cover of episode 90: The Adventures of Robinhoe ft. Bunnie Xo

90: The Adventures of Robinhoe ft. Bunnie Xo

Publish Date: 2022/8/18
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Sofia with an F


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Hey everybody, welcome to Sophia with an F. I am recording from Nashville, Tennessee. I've always wanted to come here. I'm so fucking excited to be here. I can't wait to buy cowgirl boots. That's the real reason I fucking came. I'm fucking kidding. The real reason I came is Bunny.

Bunny, who is my guest today. Hi, Bunny. Hey, baby. Hi, babe. How are you? I'm really, really good. I was just on Bunny's podcast, The Dumb Blonde Podcast. Yes. We had a really amazing episode. And before we really dive in, I just need to give a little backstory because I got into Nashville yesterday. Okay.

I'm sitting at my Airbnb. I'm like working on my laptop. And all of a sudden I see you on the television and I'm like, who is this bitch? Like, hi, I'm with a celebrity. You're so fucking famous. What was that about? You were in a music video with your boyfriend or your husband. Yeah. So my husband is jelly roll. Um,

He just did a collab with Brantley Gilbert. So I think the video that you saw was Son of the Dirty South with Brantley Gilbert. So if you guys haven't heard that song,

Go download it, stream it, play it, listen to it. And go watch the video because I'm in it. I love a girl who stands for a man like that. Do you ever get annoyed when people refer to you or they're like, you're Jelly Roll's wife? Yes, I hate that. Annoying as fuck, right? Yeah, it drives me crazy, which is why I have my own brand, which is the Bunny XO brand, the Dumb Blonde podcast and stuff like that, because...

When I first got with Jay, everybody used to say, oh, she's a gold digger. You know, she's only with him for money. When we first got together, he didn't have anything. I was the one. He was sleeping on my couch. And he's done so many interviews. He just did the Burt Kreischer interview where he was talking about, you know, how we met and stuff like that. And, you know, when we...

we first got together, I was just like, I don't want to just be a musician's wife. I want to be, there's so much more to me, so many layers. I'm like a Taco Bell seven layer burrito without the beans. You are like a cat who's lived, like has nine lives. You have like 50 lives.

Yeah, no, it's crazy. Because I did a deep dive. You are a hundred times more interesting to me. No offense to your husband. He's incredible. We love daddy. Shout out daddy. Daddy. I love that. I call him daddy roll. Daddy roll. Hi, daddy roll. But you are fascinating because you have this extremely successful podcast. You're an extremely successful businesswoman, entrepreneur,

millions of followers between Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, what have you.

And you've came a long way from what I've gathered. From being a Vegas hoe. I love you for that. Thank you for saying that. I really appreciate you saying that because a lot of women want to be complimented on how they look. I want to be complimented on things I've accomplished. Like that's my kink. Okay, mic drop and interview over and let's just fucking go. Can I have that clip for my TikTok? Thank you.

No, I fucking love that. And because you're so successful, I want to talk about and kind of like back it up how it started. Okay. So I was born in Houston and grew up in Vegas. My family moved there when I was like five. So I literally am a West Coast girl through and through. West Coast is the best coast, baby. Yeah.

Grew up in a really... Actually, what happened was my dad was a musician. So funny, I married a musician because... Oh, interesting. He was a musician. And, you know, we kind of lived the rock and roll lifestyle all the way until I was 12 years old. And then they became...

Bible thumpers, like super strict Pentecostal. I couldn't listen to secular music. I couldn't watch anything that wasn't rated G. If it was rated above G on the movie scale, I wasn't allowed to watch it. So your family was kind of...

kind of living like this rock and roll lifestyle and then just did a complete 180. Did a complete 180. My dad was an alcoholic and I think he might have cheated a few times. That's his repertoire. Shout out Bill. We love Bill. Bill?

Bill's been on the podcast too. He is to this day. My dad is almost, he's going to kill me for saying this. My dad's almost 80 years old. He is Mac and hose and chilling. I mean, Oh, he is fucking bitches left and right. He's got a girlfriend who's like 30 years. She's only 10 years older than me. Like it's crazy. Okay. Bill needs to come on. Dad's got the sauce. Okay. Is that gross to say? I don't know. Okay.

No, it's hot. Shout out, Bill. We love Bill. You gotta meet Bill. Bill would love you. He would be hitting on you left and right. Let me tell you. Who does Bill not love, though? Bill loves all the hoes. He really does. Like, Bill is all for the hoes. I love that. So, yeah. I grew up living, like, the rock and roll lifestyle. My dad, you know, I would fall asleep with my dad's band playing across the room from me. There was...

sex, drugs, rock and roll. There's porn on TV all the time. Like it was crazy. Like if I could just paint a picture for you like that. Holy shit. How old are you? Oh, I was five fucking just rocking and rolling. I remember I came in one time from like playing outside. I think I shoved a rock up my nose or something.

And there was full on porn on the TV, like just some chick getting banged out, you know? And of course when you're that young, you don't understand. Right. And then as you get older, you're like, Oh, you little dirty dogs, you know? But it's fine. Um, that lifestyle molded me into the woman that I am. And I think, um, I was more attracted to the darker side, the seedier side of life than I was like the square side of life. Yeah. So when my parents made this hold, um,

whenever I turned fucking 12, it was really hard for me. Right. Like I had an abusive stepmom. The way I look at it is, you know, my stepmom,

taught me how to be a woman she taught me to do my makeup she taught me to do my hair she taught me how to cook and how to keep a house and stuff like that but on the flip side she was also extremely verbally abusive put my head through walls and fucking I literally had to fist fight a fucking 510 cowgirl all the time from Texas yeah yeah you had to be an adult when you were a little kid absolutely right yep and do you feel like that has contributed to how you are today yeah

I think it has made me not have a victim mentality because I don't like wallowing, I guess you could say. And so for that, I'm thankful. You know, a lot of people, when things happen to them as children, you can either internalize it or you can externalize it. And I think I kind of used it as like my power to like get the fuck out. So I left home when I was 14. Yeah.

