cover of episode 13: Mr. and Mrs. Sloot

13: Mr. and Mrs. Sloot

Publish Date: 2021/1/7
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Sofia with an F


Shownotes Transcript

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It's 2021. Happy 2021, Sloots. I had a week off and it felt like forever, but not really. It felt like it was one day, how vacation always works. And let's just quickly talk about it being 2021. 2020 was draining as fuck. I had a lot of firsts.

And besides the obvious ones that we all know about, I started my own company. I, you know, had to build an entirely new brand. I had to do a bunch of shit, which really is small in comparison to, you know, a lot of the horrible things that happened in 2020. But it was rough. And I just want to quickly say how proud I am of everyone for making it through 2020.

I needed a break, but we have some fucking exciting things for 2021 that are coming. We are the Sloots. Now I feel like I can like be myself.

To be completely honest, I did not feel too hot going into 2021. I was at a really, really low towards the end of 2020. I was exhausted. I mean, there was just a bunch of shit going on. And I think a lot of people can relate.

But I am feeling really, really positive right now. Wow, Sophia, that's a fucking first. I'm saying I feel really positive. This might seem small, but this past week something really incredible happened to me. I was sitting at dinner and I was approached by a couple who recognized me. Oh my God.

And that's what it was, guys. I'm a fucking celebrity. I made it. I'm kidding. But this couple recognized me and they came up to me and they said, hey, aren't you Sophia with an F?

And I said, yes. And they were like, oh, my God, 1-800-SLU. Like, we fucking love you. I listen to your show and I'm driving, blah, blah, blah. And that interaction like was a huge turning point in how I was feeling, because after everything I went through last year, I

I really developed a lot of self-doubt and a lot of anxiety. And it just made me feel like everything I've been working on so far has been worth it. And being recognized for my work on my show and not being recognized for some, you know, petty bullshit that was said about me in the media, um,

It made me so fucking happy. And I think that there's a lesson in that for all of us is to just keep fucking going no matter how down you are, no matter how much you hate yourself in that moment.

It gets better. And never give up. Wow. Fucking Confucius over here. Just kidding. I would not compare myself to him. I would compare myself to Oprah. Just kidding. A sexually active Dalai Lama. Okay. So I just want to say thank you so much, you guys, for helping me. And I fucking love all of you. Anyways.

I have a very, very special person sitting next to me who I'm doing the episode with. He is back for a second time. I am joined by one of my very good friends, formerly known as MILF Hunter, now known as Ghost Rider.

Say what up. Hello. Hi. Did you miss me? Oh, my God. Not you. Not you. For the OGs, he needs no introduction. For the new listeners, there is just so much fucking shit to say about you. Long story short, he was...

A big part of the previous show I was on, he was one third of that show. It was a very successful show. And we were both kicked to the curb. No, just kidding. Only I was. You took that step yourself. And we both kind of had to make a comeback of sorts. Okay, if you guys want to hear it, the whole story, listen back to episode two. It's all there.

Speaking of episode two, there were these 11 minutes that were cut out of the episode. The infamous 11 minutes. And I think, Ghostwriter, we should quickly tell them what that was about. Yeah, absolutely. Okay.

Because I had hundreds of thousands of people freaking the fuck out, being like, what were the 11 minutes? Why were they cut out of the episode? What the 11 minutes were, essentially, it was you and I talking about why we had these super messy public falling out departure from the company. Yeah, very in depth. Yes. Yes.

And we did not end up releasing it because we were threatened. Yes. Publicly. Yes. And not to get into the drama, because that's not what we're about to do on this episode, I promise you. I'm just explaining what the fuck it was because we were threatened to the point that we were told our lives would be fucking ruined if we talked about anything. Right.

Yes. Anything at all. Verbatim. Which is kind of... Saying this out loud is wild. Yeah. No, our voices were literally silenced. Silenced. It's completely fucked up that you cannot...

speak about something so traumatic. Yeah, no, we were put through, you know, a very life-changing traumatic experience and then told, don't say a fucking word unless you have a quarter million for a lawyer fees. Right, right. And that's basically what it was. Yeah. And maybe it'll be released, you know, down the road. Should I link my Venmo? Yeah.

Anyways, guys, so that's a little bit about how we bonded. We have become super good friends. And let's fucking get into the episode. Let's talk about fucking because we have the perfect guy here to talk about that. He's making a face. Why? He's reformed. So anyways, Ghostwriter.

I want you to tell a quick story for everybody. I know exactly where this is going. Because we had lunch and I tried to Venmo him and he didn't have Venmo. I told you you didn't have to Venmo me.

But you insisted. Okay. But you insisted. You wrote down to the penny. You were like, you were like, you got a diet Coke though. You forgot. That was a $2.50. Oh my God. You want me to treat you like you want me to not be a good friend to you.

Guys, whatever. I was trying to be a good friend and Venmo him. And then I tried to cash app him. And he said, I don't have that either. And, you know, it's 2021. And usually people have those things. And you're a young guy. So why don't you have those things on your phone? It's because you were fucking banned from them. And you're on America's Most Wanted list.

Because you were scamming people. Just let him know. And ladies listening, this is highly legal. And he obviously, this was like a while ago when he did this. He's going to tell a story. But for ladies listening, if you want to be, you know, scam, Joanne the Scammer, this is something you should listen to. No, this is a real Bonnie and Clyde story. It is. Honestly.

Basically, I had met this girl and...

She was on the phone with one of her friends, one of her guy friends, who is actually a photographer for an NBA team. Okay. So I'm sitting there like next to her. And of course, I hear the whole conversation. And he's telling her about how he's making thousands of dollars. Okay. By scamming. By not doing photography. No, it's a little side hustle that's making him thousands and thousands of dollars a month.

So, of course, my ears perk up. I'm intrigued. Mm-hmm. He tells her that him and his girlfriend...

um, created fake Tinder, fake Bumble, fake PayPal, fake Snapchat, and are scamming men with, um, the promises of erotic massages and are making hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars a day. So I'm like, I don't think that this would be a difficult transition at all. I think actually, you know, I'm, uh, uh,

Whatever. What word? Legend. Master. You think you're those things. In terms of finessing men with the promises of sexual favors? Yes, I do. He's straight, by the way. The way that just sounded. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Oh, I'm just saying. Okay, continue. Um...

