year olds. So we're all similar ages. So like,

I'm not even saying that to be like, oh, I respect them and stuff like that. I genuinely mean that like we're all like the same age and I, we're all dealing with this, especially the past month, the exact same way. We're all kind of confiding in each other. And I have so much respect for them because they've all helped me within the past month be like, wow, I'm not crazy. Yeah. Well, and you understand there was some level of brainwash. Yeah.

or like they were acting out of fear, you know, when they were like, you know, maybe like bullying you or talking shit on you or whatever. And they were still under her thumb. I was just shaking my head earlier because you're talking about these ages.

And you know that you are one year older than my little brother, who's 19. Like, it's just alarming to me, like her behavior. This is like my theory. I am not a psychiatrist or a mathematician. So take what I... Here we go. Take what I say with a grain of salt. But I totally get it. She...

having relationships with people who are maybe younger because they couldn't. - Weird statement already. - Huh? - Weird statement already. - Yeah. I'm like, how do I say this and not make it sound like the creepiest shit ever? Do you think she is mentally stunted? - No, I think-- - Like, do you think she's a little bit like still stuck in like middle school, high school? Like she's like 14 in her brain.

No. I think she 100% knows what she's doing. Okay. I mean, she was able to use all of us to her defenses. It wasn't like, she wasn't our friend. I think that's worse, but yeah. But I think that that is genuinely the reason I think all of the weenies have came to that. I don't think at all this was, and I've seen a lot of that. People were like, you know, she was homeschooled and stuff like that. No, like she actively knew what she was doing and she was doing it for that reason. Yeah. And I've heard what you said, like through like journalists asking it and stuff. And I've kind of been like, so it's been the one thing that I've been so like,

you're like absolutely not which is like she knew what she was doing because we would me and her would have conversations about younger fans that she would talk to even younger than me whenever i was like 16 17 were at meet and greets and she would get them to do like video edits for something and she was like you know i'll be just super sweet and then they'll want to do it for me so she was even coming to me saying how she knew what she was doing so i don't think that there was any like stunted i don't think the home stock or home skill sorry comes into it i think it genuinely boils down to like

It's a lot easier to get a bunch of kids to do what you want than a lot of like even me not like 20. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. I think, you know, I again, I didn't grow up watching her. I just recently started looking into her in the Miranda Sings and the red overlined lips and like she acts a little wonky and

There's something creepy to me about a full grown adult trying to appeal to a very young audience. - Well, I just don't know how the character is even still a thing. And I don't mean that to be shady or salty or anything like that. I don't know, like she's going on tour this weekend as the character. - No way, no. - And like people are-- - There's no way she is. - Oh, she is.

Okay, so she has like zero shame or what? Well, she did a show like a week ago or something like that or two weeks ago. And during the show, she made fun of the situation. She was like, she brought her husband out on stage, which by the way,

I know from the Josh time is a planned bit to get people to be like, oh, like loving wife. Of course. He comes out on stage and is like, I'm married to the best woman in the entire world. That is... And Miranda goes, that's not what I heard. And the crowd start laughing and stuff. And she did like multiple jokes about like, oh, there's something I really got to tell you all, but I'm not going to say any of those things. Like she's going on to her making fun of it. So it's like...

It's... Oh, my God. And you know she was like, babe, I wrote down a speech that you're going to go out and... The cue cards. I love my loving wife. It's like... It's all just so contrived. Like... Yeah.

I kind of want to go to the show and like... Oh, I've been to like three or four. You do not want to go. Oh, not recently. Like back in the day. Still, they're not that good. No, no, no. I know. Either way, no. I just want to go because I like want to throw a tomato up there or something. I don't know. Do people still do that? Not boo. Tomato, tomato, tomato. So, okay.

You were 14. She starts opening up about her and her relationship with her ex, who she also publicly smeared and destroyed. Right? Yeah. What a great gal.

