cover of episode 68: So Long, Farewell ft. The Fam

68: So Long, Farewell ft. The Fam

Publish Date: 2022/3/3
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Sofia with an F


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At least I should wear a sexy top or something. Guys, welcome to Sophia with an F. You just heard my mom correctly. Mom, you can put a sexy top on when you're doing something else. Right now we're doing a podcast, okay? Okay.

People can hear if I'm sexy or not or whatever. Exactly. It's all in the voice. Okay. I'm so glad that we were able to clear that up. Guys, welcome to Sophia with an F. Let's fucking get into it. I am joined by not only my mother, but my brother as well. Here we are. We're here. Thanks so much for coming, you guys.

I practically had to drag you guys to the microphone. So thank you so, so, so, so, so, so much for blessing me with your presence. I'll send you a bill after. Lucas is hungover, right? Yes. But not even a regular hangover. Right.

Dude, you can't say that in front of mom. She's going to freak out. Why? I'm surprised mom wasn't like, what the fuck? My mom is giving me a look of absolute death right now that I just brought this up. You're not mad about that. No. I mean, you're not proud. I'm...

Not proud, but I'm not mad. I'm just kind of used to it with you two around here. I mean, isn't that most kids, honestly...

I don't know one kid that didn't experiment a little growing up. I really don't know one. No, and I think it's good to experiment. Okay. Certain things with environments. It's just kind of funny that, Lucas, you are hungover at 8.32 p.m., which means it was what? It's not from the night before. What happened today that got you to this state?

Well, I'm not like the greatest of golfers and all my friends are like fucking PGA Tour, like have their own clubs type shit. But we were playing golf and whoever loses the hole has to shotgun a beer. And I was the factor who was shotgunning the beer most of the time. How many times? How many did you miss?

I probably lost... We only played like seven holes, so I maybe took like three, four. So not that bad. We're going to move on because my mom is about to freak out, but I am really excited to have you guys here. And everyone has a crazy family, right? Everyone really does. Ours is no different, but...

But I think like there's something that makes us a little bit different that I've just noticed when I go and hang out with my friends' families is we overshare a lot. Maybe it's not oversharing. We're just extremely honest about almost everything. Definitely. With each other. Would you agree? I agree. Do you think it crosses the line?

Maybe a little bit. Sometimes there's things I would rather not know. Is it kind of like cheating? It's kind of like you would rather not know, but like you want to know. Kind of. It's kind of that. It's kind of exactly like that. Yes, I could totally see that. Yeah, I think we overshare. Like, I don't really want to know how often my kids masturbate, but I've heard it before. Wait, mom.

What was your reaction when you found out I accidentally used your vibrator two weeks ago? That did not happen. That was so messed up. So, so messed up. I can't. It was by accident.

Accident. 100%. It was completely by accident. By accident. You know, we do have jetted tabs that you can always go to if you need to. Mom, I thought it was mine. I thought it was mine. Okay. Because we have the exact same one that was gifted to me from this company. It was rinsed. It was washed off. Okay.

But I accidentally used it. I did. It's really not that gross. Don't lie. You did not rinse that shit off. Yes, I did. Every single time I use it, I'm rinsing it off. Also, I came out of mom's vagina. So is it really that weird? And so did you. So did you, by the way. It's really weird. It's not. It is, but it's okay. I don't really think it's that weird at all. I think you guys are weird for making it weird.

Maybe we are. Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way. My mom...

Is literally like about to go into cardiac arrest. Okay, we're going to get through this entire episode, mom, without you crying. Okay? Oh, God. That's the goal. That is the goal. Because for anyone listening, for any of the sleuths feeling like they're having a mental breakdown, let me just tell you, Lola has been having a mental breakdown. Right, mom? Yes, I have. Why? Why?

So long story. It started with a cleanse. That's actually really crazy. That was not the point I was trying to make. I know, but it started there because what a cleanse does is it clears your mind and really puts you in touch with your feelings. So I feel like ever since then, I've been a lot

More sensitive about things. I could see that. Can we talk about her person that like prescribes for these cleanses? Like, oh my God. Oh my God. This chick is back shit crazy. Evil, evil,

Witch doctor. Witch of the West. Witchy witch of the West. How do you say that? Oh, God. The wicked witch of the West. Wicked witch of the West. But she, okay, you have to hand it to her. She has to be tough. So people follow this cleanse because it's not easy to just drink.

There's... This is the thing, Mom. I get it. The acting like a dictator, like you're running an army type thing so people actually do it. But there is a fine line between being strict...

and being completely inappropriate. Let me just remind everyone, this is a lady who I also saw and she, I was wearing, it was very hot. It was in the middle of July. I was wearing a sports bra and baggy sweatpants. And she told me that the way I was dressed was so inappropriate. By the way, she doesn't have fucking air conditioning. So bitch, you're lucky I wasn't naked. But

But she said it was so inappropriate how I was dressed that I was the reason that girls get raped or the way I was dressed is like a reason that that happens to women. That's shocking. A route fit, which I have now called a route fit. Ladies, if you are wearing baggy sweatpants and a sports bra, you're wearing a route fit. And that's just what it is.