So the girl I had just started dating at the time was the one who introduced me to this. And we were just on the same page on some Bonnie and Clyde, on some me and you, you know, let's get this money type of thing. And so we set up a profile, a Bumble page with a different name, obviously, and a Tinder page with a different name, but her pictures. And those profiles in the bios are...

explained that she was a masseuse. It was very flirtatious, very sexual. I bet. And erotic massages and favors were hinted at. Got it. In the bottom of this bio was the name to a Snapchat. So you added that Snapchat and sent messages and inquired on these private massages. So...

Within 48 hours, there was over 250 Snapchat messages of men within 50 miles inquiring about private massages. Yeah. Of course, you start flirting with them. Via Snapchat. Via Snapchat text. And, you know, they're like hyenas.

Men are disgusting. Disgusting. Sick. I didn't, it got to the point where I was, I was naive in the beginning. I didn't realize that after hay, you could get a dick pic. Now you know how it fucking feels. Yo, that shit is exhausting. It is harassment. It's full blast.

Blown Unconsensual harassment you guys think with your dick. Yeah, it's it's really humbling to see that we are complete cavemen Yeah as an entire collective. Mm-hmm. So we had three devices in the basement an iPad

and two iPhones. Oh my God. And so we were constantly just like, you know, whatever friend would come over and hang out, we'd be like, hey, talk to these guys. Grab this iPhone. Yeah, we'd all be sitting with glasses of wine, whatever movie or Netflix show was in the background, hanging out, you know, sexting on the iPad. That sounds fun as fuck. It was hilarious. We had some great nights. Hold on one second. So you would start talking to them on Snapchat or whoever had the iPhone, texting,

Talk to these men, rile them up and get them horny or whatever. Yes. By sexting. Yes. But we would tell them about the services. Okay. $120 for this. $150 for this. Got it. $200 for that. $250 for this. For sexual favors. Yes. Okay. Got it. Got it.

And then we would start to get descriptive about what comes with the 250 package. There's so many amenities, so many benefits. Wait, I need to hear. Can you give me one example? I mean, for $200, you just get your, you tell them, you know, you get a blowjob, but you go super descriptive on what type of blowjob they're going to get. Do you know what I mean? Like how it would be like this and like that. Show them that your experience. I would love for you to read.

one right now, but like, you probably... These are in... I throw this iPhone off a bridge into the river. It's filthy. You might get an STD if you hold it. There's so many dick pics have come through that thing. Wait, wait, wait. Okay, but...

So how the fuck do you get money then? Or are you showing up to suck the dick? These guys are like, that's fine. Once you get them riled up and you show up, you just have to have the right type of weave. And I promise you, they'll do it. No, in all seriousness, you have to create leverage. In order to get anything you want, you have to negotiate from a place of leverage. And so we created a fake child.

And this baby... This story just took a turn. So this girl who's giving the massages, who's new to the area and starting her business back up,

This fake girl. Yeah, this fake girl. She has a child, a baby girl who's two years old. And the babysitter who lives in the apartment conveniently that she does is available all the time, but she has to be paid up front. So in order to book the girl, you need them for the time that she'll be gone giving the massages at the guy's house. The babysitter needs to be booked. Okay.

In order for the babysitter to be booked, you need to receive a deposit from the men. So you inform the men, I'm sorry, I have a child. I need to pay my babysitter if I'm going to come and book you for a massage. To know that you're not going to flake on me, I need a deposit. A down payment. Yeah. Depending on how nice the guy is or how gullible he is, you might not even say a deposit. You might just say, I need to be paid up first.

front you kind of gauge it case to case i love how you say vulnerable or how fucking hoarding he is yeah yeah depending on how filthy the erotica he's been sent is you know you could probably get the whole 250 the first go you might get the full 250 out of two guys in a day and you've made 500 you might get a 75 deposit for a 150 massage you might get that three or four times from a day

We would create Excel sheets where we would create fake schedules where, hey, sorry, we're booked with Steven in this area at 9 a.m. We can be there at 11, given your distance, you know. Would you like to book this time? We made it look so real, as professional as possible. Well, yeah, you created a fake story about her having a baby. It sounds real. Yeah, yeah. And we really...

Got down into a system. We got into a system to the point where thousands of dollars were being made. There was a day where you might make eighteen hundred dollars in 24 hours. And you are getting that money through Venmo and Cash App. So you're sending pictures to these random dudes of your girl friends.

But it wasn't your girlfriend, whatever. Whatever. It was. It was. Your situation shit. No, that was my girlfriend. Okay, your girlfriend. Oh my God, you're demeaning my emotional development. Oh my God. Are you telling me that I'm incapable of love and a relationship? I don't know. We're getting into that later in the episode. Stay tuned. So you, and you're using her pictures as,

She was a badass, and you would be like, babe, whip out a titty, because this guy wants to see that. No, absolutely not. There were times where I was annoyed that she would make jokes like, oh, he's kind of cute. Like, wait, who's this one? I'm like, shut the fuck up and get his money. But you're sending him pictures. I mean, she's sending them, because you guys were a team. Oh, you're triggering me. No, I'm just kidding. You know she was talking to them. I'm like, what?

When you were out of the room. When I was asleep. No, no. To be completely honest, I got so obsessed with how fast and how much money it was that I would do this from 6 a.m. to 2, 3 in the morning. Money changes people. Oh, I was clocked in. I was clocking in 60-hour weeks. So she would be asleep and I would wake her up with a spoon. Like, listen, he needs a selfie of you holding this spoon in your left hand. Okay, that's what I wanted to ask because I feel like these guys at

a certain point where like how do i know this is real and like you send a real picture because i would only send pictures from the camera roll like selfies she had taken in the mirror okay got it you know so they would say like sent from camera roll they'd be like no take a live picture so then okay if you know anything about snapchat i would go in i'd be like send this send this you know like they want to see your left finger up and your your left index and your pinky

And he would be like, grab a spoon. Yes, hold it in your left hand and place it. So I know it's real. Yeah, because a lot of them are like, I've never sent money to somebody without meeting them before. Prove to me this is real. I believe you. And I'd be like... They would especially...

If you're going to do this, my biggest advice is don't ever play defense. Play the aggressive. You think I'm out here lying about my business, about how I support my daughter? Talk to them like they are nothing. I live my life that way. You turn it around on them. Yes. If you've ever cheated and they come at you with that, you're like, whoa. Oh my God. Oh my God. Toxic Sophie is leaping out.