14 is insane. Yeah, I never went back. Because you're, I mean, what, a freshman in high school or like middle school? Yeah. When you were 14, you left. I was going into, I was in my freshman year, I left. And you left. Mm-hmm. It's so interesting. You mentioned that

And I'm going to misquote you and you can correct me. We're like for every brick that has been thrown at me, I use them to stand on. I butchered that 100%. No, pretty much. I've said that. And I've also said every brick that is thrown at us, we've used to build our empire. Yes. Yeah. Can you elaborate a little bit on that? Because I think that's very interesting. Yeah, absolutely. So I have a rule.

My manager knows this too. If something upsets me or I get mad or upset about something, I give myself 24 to 48 hours to fucking wallow in my misery, to fucking cry about it, kick about it, scream about it, fucking cuss it out, beat it to death. But when that 24 to 48 hours is up, you get the fuck up and you tell life it hits like a bitch. You literally have to do that.

If not, your sadness or your anger is going to consume you. And what the fuck is productive about that? 24 to 48 hours is a pretty quick turnaround. If you think about it. Oh, yeah. For me,

serious trauma like do you still have that rule it depends so I'm talking about like breakups I'm talking about like maybe I would say superficial trauma like if there's something going on like where you're getting raped or you know I was in an abusive relationship it took me six years to heal from that but I didn't wallow in it

I think it's okay to feel sorry for yourself for 24 to 48 hours. And then after that, you need to figure it out. Like, are you going to let this make you or break you? Right. You know? So I think there's a turning point whenever something traumatic happens to you. Yes. You need to feel it. Yes. You need to go through it. But if you keep,

repeating it in your mind, you're going to condition your mind to want to just feel sorry for yourself. Yeah. So it's like, I think it just depends. It's a case by case basis for sure, because there is some fucked up shit that has happened in this world, you know, and 24 to 48 hours. Yes. There's a short amount of time, but. But I mean, I think what you're saying is you're not necessarily healed. Right. 24 to 48 hours. No, no, no, never. It's you've made like a conscious decision.

To not let it break you. Let's work on it. Yeah, exactly. Right? Yes, to move forward. Yeah. I actually, I totally agree with that. I think you can have a certain amount of time where you just lay in your bed. I just want to sit in this sadness, depression. But eventually...

48 hours later, you need to start making moves even if you don't feel healed, even if you don't feel ready to. Because that's what's going to get you healed. Absolutely. When you're depressed, they say the number one thing is to get up and get fucking moving. Because when you sit there and you... When I get depressed, because I battle severe depression too, suicidal ideation and all that stuff...

when a lot of people like to sit in that feeling. I don't know how people do that because I don't want to be there. Like it's scary in that fucking time. You know, I want to get up, put fucking makeup on, go to work, do something to take my mind off of it and be productive because when you're productive, you're working towards a goal. So that kind of is like an adrenaline rush. It gets the serotonin going, you know? Whereas if you just sit there and you just think about how miserable you feel over and over again, you get on a loop.

That's not healthy. No, not at all. And thank you so much for sharing that. I would love to ask you because I mean, I've definitely gone through severe depression before in my life. I think a lot of people listening have.

And the issue is getting that, like, oomph to actually get up, act on it, do something. How do you even get that? I mean, you have to. It's either you fuck it, it's kill or be killed, you know? And it's like, I think...

You know, a lot of people probably might not agree with my outlook on things like that. But the way I look at it is like you can't let something consume you because you could end up making a permanent decision based on temporary emotions, you know, and that is not a good thing. You want to try to pull yourself out of it. So it's crazy. Like even on my most depressed days, if I get up and go get my ass on the stair stepper or even fucking walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes. Yeah.

I feel so much better. I don't feel completely better, but I feel like in that moment in time, at least I did something to better myself. Yeah. Taking a shower. It's cleansing. And they even say like a lot of people who believe in like manifestation and stuff like that, when you go into the shower, if you close your eyes and you just kind of meditate and you just picture the water just rinsing off that sadness, rinsing off that anger, just letting go. Water is so healing. It is. You know?

And just to visualize that helps a lot too. I wasn't into manifestation until this year because I've been working with my coach, Glenn Cohen. He's fucking amazing. If you guys ever need a therapist, he's fucking awesome. I never realized the power of meditation. It's really amazing because I could never turn my thoughts off to sit there and actually like meditate and, you know, fucking get lost in myself. But I've been doing it with him and it's really an amazing journey.

So meditation, you've recently started doing that and that's made a big change. Oh yeah, for sure. What kind of meditation do you do? Because I recently started implementing that as well. So I don't know the name of it, but the way that this therapy is that I've been doing is I close my eyes. He counts to 10. We meditate back to like certain parts of my childhood and like going back and seeing the child again.

me talking to the child, me meeting my pods, which is, I don't wanna give away too much because it's like his sauce and his formula, but like, you know, as a child, we get implemented with pods from every traumatic thing that happens to us.

A pod could be like critical thinker, overachiever, you know, violence. I'm a very violent person. That's one of my pods, you know? So it's like we go back to those and we see where that pod first started and we, you know, we meet them where they're at and then kind of just walk through your life. Like it's crazy. Yeah. Talking to your inner child. That's, I mean, maybe he does it a little bit different, but that's like what I, I mean, I've definitely done that in therapy before.

What do you mean when you say you're a very violent person? Well, I was raised in violence. Okay. So my stepmother was extremely violent. I had to fight my whole life. You know, so...

Of course, being a child who was abused, which is what it was. And I hate saying that because it makes me sound like a victim. But it doesn't, right? Which I'm learning at the same time is like when I talk about, oh, I had somewhat of a traumatic childhood or whatever. I think and when I look at you, Bunny, it's so much more just a testimony to that.

resilient and how beautiful of a human you are. I mean, look at you now. I think it's not really a sob story. It's like you can deal with shit and fucking turn it into whatever you want. Yeah, I appreciate that. So yeah, you know, growing up in a violent home, of course, you know, I was an angry child because I wasn't being heard at home. Anytime I had an opinion, it got snuffed out with, you know, violence.

So I fought in school. I got kicked out of numerous private schools for fighting. I got kicked out of fucking public school for fighting. I actually got kicked out of high school for fighting because I punched the principal, Mr. Gunderson. Well, he got in between a fight and I blacked out and this guy was 400 pounds and he sat on me. So I was pissed and I was swinging, you know, and he was just like, Alyssa, you know, it's my name.