I'm just reclaiming my power and I'm calling it a route fit. That's all I'm saying. I know. That was so inappropriate. What do you mean by route fit? A rape outfit. Oh, route fit. A route fit. I'm reclaiming my power. I'm going to wear a route fit every single day until the day I die. There's no such thing, Lucas, though. There's no such thing. How about we teach men to not rape? I ain't even say it.

Shit. I don't know why you guys are coming at me. I just asked what a route is like I'm supposed to know. I know Lucas didn't say anything. I know. I'm just trying to explain to him. Yeah. So this doctor is insane. But that wasn't really the point. The point was the clarity, the mental clarity that you had.

mixed with the fact that I'm leaving. Yes. And I'm not going to lie. You've been acting a little bit intense. I know. Recently. I know. This past weekend, Lucas, mom and I, well, I started bawling, crying. So did I. Yes, you did too. We both did. We both did. For a couple of hours.

It was kind of a beautiful thing. I think it was good that we got out of our system. It's just, I'm over it now. I'm not. Well, I understand that. Mom just takes things to a different level. I do. She says stuff like, I'm never going to see you again. I will never, ever see you again. And it's like, I'm moving forward.

across the country. I'm not moving to Bali. It's a five hour flight. I'm a little dramatic. What can I say? Beyond. Beyond. It's never going to be the same again. We're not going to be close anymore. We're never going to see each other again. It's just going to be different. It's all my fears coming out and I just don't have a filter sometimes. And I just say what comes to mind. And I am so sorry because obviously that's not true. And I was just a little upset and mad. And it's

I'm scared because, you know, I don't love you living on the other side of the country, but that's OK. I think it's because you're going to miss me. Of course. Which obviously I'm going to miss you. I know. Are you about to cry right now? Yeah. Oh, my God. This is like some Kris Jenner shit. She like cries every single episode. No, mom, we're not crying. I'm going to miss you. I'm going to see you all the time.

And I think I already lived there once. I know. I think we just got codependent again because I came back to the nest and I've been acting like I'm 16 again here. Yeah. Lucas, do you care? It fucking sucks. Lucas is upset that you're leaving too. Yeah. That warms my heart.

My older sister's leaving. It was really nice to have you back. I know. I mean, we are all really, really close. I just think you guys, maybe it's different because I'm going somewhere and you guys are here, but it's going to be fine. What is so ironic about this situation is...

I'm not moving fucking anywhere. I know that's the funniest thing about us spending the entire weekend bawling and us being stressed and sad. I'm not going anywhere because I don't have a place to live.

I do not have an apartment. I have been saying for the past two years, two years that I'm moving back to New York. I sound like a broken record over and over and over. I start every single episode. Oh my gosh, New York update you guys next month, this week. Last week, I let everybody know that I signed a literal lease.

Lucas, I don't know if you know what a lease is because you've never signed one, but it's a document that binds you to a certain place and you have to stay there for a certain amount of time. Okay. Once you sign that shit, shit's real. Right. Okay. I signed a lease.

Which ironically began on March 1st, which was two days ago. Yesterday. Yep. So my lease has already started. I'm not there. And I handed the company real money, actual money. And here I am still at home.

I feel like I am in fucking purgatory. That is how it feels. What can you blame them for questioning the Sophia with an F moving into their building? I thought you were about to be like, how are you going to reference my house as purgatory? Like, hell no. You have a lovely house, mom. I love living here. It's just...

So it's no offense to you. It's just I've been trying to get out of here for a minute now. Guys, basically, this is what happened. And Lucas, this is where I really want you to pay attention for real. Because I thought about you is I can't say with absolute certainty what the hold up is. But I think I have some idea. And I think this is like a real learning moment for you.

Your criminal record will haunt you for the rest of your life. Forever. Do you have a criminal record other than like the...

critically acclaimed mugshot? Yeah. I mean, no, it's basically that. And maybe it happened once, two other times. But it was all like when I was way younger. I haven't gotten in trouble in 10 years. And the reason I think that it has something to do with that is because the lady I spoke to on the phone said, this is a little bit bizarre. You should have been approved already. There has something to do with your background check.

Now, I can't think of anything else on my background check besides those few instances I had when I was way younger that would be holding me back. I cannot imagine that was holding you back. What else would it be? I don't know, but that's not it. Wait, maybe like your image. Maybe they're like very conservative. It's like a building filled with influencers, which is another thing I kind of...

I mean, I don't necessarily like it about the building, but am I going to have to wear makeup to go to the gym and shit? Probably. If there's other hot people there. You'll be yourself anywhere you go. So no. You never wear makeup, so that should be no different. Well, that's true, but maybe I can't get away with that anymore. Imagine if you were living in a building with a bunch of models. Would you kind of step it up a notch? Yeah.

