cover of episode We Made Up ft. Tana Mongeau & Brooke Schofield

We Made Up ft. Tana Mongeau & Brooke Schofield

Publish Date: 2023/6/15
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Sofia with an F


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It's Sophia Franklin. You are listening to Sophia with an F and the F is for phenomenal. This podcast is rated F. I'm having so much fun. We'll see. I love Sophia with an F. Sophia is not shaking. Sophia with an F made me shake.

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Welcome back to Sophia with an S. I thought you were going to do the Sophia. Sophia. Guys.

Welcome to Sophie with an F. This has been long, long, long overdue. I am with Tana Mongeau, Brooke Schofield. Schofield. Schofield. And you pronounced my keyboard head smashing name right. Because yours is pretty readily available online. True, but also yours just looks crazy. Just like written out. I think my parents were like writing my birth certificate and just smashed their face on a keyboard. And they were like, that's fine.

So they have a different last name?

i don't know what they're doing now no um actually my dad was born with a different last name his last name was grills and then his stepdad's last name was mojo so he changed it to his stepdad's last name so i became a mojo like by chance i'm really happy you weren't tana grills tana girls would have been amazing that would have been sick it would have been amazing kicks like like it just like a really like ben kicks is so crazy like what is ben kicks his last name

But also Sophia the Neff Franklin with a Y Like that's Yeah Like Y Kind of a rich name though Overall Like Sophia with It is It's like fuck your spelling Like I'm gonna do it How I want it And like Franklin with a Y Like it's very much Cape Cod Is it? In my I've never met A Franklin with a Y But that's hot

Okay, I am beyond, I'm elated that you guys are here. We just spoke for, I don't know, an hour, hour and a half. On Cancel. On Cancel. Guys, go check it out. And we talked about something I wanted to start the whole thing with, which is Tana being rude to me. Oh, God.

No Tana you glance over the being rude to me thing The Sophia shaking tweet Okay so apparently No apparently Allegedly No apparently as in I just really found out about it Which is sad because it was my own tweet

At the time That I went on Call her daddy You guys had just gone through Like the breakup And so I guess I tweeted Not I guess This happened But I'm saying I sincerely just I don't know about this Because I was on drugs So hard At the time with the Twitter And I think I went on Call her daddy too Being like I'm sober I was sober for a week Like figure it out I mean sober for a week Is a long time

Maybe like two weeks I was trying at the time I was trying but just failing a lot with addiction And at the time I was a girl with a lot of Xanax And a lot of Twitter followers And those things should never go in hand Hand in hand at all Then I posted some mental health aspects on that So I'm just gonna glaze over that But apparently when I finally went on Call Her Daddy Years after me bailing I tweeted Sophia with a nap is shaking And here we are To be fair To be fair

I can still giggle. Like, I know where my intention was at. Like, it was just like something funny I thought I would say. She probably just thought that she would never have the opportunity or like be in the position where she was going to get called out for it. I think even at the time, I was just like, this is funny. She'll think it's funny. I don't think I knew that there was... I think it's a little funny. At the time, there was like a whole hate campaign happening. Yeah. And I definitely did not know that. Right. But then you just kind of piled on a little. Yeah. In between. Yeah.

Which, to be fair, I want to, let me look at you. We'll start this off with an apology. I'm no stranger to those. I'm so sorry if I added to that. Because to be fair with you, I had no idea that at the time. Even just now when you said it for the first time on Cancel, I was like, damn, I'm not that tight. Here's the thing. I will hate on a bitch. I will add to a hate train if I hate you. If you're an awful person. I didn't know you. Like, I was sincerely just making a joke on Twitter. So if I added to any of whatever was going on in that realm at the time.

I'm sorry. - Thank you so much for saying that. - Sophia with an F is thanking. - Tweet that shit, go. No, but when I was just on your show, when I said the tweet, when I read it out loud to Tana,

She was like blinking Like wait What? Like what did I Like you had no recollection Of tweeting that I have no idea Anything I tweeted Posted Facetuned And posted Filmed on TikTok And posted Probably from realistically 2019 to 2021 Right Like I was

Xanax is a hell of a drug I mean I've taken it It sure is I've like gotten caught up in it a little And I joke and write it off to simply just Xanax But it wasn't even that I was just in an extreme party era Like I was just very crazy I was very passive I would have sober moments where I would like come to And not want to be like that I think I hadn't come to terms with the fact That I had an addictive personality And how to manage substances yet So I was like I'm just a party girl

And like that was like my brand at the time. Like people fed into that. So it was easy to feed into it, you know? Yeah. And yeah, I just haven't learned a lot. And she got those Twitter fingers. We were just talking about that on the podcast the other day. I was talking about how this girl said something in a TikTok. And I was like three years ago, I would have made a seven part series on a tangent being insane. But now I've grown so much from that. Like I just used to hit post like it was nothing. It meant nothing to me. Like I would just...

My stream of consciousness Was just online On every platform Right And you're like Whatever Which is I'm kind of like that right now And it's Are you? Well I'm just like Oh it's fine Like I'm not big enough For it to matter But like it will matter To an extent Like it was fun There were so many fun things That came out of that But it was like There was no screening process At the time Like for example I tweeted Sophia with an F of shaking I didn't like Look into like

y'all's beef were you on a hate train what was going on with you guys it was just like i think this is funny in the moment like i'm like my joke was like i'm taking over the co-host presence you know like me and alex will be able to have a shaking but like now i would like go into like how could this negatively affect me that was never a thought in my life how could this negatively affect me

- It doesn't affect me. - A thousand percent. And it's not like you tweeted something outrageous towards me. - It was just Sophia. - She's like, fuck Sophia with an F. - I'll fucking kill that bitch. - In that case, you should beat my ass.

