cover of episode 96: Jackie With An O ft. The Morning Toast

96: Jackie With An O ft. The Morning Toast

Publish Date: 2022/9/29
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Hey everybody, welcome to Sophia with an F. I am super fucking excited this week. Before I dive into my episode, just a couple things I need to list off. Don't fucking tune out, it's very important.

subscribe. Just go ahead, subscribe. You know you want to do it. Stop holding back. I will really appreciate it. You will appreciate it in the long run. You might not see the results right now, but you will long term. That's kind of, that's called long term goal. It's an investment. It's an investment to subscribe. Thank you, Jackie. And I am recording from WTF Media Studios. They are

just opened up a location in Los Angeles that is now open for business. If you guys want to try to be a podcaster, if you want to

Try to be a rapper. If you want to do ASMR on the mic, try it out and go to the studio. You can get 25 bucks off when you use code SOFIAISHOT. And no, I did not come up with that code. My friend happens to own the studio and that's where it came from. But is she wrong? Sure.

But is she wrong? Not at all. She can see. Jackie, I am so fucking excited to have you here. I have Jackie here from the morning toast. So I have been on the morning toast and recorded with your sister, Claudia. Yes, because you moved to New York like right when I was pregnant and then I was like heavily pregnant. So I wasn't doing much. And then once I gave birth, it was like co-host month.

And I was still on maternity leave. So every time you've come through, it's been like to replace me. Do we think the baby is a good excuse being pregnant? No, honestly, honestly, like he was like, Mommy, Sophia was enough.

Is on your show Get your fucking ass up And go to the studio No I remember you were actually I swear to god About to have the baby When I went on the morning toast Yeah Yeah So I really was excused But it also would have to take Something so drastic For me to miss Yes Your appearance

Because I've been so excited to meet you. I've been so excited for you to come on the Toast. I loved your episodes. And now I'm so excited to be on Swaff. I know. Oh, my God. Well, our history, it goes even farther back than that. You guys all know the complete drama turmoil I went through with my old podcast. Jackie, along with Claudia, you guys were like both there for me, hardcore, when that was happening. Yeah, it's a hard... I mean, what you went through is so hard. And there's only so many people who...

have a sense of what some of those dynamics might be like. So whenever we see someone who might be like down and out, we're just like, you're going to be great. Whatever you need, we're here. Which is, do you know how amazing of a quality that is? Because I don't think there weren't too many people that reached out during that time. Really? Yeah. I mean, that were in the industry. Yeah. And it is a small community to begin with. Yeah. Yeah.

So that's why whenever we can lend a hand or just be like, hey, you'll be fine and you're great and this too shall pass. Sometimes that's all you need to say. And it's all someone needs to hear. Yes, yes. You guys were very, very helpful during that time. But finally, here we are in the fucking flesh.

So your baby, how many moms have I had on the show? Maybe one other mother. Wow. Literally. I was actually thinking that cause I, I, first of all, I'm a big fan of your podcast. I listen, I don't listen to a lot of podcasts, but I love yours. Um,

You get such great guests. And also your audience is so funny. Like I follow your Instagram page and you'll do like craziest thing ever did or like shadiest whatever. And it is so funny and so creative. And I was like, oh my gosh, I'm so nervous to be in front of this audience because they're like,

they're that girl you know they are yeah they're the sleuths like they're the hot ass bitches that run the shit yeah okay well that was the best compliment i have ever received in my entire life but i i mean yours too are you kidding me oh yeah no i love our audience but i like i'm just like sometimes

you go on someone's podcast i don't know like we're just exchanging but i just feel like your audience is just so funny and so on top of things and so they must be impressed that i think that is the biggest compliment i can receive

if you I actually want to ask you this question if someone was going to approach you and say you're really smart you're really beautiful or you have the best podcast on planet earth which out of the three which one would you want to hear I really want to think about this and I want to be honest with myself honestly you're really beautiful laughing

Honestly, I was like, that one was like coming to the forefront. I was like, suppress it, suppress it. No, no. I mean, the thing is like you, someone could tell you of the best podcast on planet earth and like you are zero there. They're your one listener. And like, that's just not going to do it for me. And you don't really believe it. That's not going to do it for me. Like I'd rather just be beautiful. Yeah.

That is fucking hilarious. Speaking of beautiful, you're going to find this so annoying. I already know. I think redheads are the most beautiful people on planet Earth. Thank you. I really, really do. Can I name one right now? No, because my mind just went Jessica Chastain. I mean, beyond. How has it been being a redhead? Growing up, I swear to God. That's such a good question. Do people ever ask you that? I don't think so, but it's such a part of my DNA and who I am and everything.

- Your identity. - My identity. I feel like now that I'm grown and I'm like sure of myself and I don't think about it, it's not at the fore as much 'cause I'm not insecure or as insecure as I used to be. But growing up as a redhead is so hard, especially because none of my sisters had red hair. And you just stand out at a time in your life when you're like, I just wanna be like everyone else. I don't want special attention. I actually wrote my college essay about being a redhead.

