cover of episode ¡VAMOS ARGENTINA! Ft. Family


Publish Date: 2022/12/29
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Sofia with an F


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Hi everybody, welcome to Sophia with an F. Welcome back. I took last week off. I was traveling. I am back and I am at WTF Media Studios, period. The only place to record at their New York location. I've not been to their LA location, but that is also available and I've heard it's dope.

Subscribe. That's the next thing I'm going to say before I jump into the episode is subscribe to this shit because not only is my YouTube channel fucking incredible just to watch the podcast, but I did an entire vlog on my family trip. All right. And it's, it's inappropriate. I'm going to get demonetized on YouTube. It's out of control, but without further ado, subscribe.

Let me introduce my mom and my brother. Hi, guys. Hi, guys. Hey, sleuths. Hey, sleuths. This is going to be a family episode, I figured. It's like we're ending the holidays. It's about to be New Year's. And we just want kind of like that warm, fuzzy feeling that we as a family are not about to give you under any circumstances. Yeah.

Well, introduce yourself. Hi, guys. I'm Lucas Franklin. I've been on the show before. Mm-hmm. Twice. I'm Sophia's brother. Yeah. It's my third time back. I love it. I'm excited. That's how he intros everything. It's like when you're in college and you have to do an icebreaker, you're like, hey, I'm Lucas Franklin. Not sure if you know Sophia Franklin. I'm her younger brother. No. Ha!

No. But you use me for pussy a little. No. Okay. Mom, go ahead and introduce yourself. Hi, I'm Lola and I'm Sofia and Lucas's mom. And here we are to talk about our crazy last few days. So let's talk about the trip. I don't even know where to start.

And, Salutes, you guys know. I mean, you guys have both been on multiple episodes. So everyone here knows everybody, all right? Yeah. Our trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina, we just landed yesterday. It was the trip from hell. Like, no, my mom's already going to, like, start screaming. It was the most incredible experience, best trip I've ever been on.

The worst, craziest experience of my life. Okay. I could agree with that. Did I sum it up pretty well? Yeah, pretty. You hit the nail on the head. The best and worst, but it ended on a good note and that's what matters. Yeah. If the last day of the trip is incredible, then you can just go and write off everything that happened in the middle. Let's start with how we fought almost every single day.

We usually, we will get into it on family trips. This shit was different. Different. Lucas, why do you think it was different?

I honestly want to say that me and Sophia, us quitting nicotine, had some form to do with it, definitely. They decided that day. To quit vaping. Yeah. We had to vape for the first two days. It died, and me and Sophia were like, oh, shit. Yeah. We're in Argentina. Let's take this chance to stop vaping. I think that added to it. I think the biggest factor, there were so many factors, but I think the biggest one is...

Mom. Of course. Can we go again? This is what happened the entire trip. It's all her fault. Always for everything. Everything was my fault. No. You, A, could be going through menopause. I... Not to give away your age or anything. It's okay. You look great. It's fine. We quit nicotine. There was someone who was on their period. Both. And both of us. And emotions were very, very high because...

I think the main reason is your relationship with Argentina. Absolutely. You were born there. I was born there. I was yanked from there when I was 15 without having any say, essentially.

And you went to Orem, Utah. Orem, Utah, all places. Imagine leaving one of the biggest cities in the world. It was traumatic. And I still kind of put it in a little box and tucked it away. I never really think about it too much. But every time I go, something wild happens. And so...

I'm always on defense, like, what's going to happen this time? Oh, we know. Yeah. We know you're always on defense. I was so excited to finally show Lucas Argentina...

Because he had never been. Sofia had been twice. So it was, to me, very emotional to have both of my kids, my favorite people. I'm going to start crying again because I'm very emotional. My mom started, mom, you started crying. When Queen Elizabeth died, my mom started bawling. We're not in London. We're not in England.

