cover of episode 89: Cleat Chasing Class ft. Jay Cutler

89: Cleat Chasing Class ft. Jay Cutler

Publish Date: 2022/8/11
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everybody welcome to Sophia with an F I am in Nashville Tennessee which is my new fucking home and I'm super excited to get into this week's guest but before I do I need to let y'all know y'all you've been here for six hours

I need to let y'all know that my guest is Jay Cutler. You played for the Bears. You played for Broncos. Can you tell I don't really follow sports? You're hiding it well. Does that annoy you? Not at all. But he's also very rich, very attractive. So you guys... You guys...

- I absolutely wanna see him like visual, okay? Jay, I'm super excited for you to be on. I was just on his podcast Uncut, which is incredible. We got wild on there. I have so many questions for you. - Oh boy. - Do you always just get asked sports questions for the most part? - No. - No. No one talks to you about your career. - No, not anymore.

Okay, well. You're old news in a hurry. You are? I mean, once you get out, yeah, like you're done. Really? No, I feel like you're a legend. Um, no. No? I mean, there's nothing much to talk about. Like, what are you going to say? Like, hey, I remember this game or like it is. I mean. Like there's always, there's new games happening. There's new players. Even my kids don't even care about it.

They don't. Do you have them playing football? No, not at the moment. Oldest came in once too. He basically asked once a week. He played lacrosse this past year. I want him to continue to play lacrosse because I think it's a great sport and hopefully to keep him out of football. Yeah. You want to keep him out of football? I would like to. I mean, I think it's going to be impossible, but.

Because it's so dangerous or what? Yeah, I mean, it's just, I mean, the chances of like, I mean, I think it's a great sport, team building. You learn a lot of morals and values and how to work with people. But I think you can learn that from other sports as well. So if he wants, if he really is hardcore about it and wants to play, I'm not going to stop him. I just think at age, you know, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, they don't need to play right now. See, I find that so refreshing because...

I only have one sports question for this entire fucking podcast. I mean, did your parents have you playing football like in diapers type shit? No, I started whenever I was in, I think I played flag and fourth and then tackling fifth. But I mean, I wanted to play. It wasn't like I begged my parents. Oh, okay. So it wasn't like the Tiger Woods is dad. Like you'll be doing. Yeah. I played basketball and baseball too. And like I was, I mean, I was on my parents like,

if we were ever late, like, let's go get me there. So like I was, and I mean, my boys are, I mean, they're kind of like that. Um, but yeah,

Nowadays, especially around here, people play sports year round. They'll play one sport. They'll play baseball year round or basketball year round or football year round, which I don't really believe in that. I think that's really cool because I always find it a little bit, I'm not going to say creepy because I will never judge parenting, but kids in the Olympics and you just know their parents had them

fucking like ice skating when they were one years old and like there for 12 hours a day. Your parents weren't like that. - No, not at all. - And you're not gonna raise your kids like that. - No, if they wanna play, they can play, but if they don't wanna play, I mean, well, I say that, but if they sign up to play, like you're gonna finish. But if you don't wanna play, then you know, there's,

a million other things in the world you can do. Right. That's so interesting. I thought you were going to say the complete opposite. I thought like all athletes, like professional athletes raise their kids to be like, you'll be doing the same thing 10 hours a day. Well, I mean, I think you got to look at the numbers, like the percentage of making it

to a professional level is, I mean, it's minuscule. - What are the numbers? - I mean, it's like 0.1 or 0.01. I mean, it's not high at all. - Right, that's fucking crazy. So where are you from? - Indiana. - Indiana. - Southern Indiana. - Okay. - About three hours north of Nashville. - Okay.

- And you went to Vanderbilt. - Went to school here in town. - Okay. - Yep, loved it. - So you love Nashville. - Yeah, I've been here on and off since 2000. - Were you Vanderbilt smart or were you like football Vanderbilt smart? - I mean, everyone was football. I mean, actually that's not true. I mean, 98%, well probably 95% of the kids

of the football team was football Vanderbilt's. - Okay, got it. - Vanderbilt, I mean, it still is. It's like one of the top, I mean, it's the Ivy League of the South, I think that was what they say. So I mean, we're engineers, doctors, lawyers, I mean,

I mean, they're saving the world. So would your teachers just like, you failed a test and they're like, you know what? You're really good at football. You killed it this past game. No, it was actually the opposite. Really? I feel like sometimes they were out to just get us. Really? I mean, we had a handful of teachers that were really cool, but you always had to do the work. Like there was no, there was no free ride at all. So, all right. Vanderbilt then, when were you drafted to the NFL? 2011.