But they don't share kids, correct? No, they don't. Okay. So that was kind of the beginning. And then there were multiple things that happened after that were completely inappropriate and alarming. She sends you her underwear, right? As a joke. Under the guise of a joke. Yeah. What do you think was her intention behind that? Like she genuinely thought it was funny or what? When she addressed it in 2020-

She was like, there's context, context, everything, babes, like context, everything. And she edits the context. She shows the live stream and the clip is the starting of her being like, I've got these clothes I'm going to give away because I don't want them. And then she goes, oh, look at these like brown panties. They're so ugly. And then she cuts to, oh my God, Adam's asking for the brown panties. But the actual clip is her.

scrolling through my Twitter and being like, oh my God, he's so funny. He's so funny. He's so funny. We've got to send him something. And she goes, do you think he would want the brown panties? Oh my God. Then his parents would be like, who is this creep you're watching on the internet? And then Corey, her best friend is like in the camera being like, Adam, do you want the brown panties? I saw that. She edited that out. They asked if I wanted it. And of course, as a 14 year old, I was like, they're giving me attention. And I go, yes, I want it. And she then edited it in the 2020 video too. She bought them and I demanded it.

- What the fuck? - Because if she included the clip of her and Corey being like, "Do you want them? "Your parents are gonna hate us and stuff."

- Hello? - Hi. - Yeah. - I mean, now we know. That is crazy. So she went back and tweaked it so it literally looks like you wanted it. - Yeah, but the original clip is not right there. And I like made a video recently where I posted that online and then everyone was like, "Oh, I wish this was right there the entire time." And I was like, "Dammit, it was. You didn't look for it." - Yeah, yeah. She just has a huge fucking mouth with over lined.

- Cherry red lips. I'm gonna stop talking shit on her. No, I'm not. I'm gonna continue it. So, okay, the underwear. - Yeah. - Your mom kind of intercepted that, right? 'Cause she like saw that was being sent to you. - My parents knew that Colleen was sending me a letter.

Because she said That she was gonna send me The brown panties And then the letter And I ended up getting The letter as well Which is what I wanted And whenever it arrived Well yeah I wanted the letter Thank god Thank god Yeah I remember when The day it arrived I didn't have any money Or anything I wasn't working I was just like a kid So any

packages that came into the house. Obviously my parents were like, "What is this?" So I was opening it, my brother Sean and my mom were standing as I opened it and I pulled out the letter first 'cause I knew what was inside. And I read the letter and they were like, "Well, what's in there?" And then I pull out like, just like the craziest thing you've ever seen. And they were so, they didn't have a reaction other than being shocked and my mom took the package. And then this is another part that gets rewritten. So my mom takes that and puts it in her room and I keep the letter.

And I don't really hear much from like my family's reaction to it other than they don't get it and they were like keeping it away from me and stuff like that. Yeah. So it was like a couple nights later or something, Corey, Colleen's best friend, messaged me and was like, Adam, you haven't put the lingerie on. Like I asked you to put the lingerie on. By the way, he's like 36 or something like that. And how old are you?

14? 14? Okay. So he was like, you haven't put the lingerie on. And because he messaged me and was like, when you get the lingerie, can you put it on over your clothes like I did on the stream and send it to me? So then we were doing a call with the weenies and I went in my mom's room, knew where it was, and I was wearing like whatever shirt or hoodie or something. And I put it on for the call and then sent it to Corey. And that was like the full thing where Corey was like, finally, I got to see Adam in the lingerie, which to me, looking back on it, just makes me feel really fucking sick. Yeah. Like whatever. Totally. Um,

And Colleen and Corey started sending a picture of that around after the 2020 video saying, see, he begged for it and he wanted it so bad that he put it on over his clothes. And I didn't have a loud enough voice to be like, no, you actually were like wanting me to do this very much so.

What a conniving. Like, it's one thing to have put you through what you went through. You're fucking thriving now. And, you know, you're going to be stronger than ever and go into situations like I've got this. I've been through hell and I'm back, you know. And there's a silver lining to everything. But it's just so fucking crazy to me that...

I just, I can't, I can't. It's like she put you through what she put you through. She did a whole public smear campaign, impacted your life. And then on top of that is like,

I'm gonna make not a mockery of it, but like I'm gonna take it even farther. That's what she does. And I experienced her doing it to other people whenever I was friends with her. And I then saw it happen to me. So whenever it all came out, I knew it stemmed from her and then find out in 2023, it did come from her. Yeah. When you say friends with the air quotes, do you look back and do you think like this was never my friend? Or do you think you guys did have like a real friendship?