And it was actually a great essay. No, wait, you need to post that or like release that to the public. I honestly should. It's like something that I'm proud of. And basically my thesis was so like when I was in high school, we switched schools and I'm actually like a really shy person. You would never know except a podcast where I talk, you know, an hour and a half every day, five days a week. But I'm talking to my sister. And so it's like you get our intimacy and then it's just broadcast. Right. But if I was talking in front of it, like live in front of as many people as we podcast to, I would be

Shitting my pants Right And so my college essay Was about how like There was a few months And I was having a hard time And I just like Couldn't like Find my footing And then it was really My hair that like Reminded me like Who I am And then I have to be like As loud as my hair I can't have it be louder than me And like speak before I do That's kind of And I don't want to just be like That redheaded girl You know So it forces you to like

be something other than that yeah which is in the end is a good thing well I mean look at you now I'm sure that's contributed to how funny you are you know like your entire personality it's really true like switching schools and then even like when I went to college again like I was like feeling shy again but like you have

To put yourself out there Otherwise you're not gonna Get to like meet people Or anything And really like pushing Yourself in that way Even though it's so Uncomfortable and I'm so Terrible at it It pays off in spades Once you like meet Your people Yes And you can be yourself You're lucky you have Your sister for sure Yeah I feel like Claudia Is very outgoing She is and I feel like Now in our life When we go somewhere She's always you know Kind of

carrying the both of us until I can like get there and feel comfortable and be myself too and I feel like when I was in high school my older sister really did that for me um but I also feel like because we do we're like podcasting and we're always talking and have like big personalities online when people first meet me they're probably like oh she's like standoffish or she's like maybe doesn't like me because she's not really chatty when I know that she is but it's like no

So the red hair, it was a little bit challenging. But then at the end of the day, like really made you who you are. It has made me who I am. But it was definitely like so, I felt so awkward and just so different. And I didn't want to be. Like I just wanted to be just.

just like don't notice me right did you ever try to dye your hair no oh my gosh I never could that is that is really admirable yeah no I didn't even try I mean my mom would never have let me I actually was at a party when I was 25 years old I was at a party like I was grown I met a girl with red hair and she was talking to me about like how she dyed her hair I was like your mom let you and she was like I'm

I'm 25. I was like, but still like, I feel like you can't, you know? And I do feel like it's something that you would regret. And now it's like, I've never colored my hair or touched it. And even though I burn it to a crisp every single day, it's definitely healthier than it would have been.

You know who's more obsessed with you than I am? I mean, you listen to my show. John, like the Bible, he's my best gay friend in the entire world. He sends me your profile pictures in the DMs. I swear to God, once a week. Oh my God, I'm so flattered. I hope it's not in like a shady way. Like, oh, look what she's doing today. I literally want to know.

I want to pull up the DMs right now. Like she's stunning. Oh my God. That's like the nicest thing you could say. So flattering. Also, we were having this conversation before we sat down and we didn't finish it, but I love your podcast. You had amazing guests. Your episode with Jay Cutler, like was one of the best podcasts I've listened to all year. I was,

Cackling like a hyena. You guys were so natural and I naturally ship and I need to know if you guys spoke, went out, are going out, are engaged. Yeah. So we did have really good chemistry. He's funny and we got along really well. The thing is, though, is...

I really draw the line at athlete, and I've said that a million times. Me acting like Jay Cutler has asked for my hand in marriage. He turned him down. He literally has like 50 girls in his Rolodex every single day. I'm like, I just, I had to let him know. Like, I'm just, I don't, like, I don't want to be a part of that. No, we, I mean, we flirted a little bit. He's hot. He's fun. He has kids. Yeah.

I think he's a playboy, as he should be. He just came out of a marriage. He didn't give off that vibe in the interview. Jackie, are you sure? He came off like a family man. Yeah, and maybe I just heard what I wanted to hear, which was like, he was talking about kids, and you were talking about how you want to be a mom. I was like, well, this works.

You're like, this is perfect. They both want the same thing. You were looking for someone who could throw the football. He's a quarterback. 100%. No, I have a lot of respect for him. I like him a lot. We are not, we have not had sex. Jay, if you're listening, I'm just letting everyone know, but we might.

Who knows? I'm saying it right here, right now. Maybe it's going to happen. But no, we're not in a relationship. I'm sorry. I feel like you're very disappointed. I had to ask. I'm glad you guys are on good terms. And I feel like the door is open. Jackie said it here first. The door is open. What other...

could you see me with? Ooh, you must be such a fun person to set up. I thought you were going to say to have sex with. I have no idea why. No, I feel like one, you obviously like are such a great conversator. So pretty, like so interesting. And you're

You're like down So I So anyone So anyone really But let me What's You won't do an athlete That's fine I probably wouldn't Put you with one No I couldn't do an athlete I just I need Just a guy That's not on social media I just want a regular guy So it can be Really a celebrity Unless it's like an actor Who's not on social media But even so Like Brad Pitt Isn't on social media No but I I judge actors Yeah cause they lie Yeah

For a living. They lie for a living. And I think there has to be something going on in your brain to be like, I want to be an actor. Yeah.