Okay. And you got a really big contract. Denver. Did your family or your friends treat you differently? No. When they found out how much money you make? No, I mean, I think I've been lucky. Like I've always had a kind of a tight circle. Yeah. And it really hasn't changed for a long time. So kind of the friends I had...

at that time are kind of still in my group now. So there's people along the way, obviously, but you know, my core group is still, yeah, kind of is what it is. But you started picking up the check and shit when you do. Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. And that still happens today. Yeah. I need richer friends. Right. Yeah. So I don't make as much money as you.

- I know you got screwed out of 60 million. - Yeah, exactly. And I'm the type that-- - I would be heated about that. - Oh, I mean to this day, but what are you gonna do? - Yeah, there's nothing you can do. - Nothing? - No. - I just gotta make another $60 million deal and it will happen. I'm saying it right now. I'm manifesting it. I'm putting it on my vision board, like done deal. - I do believe that. - 100%. So, okay.

you were making a bunch of money. Your family and your friends weren't pieces of shit and treating you differently. No. Maybe alone here and there.

there, which I understand. Yeah. I mean, helped out my parents, bought some cars, did all the normal stuff. Yeah. But nothing crazy. Yeah. I've helped out my parents too. Yeah. Bought it by myself a house, bought a few cars. Bought yourself a house. That's not helping out your parents. That's helping out yourself. Yeah. I think I bought my parents a house or a car. I forget. Okay. I'm not at that level yet, but I'll get there. 100%. You're heading that way.

- I need to ask you this shit. And I know, I mean, you retired when? - 17, 18, 17 maybe? - Okay. - Maybe 18, I forget. - Okay, so a lot of women listen to my podcast. - Yeah. - And a lot of them wanna bag an athlete. How do they do it? How could a girl bag you?

And I mean, you are not playing anymore, but like you saw your friends and shit. How can a girl get an athlete? Because I've never dated one. I don't want to date an athlete. Why? Because you guys scare me a little bit. How so?

You guys have too much money, too much fame, too many girls after you. And I think that's just like a recipe for disaster. You know what I mean? Well, I think there's a lot of truth to that. And that's why I would tell any girl to be really careful with that world. Yeah. But girls don't give a fuck. They still want it. So how do they get it? Do all the things that they basically want you to do. Ha!

- I feel that. - Yeah, and be cool and-- - Be cool? - Yeah. - Be cool, be hot. - Yep. - Be willing to do whatever he wants. - Probably. - What are we in the 50s right now? - You're the one that said it, you said probably. - So when you were single, would you fly girls out?

- Yeah. - You're in there. - You're in there, yeah. - That's the thing, right? When you're an athlete, it's like, 'cause you guys travel so much. - Sure, yeah. But we're not like, in football, we were in and out. So baseball, hockey, some of the basketball, they stay in a city for three or four nights. - Okay. - So that's a whole different world. Where in football, we flew out Saturday afternoon,

Go to the hotel, meetings, play Sunday, and we're literally on the bus back at the airport flying back Sunday night. Oh, okay. I don't care if it's 2 o'clock in the morning. Like, we're flying back. Okay. We never stay the night. Really? No. That's fucking crazy. I had no idea. No, if you played a Monday night game on the road, you would get back Tuesday morning at

you know 5 a.m so that's kind of the best sport if you if you want to date an athlete if i was going to i'd date a football player sure yeah i would not date a baseball player definitely that's the worst yeah i had a friend that dated a baseball player and like always gone well there's 162 games or something like that and there's a lot of downtime it's baseball

- There's a lot of downtime mean cheating. - I mean, we're literally, we're pigeonholing athletes in a very bad light here. - No, you guys, what? You guys like run the world. So we need to do that. We need to like humble you guys. - Oh gosh.

Well, I'm not an athlete anymore, so fire away. Knock yourself out. Right. I will say this. There are a lot of good guys out there. Yeah. You just have to be, I think you just have to be selective like anything else. But I mean, like we're taking a little pocket of people. Like you can look at any group and say, hey, like there's a bad, there's a bad, bad girl or a bad guy in any situation.