You know, I've done a lot of growth and I'm way healthier now, but I still have some toxic traits. Okay. Anyways, back to this story that is absolutely insane. You're sending guys pictures. You are setting up these massages, quotation marks. Yeah. I had already had experience of like texting...

you know, dudes, professional athletes or entertainers or whatever, like having whole relationships and lives with them from good morning to good night and everything in between that entertaining a guy for two to three hours to get him horny enough or, you know, committed enough to believe that he was going to get one on one or special treatment was very easy. So I was cranking out like six to eight a day. But you were straight.

People, he is straight. When you just randomly say that, it doesn't sound like you're straight. You had a close relationship with a girl who will not say her name and you would write her sex for her to like her...

athletes and whatever. Yeah, this is all documented in episode 50. This is not the first time that an OG listener would hear this information. They would actually be familiar with this information already. Yes. I'm just saying it for people who don't know you. So anyways, back to the story. So you...

We're sending pictures and then getting them to send money up front for these massages that you were going to do for them, which massages mean. Yes. Erotic. Yeah. You know, your typical Pornhub fantasy. Yeah. Erotic massages. So these men send you the money and you block them immediately after the money is sent. I blocked them.

And some of them were hilarious, like, all right, here it comes. I'm going to send it. Please don't block me. I hope this isn't a scam. Every time I'm like, damn, caught him again. Blocked. That shit was your voice. Blocked. Blocked. No, it was like, listen, if you're a guy this stupid and this horny to solicit this type of sex work on this way, you deserve to get scammed. I'm teaching you a life lesson. Yeah. What was shocking to me is how...

You know, the quality of some of the men out there, investment bankers, private equity, athletes. I mean, disgustingness has no limit. Yeah. Your local sheriff's department, all of those. Right. All of them. Everybody with a badge was soliciting sex work. They're a top consumer. I'll tell you that right now. The boys in blue. They love them a good erotic massage. Yeah.

Okay, so you're doing this for how long? It didn't last that long. I would say six to seven weeks. Because you would get the money from them, block them, and then you started getting reported. I mean, they started reporting you to Venmo, Cash App. Yeah, it got to the point where I had to move. I tried to move locations because every time I would create...

a Tinder or a Bumble with that location, it would get banned like 15 minutes later. So I drive to my friend's house like 15 minutes away and I'm like, yo, I just need to use your basement. Like tell me the wifi password. And I walk in with like holding like three chargers and the iPad and everything. Sweating. I'm like, I have an appointment in 15 minutes. He needs to know I'm coming. I need this money. Yeah.

Because it was coming. I'm not going to lie to you. It was coming in so fast. I was spending it fast. And so easy. It was so easy. I thought it was never going to end. I thought that I had the yellow brick road for me and everybody else to get rich quick. And they I'm telling you right now, I'm not sure what people know about, you know, technology or or the Internet.

But your IP address, like your location, your phone, all these things are like traceable through these apps. They have all of your information. Okay. So explain that part of it that Venmo and Cash App, when they started catching on, they...

They started looking into like the IP address, right? Yeah. And so I couldn't even if I went on my laptop because sometimes the phones would get banned. But if you opened it up on a laptop on a different provider with a VPN on to like hide your proxy or your IP, you could get the money out.

So we had – sometimes I had multiple cash apps, multiple Venmos. They kept on getting banned but my IP wasn't banned. So I would just make a new one instead of insert fake girl's name here and sometimes I would get accounts frozen with like $2,000 in it or like $800 in it and I would lose that money. Venmo would just keep that or they would refund the people, whatever, cash app, however you're doing it. Yeah.

So, then it got to the point where my entire IP was banned. And it didn't matter. I couldn't even create it in the app. And then it got to the point where my phone was banned. I couldn't even access the apps and create accounts to the point where even my own personal Venmo didn't work. Did you ever think about creating a Craigslist that was just like...

In Iowa and just asked random ass people there to like create an account for you. Oh, I had that. I was getting that. Don't forget that the Tinders were getting banned. Also, the Tinders and Bumbles were also getting reported. So were the Snapchats. In order to make a Tinder account, you have to have a phone that's never used the app before. I was texting people I hadn't talked to in years. Like, yo, can you create a Tinder? I got five.

$20 for you. Create this Tinder for me and text me the code right now. Can I use your phone for a Tinder account or a Bumble account? For $20? Sure. What the fuck are you doing? I'll explain later. And I turned that $20 into $1,500 in a day or $500 in a day. So to me, it was nothing like, yo, I would text all my old teammates, old friends, people from old apartment complexes. I opened Facebook for the first time in years just to get a

A Tinder account. I was fiending. I was fiending. So pretty much now you can't use any of those things. I am banned on every single money sending app except for Zelle.

But looking back, I think the two things that stand out to me were one, how I desperately begged to customer support to please unfreeze $1,500 in a Venmo account that got banned. Wait, you would call Venmo customer service? I would be on there screaming at them that my account had been hacked, that they need to gain my money right now. Like sometimes it would work. Sometimes they would give up. And sometimes they would just know like fucking scammer, you know?

So I almost got some real ethical morality talks over customer service. And then the other thing that really sticks out to me is how I spent that money. I was spending the money all on experiences with me and my first girlfriend. And these dates, they didn't feel like regular dates at all.

They, it was kind of like me and this girl were Bonnie and Clyde and we're sitting here at a steakhouse eating, eating, you know, eating prime cut steaks and sipping on the expensive red wine. My first glass of red wine was off of scammer money. You know, like babe, cheers to Eric. Yeah.

Yes, I can't believe he bought the whole package for two days straight. Eric Venmo'd us fucking 500. Let's tip 30% tonight. It was an experience. It made us closer. It was like an adrenaline rush between doing this together. No, that's fun.

And it was in the first few weeks of the relationship. We just went all in on each other and trusted each other. They're not together anymore, by the way. We had a great run, though. We hope she's doing great. I think she took it a little too far with one of your scammer things and left with the dude. That's the part that I'm leaving out. The guy that offered to pay for three months up front and fly her out to Sicily, she actually took that offer up.

But we had a great run. It was a good run.

So, guys, if you want to do something highly legal and scam horny dudes. This was a long time ago. I know. It's fine. It's just so wild to me that guys do that because, I mean, and I'm sure females. No, actually, you know what? Females don't do that because we are smart. Women. Women.

I don't call them females anymore. Women. Excuse me. I'm going to work on that. Women are not dumb enough to pay the money up front. Okay, but this brings up a greater point is...

