cover of episode 46: F*ck Me Through The Phone

46: F*ck Me Through The Phone

Publish Date: 2021/9/9
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Sofia with an F


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Hello, everybody. Welcome to Sophia with an F. My name is Sophia with an F. You heard it here first. All right.

I just walked into my own fucking studio that I pay for, that I work in on a daily basis. And my producer is here being a bitch, basically. Excuse me. Hi, Alex. Hi, Sophia. Or should I call you Marge?

You were going to fucking say that shit. Guys, Marge, let me explain. So I've been seeing a new therapist and we were discussing negative self-talk. I'm sure a lot of people can relate. And she told me anytime I start second guessing myself or my inner critic starts to act the fuck up, I should give it a name. So I went with Marge. Large and in charge Marge.

So if you guys hear me refer to her or hear me talking to myself, now you know. Which I guess I already do that every single week. But now you fucking know. Alex, you met Marge multiple times. Multiple times. We literally will be sitting in absolute silence. And Sophie will yell...

Shut up, Marge. I do. I do do that. They argue all fucking day. We do. Which hopefully over time, it will start to dissipate. And I'll put Marge where she fucking belongs. You know? This is my real fucking update. And this is why Alex is being rude. And why I feel verbally assaulted. So I...

I went into my storage closet and I booted up my laptop. And the reason I did that is because I needed Alex to find this picture. No, it's not because I'm vain. It's because I need it for fucking work. All right. Don't fucking worry about it. It's an unreleased mugshot, actually, that I was having you look for. You guys heard that correctly. I don't have just one. I have two. I'm not bragging. It was very, uh,

hard for me at the time and I was very embarrassed but now I just had to learn to embrace it. Embrace your ugly, everybody. If anyone works for the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, CIA, FBI, police, whatever the fuck, please reach out to me because I cannot find that shit anywhere. So...

Back to my fucking story. I am sitting here working. Alex is going through like all of my old pictures on that computer. And when I tell you every 30 seconds,

Alex would be like, Sophia, you look so different. So different. Bitch, you can just say I'm fucking, I used to be ugly. I understand. Okay, yes. But not only that. What? You got a nose job. Oh my God. You had to have gotten a nose job. There's no, age doesn't do that to your nose. Alex.

Alex and I have been arguing about this for the past fucking hour before we got on this mic. So we ever complained why the podcast come out late? Now you fucking know because we're fucking arguing. Marge? Alex, you don't think I would fucking tell you if I got a nose job? Well, apparently fucking not. What looks different about my nose? Your nose is skinny, skinny, skinny. Now? And it was fat. Yes. My entire face got way skinnier. Yes. And you got a nose job.

Guys, I did not get a fucking nose job and no offense to anyone that fucking gets them. I think they're great. I am just annoyed that my own flesh and blood and my cousin is trying to fucking convince me I got a nose job when I didn't. I learned how to do my makeup. I got eyebrows because I used to not have them.

And the most important thing, Alex, I started parting my hair in the middle. Why did you never tell me, hi, Sophia, you probably should not be parting your hair on the side. You don't have the fucking head shape for it, let alone the fucking forehead for it.

Like, where the fuck were you, Alex? Well, I mean, I didn't notice until later on in life that it looked like you were wearing a fucking wig. Guys, I'm talking like Donald Trump, like toupee status. Great. So I was rocking a fucking toupee walking around town like nobody's business. And you never fucking told me. Well, you know what? I now rock a middle part and your nose can lose weight if you lose weight in your fucking face.

You heard it here fucking first. You can have a glow up without plastic surgery. Okay? Okay. Me reciting Kylie Jenner for like three years before she finally admitted she got. Did she say that? Dude, she used to always deny getting her lips done. And then finally she was like. Well, and then she was like, I got filler. That's like, bitch, that's a lip implant. Filler's not doing that. Anyway.