- Yes. If you go in the podcast world, like there's gonna be a bad guy, there's gonna be a girl that cheats. Like it just is what it is. - Okay, but if we're looking at stats and like the ratio between cheaters and non-cheaters, athletes, rappers, you guys tend to, you know, fool around a little. Which I've cheated plenty of times in my life, by the way, but I'm a reformed cheater. I would never do it again.

Until next time. - No, I swear to God, I won't. - Would you just break up with them? - Mm-hmm, that's the thing. - Yeah. - That's what I've learned. - Yes. - Break up, like break up. - Yeah, just be done. - It's fucking stupid. - Yeah.

Sometimes if it's going to be a one-off thing and you sleep with someone one time and then you'll never cheat again and you don't ever talk to that person again. So it's a reformed cheater. It's not. It's a little bit different. That's acceptable? It's not acceptable, but it's more understandable. Is it though? I don't know. I kind of think everyone deserves a one-time cheat.

in their relationship or marriage. Just a one time. - I disagree. - You do? - 100%, yes. I mean, I think, okay, if you're dating, sure.

- But once you're married, it's different. - Once you're married, it's off, it's a no go. - That's true, and I haven't been married, and once I make that oath, then I will never do it. Bible for sure, 100%. Okay? Everyone, that was like a for real thing. - Yeah, we came to an agreement here. - Yes, yes we did. This is random. - So it's safe to say you're gonna cheat again.

Not when I have a ring on it. What about engaged? You're engaged for a year. That's a gray zone. Yeah, I know. But once it's marriage, it's done. And I hold to that. So you're engaged. It's still on the table for you. The one-time cheat. It's called the one-time cheat. There's no emotions. It's like you never hear from that person again.

But when you're married, absolutely not. Unless you're 10 years into it. Oh gosh. I mean, you have so many outs here. No, no, no. This is what I think. Okay. 10 years in. You guys are bored. We're bored. Let's like either do a threesome or like let's have an open relationship or, you know. Well, it's a conversation with you and your husband. Yeah. Maybe he's down for it. Maybe he's not. What if he's not?

then we'll have to figure something out but i won't cheat i will not cheat okay maybe divorce divorce and then and then what the am i saying i've never been married

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Your cash back really adds up. How many times have you been married? - Once. - Once, one time. So I am not that familiar with sports and football. - We've established that. - Which I've said 50 million times. I did watch you on "Barry Cavallari." - Yep.

Say it however you want. Calamari. It's not my problem. Calamari. That's what it is. I mean, I only watched a few episodes. Yeah. What was that like having your family on reality TV and being on reality TV? We didn't put the kids on. That was kind of a sticking point. I remember that, actually. Yeah, so we didn't do that. So I got back from Miami, and...

The store was opening. We had moved to Nashville from Chicago kind of the eight months before. So I got back and they were kind of, I mean, they were rolling. I'm trying to think of the timeline. I think we did like a sizzle, a few stuff before I left for Miami. Then I went to Miami and whenever I got back,

Cameras were up. - Okay. - You know, we're doing it. - So did you tell like your wife or whoever, like I want to do this? You're at 16. - Yeah, it wasn't, I mean, it was one of those things like she had kind of supported me through for the last, for the last however many years. And so I was like, you know, I mean, I wasn't jumping, jumping at it.

But I was like, you know, I'll do this. I totally get that. I mean, kind of supported her. I wouldn't say I was. Yeah. I mean, I did it. You did it. I went through the motions. I saw you on it. So you absolutely did it. Yeah. And did you like hate when cameras were there? Oh, yeah.

I mean, the first season was probably the roughest. It got easier as we, because we did three. And by the third one, I mean, I still wasn't thrilled with it. But I mean, we had lights up in the kitchen. I mean, for, you know, three, four months. Shut up. For filming? Yeah. I would lose my shit. I would lose my mind. I mean, we tried to film when the kids were gone. Yeah.

and if i ever filmed with her i mean we were pretty quick yeah because i mean she was a proud and she grew up in that world um so you know i would say it was soft scripted they would come in and be like hey let's talk about this you know you guys put your own spin on it and i mean 20 30 minutes and i'm i'm out yeah you know what i like you and respect you

so much more after hearing that because I remember watching and again I only watched like a few episodes and you just kind of seemed like a dick but you're not and now understanding like I wouldn't I don't want to do reality television I wouldn't want like cameras in my face 24-7 or whatever it was you'd be good at it