It used to be if a guy wanted to get off, he gets a prostitute. Or if he's online, he goes to a website and looks at porn. Like, you jizz. You jizz. I was on that when I was like 13. I literally just brought that up because my boyfriend in high school used to use it. But whatever. Porn websites. And...

Do people just not do that anymore? Like, is it now just OnlyFans and Snapchat Premium and fucking Patreon? Like, do you use that shit? No, honestly. Like...

You know, I'm just a regular, you know, regular porn hub guy. Insert random porn website here. You know, right. There's literally millions and millions and millions of videos. Like, right. I just don't see it as something that I would pay for. I pay for other dumb stuff.

I mean, it might not be dumb to some people. I don't think sex works is dumb. I don't think OnlyFans is dumb. I think it's genius. Right. But like, I personally wouldn't pay for that. Does anyone do that? Just because somebody won't pay for something doesn't mean that they won't get it. Think about a movie that you've seen.

You get a pirated DVD. Yeah. Okay. So there are certain platforms like message boards or forums that will have entire OnlyFans pages, every piece of content leaked on the forums. Shut the fuck up. So people will go into like black holes of the internet to find their OnlyFans. They steal sex workers like content, like their livelihood.

There's leaked OnlyFans. Yes. God. Yeah. That is beyond fucked up. I remember they... And do these people charge for it or they just leak it? And they're just like, here you go. Some charge, some leak it. I've seen screenshots where...

Some people are charging half the price of the monthly subscription. So if you pay that person, instead of paying $20 a monthly subscribe, pay this person $10 and get everything. You know what I'm saying? Sent to you on a fucking Google Drive or something. Wow. Nothing, nothing is fucking safe on the internet, which actually, if you are promoting your OnlyFans...

This is a fucking weird-ass segue. Didn't you tell me the best way is to promote it on Reddit? I would say that's the best way to do it privately. If you didn't want to post on your Twitter, if you didn't want to post on your Instagram, if you didn't want to make a TikTok...

That like, you know, you do certain dances or whatever the fuck it is. Just using if you didn't want to use a public platform like that to grow a low key way to grow. Is on Reddit. And girls do that. Yes. Is to find certain fetishes or pages. Just find blogs that are hubs for horny men. And post it on there. And post it on there. Wow.

So that's like if you didn't want to have, you just want to have one that was completely private. Right. So girls, if you, or guys, if you want to keep your OnlyFans on the DL, just promote that shit on Reddit. Yes. Groundbreaking. What kind of porn do you like, by the way? Are you into anything kinky? You got to live up to the title. I mean, to be honest, I think the title kind of...

It limits me. It's kind of... I really... I'm like, what type of porn do you think...

A MILF hunter would watch? Yeah, of course. It will always be MILF porn. The thing is, I have an emotional attachment to that type of porn. Porn is not something that men typically have, like, an attachment to. And you have that attachment because you fucked that MILF that changed your life forever. And I'm still in love with her, yes. Oh, my God. And so I, like, try to recreate that feeling. Okay, but that's not really that kinky. No, it's depressing and traumatic. No, but...

Your jack off sessions sound like they're a lot of fun. Yeah, like sometimes it's like tears dripping onto my dick. No, no. But honestly, I don't really like kinky porn. Like I've never really been explorative with porn, to be honest. Not at all? DP. That's not like kinky.

It's not? I mean, that's just like porn. Okay, so let's talk about kinky porn because I want to know if that's not kinky. I mean... Laying an egg. I think... Keep going. I know you have some time. Get it off your chest. You want us to talk about this. No, girls put eggs in their pussy. Like what type of egg? Like a hard-boiled egg and then push them out.

Like, are you into anything like that? Tentacle porn, stuck porn. That's not kinky where the MILF acts like she's stuck in the bed and the stepson's trying to get her out and ends up drilling her. Like, that's just bad acting. PMP porn. What's that? Party and play.

Like when they smoke a bunch of meth and then they all fuck each other. So not any of these. No. So you like one guy, one milf. I watch crackheads fuck outside of my old apartment buildings all the time. That is not...

Some kinky type of sex Okay, well, I thought you were like actually a kinky bitch No, I mean, I like the threesome Like, that's probably MILF porn Two guys and one girl or two girls and one guy? Either or, either or, it depends It really depends That's not that kinky though No, not at all A MILF and a threesome? No, I would say it's probably 70-30 like MILF porn, threesome porn Split between that Pretty bland, honestly

Wow, you are very bland. Lots of truths are coming to the table. What type of porn do you watch? Oh my god, I just found this spot. Girl on girl, for sure. With like toys or... No. Eating out or scissoring. I like tutorial porn.

I know that sounds so fucking weird. Like walkthrough porn? Like dudes that have a girl on a table and they're like, I'm going to teach you how to make a girl squirt. I'm going to teach you how to like finger a girl correctly or eat her out correctly. They're like talking to the camera like an infomercial, but they're fingering her. Yes. And they do it like step by step and make her come. And I've been into that since I was like,

So this is like eight years strong. Yes. And I think it's the hottest thing and I don't know why. Do you have like a certain instructor that's like your go-to? I could find his name. There's two. I think it's just because you know they're like professionals. They know what they're fucking doing. You're comfortable with them. No, it's not comfortable. It's like, I don't want to come. But then if you were laying on a table with them, like they're going to make it happen. Yeah.

Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah, like you don't have a choice. You have no choice. It's not up to you. We get deeper into that. Like we don't need to. But I do like that. I mean, I like other shit, but we're not talking about the type of porn I like. We're talking about other things. Actually, I want to quickly ask you, because I have so many fucking girls write in about this. Do you care about what a vagina looks like? Yes, of course.

Really? Absolutely. Explain. I mean, just like how everybody has their... You want a hot dog and a bun. Or no, just the bun. No flaps. No, no, no. No, no, no. I love how I'm calling them flaps on my sex podcast. No, no. Excuse me, labia. That's what I meant to say. No, no. Curtains don't bother me. They don't. No, it's more so like...

It's more so that it has to match the person. Like, it's how they... It's all put together. Do you know what I'm saying? Like... Matches their personality? That too, though. That too. Like, you could... What? No, I'm telling you. Their pussy has to match their personality. I'm just saying, like, the whole aura of a person. I kind of think of, like... I kind of think of it's, like, how it's put together overall.

Like, it's really like an outfit. Like, it might look kind of weird laying on your bed, but when you put that on, it matches your figure. Like, it's, you know what I mean? Like, it looks right on you. Does that make sense? It might look crazy on another girl, but like on you, like, it's perfect. Okay, I briefly talked about last episode, a friend who had one labia longer than the other. Wait, what? One labia longer.