Probably not. I would. I would step it down so I could stick out more. Well... Wait, what? You would not wear makeup so you could stick out more. Right. Be different. Yeah, I'm sure. Stand out from the rest. Well...

whatever it is, mom, it's not because of what I do. I know. If anything, they want that type of thing. I really think it has something to do with they look up my background check and there's some shit on there. Even if it's not a felony, even if it's pretty minor, even though it's been expunged, talking to you, I would say the name of the building, but I'm not going to. It just shouldn't matter. I mean, there's like cartel kingpins

living in the fanciest, most expensive apartment buildings in New York. Russian oligarchs that are like doing shady shit with oil.

But me, Sophia Franklin, got way too drunk when she was 18 years old at a party in Salt Lake City, Utah. Right. Like, come on. No, no. But what's funny is you thought you were moving in by today, according to you. Yeah, exactly. You were packing your bags over the weekend and you were checking into your apartment today. Exactly. That is what is so heartbreaking. And you got mad at me. You're like, no.

I'm not waiting two more weeks. I know. I just want to go ahead and say that...

I will not talk about New York or my move to New York. I will not listen to the Frank Sinatra song, New York, New York. I will not eat a New York steak. I will not pet a New York Terrier, like nothing with New York. I'm not fucking doing it. And until I am sitting on the floor in my apartment, like,

I will make an announcement that I'm there. So, Lucas, I just want you to be careful while you're young because even though you're young, if you get in trouble, like, it's annoying as shit. Oh, I know. I just, I was backing out of the driveway the other day and I hit some random ass person's like 20th

2012 Acura and I've paid like $1,000 for it. That's it? That's a lot though. It was literally the scratch was nothing. $2,000, right? You have to pay $2,000? Is it $2,000? It's $2,000. Oh, buddy. $2,000? How am I going to pay that? That's what happens when you hit a car, bro. The den was so small. It was so small and he did the right thing. He actually...

wrote a note and said, hey, this is my name. Here's my number. And because of it, I may help you pay for it just because you did the right thing. So what were you about to bounce? And then her mom told you to bounce. And then you were like, I'm going to leave a note. I didn't even talk to her until after it all happened. He told me and I was like, why? And then I'm like, oh, no, that's the right thing to do. But that was like my first reaction. That's so funny.

I like not to mention that it was the neighbors across the street. Well, I mean, that is literally history repeating itself, because when I was your age, I was in the parking lot at like the local swimming pool, the Draper one. And I scratched a car. Oh, you did it.

Oh, you were in the car, you little piece of shit. What? Yes. Okay, so I was 16, so I was old enough to drive. So he must have been, what, five? Yeah. Yeah. He was five years old, and you, I was backing out, and you had left your car door open. Oh, my God. Do you remember that? Oh, my God, I do remember that. And it completely just scratched and dented the side of this guy's truck. Oh, my God.

And then I didn't know what to do. So then I wrote a little note and left it on his windshield. Yeah. But then this like really crazy. Actually, I really don't think it was your fault because you were five and I need to take accountability for that. I think I just I think I just blamed it on you because I didn't want to get in trouble. But then this lady cornered me and she was like, I saw what you just did. And you're going to like wait here to for the police to come. She was a Karen. Yeah.

Anyways, so that happened. Yeah, weird that you left the note. So maybe that's a good lesson as to why I have left the note and didn't have the note. Yeah. Wow. Okay. I mean, so whatever. You got in a car accident. I think I got in like two car accidents. Is that the only one you've been in? Yeah. Okay. You're already a way better kid than me. Oh my gosh. But you're not an angel. Okay. Oh my gosh, mom. What do you want to elaborate? Okay.

He's way better. He is. Okay, but also, how many parties have you thrown here? Let's be real about that one. Oh, my gosh. He had some Karina in tears one day. Wow. Karina was this friend that was staying here temporarily. Yes, and Lucas happened to throw a party. I was not home. How many people? Maybe like...

I don't know. At the time, it was this girl I was talking to and I was like so into her because I was a freshman and she was like a junior. And I invited her over. I was like, you want to come over? My mom's gone. Like, you guys can bring whatever. Like, we can just do a little thing at my house. And she brought like the whole fucking 11th grade. It was like some Project X type shit. Like, they all fucking came in and it was...

That's the best night of my life, honestly. Did anyone jump off the roof? I jumped. There's like this beam in our living room. You know the beam, right? That thing is so tall. I have the video of me jumping onto the couch and I fucking broke the couch. Well, well, well.

Well, well, come to find out. Wow. Okay. Wait, did I never tell you that? I never knew that. Mom's over here. Like, why is all of my furniture broken all the time? Oh, my God. I know there was an avocado smashed on the wall. Like, someone...

I don't know what they were doing. Well, I was like a fucking loser at the time. He sounds like it. Who goes to a party and is like, yo, let me fucking smash this avocado all over the wall. No, it was like me because I'm just like a loser and they don't fucking care what happens to me. So they're like, oh, let's just like fuck up his house. We're not going to hang out with him again. But little did they come to find out that. Oh my gosh. You're a G. I'm a fucking G. Wow. Payback is a bitch and Lucas is coming for us.

All of you guys who smeared avocados on the walls of our house. Yeah. Holy cow. I hate them all. So the entire 11th grade, what was the alcohol situation? Because I had a party too. Yeah.