Why is that? Because I'm just the most over-the-top. No, I don't think you're over-the-top. I mean, I think you just... It would be an interesting show. I've had a lot of people approach me to do it, but I don't know. I feel like once you do reality television, you're fucked, kind of. Oh. Just like...

your entire life is exposed for the world. - Well, I mean, I think you're already kind of doing that with your podcast. - Yeah, but I can pick and choose. - Well, I mean, in reality, I mean, we picked and choose. - Okay. - There's 100% like certain things like not showing off the table. - Yeah. - I mean, a lot of it is-- - Yeah, construed. - Yeah, the producer comes in and says, "Hey, we're talking about X, Y, and Z." - Do they tell you like act angry, act sad? - No, I mean, no, they kind of just, they'll pitch the,

You know, the plan to. And then, you know, if you're supposed to be upset or if you're supposed to be mad, like, you just play that part. Yeah. Were you ever like, fuck no, I'm not about to have that conversation? Yeah. All the time. Yeah. I already know. 90%. I was like, we're not doing this.

Do you think, and I'm sure Kristen was like probably way more comfortable airing out more shit, right? Because she's used to that life, which makes sense. Yeah, loves it. Do you think that, loves it. Do you think that that being on that reality show like contributed to the divorce in any way? No. No? No. That had nothing to do with it. Yeah, I would say no. I don't think so. Yeah. I don't know what she would say, but I mean, I think...

well i mean she has said some stuff right she says a lot of things she said a lot of things she said you know that the marriage was toxic it was unhealthy there were a lot of red flags what do you have to say to that you're like nothing

Say whatever you want. Yeah. I mean, that's kind of been my whole thing through this whole thing. Like we, I mean, I've got three kids. So like at some point they're going to, they're going to read stuff. They're going to ask questions. So, um, I've kind of steered clear of all of that. If she wants to say stuff, she can say stuff. Yeah. Um, I'm not going to go down that road about her. I mean, she's still the mother of the kids. So, um,

And we had three kids together. We were together for I don't know how many years. So you don't know, you know, eight. We're married for seven together for nine, ten. And if that's the way she feels, I mean, it's it's changed over the course of two and a half years. Her her feelings about the marriage. Yeah. Because it starts to get messy like when it comes to like the finances. But I also don't understand like it's two and a half years like.

why are we having these conversations? Right. What do you mean by that? In public. Like, why are we doing this? Well, that's what I found a little bit strange is she like prefaced it by saying, he's the father of my kids. Like, my parents would never do that. I'm not going to talk about it. And then she was like, toxic, unhealthy as fuck, red flags everywhere.

I was like, wait, what? It's comical. It doesn't make sense. It was a little bit interesting. Yes. But to your point, two and a half years, what do you mean? You're like, what changed in that span of time? No, I don't care what changed. What's happened is what happened. Why are you being public two and a half years later? Exactly. Right.

And now we have to have this conversation now. Yeah. And it's like, come on, man. Right. We're done here. You know there's a new reality show coming out maybe and that's why. Possibly. Didn't he like freeze her bank accounts or something? That's completely untrue. That is so far from the truth. It's not even close. Which, because I'm sure she has her own shit. It wasn't like you were like,

Shelling out cash to her. She had an America's Fest just like I did. Right. No, that didn't happen. Doesn't it say that in the court documents? I don't know. I've never read them. There was never a frozen account. Okay. You never froze her cards. Why the fuck would you even want to? I mean, I'm not even sure if I know how to.

So, no. She had money. Yeah. She bought a house, so she was fine. Okay. But you didn't want to give her the $5 million house or some shit? She got it. Oh, she did? Yeah. Okay, are you looking for a new wife? Because we can't get divorced and I would like a $5 million house and...

So what do you think? Are you good with kids? Amazing. We can talk later. What do you think was the reason for the divorce then? I mean, that's a question for Kristen. And like I said, it's changed over the years. Oh yeah, she wanted to get divorced, right? You wanted to. Yeah. Yeah. Did you cheat?

Nope, never cheated. Okay, so the divorce, you have no idea why it happened. Oh, I mean, I guess she fell out of love. Fell out of love. Or it was toxic. I mean, it depends on the day, I guess. Or there were a bunch of red flags. What are the red flags she's talking about? I'm not for sure what she said. Yeah. And frankly, I don't care what she said, honestly. Like I said, it's two and a half years. Yeah. We're done here.