Anyways, I sound like I'm shitting on Kylie Jenner. I'm not. I'm just saying I did not get work done. I will very soon. Also, shout out Kylie for the pregnancy announcement. Yes. Congratulations, Kylie. Does the baby have a name yet? I hope it's Marge.

uh knowing kylie it absolutely will not be marge it will be like fucking lightning thunder if i tried to name my kid storm stormy that would not go over well but kylie jenner can do whatever the fuck she wants all right moving on so there is this youtube video that was all the rage back in the day it's called the hot and crazy matrix and

For those of you who haven't seen it, I would encourage you to run. Run. Don't fucking walk and go watch this thing. It's incredible in the best and the worst way. I will post a link for your guys' viewing pleasure. But basically, this guy created a scale to rate women based on how hot

they are and how crazy they are and the correlation between being hot and fucking crazy. And he made this scale to determine which women you should marry depending on where they land on the scale. The video is literally of this middle-aged bald dude standing up at a whiteboard drawing a full-on fucking mathematical graph. He's like on his

Like on his like fucking lunch break. Literally. Okay. If you guys fucking remember geometry, that is basically what this fucking graph is. All right. On the bottom, you have your X axis. You have how hot she is one through 10. And on the Y axis, you have how crazy she is four through 10. Okay.

Not 1 through 10 because this guy claims that the crazy scale has to start at a 4 because there's no such thing as a woman who is at least a 4 out of 10 crazy. Which I kind of like agree with, to be honest. I mean, I know I am. This guy was detailed as fuck. He had the no-go zone, danger zone. Yeah, and the danger zone, he said...

These are your redheads, strippers, girls named Tiffany and hairdressers. It's so fucked up. Like every single redhead in the entire world. Nope.

Okay. Danger zone. Danger zone. The fucking balls on this guy. Basically, to sum it up, girls, if we are below a seven crazy and above an eight hot, we are in the Mary zone. I'm not in that zone. No. We're in the danger zone. But, like, can you really argue with him? Like, is he wrong? Like, obviously, he's so, so, so, so wrong. But,

But there's like a little truth to it. Because honestly, if you watch this video in disgust like I did...

I had to take a step back because I may have never walked up and written on a whiteboard, but I have a scale I rate men on. Believe that. Right, Alexandra? You do too. I rate men in my head all day long. We all fucking do it. Women do it just as much as men. I might not rate them based on how crazy they are. Let me explain, actually, because I do have a scale.

I rate a guy primarily based on two things, how hot he is and how much money he has. And I know, I know, I know, I understand. I know I sound shallow when I say things like that. But when a guy has a nice bank account, it signals to me that he is smart.

and ambitious and makes shit happen for himself. Okay? Okay, that's fair. Thank you. That's my fucking scale. And for the men listening, women have a whole

other fucking rating system that is based solely on your dick. How big it is, if it works, if it's cute, like, there's a whole other fucking scale. But back to my hot rich scale. Let me put it this way. I'm gonna put it in layman's terms for y'all. If he is a nine on the hot scale, super rich, and doesn't suffer from erectile dysfunction, then

Go ahead and run for the fucking hills because this dude is bad news. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. He's either gay, probably, or he's going to be a total and complete fuckboy and probably has like two families on the side. And I just know better than to fuck around with those types. I know that I need to shoot for well below that. We need a

A dude below an eight on the hot scale. Bar is low, ladies. Very low. It's not low. It's just shooting low is you actually shooting high. When they go low, we go high. You know what I'm saying? Exactly. You say jump. I say how high. Exactly.

I don't know if you just say exactly and it's like, what the fuck did we just fucking say? Okay. The hot scale. Typically, I am looking for the guy who is between a six and a seven on the hot scale. I think that's fair. Rich, but not too rich because fuck Jeff Bezos and has an average sized dick. If his dick size is above a seven, then

Stay away. This man will ruin your life and your credit score. Right? Lucky number seven. That's all you need to remember. If there's anything you take away from this fucking segment, the number seven. If he's hotter than a seven or bigger than seven inches, you need to abort mission because he's got way too much going on for him. And that is just, it's not, it's not going to have a good ending. Right?

I don't need Channing Tatum with a huge fucking dongle between his fucking legs and a shit ton of money. No, thanks. It's too much fucking work. I just need a guy who's going to be a good dad. Okay.