One flap. Can I just call them flaps? I don't have one. You can call it whatever you want. Longer than the other. And a guy called it a wizard sleeve. And then he asked her to get it cut so it could match the other one. To get it trimmed. Yes, which is disgusting and fucked up. Okay. Anyways, that's besides the point. I said I did not have a vagina that looked like that.

And a lot of people took that offensively, like I was shaming that vagina. I have a Arby's double meat sandwich situation. Okay, so anyone that thought I was shaming her, no. Like, I really am not.

Dun, dun, dun. We have the meat. It's not the Arby's commercial. I think it's we have the beef, right? We have the beef.

Yo, I'm sure they, I'm sure. I heard that some of them were closing up. I'm sure you could get an ad for Arby's. I'm sure that you could convince your fan base to resuscitate that franchise. Everyone tag Arby's and tag Sophia Franklin Rose Beef. Please. Anyways, I just wanted to say that. The way your pussy looks, girls, is,

It doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. He's fucked couch cushions before. Yes. I promise you, you're the most beautiful thing in the world that he's ever seen. Yes. Thank you.

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Body count. What is it? Oh my God. I'm not going there. Why? Is this the old show? No.

We don't need to talk about body count. Actually, by the way, if your boyfriend or girlfriend or anyone you're dating asks you what your body count is, do not answer. Red flag. Don't ever answer. No, not at all. And if you have to, lie about it. Lie. Lie to me. 100%. Die with it. But...

The name MILF Hunter. Ugh. You were huge slut womanizer. Hypersexual. That's what you used to... That's what you were known as. And I think we should just talk about it for a second. Okay, so what led you to be this MILF Hunter persona, which...

is essentially an extremely hypersexual person. Yeah. Where did that stem from? Well, I think that any person can see that that persona, that character, those views are incredibly unhealthy. Well, yeah. Like, they're fucked. Yes. And I think...

I think like that hypersexuality, to be completely honest, I know that it stems from like my childhood and like my early and first sexual experiences. Right. Without a doubt. That's like therapy 101. I don't even need therapy to know that. It's just like. Everything's from your childhood. Okay. So that's really interesting. What specifically? Yeah.

You don't have a dad. Bastard. Us, that's what we bonded over. Guys, I'm making a joke because I didn't have one either. No, we bonded over the, you know, single, the strong Spanish single women. Totally. But I love how I just asked you and I'm about to take this shit over. So the reason I'm the way I am, but...

It's just interesting. I want to point out quickly, we both were raised with single moms and we did not have like a father figure in our lives. We had like very similar lives and like complete opposite spectrums of the world though. Yeah, totally. But mine did not manifest in hypersexuality. Yeah. But yours did. So, I mean, tell us about that a little bit. Well, I think I was raised around nothing but like

Puerto Rican women who like loved me to death. But I had got, I was like, you know, a little soft and spoiled with all the attention and love from like a house full of women that I really, really was.

Was like desperate for like male approval. Right. But I didn't even know it. It was like involuntarily. I was like enamored by this. Of course. You know, the alpha male persona. I didn't understand it. Right. I mean, you were a kid. So like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that like...

I don't know. I was not sheltered because I was always outside. You know, I was very active. But, like, it was impossible for my mom to, like –

Control you? Control and shield me. Right, right, right. She had her own issues. Like we're living in government funded housing, Section 8, you know, welfare. Like there's, she's got two kids. We all sleep in the same room, you know. She can only protect you so much. Yeah, like I'm, I go outside every single day and I'm,

I got bullied, you know, like my mom being a Muslim hijabi, like Puerto Rican. And I am the only white kid. We're constantly moving in these low income neighborhoods, every new apartment complex. Like I go outside, I'm the easiest target to bully. You know, it,

it like kind of created this aggressiveness. Right. And I didn't, and you moved all the time. How many times did you say you moved? I think like seven times before I like went to high school. I went to my first high school. And so I realized very quickly, like nine years old, that the only way to stop the bullying at this new, you know, the first time I'd go outside to the basketball court or at whatever new place I lived was to just,

Punch the first person in the face. Like if you want me to just start a fight with the first person and you just set the tone early that like, this is not what we're about to do. And it created this like uber aggressive, like, and when I first did that,

And I first tasted like respect from other men. I like, wow, this is it was a different type of high. Even as a kid, like nine years old. I remember that feeling like, wow, like that, like, wow, this is this this adrenaline. OK, so how did that lead to you being hypersexual? OK, so, um, like I said, I was like craving male approval and men were.

Like respect other men for, you know, get hooked up with a bunch of girls. Of course. That's just how it works. And punching kids in the face, which you did. Yeah. So you had the punching kids in the face. And sports. So like, so at a young age, I realized that if I made plays in sports,

And if I hooked up with girls that I would get the respect of all the guys around me, older guys, maybe somebody's uncle or somebody's cousin, all my teammates, all my peers. So these are very caveman like things. And at a very young age, I'm just soaking all this in because these are what other men are telling me. This is what they respect. I'm watching, you know, the food chain. And this is like, this is what I think is right. So I would say,

My first sexual experience losing my virginity was like really unhealthy when I look back on it. Are you down to talk about it? Yeah. Yeah, there's definitely a trigger warning here though. Okay, everybody trigger warning. This is a form of sexual trauma. So I would just say this is a trigger warning for sexual trauma. My first sexual experience...

um was literally like right next door to my apartment i was 13 years old she was 16 damn yeah i was um sitting outside okay i feel like that sounded like crazy it's super intense no 13 is extremely young but continue yeah so i'm sitting outside with two of my neighbors they're 14 15 years old

You know, like they're on varsity football, you know, like they're the cool kids in our complex. Okay. So you look up to them. I was really happy to be around them. Like I was really happy that these were my neighbors. I thought that we lucked out at this place. Like, wow, I live next to cool people. So there was this girl who had a certain reputation in the apartment complex. I'd only been there a few weeks and they had put me on or they had let me know

what type of reputation she had. Okay. And she got around. Yeah. Okay. So she's walking into, she lived like two, three doors down from where I did. And they're all connected. Um,

And she's walking by and she's like, oh, like the new kid's cute. The white kid's cute type of thing. And they're like, you know, and she like is smiling and like goes and walks by and goes into her apartment. And they're like, yo, like go in there. Like go every, we would all like leave our doors open. Right. It was like very accustomed to like, if you're friends with somebody, you're like, you might be in their house. Like,