Then maybe I wouldn't be sitting here right now. But no, it was funny now. I can actually, I can look back at times of my life like that too though. Where like I was in a scandal or people really hated me. And it was like trending worldwide to fucking hate my guts. And people that necessarily didn't realize the impact of them like joining in on it. Or like joking at me online. Like you know what I mean? Like someone just like.

Trying to think of like Making a passive Joke about it Yeah or just joking about it Like at the time Just like joining in I was like Not another person Oh my god But I can look back now And just be like

They didn't know Right Like you don't Hold it against them It's like You know And people just don't know The severity I guess Of what's going on In your world When things like that Are happening Right But again I do know that So had I known that I probably wouldn't have said it It wasn't like that big That wasn't She's like I'm a little more mad At Dave Portnoy If it makes you feel any better I don't know Dave Portnoy I'm trying to decide I think Dave If it makes you feel any better For the first time

I don't even know, like eight months ago, I might be making up this timeframe completely. Dave Fortner cussed me the fuck out online. To be fair, I was completely wrong and I deserved it. But he's a scary man. What did you say? I didn't say anything. I just bailed on a podcast, which I'm sure you know a little about. And he called me the fuck out. And I was like, damn, if I were in some real shit with him, he's powerful. And the things he says, like,

He was right. He was just right as fuck when it came at coming at me. Right. Yes. But if you, I mean, whatever, if he was right, if he was wrong, having Dave Bortnoy and all of Barstool fucking hate you is a different type of smear campaign. I feel like the Barstool audience to weaponize is really crazy because they're scary. Like one little clip of me got posted on a Barstool account and the hate in the comments, I was like,

Oh my god It's like Unparalleled Cause it's just Such a different audience Than what Like from what we have I feel like I sound so stupid Saying this to you right now But I've never really Thought about that Until right now And that is a crazy Crazy Part of your journey Thank you I mean I wasn't even trying To like come on here And be like I'm gonna make Tantrum

Say sorry No Understand what the fuck She did I'm in No I'm in my 2023 Like I'm grown My empathy era Is at full blown effect Like It's a great One day you're gonna You're gonna write a book One day right Thank you Are you

Of course 100% Absolutely You guys will too I always say that Some of my biggest scandals Are like beefs with people We were talking about this On one of the last episodes Of Cancelled Because I'd had this Really big scandal With this guy iDubbbz And years later He'd finally apologized to me And at the time I'd lost millions of followers And everyone Millions? Oh yeah I lost a million subscribers Like that It was wild How fast? A million how fast? Less than a month Everyone will give a fast Everyone will give a fast

And the whole world hated me. Everywhere I went in public, like people would say the craziest shit to me, like in public all the time to my face. Like I, it was such an insane time. But we were talking about the fact that to her, I was like, I would never change it because it's like, it helped me grow so much as a person. It's a huge part of my journey. And I can't wait to just like tell that story one day, you know? Of course. Also, when did you like start popping off? Because you're 24. So how old were you when you like started popping off?

Getting a bunch of like followers, whatever, subscribers. I started making YouTube videos when I was like 14, 15. That is fucking crazy. It is weird to think about. And that's why so much of my journey is me being a fucking idiot because I sincerely grew up

Yeah that's hard That she said that before Like imagine like The normal mistakes You make during that time And then put like A camera in front of you But also I put the camera In front of me And saw like Saw like I was Kylie Jenner And like fucking Jeff Jenkins Reduction was before me No it was It was me doing that But Do you think there should be Like an age limit On when you can Take videos of yourself And post them online I know I go so back and forth With that thought I

I do Because it's like There's a huge part of me That's like fuck I wish that never Like I wish I didn't say All these things on the internet But at the same time But then look

You know, but obviously I realize I'm an anomaly to that sentiment. You know, there's so many kids just posting stuff online and maybe they shouldn't be. And I always look at the TikTok generation now too. And I'm like, I can't imagine having TikTok when I was that cringy because they can just go up like that. Like 5 million views overnight. It's so immediate on TikTok, which is so crazy. And you can literally end your career so quickly. Remember that video of that girl? This is a very niche reference. I know exactly what you're going to say. The vine where she's flat ironing or curling her hair. No, I didn't.

And the entire chunk of her hair comes off. Yeah. The fact that she uploaded that even at the time was brave. But again, as a child, you're uploading all these things on the internet. You have no idea. 200 million people end up seeing that. And like, it's probably, she's probably what? 25 now? Older, probably. And that will always be a pivotal point of her life. Maybe something that people bring up and see her. Or like all of those. Like all of those like,

Ass videos of young people And I think it's terrifying But at the same time How It allowed you to be In this mansion By the way Me at least Tana lives in it But I feel like Tana's rich Her house is insane She invited me to it Well point being Point being I smell like a groupie I smell

You can be my groupie anytime. But sounds like like now there's no way to put a regulation on that. Like the Internet is only turning into more and more of a thing where that's just going to be easier and easier every day for somebody to post. Yeah, that's just going to be a common thing forever. Now is young kids posting something, it going viral, it being a part of their formative years, it being something that follows them for life. It will never change. So what's like the age guideline on tick tock?