Remember that? When I was in Mexico. I can't leave you guys alone. That one went a little worse than mine, though. Mine had, it was Project X in the sense that there had to have been at least 60, 70 people. And they were all like spilled out into the front yard, the backyard. And then the police showed up. And instead of answering the door and being like, I'll send everyone home, I bounced. Okay.

So I basically just left 70 unintended high schoolers in mom's house. This is messed up. Wow.

Wow. Lucas, we like, wow, mom, we actually have put you through a lot. You guys have. I'm sorry. Yes. I'm more mature now. Yeah, we're going to take care of you. You would never do that now. Maybe just a little one. No. No, you should just get a camera system set up. Well, I have to. I'm getting a camera system. Lucas is looking at me with daggers in his eyes. Oh, my goodness.

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Okay, so let's move on. That's just a little bit of background about what shitty kids we are. But lots of love in this room. Lots of love. You guys are the best. I want to bring up... Mom, I'm trying to salvage this. I want to bring up some pop culture stuff. And it's a picture of Rihanna. And I'm about to show it to you guys. So she is pregnant. Fully pregnant. And she's a little bit of a baby.

And she's wearing, I would call it provocative. I'm not going to say it's straight up lingerie, but it's very, very provocative. It's see-through. It's sexy. This is the picture. Okay. All right. Lucas, can you please look at the picture? Yeah, I've seen it. I fucking, I love Rihanna. I support her in everything. She looks amazing. Okay. Like hot. Like you think she's hot? Of course. I love me a big forehead, bitch. Um,

Thank you so much. I am also part of that crew and people do love it. How do we feel about her being pregnant and showing off her body like this? I think that it's amazing that she can do it and shows off her body like that. I feel like

feel like she's just owning it and enjoying her pregnancy and I think it's beautiful and amazing. I do wonder where she's at dressed like that because I feel like there's a time and a place and I'm not sure if that's either one but I think she looks great. I think she looks great too. I...

have always had a crush on Rihanna. I know people that have seen her in person and said she's even hotter in person. A$AP Rocky is the hottest person in the entire world. I think it's really empowering for Rihanna to be rocking an outfit like that. I do too. I mean, when you were pregnant, mom, were you trying to just cover up all your shit? Did you feel insecure? No.

No, I don't get how that works. You feel insecure, like the hottest you've ever felt. I felt really beautiful, actually. Really? Yeah. And I didn't even realize all the weight I was gaining, especially with you. I think I gained like 67 pounds or something crazy. That's a shit ton.

But I thought I looked amazing. I wore my little bikini at the swimming pool. Oh, you did? With my belly out. You saw pictures of it. Okay, so you had a little Rihanna in you. Yeah, but I do have body dysmorphia. So I always think I look either much better or much worse than I do. It's never spot on.

The body dysmorphia thinking you look way better is something that we really should discuss one day because I've never encountered someone that thinks that way. But I also think I look a lot worse at times. It just depends on the day. I think she looks amazing. I don't know if I personally will do that when I'm pregnant. God knows when I'll be pregnant at this rate. Hopefully one day.

Wait, I think it's like really empowering that she's wearing that. I don't know if that's just like my horny teenager self and it's like scandalous that I love it. I think it's like fucking great. Like go Rihanna. Yeah. Always. I love that. And especially coming from a dude and hearing a guy say that I think is really important. And mom taught you well and so did I. I think it's badass. I really do.

Would you be down to hook up with a girl that was pregnant? No. You wouldn't? That shit's freaky. I always wonder. What if it was pregnant with your kid? It would be different. But what if it wasn't your kid? That's just like taboo, I feel like. Is it? Why? It's a threesome. You might hit the kid's forehead.

I don't know if it's that, but like, I am glad we all support Rihanna. That's what we do here on Swath. We remove taboos and Rihanna is Lucas's future baby mama. I hope. I would love that. I would really love that for us. Okay. Rihanna is 34 years old, by the way. And this is her first kid. I mean, mom, I know you had me super young. You were like,

21, 21. I mean, I had the mind of a 15 year old maybe, but I was 21. Okay, whatever you say. But you are young and I'm about to turn 30. I am. And I have no issue with that. But hearing Rihanna getting pregnant for the first time at 34, it kind of takes the pressure off. You know what I mean? Sure. Yeah. You still have plenty of time. I wouldn't say plenty. Right.

Well, you can always freeze your eggs if you choose to. You can have a baby when you're 70 if you want. Right. Well, maybe not 70. Right. I mean, would you recommend that, though? Would you recommend having a kid at 50 as someone who had a kid at 21? Yeah.

No, I mean, I think having a kid young is fun and it helped me in so many ways. I kind of feel like I grew up. It's fun. I mean, how is having a kid at 21 fun? You enjoy it in a different way. You play with them more. You're younger. You kind of like I feel like you and I grew up together in some ways, you know.

With Lucas, I was 32, so I was more responsible, kind of had my shit together a little more. But it was both great experiences. I mean, look at you guys. Yeah, that's a good point. I just feel like if I had a kid at 21, that kid would really...

just end up in foster care. I don't recommend it. And child protective services. I'm not saying go have a kid. Obviously, there's, you know, older is better. I mean, also, if having a kid at 50 means I have to play with it less and do less with it, I'm on board with that shit, right? I guess. Wendy, who's going to have a kid first, you or me? You. Yeah.