And I mean, I'm sure there'll be a rebuttal to this, so we'll stay tuned for that one.

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Okay, Jay. So I want to move on to my listeners questions. Okay. And these are fucking incredible. So let's get started. SOS save our sleuths. So this girl wrote in. Hi. So I have been DMing this NFL player and this is my first time dipping my slutty toes into the pro athlete pool.

"Please give me advice. "He wants to fly me out "and I wanna go and get pregnant, JK." So she was kidding about that part. - She's not kidding. That's not a joke.

Then she says, but I'm nervous as fuck because what should I do when I get there? Do I just get on the floor and start sucking wiener? I don't want to just let this dude fuck me because he throws a football for a living, but I don't know. I think I'm going to end up sleeping in his bed. I just need serious advice ASAP because I want to go and I'm down to fuck. But also I want to make sure I make a good impression and not a slutty cleat chaser vibe.

I mean, I think she's already, I think she's past the point of that. Is she not? What's her question? I don't understand the question. Is there a question in there? I think she's made up her mind of what's happening here. The question is, let

- Let me say this in layman's terms. This bitch likes this athlete. - Clearly. - And wants to impress him. - Okay. - And wants to make sure he sticks around. - Good luck. - But doesn't wanna,

Exactly, because he's going to cheat on her. And there's probably another one flying in next week. Exactly. But what can she do to not come off like a desperate cleat chaser? Like, should she suck his dick? Should she sleep with him? Should she not? If she wants to come back, don't sleep with him. But suck his dick? What is it with this fucking rule and athletes and cleat chasers? One of my best friends is a self-proclaimed cleat chaser. She's proud of it?

if she's proud of it but i mean she's self-proclaimed so well i mean self-proclaimed like to me gotcha in private she will suck athletes dicks but will not them and she says they will just respect me way more and then it leaves them wanting more what what is with that is that a thing i don't know i've been out of that world for a minute you have friends in that world so you can um i

I think if I was a girl... I would suck his dick. No. I wouldn't... I mean, I would like... I would go to... I would make him take me to dinner. I would...

mess around but I mean I would I wouldn't I wouldn't have sex with them and I wouldn't give a blowjob maybe like the first time maybe just like put your hands on his dick let him finger you sure sure sure yes so you kind of lose respect or lose interest in a girl if you if she fucks you but it's also but it's also like how long have you guys been talking

Right. You know, if this has been, if you guys are FaceTiming and have been talking and, you know, for months and this is the first opportunity, like you guys have been together, then, I mean, that's a different story. Yeah. If you slid into his DMs two weeks ago. Mm-hmm.

and you talk every three days and he's like, "Hey, come on in." - Yeah. - I mean. - That's true. - Then you're setting yourself up for failure. - That's a good point. I have never slid into a DM in my life. - I don't know if I believe that.

- A thousand percent, never. I've never had to. - Well, yeah, people slide into your DMs. So you just respond to those. - No, not really. - Pick and choose. - No. Have I ever gone on a date with someone in a DM? No. It's always been like an organic thing or on a dating app once or twice. So girl, I mean, I'm okay with sleeping with a guy on a first date.

and a first hangout. I don't see anything wrong with it, to be honest. - Like you, what is this like the first time you've met him and talked to him? Like, it's like, hey. - Like I was at a bar. - You're at a bar, let's say you're at a bar, you met a guy and it's like, hey, can I take you out tomorrow night? And you're like, yes. You hit it off, are you sleeping with him that night?

I think now that I'm a little bit older, I think I would be a little bit careful about it. Are you laughing because I'm 30? You're like, shut the fuck up, bitch. You're not old. I'm a little bit older. For girls, once you hit 30, it's like, girl, you are in a different playing field now.