I think anyone can use TikTok No I think Or 12 Or like 13 I think 6 No maybe 13 I think there's an 8 Right Cause North Used to have to use Like Kim Kardashian's account Yeah like the moms And the kids Yeah and they kick people off Sometimes if you're not Like of age Yeah

Anyways Anyways Sorry You can be underage And use TikTok I think that's Thank god The takeaway I don't know You can be underage And drink alcohol If you have a fake ID What are they gonna implement That's really gonna like

Make sure that underage, whatever underage is, not use platforms. Basically, essentially, you're saying that like minors should not be able to utilize social media to an extent. How do they regulate that?

That you know I don't even know if that's how I feel because I think you Were using it at 14 15 Don't use me as the example girl But I mean but it worked no but I Should because look at your life now Like would you take that back no No it saved me from a lot but I can Recognize that I'm the anomaly in that Like you know that I'm the

That like That social media Saved me Like you know That it saved me From a really dark life But I worry about The rest of the world But I think It's only evolving Yeah Yes

We don't know if it's Evolving in a good way Or a bad way We'll find out We're so far gone As a society now Social media wise Like we're never We're never gonna revert Back to a place Like now we're moving Into the AI world Like Apple just posted Something today Where Apple's releasing A product in the next year Called Apple Vision That's the VR goggles And it's

Like it's like you can You put the VR goggles on But they're Apple So you can text And FaceTime And it's all in front of you You can be on a plane In the commercials Like you can be on a plane And send yourself To be watching a movie On a beach Like in these VR goggles Like

We're only black. That's like it really is kind of scary. It's like so cool, but so scary. Like young kids using social media is the least of our problems. Yeah. And I will imagine like what's going to happen to the iPad kids if we suddenly have VR goggles like in the middle of catch. Bye.

But what sucks is I know I will hot take cancel me for this. I will be such a fucking iPad mom, like VR mom. Put your goggles on. There you go. You want to go to Disneyland? Put your goggles on. You want to be on Magic Mountain? Here you go. There you go. That's why I'm so excited to eventually have like 10 kids. Like take care of yourself. They do start to take care of each other. How many kids do you want?

I was thinking two. I want my kids to be like the coked out Duggar family. You want 10? You want 10? Joke. I'm pretty sure the Duggar family was coked out. Who? The Duggar family? With the long denim skirts. The long denim skirt is coming back and it's giving Duggar men. Oh my God. There was like 15 of them. Yes, yes, yes. I do remember. I do remember. I don't think they should. I think they are releasing a documentary about the truth of it. But that was like a few years back, right? They're like eight years back.

I had a friend in high school who had that though. They had like 11 siblings and they just would start to take care of each other. And then the mom doesn't have to do anything. Yeah. But also I don't think it's necessarily healthy if you just have a ton of kids and you let like the 14 year old take care of like the two year old. It's definitely not. You know?

- I agree with that. - Like it's dope. - It's definitely unhealthy as fuck. - 'Cause like you don't have to do anything. Like your older kid will take care of the younger one. - Yeah. - So it's dope in that way, but probably for- - Probably wrong. - Probably wrong. - For sure, watch your kids. - Hey, I'm from Utah, like a bunch of Mormon. - You probably saw that so much growing up. - A lot, a lot. - Big families.

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Your cash back really adds up. So Brooke, Tana. Branna. Branna, if you will. Oh, Branna. Oh my God, that's your couple name. We're just trying it out, yeah. I'm going to use it for the rest of this podcast. Branna, you guys are best friends, have a podcast together. You had a huge falling out, right? I mean, I don't know if it was huge. I don't know if it was huge. I don't know.

It was horrible And now you guys are here Doing a podcast together So who says you and Alex Won't be back on Call Her Daddy I mean You never know You heard it here first I felt like you Sophia I almost texted you Can I ask you a question It was like around the same time Really quickly Before we get into Our huge falling out Which we will Do you cut a lot From your episodes

No. I used to, but now I don't. I hope everything gets left in. Oh, okay. I'm one of those. This one, everything will be left in. I think the people deserve it. They do. It's funny. It's iconic. Back in the day, I would cut so much, and now I'm like...

You know? Two years in, I'm like, keep it, keep it, keep it. I hate so much when I go on someone's podcast and we have the most hilarious tea spilling combos and they cut it all and it's this weird PG bullshit. I'm like, why did I do it all? I'm not trying to do PG at all. We don't do that that bad, though. Like, we leave the funny shit in, you know? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah You're falling out Yeah So we had a bit of a falling out We did It was like a little It was literally almost the same time That your whole situation happened No way Well no The same time that I went back on Call her daddy After our first situation Was the same time Our falling out happened Yeah

Hence why when she tweeted Sophia shaking, it was like inadvertently at you. Brooke was also shaking. I was shaking. I was at home shaking. Very different scenarios here. But I mean, at the end of the day, letting a man fuck up a friendship at all is kind of dumb. And just like the ugliest, not ugliest, but like just the most random man. It was like such an unimportant thing that blew up so hard. So you guys both fucked the same dude? No.

Not, no. - Yes, no. - We still can't actually, can I say this? To this day, I think we still can't come to a full agreement on the situation. - Which is fine. - We just chose to move on from it. - No, she's, no. - Which is fine. - That's not true. This is what really happened though. So obviously the situation, I was in the wrong, 100%. But it was like, I didn't think he was like super important. We all just like thought it was, or I thought it wasn't a big deal. It was like, whatever.

And I came home and they were literally watching play by play, like every interaction that we had on the security tapes.

