cover of episode 20: OnlyFans at 1M ft. Lena The Plug

20: OnlyFans at 1M ft. Lena The Plug

Publish Date: 2021/2/25
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Hi, everybody. Welcome to Sophia with an F. I am joined by Lena, the motherfucking plug. She is a lot of things, but to sum it up, she has 1.63 million subscribers on YouTube, 1 million on Twitter, and she kills it on OnlyFans and Snapchat Premium.

but most of all, she is an insanely successful businesswoman. Thank you. Also, you're welcome. Lena, I hate when people do this and introduce women as the girlfriend of somebody. So instead, I'm just going to say that Adam 22 from No Jumper is your fucking boyfriend. Yes, he is my boyfriend. And you guys just had

a baby girl. Yes. We have a little baby. Congrats. Thank you. We love a multifaceted bitch. And I say bitch as a term of endearment. So don't get... I'm not going to cancel you. It's all good. I'm not worried about it. I actually have an Instagram called LenaTheMom. And then I had like a porn Instagram and that Instagram is currently deleted. But...

Yeah. I'm a mom and I'm a porn girl. Can we talk about that for two seconds? Because I was trying to look you up on Instagram and I saw the Len of the mom page and then I saw free Len of the plug. Is that your page? It's the new page I made that I, after I got deleted on January 11th, like as part of a sort of purge, I think, cause I know a lot of other girls who got deleted that day. Um,

But yeah, that's I had like made a second page where I could just be more like my full self instead of like my sexy. I'm trying to sell you my porn self. Right. And so that became like my line of the mom page where I post like my baby because I obviously don't want to like post all my baby stuff where I have like a 90% male following who just wants to see my ass and tits. So right. Right. They're like, what is this bullshit? You're like, it's my fucking baby. But thank you. You don't have to look at my baby. That's weird. Yeah.

Okay, Lena, so let's jump into this. We have a lot of things in common, particularly the fact that we both let our best friends fuck our boyfriends. Wow, I didn't know this about you. Yes, so now you know. So I start off every single episode of mine with like a mental health check and update people on how I'm feeling. Okay. I woke up this morning feeling a little bit down.

I'm not going to lie. And I started like scrolling Instagram and it made me feel worse. Shocker. I'm like, I'm like, what's going to help me right now? Getting on fucking Instagram. Never a good idea. Never a good idea. I was like, have you ever gotten so annoyed with fucking Instagram that you just close the app every day? And then I reopen it by accident because I forget that I hated it.

Everyone is on vacation. Everyone looks hot as shit. Everyone has a Birkin bag on a private jet and I'm like fucking over it. I feel that. Yeah. I am going to unfollow fucking everybody. And that's just what it is. Bye mom. Just mute all these bitches. Yes. So how are you feeling? Not to put you on the spot, but like give us the low down. Today's been a good day. I

I woke up and got STD tested. That's always super exciting. I worked out with my trainer. I mean, I've kind of been like...

in a place where I'm like, I'm trying to get back into work, like shooting and stuff, but I'm dealing with like my postpartum bod. And it's like, you know, it gets me down and stuff. Career that I'm in, but I have to like, let that go because it's like, it's too much. I don't know. Like if I had any of my body wouldn't bother me as much as it does, but because people get to see every single part of my body, I have to like,

I don't have to make sure every part of it looks perfect. Yeah. Wait, that is fascinating because I feel like women already struggle with that postpartum body thing.

And then it's your fucking line of work. So it's like 10 times the added pressure. That's wild. Yeah, I know. It's like annoying because I feel great in clothes, but my job requires me to not have clothes on and I don't feel as confident naked right now. And it is like, oh God, you know, like I love my job and I don't want to change my job. I just have to like be okay with not

looking my prime right now, you know? And so that's something I've been dealing with. And it does get me down. And that's why I have to avoid going on Instagram. Like all my girlfriends are in porn and they're in the same line of work as me. And I want to unfollow all of them because they didn't just have a baby. They look fucking fantastic. Obviously, Facetune is a thing too. And I need to always remind myself about that. But...