Oh, I don't know. I won't have a kid until I'm your age, at least. You think? Yeah, fuck kids. Whoa. Why? I don't know. That didn't sound right. I didn't even like want to have kids growing up. I was like, I'm not going to have kids. I want them, but...

but I don't feel anywhere near ready. And I don't know if I'll even feel ready at 35. I don't think you're ever fully ready. Okay, well, that's an interesting thing. You're never going to be like, ooh, I'm this age, so now I'm ready to have a kid. I mean, even if you're

pregnant nine months pregnant and you're still second guessing you know about to deliver a baby and you don't know yeah you're gonna be a good mom and all these fears come up and it's I mean are you ready to be a grandma I am so ready so ready bring them on all of them are you ready to be an uncle

You will be a good dad. He will be an awesome dad. Yeah. He will. And you'll be a great mom. I know I will. And if I, you know, am single in five years or whatever it may be, I will just, I'll be a single mom. I have no issue with that. I mean, you were basically a single mom and I think that was great. I think you being a mom. Aside from all my daddy issues. Yeah, exactly. So, I mean, ideally you would have a,

A partner being a committed, healthy relationship, that's always, you know. Nice to have. I'm imagining that would be amazing to have. I mean, I just care more about if they can support me financially. If they can help financially. That's what I'm concerned about. Yeah, if you both work. I mean, the more financially stable you are, the better off and the easier it will be. But that's not to say that you couldn't have a kid, you know, in a different way. I'm surprised.

I mean, TMI, that I haven't had like a little slip up yet. And I haven't gotten pregnant. I know. I mean, think about all the guys I've dated. Knock on wood. For real. Actually, don't knock because I'm down. No, please, no. What were you about to say? Have you never had a scare? Pregnancy scare? Every single month I have a scare, but somehow I've always avoided it. I mean, I've talked about this. Like I would...

fetus deletus immediately, but like I never have. What is a fetus deletus immediately? It's an abortion, which I am pro-choice, by the way. Good, me too. I would just like to say that. But I think I've had so many boyfriends. I've always been that bitch, so I'm always in a monogamous relationship. I want to go through some of the guys that I have dated in the past with you guys and talk about them because you guys have been besties.

very opinionated when it comes to any guy I bring home. And I want to talk about it on air because I'm sure the way I talk about them is very biased. Let's do it. Are you guys ready? Yeah. I want to say I love like most of them. I love all your boyfriends. Really?

Really? Even the ones that weren't good boyfriends, I was just like young enough to where I was like, oh, it's like a cool dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You looked up to them kind of. Right. I could see that. I wish I could say the same thing, but I cannot. No.

I OK, well, obviously, I don't want to name their names, but. Oh, well, that's no fun. How many? I mean, you guys will obviously know who they are. Will they know who they are? I mean, knowing my sleuths, they will probably figure it out. But how many boyfriends have I had? No, not the sleuths. I don't give a fuck. They know I'm giving them an anonymous name and that's fine. What was my who's my first boyfriend? Gay guy.

Yes. Gay guy. You don't remember. He was rich, right? Yes, very. I dated them for on and off for three years and was madly in love and saw myself having kids with them. So...

My gaydar does not exist. A. B. Did you have any idea? I had no idea. None? No. And I've had a few of those relationships myself. So my gaydar is way off too. That's actually very true. That's just a common thing. I don't know. I want to say because we are a little bit alpha females, we attract men that are not so alpha in a way. They're more...

Beta or whatever they're called. Possibly. I've never been told I'm alpha. Wait, don't act innocent. Maybe you turned him gay. Why? Always blame the woman. Why? I don't know. You can be a little intense. Honestly? Honestly?

that could be part of the reason that's not really why but like i kind of am a piece of shit to every single guy i date and that's fucking hilarious maybe i did i'm gonna ask him i'm gonna reach out okay let's like move on to the favorite that i really just can't wait to talk about and you're gonna know exactly who it is the older guy yeah you know who that is yes

The least favorite. The least favorite. I was saying, I'm saying it sarcastically. I just hope I never see him out and about or anything. I just cannot stand that guy at all. Tell me your opinion of him. What did you think about him? Go off.

First of all, he was way too old. Remember, I used to tell you, you're going to end up changing his diapers. I tried so many ways to get you away until you actually moved away to New York. I mean, a lot of it had to do with that relationship. But it was age, but there was more to it. Like what else?

I remember everyone was telling you to like stop it. And like something was just like over you. He had some sort of power. It wasn't that he had power as much as it was. I was in such a state in my life where I just didn't care. I didn't give a fuck. He emotionally abused you, I think. And you maybe didn't even realize it at the time. When someone is that much older and they have power, they can use that power in a negative way. Yeah.

You know, the thing is, is he acted like he was 20, right?