For the rest of my life And I think There has to be A certain Tinge of delusion Yeah but that's Required to make it Exactly Yes I feel that Which I don't have Well my team Has told me I do I have full on Delusions of grandeur That I didn't know I had I feel like I'm very Self aware And on planet earth Yeah but no But I mean They say I don't I don't think I'm very delusional But

I would never think I would be good enough to be an actress, right? - Yeah, no, I would not think so. But I know I'm like not a good actress. If I was halfway decent, I would probably try. - Right. - You know, 'cause you like make it a little bit in podcasting and they're like, "What else do you wanna do?" - You're like, "It stops here." - Like your agent's like, "The world is your oyster." Like I would be like, "Put me in a movie."

Exactly. No, we've hit the ceiling, you and I. Yeah, I'm good podcasting. I feel like it's my strength. I'm going to stay here. I feel the same way. Even going on tour. Well, I actually will probably absolutely go on tour, but it's terrifying. I feel comfortable right here. Yeah. Yeah.

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Your cash back really adds up. You're married. Your husband is not a celebrity or not. No, he's like private and he likes that way and I like it too. How long have you guys been married? We've been married?

- 2019, so like almost three and a half years. - Okay. - Wow, and like most of that was COVID, which is crazy. And then we've been together like almost seven years. - Okay, and did you know from year one, I'm gonna marry this guy and have a baby with him? - Yeah, well, I feel like when we first got together, it was like,

We were working together and I had a crush on him and I was like, I didn't know if he liked me back. And it was like two months of that. And then once we were like, we like each other, maybe it was because we work together. We either had to be serious or I couldn't just hook up with someone that I worked with. I'm too awkward. And I would just, oh my God, I couldn't even imagine. Even once we started dating, I like did leave the job because I didn't love it. And I could not see him around the office. I felt so weird. So I think because we work together, it's like I wasn't just gonna mess around with someone that I worked with.

I'm not cut out for that. Smart girl. I feel like the first few months of our relationship were just like,

So, oh my God, yes, this is it, blah, blah, blah. And it wasn't until like a few months later that I was like, oh, this is where like things come into play where it's like, okay, we have to work through this or work through that. And it's like, now it's more of like the mechanics of a relationship and less of like just fairy tale stuff. But I guess that's like the honeymoon phase that ends. And then it's like you ask yourself tough questions and you figure it out. When does that...

honeymoon phase wear off because me, I am a serial fucking dater, always in a relationship.

And I'm like, do I just give up because the honeymoon phase is over? I'm going to be single forever. I feel like the relationship isn't really real until the honeymoon phase is over. Like when I think back to myself in the honeymoon phase, I don't recognize myself. Right. It's not real. Who is she? She was like PDA. Like I, that's so not me. So it was like he was with someone who's not his wife. Like that's not me. Right. You're like surprise bitch one day. Don't touch me.

- No, but it's like, and the entire time you guys are both trying to put your best foot forward, right? You're like, oh my God, I love halibut. Like it's my favorite type of fish. And then, you know. - Yeah, and maybe it's like, I didn't dislike halibut. I just didn't know yet that I didn't like it. - 'Cause you were in fairytale law. - So then like the, you know, the masks start to come off and then you're with the real person. And I feel like that's when the relationship starts.

You know? So if we had to guess roughly, it's going to be different for everyone. How long do you think that phase lasts? Oh, for me, it was like four or five months. Then he got me like a Valentine's Day gift. And I was like, oh my God.

- I thought you were gonna say I have it locked and loaded now and now I can be the real me. - We both had like completely different ideas of what our first Valentine's Day would be like. We were so serious from the minute we started dating. So I was like, I could get engaged. Like I was like, I got him such a serious gift and he got me like a jokey gift. - Wait, what was, can you tell us? Is it private? - It's like, it's still a sore subject.

And that was our first like conflict. I had never really like had to say like this upset me before. And so it took me a few days to be like, like that gift like hurt my feelings. Like I thought like we're already told each other we loved each other. Like our families have met. Like that's what you got me for our first Valentine's Day. And like,

It hurt. And so then he got me like, you know, a nice cute little necklace and I felt much better about it. But I had to like speak up and be like, absolutely. Yeah. And it wasn't about like what the gift was really. It was just like it was clearly like a jokey gift. And also I got such a serious gift. Right. Well, I think what throws people off, especially in a relationship, is when you're falling in love with someone and you're thinking this is my person and they get they get you a gift that.