Tana and the entire group of five. Essentially, this was my fuck buddy. But I kind of liked him. Looking back, get a grip. You know what I mean? And it was also, again, like I even said in that era, was a very party-fueled, fucked-up-fueled era. Same time as my tweet. And it was just a wild era. And I was hooking up with this guy. I think I liked him a little more than I wanted to admit. Brooke and I had just started becoming friends.

Better than good friends I guess right Yeah okay so you guys weren't like Soul sisters It was like in the beginning of us being Really close but like she was in the group Chat like she was in our friend group like we'd become Close enough and she I was mad I took it too far I made a video I thought It'd be a fun story time it ended up Being like an insane beef She made a she made a YouTube video still

still on her channel called my best friend hooked up with my or my best friend my my not guy because i wanted to be monetized i'd never say or something like story time slash rant slash scandal it's got like four million views the entire video was about the worst week of my life my ex-boyfriend who i'm now talking but that's not what it's called on me yeah no at all and you're like i'm better now i made this video and then she made a video back and

It was beef and it was this whole thing. I was wrong for ever making the video. I was definitely exaggerated and dramatic. And I was wrong for hooking up with the guy. So we were both in the wrong. And we both are very much like my perspective or the highway, I think. And at the time, at least our videos might have given that. Mine was called To Tana From Mindy. She called me Mindy. And by the way, I didn't do social media at the time. So I was just a strange person.

Who all of a sudden I cared about But she posted this video I'm really a strange person Well it was just like The only thing that I was known for At that point was just that Like I didn't have any Social media presence at all I always give people names In my story times And to be fair I never thought people would find it To this day I probably uploaded 200 story times And I would say When it comes down to people Finding the people in the story time That's in the top three She's like She's blonde 5'3 She like literally Described me in such detail No I didn't

In your defense, I've been... I'm still mad. Wait, I'm actually not in your defense, but just from... I one time told a story. Did not use her name. I said where she grew up. And I said all of these things about her. And... People found her, 10-4. They found her. And she went on TikTok. She's like a huge TikTok star. And she made like a four-part...

About what I said Yeah And I lost sponsors Like it was It was crazy No But I feel you 100% Even in those moments I was kind of like Oh Like

I didn't want people to find you like that No yeah they found me But I definitely probably gave too many details Even the guy in the video That's the guy That like we both have dealt with They knew every single character They found the guy He started selling shirts on a clothing line In graphic design of the video Like was making graphic designs about the video Oh okay Cause there was a movie theater Cause there were so many people finding So many people like finding him That he was like I'm gonna capitalize off of this Like as well you know

I did not capitalize. Actually, yeah, I did. Yeah, you monetized the video. No, but eventually we became friends again. And if anything, I think we were 10 times closer friends after all of that. It did. It sounds crazy, but I feel like a big fight sometimes will really make or break a friendship. And most of the time it like... No, and I feel like weirdly once we came back together, we were like, that was lit. It's so like...

I feel like people still hold on to it now. And, like, that affects, like, the way a lot of people at least think about me. But I, like... Really? As a dramatic ass fucking dumb bitch. Well, people, like... Because, I mean, obviously, like, loyal Tana fans and stuff, they're like, fuck that girl. But, like... I...

I don't I definitely think that Most loyal Tana fans Love the podcast And love you And every Comment on the podcast Is about Brooke And not me now No that's not true We drive I don't know But it But we got over it And it was It's funny now I'll never forget the night We made up We were like sobbing In a fucking House party Hysterically sobbing And someone ate her ass On the roof that night Someone ate my ass On a roof Oh I thought you ate her I thought you were like I ate her ass No That's how we made up Yeah That would have been Honestly kind of fun Yeah

No I got my ass Ate on a roof And then I walked down From the party And I saw Brooke And then we hysterically sobbed And Now we have a podcast I love that

So much has happened in between We look at it now as like a blip in our friendship Like a blip on the map And it brought us closer But you guys have moved on besties Super We don't live together Do you live here alone? No I live with Amari And then there's an apartment attached to my house So my friend who's a producer Diablo he lives downstairs in the apartment But you always have people over right?

A lot of the time A lot of it's work wise Like we'll have Aaron Or Oscar from the podcast Come over Like Paige my assistant Is here every day Robin my new assistant She's been here a lot Hair and makeup Bullshit I'm not like Party at mine 24-7 Got it But we all are very like We do have a codependent Friend group Like whenever any one of us Is bored There's 12 of us In a group chat And we've all been friends For like

At least for five plus years, all of us. And so we do... We all hang out a lot and we're codependent on each other. Probably too much. Right. It's gonna be scary one day. Yeah. We always talk about that. We're like, do you think we'll still interact this way when we all have kids? Yeah, is it sustainable as adults? Like to...

Be constantly Just like with your friends No and we're in this 12 person group chat And we just update 24-7 It's like I just took a shit What about you? Oh my god I'm at work I'm doing this My boss is saying this Oh my god I'm hungry Who wants to eat? Like it's like constant You know? Right But don't you feel like Because both of you guys Are single right now So when you have a boyfriend And you're like

You're not like Codependent on your friends anymore You're codependent on the dude I'm bad because I integrate The guy Super into the friend group I'm like you guys There's a new member But I don't think that's bad I think that's a good thing Because I'm the opposite Like

If I have a boyfriend They won't see me For six months You disappear And it breaks my heart I know sorry No it's okay Cause I think there's Two different ways Of handling that But that's a fun concept To just bring them in And then she gets to Be with her boyfriend And her friends all the time Yeah but then I'll be Fighting with my boyfriend And eight friends Are joining the fight Right There's pros and cons to both We were just talking About a really big fight I got in in Mexico With one of my boyfriends Where I was fighting with him And like eight of my friends Were joining the fight Like

And they all had your side? Or they were like on both sides? There was a side, I think, with everyone but the two of us fighting for the greater good. Like, hey, you guys are going to kill each other. Let's stop this. Oh, okay. Like, type of thing. Well, that's fair. But that's my downfall. What are you like? Do you bring...