Like, you know what I'm saying? My friend might make a sandwich in my house. It was just, we were very comfortable in each other's space. So they're like coercing me to go in there. I'm like, okay. Like, I didn't know what was, you know, going to happen walking in there. Oh, really? I wasn't like...

timid or like scared i was just like i didn't know you know i didn't know i was just going in there like okay like it was nothing to just you know yeah um you were thinking in your head like i'm just gonna go in there and just kind of like flirt with this girl and just like i'm gonna talk to her yeah i'm gonna talk to her like it doesn't you know um so we get in there and you know not to be too detailed we're hanging out start kissing and she completely initiates sex okay and

Like, I'm talking to the point where, like, I didn't put the first condom on myself. Like, it was put on for me. Got it. Got it. So, you know, I'm, like, you know, like, enamored. Do you know what I mean? I bet. Yeah. This is a very peculiar sexual experience at 13. And we end up having sex. And, you know, like, there's no, like...

really talking or communication after it you know we just uh how did you feel like after i would i just like i got dressed put my clothes on walked outside and both of my boys were out there like gassing me do you know what i'm saying like i didn't know how i felt i thought that it felt good because they praised me right you know what i'm saying like i wasn't really like

You know what I'm saying? And I wasn't in control during the sex. Like, I didn't know what to do. Yeah. So, you know, she was kind of in control and leading the whole thing. So I was just like along for the ride. Do you know what I'm saying? And then I was like treated like this and she was demeaned. Do you know what I'm saying? I'm like, she was like, oh my God, this is like, she's such a little slut in the complex. And I'm like, oh my God, the new cool kid now who lives right here. You know what I mean? And, and,

And it just... After that... Wait, so do... What... Okay. When you say that and she was demeaned, it's kind of like she took advantage of you. Yeah. She did. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And...

To go outside and then have them like praising you. It was almost like you felt like you were like regaining control of the situation because you were kind of being like, we fucked and like, that's like a little slut, whatever. It's so interesting that you say that because yeah, you're 100% right. You're 100% right. I,

In fact, I was so desperate to regain control and so uncomfortable with not having control that it changed the way that I had sex. Like I didn't have sex with girls on top of me for years. That's so interesting. Or like, you know, certain positions like I had to be in complete control all the time.

So like, that's very interesting you say that. Like, yes, 100%. Yeah, that makes sense. So, I mean, I don't want to like take over for you, but like that's your first sexual experience. Um, technically no. So like the trigger warning is not over. Mm-hmm. Trigger warning again. Yes. This is a childhood sexual experience. Mm-hmm. Um, so I was, I think, seven or eight years old.

And, um, I had had a, like a unconsensual sexual experience with, uh, like a kid a little bit older than me. And it was nothing like, this is, this is not like a, I don't really know how to word it. There's just, this is not as, um, as bad.

I know what you're saying. There's definitely cases that are way worse than this. I understand. I know exactly what you're saying. Compared to other sexual experiences that kids have at a young age, this was, you know, I'm one of the lucky ones. Right. Compared to stories that I've heard. Yeah. It's all horrific, but there's different intensities. Yeah. Yes. That's a perfect way to put it. Yeah. So the interesting part about this sexual experience is that

It wasn't really like for me personally and what had happened. It was how my mother and family reacted. So that really I remember being like young and paying full attention to like recognizing it immediately. Yeah. So my mom, when you like live in poverty, that's like pressure.

You know, that's like anxiety and stuff. And you grow up around. Every day. Yeah. In that you grow up as a kid with that in your household. And my mother never like cracked or folded. Do you know what I'm saying? Like I might hear her crying in the other room or I might know you. I know money's tight. I know not to ask for things. But she keeps it together. She kept it together. Do you know what I mean? But I remember after that, she was so like kind of not frantic, but like.

So after the abuse happened. Yeah, after it happened and I told her. And you told her, which that is very interesting that you told her. Yeah. Because a lot of kids don't ever tell anyone. So you left that sexual experience, the sexual abuse, feeling like...

I'm not going to say indifferent because that's absolutely not what it was, but you left it probably maybe confused or just not knowing exactly how to feel when you told your mom. Yeah, I think that she...

It was her reaction. Yeah, she had not only was like, could I tell in her mannerisms? Like she was like more frantic and like her facial expressions and stuff. It was a different type of like. Yeah, but also she was trying to keep it together. But also it was the level of attention and.

And the longevity of how committed she was to teaching me about consent and my body. Got it. Do you know what I mean? Like, I'm talking about book after book after book. Right. Like, video after video after video. Yeah. Like, conversations, lecture, normalized talking about, you know, sexual experiences at a really young age and being able to speak fluidly about it. Yeah. That is just so fucking interesting because I'm having a flashback that...

I had an experience when I was younger and the exact same thing. My mom would have books and she would point and be like, what is this called? A vagina. Okay. Like next page. Yes. Teaching me every single thing at such a young age. Yeah. I have no idea. Do you know what I mean? Like once again, because we don't talk about these things. Thank you. You don't talk about them with your friends. I mean, what a powerful thing that we're fucking talking about it right now. Yeah. Yeah. Honestly. And so,

I left that first experience at like seven, eight years old. Like, wow, that's how they react to that type of, if you do that with somebody, everybody's going to react like that. And they're going to do, you know what I mean? I was like, huh? Intrigued. And then I had that experience at 13 and I'm like, wow, this is, you know what I mean? Like,

This is how you get everybody to like, like, like you, this is how guys are going to like you. And it wasn't more so about being liked or loved or whatever. It was more so about the respect. Right. Because if you have respect, yeah, the praise, of course, for the ego, but the respect is when it's organic, it hits different. Okay. It feels different. Yeah. You can tell. So I, once again, then I grew into like,

You know, a star athlete at these private boarding schools where kids are paying $50,000 a year to go. And I'm being respected because I hook up with girls and I make plays like in whatever sport that I was playing. So I'm all of the unhealthy sexual like roots that I grow get reaffirmed. They get watered by like these, this like false reality.

reaffirmation this toxic masculinity right well and you being part of a sports team I'm assuming the toxic masculinity there in itself is fucking oozes out of the locker room and I've been in every type of locker room I've been in a

a football locker room. I've been in a basketball locker room. I've been in a lacrosse locker room. I've been at ones where the kids' dads own the largest share of Verizon. I've been in the locker room where it's one of the worst public schools in the state. Like, I've been in every type of locker room and every type of demographic locker

Toxic masculinity has many shapes and sizes. Right. The art major is not any less toxic than, you know, like the SEC Vineyard Vines kid. Like it's just different types. There's, you know, flavors to it. Right. I would say. You kind of understand double standard that exists. What do you mean by that? I'll tell you right now. I've walked in. I've been in locker rooms where.