You cannot like we can't do this anymore. It's your junior year. You're fighting everybody like. Yeah. Just go home. Right. You know, I mean, some people would see that as an issue. I think that's like actually pretty incredible of you. To be honest, you used to beat everybody up. You big fucking bully. I think it's amazing. No, I think it's a lot of people. You know, you were you were being active.

Oh, yeah. Similar to how you deal with feelings of like severe depression and stuff. You act. I think that's a huge thing. I think it's my Aries moon. I'm a fighter. Is that what it is? Yeah. I'm not saying like punch people in the face and like that's how you deal with shit. But, you know, you were doing something about your feelings.

which I think is lovely. Yeah. They made those fucking rooms. What are they called? The smash rooms for people like me. Those were designed for people like me, for sure. And it's, you know, violence is never the answer. No. Guys, no. It's never the answer. I have to give that as a disclaimer, but God, is it fun. I've gone in a few...

cat fights girl fights in my day and I wasn't any good I would always get my ass beat 100% I would just go for the hair oh yeah like I didn't know how to fucking fight so I was always I always looked up to the girls who knew what the fuck they were doing yeah well no I got I got beat up the first time I ever got in a fight I got jumped by three girls and I went home and Bill was like no bitch

My daughter's not going to lose. So he took me out in the backyard for two weeks and whooped my ass, taught me how to fight and was like, he would put his hands up, hit me, hit me, hit me. And for two weeks he was just like, now, if somebody ever comes at you again, this is what you do.

Of course he created a monster because I became the bully, you know, which is never good. Being a bully is never a good thing. No. Yeah. But I see you more as like fighter Christina Aguilera. Like that song. That's what I like. I never started them. I just finished them. That was the thing. Okay. Yeah. I like that. I mean, Bill, maybe that wasn't the best way, but also like in a way, like congrats, like high five Bill. Yeah. Well, he didn't raise a pussy and that's a good thing.

We love Bill. And Bill actually is the reason I got into my line of work because he was always just like, men are trash. Don't ever depend on a man. Yep. Have your own shit. Yep. If you're going to marry, marry for money. And my dad has, you know, always told me that. And I was just like, I'm not, I'm not going to marry people for money. Like that's fucking, I can't do that. That's not me, you know, but yeah,

I will be like Robin Hood and steal from the rich and give to the poor and the poor was me. Okay. I need you to elaborate on that. So, okay. Um,

Well, Robin Hood, give us the tea. So I always felt like if these men are going to cheat on their wives and they're going to trick off money on females, then they deserve to have their money taken from them. Yeah. Like I'm doing a service for the good of the people, you know? Like if you want to give me all your money, okay, fine, you know? And

A lot of times whenever you're in that line of work, you don't end up having sex with the people. Of course, you do have to have sex with some of your clients and stuff like that or like your sugar daddies who are paying a lot of money. But... Right. Wait, let's back up really fast. Your line of work, what do you mean when you say that? So when I was 21, my...

Well, actually, when I was 18, one of my boyfriends cheated on me with a stripper. I was working a regular job and like barely even making fucking ends meet. I grew up in Vegas. All my girls were dancers by the time they were 18. You know, I was the only one who tried to have a moral compass because of religious trauma. Right. And

So you were at Target. Right. So I tried to fucking work a regular job. I did real estate. I did, you know, I just fucking did whatever I could to make ends meet. I was like a waitress at Shoney's. I did everything I could. And one of my best friends, Tasha, went with me to pick up one of my paychecks. And she's like, that's all you made in two weeks.

And I was like, yeah, bitch. And she's like, I make that in an hour at work. And then my ex cheated on me with a stripper. So I was like, oh, well, if you're going to cheat on me with a stripper, if she can do it, I can do it better. You know? So I went to my first gig at Cheetah's when I was 18. I get on the floor. I'm fucking dead.

farting because i'm so nervous you know how like you get like bubble guts because you're like so fucking nervous i thought you were gonna say twerking no no it was farting up a storm oh and that was the smelly ones too it was terrible and i walk out on the floor and the first thing this guy says to me is i'll give you seven hundred dollars to kick me in my balls

What? Now I would do that in a heartbeat, but I was so green and so innocent back then that I was like, no, like I can't do this. And I like ran to the dressing room, did not go back to a club till I was 21. Wow. Ended up going back to a strip club, danced for 11 years. And then of course, you know, dancing always turns into something

you know, you meet your customers and they start meeting them outside of the club. And it's just a lifestyle in Vegas. Literally being a working girl is a lifestyle and there's levels to it. You know, there's like track hose, there's high class hose, there's,

Girls that walk the carpet, which are the girls who only work the casinos. Service hoes. I love how you're saying this all casual. I'm like, I've heard of like the hierarchy of hoeing. I've heard sugar baby, escort, prostitute, escort.

Okay, they're all the same thing. But you're saying some shit. When you said girls that walk the carpet, I'm like, the runway? Yeah. Like, bendy? I mean, yeah, I could be considered a runway. So please explain to me the differences. Yeah, I will for sure. So just so everybody's clear, sugar babies, high-class escorts,

What was the other one that you said? Prostitutes. Prostitutes. We're all the same thing. It's sex work. It's sex work. It's sex work. Yeah. But there's levels to this shit. You know, there's girls that will sleep with you for $100 and there's girls that'll sleep with you for $10,000. It just depends. You put your value on yourself. Right. You know? So in Vegas, they have the track, which is like you guys saw your first track. Oh, they didn't believe me about track. What the hell is a track? Oh, yeah.

Wait, what? So a track hoe is a girl who gets it by any means. She does car dates. She'll, you know, sleep with you at the like the weeklies, you know, like budget suite, stuff like that. And those girls are fucking hustlers, man. They go out and get it.

And they risk their fucking lives every day. Like those girls, I shout out to those girls because they're really putting in the work and those bitches are fucking savages. Yeah. And so, you know, there's those that we have girls that are service hoes in Vegas. So there's, I don't know if you've ever been on the Vegas strip and they're clapping the things like this and they have the things of the naked girls on it and stuff like that. So that's, that's services. So what it is, is it's a service that people own.

that, um, employ girls such as myself or, um, other girls. And what they do is they book the calls for you. They take a huge percentage from you, but they'll book the calls for you and they'll send you on these calls. They're not always safe. A lot of girls get arrested because, you know, it's hard to, it depends on the type of phone girl you have. If the phone girl's cool, then normally she'll have your back and won't send you to a fucked up thing. Um,

But so you go and you collect a fee and then you try to work out what you're going to make off of them on top of the fee. And then you have to give the service 50% of whatever you make. 50% is a fucking shit ton. 50% on top of...

having to tip them too. It's a, it's a huge scam. Yeah. That's just, that's ridiculous. I only did that. I only worked for a service if it was super slow and like I needed just the, I needed their advertisement, you know? Got it. I always just wanted to do it on my own. And then there's the, the online hose, which is like me.