Do you bring the boyfriend into the friends or do you leave for the boyfriend? I bring him into the friend group, but I think maybe you guys, like your friend group, you guys are way more like integrated. It's bad. I always have guys say like, if I'm dating you, I'm dating your friends. Like, or clown me saying like, like I know if I fuck up, it's going to the group chat. And I'm like,

I try to be very transparent about it Like often I'm like listen My friends are my world Because I grew up without a family So like my level of blood is like My friends Like Amari He adopted me Like his family took me in So like Everyone's like oh that's your best friend But like that's my brother You know So like to me it's kind of like I definitely come with the people I love Yeah And ride for them And kill for them Right Well now that you're saying it I would say Same situation Friends or family 100%

But I think they're very integrated into my life, but none of my friends live in New York where I live. - Really? - Really?

I mean some of them but like a lot of them like live like San Diego is it like friends from your home or no just like friends you've made along the way all of my best friends have been my best friends since middle school or high school oh see that's really good you should be scared of somebody who doesn't have long-term friends I've been talking about this at length lately is like

It is my number. I was talking to Ari about this today because he like loves this girl. And I was like, has she ever had a friend for more than a year? It's my biggest red fucking flag. Yes. I had an ex like that where I like they had nobody to show for like their entire life, like no long term friends. And I'm like, how?

Biggest red flag It's the weird Like And I'm not I understand maybe If you have like a You're not the most social person You have social anxiety So you have one close friend Or you have trouble Making friends But you have one You have one Or even if you have Trouble making friends And maybe you've found Yourself as more of a loner I have so much empathy for that

I'm not shitting on that. I'm not saying everyone in life needs a million friends or close friends. I think some people are closer with their family. Like I have empathy for everyone's like friendship journeys, but I'm saying if you're a social person as fuck,

and you have a new like best friend every week like what the is wrong with you that's i think when someone has a new friend group every year like every two years huge red flag so scary i think if you can't last with the people around you then you're like

Yeah, it is actually my biggest. I could never be best friends with like the type of girl as like new best friends every couple months. No, no. Like it terrifies me. No. And that's why I've like moved on from a lot of people in my life. Like someone will want to like latch on to our friend group because our friend group is very like it's been us like 10 forever. So someone will come in and like they don't necessarily have that and they like love it and they want to hang out with us all the time. And then we see the drama there like starting within it. And we're like, hold on.

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Okay, so you're hanging out with an ex like I did this past weekend for four nights in a row. But hopefully nothing like that for my sake. Your relationship with your ex that you just hung out with for four nights is probably a far healthier relationship. Okay. You know, I really... This is like a friend hanging out with him. Yeah, I really like to be friends with my exes. This is not the ex that you guys...

No. No, this was not someone I dated. Okay, that guy's gone. Gone. And that guy was not a boyfriend. Not a boyfriend. Well, also, he, like, made fucking shirts or whatever. Bye. Plus, it's hard. I know it's really hard that when you date someone for years, you can't immediately be friends. And, like, I feel like if I've ever really been in love, it's like, oh, we can't be friends, you know? But if we date, like, I would love to be able to be friends. You know, it's always my goal. Do you believe in...

relationships can turn into friends um not in my personal experience i've seen it happen for sure and i that's not true i guess i've been like in love with people who i can now be friends with but i have to be no longer in love with them and that's very uncommon i'm usually in love with them forever until i die like i'm in love with like like 10 people still if i date you like passively like we can be friends yeah but if it's like a really hard hitting like shut up

We're great friends You know Yeah Like if I date you When you're like My boyfriend for a couple months Like whatever Like we're friends You know If I've ever been in love with you It definitely takes time And there's certain people That I date and love And can't be friends with You know Right Because we Shut up We can't be friends You know And there's certain It just depends We can't be friends Aww

That was a joke. But we're not going to like send each other a meme over text. But that's for me though. I don't necessarily think his reasoning would be the same as mine. That's just my personal reasoning. Yeah. What's the James Charles, Jake Paul thing? Like what's the beef? Or like what did they have going on? Wait, like together? What do you mean? Well. Those are two people I've had a lot of separate people with. You're like. Or trauma. They give out side. No. Dylan Danis. Dylan Danis.

I did a podcast with him Damn, Dennis Yes He is like Not a real person

He's an icon though. So I met Dylan Dennis because he wanted to fight Jake, right? Yes. And this was at a time where I was like very affiliated with Jake. And I was out at a club one night in Los Angeles. Fetty Wap was performing. I'll never forget it. Is it 17? 17, 38. Fetty Wap was performing and I'm so drunk, you know, and I'm on a vibe. I'm Fetty Wap-ing it up. And I'm like,

And I'm taking photos with a lot of like girls that were at the club. And this guy comes up and he's like, let me take a photo with you. Like blah, blah. And I'm like, okay, I pose. And he's hitting like a, like a boxing. Oh shit. I have no idea what it is. A couple of days go by. He posts like at Jake Paul. I'm going to fuck your bitch. Blah, blah. It's Dylan Dennis. And I'm like, I don't know. I don't know if that was his exact caption. Don't cancel me. But yeah,