And he looked young until it started to get to the end of our relationship. And we would be at dinner and I would look over at him and kind of cringe a little bit and be like... You were starting to picture him and die first. No, I was starting to just see him aging, especially because he would party like a psycho, you know? Yeah. Just to put into perspective how old this guy was, he's like friends with my friend's dad. Yeah.

That's how old this guy is. He wasn't that old. Okay, let's arrange because you're making it sound like 60s, 70s. He's at least nine years older than you. But he's less than 20 years older than me. Oh my gosh.

Less than 15. Whatever. It doesn't matter. Yeah, I know. You lied about his age to me. Oh, yeah. I lied to you about his age for a really long time as well. OK, what about and this is the one that's going to get everyone's gears going and get all of their feathers ruffled. Suit man, who is now known as Sloot Man. Yes. What is your guys's opinion? Because we know the entire fucking Internet have all their opinions on him. What do you guys think?

Suitman is the most...

Just like the greatest ever Greatest boyfriend you've ever had So smart So caring, so cool So kind to you and us To everyone I like him a lot I don't have one thing bad to say about him No, you guys are obsessed Obsessed No, I'm like real obsessed I know, trust, I know Like I probably talk to him more than like Mom You guys still are in touch Oh yeah

All the time. I knew right off the bat when I saw him on the dating app that I had to message him on your behalf because you weren't going to. And I'm so glad I did. Yeah.

Basically, I was laying on the couch next to you and you said, oh my gosh, I just messaged this guy on Raya and said, you're hot. Let's hang out. I said, he had on his description, it said he's not looking for a serious relationship. Did it? Yes. Shut up.

I think something like that. And so I said, too bad you're not looking for anything serious. I'm looking for marriage. I thought that would send him off running. Oh, that's what you said. Yeah, I thought that, you know, I was just like, oh, this guy's going to freak out. Wait, I cannot believe Slootman had that in his bio. Do you see him having that? Oh, my God, no.

But that's the thing about him. He has that fuckboy energy, but then he has this husband energy. Wait, I feel like he has the husband energy, but deep down, like, he's still a fuckboy. There's a fuckboy in there. I agree. But I'm glad you guys were able to talk about him and give your opinion. What about your guys' dating life? Like, what's up with that? I'm happily dating. You are? I mean, I know you are, but... Yes. Yes.

You're happily dating. Happily, yes. Okay, what about you, Lucas? Well, you said earlier that you've like always been the girl that's like always in a relationship, right? Mm-hmm. Usually shady and not very loyal, but yeah. I'm like the complete opposite. I've probably had like what, like three girlfriends in my life? But like I still talk to girls. I still like hang out with them all the time. It's just like a...

I just can't do the monogamous thing. Okay. Not that I'm not loyal. Okay. I'm just picky. That's... Commitment issues. Okay, wait. And commitment issues. Hold on, though. That is so much better than what I do. Well, or smart, because I think that's very smart at your age, not to get into a serious relationship. Yes, or... No, I agree with that, but I...

I'm always in a monogamous relationship and then I do shady shit and I cheat and I'm not loyal. That's not cool. I mean, I used to do that stuff. Not anymore. No, not anymore. But like...

There was a, I had a good stretch of time where I would do that. So you guys both have commitment issues. I wonder if it has anything to do with me. We both have commitment issues. Yeah. I have like terrible commitment issues. Shit. So do I. Why? So do I. Why? I do too. I don't know if you do, mom. I do. She does. I'm a serious monogamous person.

monogamous date or however you say that. You are always in a relationship? Kind of. That means the opposite of having commitment issues. No, because you end one and start another one. So it's like you're never in a long term forever. This is it. So it is in a way. Kind of. Yeah. That's not, that's never how I've interpreted it. I think if you're like always shady cheating or if you're just never in a relationship, that's commitment issues. Yeah. Okay. I don't know. That's a form of it though. Yeah.

Yeah. She can't hold them down very well. After two years, I'm done. A year to... It's getting shorter and shorter now. Should we get into all of your relationships or not today? We'll save it for a different episode. It's up to you. Whatever you want. No.

Let's just say you've dated around the globe. Around the globe. Which I respect. Oh, my God. She fucking has. I respect that. What do we have? Multicultural. Yes. Spain. New Zealand. Spain. Lebanon. London. Big London. Yeah. Wow. Argentina. A woman of culture. Yes. Yes.

that's what you're cultured i love that shit have you ever sent a nude mom lucas i'm not gonna ask you because like i don't even want to know because i know you have probably have you ever sent one never never never you can say it in front of me i'm so curious i have never ever the closest let me tell you the closest i've gotten i was in vegas with a bunch of girlfriends

And one of them is really good at this stuff as she kind of set up the bed and put a pillow and told me how to lay and all this stuff. But you couldn't see anything. You couldn't see anything in the picture. So it was like artistic and I deleted it. I never sent it. No dude wants an artistic picture with nothing in it. Wait, shut the fuck up. Incorrect. Am I incorrect there? Dude, when girls put like...

Like an effort into it It's so hot Really? I thought guys were just shallow And it's like ass, tits, vagina Let's go Have a little class okay Not just ass and vagina When I was younger now I don't But if you get like a booty pic from the same girl It's just gonna be the same shit if they don't spice it up Right?