Of course, there's Backpage and stuff like that. There's levels to the shit with the online hoes. There's like, it's a whole dynasty. Yeah. Backpage isn't a thing anymore, right? No, it's not. Thank God. Because it was really unsafe. I was never on Backpage, but there was so much scams. And Backpage was equivalent to... I don't want to get...

any of my fellow hoes mad at me when I say this, but a bag page was kind of equivalent to the track hose and the girls who walk the carpet. You know, it was kind of like a low ball and, you know, whatever you could get out of them, you can. I mean, everybody's hustling. We're not knocking anybody's hustle. Everybody's fucking just trying to make a dollar, you know? Right. But there's levels. Yeah, there's levels. And I think that's fair to say. Yeah, absolutely. And so I would put my own ads up and screen my own calls and set my own price and

yeah i wouldn't even get out of bed for less than five thousand dollars you know that's a shit ton of money oh yeah no and it's crazy because people don't believe it but my husband saw it firsthand literally i would tell my husband this whenever we first got together because jelly is so cool he was just like he knew i was in the game and didn't have a problem with it because that's how he met you right no no my husband is not a trick let's just clear this let's clear the air

right now because a lot of people always hear oh bunny was a hoe was he a trick no my husband is a g there is no way that my husband will ever trick off on a girl jelly i know for a fact you did not meet bunny that way so i'm just clarifying it right now you're not a trick no i'll get into how jay and i met um

But whenever we did first get together, you know, my husband didn't have money. We didn't have the money that we have now, you know, and he just told me, you know, you're not you're not going to have to be in this for long. You know, whenever you're ready, come out of me being the strong, independent woman I am. I was like, no, I'm going to make my own money. I love that. I'm never going to live off of you no matter what I have to do.

um but yeah when he first came around he saw like one night i think i made like 20 grand and like he didn't believe me he was at first he was like there's no fucking way you're making this much money and i would just send him videos of like me with the clients and stuff like that of them just handing me just hundreds and thousands of dollars and he would just be like dude this is fucking nuts like i didn't even know this world fucking existed vegas is

fucking crazy and the amount of money yeah that you can make out there is absolutely insane it's crazy it's insane if i was having a bad night i would go on tinder and we call it go we call it going fishing go on tinder pull a trick off of tinder make fucking you know 2500 just for showing up right taking his money so that's what i meant by robin hood right

- Yeah, we're dropping hoods. - If you didn't have enough money to sleep with me, I was still gonna take whatever money you had. So even if I just had to show up and say, "How you doing?" Fucking give you a couple of lap dances, you were still gonna pay me. So it was like pretty much like, and you know, some dudes would want their money back and you know, I've gotten held up in hotel rooms and punched by tricks before and stuff like that. But, and it's not always beautiful. I don't wanna always glamorize it, but at the same time, I made a lot of fucking money.

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Your cash back really adds up. Thank you so much for bringing that up because you listen to my show. I always do a segment, Salute University, where I try to teach something. And in this instance, I'm not that familiar with it. And so I'm so excited to have you on because...

You've talked about being a call girl specifically, right? Yep. Which, what's it, like you got calls? It's just a nice name because no, when I think of the word prostitute, I think back to biblical times. Yeah. Side of the road. Thou for arts, thou prostitute. You know, like Mary Magdalene.

to win days. Like, I just feel like that it sounds so harsh, you know? Whereas I prefer like hooker, hoe, you know, call girl, working girl, lady of the night, you know, stuff like that. Sugaring. Yeah, just, yeah. I mean, at the end of the day, it's all the same end goal. Yeah, for sure. We're all just hustling trying to make a

A dollar. Right. 100%. But I think especially with TikTok and then OnlyFans, which is an incredible platform. It's insane. What do you mean by that? OnlyFans has made me a millionaire. Like, it's just crazy the amount of money that is on fucking OnlyFans. Okay. That is a game fucking changer. It took me out of the game pretty much. Oh.

Yeah. The amount of people I've had on the show that have told me that. And it's like, Sophia, it's time. Yeah. It's time. I will take you under my wing. Come on, baby. I've heard it. Sophia Sloot. We'll just put your OnlyFans name. Sophia Sloot. But there's OnlyFans is I'm not going to say for the most part, but.

You can kind of go about OnlyFans however you want in a safe way for a lot of people. But I think there's this whole thing with sex work because we're becoming more of a progressive society that we talk about sex work in a very positive way. And I'm a full supporter of sex work.

whether it's track girls, sugary, like whatever it is, you know? Yeah. I fully support it. But I think with TikTok and all of these things, we glamorize and romanticize it where it's like this incredible, amazing thing. And there's really a dark side that a lot of people don't talk about. There's a very, very dark side. I have, there's so many of my girlfriends who are still in the game. Shout out to you guys. I love you so much. Um,

There's some of my girls who never made it out the game and they're they died from being addicts or they died at the hands of their pimp or they died on a call because a trick flipped out and killed them. You know, so there there is so much darkness with it. But like I always try to see the silver lining and everything. But it's the truth. You know, it mentally hurts.