They gossip more than any group of girls that you would ever, that the stigma would ever lead you to. You know everything about everyone because as soon as he walks in the locker room, he can't wait to stand on the bench and, you know, hold a meeting to let everybody know somebody's business. You know, like some real groupie, like I've seen, I know men that are way bigger hoes than any girls that they scream. Like it's really...

I wish. And when you say gossip, you're talking about like them talking about like their sexual experiences. Or anything. It doesn't matter. Right. Did you see so-and-so's bag today? Like, I think it might be fake. You know what I mean? But like this man squats 650 pounds. Like, it's funny. It is. It's funny. But like if you pair those sexual experiences along with like years and years and years, literally nine months out of 12, I'm in a locker room. Right. And the no dad. Yeah.

I almost forgot about that. Of course. It's easy to forget about them because they weren't there. Oh my God. I'm so happy I have my close friends here to rip off every scab.

No, I'm just kidding. No, but like that's your fucking case study for people that are hypersexual. Literally. No. Yeah. 100%. And I was like two months premature and they had to, born two months premature and they had to like raise me in an incubator bubble. So my mom always used to make jokes that like, I'm like a test baby. Do you know what I'm saying? Really? Yeah. Or like underdeveloped.

That's not funny. I wonder if your brain ever fully developed. You can get dead. Probably not. Okay. We need to stop. I do want to be serious for two seconds. We fuck around with each other a lot. We have a dark humor with each other. We have a dark humor and we always mess around, but I want to say truthfully that

Thank you so much for sharing that. Child sexual abuse. People don't fucking talk about it. And it just like creates this cycle where...

People feel more ashamed because no one talks about it. And I think it's important that we do. And I just want to say thank you so much for sharing that. Yeah. I mean, thank you for like being my friend and creating an environment where I feel comfortable. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, I'm really appreciative of that. Yeah. Damn. All right. Well, I think that we're going to move on.

I think we're going to lighten up the mood a little bit. And we're going to talk about something I like to call Sloot University.

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Woo! Sloot University, here we go. Guys, it's time. Welcome back. It's a new semester, bitches. We have the dean. Hi. Thank you. The president. I just want everyone in attendance to be aware that this is a one-of-one

Sloot University seminar. Yes. We might never do another Sloot University together again. So we're going to take this very seriously. Beyond. And I want straight A's. Yeah, this is your new start. Yes. This is not 2020. No. This is a new semester. New year, new student. Okay, straight A's. Slootent. Slootent. Slootent. That's exactly what it is.

All right, I want to talk about sex toys in the bedroom. And to me, this topic kind of feels a little bit basic, but it's really not. It's really not. Because I get hundreds of questions about this constantly. And I want to hear from you. The Dean of Sludents. The Dean of Sludents. What you think about that.

Well, there's two aspects of it that I think are very interesting. One, the misconceptions of it from men specifically. And what do you mean by that? Men are intimidated and insecure about toys, usually.

They look at them as like a rival instead of, you know, a comrade. I think men couldn't be, you guys couldn't be missing more. You guys look at him as, you know, a villain, like the Joker. You know what I mean? I look at it as Batman and Robin, you know, like it's, you don't understand how,

Well, and once again, there's two aspects, how you actually physically use them and your relationship with the person you're using them with, because that matters what type of toys you use, how you use them, you know, how often you use them. Yeah. And then there's also the aspect of it is like what people are comfortable with.

And, you know, if somebody has familiarity with sex toys, if you're the first person you're using them with, if you use them with everyone, you have to be careful with these boundaries in a relationship also, like how you introduce it. Well, yeah, absolutely. But...

I mean, what you were saying, a lot of men feel insecure and feel like their dicks were cut off and their manly hood is gone if you ask to bring a vibrator in. 100%. They're like, what? Like, I can do that. I can do that. No, you literally cannot do this. Thing is like a fucking R2-D2 of sex. Like, this thing is... Battery powered. Yeah. Okay, but for you, you love doing it. Bringing them in. Yeah, I think one, it is...

for foreplay it's not oh not every time I have sex am I like super excited and ecstatic to like go through foreplay and do it the right way for like you know 15 minutes men don't they think that oh I'm just gonna shove my dick in her and she's gonna love it like no no you know you have to go through foreplay to like build her up to a certain place where you know it's gonna be enjoyable for both parties and oh my goodness the toys kind of just like do that work for you you

You know, like you can, you can literally tell her, I want to watch you use it. And then all of a sudden she's doing your job for you. That's fucking amazing. Yeah. Imagine a dog walking itself. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.

No, no. I've never thought about that before. Yeah. I go into foreplay sometimes and I'm like, do I really have to put his dick in my mouth? Do I? Do I? I mean, okay, foreplay, if you're in a relationship, definitely.

Sometimes you just don't want to fucking do it. Sometimes you're tired. But if you're fucking someone you're not that into and you have to give them 15 minutes licking their pussy and fingering them, etc. She said, etc. Or sucking the dick.

Peggy, like whatever. I mean, this is when the sex toy is your savior. Yeah. Batman and Robin. There were times where Bruce Wayne sat in the Batcave and sent Robin out to do a whole mission and acted like he was teaching him.

Like, come on now. You sat there and just watched the whole thing. I'm telling you, it's a great... Way to save your ass when you don't want to do shit. No, I would just look at it as, you know, something that is helpful for you. You know, also, I genuinely really think that men undervalue...

the worth of, and the versatility of sex toys. Like you could, she could be using it and you could be talking to her and it's still engaged and it's way less effort, but it feels, it's a way different dynamic for her. You know what I'm saying? It's, it's a different, you're talking to her, you're stimulating different senses for her while she's using the toy or you're using the toy on her and you're making her talk to you. You know, there's just the, it,

it doesn't have to be 15 minutes. The toy makes it like three. Sex toys are like microwaves for like orgasms. I'm telling you, like they really speed up the whole process. And for people who listen to the podcast, like on a faster speed, that's what I would relate it to. Like it just gets you to where you want to go faster. And trust me, you feel that way using it on a girl. Women feel the same. I believe it. I've had plenty of times where I'm like, I just want to come.