Does not resonate with you whatsoever. Yeah. And you kind of panic. No. And it's like. Not. Symbolic of like. Where the relationship is. I'm like. So did I think the relationship. Is somewhere that it's not. Exactly. Because that's something I need to know. But like. No. He was. He's like. Dead serious about me. So. Get me a serious gift. Also. Men. Period. Yeah. And also just like. They just suck at that type of thing. Jewelry is fine. Like it didn't. If even if. Even if it was something. I never wanted to wear. Like I'd be like. He's serious about me. He got me jewelry. Yes. Not like a prank. Right. Yeah.

Was it a full on prank? You don't have to tell me what it was. Yeah. No, no, no. It was just like a little tchotchke that really reminded him of me. Got it. Like a white elephant gift. Like a paperweight. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like a white elephant gift. Exactly. Like a stocking stuffer. Basically. Yes. Exactly. Okay. I feel that. No, that would have annoyed me too. I went, I got him a Cartier, the bracelet on the string. This one. Okay. So I was like, I mean business. Where are you?

Where are you? That is incredible. It's not like I was like looking for gifts and I wasn't gonna like, I wasn't showing up to the exchange. Match my energy, babe. Match my energy. And I thought we were matched. That's why I heard. I, you know what? I totally feel that, but it sounds like he redeemed himself. And it was a good lesson for me to be like,

Okay, I just have to tell him. And then he got me like a sweetheart necklace and I was so happy. Oh my God, that's so cute. Yeah, I love a heart necklace. I don't know if that's what you meant by sweetheart necklace, but I do love just a heart necklace. It was like a little heart on like a gold string. And I don't wear, like I'm not wearing any jewelry right now. I'm like literally only wearing this ugly ass aura ring. I don't even wear my wedding ring. Oh God, I want to take it away, but I'm addicted to my data. They're never sponsoring us ever. Every time I see my aura ring, I'm like...

You got to add 50 more rings to your hand to kind of like. You have to be a person who wears a lot of rings. Right. I only wear this one. I'm not even wearing my wedding ring. Like I really don't even wear jewelry. So I didn't need anything like crazy. But I do love like one dainty necklace. Yes. So let it be from my man. 100%.

And I mean, I'm just obsessed with it. It's so funny you said that because I just, so I wore it religiously and then I couldn't handle how it looked and I gave it up. Okay. And then I was like,

like I like found it in my drawer and I just picked it back up again I'm talking about it like it's heroin like it's like it's like a street drug and I just I just picked it back up and like I can't move on but you really do get obsessed with the data yeah you do and it's like my sleep is garbage because I have a baby and I'm like I don't know what I'm looking to see here they're like you're not well try and get some rest today

That's why I stopped wearing it. It's because I would wake up in the morning and it would basically say, are you ready to have a shit day? Good luck and take care of yourself. And I'm like, no, no, no. I need to hear something different. Yeah. You know? A hundred percent. Maybe if I was training for a marathon, I'd be like, okay, I got 20,000 steps today. Tomorrow will be better. Right.

No, but I still need to know how many hours to the fucking minute I slept. I have to know. Or I can't. I can't function. I spend the whole day thinking about it. It's sick. Aura, we are here to be your spokespeople. Yeah, because we can't quit it. You know? We can't quit. And it's actually as nice looking as tech jewelry gets.

Thank you. That is the truth. Apple Watch, get out of here. Fitbit, goodbye. This is really as good as it gets. Yeah.


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On the morning toast, your podcast that you do with Claudia, your sister, you guys talk pop culture every day. Every day. You guys record it literally every day. Yeah, we record every morning and then we post it right when we're done. Okay. First of all, you are superhuman and I don't know how you can do that. Second of all, I want to know what your day is like. Like, do you wake up in the morning, check your aura ring data, and then go straight to Daily Mail? No.

So I wake up in the morning. I actually don't check my ordering until later in the day. I'm like, oh, why do I feel like shit? Like, let's see what's really get such little sleep or if like it took me so long to fall asleep. I'll be like, I'll wake up and be like, how long did it take me? What was my latency? Okay, that's smart. Check it later. Yeah. So now I mean, I just moved. And so now I have a studio. I moved to Florida.

So I have a studio in my house. So my day is a little bit different than it was a few months ago when I was in New York and we were both in the studio. Right. But I will wake up and it's not until like an hour and a half before we're supposed to record that I like start my makeup. We do our own hair and makeup because we do video every day too. Oh my God, you do it every day? Yeah. With a baby? Yeah. So then...

Like I'll do my hair and makeup and then I'll go upstairs like to the studio and then I'll sit down with my iPad and like look through stories. Now sometimes something happened the day before. It's like, oh, I know that's going to be a story already or I'll have like a save tab on my Instagram being like, okay, those two things we'll talk about and then I have to go find other stories. Some days it's like so easy. Other days there's nothing to talk about. It's just like pop culture, innocuous, like fun.