I'm not even being delusional and I'm a delusional person. Yeah. But that was a friendship. Yeah, of course. She messaged me sometimes even more than I messaged her. And if I didn't respond for a couple of days, she would write in the grip chat, where's Adam? Or she would call me or something like that. Like this was not a one sided thing. Maybe she wanted me for a certain reason or whatever. However, there was equal.

- What's the word? - Admiration. - There was equal energy and equal whatever. - Co-dependence. - Yes. - Yeah. - 100%. - Yeah. - I think so. - Yeah. I mean, yeah, it absolutely seems that way. - The Dublin was, she came and did a show. And that was when we were, that was like the peak of everything. It was like 2018 and stuff. Like she would give me free tickets to your show and whatever. She organized for us to go to the Waxwork Museum in Dublin.

And then we were going to go to lunch and then she was going to go to sign check and you know, I would meet her at the show or whatever. And this has been something that was like dangled over my head, like many things. So I would do something with the intent of her doing something in return. Like this is how she would phrase it. So whenever I was running on gossip sites, you know, finding information about her husband or leaking information she would give me. Oh, she would, she would have you go to these gossip sites that were talking about her and like tell her what they were saying.

Yeah, and I would also, under anonymous profiles, have to leak things she was telling me about Josh or her ex-friends. Okay, so this bit, like fake just everything. So one of the main reasons for this, again, was getting me to do things for her and she would give me something. One of the examples was she created this competition called Purple Heart Friendship in which she was going to fly two fans out to VidCon and they were going to go to her show.

And she told me, "You're gonna win the competition. You've been so loyal and so dedicated to me." And she was gonna fly me and my brother out. And I posted Snapchats for talking about this in my video. I kept everything. - I love it. - And I would basically do all the gossip sites thing and stuff with the intention of her doing this. And she would openly talk about this. And then there was one day where I was so fed up with getting harassment on the gossip sites 'cause they find out it was me that I was all to her, "I'm gonna take a step back." And the next day she announced the competition winners and it was two other people.

And Dublin was the exact thing where, you know, I was doing all this thing for her and she was like, but we'll get to hang out and we'll have a really good day. And then closer and closer to the time, she was like limiting the plans. She was canceling. And then she ended up saying, let's not do the Waxwork Museum when we were driving to the Waxwork Museum. Derry to Dublin is like four or five hours away from, so my parents drove me down. She cancels the Waxwork Museum when we're like 10 minutes away from it and is like, let's just go to lunch instead.

So we drive to the lunch place and she's messaging me like, you're so late. Like, why aren't you here? Like, we're going to be done by night. She changed the plans to be sooner. So she didn't have to hang out with me. I arrived there and she's already done her food. Oh, like finished her plate. Finished. And my burger's there. And she's like, all right, we're going to get this to go. And we walked outside. She took a picture with me and she was like, make sure to tweet it and say we hung out. And then I left and she literally left me stranded in main streets of Dublin, which is

And I was 15 at this stage and I didn't have like data on my phone because I just, you know, it was just like a standard iPhone that my parents had gave me. So I genuinely thought I was going to be stranded. And luckily my mom was like, if they're canceling on plans and they've already been at the restaurant for a while, they're probably already finished. So my mom stayed close by to the hotel and then just pretended to run into me to try and not embarrass me and like put a damper on my day. But there were two examples of like,

fake promises to get me to do things. Sorry, that was a long time. - No, no, no, no, no, no. I think it's super insightful. It's the second you said, I wanna take a step back

she, what, wanted, like, punished you. Yeah. Essentially, right? Yeah. And why do you think that is? Like, yes, is it because, like, she's losing a sense of control? Is it because she's scared you're gonna, like, abandon her? Like, what, what is it? I think it was just to show me that, like, how unimportant I was. You know, like, you know, she can make the decision to fly me out to VidCon or she can make the decision not to. Right. I need to do things for her to,

to go, basically. I think it was that. I think it was her just being able to say that she had full control of everything. Yeah. That is fucking crazy. She's, like, extremely spiteful. How else would you describe Colleen? Because, and I know it's, like, a very broad question, but when I started looking into her, I was...