I think, you know, because I was sexually abused and I've preached this on my podcast numerous times. Because I was sexually abused and I was raped when I was younger, sex work was my way of taking my power back. It healed so many parts of me and made me feel powerful. Like you can't touch me without paying me, you know. And a lot of little girls get their innocence taken and they –

internalize it. Right. And that follows them through life and they become a perpetual victim. Whereas I was like, fuck that. No dude's ever gonna make me feel like that again. I'm gonna make them feel like this. I have the power to say when, you know, leave when I want to. You know, like it was just...

a whole healing journey. And when I was going through it, I didn't realize it until after I came out of it. And I was like, holy shit, that's what I was doing subconsciously and didn't even realize it. Yeah. Reclaiming your power and your innocence in a way, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, not so much, but like reclaiming this thing that was taken away. Yeah, absolutely. Just never feeling powerless again, because when something traumatic like that happens to you, you feel powerless. Yeah. You feel vulnerable. You feel exposed. And

you spend your whole life searching how to not feel like that, you know? So I think when you do find something that makes you powerful, fucking run with it, dude. And I mean, the plus side to it was I was making so much fucking money doing it, you know? I think that's a very, very profound thing to say because some people would say,

take that as a negative. Oh, this happened to her. So she did this. Yeah. No, I think if anything, it, it was empowering for you and helped you kind of reclaim something that was taken. Yeah. Do you think, I mean, would you like suggest to people like that's one way to like deal with the trauma or I would never suggest that because now having a stepdaughter that's 14, I, I would could never fucking imagine her, uh,

ever being in that lifestyle. Like she wears fucking booty shorts and I want to freak out, you know, I'm like, no, you're not, you're not hot for 14. Stop doing that. 14 year olds aren't hot. Um, you know, no, I don't. That was my way of doing it. Also, the game has changed so much back when I was doing it, it was really taboo. People were actually fucking, um,

safer about it. Um, they were safer. Yeah. Well, I just feel like now it's just like such a fucking free for all and it's so oversaturated and there's so many people in the game. It's just crazy. Okay. Whereas back then it was more planned out. You know, if a guy was going to meet up with you, he had an appointment with you fucking weeks in advance. Whereas now it's like, it's just different, you know, it's just a different world we live in too, you know? Um,

I had a couple girls on the podcast one time and the way that they said it was, if you're not mentally strong enough to get raped and then get back to work the next day, don't get into sex work. Wow. Because that happens all the time, you know? That's like horrifying. Like that's such a statement. Yeah. But I think it's really important that you point that out because...

Because we talk about sex work and not more casually, but just more. We are more accepting of it. Oh, absolutely. I think women need to know that there's a mental tenacity that you need to have for it to work for you. You know what I mean? Absolutely. No, you have to be very strong. You have to be pretty much bulletproof. Yeah. And back then when I was doing it, it wasn't so mainstream. So I went through the ringer. I'm talking like.

You know, people... This is when, like, you know, MySpace and fucking...

online was just starting so you know people didn't understand that line of work so I've been called a hoe a whore fucking prostitute you know gold digger just everything that you can think of and if you're not able to stand your ground and be like you know what I'm doing this as a means to an end then it'll end up just shattering your whole world you got to be really strong and resilient I could totally see that and you mentioned just to back up a little bit you you

aside from your childhood, there was trauma there. There was abuse there. You were in an abusive relationship with a boyfriend. Yep. And that went on for how long, you said? So I was with him for about, God, four and a half years. And here's the thing. I don't want to talk shit about him and I don't want to paint a picture of him being a horrible person because, you know, there was a time where we were really in love and there was a time where, you know,

I would have done anything for that man. Yeah. He would have done anything for me. It was just two people who had fucked up childhoods who came together and tried to make something work and it didn't. Yeah. It was very bad. He strangled me so bad one night that he burst all the blood vessels in both of my eyes. He broke my orbital bone. He cracked my larynx. Like there was just time. There was one time where it was Christmas Eve and

It was like our first Christmas Eve together and we had pulled up to the Rhino in Vegas. It was a strip club and he was like, let's go in here. And I was like, I don't want to spend our first Christmas Eve in a strip club, you know? And he fucking lost his shit. I mean, he beat the fuck out of me in the back of that taxi from the strip club all the way to home. It was so bad that I saw my guardian angel. Wow.

Wow. It was crazy. Like in the fucking passenger seat, I kept, I couldn't understand cause I was getting beat up so bad. I couldn't understand why there was somebody who was this big, huge man in the front seat, just sitting there facing forward. But I could feel kind of like his peace, I guess he was trying to give me while I was in the middle of that. And the taxi driver was just letting him do this because my ex was very intimidating, you know? So this whole time, the taxi driver's just driving us home while he's fucking beating the shit out of me.

the beating continued into the house. And then weeks later I was like, who was the second guy in the taxi with us? And he's like, there was nobody else in there except for me and the taxi driver. So yeah, crazy. So I know for a fact that that was my guardian angel just being like, you're going to get through this. Like, just hold on. You're going to get through this. Oh my God. Yeah. It was crazy. Thank you so much for sharing. And I'm, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I feel like so many women listening though, um,

are in similar situations or have dealt with situations like that. How did you get away? Well, you know, with all toxic relationships, it's always push and pull. You're always going to go back. You're always going to, you know, like it took a really long time. He actually had to go to prison for me to get away from him. And then what happened was he went to prison in February of 2016. I had met Jay a year before that in 2015. Yeah.

But Jay and I had always stayed in, Jay is jelly. We had always stayed in contact. And after my ex went to prison, Jay started hitting me up a lot more. He was like, so what's up? And, you know, he ended up coming down. I had a high rise condo in Vegas and they were going to shoot a bunch of videos. And he came down in July and,

and stayed at my place and then that's the rest is history the rest is history i love that story jay actually is the one who helped me get away from all of it right yeah i i wish jay was here because he sounds incredible oh he's so amazing you love him right and jay knew about you being called girl or whatever yeah absolutely how did he feel about that he

He, you know, he didn't love it. No man ever wants to be like, yeah, go be a hoe, you know? But at the same time, he saw how much money I was making. And when you can't pull a woman away from making hundreds of thousands of dollars without you, she's going to tell you to go fuck yourself, you know? And I don't think he was scared of me telling me because my husband's not a punk. So I don't think he was scared of me telling him that. But yeah,

My husband's a hustler. He used to be a drug dealer before he was a rapper. So he gets it. When you're making that kind of street money hand over fist, it's just like, you know, let's roll with it. You never jump off a winning horse. That's what we always say. Yeah. And we didn't have money like how we have now. And then, you know, like I said, four years into it, I started the podcast. And it came to a point after four years where he was just like, babe,

You do not have to do this anymore. At this point, you're doing it because you like it. You know? Like, which one is it? Are we... Are you gonna fucking retire, bitch, or what? Like, your pussy's gonna fall off. No, he didn't say that. You're like, no, this is charity, babe. I'm not even getting paid. Right? But it was so hard for me to give up my independence. Yeah. So once I gave up that independence, literally, I gave that up in, like...