You don't know her personally. That's not me, really. So it must be menopause. Yes. What else did she cry out? Dude, she started crying how many times on the trip? She literally... We were at dinner one day and we were enjoying... Oh, it was... Breakfast. Yeah, like breakfast, lunch. I'm sure I cried at both breakfast and dinner. We were chilling, drinking, talking, and mom just breaks down out of nowhere. I'm the worst mom ever. I'm so sorry. We're like, wait, what?

Where did that come from? We were just talking about like some shit on Instagram. What do you mean you're the worst mom ever? Where is this shit coming from? I was not myself on the trip. Yeah, which I get. What's funny is we were supposed to be there for the holidays, for like the 21st to the 3rd. And someone told me, oh, the final to the World Cup is the 18th of December. So I thought, ooh, what if Argentina just...

maybe happens to win. How amazing would it be to be there? The World Cup hadn't even started. And so I changed our flights to be there three days early, just in case. And boy, was I right. Boy, were you right. Vamos, vamos. That was the craziest. Out of everything that happened on the trip, the biggest highlight, being in Buenos Aires...

And like being in the city with the people watching them win the World Cup on this like TV at a bar with all of the locals was fucking sick. Amazing. And how people feel about sports. Yes, people are so passionate about basketball, football, whatever in the States.

That shit is different. It's like religion. Yeah. It's like, I don't even know how to explain it. It's all our uncles and like everyone in our family like lives and breathes soccer. And mom started crying. But it was just the whole experience was fucking nuts to be there for that. And that's like, that will be one of my best memories ever. The rest of the trip maybe wasn't so great.

positive amazing incredible something I want to remember forever I it started from the second we got on our airline which if you watch my upcoming vlog on Bianca Airlines I'm probably gonna have to beep that shit out actually no I don't want to I want to call you guys out that airline is fucked like they are insane but it was more so how they treated us just straight up lying oh

Just straight up lying. You can't take electronics. Okay, I had to throw those away. You can't bring in a water bottle. How to throw that away? Straight up. I had to smuggle my water bottle in, in my fucking pants. Since when can you not bring a water bottle onto an airplane or an electronic of any kind?

And they didn't serve anything for free. No water. On an international flight, you had to buy water, drink, food, everything. That's why they don't let you bring your own. The food was fucking crazy.

But we get to Argentina and just the second we step foot in Argentina, mom, you were wild. Tensions were high. I think it's because of everything we just talked about, but also the crime in Argentina. It's a lot. Because I live in New York, right? Right. And if you talk to someone in Utah or some shit, they're like...

I heard New York is so dangerous. Oh my God, whatever. So I got to Argentina thinking it's something similar. Shit's not similar. Well, you remember what happened our first tour. So we got a tour bus. So we almost got robbed actually. Let me throw that out. Lucas doesn't believe it, but it did happen. Do you believe it now?

I mean, I guess. He's a boy, so he was not scared, I guess, at all. But we got a tour bus that was supposed to stop at like 12 different key places of Buenos Aires. I wanted to show them. So we get on the bus. Get off on the first stop. On the first stop. Never to get back on the bus again. So we are trying to call an Uber. Uber.

It doesn't work the same way there as it does here. Sometimes they just don't have any available or the soonest an Uber can get you is like 20 minutes out.

So we're standing by the pink house. Argentina, instead of having a white house for the president like we do here, they have the pink house, which I think is kind of incredible. And that's what I would do if I became president is make them paint my house pink. Just kidding. Baby blue for fucking Sophie with an F. I'm sorry. I'm learning how to market my brand. Okay. So...

We are trying to get an Uber. Uber's not happening. We're like, let's get a taxi. There is this sketchy ass motherfucker, super tall guy. He looks like kind of like military, even though he wasn't wearing anything military. And he is talking into a mic, a little mini mic under his shirt.

And like keeps talking into his shirt is staring at us. So then we're like, okay, let's lose this guy and get him off our track. We like do a few laps. Lo and behold, look behind us. He's still there staring, like talking into his shirt. We're like, this is fucking scary. We need to get the fuck out. So we get into the first taxi that stops by, which was the biggest mistake we could have made. Yes, the biggest mistake. So we jump into the first cab.