It's hard. Even though I know all about the ins and outs of Facetune, I'll still see a photo and be like, oh my gosh, it's perfect. You know? Wait all the fucking time? I fully believe it. And I'm like, Sophia, there's no way that they did not Photoshop that and fucking be sitting in front of a ring light and all of that shit. But it's hard to remember that even though you know. Like...

You still see it. Totally. Perfect image. Perfect. That's hot. She has no pimples ever, you know? I know. Oh my God. Tell me if you do this and then I swear to God we can move on. But like, I need to know when you are scrolling through Instagram and like a girl posts a story and she looks hot as fuck is the first thing you do is to look at if she's using a filter. Yes. And then I try the filter on myself and see how much it changed my face. Wait,

gonna be my follow-up like literally every single time I try it on my face and like every single time that's so fucking funny you know I just want to say that you look like you have a filter on your face right now like um I have a fucking ring light that I'm literally like it's a strobe light and I ought to have a concussion so you animate face filter on in my mind because you have like really pretty big eyes you look very beautiful I'm just trying to tell you

Thank you so much. I mean, you look fucking stunning too. And you're talking about your postpartum body. Every body is beautiful, but your body looks banging by the way. Thank you. I'm trying. Love the tits. Oh wait, you got your tits done, right? I think I saw. I got them done before I had the baby. And then now they like,

They look like fucking cow udders. Like literally, they look crazy. Like I'm not kidding. They were like perfectly perky. And within like a week of breastfeeding, they just turned into like ewes. And they're just like dragged down because your baby will just pull on them. And I mean, they fill up with milk and then they deflate and they fill up with milk and they deflate. And so like...

It's a whole thing. Yeah. I mean, as someone who has like no tits, like I look at them and I think they're amazing and I'm jealous, but like pick your poison, right? Yes.

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The first time that I heard of you was like a couple of years ago, you released a YouTube video and it was titled. I let my best friend have sex with my boyfriend. Love it. Been there, done that. Like we are on the same page. I didn't film it. I'm pissed. I didn't film it because I didn't film it either. I'm pissed. I didn't film it either. Oh,

wait, no. Okay. Yeah. Let me like explain. You didn't film the act of it. It was you guys just discussing it, right? Yeah. We filmed like our thoughts before kind of during and then after. Okay. Got it. Yes. I remember. So it has,

over 20 million fucking views. I can't even believe that. That is, do you know how insane that is? I mean, I'm sure you do, but think about how much promotion that porn got and that I didn't actually film the porn. Like I could have probably retired if I had that scene, but I don't have it. Well, I mean, I'm sure you can like reenact it or like recreate it, but now it's too late. Cause he was confessed right here. Yeah.

Was there bad backlash? For that video, I wouldn't say so. I would say it was more like it made people really curious. So a lot of my messages and emails have become like,

how can I have the confidence to have a threesome with my boyfriend? Where do you find girls to have threesomes with? Like, I just became like the threesome guru all of a sudden of like, I'm supposed to like know everything about how to have a threesome. And, um, it kind of became like our brand in a weird way. I'm not going to lie to you. Like my follow-up question was going to be like, so do you have any advice for threesomes? It's weird because I feel like I

Like before I used to have threesomes with like girls who meet at parties or, you know, just like a girl who would DM us like a random girl. She wouldn't have threesome like we would. But now it's kind of like,

I just hook up with girls who are in the industry and go get a test at the industry testing center and we plan it. And it's a little bit less sexy because it is super planned and there's a theme. Right. So the number one thing people ask me is like, where can I meet people? And I feel like everyone's using apps now for dating. So I feel like making a profile with your partner and saying clearly what you want

would probably be the best way to go about it. But I haven't personally experimented with that because I've been in a relationship and I'm in the industry. So... Right. Can I ask you, you just said like they... I mean, you have to get STD testing. Do they make you do COVID testing now? Is that like part of it? Yes. I got COVID tested this morning and STD tested this morning. And the way that it works in the industry is that you have to have a full panel STD test every 14 days. But for COVID, it's...

24 hours or 48 hours, depending on like the company you're shooting for. And that goes for like the makeup artists, the photographers, like it's not just the talent. Right. Do you ever go into STD testing being like, fuck, I hope I don't have something or you just know like you're good to go? I know I'm good to go like now, but...