You know? Right, right. Well, we're going to talk about pop culture right now. Cool. Because I rarely talk about it. And obviously you're the perfect person. There's a lot of love in the air. Okay. From what I've gathered. Okay? So Emily Ratajkowski has been seen with Brad Pitt. Obsessed. Yeah. You love this. I do. You stand this. I feel like Brad Pitt's someone we've been trying hypothetically to set up.

For years Like one time He was spotted With Kourtney Kardashian He was? He went to Sunday service Years ago And we just like Had in our heads That him and Kourtney Were getting together Okay I think he'd get along Better with Khloe But if Emily Ratajkowski Is what he's feeling I think that's cute You are all about that Yeah I just like Want to see him In a relationship

I don't see... I don't trust him. You don't trust him? Mm-mm. I don't. Why? I think I just... I really... I think I have... Well, A, I have issues with men. Just trust issues in general. So I'll start there. But the second I know a guy is famous in any capacity, I just... I'm, like, repulsed. You know? It's kind of, like, repellent. Yeah, but... And I don't trust them. But you don't feel that way about the woman, too? That's a really good question because...

I don't notice it as much, probably because I'm not getting in relationships with women. But if I like really sit back and think about it and think about myself and how I've acted in my past, they're they're really doing the same shit. The men and the women that are famous. Yes. Yeah, they are. Yeah. But women get away with it.

Because they're smarter about it is what I think. Yeah. And I do, I will say, isn't there, there has, there is a statistic on how many men cheat compared to women. Oh, is there? There is. And men cheat more? I think they're, I think they're close. Like, I think the percentage is close.

So I don't know why. Maybe it's like the... I grew up in a misogynistic... It's the patriarchy. No, I feel like it's the opposite. Like you have like matriarchy issues because you're like... The women get away with it. I feel like people are most often like, you know, the men hide it better. Like their ambition. Like for women, it's like, oh, she's like too ambitious. No one would say that about a man. Right. You know? Right. No, I do think the women in Hollywood are definitely doing it. I do think...

famous not famous men tend to do it more i think brad pitt is one of the hottest men to walk planet earth emily ratajkowski one of those beautiful women to walk planet earth science and i i mean i would like to watch them have sex or make out or whatever hold hands hopefully we'll see that at least so holding hands i hope and pray but speaking of emily ratajkowski

I think my friend actually sent me an article and it was when Emily was going through her divorce with Sebastian Bear McClard. - I only know that because I'm obsessed with his last name. I call Claudia McClardia because of him. Like literally I call her McClard now.

Because of him. I love that. Yeah. I'm so glad I could fill in the blank for you because I'm obsessed. Yeah. What a name though. Really? Sebastian bear McClard. Yeah. That is, that is a stunning name. It is. It's gorgeous. It really is. Where did bear come from? But let's talk about this guy because the article I was sent, it said, um,

As spoken about on the morning toast, I don't know if it was you or Claudia mentioned, he's known as a serial cheater. Yeah, so we were actually doing a live show on Spotify Live. Our show was called Breaking Bread. It was a moment in time. Hopefully you catched it. Caught it. Oh my God, my grandma. No.

um people were writing in the comments like uh and this was before like the news broke so people were writing that her husband like had cheated on her and that they were divorcing and i guess like it was something that people had known but it wasn't really in the news yet because she hadn't like put out a statement or anything not that like he was cheating on her the whole time and everybody knew but that like that the news wasn't out yet but that it's happening okay see i was like hoping wishing for some intel i thought we're gonna come in here and be like

I saw Sebastian at a party once Oh my god And like da da da da da But no No You don't have any of that I don't have any of that And I feel like she's the type That the minute she found out She was like goodbye Get the fuck out Oh yes Good day sir Yes Like

You know what? She released a book. Was it a book or an essay? Both. She's done both. Okay. And she said something a little bit peculiar, I remember, about him saying, I know he's going to be into other women or something like that. Do you remember that? No. She did. She said something along those lines. Like, I just have to learn to be okay with him being into that.

I'm going to look it up. I'm going to report back. But I remember reading that and thinking it was a little bit strange. Yeah. And it's funny when you read something like at the time and they're together, you're like, oh, they have, you know, a very modern situation. And then you read and now you think about in the context of like what we know now. And it's like, oh, no, it was never a good thing that he was always into other women. Yes. Yes.

It was not. Which I mean, I used to think I could do the open relationship thing. That was me being young and just trying to be cool. I couldn't do it. I could never. Could you? No. No. Absolutely not. I'm like very into like closed circle. Yeah. We don't have openings. I'm sorry. Okay. Exclusive. Conclusions closed. Okay. Zero bond. Like we hear you. Yeah.

That's my marriage. I fucking love that. Okay, so Ellen Radikowski, there was, oh, Leonardo DiCaprio. It's so funny, 20, 30 years later, who are the guys we're talking about? Right. Brad Pitt and Leo. The same guys. Yeah. Yeah.