And right off the bat, the dude driving the taxi were like, oh, this is a whole sting operation. Everyone is in on this. And like the guy that was talking under his shirt for sure is what? Told this taxi to stop and pick us up. Yeah. This was right.

And we get in the taxi. The taxi driver is mumbling underneath his breath, talking into his own little mini mic under his shirt, sitting there counting money. It doesn't even look like a cab inside. He didn't have an ID like most of the taxis have. Right. So he starts driving. My mom's like, oh, we're about to get fucking robbed. Mind you, before this situation happened...

We have been hearing stories from everyone we've spoken to. You will get robbed. It is so fucking dangerous. Don't speak English. The cab we were in before that, that was like an official cab. The guy was saying, oh yeah, it's a little bit dangerous. I've been held at gunpoint three times.

I've had a knife held up to me twice. And then a guy with a broken beer bottle tried to attack me. So that's the shit that we're hearing. And then this whole situation happened. So fast forward, we're in the taxi. The taxi starts driving. Me and my mom look at each other. Lucas is fucking playing whatever Minecraft on his phone.

I'm thinking he's safe as hell. He's a guy. Guys, don't get scared. So the car starts driving. So it's like, what the fuck are we supposed to do? So I say, the second the car stops, we need to get the fuck out. I don't care if it's on the freeway. I don't care where.

So we hit a red light. My mom throws a thousand dollars. I said, we need to get out of that. And he was like, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, he's like, you're not getting out. No, we are getting out. I opened the door, gave him a thousand pesos, not American dollars, and we got out. And we just, we booked it. We booked it.

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Your cash back really adds up. So that was like a little bit jarring. With that said, when you land in a country and mom took it a little bit overboard because yes, it is very dangerous, but Lucas and I would be talking in English and every five seconds she'd

Unless you're going to speak in Spanish, don't talk. Like, correct? Yeah, it was ridiculous. Dude, at this point in the trip, everyone was talking about how everyone was getting robbed. And I was just like, oh my God, like at this point, I hope it just fucking happened. Like just...

Like, I hope I get held at gunpoint so I'll just shut the fuck up because I was like, mom, you're being dramatic, blah, blah. Yo, that's a fucking crazy thing to say. Dude, you said that to mom and then you said that in front of, like, our friends there and shit and family and they were like, what the fuck? But that's how fucking, like, frustrated we were. Yeah. What were you saying? I've got some perk or something.

Perk this or perk that or I don't know about this whole time. Break that down, the perk. Well, I don't even know like how it originated, but like the first few days I like said something about like mom's off the perk or some shit because she was acting so funny. So I was like,

Mom's like a perk. She's like the fucking number one perk advocate in all of Argentina. Yeah. Slinging that shit. Like Lucas started saying this shit. So then we just, the whole trip, we were like, damn, she's off the perk. Like those perk 30s. Like just we were saying it every day and it was so funny to Lucas and I. And we were just, you know how it is when you link up with your brothers and sisters. It's funny as fuck to make fun of your parents together. Yeah. Am I wrong?

No, you're not. That's exactly what we were doing. And I guess in mom's defense, we were probably being a little ridiculous. Like took it over the top. Yeah. So we hit breakfast and mom...

is fucking pissed and she's like you know what this is called what you guys are doing what you're doing to me triangulation she hit like her breaking point she like snapped one morning and i was like yo i'm sorry what triangulation and she's like that is when there's three people and two of them team up together and they bully the other person i was like

Baby girl, I'm going to look that up and see if that's actually what it is. Well, if it's not, it should be. There's a lot of definitions for it. But yeah, we were laughing at you.

A lot. A lot. But it was fun. It was fun. We actually had a great time. Let's not focus so much. Well, except for Christmas Eve. Oh. Yeah. Do we want to talk about Christmas Eve? I just, I don't even know what, like, what thing to even focus on because of how much crazy shit went down. But I think that might have been the craziest. Two guys. The men in Argentina are different. So fucking hot. Way hotter than here, I would say. And...