Yes. I've definitely been burned like twice. But I'm just like way more careful than I used to be back in my party days. Yeah. So I'm never worried. Like, no, but I've definitely gotten like gone around twice. I

I mean, I've gotten chlamydia and after I got it, I did I use a condom every single time after I found that out? No, because I'm a fucking idiot. But like I remember going into STD testing and be like sweating bullets. I'm like, oh,

I know I have HIV. Like, there's just no way, like, I don't have it. Knock on wood. Wait, knock on fucking wood. Like, oh my God. Okay, so, and oh, that video that you did, that was with your current boyfriend, Adam. Yes, my baby daddy, if you will. Yeah. Your baby daddy. And...

Had he like done sex related content prior to that? I don't really think so. I mean, he's like from the BMX slash rap world. And so like, I mean, he made videos with girlfriends, like going dates on them probably and stuff like that. But I don't think it was like ever that explicit.

Okay, got it. And like, were you doing sex related content before that video? Or was that like the launching off point? No, I mean, I was making like homemade porn on my iPhone, basically, like starting right around the same time as that. But I wasn't even really selling like

boy girl stuff at that time. It was like just got into it. So I would literally take pictures of my boobs and post it. And that was it. Okay. I eased into the whole, you know, now I'm gonna have sex with my boyfriend and I'm now gonna do lesbian stuff. And now we're gonna do like a lesbian gangbang. Like, you know, it's like kind of this gradual thing where you just like up it and get your fans excited and stuff. But yeah, back there, I was like, back then I was super new to it. And I wasn't as like confident in doing all the different types of content.

Right. I've noticed with porn that girls kind of start off with girl on girl. And then it like just it keeps getting not in the intensity goes up. But like, that's kind of how it goes. Right. It's like girl on girl, boy, girl, threesome, anal. Bang, bang, go bang. Yeah. Like you don't want to give it all away. And you want to like drive your price up and get people excited. And then, you know, I mean, I don't I

I have always worked for myself, so I never worked in the traditional industry. But I think that if your agent was smart, then they wouldn't... Yeah. Are threesomes your thing? Is that your fetish? Are you super into that? I wouldn't say it's a fetish. I'm not like, Oh, I really want to have a threesome this weekend. But I...

Do you think they're really fun? I don't know. It's like for me, like it's weird because at first threesomes were like this really exciting thing that I did want to do on the weekends. But like make our sex life a little more exciting. But then they're kind of like very like to work, you know? Right. I'd rather have a threesome...

off camera than on camera because it's way more fun. But the kind of threesomes I'm having in my life right now are pretty much all on camera, especially with the pandemic. It's not like I'm going out and partying. Right. 100%.

I haven't done that in a while, but I went through a phase where, like, that was my go-to. Me and my boyfriend would, like, do the threesome thing. Really? Yes. And one time it was me, my best friend, him, one of his best friends, and we did, like, the four-person thing. We would, like, switch off. And then we added a fifth guy. What? And...

Yes. And you didn't only fans. Okay. I just got an email from someone at only fans being like, it's time to start one. And I'm like, I mean, I'm not opposed. Um, I need to ask you about only fans. We're, we're going to get into that in a second, but I liked the threesome vibe way more than the four or five. It feels like it might be too much. I feel like with four or five. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, first of all, the guy has to really know what the fuck he's doing and be able to handle multiple women. I think when it's two guys, two girls, it's like you switch off, you switch off, you switch off. It's not like the threesome, you're like all in it to win it. Yeah. You know what I mean? I feel like I would be overwhelmed. I've never been in that situation, but I have done...

where it's like three or four girls and one guy. And yeah, sometimes I just like sit in the corner and masturbate because I'm like, there's no room. There's one dick. Right. Yeah.

I fucking love that. That's hilarious. Was Adam into like the sex content and doing that type of stuff from with you from the beginning? No, I would say he was definitely like a little skittish about it. And it just kind of happened naturally. Like we went on a date and I still like I have like a regular ass job at the time that we went out together. We did end up having sex.