And this is actually everyone that I've spoken to. And I mean, genuinely everyone. I called my brother today. I said, do you know Colleen Ballinger? And he was like, oh, yeah, I do. And I asked him because my brother's 19, like, were you a huge fan? And he was like, absolutely fucking not. Like, hell no. Clever boy. Clever boy.

But I've, you know, I've asked people and every single person is giving me the same response, which is I don't get it. She gives me the cringe. I don't know. It's probably because she's targeting way younger people. But again, my brother's like 19. Also, my brother was probably high on the phone call and like doesn't even know what the fuck I was asking him. But what do you think?

was like her allure besides the fact that she had this huge platform. Like, did you find her genuinely funny? What, like, what was it? I would use the word evil to describe her, by the way. Evil,

- That's it, that's it. Like I, there's not many other words that come in. It's so broad. And what was your question? What like brought me to? - Yeah, like what in the beginning, it was just, you were young impressionable and you thought she was like fun and you enjoyed her videos. - Yeah. - Now looking back,

you would describe her in one word and that's evil. - Yeah, and I think as well, in terms of her content, in the latter years, the reason I was watching her thing was because I felt like I was supporting my friend. And also in the last couple of years, all of the ideas she were posting were mine. You know what I mean? Like it was my ideas, it was my editing and stuff. So there was also a level of me supporting my own work. And it was really cool that like my favorite YouTuber, I wasn't, well I was working for her, but I wasn't working for her 'cause I wasn't getting paid.

That was a big thing. She wasn't paying you? I didn't get paid once, no. Oh my, this is, you have no idea, Adam, like how much this speaks to me. Like stealing your content, claiming it as your own, like not feeling like you need to be compensated. I'm sorry I cut you off, continue. I think it was like three years I was like really giving her ideas and editing thumbnails, editing videos, giving...

content ideas for Miranda and Colleen. And then in 2020, she was like considering like ending the Miranda character and I was really giving her ideas for it. And all of her viral moments on social media and Twitter and Instagram were always my ideas. And she always would be like, all right, well, I'm going to hire you, you know, next week or...

you're gonna be my unpaid social media intern for this amount of time or whatever. And it would just always be trial, trial, trial, trial. So much work, so much work. - I mean, even now, if I hire someone on as an intern, they're getting a paycheck.

It might not be like, you know, an insane salary, but it's like, you can't. I will be working for you, not Miranda Sings. Well, also, you gave her all of her viral content. So that was going to be my follow-up question is, would you like to join the team? And I'm not joking. I will be there. I will be there 9 a.m. I love that. I'll be asleep, but you can wake me up and pull me out of bed. That's the type of boss I am.

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So we have been talking about this crazy bitch for a while. Basically, we're ridiculed and all of these people thought one way about you, all based on lies, all based on false things that this person with a huge platform was saying, which is something I can absolutely relate to. So

You were working with Miranda, working for free.

Let me just say that. - Yeah. - And for how many years were you working with her? - I kind of started, well, I was giving ideas when she- - Interning, excuse me, for a trial period, 88 times in a row. - I was really giving her ideas 2017, 18 and 19. And then it was 2020 whenever it really ramped up to her wanting to bring me on, but it had to do the unpaid intern thing first. - For three years. - It was the longest internship, it was the longest job in my life.

- Put that shot on your resume, like literally. Longest job ever. Okay, so I know you started running like her Twitter account and you guys kind of had this disagreement. And after this disagreement over something seemingly not that crazy, not that serious,

she completely just cuts you out of her life. - Yeah. - Is that what happened? - Well, she ghosted me, but in the time she ghosted, I thought whenever she goes to me, I was like, "Oh, you know, she just needs space. That's respectful. She's, you know, just had her baby. You know, why would she be doing anything other than just not responding to me?"

Well, I was wrong. She was in other Grip Chats saying that I was creating smear campaigns, that I was running hate pages for her. So in the time that I thought that she was just, you know, taking a break from it all, you know, it was a lot in the media and stuff. No, she was actually talking shit about me in Grip Chats or Corey was talking shit on her behalf. And I confronted her about it. And then she turned like properly aggressive towards me then.