Very, very forward. And we were exposed to two penises on our trip. Unwarranted, unwanted, and not asked for. Cash. To me, I just laugh that shit off. No, no, no. Let me explain the story. This gross, disgusting guy is on the couch. We're celebrating Christmas Eve night because that's when they celebrate Christmas in Argentina. Yeah.

And he's all over this chick. And then we're hammered. We were just like making fun of him. He ended up getting up, walking over to our table. And then he was on a FaceTime call. Yeah. And I was like, wait, let me see this fucking FaceTime. Like you better show me who you're FaceTiming. He shows me the phone.

humongous penis on the FaceTime. Little penis. This is how I know we were fucked up because I'm saying the dick was huge. Mom's saying it was a piece of poop and you're saying it was a micro penis. For all we know, it was a wiener dog. Honestly, you probably showed us a wiener dog. No, it was for sure a penis. No, it was. It was. So, um,

I laugh at it because I apparently am very fucked up in the head and find completely inappropriate shit funny, which I need to work on, I guess. Maybe I'm desensitized because I talk about sex openly. I don't fucking know. But...

Then my mom's like, I want to see. And when my mom saw the penis slash piece of poo. All hell broke loose. She went fucking. Ballistic. Just lost. Lost her mind screaming at this very nice hotel. One of the nicest hotels in Argentina, Faina. Yeah.

It's just screaming, being like, this dude just showed my daughter his penis. All of the staff had to get involved. Everyone having their nice... No, they got in like a screaming match. They were like, get her out. Like, this fucking idiot. He wasn't even a guest at the hotel. The guy was a dick. The guy was a dick. In Spanish, he was like, get this bitch the fuck out. You're a bitch. Calling me names. I'm talking to the manager. But the whole staff was horrified at the guy. Yeah. We walked out and he got kicked out.

Out of the hotel. But then we all started screaming at each other. So that was the worst Christmas Eve dinner. Ever. In history. We got free dessert, though. We did get free dessert. And let me explain the reason why we got free dessert is because they were not going to let us have dinner because they were full. And I am very close to someone who is close to...

Alan Faina, his wife. Okay? Alan Faina created the Buenos Aires Faina Hotel. I'm sure you guys all know Faina Hotel. He's the owner, yeah. The one in Miami. Like, every fucking thirsty bitch has taken a picture there, including me. This... Now they have different owners, whatever. But I reach out to...

Alan Faina's wife and I asked her to help me. During their Christmas dinner. During their Christmas and I'm like, you got to stop everything you're doing and help us get a reservation at a fucking table because we cannot spend dinner in our hotel room. And she tries her best. They couldn't really get us a table. So I am very, very embarrassed and, uh,

to this particular person who tried to help us i apologize and i want to say it on this episode for my drunken behavior that guy did show us our penis so that wasn't made up then another penis exposed at the pool huge dick humongous dick i he kept trying to like show us

Slash mom. He's like, oh, you're turning me on so much. I have never experienced something like that in my entire life. We're at the swimming pool, y'all. We're at the swimming pool. And he stood up and kind of like was... And I just...

Mom tried not to look. I did not look. It wasn't in a pervy way. It was, he was trying to be. Yeah. Cause you guys were kind of flirting a little bit. A little bit, but no, that would never happen in the U S nothing. I'm used to. Yeah. Nothing. You would,

I did not ask for that. Usually, you would expect, like, a kiss or a make-out. Something. And then maybe he could be like, hey, like, do you want to feel me over the pants? Like... Because I've had that happen. He was, like, half my age. He was 37. Like... Okay, let's pretend like that's an issue. So...

So that was the trip. I'm sure we're leaving out like so much shit. So much. Part of the reason, though, that you feel so emotional when you go there is A, you were ripped away from the country when you were 15. B, the last two times that you've tried to go have been horrifying.

Okay, let's talk about the time when I got stuck there for, I don't know, six months and had to go to middle school in Argentina. That was dope. Because I was supposed to get a new Argentinian passport. And every time I went to get it renewed, they kept postponing and saying it's not ready, it's not ready. Finally, after like two months, I'm like...