And we did end up like taking pictures with each other naked in bed and filming a little bit in bed just for like our own personal use. And so we were kind of from the beginning, just very open-minded and a little crazy together. And...

when we did have threesomes in our personal sex life, we were filming it for fun. And so I think over time, he just warmed up to like, why don't we just do this on camera? But in the beginning, it was like, oh, you know, don't show my face. Only show my dick. He has like a trillion tattoos. So it was...

impossible to hide his identity. And also, we're in a public relationship. So it's like, there's no way we're getting around this. And I think for a while, he was really concerned about being brand friendly, even though he's super anti-brand friendly. He's all about smoking weed. He interviews tons of rappers. He talks about controversial stuff. And he didn't get over this brand friendly thing. Target's not giving you an ad. Yeah.

But yeah, now you're like, Target was never giving you a fucking ad, Adam. Like, yeah. And now he's like, totally owns the porn star identity and stuff like that. So it was, it was progress, but now he's all the way in.

Okay, that's fucking amazing. You must be really good at being persuasive. So good on you. Okay, so you and Adam also released a YouTube video where you said, we're going to release a sex tape once we hit a million subscribers each. Is that correct? Yes. I need to know, how long did it take to get to a million? Yeah.

I can't remember at this point. Maybe... I think less than a year. I think there was a lot of progress on the numbers right when that story came out because there was a lot of hype around it and it went really viral. Yeah, I think less than a year. I can't remember at this point exactly because it was so long ago. God, I forget I made that video because I'm so far removed from that girl. But...

Yeah, that was a weird time in my life. And then you didn't end up releasing the video, right? After you hit a million. So at that point, there was already so much like sex content of us out there.

So I didn't feel like I need to go make like a sex tape because I already had like tons of sex tapes with him. But then I did end up making a sex tape with him that was on Pornhub. Like Pornhub shot us and then it went up on their website. So we did end up doing it. It was like a little delayed, but...

But it exists. Was Adam like, I need to wear a onesie and a ski mask. And we just like cut a hole for my dick so no one can recognize me. It's so ridiculous because obviously like, you know, porn is like so corny and they write like these like ridiculous scenarios. And I think that the official name of that porn was podcast smash because he has podcasts. And so like the actual scene is like,

supposed to be him interviewing another porn star and then like I crawl under the table and start sucking his dick while he's interviewing her and then it turns into a scene but yeah you can find it on Pornhub it's ridiculous I've never watched it I refuse to watch it I don't want to know what it's like

Wait, I have so much fucking content out there, like YouTube videos, that I would start crying if it surfaced on my laptop again. Don't you hate that? I'm not going to call myself a public figure, but just having content out there is...

with your face from, you know, years ago. And it just will always live on the internet. And you're like, I want to die. Just don't pretend it doesn't exist. Just like, don't watch it. I like hate when someone will come to me and they're like, I used to watch you like in 2018, your YouTube videos really helped me. And I'm like, Oh yeah, that's when I was like depressed and vlogging and crying all the time. I like to just go and delete those all off my YouTube channel because I want to forget they exist, but I have them out there.

Right. It's like once they're out there, someone else is just going to upload it because they already like fucking recorded it. I like totally feel that you made that video like under Pornhub, right? Like they facilitated the whole thing. Yeah. I mean, we made like a deal with them and then they were basically the production studio and they put it all together. And then we showed up as talent versus like when I shoot porn, it's like me and my iPhone in my bedroom and then I sell it on OnlyFans. So it was like,

Right. More of an official porn in my mind. Yeah.

Can you release the same video on Twitter and then also do it on Pornhub? Or like, how does that work? I wouldn't release it on Twitter because then it would be free. And I don't really like upload a lot of my content to Pornhub. I have in the past and I've put it to be like unlocked for paid price because I don't really want my stuff out there for free because I want people to subscribe and pay for it. But yeah, I have uploaded like teaser clips and stuff like that to Pornhub as more of like a way to market myself.

But most of my stuff is on premium Snapchat and really only fans.

Okay, got it. When you did release the sex tape finally on Pornhub, did you and Adam like talk about what I mean, you just said like he crawled under the table. But do you guys like it so specific about what type of scene where you're like, we're starting doggy and then I'll suck your dick and then we're doing this? Or do you guys just actually just fuck naturally? I think that like they told they told us how to do it. So it started with like a blowjob. I feel like it always starts with the blowjob scene.