And I was like, you motherfucker. Like, making it look like I'm hooking up with you or doing something. So for a while, I was like, oh my God. And then I think I beefed with him online, too. And I don't remember. Again, Xanax 2019 era is bad. I don't really remember. Anything 2019, 2020, it's like all a blur. It was a very fun time of my life. And the pivotal memories I have from that era are amazing. Like, I had so much fun. And I learned so much. Like,

Again I always say that About Jake Like I learned so much About like Navigating this world And how to find Longevity in it And hard work and drive From him and his world So there's not much Negative I could really say A hundred percent On camera But you can't recall Anything about James Charles And Jake

Well, what do you mean? No, I'm asking. I think that's the question. I can recall so many things about James Charles and so many things about Jake, like on the separate aspects. He kept it very surface level vague. He was like, just ask Jake Paul about James Charles. So I thought I'd ask him. But you don't know. I'm sure they know each other. They definitely know each other. I'm just, I mean, here's the thing as well. Like I've never wanted to like speak on someone that I've been closest, close, right?

Chug your wine. Put it down. Close with life, interpersonal life in their NDAs. Shit. If everyone talks about my NDAs. Well, honestly, wouldn't be that bad. Well, do you? I actually have a question. Do you have like an assistant or anyone you hire? Does everyone have to sign an NDA with you? Everyone doesn't. Because I think that when you get to that point.

Where everyone you ever meet Ever has to sign an NDA Jesus Either First of all If you're Jennifer Lopez And you're that famous Okay Right Everyone does But like in my world If right now like My podcast producer Had a friend come over And I was like Here's your NDA It's like What are you doing in the house Like having a sex ring Or doing heroin Like relax You know If you're gonna hire someone They sign one They'll sign an agreement That encompasses Part of a non-disclosure But it's not a full Non-disclosure Like

If I were to do something horrible to you Speak on it Like I'm not I'm never gonna make you sign something That says if I'm a terrible person You can't speak on it Right Am I gonna sign Am I gonna have something Signature ready That says You can't talk about the intricacies Of my life For clout Like maybe a smaller NDA And like a work agreement Sure

Yes. Yes. That makes sense. Okay. Something appropriate. Yes. Never something that wrongs the moral code of the world. 100%. Because I think it's funny because NDAs came about in Hollywood years and years ago, you know? And then you saw so many people abuse the...

To have an NDA Yeah like once Someone signs it Like you can get away With anything Yeah like oh Harvey Weinstein's Giving out an NDA And then fucking Being awful Like when you go to a party And it's like a super famous Athletes party And everyone that goes Has to sign an NDA Even that Why? I had a situation like that And someone like Threatened me after Like for talking about it Like okay And it's so funny too Because

No one ever talks about this. Like that athlete's having a party, right? And he's making everyone sign an NDA to walk in. Why? And then some girl goes home and makes a TikTok about it. He's not suing her. No. She doesn't know what her, like, no. I was talking about this today. The amount of legal fees and time it takes to sue someone, you have to really feel like there's a benefit you're going to reap or not.

You need to get Or someone's coming At your neck Tenfold slander wise To where you have To clear your name And also Not to mention If you want to go After that person You're making it A way bigger news story Yeah So the point of having Everyone sign an NDA Who walks in your house Is just so crazy Yeah Like if I had a party And I was like

And everyone who walked in signed an NDA. And then someone posted, I saw Tana do Molly on the counter. I'm not going to sue them. That would cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yeah. Yes, they technically defied the NDA, but it's like, that's a point. Like, that's why I would never have them to sign. Yeah, I feel like it's to scare people. Like, to intimidate people so that they don't go home and make a video like that. Yeah, because people will sign it and they, like, don't know any better. A hundred percent. Okay. And that shit's all whack. I want to talk about dating.

Because you guys live in L.A., single gals. What is it like dating here? Do you feel like there's a... Well, you live in New York. Do you feel like there's a big differentiation in dating in L.A. and dating in New York? I do. Educate me on that before I answer. I want to know why. I think that the dating pool in L.A., when it comes to men, is typically...

Actors Models Men that want to be In the entertainment industry When it comes to LA Yeah In New York I think it's Models And Models It's Well it's models And actors But then you have Like your finance bros Yeah Like you You know Finance bros exist in LA Yeah

They do They do Not on the same level though It's like they're not Working at Nowhere near Morgan Stanley Or wherever you were Talking about Yeah So You're saying there's like Finance guys here Sure Not at the same amount E-work has New York definitely has more And also I just feel like I don't know

New York has Like more Like artists Yeah I feel like there's more men In New York Like real men People in New York Are also New York people I like East Coast people so much Because they're very much More honest

They're very much more fast paced. They're very much more. They know what they want. So on and so forth. L.A., especially Hollywood. I don't I don't want to just like classify it to all of California or anything like that. But people move here because they're like, I'm too good for my hometown. I'm too good for my hometown.

I'm going to make it there. It's like an ego thing. Like people come here because they think they can come here or should come here. Yeah. And there's one thing I think about coming here like for your job, you know, like, oh, I have this job and it's making me this much money and there's more opportunity here. But so many people move here before that happens. Like I'm going to make it there. So you deal with a lot of narcissism. Whereas in New York, I think you see so much more.