They just withstand the time. Yeah. Oh, my God. I keep laughing at every meme about him. You would think it gets old. Like most things on the Internet get old in five minutes. Yeah. It's still funny. I think I guess it's good for him that he's dating someone who's 27. Who is? Gigi Hadid. OK, so he was with Camille Camilla Camilla. Yeah. Yeah. Stunning, beautiful, gorgeous.

they were together for a while. Yeah. And they broke up. She was getting really ambitious in her career and they couldn't spend that much time together. And he was kind of like, I like we should be spending more time or she wanted that. And so she was like, all right, well, fuck you. I'm going to be a huge actress. Okay. That makes, that's like a,

a good story and that works. She's also going to be in the Daisy Jones and the Six TV series. It's a book that was like really popular and she is playing, actually the girl's name is Cammie in the book. So maybe that's like the beginning of something great for her and a good time for her to be single. And if it was on her terms, then like that works for me. I really hope it wasn't like she turned 25 and he was like, time's up. Hashtag time's up. Yeah, wait. I hope for that too and I probably should not have shared that. No,

No, I think that's a good story. I think that like is good for both parties. Yeah, it is. So and Gigi is how old? 27, I think. Okay. So he went over the hump. Okay. Growth. But it's like still he's 40. But he's 27. But we small games. Small games in two year increments. Like we'll take it. Yeah. If you were Gigi Hadid, would you take a chance on Leo? No.

He's like not my vibe. He seems like he's so annoying. He doesn't seem like someone I want to chat with. Wait, I feel the same way. Titanic, I'm down. I would have been into it. And then over time, I think it was that last movie that Netflix tried to make a thing and it was so fucking bad. What is it? Don't look up. I never saw it. It looked bad. Don't waste two seconds of your time. We need to defund Netflix.

Because they have way too much money and they're making way too many movies and they're just putting out garbage. Yeah.

That's another thing I shouldn't have said Netflix I love you And I do want a special One day and I will Take that back But I think just over time Leo lost his luster Yeah I agree I mean in Titanic He's super handsome Wolf of Wall Street Leo is also pretty good But I just don't He's not really like Someone that I Would care to spend time with No Like if I were Emily Ratajkowski Like I wouldn't be going for

for Leo. Absolutely not. Brad Pitt though, yeah. Yeah. Leo, like you see him running around New York with the hoodie and the belly and the hood on and just... There are fat guys referred to as a belly. I couldn't say dad bod. I had to say belly. And he's just like, I feel like he's just coming around corners and like in alleyways. Don't you get that vibe now that you mention it?

He's like, he's a creep. Like, he really gives off creeper vibes. Like, just be normal. Yeah. You know? I get he's trying to be low-key so people don't notice him. But Leo, like, we notice. And, like, you're being more creepy. Yeah. By trying to be, like, discreet. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, Leo. You need to knock it off. I have to talk about this couple things.

Logan Paul and Nina Agdal. Yeah. Yeah. She used to date Leo. Yes. So apparently she posted something and maybe this was just like a bullshit article, but it was trying to basically say that Leo had tried to reach out to her recently. And she was like, bye boy, like boy bye. Yeah. Yeah.

Anyways, so Leo's out here doing God knows what in his fucking hoodie and his fucking jeans and his sneakers that are 10 years old. But she is dating Logan Paul. Is that a real relationship? This is the first I'm hearing of it. Oh, really? Yeah. And I think it's really cute.

Okay, well, I think it's really cute too. How can you... I think you would be an expert on this. How can you tell what's a publicity stunt and what's not? I think it just depends on the people. And then also the timing. Like, what do they have to gain? Like, what's coming out? Is there a reason we're hearing from this person more? And then it's also like the people. Do they seem compatible? Smart. And do they both have something to gain? Does one of them seem like they would never go for something like this? Like, I feel like when Pete Davidson and Kim started dating, people were like, it's PR for the show. And I just feel like Pete would never...

Be in a PR relationship I also don't think Kim would Yes But I just like I never got that vibe Right But also sometimes I'm like so naive I always say this on the show Like two people could be Like spotted together Uh huh And I'm like Oh no no no They're not dating It's like probably A business meeting Like when Kourtney Kardashian And Travis Barker Were first together I'm like no They're just like friends Right They're literally like Fucking on the beach I'm like

friends and they're just like it's business. But I also feel like you can be very naive in the opposite way where you're like you and Jay Cutler are together. Yes, yes, yes. My radar is like off a lot but that's where I live in a delusional world. Which I think is fantastic to live there. You believe in love and true love and because you're in it. Yeah and like all these couples that I don't want to see break up like well maybe if I convince

Myself That they haven't Like I don't know them I'm never gonna see them At a party separately So like Why do I have to tell myself They broke up I love that You believe in love And I think a lot of people In this day and age Are very jaded And I think that's Fucking fantastic Yeah the problem is that Like then stuff comes out About the relationship Like then they all like Go do their tell-alls And

And it's like, oh, I actually can't endorse this anymore. Oh, and you have to backtrack on everything he said. This was bad. This was toxic. We have to let it go. Yeah. So this was...

something that really stood out to me and I couldn't really wrap my brain around it and I want you to dissect it with me. So Logan is talking about his relationship with Nina. Okay. Who is a former Victoria's Secret model, right? And well, the article said, despite usually keeping details of his relationships a secret, Logan Paul has admitted to having, quotation marks, intimacy problems with his new model girlfriend. Okay.