Always. And then when I have sex and I'm the director, I'm like one position to position. I don't care. But when you're filming like traditional porn, I feel like they have a standard, especially for an amount of time. And they want like five minutes in this position, five minutes in that position. And like for me, I don't know. Maybe I'm just like a lazy fucker. I'm like...

I'm not getting on. I'm not doing this on you for like, you know, I mean, for those who can't see like reverse cowgirl for five minutes, nothing. Yeah. I'm sorry. I work out. I'm still not doing that for five minutes. I couldn't make it in like the real industry. I would be too lazy. I don't,

don't like when they are changing positions every fucking 30 seconds. No, right. I feel like it's like you're just getting into it and then you're getting flipped over again. Like what? What's the point? Maybe because we are women and we know to have an orgasm like it takes a lot of time and focus in like one, you know, area. Yeah. But yeah, that's how I feel about traditional porn is like I feel like it's I mean, maybe it's not meant to be realistic. That's why because like I don't think it's realistic to do

a zillion positions while you're having sex. And, but in the porn industry, maybe they're just trying to appeal to everyone, someone who's, you know, their favorite positions, doggy or whatever. So, and also, right. They look cool, you know, like visually they're simulating. They might not actually feel really good in real life, but that's not always what porn is about.

It's about selling the fantasy and, you know, something striking off to it. So it's all about the visual stimulation of it. Yeah. Well, at Pornhub, if you're listening, like, I have, like, some stuff that I could tell you and, like, really make you guys some more money. So just let me know. They're just going to try to book you for a scene. They got it.

Sophia, do a scene for us. We'll pay you a jillion dollars. They're like, show us what you mean and then maybe we can fucking do it. Do you watch porn? Yes, but I feel like sometimes I'm watching porn for actual research purposes. I know that's a good meme, but

But like, because okay, now I have milk in my breasts. And I know that some people are into that. But I have no idea what the people who are into that are looking for. So I was like, God, I hope Pornhub deletes my search history because it's not what I'm into. But I had to look up

what people are looking for when they're watching lactation porn. And so I was doing research. Okay. I am so intrigued. Lactation porn. Like, do you like squeeze milk into their mouths or what is it? I think people are interested in watching the act of someone else actually sucking the milk out of your boobs. And to me, no, no kink shaming. Yeah.

I'm not into it. I'm not into it, but maybe because in my real life, like a baby is actually doing that to me, you know? Yeah. That's probably a mind fuck. Yeah.

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I read a Forbes article. Yes, I was like stalking you like a little creep until 3 a.m. laying in my bed. Thanks, Forbes. Maybe masturbating. I don't know. Just kidding. You're like, I get that joke every day. Like, please. No, no one talks to me.

I read in a Forbes article you made over a million dollars last year. What is your main source or stream of income? 100% like OnlyFans. I mean, I wouldn't say it's 100%. It's like 99% OnlyFans, but it's like the whole thing. I don't make any money off Twitter. Twitter is purely like just a way for me to market OnlyFans. And so was Instagram until I got deleted. So yeah, I mean, the big social media helps you because you know, OnlyFans, you have fans, you can make a lot of money.

Right. Yes. You made a fleshlight that it matches your vagina, right? Yeah. So fleshlight actually reached out to me and they were like, can we mold you? And they mold mold in my vagina and my butthole.

Has Adam tried it? He told me his dick doesn't fit in it, which I like. I'm like, I don't believe you. But he was like, my dick is too big. It doesn't fit. Like, whatever. He's like, I split it open. Like, my dick is just like so big. But honestly, I was thinking about it. If I were to make a fleshlight, I would low key tell the manufacturers to make my pussy like five times tighter. The inside is always the same.