Dude, what's up? I was wanted by the Interpol, essentially. Make that the title of this fucking episode. Mom is wanted by the Interpol. Mom wanted by Interpol. Which is the international police. World's most wanted people are wanted by the Interpol. Yeah. And some dude that was on that fucking list, Dexter Saddam Hussein, and I don't know. Was using my social security number to...

And the guy said, the only reason why we haven't taken you to prison yet is because we know it's not you because you're a woman and this person is a man. We were stuck in Argentina for months not knowing why they wouldn't just like give her her visa and like get her passport. Not a visa. It was a passport. I mean, I was a resident of the U.S. No, a resident. A resident.

So I had a green card. I could leave and come back when I wanted to, but I had to fly with an Argentinian passport because you only get it when you're a U.S. citizen, which I wasn't yet. Okay, well, that's fucking terrifying to be stuck in a country and they're like, yeah, we don't know when you're going to be back. No, it was. We have no clue.

And then to finally tell you that. So then, yeah, I went to middle school there and all the girls are lesbian. They're not. It's just girls are, people are affectionate. I mean, they kiss and they touch a lot more and they hug me every time. I'm fucking around. But the girls were all over you. They were kissing and hugging you and writing you love letters. I wasn't used to it because in the U.S. people are pretty cold.

In Argentina, they're so affectionate and, like, just touching. I was like, damn, these girls really, like, are into me. Or maybe I just, like, felt cool. I don't know. Well, you are the American kid, so it's always kind of cool, like the foreigner. Save on Cox Internet when you add Cox Mobile and get fiber-powered Internet at home and unbeatable 5G reliability on the go.

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and listeners can get an exclusive 20% off IXL membership when they sign up today at slash audio. Visit slash audio to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. That was a trip. I mean, I'm sure there's so many other things that happened, but we would be here all day. I think those were kind of the highlights. The penis, the robbing, and...

The World Cup. The World Cup was the fucking highlight. The incest. Oh, and getting accused of incest. Yeah. Yeah, let's talk about that really quickly. One of our cousins that we're very, very close with

He's Lucas's age. You're super, super tight with his cousin. Yeah, I like grew up with him. Best friend vibe cousin. Yeah, definitely. It's that go-to cousin where you're at Thanksgiving and you're like, you want to go smoke weed? All right. And then you come back to it. He texts you out of nowhere and says what? Let's put this shit on blast. I don't even care if he's family. So he texts me. Lucas be looking good though. I'm not going to lie. Oh, no.

Okay, read the text. You're perpetuating the fucking stereotype, whatever. So he texts me and I run up to the room and I tell Sophia, he's like, I've had a lot of people ask me if you're into your sister. I don't know why, lol, because I don't fucking live there. But I've had people ask me if y'all fucking are you? For our cousin, who we are so close to, especially Lucas. Yes.

To ask that question. Also, he's a compulsive liar and likes to start a lot of drama. Right. He's always been like that ever since he was a little kid. But it was shocking that he even would say something like that. I mean, is it shocking though? It's true. Look at him. Look at him. He is hot. Maybe it's all the fucking incest jokes I make. I literally made a joke like last week about how I'd be down to hook up with you because you're so hot.

But we were talking about the Oedipus complex and all of that shit. It was an obvious joke. But no, for the record, my brother and I are not fucking. You can definitely, you can put that in writing. Put my hand on the Bible, swear to God. That's,

That like ruined our night for like our cousin to be saying crazy shit. Yeah. And then he said that he got the info from this girl. Yeah, who's like a close friend of mine. So I texted my friend and I was like, hey...

Like, when's the last time you talked to so-and-so? And she was like, I haven't talked to him in, like, weeks. So he just pulled it out of his mouth. Yeah, he just completely made it up. Oh, yeah, that's what I told him on the phone when we were bitching about it. I was like, do you want to, like, fuck your brother? Like, do you want to fuck someone in your family? Yeah. It was quite...

We have so many stories. I think we could do like... A seven-part series. But anyways. That was our Argentina trip. Wait till they see on the vlog that you were sharing a bed. No.