- Okay, where's Corey at? - Your local school. - My what? - Your local school. You'll find Corey DeSoto there. Corey DeSoto, he loves being in group chats with very young kids. - Okay, so they have that in common. - Corey was in a group chat called Corey's Clit with children. - Corey's Clit with children. - And it was spelled K-L-I-T. - Okay, I wonder how Mariana's gonna feel like when her kids start fucking joining group chats. How old are her kids?

but this is something that really popped in my mind. When I think about all of this, when she was like running smear campaigns to me, I was closer in age to her children than I was to her. That's something for me that was like. Yeah. Yeah. She would have been 30, like early 30s. Yep. And as a 30 year old, it's just, it's so fucking bizarre. Like I keep using the word bizarre and crazy because I don't even know what label to give it.

It's, yeah. So, okay. You guys have the falling out. She starts talking shit about you in these group chats. These group chats sound fucking insane. They were deranged. Like, Trisha Paytas' nudes, like, Colleen was sending those in the group chat.

Well, I can't remember with the group chats, but I was getting them privately for sure. Just like making fun of her, right? Well, the joke was that like I would get it or it would be a video of Trisha or a picture of Trisha or something. And I mean, she did the same thing to Johnny who spoke up. She would send them like kind of out of context and it would kind of be like, you look amazing. And it would be like,

Trisha Titty Pick or something like that. Okay, got it. I mean, I'm assuming Trisha had no idea that was happening. No, but I tried to tell her for the past couple years, but she did not want to listen because she believed Colleen. And again, I don't hold that against her because I believed Colleen for a lot of years too. So I can't hold that against her. Totally. And I know Trisha and Colleen have like a podcast. Are they like still friends or you don't really know? Well, Trisha posted a video a couple days ago called Colleen. Called her out, right? And basically said that once...

the things came forward about the OnlyFans because Johnny showed Prif.

Johnny posted the text messages with Colleen where she was, you know, posting or showing viewing parties of Trisha's OnlyFans content where they would make fun of her body or sending Trisha's videos or pictures or something like that. Like, Johnny has posted all of that on the internet. And as for me, we're dealing with that. Yep. Yep. Oh, my God. And Colleen's doing that while her and Trisha are very good friends. Yeah, she...

Around the time that she was filming mukbangs with Trisha after having her first son, she was sending them like peak time around there. So she was doing that, making fun of her and then would like invite Trisha over the next day. Wow. Super fucking cute. So you finally, you guys have this falling out and then you decide that you want to publicly acknowledge how you feel about Colleen and the things that went down for the fans. Mm-hmm.

What made you want to do that? - So, well, the 2020 video was that one. - Yes, yes. - It was so that they would, like, there would be no longer any association there, which is so ironic thinking about it at night, but like- - What do you mean no association? - Because my audience was from Colleen Scheidt or something like that. So all the comments were always about Colleen. So me posting this video was like, oh,

let's not comment about Colleen anymore. - Yeah. - That was what the video was made for in 2020. And it was also made for all the fandom that were getting, you know, told information about me through Corey or Colleen that was not true. And it was kind of me just being like, it's not true. - Yep, yep. And it didn't, that video, like you mentioned it earlier, but it didn't like really gain traction. A lot of people, it didn't like move people in a certain way, right? - It moved them against me. That's for damn sure.

What were you feeling in that moment when that was happening? Like, did you regret making the video? Were you like, what the fuck? - I didn't regret making it, but I just would have done it differently. Like I would have laid everything out there, but I wasn't ready to talk about it, like the extent of everything else out there now. So it's kind of like, I wouldn't have done it the way I've done it now because I'm looking at it from like a 20 year old perspective versus like doing it at 17. So I would do the video differently, but even back then I wouldn't understand how to do the video differently. I mean,

I feel like the 2020 video had to happen for the 2023 video to make sense in people's minds because it's not, you know, a clite chaser coming forward in 2023, jumping on the drama. It's someone who's been trying to get you to listen for three years. And then when Cody released the video, you know, this month or last month that showed that I didn't lie about anything, it was kind of like, okay, you know what happened in 2020? Here's everything else. Do what you want with it. That was the difference. Yeah.