So I don't think people know that like they mold the outside of your vagina, but the inside of the fleshlight is the same for everyone. For all the fleshlight girls. Oh, that was the most groundbreaking shit I've ever heard. Okay. So tight that I did not go into labor and I had a C-section. And when I had my postpartum visit, my OB looked inside me and was like, your cervix has never been dilated. You look like you were never pregnant. And I'm like,

Fuck everyone who said that my pussy was so loose that baby was going to fly out. People are so fucking stupid when they make that comment. Like, I mean, I had a sex podcast. I talk about really raunchy shit. I talked about foursome. So I get the same shit. Like your vagina is like a hot dog down a hallway. Fuck that phrases. That's not how the anatomy works. Like you can have a baby and still not be loose. You can have sex and still not be loose. It's

It's just really obnoxious. You can take 50 dicks and your vagina is not going to be loose. Like read a book, people. Yeah. Yeah. Great. We just like went back to sex, but you are a business woman. You really are a genius. You make the most money off OnlyFans.

I feel like especially during quarantine, there are so many girls trying to get on the OnlyFans train. Yeah. Do you have like any tips for people like starting an OnlyFans?

Yeah. I mean, I feel like it's the same sort of tip that I would give someone who's just trying to get into social media, which is like, make good content, take good photos, try to figure out what you can do to be on the Explorer page on Instagram as far as using the platform, but also try to collaborate with other creators. And don't fucking make an Instagram... Don't make an OnlyFans if you don't have any fans. It's just like, I feel like

It seems like a get-rich-quick scheme, but it's not. And then your shit is out there. I made a whole YouTube video about this because literally every DM is about OnlyFans. And...

You don't need a lot of fans to be successful on OnlyFans. You can have 10,000 fans and make a good amount of money that would support you if people did actually engage with your content and want to see you and what you're doing. But if you don't continue to make good content, then people are going to unsubscribe. And then you might have a really good first month. But 6 months in, you have all your shit on the internet and then no one is buying your content anymore.

And the thing with being like a sex worker is that any platform could decide to take your social media from you at any time, case in point me. And then what are you going to do? So I think it's something that requires a lot of careful consideration. And as much as I'm like so pro sex worker and I would want to help anyone who I can, I also want to advise people to be cautious and not just think that like, if they do this, they're going to be rich. And that's the end of story. I think that's like really fucking good advice. And...

What type of content do you post? Because it's not just all like porn. It's not just all like you having sex, right? I mean, it's mostly sexual. Like I post photos and then I'll do a lot of solo videos and then I'll do videos with Adam and then I'll do threesomes and then I'll do a lot of girl stuff. But I mean, I made like a video one time

showing how I like prepared for anal, but it's still sexual in nature, even though it's not like someone might not be like actually jerking off to it. It's, it's still, you know,

I mean, I can assure you that there were still people jacking off to it. Like, you would be shocked what they, like, jack off to. Cleaning out your asshole? That's so hot. Okay, tell me if I read this incorrectly. You did, like, a try-on haul of lingerie. Was that on your OnlyFans? Or was that on YouTube? I've done it on YouTube. I've actually done it on Pornhub, too. So what I did was, like...

filmed myself changing in and out of the clothes for my YouTube video because I had a brand deal. And then I just left in the parts where I was changing and posted on Pornhub. And it was actually really successful, which I didn't understand. But you'd have to ask a dude why it's so interesting. Because I found it to be

boring as fuck wait that is so fucking interesting so like on your youtube it just showed you with like the clothes and then maybe hinting the underwear was coming off and then you were like Pornhub has like the full thing I was just like reviewing the clothes because that's what I had to do as part of the brand deal and then I don't know I really didn't do much in the Pornhub version I just like kind of left the whole video unedited I guess and then I

still continue to review the clothes and it has like millions of views and I just find that to be so strange wait that is so bizarre and so interesting and I feel like if you're like kind of trying to like head into you know doing an OnlyFans or something of that nature like that could be a good just little like you know dipping your toes and get your feet wet yeah yeah definitely no I think that's a good it

intro. Totally. 100%. Okay, Lena. So I do want to quickly before we get into listener questions, because we are kind of running out of time. You are a new mom. You had a baby three months ago. Congratulations. Thank you. On your new baby girl, Parker, which I fucking love that name, by the way. That's so cute. Thank you. Yeah.

I watched your birth vlog and you were planning on having like a stay at home birth and then you had to have a C-section. Yes. And you documented it. And I have to ask you how the fuck you were able to do that because I.