Lucas and I slept in the same king-size bed. King-size bed because they hated me at that moment. Usually Sophia and I might share a bed. I don't remember. We stayed in the same room the whole time. I don't even remember falling asleep because that was the night that we fucking got so faded. Christmas Eve night. I kind of wanted to talk about you, me.

still kind of being in your 20s, in your brain. Would you say mom acts very young for her age? Well, she looks very young. When I'm with you guys, I feel like I'm a kid. I know. Absolutely. When I'm with other people, I don't. But when I can feel left out, just like a kid your age. Yeah, you feel like you're like... Oh, okay. They're...

I'm not part of the gang. Right. And I'll sulk a little bit. Yeah. Maybe that's what happened. Maybe that's what happened in Argentina. That's what it was. You left when you were 15 and then going back, you became your 15-year-old self again. Maybe that's what it is. Wow, that could have been. I'm sorry. That was some insight that I don't think the best psychiatrist would have, okay? Maybe not. But no, you had me at 20.

Right? 20, 21, 20, 20. Okay, and then you had Lucas 11 years later. So you have never had time to just be like a crazy person. No. A kid, really. Now I have more time. Now that you're older, you're living out the... Kind of. From 20 till now years.

All the years from your 20s that were lost. Somewhat. You could say that, yeah. Okay, what's your New Year's resolution? You're going first. Probably to stop...

Vaping, I guess. We stopped vaping the whole trip, eight days, and then I went on a date with a girl last night. She had a vape. I relapsed. You relapsed. So sorry, everybody, to let you down. That's a great New Year's resolution, though. It is. Yeah. I guess that one will be mine, too. I think it'll be that...

Getting my life together, getting my work in order, getting my business better, growing as a human, more reading books, more this New Year's resolution sounds wild, more journaling, more taking walks. No, I just, I know the way I've been functioning for this past year and probably like the years before that haven't been the healthiest.

I haven't really been taking care of myself and I really want to take this new year to be like, let's do the hard shit and start living a healthier life, you know? Does that make sense? Yeah, perfect sense. Because like, yeah, like I'll vape or whatever. I'll like work completely ridiculous hours that are not healthy for me because that's what's working in the moment. I need to put in the hard work so I can –

live a healthier life. Yeah, that makes sense. And I'm 30 and it needs to happen. You know what I mean? Mom, what about you? Mine, I guess, might need to be I need to start acting my age a little bit more. No. I actually love that you don't. We love that about you. I think what your New Year's resolution should be, if I could tell you, is... Please. Chill. Chill on the perks. Just chill.

Just chill. Actually, you know what? I was about to say I need to start to stop worrying so much. I'm a worrier. I worry about everything. Before it happens, if it happens, if it doesn't. Where you can't even enjoy the moment. Sometimes, yeah. It can be paralyzing sometimes. Ooh, what if we all go around and tell each other what their New Year's resolution should be? Ooh, okay.

My advice for you would absolutely be managing your anxiety. Okay. And that will solve all your problems. Okay, well said. Well said. Okay, and for Lucas? Can you guys give me one other than stop playing video games or something? Oh, I wasn't even thinking about that. Stop playing video games. I want you to be more delusional.

More delusional? Because you're not delusional enough. What do you mean? Like, you need some of that Donald Trump shit. Oh, yeah, like shameless. Shameless. Yeah. Like, you overthink shit a lot. Yeah, I just hate, like, being, I just would never be, I will do anything to not be corny.

Yeah. But you take it too far. You're like, is this corny? You need to care way less because you're not going to make it anywhere, like get anywhere if you're caring about that shit too much. Yeah, yeah. For sure. Well, I'm super excited for the new year, but let's answer just a couple of our sleut questions. SOS, save our sleuts, questions, stories, advice. Are you guys ready? Yeah. Okay. First one. I love...

I love you and your podcast, but I need help ASAP. My fiance is into the whole hot wife cuckold lifestyle. I finally decided I'm ready to try. We found a guy online in a safe way. I need any tips, tricks, help to prepare me for our first meet. I'm super excited, but extremely nervous.