Alex is looking at me with disgust. Alex, when you're older, you will understand. Okay, well, speak for yourself. I'll take Channing Tatum, please. That's fine, Alex. You can have Channing Tatum. Just be ready to be miserable for your whole life. Great. If you're out here wanting a guy that's loyal and a good person, which is really what most women want, stop going after the super hot dude.

Okay. And the super rich dude, like, holy fucking shit. That's all you need to pay attention to. You know exactly like what you're in for. So that's my matrix. Okay. Moving on where you can major in low jobs, anal and major in disappointing your entire fucking family.

And welcome to Sloot University, where you can major in blowjobs, anal, and major in disappointing your entire fucking family. And in today's class, we are going to talk about a very popular topic, sex.

FaceTime sex. With COVID shutting down the world for the past two years and probably for the years coming up, Delta Gamma Alpha Phi, we've all had to get creative in ways we get our sexy time on. Gotta get your rocks off somehow. Also, my boyfriend travels so fucking much for work. Sometimes FaceTime

FaceTime sex is just what needs to fucking happen. And before we dive into this...

Can we talk about just FaceTiming period? Girls get scared to FaceTime fully clothed. So I think we should absolutely talk about it before we're telling them to like spread wide on the big screen that is FaceTime. I mean, I've been in the beginning stages of talking to a dude and out of nowhere, he's trying to FaceTime me. I freak the fuck out.

Because I'm like, oh, shit. Now I have to, within 30 fucking milliseconds, uncacoon myself from my heated blanket, you know, wipe the Cheeto dust from my fucking mouth and put my phone at the perfect angle and hope the Paris filter somehow pops up on my FaceTime. It feels like a fucking ambush. Yes. Like, it's terrifying. It is. It's fucking stressful as shit. So...

I have a few tips for when you get that unexpected FaceTime. My first tip, never feel pressure to answer the fucking FaceTime. I have never understood why my friends will be like, oh my God, like it's so rude if I don't answer him. Like I have to answer. Huh? Mm-mm.

Says who? Like, why the fuck would you have to answer? And why the fuck is that rude? If anything, I think it looks like you're not always a veil. I swear dudes low-key do this to catch us without fucking makeup on. Literally. Right? Yes. But...

The thing is, is there is the no makeup where you look like a garden gnome bridge troll, like fucking Gollum. And then there's the natural no makeup. The look that idiot guys swear to God is like a fresh face. Shut the fuck up. No, it's not. No one looks that good naturally. Okay, so.

Once you get on the FaceTime, you're going to be spending the majority of it looking at yourself anyways. I just want to advise that you don't get too fucking caught up in the little fucking box in the corner that is your face. And you're going to be trying to angle the fucking camera and they're going to be like, oh shit, I was angling it too low. He's staring at my double chin and then you're going to raise it and then you're going to be like, oh shit, now he can like see my fucking

bald spot because you're holding the phone too high relax girl I just had a flashback and a memory and I like want to throw up but I feel like I need to say it it's like the most embarrassing story

I don't know if I've ever told you this, Alex. Let's hear it. So I was FaceTiming this guy and I had one of the craziest zits that I have ever fucking had on my face. Top, top three. That's so dramatic. No, Alex. Everyone gets acne. Alex, this thing, like it was to the point that like people were staring at me on the street.

Were they really? I don't fucking know. But like that, it was really fucking bad. And I was like trying to like angle the camera every which fucking way. And I ended up laying across my bed, like on my stomach. And I had my face propped up on my hand so that I could like simultaneously cover the fucking zit.

And when I say I did not move my face or my body for the remainder of that call, I am not exaggerating. Oh my God. Statue of Liberty for like at least 25 minutes. The embarrassing part of this story, and this is where I want everyone to listen the fuck up. He called.

He called me out on it. On the zit? No, not on the fucking zit. Way worse. He called me out on like positioning myself. He was like, why do you have like your face placed on your hand for like that long? Like you look stupid. He like saw right through it.