So when Cody put his video out, were you like, fuck yeah, I told you so? Like, were you like, finally, people are going to believe me? Like, I'm, you know, did you feel some kind of like vindication? I didn't know how to feel. It was weird because Cody was one of the main people leading the hate campaign. So it was kind of like, why should I listen to you? But then what they released was, you know,

vindicating the story, which I've been trying to get people to listen to. So it was like, thank you, but also fuck you kind of way. And I still hold that to go. I do not like Cody as a person whatsoever because they only made the video because they wanted to buy a new computer. So Cody can go fuck themselves as well.

- To buy a new computer? - So they'd been sitting on information for three years that would have cleaned my story up and they only released it in 2023 whenever they could buy a new computer. - Are you saying they released the video and like use the monetization from the video to like buy a computer? - On a live stream, Cody was like, "Oh, I'll finally be able to get my new computer with all your hate comments." So.

The luxury. The luxury. Damn. I was thinking a computer would not be hard to come by over there. Also, Cody was like revealing personal things that were only, that was like your story to tell and only you. Correct? Yeah. And that was like, I didn't want to talk about this again. I literally spent three years to get like,

the two names not, you know, right beside each other like they were. So for all this to get brought up again, the names were already being put beside each other again. And the only reason I had to speak up was because Cody did a pretty serious allegation of, you know, Colleen asking the sexual DM questions to me. So I had to then speak about it because, you know, someone has went on the record being like,

Like Colleen was talking to you when you were a minor about sex and stuff. Do you, did this happen or not? So I kind of had to, you know, gather my thoughts within 24 hours to talk about a story that I did not want to talk about. - Oh my, so you put your video out 24 hours later? - Something like that, yeah. - Holy shit. Were you just like- - That was a stressful 24 hours. - Like, were you terrified putting that video out?

I was more so embarrassed to have to talk about everything rather than I was kind of like to post the video. I was more so like annoyed and frustrated and sad that someone had done it and also just really embarrassed that I had to talk about it. That was mainly that it wasn't like a,

or anything like that. It was 100% like, are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. I have to address this. Like, I don't want to. And I think, you know, feelings of embarrassment are completely valid. I think it's so badass. I like texted you that earlier. Like, so courageous. You, I mean, you were the one that did it in 2020. I just think it takes a lot of balls. Okay. So,

How do you feel moving forward now? And like what I mean by that is you're never gonna speak to Colleen again. No. Has she tried to reach out? - And I said like three weeks ago on Twitter, publicly said, Colleen and Corey, if you want me to never talk about this again, privately and publicly apologize to me and my parents and crickets.

And three weeks ago, by the way, the Trisha Nood thing story wasn't right. A lot of the DMs weren't right. A lot of the other story wasn't right. It could have been stopped. She chose pride over not having to do that at all. And, you know, now there's lawyers involved and stuff like that. So I have not heard from her behind the scenes at all. Her lawyers or your lawyers? I haven't heard from her as a person behind the scenes. I also haven't heard from her lawyers. Got it. Got it.

Did you like know when you put out that video in 2020, like deep down where you're like, everything will surface? I think it wasn't 2020 and it wasn't the backlash of the media because that really started to warp my perception of it. I was like, oh wait, maybe, you know. No, it was kind of over the past three years where I saw like, you know, there was like a snark Reddit created and it was the Colleen Ballinger snark Reddit. And

it was basically documenting all of her lies on the internet. And they were actually like,

like factual statements and stuff like snark reddits can be the worst right yeah however this one i can't speak for it all but what i can say about so it's the clean balinger snark they were doing detailed timelines detailed timelines and things that are they're still doing to this day and i remember seeing that and being like okay there's enough people on this that are starting to see this that i think you know eventually even if there's a small niche of people people are waking up to

what she is. So I really got to give a shout out to them because it was really them. Shout out Colleen Ballinger Snark. Yeah, I have been on the Snark Reddit page for a certain individual before and

they are FBI, but like the fact that they- - Terrifying. - Right? - Terrifying. - Like the insight that they're able to gain just by what they can see is, I'm like, bitch, how do you know that? And I didn't. It's so, so crazy. And you know what, to backtrack, the thing is, is Colleen actually has apologized,

in her apology video. This is where the ukulele comes in. Do you have one here? No, but I wanted to edit so bad because it's the craziest...