January of 20 I can't even think 2019 I started the podcast March of 2019 and then we ended up doing OnlyFans in April of 2020 which I was so dead set against and literally I don't know why I was because it's made me so much fucking money the first month I made like fucking $75,000 or no I'm sorry I made a hundred thousand right yeah one month one month

That is fucking crazy. Yeah. Tell me about it. I was like, I didn't know that many people wanted to see my butthole. I was excited. I was like, yes, I get to be a hoe again. I'm just kidding. You don't have to. I don't even know if you can tell me this, but like that one month, were you having like sex with dudes on your OnlyFans? Nope. Just your butthole? Nope. I didn't even show. I don't think we showed nudity, right? No. The first month was just like implied nudity.

Yeah, it was crazy. I wasn't, I didn't have anything. I had nothing. I had no content. So I was literally just like me, like he, he nipple, you know, like, Oh, they'll pay baby to see my laptop shot right now. I got you. I'm about to turn Sophia out, baby. That is fucking crazy. Wow. No. And it's continued. It's been constant for fucking three years now. Right. We've been on almost three going into three years. Wow. Yeah.

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Do I call him Jelly or Daddy or Jay? I mean, we like to call him Daddy. Okay, I'm going to call him Daddy. So you were still making money by hooking up with men in whatever capacity while you were dating Daddy. Yeah, in the beginning, yes, I had my sugar daddies. So I wasn't going on as many dates per se. It was like I would only go on big money. So if you wanted to see me, you had to spend a bag.

I wasn't like out here just fucking collecting, you know, 2000, 2000, 2000. It was like, you need to give me a lot of fucking money for me to leave my husband to come see you. I fucking love that. Would you tell them? Oh yeah. Well, we're such a public couple. Everybody would see it, you know, does your husband mind, you know? And I'd be like, well, no, if you're not, if you're giving me all of your money, no, he doesn't care. He loves when I spoil him with your money. Right.

I mean, I take him shopping after. I mean, I invested in my husband's first, not his first album. Let me not say that. I invested in his Addiction Kills album. I helped him with that. Like, you know, anything he needed custody of his daughter. I helped him with that. And I don't like bringing that stuff up. The only reason why I'm saying this is because he said it in the Burt Kreischer interview. I would never like say that publicly because I don't need the kudos. I know what I've done for my husband. But I don't like bringing that stuff up.

Right. But like that money was always used to help us get to where we needed to be. It was not like I was like hoarding money and just. Yeah. Yeah. Well, also people are out here calling you a sugar baby and like you, you. Gold digger. You marry. Yeah. Gold digger. And you dated him for his money. Yeah. Yeah.

we make money. Yeah. And that's not always the case. I think it's so crazy that people don't realize that women can make fucking money on their own. Like it's the weirdest shit. You think every blonde with big tits is a fucking gold digger. Like, no, it's so weird. And that's another reason why I started my podcast, because I was so fucking tired of people trying to shame me and and be like, oh, a jelly rolls wife is a hoe and, you

You know, they would post about it and stuff like that. And finally, I just told Jay, I was like, I'm going to start this podcast because I've always wanted my own radio talk show. Even as a kid, I used to fucking pretend my name was Lacey Carter. And I fucking would record on my little yellow fucking boom box and fucking have my own little radio shows, you know. And so I told Jay, I was like, I just want to

tell my story and he was like go go baby go do it he's like I back you and then that's how this all fucking started and I love that it's dumb blonde that you called it dumb blonde because that's you just taking the bullshit that people say about you and fucking owning it yeah yep dumb blonde podcast dumb blonde production yeah that's the name of your production company yep it's like a slap

in the face like fuck you it's similar to the yeah I have options like my merch line because a bunch of people were talking shit on a TikTok I did and it's like I love taking the negative narrative the hate and making money off of it yeah absolutely 100% that's my fucking whole repertoire I love that that is my jam don't say something you don't want me to make money off of okay

Cause I will, I will fucking throw that shit on a t-shirt and go. Facts. I've had gold digger t-shirts. I've had everything that you can think of that people have thrown at me. It's also, uh, to pay homage to one of the most amazing business women, woman in the industry. And that's Dolly Parton because, you know, she fucking has dealt with so much bullshit. People have came against her and she's a fucking,

fucking icon and a lucrative businesswoman so she has a song called dumb blonde too so it was very tongue-in-cheek of course for what you said then it was also paying homage to dolly too i fucking love dolly yeah me too i am into country i am into dolly now that i'm in nashville i'm like are you gonna go get some cowgirl boots or what's up i need you to tell me where the fuck to go you got to get some lucasies right if you're gonna do lucasies lucate is it lucacy or lucate listen i'm a west coast bitch so let me not pronounce this the wrong way

I don't give a fuck what they're called. I'm ready to drop money on it. You know what? Here, we'll call daddy while we're on the podcast really quick. Oh my God. Yes. Let's call daddy. Which by the way, the fact that daddy's like so supportive. Oh yeah. He's amazing, dude. Right? We can only date strong men. Yeah. No, he's, my husband is such a boss, dude. We're public hoes. We can only deal with strong guys. He's in a writing sesh with Brantley Gilbert right now. So he might not answer, but he'll call me right back.

Okay, ask him what's more important. Yeah. Daddy, we're on air right now. We need you. So he's been doing it for 20 years. When did he like hit his break? Like when did he like... This last 2020. So, you know, as a family, we sat down and we were like, okay, are we going to let this...

pandemic fuck with our family and our funds because he couldn't tour and I wasn't working anymore. So we sat down and we were like, okay, we're just going to fucking start shooting out content and fucking filming left and right. We started the OnlyFans. He started...