I feel like if I were in the hospital, I would tell my boyfriend to get the fucking camera out of my fucking face before I like shatter the screen. Honestly, after he saw the way I looked in that video, I probably should have told him to turn the fucking camera off. But I feel like in those moments, I just like couldn't care. I was so over everything by the time I went to the hospital. She was 19 days past her due date. Holy shit. I...

tried everything to get her out. And then by the time I gave in and went to the hospital, they were treating me like an alien. I didn't want to be there because they never let women go past you at the hospital. They induce you. And so everyone was treating me like a fucking science project. They'd never seen someone like me in their life. And I was just so over everything. I couldn't care anymore. And I mean, I was kind of high on the epidural, but like...

I wasn't having a good time because I was super allergic to the epidural. So I was like, just really fucking it. Oh, shit. It cut my skin from how much I scratched myself. And then when she was born, I was like, I was out of it. It was, I was really not like totally there in the way that you would probably want to be there. Yeah. So yeah, I don't know. I feel like maybe if I was feeling all of the pain of it, then I probably would have been like, turn the fucking camera off right now. No.

Right. So pretty much like you were kind of out of it because you were like on drugs and there was so much going on that you were just like, whatever. I had to give in to all the shit that I wasn't expecting to happen because I was supposed to have a home birth with like a birth photographer and my midwife and my doula. And like, you know, I just want. Right. I had to get rid of every expectation I had because I had already lost so much of it.

Right. Well, you know what? That's why you have a successful YouTube page. And like, I don't have fucking shit. So I applaud you. Just practice. That's what I used to do because I used to hate being on camera. It scared the shit out of me.

But I would just vlog some days and just like just never put it out. There's something about it that just feels so unnatural to me, but... It is unnatural and it's like weirdly cringy or it feels narcissistic. And then you kind of have to like throw all your thoughts about that out the window and just fucking do it if you're going to be like a content creator, you know? Yeah.

I have to ask, what is pregnant sex like? I do feel like it was like hotter. Like I was wetter all the time. You're just like constantly wet when you're pregnant. It's just, you're like, did my fucking water break? No, I'm just dripping wet. Oh, okay.

and I do feel like I was horny or I feel like I had one of the best orgasms when I was pregnant. And I don't think it's because we necessarily like changed what we were doing. It's just like, whatever was going on with my hormones just like made it feel better. Right. Um, but towards the end, you know, you feel like a huge lump and it's not easy to move around and you're kind of just like, fuck me. So the baby comes out, hurry up, please. Um,

But yeah, that didn't work. Which obviously didn't work because you were 42 weeks pregnant. Okay, Lena, let's quickly answer some of my listener questions. This first one I'm about to read is fucking wild. And I am so excited for you to tell me what you think about it.

Hi, Sophia. I love you and love your new show. I will dive right into the reason I'm writing today. I have a cum fantasy. I am obsessed with my fiancé's cum, and when we have sex, I'm fantasizing the entire time about him coming inside me, every hole and all over me. I would like him to cum nonstop while we are fucking. Unfortunately, this is not a realistic expectation since he can't produce this much cum.

I discuss this fantasy with him, and I propose we try a cumfest.

I want him to masturbate a few times a day, save up his cum, and then dump it all over me while we are having sex. I want this to be as hygienic as possible. If you have any advice, let me know. Okay, so I feel like she should just put it in the freezer cube tray, like where the ice goes. Like into every single little one. But then like she would have to like go defrost it, right? I should put a thaw on the counter. I'm just saying this because it just came to me, not because I've actually done anything like this. Like,

You know, you see people like make little, you know, concoctions in their little ice trays. And I kind of feel like this would be a Pinterest hack for her. Oh my God. Wait, that would be like so fucking dope if she made a TikTok of it. Have you ever heard of this like fetish? No, but I can't imagine that it's that strange because...

There's like blow bang porn where it's like one girl, 20 dicks, she's doing blow job and then everyone's waiting until the end where she gets like all the cum on her. And I feel like that's like a hot visual. Oh, right.