It was so fucking embarrassing, you guys. I'm not even doing it justice, like, how bad I wanted to, like, cringe and fucking disappear. So, with that said, stop fucking thinking too much into it and, like, trying to position yourself. Like, I guess I noticed. Jesus Christ, I'm fucking scared now. I'm scared, too. So...

Let's transition now into the real reason that we are in class today. FaceTime sex. If you've never done it, I'm sure you have considered it. But maybe you just didn't have the cojones to actually have your labia on fucking full display to the FBI agent behind your iPhone camera.

So how do we even get to FaceTime sex, Alex? You were either already on FaceTime and things progressed or you were sexting. A little flirty at first, but then gets really nasty to the point that you feel the little heartbeat pulse in your vagina. You know what the fuck I'm talking about. When your vagina gets butterflies. Yes.

You guys all know that fucking feeling. The issue with FaceTime sex is he doesn't have you in the flesh. So he's not getting to touch you or see you in real time. Yeah. If he was in your bed...

With you, you could probably get away with just spreading your legs and staying close to fucking nothing. But now you don't have his mouth to make out with. That's a good point. So you're naturally going to have to talk more. Plus, you don't have his dick going in and out of you, which is a distraction. B, you can't just really get away with laying there being like, yes. Oh, my God. More. You know what I'm saying? So.

You really need to be comfortable before you get into your full Abella Danger moment on FaceTime. I've learned the best way to do FaceTime sex is to build up the climax so

so much with sexting or dirty talk before you're actually like fucking getting naked because then by the time you are actually doing the fucking sex part of it he's already about to come yeah that's the key after some nudes have been sent after you've like said a few filthy things you're ready to take it to the big screen

Bright lights, big city, baby. New York City. This is our big shining moment. You are about to get a star on Hollywood Boulevard, baby girl. Lights, camera, action. Now you have two options.

You can be completely naked when you pick up the call or be in your little bra and panties and give him a strip show. I would suggest the second one because it gives you more shit to play with instead of lying there for an hour fingering yourself, you know, pretending you're coming for the 20th time. It's time-consuming.

to put your big girl pants on and be confident. Your tits will never look as good as they do on a FaceTime. So use that to your advantage. You can position your body however the fuck you want. You should be the most confident in this setting.

feel yourself up in the camera. You are holding the phone in one hand and then with the other hand, you're pressing your boobs together and groping yourself essentially. It's so fucking hot. And then you move the phone down your body all the way down to your pussy that is covered by your underwear. At this

point, he's going to be talking anyways. You won't really have to say that much. And if he's the type that's like a mute, you shouldn't be fucking around with him anyways. You can ask him what he's doing, actually. Ask him to show you something. Say, I want to see your hard cock, whatever. Then what I think you should do is...

Pull your panties to the side and expose your flower. And by flower, I mean vagina. And if you're worried about what your vagina looks like from that angle, then stick a finger in there and it will kind of cover it, okay? I'm just trying to give advice for everyone listening because I know there are some women that struggle with that.

And then I think you pull back and you say, do you want me to take them off? He will most likely say yes. And if he says no, then I really don't know what to tell you. And that is something I was not anticipating. But now is the time where you should prop your phone up somewhere so you can have a

Full range of motion and he can see a lot more of your body. You can open your laptop and leave your phone on there. Works like a charm. Oh, that's a good idea. This is where you should start rubbing your pussy, finger yourself, put your fingers in your mouth, rub your nipples with your wet fingers. Like just basically do something with your fucking hands that has to do with your vagina. You can do this variation as many times and in fours.

Whatever order you want. He he's going to be jacking off. I mean, that's what FaceTime sucks. Yeah, he will find this incredibly fucking sexy. You will turn yourself on and it's a win win situation. And then if you're like a real fucking expert, grab a fucking toy. That's like that's the big leagues, honey. Then you can really start a fucking show.

And back to the talking and like what you should say on FaceTime sex. You could honestly tell him, I want you to tell me what to do step by step. Should I start with my bra? Something like that. I'm not doing a very good job, but you guys get the fucking point. You can moan and say, I wish you were here right now. I can't wait to do this in person. Tell them what you're

thinking about while you're touching yourself, obviously. I'm thinking about your dick, sliding in and out of me. Your dick is going to feel so good. I'm so wet. You guys know this already, okay? Don't overcomplicate it. And lastly, he will probably say it for you, but by all means, ask him to tell you when he's going to come, okay? I am not a fan of...