Do you know what a cuckold is, Mom? Lucas, do you? Okay, one of you guys explain it because I don't believe either of you. A cuckold is like somebody who wants to watch their wife and or husband like get fucked or fuck another person. Yes, exactly. Very well said. I mean, I guess if she's down for that, my advice would be...

There's really not. To make sure that her husband truly, truly is because he may say he is and then hold it against her. Oh my God, yeah. I don't know because I'm a worrier. That's what I would say. So you think maybe her husband was just saying that to like trick the bitch to see if she'll go through with it and then like dump her ass?

I don't think there's a lot of prep you need to do, honey bunny. You know how to fuck your husband. You'll know how to fuck this guy. If she wants to. Oh, I can give you some advice. This will actually really turn your husband on if he's into this, is while you're hooking up with the other guy, like the random dude, is look your husband in the eye while you're getting it. Jesus. Wow. That's intense.

I love talking about this shit with my family. It's so good. It's so fucking good. I think that would be my biggest tip. He's going to fucking love that. Good luck, girl.

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Okay, next question. Hey, Slu, there are two girls my fiance grew up with. I've tried to make an effort to be friends with them and make plans with both of them. I don't know if they're just flaky people or if they literally do not want to hang out with me, but those are the vibes I get. How would you deal with this and make it obvious you've had enough of both of their shit? We haven't sent out save the dates or invites yet, but I want to cross them both off our guest list. I'm not sure how my fiance will take this. What would you do?

Um, okay. So her fiance has two girls that he grew up with that are his best friends that really refused to hang out with. With his fiance. Yeah. So the fiance has reached out to the two girls trying to hang out with them, right? Her soon to be husband's two girlfriends and they will not hang out with her. And she like wants to fucking cross them off the guest list to the wedding. Yeah.

I would stop pursuing or trying to hang out with them, but crossing them off the list is kind of up to him. Yeah, I agree. Because it's on his side of the... Yeah, I agree. ...invite of the list. So I wouldn't cross that boundary necessarily, but I wouldn't... I would just drop. Unless these girls, you have a feeling that, like, they've fucked or are fucking or they're inappropriate with your soon-to-be husband... Oh, no.

Then you can like fucking X them out. That's another story. 89 them, blacklist them from your wedding. 86 them. 86.

Or 69, I think. 69, 86, whatever you want to do. Combine it. Combine it. Combine it under the 89. Then obviously I think you can be like, they're not on the list. But if you have no reason to think that or believe that, it's like, it's not really up to you. But I get it. Like if these girls are like kind of bitchy or whatever, maybe they just think this guy deserves better, right? Than her. And it's her wedding. She doesn't want there to be bad vibes.

The thing about it is what I've realized, you cannot have a wedding and make sure there's not one person there that you maybe don't like so much. Just don't get married. Just don't do it. Yeah, you can't get married. Sorry, girl. Just kidding. Sorry, girl. Go elope somewhere. Just go to a courthouse. Do it that way. But there will be someone at your wedding that you don't.

Happen to love. Okay. Last question. Here we go. I hooked up with this guy two times and neither time has he came.

And I know I shouldn't feel insecure because he's actively trying to see me again. But, like, I do feel insecure because he's older and I know he has more experience than me. What do I do or just make me feel better about it? LMAO, I love you so much. I feel like I have the best answer for this one. You take it away. You're the one with the penis. This has happened to me a few times and I know girls get really insecure when you don't finish, like, during a sex or, like, during having sex, whatever. Yeah.

And I think like the best advice is to just keep going out with them. And if obviously like two times, I know for me, like the first few times I hook up with a girl, like make sure I don't come. You know what I mean? So like what I think I have, you know, like just I don't want like that's like a that means like they're winning in my mind. I just don't want them to get that. But you eventually come right or you just straight up don't at all.

I mean, it depends, but I'll definitely try to not...