That's true. Okay. I guess if you're like receiving that many nudes, they probably start to get a little generic over time. Right. How many nudes do you receive, Lucas? That's their generation. They just fire that shit off. It's crazy to me. See that? I'm not used to that. No. I've never done or I don't never receive nudes.

From anyone. Yeah. Who's going to send you nudes? Wow. Okay. Also, guys don't really send nudes because what do they send? A dick pic, that's it. Okay, nudes. That's what I meant. I don't even know what they're called, a dick pic. Yeah. I never got, and thank God because I don't think I appreciate it. You never got a random one?

I have had a random one. Those are interesting. Interesting, yeah. I'm pretty sure they thought it was your phone number. Probably. I get that shit all the time. Not like I'm talking to the guy, just random numbers. But this has been so much fun.

Guys, it's kind of like the end of an era. No. Because I'm leaving. It's sad. It is sad. I'm going to miss you guys a lot. Yeah, it's really, really sad. But I will come out and see you all the time.

as much as we can. Maybe we'll move there, Lucas. Yeah, at least you're not moving to like fucking Vancouver or some shit. You're in New York where we'd actually want to go. Lucas, I want you to live in New York. It's just, Utah's amazing. It's really incredible. I just think everyone should live in a different state at some point. I agree. I would love to live in New York.

New York is my dream. That's like where if I could live anywhere in the world, it would be New York. Okay, well, your one and only sibling lives there. So you kind of have an in. Sophie, you know what? I'm going to miss you so, so, so, so much. But it's for the best, mom. I know. I know. I'm happy for you. I think it's going to be great for your career. I'm so proud of you. You've been through so much and you've come such a long way. And I am super excited.

I really am. Thank you. I love you. And I'll come and see you as much as I can. Lucas will come too. You're making me emotional. Okay. Well, let's get into SOS Save Our Sleuths questions and advice. Save on Cox Internet when you add Cox Mobile and get fiber-powered internet at home and unbeatable 5G reliability on the go.

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Hi, Sophia. Please tell us how you and girls generally feel about us guys jacking off to you. I've always wondered that as well. That's like such a like a regular question, I feel like.

Why? What? How? Why? Because guys jack off to girls? You mean while they're there? No. Oh, my God. No. No. It's not. No. I personally, it doesn't bother me. I think it's flattering in my opinion. It depends what relationship they have with me. If it's a random, I don't care. If it's my therapist or something. Shut up.

Then I'm not down. I'm like, buddy, we're standing knees up in this Zoom call. I need to see from head to toes. You know what I'm saying? That's the way I think about it, but it doesn't bother me. I think I feel the same way. You never had a guy like let you know?

Well, OK, maybe they didn't let you know, but just in theory, would that bother you? Well, I think whenever a guy thinks fondly of me, I'm OK with it. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. What about Lucas? If it's someone that's creepy or it's inappropriate or like, you know, a doctor or

lawyer or someone like you're doing business with. Yes. That would scare me or someone that's. Yes. If it's in a professional-ish setting. What about you, Lucas? If you knew like this girl was masturbating to you? Yeah, that's flattering. That's just. He's like, yes. No issue. No issue. Okay, let's do the next question. Hey, girl, big fan of the podcast. Just want to let you know you're killing it.

So I've been dating my boyfriend for a while now, and once we broke up a few years ago, he started dating someone else for a little while, and his family is still friends with this girl on social media and still feel the need to comment on her photos, calling her gorgeous, beautiful, etc.,

I've talked to my boyfriend about it and he says it's not a big deal, but it's making me feel some type of way. Should I just ignore it or bring it up without sounding insecure? I just feel disrespected and embarrassed. Please let me know your thoughts. Lots of love.

That's a tough one. I'm sorry. I miss a bikini moment. Okay. Sorry. We bought a first timer. Basically, let me break it down for you. This girl was dating this guy and then they broke up. And during their breakup, the guy started dating another girl, but then they got back together. Are you following? Yes. Okay. The girl that he dated during their brief breakup. Mm-hmm.

His family is still all up in that girl's shit. They follow her on social media. They comment on her pictures. You're gorgeous. Even though he is now with his girlfriend. Right. How would that make you feel? And do you think she should bring it up? I don't think there's any reason to bring that up. I don't know how you could bring it up without sounding insecure. And like, no hate to this woman. I'm sure she's very secure, but...

If that bothers you, then like you're kind of just like a fucking loser. I completely agree with Lucas, but you go ahead, mom. I think it would bother me if I break up with someone for a short while and they date someone else and their family is still really talking to them and liking them so much. I would wonder if they're still...

Or why is it that, you know, if it was such a short time? I mean, I'd have a lot of questions. If I was very close to the family, I would bring it up. You would bring it up. I would bring it up because I would let them know how it makes me feel. But I would, first of all, bring it up with my partner. Well, that's first thing. Tell them how I feel.