Faking orgasms. But I understand that FaceTime sex is not the fucking best setting to get an O. Like I, I mean, I've done it a few times and like I don't know if I've ever really orgasmed on the FaceTime. So if need be, I think this is one instance where you can fake it to get him off the fucking phone. And I know that is going to rub some people the wrong way, but some of us don't got time.

I know this sounds like a lot, but it's really not as complex as we make it out to be. You're naturally going to be horny too. So just go with the flow and be natural. The best part about FaceTime sex is once you do it the first time, you will realize how easy and not big of a deal it is. You guys will probably end up loving it and doing it once

way more often and you'll be so comfortable with it before you know it. You just, you need to dip your toes in the water. Trust me on this one, sleuths. And to make things even better, um,

you don't have to worry about contracting anything. There's no chlamydia coming your way because you're not doing any of the physical touching. And with that, I would like to say thank you for coming to class today. I hope you learned something useful. Happy FaceTime fucking.

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And now I would like to talk about a little thing called TikTok. Okay. My favorite. I know I haven't reached Charlie D'Amelio or Addison Rae TikTok fame yet, but I'm on my fucking way. And I have some high value information for everyone about this fucking app. Besides it being racist and clueless

classist and what else? All of it. All the things. Anything with an est. Yes, thank you. Have you ever sent someone a funny TikTok via text message? I'm sure most of you have. So listen to this shit.

My friend sent her boyfriend a TikTok via text message instead of using the DM feature that's already on the app, which I never fucking use that. Alex has to send every single one. I know. I hate people that fucking don't know how to use the fucking DM feature. I don't know how to use shit on my phone. That's true. She's old. But I'm very talented in every other which way. So...

This specification about sending the TikTok via text message is very, very important to the story. When you send someone a TikTok this way, once they view it, in your notification tab, it says TikTok.

So-and-so just viewed the video you shared. Keep this in mind because this is also an imperative part of the fucking story. So back to my friend. She sends him the video and goes on about her fucking day. A few hours pass and she opens TikTok again, except this time she sees something that's not sitting well with her. In fact,

her notification tab. She sees an alert that a girl that she does not fucking know viewed the TikTok that she shared earlier. And she was super fucking confused because she said she only sent this TikTok to her boyfriend. So,

So before she decided to raise fucking hell, she went ahead and did some FBI work, which we all fucking do. She went on the girl's TikTok and was able to find her real name. She then searched that girl's name in her boyfriend's.

IG following found her. So my friend takes a deep dive into this girl's page and finds out that her boyfriend has been liking and commenting on her shit for a year. Holy fuck.

For a fucking year. She found out the girl lives like a few states away and that she is one of her boyfriends, like buddies or some shit from college. The devil works hard, but jealous girlfriends work harder.

So fucking true. So it was obvious like her boyfriend and this girl must have like met up when he went to visit her a while back. This is just insane, you guys. Like not only is it crazy how all of this unraveled, but because...

TikTok has this feature that straight up tells on you. I know, that's fucking insane. What the fuck, TikTok? More of a reason to use it in the app. Yes. Great point, Alex. So, I

I repeat, for all of my shady ass dudes and dudettes out there, if you are sending TikToks to your side pieces, be aware that TikTok will let that person who originally sent that video to you know that you also shared the video with someone else.

Do not send them via text message ever, ever, ever. If you're being fucking shady, send them via DM within the TikTok app. I'm gonna step off my soapbox now. I don't know if this is fucking mind blowing to anyone else. It was to me and I'm not even being shady. So I can't even imagine if I had a fucking side piece. I just needed to let you guys know. It's like it really is a public service announcement because I don't want you guys to get caught.

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And with that, I would like to get into the one, the only S.O.S. Save Our Sleuths. All right. Questions, stories, advice. Let's start with the first question. Alex, are you ready? Ready, Freddie. Alex has her sunglasses on so I can tell. So does Sophia, by the way. We are indoors. Yeah.

indoors in a basement and like fucking dark ass lighting with sunglasses on. All right. First question.