And then this is what Logan had to say. He said, I'll be kissing my girlfriend and I'll pull back and I won't move my mouth and you'll hear, parentheses, makes a gurgling noise. I'll be kissing my girlfriend and I pull back and I...

So and then he follows up by saying, so that happens to my throat from time to time. It becomes a huge sticking point in my relationship. Oh, is this a pure stunt that I'm burn? I actually think that's like, I actually think that this is a real relationship because that's like, I mean, I've never experienced that, but I feel like he's like opening up. What did he say this on a podcast? That sounds like something you share on a podcast. I don't know. I think he actually said it on his own on his own podcast. Yeah, I feel like that's him just like opening up about like Logan Ting's.

What's going on with Logan this week? And you are chalking it up to heartburn. Yeah, no, I think he's like having some gastrointestinal issues. That is, you know, my mind did not go there. Well, he says he struggles with intimacy problems. So I automatically thought it had something to do with his psyche. And maybe it's just kissing is too intimate. You know, and oh my God, what is the movie with the

The prostitute movie. Pretty Woman. The prostitute movie. Wow. That is, I will never call it the best movie of all time. Okay. She won't kiss the men. Yeah. She will just fuck them. Because it's too intimate. Kissing is too intimate. So that's where my brain went. Maybe Logan feels like a prostitute. Or like the relationship's not at the level of kissing yet. Right. Right, right, right. Mm.

I think Logan, I think maybe he's just more of a stick it in and the kissing is just too intimate for him. But you know what? I don't know. It also does, now that you point it out, sound like a heartburn. Absolutely. Yeah. We need to send him some Pepto-Bismol or some Tums or something. Yeah, it could be just as simple as that. Yes. Don't overthink it. Right? And that's causing intimacy problems. Yeah. I get it. I get it. I get it.

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I want to move on to listener questions. Okay. Save our sleuths.

Um, let's start with the first one. Hi, Sloot. How do I say no to people without feeling super fucking guilty about it? I have been a yes man my whole life and it makes me feel super overwhelmed and burnt the fuck out. I want to start saying no to things like projects at work or plans on my time off, but I feel so guilty and end up saying yes. How do I get over the guilt? Love you, Sloot. Oh, I mean, you have to, but you also need to like,

prioritize and you can't say now no to everything. Yes. You know, especially at work. They'll be like, okay, get out of here. Right, right. But you need to really like think about like why can't you do something? Like is it really, sometimes it's just, it's really easier to say yes because like the mental gymnastics you have to do to come up with a

reason to say I was like not worth it and I'd rather not stress about it and just doing it is easier which is probably I probably have the same issue as this person sometimes but I also feel like eventually you get into a place in your life where you actually can't say yes to everything yeah and you just have to have a good enough reason to

That like within yourself, you're okay with it. You're like, no, I literally could not say yes because I have this, that, and this going on. Right, right. I think it's about getting to know yourself and your limits. Yeah. Is really like what it boils down to. I know for me, I am a very in the moment hype person.

woman type of person and you could be like we're going to the cemetery like right after this let's go and I'll be like oh my god yes like I'm coming you know like I get very caught up in the moment and I'll just say yes yes yes people need to stop taking a yes so literally do you do you like a suggestion right

If I say yes in the moment, I'm not signing a contract. I'm not signing on the dotted line. It wasn't a blood oath. It was just like, yeah, that sounds fantastic. I didn't mean anything behind it.

You were just like being supportive of your ideas. Right. I mean, sometimes I mean it, but sometimes I don't. And especially if you're trying to plan something, you know, a month out. Yeah. Relax. And I feel like probably the people in your life know you at this point to know that like the yes is extremely tentative. You should circle back with her a day of. Yes. Yes. I still do get in a lot of trouble with my really close friends and I have been working on it. I've been a lot better about it. That's great.

That's good. Are you, do you have an easy time saying no? Can you just be like, no. Yes. Now in my life I do because there are so many things that I can't do it. But sometimes it is easier to say yes. It just depends on what is being asked of me. Who's asking it.

and what it really costs me to say yes or no I totally agree I think a lot of times with work I have a really hard time saying no yeah because then I feel really guilty yeah because you just want to be doing everything but you also have to assess like what really is valuable and like what is a waste of your time exactly because you'll you'll burn out I also am one of those people that I have no problem saying no to a lot of things and then I am crippled in a ball on my bed with FOMO

So I just need help all around and we can just move on from that question. Okay, let's move on to this next one. Why do pretty girls sometimes never get approached by guys? Not trying to sound conceited, but I am an attractive girl, as I've been told by both male and female friends. Okay, girlfriend, we were not doubting you. We believe you. Send me a picture. Yeah, I'm doing it.