He dropped an album, I think. We filmed so much content and we just went fucking balls to the wall to where 2020, we both blew up. Wow. I started a TikTok. I had fought my manager, Mimi, was like, bitch, get the fuck on TikTok. I was like, I am not 12. I'm going to shake my ass to fucking songs on TikTok. I'm not doing this. I had that same hurdle. I'm like, mm. No, but... And then I got on it and I think we went viral. Like the first fucking...

this is the second profile we've had. They took my last one. They'll probably take this one too. Oh no, they did. They took it a couple of weeks ago and they gave it back. Thank God. Thank you. Tick tock. Um, but yeah, we went on tick tock. We went viral. We did the only fans and my husband's song saved me, ended up going like platinum and just,

Just crazy. It's been a snowball since 2020. It's been so hard to keep up. You guys are a fucking power couple. Oh, I love him. I mean, I literally touched down in Nashville, got to my Airbnb, and there you guys both are on the TV. And I'm like, okay. Shout out Brantley. We love Brantley. Brantley Gilbert's a sweetheart. Yeah, it's just been insane. And now he's got this. He starts his tour with Shinedown and Co. Wetzel. And...

Brantley all starts at the end of August. I love that. And you know what we need to do, Bunny, is you and I, for our podcast collab tour, we're going to open up for Daddy. Holes and soles, baby. Yeah, we're going to open

open up for daddy let's do it oh he would love that it's gonna be a whole big collab let's do it baby I'm so down so funny I have one super random question but like I need to know for me and for the people listening oh god I'm scared the men in Nashville oh trash oh yeah

Say less. So we're not into that. No. They can't be worse than the men in Vegas. I was just about to say. Because I know the men in Vegas. Yeah, I was just about to say, Nashville boys are a different breed. They are not as bad as the dudes in Vegas, but I feel like the dudes in Vegas, what you see is what you get with them. Whereas in Nashville, it's more of a mask. Mm.

So I don't know. I mean, if you're just here to have fun, just be here for a good time, not for a long time, baby. Okay. You know, like just get it up, get it in, get it on and get it out. Get in, get on, get out. So they're not husband material, but they're... I mean, I married a Nashville boy. So, but we have been through hell together. It hasn't always been fucking peaches and roses and fucking butterflies and unicorn farts. Like we had to fight to get to where we are. So, I mean...

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Okay, Bunny, this has been such an incredible fucking conversation and interview. I want to get into my sleuths question stories advice. And I feel like you're the perfect person to do it with. So let's start with the first one. This girl wrote in and said, my first cousin and I have been hooking up for a year. It's legal in our state.

We're past the stage of having kids. We have been attracted to each other since we were kids and finally acted on it one year ago. Our family will freak the fuck out should we end it. Is first cousin blood? Yes. Oh.

And when she says that they're past the stage of having kids, does that mean they have one? No, I think that has to mean they're too old, right? Oh, okay. Yeah, possibly. Okay. I wasn't, I was like, were they having one? So these are like first cousins, blood cousins in their fifties. God fucking. I mean, I feel like didn't Jerry Lee Lewis do it? Fucking didn't he? Fucking.

to sleep with his first cousin I mean people do it and I hate that it's like you know love is love you can't help who you fucking love but god dang I don't know he's like what's the right answer here no I want to say love is love but I I don't know I think I draw the line with first cousin yeah I don't know I've never looked at one of my cousins have been like you know like right ever no you know what it is for me it's

If they would have randomly met each other at a supermarket and didn't know they were related. I could believe that more, yeah. I feel like this is premeditated. Well, she says, we've been attracted to each other since we were kids. So they knew it was a no-no from the beginning. That means they messed around as kids too, probably. They played house and shit. So Bunny and I, we say it's time to end it. Yeah, that's premeditated incest. 100%. Where do they live, Alabama? They said it's legal.

Who? I have no fucking clue. No offense to my Alabamans. No, we love Alabama. Yeah, but is that, that's legal out in Alabama, isn't it? I don't know if it's Alabama. I think even Utah has a rule that, actually, I don't even fucking remember. I don't know.

We're not up to date on our incest rules. There's some loophole where you can marry your cousin, but if you guys would have serendipitously written to each other, fine, but you guys knew. You guys knew, okay? All right, next.

Sophia, I recently found an album of 7,000 pictures of naked girls and models on my boyfriend's phone. He said he doesn't know any of them personally and wouldn't keep pictures of people he knows. But at the end of the day, 7,000 seems insane. I told him it's not okay. And he says he doesn't use them to jerk off. He just has a collection. So he's a fucking serial killer. Yeah.

Is that what we're getting at here? He fucking stalks women and saves their pictures. Are these like pictures like off of a computer or? Right. So then she says the latest ones he saved were literally from today. Along with that, I found screenshots of girls, TikTok profiles, and he also claims to not have a reason for having them. I'm having trouble navigating this. And do you think this is normal? Love the podcast. So we don't know what kind of pictures.

It doesn't matter. 7,000. Like she needs to get out why she still has her heartbeat. Like this dude sounds like he's like profiling women or I mean, if they're not nude and he's like saving these pictures of women in their everyday activities, that's fucking serial killer behavior. Wait, first of all,

Why does he have to save them? Like, why does he need, like... Serial killer behavior. The little mermaid, Ariel, like, her little collection of things. Like, why does he need to collect these pictures like a... Pit collector. That's what I call them. So, internet weirdos are... We call them pit collectors. And that's what they do. They save girls' pictures. But it's because they're doing... Either jacking off with them or they're fucking doing... Like, stalking, maybe. What else do you do? Besides... Well, he told her that he's not jacking off to them. So, why...

What is the collection for? It must be the truth that he said because he told her he's not doing it, right? Ha ha ha ha!

Because we know men are so honest. Right. He just has a shrine for absolutely no fucking reason. At least he didn't say it was his friends. Thank you. At least he was honest enough to say they were his. Right. I mean, how do you lie? 7,000 pictures? Like, bro, I want to know the timeline that you accumulated those. Right. How long did it take him to accumulate those? And the fact that she looked and he had some from earlier that day. Girl, your question is

i'm having trouble navigating this and do i think it's normal i don't think it's normal navigate your way the out of that relationship 100 yeah no that's that's some weird serial killer behavior yeah strange very strange you catch him watching porn fine a couple like nudes from his exes fine seven thousand that's an issue i like my men obsessed with me so if you've got a picture of seven thousand other women in your that's too much competition

Like, they can have you. Yeah. You know? I totally agree with that. I hope you're fucking...

little picture sales keep you warm at night you know i want to know what iphone he has and like what storage yeah he's got the terabyte he's got the fucking one terabyte or whatever it's called carry that around he like has a fucking hard drive attack okay next oh this is a guy that wrote in my girl's into the idea of a threesome but we are having a hard time finding our unicorn any advice on how to corral one

So, Bunny, you know what a unicorn is, obviously. Yeah, absolutely. Which is you find a third to hook up with that's going to like respect all the rules. They're not like attached to you guys in any way. And they're like the perfect person to have a threesome with. Yeah, which you're never going to find that.