Hi, Sophia, babe. Sophia, babe. That's cute. Okay, so this is an urgent, pun intended, gimme advice question. I have been wanting to ask you for a long time now. So I think that this issue is caused by my parents forcing me to potty train super, super early. It's called EC. Okay.

Have you ever heard of that? But yeah, I have this thing where I literally get so poop anxious whenever I'm at work, in a public restroom, at friends, at a guy's place, even at someone's place where I'm staying over all the time or whatever.

Starting to get into a relationship with. It's really embarrassing and very, very annoying and inconvenient because I am anxious about maintaining a flat stomach figure, if you know what I mean, and feeling clean inside and hate bloating. Girl, I can fucking relate. And it's the worst because my subconscious anxiety just zips.

my asshole and body shut how do you deal with pooping at a guy's place wow yeah okay so i didn't know there was like an actual condition about this pooping anxiety but apparently there is and it's a very real thing i can't relate no not at all

fucking disgusting I don't know what it is like I have no issue going to a house party a guy just met I have like no issue yeah dropping a log in their toilet okay let's be a little more ladylike would you okay I'm sorry dropping a branch a stick

Not a log. Okay. Alex, you can't relate either. No, I cannot relate. I've never pooped better in my entire life than at a guy's house. And I'm not even fucking kidding you. Like, I don't get that anxiety. I don't know why. I don't know if it's because like, okay, I understand it's like a bodily function. Like everyone does it or I'm not nervous about the smell. I just like...

If you gotta go, you gotta go, dude. Right? I don't know. Maybe we're just, like, really gross, Alex. Probably. But, like, I think for me, it really just boils down to the fact that I am not fucking around with a guy that would have an issue with me pooping. Yes. Like, bottom line. If I have to give you actual advice and...

for having to poop at a guy's house. I do have a few. Obviously, girl, you're not using the bathroom that's, like, attached to his room. Like, no fucking way. And I think that sometimes girls will use that bathroom because they think it's more apparent if they go use, like, the bathroom down the hall. Oh, yeah.

No, it's not. A. B. Who fucking cares? Yeah. Like, it's, trust me, it's gonna look better if you walk down the hall and use that restroom than using the one right next to his fucking headboard and he, like, hears a fucking bomb drop into the water. Yeah.

So always use the farthest away restroom. I have done this when I was younger and I was self-conscious, which I'm not anymore. But this always worked really well for me and just like made me feel more comfortable. I would pretend to take a phone call and pretend to just be wandering like the halls of the house on my call. Shut up. And then end up in a restroom. No way.

way and then do my deed there that's good that's fucking genius yes you gotta patent that 100 and then also always make sure you're on like tiktok or something on your phone while you're doing it

Even just for your peace of mind. Yes. You know what my favorite hack is? What? This is my ultimate favorite thing. I would always do this in public restrooms. Like at school or... It's more for public. Okay. This is what I do. I put my AirPods in and I turn that shit up so that I can't hear what I'm doing. And if I can't hear what I'm doing, then I don't care what everyone else is hearing. Because I have no idea what's going on. Okay.

Okay, Alex, I think that's actually very noble. And I think that's very, like... That's ballsy. And I fucking like it. Thank you. I wish I could have that type of confidence. And I actually do. Marge! Bye! Sorry, Marge just came into the room. Guys...

Bottom line, luckily, men always expect women to take forever in the bathroom, no matter what. So you honestly have more time than you think you do. Don't fucking stress too much. I mean, he's paying way less attention to your bathroom habits than you are, baby girl. Yeah. All right. Next.

Alex, how about you take this next one? I would love to. Hey, Sophia, you've talked about how you prefer erotica to porn before, and I've gone into online written role play with apps like Rook. That's R-O-O-K. You can chat with anonymous people and write erotic stories together or also dirty talk through either writing or audio. It can be really fun to try, especially if it's late at night, you're horny and you don't want to go anywhere.