Just because I don't want them to get that satisfaction out of me the first time. Wait, that is a very interesting perspective. I've never fucking heard that. And there's no... It's definitely not because he's, like, not into you or anything. If he's getting hard and you guys are having good sex, like, it's not your fault. Don't, like... Wow. Take it easy. You're good. Wow, that begs the question, though, then. If he's not getting hard, does it mean he's not into her? No, she never... She didn't say anything about him getting hard. He's just not coming. Mm-hmm.

Yeah, no, that has nothing to do with you, girlfriend. You're good. Just keep going out. No, he's just trying to fucking let you know. Play mind games. Play the game. Like I've never heard. You bitch, you're not hot enough to make me cum. That's some fucked up shit. I'm kind of here for it. But I don't even, but I don't think girls think of it that way. No, obviously they do and it works. But let me tell you this, Lucas. I'm going to give you a little bit of advice.

is if you continue doing that she's gonna think there's something wrong with your penis and it's broken and then she's gonna be out yeah yeah there's definitely like a healthy medium i think the best thing to do is you should just try to not come for as long as possible but i think you should end up coming

Just show that you don't have to bust a nut in your pants. Right. But you can ejaculate however you want. It's your life, not mine. Yeah, girl, I would continue seeing him. I think once you've hung out five or six times and he still hasn't, then you need to have a conversation with him. Right. Don't just peace out. Have a conversation with him because I was in this –

I was in a very similar situation where I dated a dude and we would have sex for, and this is no exaggeration, minimum two hours every single time. Minimum. And I got to, I one time fell asleep while we were fucking. One time he fell asleep while we were having sex and I couldn't deal with it anymore. I started to avoid him. I brought it up and he was like, oh, I thought that's like what you wanted. Cause usually girls tell me like, okay, like it's time for you to come.

okay are girls supposed to announce like is that the thing are they supposed to say okay i came now it's time for you to get your nut you're allowed to come now sir no but i mean i i it's i've definitely i've had that said to me and it's hot they when a girl says i want you to come well yeah i mean obviously that but like okay yeah i think it's everything in the moment

It's like how you feel about it in the moment. Yeah. Because also if you say, I want you to come and. Yeah. And if they don't, then that's a red flag. Yeah. And they're not ready to come, then they're going to like their penis and go and they're going to lose their boner.

I think with time, sex gets better with a person anyway. Sometimes that person can be uncomfortable and weird. If you hang long enough because you like the person long, you guys can both sort of figure out what to do, what makes you tick, get closer. Yeah. Mom over here has never had a one-night stand, which is crazy to me.

A little modest. Okay. Well, thank you so much, you guys. That was a very, very interesting episode. It was. I don't know what we really talked about or if anything made sense, but I had a good time. Yeah. And that's the only thing that matters. That's right. If I'm having fun and you guys are having fun, then we're good. We're golden. We're having fun. We're not fighting. We're not fighting. We're not fighting.

fighting and that is a Christmas miracle and that is just sending us into a gorgeous new year where apparently I have a lot of shit to work on amazing I'll get started right now okay sleuths we are back to our regularly scheduled programming okay there will be no more weeks taken off I mean unless I get super sick or something but I am

and thank you guys for being with me for another year I can't believe it's been two years I think doing this podcast crazy I love you guys so much it gives me so much encouragement going into the next year and I will see you guys in 2023 for the biggest year of Sophia the Neff I think 2023 is going to be the biggest fucking year

It's going to be big and you'll see exactly what I mean very soon. Where can they find you guys? I'm sure you guys maybe know my tag. It's lucas.franklin with a Y, one at the end. So lucas.franklin and the number one. That's where they can find you on Instagram. Yeah. Mom? Lola Franco three, which is the number three. So Lola, F-R-A-N-C-O three.

Okay, Lola Franco and the number three on Instagram and on OnlyFans. Okay, guys. I love you guys. 2023 is going to be our year. It's going to be the biggest fucking year for Sophia The Neff. I know that. And there will be a little surprise next week. Happy 2023, Sleuths. Talk to you guys next week. Bye, Sleuths.