So are we going back on the sleeping first date situation? Yeah. I mean, unless it depends if I just wanted to fucking have fun. But if I actually kind of liked the dude, maybe I would hold off. Second date,

free for all yeah 100 but i think the first one maybe like let's like you know yeah let's make out first sure you know before the penis goes in walk me home walk me home first okay next question hi sophia i'm currently 32 and single i find it harder and harder to meet guys at this age and wondered if you had any pointers dating apps suck

I tell you what, do you, I mean, do you mostly just get relationship questions? Is that kind of the thing? Sex, relationship, mental health. Got it. Um, there's some girls on dating apps in the office and like, I'll look at them and try to help them. The guy population is brutal. Scary. It's terrifying. Scarce. So why? We're, we're all like the good guys. I don't know. I mean, there's, I mean, Nashville is flooded with

beautiful girls. Yes. It is. I mean, it's insane. Utah's like that too. Yeah, but then you gotta be like, are you Mormon or not? Right. You gotta weed through that. But the Mormons are the hottest ones. They are. Because all they're trying to do is attract a husband, so they're like, I need to be hot for a living. Not all of them, but... Maybe I should go to Utah. You absolutely should. Back to her question. Yeah, I feel for her. It's hard. 32. I would hate to be a...

30 something year old girl single trying to date. So I should I should you're screwed So if a girl's 30, are you like I need them in their 20s? No, because you're what? You're 39 Okay, so you you should have no issue with a girl in her 30s I never said I did but you're saying it's brutal for girls out here in their 30s to find a guy Yeah, cuz I don't think there's a lot of good guys out gotcha. I think that I think the population of

30 something year old girls is a lot bigger than the good guy population. - Yeah, yeah. - Like you go on the dating apps and it's like one guy after another without a shirt on or doing something stupid and it's like, come on dudes. - Model guys or guys showing off their six pack and their profile picture, you guys are done, just stop it. My advice for this girl, she's 32,

Go for a younger guy. That's what we're doing now. Is that to play? That's a trend. And just mold them to kind of whatever you want? Yeah. I mean, if I was a girl, that's what I would do. Yeah. I mean, they're not mature, but you'll... Can you just whip them into shape? Brainwash them. Yeah. A thousand percent. Gaslight them, brainwash them. You'll get exactly what you want. It's genius.

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okay this is the last question and jay you are going to be very helpful in answering this because i don't know too much about it this is actually serious so she says it feels serious i need help i have been with my boyfriend for six years and i'm very happy with the status of our relationship

He has diabetes type 1 and when his sugar levels are high or low, it affects his performance in the bedroom. I'm an extremely sexual person and the first few years of our relationship, our sex life was amazing. Now, not so much. We have sex maybe once a week and I rarely finish. When we are trying to have sex, he either can't get it up or doesn't last long enough for me to come and it makes me feel unattractive. What can I do? It's not a blood sugar problem.

It's not? No. What's the problem then? He's either not into her or it's different. Straight up? Like an erectile dysfunction issue. I mean, unless his numbers are just... I mean, if his blood sugar gets low...

you know, you drink some orange juice or something. - I was gonna say, can't you eat a Rice Krispie treat? - Yeah, you're fine. - Okay. - And if it's high, it's still gonna work. - Okay, so there's something else going on. - That's an excuse, is my guess. - For him, on his end. He's blaming it on that.

I mean, I'm not a doctor. Sometimes I think I am, but I'm not. But you have diabetes, right? Yes, for sure. So you would fucking know. I mean, everyone's different. But I mean, I'm calling BS on that. I'm saying that there's something else going on here. I mean, I've never heard that. And I've had sex when my blood sugar's low. I've had it when it's high.

That one's great. - I'm sure you have. - It's not, it's never. - Been an issue. - Uh-oh. - Okay, so she's wondering like, what can I do? It makes me feel unattractive. I love him, I don't wanna make him feel bad.

He's lying to you, bitch. So you better bring it up. Maybe. We're not 100% sure. I mean, I would have a conversation with him and I would be like, hey, what's your blood sugar at? If it's good, let's have sex right now. Can't you fix your blood sugar? For sure. Okay, well then fucking have him fix it. Have him eat a Rice Krispie and then fuck you. Yeah, and be like, hey, we're having sex right now. Your blood sugar is perfect. Yeah. And if...

he doesn't a or B still got a problem. Now, you know, there's something else going on for sure. Okay. That was fucking, I had no idea. And I think that was, uh,

I mean, I don't think she's going to like that answer because... No, but we need to tell her the truth. For sure. Well, I mean, it was either that or she's going to be unsatisfied sexually for her whole relationship. Which is not good for anybody. No, not good for anyone at all. Okay, Jay, you are fucking hilarious. This is a very unlikely vibe that I thought we were going to have, but I feel like we...

Fucking hit it off. Thank you so much for having me. Jay, your podcast uncut. You guys can find Jay Cutler there and I will talk to you guys next week. Bye.