I feel like everybody nowadays puts a label. Like there's a fucking label for everything. You know, back in the day, back in my day when I was doing threesome, it was just some random you met at the bar and you guys are having fun. You know, when you put too much pressure on the situation, the universe is going to pick up on that. It's not going to happen because, you know, you want somebody to respect all the rules. You want your,

boyfriend to not touch them or you want your boyfriend to pay more attention to you or you know like there's just too many rules like right having a threesome is supposed to be fun it's not supposed to be technical it's not supposed to be analytical it's just a fucking fly by the seat of your pants fucking pull a bitch home and fucking just have fun with her and don't let the door hit her on the way out you know I fucking love that perspective yeah because a lot of people are out here saying you need to have the boundaries you need to have the conversation laid out

he can fuck you, but he can't fuck her. She can only suck his dick. And it's like, there's all these little things. So the only rule I ever have with any of my dudes during threesomes is you're not allowed to come in them. You can come on them, just not in them. Which is fair because you're like, let's not have a... We don't want that bonding moment happening. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, that and...

as far as like laying down ground rules just talk to your dude you know like don't be a fucking nag about it and be like no you're not doing this you're not doing this just be like you know i would be more comfortable with it if you didn't come in her and you only came on her or you know if whatever rule it is that you have but you don't want to make it to where it's not fun right like you have 10 rules like the 10 commandments going in and it's like fuck i forgot yeah yeah like we're

fucking right hand on red left hand on yellow like you're playing fucking naked twister and shit that's not fun you know like you want to just have fun with it it's just live in the moment you know like don't fucking put rules on it because then that just takes the fun out of it and it's stressful for everybody it's not fun yeah I actually totally agree with that and I think the girl or the guy that you guys tried to bring

bring into your fucking bedroom, they'll catch on if there's too many rules. You're like, so we just have to brief you. You can't suck his dick, but you can't get fucked. Yeah. And you can eat me out, but like we can't make out. And no eye contact. You know,

like just weird shit. Like you just can't do that. Just have fun with it. And of course have ground rules with your partner before then. And then just tell the girl, you know, before you guys get, get it on or whatever, Hey, we're going to use a condom or, you know, let's just have fun. But your man gets you all the time. The whole point of having a threesome is so he can fuck another bitch and get it out of his system.

Like, OK, don't deprive him of the one shot that he gets of not cheating on you and just having sex in front of you. Like make, you know, reward him for actually fucking being a good boy. That's how I feel about it. I love that. Yeah. Why go into a threesome with your boyfriend and be like, your eyes need to be closed. You can't fuck her.

Yeah. What's the point? That's weird. It's like it's at that point you're just doing the threesome to appease him and it's not appeasing him because you're not even letting him enjoy it. And the thing is, is if you are not comfortable with a threesome, don't fucking do it. Yes. If you do not agree to something that you don't think that you a mentally cannot handle and to like,

physically cannot be a part of without fucking making it an uncomfortable situation. Right. Right. So do you and Jay slash jelly slash daddy, do you guys do threesomes? You guys are down with that. Yeah. We slowed down during the pandemic because shit got scary, but you know, and here's the thing, my husband and I, we've had numerous threesomes. We've had a couple of foursomes, but here's the thing. We're just at a point in our relationship now where it's like,

If my husband's on tour and there's a girl there that wants to have sex with him, all they have to do is DM me. Like a lot of the girls are so respectful. Like I love our following because literally they're like family, but they'll be like, Hey, I want to come home with you guys. And they'll DM me. They don't DM him that shit. They DM me and they always come to me about it. And if I can, there's a couple of girls that I've sent to his shows, you know, like, Hey baby, this girl right here wants to fuck. And he'll be like, yes or no.

And my husband is bougie. He turns bitches down. Like, I'm like fucking the only way we turn him down is face down. And he's like, I don't know, baby. You know, I just, you know, and I'm just like, you're a dude. Stick your dick in it and fucking carry on, you know? And he's just like, no, not tonight. You're like, I should be like the picky one over here. Yeah. But yeah, we do. We have a really cool thing where we just, you know, we love each other. And my husband knows I'm a highly sexual individual. He knows I love young cabana boys. So,

You know, we just have a... My only one rule with my husband is tell me first. Yeah. Do not let some girl DM me and tell me something about my husband when...

you know, you could have told me first. I love that. And then my husband's rule is I don't want to know what you do. If you sleep with a cabana boy, get it out of your system and make sure it doesn't come to our front door. I love how it's the cabana boy specifically. Like I just imagine you like at your house with the pool and he's like wearing a little speedo cleaning out the... Where's he at? I'm fucking cabana boy auditions. I fucking love that. Okay, Bunny, this was so incredible. Yeah.

Thank you so much for coming on and sharing your story because you are just incredible. I love you. You are a testimony to how you can completely turn your life around, you know, and there's a silver lining to everything. Where can they find you? You can find just Google Bunny XO. You can find me on Instagram. It's XOMGitsbunny. TikTok XOMGitsbunny.

bunny xo on youtube i mean i'm just i'm everywhere and if you can't find me just type in jelly roll and i'm usually right attached to his hip type in jelly roll her tiktok is fucking incredible and dumb blonde podcast and listen to my podcast we drop every other wednesday um dumb blonde podcast you can find me on apple you can we have a patreon what else maybe what am i contractually obligated to say oh yeah you guys want to see my butthole just

Find me. It's a bunny. What is my fucking only fans? It's bunny VIP on only fans. Great name. It's a great time over there. Let me tell you. Yeah. A hundred thousand dollars the first month. Great time. I'm busted wide open over there, baby. Come and get it daddies or even the girls too. I love the girls. It's crazy. I have a lot of guys that hit me up on there that listen to my podcast and

Wow. Yeah, it's crazy. That's so interesting. Well, I fucking love that. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you for having me. I love everything you're doing. I think you're a fucking powerhouse and I am so proud to just be a little fucking smeg of your journey. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming on and we will talk to you soon. Bye. Bye, guys.