I've never really heard of like a girl. No one's ever told me like this is what I want, but I could see how that's hot. Yeah, I could too. I mean, I think there's something really hot about like a guy coming. She's... Unless it smells. Oh yeah, unless it smells. I don't know if I've... Actually, there was one guy that like his cum smelled and like I don't even know how that's possible, but whatever. I agree with you, Lena. I think girlfriend, put it in the freezer. I was going to say refrigerate it.

Under no circumstances, like, leave it out on the counter. I think we're, like, talking about it as if it's, like, produce or, like, meat. It's, like, you cannot leave chicken thawing on the fucking counter. Like, it needs to go in the fridge. Freezer, for sure. Freezer. Okay, you say freezer. I agree with you. Next question. Threesome advice. So, we, like, kind of covered this, but...

This girl said, my boyfriend and I are so bored sexually and we want to try a threesome. Have no idea where to start. How do I go about finding a girl? Is there an app for that? And when we find her, how do we initiate sex so it's not awkward?

So I looked into this a little bit and I think like any fucking dating app, like even if it's Tinder, like you really, if you match with a girl, you could probably just like message her and like see if she's into that. However, there are apps, um, three, like the number three fun Kinku K I N K O O. Um,

That's like kind of like for kinks and fetishes. You could go there. Seeking arrangements. I've seen that seeking arrangements will like have couples on there that are like looking for a third. I think just being open and honest about what you want. And I feel like there's all sorts of people looking for all sorts of things on dating apps. And it's not that weird or taboo to try it. I completely agree. This is our last question. This is not sex related, but.

Hey, Sophia. So I have recently gained a lot of weight and even more during quarantine. A big issue I'm having is while using dating apps, while larger, I have a shit ton of anxiety leading up to the date.

I've noticed now that I'm larger and sometimes it gets so bad and I'm so worried. They're thinking I catfish them, even though I do look like my pictures. I've even canceled dates last minute because of this. Love the show and I'm so proud of you.

If she is not like, you know, wanting to lose weight, I think it's really just understanding that every body is beautiful. That sounds so fucking cliche, but it's really so true. You kind of just have to like embrace all stages of your body. Like your body goes through changes and if you're only going to feel confident and good when you're the perfect weight, you are going to, you know, set yourself up for like a very...

not hard life, but like difficult. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I mean, I think about that all the time because it's like, you know, now I'm in my postpartum body and like your body changed a lot after you have a baby. So like, I think my metabolism has changed. I'm not going to lose weight the way I did when I was like 20. I'm like going to be 30 this year. Um, but so like kind of just realizing that and like thinking about like, why is it so important? But it is important because obviously, like she said, like people treat you differently when you look big,

bigger or when you look different, you know? So I feel like if she wants to lose weight, like I would advise just like do it the totally healthy way, eat good and exercise and, you know, be reasonable about your goals and how fast you want to lose the weight. Cause like if you try to rush into it, it's just going to backfire. But at the same time,

how does she gain confidence to go on a date with someone and why is she canceling her dates? I like, don't know what to say about that. Really. I'll be honest. First of all, I think sometimes you have to rip off the bandaid show up to the date. Absolutely. I don't, I don't condone, you know, alcohol use before like anything you're nervous for per se, but like, if you want to take a shot or two, anything that will relax you meditation, like

Just show up to the date because if she's just sitting at home and she's too scared to go, she'll never know. I personally feel like I benefited from going on a lot of first dates.

I like not to figure out what I liked in people, what I didn't like in people. And I feel like that it doesn't matter how you look like you should you should be getting that practice in and like figuring out what you don't like so that when you find someone that like makes sense for you, you know, you can leave like 30 minutes into the day if you want. You don't even want to be with a guy that is not going to be into you or not physically attracted to you. So like, fuck him.

and maybe work a little bit on some self-care and self-love. That's what I would say. Because I am fucking Oprah. All right.

Okay. Lena, this was so amazing. I feel like I've learned so much shit and I like want to go Google 50,000 things. Where can they find you? I am Lena the plug on Twitter, YouTube, real end of the plug on Instagram. My only fans is only fans slash one of the plug. I still think Sophia should make an only fans. If you ever want any advice, please,

on how to work it. I'm here for you. Thank you so much. If I do decide to make one, you are going to be like my first call. So don't even worry about that. Sleuths, I love you so much. And I will talk to you next week.