I believe you. And I actually completely agree with this person that this happens sometimes. Okay. And I feel like there's sometimes in some girls and like their look that just they're so pretty, but they just like look high maintenance. I feel like I'm I mean, I haven't been in the game in a while, but I feel like I look like a lot of work, you know, and it's like, I'll go with the girl who looks like chiller right over there. You know, I feel like some people just like put forth that energy and other girls, but anything.

But I guess it's less, I don't know how pretty and everything is subjective and people have different tastes. But I do feel like there are girls that just seem more approachable and like down to earth. And just because you might look like not down to earth doesn't mean that you aren't or that you are high maintenance. But that just might be like the energy you're putting forth, which is like, hey, I'm a lot of work. Come chat. Come chat.

So I was going to say the exact same thing. I think it has less to do with her appearance and has everything to do with the energy. Yeah. You know? And I also feel like sometimes you might not even realize it, especially if you're shy or, you know, you're like with your girls, like you might be putting yourself in situations where you look intimidating. Like,

if you're with intimidating looking people, if you're all huddled together, like if it doesn't look like there's a point of entry, like I don't know what the right body language is to like signify that you are interested in chatting. It's definitely not arms crossed. I know that. That's like, I love standing with my arms crossed like this. I don't have to teach myself to just hands to the side. That's so standoffish. Right? Yeah. It's so comfortable. I know. No, I totally agree. I'm literally sitting here, legs crossed, arms crossed, like couldn't be more comfortable.

more tense. I just like realize I'm like, relax. Right. It's like a ramrod. You can slouch a little. Okay, this is gonna be our last question. What are your thoughts on women dating younger men? I'm 26 and the guy I have been talking to lately is 21. Here's the dilemma. This man owns his own house, has a great job, is super

kind, mature, and pretty much everything you'd want in a man. Meanwhile, I'm 26, have a shit job, and live in an apartment. It gives me anxiety knowing this man has his stuff figured out. Meanwhile, I'm over here struggling through life. LOL. Thoughts.

Okay, this is interesting to me. Yeah. Because the, I mean, first thing I'm going to say is we don't play the comparison game. Right. Ever. But usually when I see people playing the comparison game, it's with your peers or people that you see on Instagram or you know what I'm saying? Yeah. I've never like done the comparison game with someone I'm dating. I always want them to be...

kind of more elite than I am. Yeah, or just doing their own thing. Like where it's like, I don't even know what you're doing right or wrong because it's so out of my wheelhouse. Right. But I feel like when you're dating someone like opposites, really they do attract. And I feel like in this situation, if this 21 year old guy was dating a fellow 21 year old overachiever, like they would make each other crazy. And it might be like good for him to be with someone who has taken things at a different pace. And I feel like

Typically, you know, and they say like women are more mature than men. So it makes sense. Like when women date older men, they're more on the same level. But everyone is different. There's exceptions to every single rule. So if you found a 21 year old who is the kind of guy that you want to be with right now and you guys are working, like I wouldn't get caught up in the semantics. Like as what works, works. Right. I mean, she's basically saying I have the perfect guy. The only issue is the age issue. You do not break up over something like that. No, you don't.

Unless it's maybe in like 30, 40 years difference. Oh, yeah. But then it's like, why did you start dating in the first place? Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Then there's an issue. But I mean, they're five years apart. Girlfriend. It's just some people have lived a lot of fucking life by the time they're 21. And they have the mentality and the maturity of a 35 year old, you know? Right. And they would also say like,

okay maybe you don't own your house but you're older than him you're wiser and you're a woman like you have a lot to offer too so don't just like whatever he has like stacked up is really cool for him yeah but like you have things that make you like unique and great and smart and like lean into those things instead of trying to just compare with what he has exactly and his success has nothing to do with your success like you focus on you and you and he likes you like you're good enough like you're good enough I love that

And also, take what's his. Hello. Hi. Like, we're trying to step up. We're trying to ladder up. Yeah. Okay. Join forces. Jocky, this has been...

so fucking good and I knew it was going to be this great of an episode. Thank you so much for coming on. Where can they find you? You can find me every morning on, you know, mid-morning, early afternoon on the Morning Toast on YouTube, podcasts, everywhere you got your podcasts. You can follow us on Instagram at the Morning Toast and you can follow my personal Instagram at Jackie Oshry, O-S-H-R-Y, Jackie with an O. Oh my God, Jackie with an O.

Wait, Jackie with a what? With an O. Oh, the last name. Yeah, yeah. You're like joking. I was like, wait, wait, wait. Where is the O? I'm like, I should be good at this shit because mine's Sophie with an F, Franklin with a Y. You guys obviously know where to find me. Jackie again, thank you so much. And Sleuths, I will see you next week. Bye. Bye, thanks.