How do we describe this video to people who don't know what the fuck we're talking about? They're like ukulele. It's like theater kid realness. Theater kid realness in a 36-year-old's body. Delusional body. Yeah, delusional with a ukulele. It's 10 minutes long. Her PR team, how pissed do you think they were when she put that shit out? Well, I mean, it was probably past their bedtime whenever she sent the video. Ha ha ha!

you know, it was a school night. So maybe next morning they saw and they were probably furious. They need to take, they need to take like the phones and the tablets and stuff away at night. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I love that joke. Sorry. I love that joke. That is so good. That's fucking hilarious.

Okay, so how do you feel moving forward just in the sense of moving on with your life? Do you want this to just like go away? Do you feel like now you have this experience and you want to use it and be like the voice for I don't know, like other people who could be in this situation? By the way, that is not anything you need to do. Like that's, you know. Yeah. But

what kind of, what are your plans? You're like, bitch, I don't know. Yeah, I'm gonna like go fucking take care of all the kids around the world. - Yeah, I mean, the responsibility of that is something that I never, you know, the thought of that is terrifying. Mainly it's just moving forward with this, I want some sort of accountability. - Closure? Oh, accountability. - I want some sort of, but yeah, that will come with closure. And people are like, you know, you've got to give yourself closure and blah, blah, blah.

fuck that. I want her to admit what she did. Yeah. And I don't think I'm going to get that at all. We're not going to get it. I know we're not going to get that and we'll obviously work with that. Moving forward, I cannot wait for this to stop. I cannot wait for it. Yeah. That's what I'm looking forward to right now. However, in that same breath, while it's still happening, this is it. I am going to talk about this until I've

I have like, there's nothing more there. If it's more than ever. - Yeah, I think that while it's all happening, it's like you will be part of the conversation and then you will clean your hands and move on. But also it's like, we should be able to talk about it for as long as we want. And also, even though I don't want to,

from something we're dealing with all of this very publicly. Like I don't have the blueprint to like how I'm supposed to deal with a situation. And there isn't one. And there's not. Yeah. And there's not.

But we're going to write it. And that is our big announcement. Adam and I are putting out a book. I will be at the book tour every single state in this country. But Adam, I'm going to pull a Colleen and you're going to be the ghostwriter and you're going to make it sound brilliant. But then I'm just going to be, it'll be my face on the cover.

And we will see you at a Barnes and Nobles very soon. Yes. Oh my God. That book signing will be incredible. Okay. Adam, thank you so much for coming on. Everyone go check out.

What is it? Molly Sings? I literally, I can't remember. Molly Sings? What is it? I can't remember her character for the life of me. Miranda Sings. It just, it wasn't that impressionable. I'm sorry. Molly Sings. This isn't Coachella. Miranda, I mean, whatever the fuck her name is. Melissa, I don't care. Go check her out on tour. You will absolutely regret it and ask for your money back. And Adam, I cannot thank you enough. Thank you. I like want to go just hang out with you.

And then I'm like, I'm 30, you're 20. I don't know. You're not even 21.

See, I would not. I love you to death. Like, we could go get tea. But, like, I would not be like, okay, let me, like, sneak you into this bar. That's normal, though. My brother is one year younger than you. That's normal behavior. Yeah. Yeah. But thank you for having me on and thank you for caring to talk about it. And, by the way, I appreciated. I think this has probably been one of my favorite times to talk about it because having someone who understands the situation but it not being the situation. Yes. Really helps a lot.

the conversation so I appreciate that and thank you for having me on and thank you to everyone here as well yes thank you Adam where can they find you everywhere just type in Adam McIntyre or fucking Melissa Singh and you'll find him

That's it. Yeah. But thank you. Yes. Your YouTube channel is extraordinary. I've just someone who can talk for two hours and be engaging the whole time is crazy. Like I get bored with myself after 20 minutes. Like, bitch, shut up. Guys, thank you so much. I will talk to you guys next week. Bye. Bye.