People who are just working hard to get to where they're at. Yes, yes. I don't know. I'm sure there are good guys here. I just haven't found one. I feel like New York is more just like, I don't know. You go to New York to find a husband here. It's like everybody, everything's for show. I 100% agree with that. As someone who lives in New York, you're going to find more men in New York that have like,

Values Who want to get married That's true Like they don't have Peter Pan syndrome As much Oh my god Yeah that's the thing Every man Like actual man I guess Here is like 40 And they don't think They're old enough To settle down And it's like Baby you need to have children I'm gonna step out Of the perspective Of our realm And say that I think A big problem Of why we Think that

Is because we are dating In such a niche Yeah Realm Yeah But we're choosing to do that We could We could easily find somebody With like a normal job There's plenty of people Yeah like I'm gonna sit here And say like Oh men in LA are awful Yeah it's because I only choose to date Fucking musicians And TikTokers And whatever Yeah Like if I If I were to take the time To become classier And go Hop into the fucking

Agency world We do try to jump Into those pools though Every once in a while Like our friend Natalie Will always like She'll be like Listen this is such A good opportunity So many good guys Big jobs Like lots of money Great guys Like And then we just Don't go Or she'll go I actually just Went recently And I met this Amazing guy Who was from New York

He invited me to the Hampton soon He lives there He's a finance bro Wait is this the Epstein Island guy Nope super different Because I know Who that fucking guy is God damn it I'm a whore

I know who that is But I think it was his friend We have to talk about it off camera We will Can't air these men out Can't get sued Whatever city you date in It's the group of people That you are choosing to associate yourself with That you're going to limit yourself to that realm You know Yes

Yeah we'll choose Like a musician Or an athlete And we'll be like Shocked when they cheat And it's like Well And I've done both here Like dated guys Who have very normal jobs And they were good guys But maybe their intentions Weren't amazing with me Like I think I don't know

Everything is about kind of Vetting people for who they are Wherever you are Right And what world do you choose To engulf yourself into? I think that's the biggest thing Is we're engulfing ourselves In worlds that are Setting us up for Dark worlds Not great guys Yeah Yeah I'm like oh my god Dating in LA is so bad Yeah because you're in a Fucking studio till 2am With a fucking piece of shit rapper Maybe if you woke up at 9am And went to a fucking Like

Like Meet a guy at Air One Or something Yeah Like Air One Exactly Grocery shopping Probably not even there Maybe not Air One though Cause it's like Cause everyone who goes to Air One Thinks they're better than everyone See that's a good example Of who you don't wanna end up with I hate The Air One culture I Look That's my smoothie right there I just had it

No I'll drink an Air One smoothie But I'm saying The people who will Only grocery shop there Like you're happier Paying $12.99 For a carton of eggs I don't care how Much money you have Why are you spending that That's insane That just feels so reckless Yes Except for my smoothie I'm just sad

Like it's just sad Except that I was there earlier today Except for my smoothie Like do you really think your eggs are better Because they're $12.99 Versus $4.99 at like Whole Foods Like relax No And even Whole Foods is a luxury In comparison to A Walmart or To me an egg is an egg But Exactly that's what I'm saying An egg is an egg No matter how small Yeah And isn't Can we just talk about Can we just talk about the concept Of cage free eggs for one second You're so brilliant

Wait, what is that? Like a chicken that isn't in a cage? Like, why do they sell eggs? They sell eggs for more saying these eggs are cage free. They probably have a better quality of life. Well, supposedly, but I've heard all those labels. But the chicken still died no matter what. But I've heard all those labels are bullshit. Organic. I've even heard bullshit. But you know what? We're not going to talk about produce or eggs. Too much time on eggs. I sound so dumb. We're going to do rapid fire questions.

Only fans You're not on it, Brooke Tana, you are Super How much do you make on there? Should I What? Join Yes You don't have one? No, but how much Why don't you Can you whisper it? Can you give me Well, how much you make is a crazy question Yes One of the reasons I also work very hard on other things I just want to say

Sincerely. No. I can sustain my entire lifestyle without OnlyFans if I had to, but it is a nice luxury that keeps everything afloat. Okay. Sincerely. Amazing. You don't have to give me a dollar amount unless you want to. Well, there's no way to. Like, what do you mean monthly? Do you mean overall? I've definitely made at least...

Not only fans I'm so sorry I know I'm like I'm quitting this podcast Right after this episode I actually never say that too I normally just lie Like I'm just like no I don't know Okay well over it for sure

that's incredible amazing but you also I don't make a ton you would make so much money well I also I also get very scared what about the wizard sleeve oh that's a bonus I you know there's a market for that I'm gonna need to see that after this episode why don't I show you can I ask you a rapid fire question sincerely why have you never started an OnlyFans

Because I feel like I can barely podcast, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat. Is that the real reason that you don't feel like you have the time? Kind of. But don't you feel like if you onboarded like a couple employees to help you with that, that you would supersede the earnings and pay them? Yeah. Okay. Supersede the earnings. Yes. Sincerely. Yes. But also, are you showing vagina? No. All the time.

Not on OnlyFans, but on OnlyFans. In real life all the time. But on OnlyFans, no. Yeah, I do a lot of things on OnlyFans. I do not, I have not shown my holes yet. I'm waiting for my sex tape era, for sure. I'm sorry. Okay. So yes, I will be making one. You should. You're not showing that yet, but you might. I might. I might do anything. I mean, never say never. Never.