Wow. Have you heard of that app before? Never. Sounds right up your alley. It does. I'm sure my boyfriend would fucking love that. He's gonna fucking pull up my Rook app. I'm gonna be sharing all my fantasies with everybody. Have you ever read...

Written erotica to come? Or have you only like watched porn? I have dabbled. Okay. And not to come though. I usually have to just watch it. Not, I mean like I've tried to come to it, but it's never the same. Okay. So I, I think it's because I'm an intellectual. Okay. You read now. I just highly fucking recommend it.

But this, like, this Rook app is a completely different fucking level. And I'm assuming you can, like, find people on this app that share similar fantasies. Yeah. Right? And fetishes, yeah. Right. Like, if your boyfriend is not down for, like, the cuckolding thing and you would love for him to, like, watch you get fucked by another dude, that was a bad example. Yeah.

If your boyfriend is not into eating out your asshole or if your boyfriend is not into your BDSM, you know, fetish, fantasy, whatever the fuck it's called. This is fucking amazing. You can reach out to like some anonymous person on the Internet and they will fucking fulfill that.

That fantasy right there, right then. I fucking love it. You don't need to cheat on your boyfriend to like have a Christian Grey moment. Just live that out through this fucking written erotica that you like share with someone else. Yes.

That wants to be the Christian Grey. Uh-huh. You know? Yeah. Boom. And whether some people call that cheating or not... That's on her. That's on you. Mm-hmm. I'm super excited to try this. But I will admit... Have you heard of Wattpad? No. That's, like, a whole thing about Ren Erotica. What is it called? Wattpad. And it has, like, literally... Like, I learned about this when I was in high school because there would always be Wattpads of, like...

like all the members of One Direction where I'd be like, wait, like insert your name here. Like,

Oh, Harry Styles, like, takes you back to his flat and takes you into his room and then just fucking goes. Like, goes off and, like, basically Harry ends up, like, fucking you type thing? Yes. Can you spell it? W-A-T-T-P-A-D. I'm pretty sure. Wow. Okay, guys. So, Rook and Wattpad. Mm-hmm. Damn. All right, next. Next.

Okay, this question is actually similar to yours, Alex. This is an app like I never fucking heard about.

So this slew wrote in and she said, just a little tip for all the girls trying to catch their boyfriend being a little hoe. If you go to, guys, that's and type in your man's IG handle and click on followers and

It will show who he's followed in chronological order. Ooh.

Wow. The girls are back. I know Instagram took that away from y'all. Right? Damn. This fucking app came in the clutch when we really needed it the most. This is brilliant. Sophia and I acting so excited about this app when like I don't have a boyfriend and her boyfriend doesn't have an Instagram. Right? What

But it's a great tip. But it's like still fun to think about. It is. I like miss those days. I'm so fucking grateful. Like I don't have to deal with like, oh, he liked this picture, like followed this, like blah, blah. At the same time, that toxic, like, you know. Like self-inflicted pain.

on yourself. Yes. I have to like get real creative to like get that now. But this is, I think that everyone should be aware of this. Dump or dot com. Okay.

Okay, next. Hi, Sophia. Love the new show. So I'm currently going through a breakup with a man that I love, of course, but my reason for leaving is that every time we argue, he gets loud and aggressive. I will never understand how someone can love you, quotation marks, and also be so disrespectful. Please.

Please talk about this. I need help moving on. It's also not the first time I've been with an abusive partner. They seem so normal at first. Maybe explain some red flags and that it's okay to leave this person. I don't know. I'm just sad. And I love and respect all your advice. Thanks so much. Love you and Alex. Woo!

Woo! My first shout out. Yeah. Keep killing it. Wow. Okay. I feel you, girl. My last relationship was very loud and aggressive as well. Mm-hmm.

So what advice would you have, Alex, from like what you went through? Because I remember I was there. So what I did is I really went to therapy. That really helped me. I really thought like, OK, everything is terrible. My life is over, blah, blah, blah. But if you need to seek external help and your friends or your mom or your dad, blah, blah, isn't cutting it, like don't feel like

Bad to reach out to, you know, a professional. And I think, like, that is actually really fucking good advice for this particular situation because going through a breakup with a...