And hopefully he can maybe bring it up to his family unless I'm super close to them. I just don't think there's any point to do that. Only if it affects you, like if you're not happy that they're still in communication with this woman, you know? Yeah. If not, I wouldn't bring it up. But if it bothers you, then I think it's always...

smart to bring it up. I mean, obviously bring it up to your partner. Yeah. When I mean, anytime I think about my partner, I'm bringing up whatever the hell I want. But as far as like asking him to bring it up to the family or bring it up to the family, I don't think you should do that. I think it makes you look insecure. And I also think it's a

comment on social media. It'd be one thing if his family was inviting the girl to Christmas dinner or on vacation, you know, or trying to shove it in the girl's face. Like, oh, well, you know, Melissa actually used to make the pie at home. She wouldn't bring over store-bought pie. That type of thing is too much. But if it's just like...

You know, hey, beautiful. Because if you date someone, you sometimes do get really integrated into their family. Yeah, that's true. You do. I've had exes where their brothers or their sisters will still reach out to me. Yeah. Yeah. Same. Yeah.

So Lucas and I are on the same page because we're secure. Yes. We have a self-esteem. Oh, wow. I'm just kidding, Mom. Okay. But I know it's smart to you at least bring it up to your partner. I would for sure. Okay. Next. If it bothered me. Okay. Next. Okay. Okay.

So I am seeing my brother's friend. At first, I told my brother and he was fine with it. But over the holidays, my brother came back home and ended up telling me it makes him feel weird.

He said it's fine if it's just casual, but anything serious he would find too strange. I was a bit taken aback as originally he was fine with it. And then he said that surely he would prefer it if I was serious with his friend and not just casually fucking his friend, right? I'm not sure what to do now as I think I've caught feelings. I really like this guy, but don't want to have a falling out with my brother. What would you suggest I do?

Well, this is a perfect question for you, Lucas. Lucas, what if I started dating one of your best friends? Would you be chill with it? I mean, it's different because they age different. Fuck no. You wouldn't be okay with it? No. What if we were older? And if you guys were casually having sex, I'd be even more aggravated. So you would rather us, though, be serious than casual sex? Um...

I don't think I'd be chill with it. Definitely not. Just because like they'd be like, oh, they just give me shit about it. Maybe if I was a little older, it'd be fine. Okay. Because it's not like as intense for me. Yeah. Would you rather it that I'm just casually having sex with them or like I'm seriously dating them?

Casually having sex would be worse, in my opinion. That's what I would assume that too. Yeah. I'd be like, at least I want my friend to be taking care of my sister, right? Yeah. What do you think, mom? Actually, Alex's dad and I grew up kind of together. We were very close. All my friends, it was the opposite. Alex as in producer Alex? Yes. Okay. So my older brother. Mm-hmm.

Mm-hmm. All my friends were always in love with him. Oh, okay. And he actually went out with a lot of my friends when I was a teenager and I hated it. Why did you hate it? Because I was possessive. I didn't want them to date my brother. I don't know. I just never liked them dating. Oh, interesting. Sorry.

I mean, now I would care less because, you know, I'm older. But when I was young, I did not like him too. I felt like it was a boundaries issue. Like, that's my brother, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In a sense, it's kind of like they're choosing them over you. Yeah.

Yeah. I also kind of get it just in the sense of like, OK, you're my best friend. We share so many intimate details. And now you're sharing very intimate details with my sibling. Like that's just like a weird thing. Right. A weird dynamic. Yeah. You know, you don't both need to know. No. You know what I mean? Even though it's different, but different intimate details. But I can see how in certain situations it could be OK. Like if you're old,

If you're older, yeah. Wait, and to the end of that question, where she asks, should she have a falling out with her brother or break up with this dude? Like, what kind of question is that? Yeah, what? Wait, yeah. Thanks for bringing that up. Yeah. The fuck? Girlfriend, men come and go. Your brother is there forever. Like, I think you know. Yeah. Duh. Yeah, you can't get rid of your brother, unfortunately. No. Not even a question. Also, I would like to know, like, the age difference between them because...

Actually, that doesn't matter. If you're closer in age, it's annoying. If you're farther apart in age, it's annoying. Either way. Yeah. Team brother, not team brother's friend. Okay, guys. So with that, I just have a quick thing that I do really need to address. Okay.

Before I end this episode, I wanted to give my thoughts and prayers to everyone in Ukraine, anyone who's been affected by just the war in general. My heart is with you guys. I'm going to post links to resources for ways that we can all help.

And I know we have a lot of fun on this show, but it's super important to be aware of the world and just don't live in ignorance. And if I can help in any way, then I know I'm doing my job right. So with that said, Lucas, where can they find you on social media?

You can find me on Instagram at lucas.franklyn1. Love that. Lola, mom. You know, I don't even know. You don't know what your screen name is? Lola Franco 3. Lola Franco 3. Holy moly. There we go. That's what it is. And as always, you guys can find me, Sabina F. Franklin with a Y on all social media. And it helps me so, so, so, so much if you share the episode with your friends, subscribe, rate, review. I love you.

Hopefully, fingers crossed, I'll be in New York next week, but we'll fucking see. Love you, Sleuths. Bye. Bye. Bye, guys. Bye.