But it's so funny because I feel like you post Do you post like bikini photos and stuff like that? A thousand I will post a bikini photo with a non-existent bikini And just my ass Oh we have to talk off camera And I'm gonna be in secret You guys can be my OnlyFans managers I do that That's a big part of my life That's fucking hot It's fine Tiana you're hot

Should we have sex? I will have sex with you. No. Are you questioning it at all? No. Having sex with you? No. Wait, OnlyFans are having sex? I will have sex with you. I will too. You guys heard it here first. Mike Malek sincerely told me that you and me would either be best friends or fall in love. Well, he is correct. You might have had a point, and I hate to admit that Mike Malek was ever right, but I think he was.

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Okay, so Tana and I are going to fuck. We're going to wrap this up by answering one listener question. Just one? Let's do five. Okay. Maybe like, I don't know. We'll see. Two. I'm having so much fun. We'll see. I love Sophia with an F. She's not shaking. Sophia is not shaking. I'm not shaking for her. I just came. Sophia's shaking on OnlyFans. Sophia with an F made me shake.

Sophia and Tiana are shaking on OnlyFans. That is fucking clever. Okay. Brooke is managing. Okay. Here's the first question. My listeners wrote these in. So we have to give them like real advice, you guys. Okay. Question number one. Hi. So... Love her so far. I can't. Hi. Send me. Hi. Okay. Okay.

So my mom was visiting and she was being really opinionated and bossy and I started getting really upset. My husband snapped at her and told her to stop. When we were alone, I told him never to be rude to my mom again and thought it was unacceptable that he was disrespectful to her.

He apologized, but I kind of feel like an asshole. Like he was just trying to stand up for me, but he saw how upset I was getting. But like, you don't respect my mom. Am I in the wrong? I butchered that because I didn't know. No, no, no, no, no. We got the gist for sure. No, do you want to go first? I, I.

I don't know how I feel about this because I have been in situations, for example, like if Tana and I are in a fight and like my friend is there. Like if my friend were to jump in and like snap at Tana, I'd be like, that's not your friend. Like you can't do that kind of thing. And I feel like that's kind of how it is. Like how someone can be mean to your sibling or like you can be mean to your sibling, but your friend can't kind of thing. It sucks because I never want to speak on a gender role, but I...

It's hard because like if I'm with a man, I genuinely think you should never speak with ill will towards my mother. That's my own battle that I'm going to have with my mother. And then I can jurisdiction how I feel about that. And then...

You and I can discuss that later But I also understand A man who's dating you Watching someone disrespect you And want to have your back You know Yeah yeah I remember the time When I was like 18 My birth dad Was being super abusive And my boyfriend At the time Had like tried to fight him And I was like I really respect That you're doing that Because like it's

It's a sad situation to watch someone you love be in an abusive situation and you want to like take care of them, you know? But that's a tough, yeah, that's tough. But I think there should be boundaries family-wise, right?

And I kind of think I guess If you feel like your boyfriend's the one And you're gonna marry him Because you never want to get to that point with someone Unless it's like a long term thing right Like you never want to have your boyfriend Fighting with your mom If it's like not the one you're gonna marry I feel like she'll carry that It's like why are you fighting with my mom Let's just break up you know Then you have a conversation with your boyfriend Of like here are my personal boundaries You know I want to be this close with my mom And if you're gonna Defend me

Yeah but at the same time It's just not I feel like it might just not be It just sounds like An unhealthy situation overall And then maybe you should Work out your own Personal discrepancies With your mom And come to a point Where you guys Have boundaries And you're comfortable At where you're at Same with your boyfriend Right And you can have

To your boyfriend For like Thank you for having my back Yeah That's important too I think It was nice I mean we don't know What the fuck her mom said Right? Like if she said something Completely like racist Homophobic Like that's valid Yeah Then I do want my boyfriend Of course That's all off balance Then it's like you're an idiot Right But if your mom Said

Was just opinionated In a very generic Like basic way Yeah It's I think The boyfriend needs to Zip the lips Yeah I feel like that's between you and your mom And that's just I also think she needs to unpack The fact that she feels guilt For being upset about that That's Thank you Because it's like That's the bigger red flag here If he was just trying to defend you Then thank him for that Yeah And you guys can again Move on and establish boundaries If you're feeling guilt Yeah

In a way where Because you stood up For your mom You don't have to feel Guilt for standing up For your mom Yeah then do you have A weird relationship With either your mom Or your boyfriend Where you have to feel Guilt for standing up For yourself Or for I don't know

That's a huge situation. I thought the same thing. I think honestly all of that just boils down to having proper communication with boundaries with your boyfriend. Oh, it's her husband. Yes. Yeah, that is fair. Once you get married, you become kind of family. So. Okay. Next question. Hey, Slu. So recently I got a sneaky link, but I have a boyfriend. Oh.

So like Tell me how to treat This sneaky link Should I be texting him And facetiming him Like when we're not together Or like how do I do this Let me know That's so so wrong To give her advice On how to manage A sneaky link Don't manage that I don't If you don't like Your boyfriend enough As a human being To have a sneaky link Thank you Cheating is wrong

And let's end it on that note. Tana Brooke, I love you guys so much. We love you. I feel like I've known you, both of you, my whole life. Obsessed. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you for having us. I am shaking. Tana is shaking. Tana is shaking now. And go listen to Canceled. No, I think I have to have sex with you.

Okay. I mean, we are. Yeah. Brooke, the fact you said okay and you're not like, okay, tag me in. I'm going to be like with the camera. Oh, okay. Amazing. For Sophia's OnlyFans drop. Absolutely. Okay, guys. I love you so much. I will talk to you next week. Bye. Thank you for having us. Woohoo. Woohoo.