I don't want to say normal, but I'm going to say a normal dude or woman is different than going through a breakup with someone that's abusive, like has like caused like mental harm. And, um,

So that's where I really think therapy could be huge. But I want to like dissect her question a little bit. Okay. I thought it was really interesting how she said they seem so normal at first. Yeah. I mean, this is like, you know...

abusive manipulator type of person. Gaslight. Yes, gaslight. They are very, very fucking good at not showing their true colors in the beginning. Yes. Because they know they can't.

Yes. Or else you wouldn't be with them. Exactly. Unless they have you in their trap. Right. Then they fucking let loose. And that is like a clear, clear sign that what they do is not okay. You know? Yeah. This is something I want to like personally share because my mom told me this from a very young age. And for some reason, it has always stuck with me. And...

My mom told me that once you cross boundaries, you can't go back. And that has just...

always been like huge in my life. And that goes for like you too. But like once your partner disrespects you and crosses the line that is important to you, chances are he's going to keep doing it. And chances are once you allowed that to happen, it's only going to keep

or it's going to like progressively get worse. So once you cross boundaries, you can't go back. I hope you're getting out in a good spot before it gets worse. Yes.

Yes. Alex, thank you for saying that. Yeah, if I have anything else to say, just know that anything that this person has said to you or put you through, it's him and it's not you. Yes. It is not your fault. But I am so happy.

Proud of you. For leaving. This girl is incredible. Yes. It takes. An insane amount. Of strength. And I am. Just beyond. Fucking proud of you. And. What I want. To focus on. Also. Is. How you said. This isn't the first time. You have been. With an abusive. Partner. Yeah. Now. Let me start with saying. It is never. Ever. Ever. The victim's fault. No. Ever. Mm-mm.

But I do think it's important to recognize these patterns that you are continually falling into. Yeah. Because if it's not her first abusive partner. Right. But I know this is easier said than done. But when someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them. Please. Mm-hmm.

Like when you see that red flag of an abusive tendency, like yelling at you or being aggressive, laughing at you, you know, just all of it. Like take note of that shit. And if you have strength, which I didn't and a lot of people don't, I hope that you are strong enough to leave. Yeah.

And like Sophia said, I'm so proud of you for being able to leave now. Also, Alex, did you notice how she wrote in saying this guy that she was dating yelled at her and raised his voice? And I think that is something very fucking important to point out because when people think abusive sex

Anything in that realm, they think, you know, punching, choking. Physical. Yes, exactly. And a lot of people don't realize like screaming in your face, saying things that are just like horrifying. That is abuse. Yes. It's not always physical. It's mental. It's emotional. It's everything. Right. Right.

And sometimes he's not even saying something crazy, but like the way he, you know, carries himself when he's like in an argument with you. Exactly. Like, oh, like he punched a hole in the wall, but he didn't punch me. Right. Right. That's still. Yes. And I think I just want more women to be aware of this. It's not normal for you to be scared of your partner. Right.

You know, bottom line. We often want to stay...

thinking that we can fix someone or that it was just a one-time thing yes but we can't fix people and it was not a fucking one-time thing no no that it's not only okay that you're leaving this person but it's the right thing to do yes and in the long run you are gonna look back and be

So fucking grateful. Yes. And lastly, my last fucking thing. I would like you to detach yourself from the phrase abusive partner. They were just abusive and that's that. They were never your fucking partner. Wow. Right? Yeah. A partner is someone who is on your team. Someone who cares about you.

It takes a lot of fucking mental work, but you will get through it. And that is it for today, sleuths. But I will be talking to you guys next fucking week. Alex, where can they find you? You can find me on Instagram and TikTok at AlexFranco underscore meow. Meow. You can find me, as you guys know, Sophia with an F, Franklin with a Y. I mean, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter.

Twitter. Where am I not? You know? She's everywhere. Guys, thank you so much for tuning in and I will talk to you next week. As always, subscribe, five stars, leave a review. If it's going to be two stars, then get the fuck out of my fucking way and my podcast.