I really only care about me. I just want to come. I don't want to, you know, go into the other room and masturbate. I want to do it with my partner, but I don't have 20, 25 minutes right now. Yeah. So bring on the vibrator. No, I understand completely. It's also interesting. Sometimes, you know, we have sex with somebody who you might be dating or in a relationship with, and it's okay to have that.

10, 15 minute great sex with a toy that's like in and out quick and efficient, you know, when you guys just get your nut and shower or whatever. And then there's also, you know, people use toys with that. You might link up with them or hang out with them strictly to have crazy sex toy filled sex.

Hours of sex. Yeah. Yeah. With wild toys that might look like an arsenal to someone else, you know, like a real weapons chest or something. Do you find it a turn on if a girl either has toys or like uses them?

I think every girl... Or do you not really care either way? I kind of think that she's... I feel like girls that use toys generally... Know how to cum. Generally know how to cum and know themselves better sexually and might be more comfortable with it because they enable themselves to have orgasms and enjoy their sexuality. I don't know. I'm...

You would know better than me, to be honest. That's just my perspective, how ignorant it may be or whatnot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I completely agree with that. I think so. But I'm just wondering...

There are some men that, you know, are little bitch boys and they get intimidated by a girl pulling out a sex toy. But I feel like it's probably hot, too, for like a different group of men. Yeah. I mean, men who aren't riddled with insecurity. Right. Like, you know, don't have crippling insecurity to the point where they sabotage the quality of sex they're having because they can't get out of their own head. Right. You know, that's not the girl's problem. Right. I mean,

promise you you can replace a guy you hey you could snapchat some guy or text some guy like hey I'm literally holding my vibrator like where are you like come over and you can replace the guy who is riddled with insecurity in probably 25 minutes yeah on average yes

I'm just, please don't ever forget that. Do not let him ruin your sexual experience. Ever. I think that one of the great parts about Sloot University is how interactive it

and hands-on the president and the dean of students is. We're speaking from personal experiences. Always. We're talking about sex toys as if we're some experts or whatever, but there was a point for the vast majority of my sexual experiences, I did not use or had ever used toys. What about you? I mean, I would, but in this complete- Well, they've heard stories about-

Me penetrating an asshole? Yes. Or what? And sex toys falling all over the floor everywhere. No. Being littered in the room like mines. Guys, episode four, check it out. A guy dumps all of our sex toys that we had on the floor in front of me. So go listen to that one. My first experience. I would use them when I was younger just to fucking use them. You know what I'm saying? No, I don't. Explain. It wasn't...

Helping me get off. Okay. Cock rings. Okay. I feel like that's usually the number one toy people start with when they're younger. Okay. And it wasn't good for him. It wasn't good for me. But it was just me being, you know, in high school being like, oh, my God.

god this is some savage shit but throw that on there let's go you know what i mean oh my god honestly and i look at ring cock i don't know i look at like those high school ones especially that everybody would buy like the spencers ones look at them like like ring pops honestly of like sex toys like so embarrassing do you like those at

all no I don't no no but I mean I did have an amazing insane experience with a sex toy when the guy was going down on me and fingering me but he was putting this it was a vibrator next to like on his tongue so his tongue was like had that vibration thing going as he was eating me out yeah it was kind of like a half and half

Like you were getting half of the tongue, half the vibrator, like a mix of the two kind of. Yeah, like different sensations. And it was like incredible. And it was probably the first time that that had been... What was the first time it had been done to you also? It came out of nowhere? Absolutely, yes. He just surprised you with that. He caught you right off guard. Absolutely. Toys also are kind of like usually men's tutorial for how to make women squirt like on command. Like I know...

The first time I made a girl squirt, I was like sex 17 thinking that I should be ramming every girl with a jackhammer dick and stuff. And it just reaffirmed all these terrible sex habits that I thought were like these amazing porn moves or whatever. I would say another thing that men don't understand is how much you can learn about a girl's body from using a toy. A toy is usually how a lot of guys get a girl to squirt for the first time. It's just easier.

It's easier because, like you said, it's different sensations. Okay, can you explain it? Okay, well... Like, what do you do? I mean...

I mean, like you said, the move that you just said, like that is and the element of surprise is, I think, crucial with something like that. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like it's a little bit different when you just get caught off guard by multiple sensations. That alone, surprise is a sensation. Yes. You know, and it's like and it it kind of accelerates the physical sensations that you're feeling.

Absolutely. So I think that is a great one. I think there's also, you know, multiple whole... Like, you could be fingering her and using the toy in her ass, you feel me? Exactly. Or you could be using it on her clit. See, that's the thing where people... I don't...

Sometimes they don't... They think about a sex toy and they think, okay, so I just hold it on a girl's vagina. Yeah. That's not it. No, you got to use that motherfucker like it's the... Put it in her mouth. Yeah. You got to use it like it's the Disney wand. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, that's Harry Potter. Like, you really have to have...

a good relationship. Like I said, guys, like I picked, I pick out the sex toys that I will use on a girl. Like that is my weapon of choice. That's, you know what I mean? Like, yes, that's what I'm arming myself with Batman and Robin. Like that is really an accessory. Okay. But absolutely. I mean, girls putting a dildo or a butt plug or what have you in your ass and then having an orgasm vaginally, um,

It feels so fucking good. Like, it really, really does. No, yeah. And you can... And here's the thing. You don't have to just use one toy. You get a butt plug that's like a vibrator. You could get a vibrator that's for her clit. You could really...

her up like i'm just so you could really have her feeling things she's never felt before talking her through the whole thing and she will never forget you because you made her feel like that yes like ever the sexual experiences that you will have with her will never be the same because you made her feel like that i mean a guy did it to me and i'm still in love with him yeah you were so encouraged to do everything else to him so much better i was a whore

I was a whore. Oh my God. I was. I believe it though. But you were excited. You were encouraged to be yourself, a self-motivated whore. A self-motivated slew. Yes. I love it. I really, really was. I love it. And I think the sex toys during sex, great. But your point for play is,

using them during foreplay. Yeah, she's going to think that your dick is better than it is because you worked her up with this toy. I was actually talking to a dude and he told me...

This kind of sounds fucked up, but it's really not. He loves to do foreplay for the woman, obviously. And the other reason he likes to do it is because if she comes, which a lot of women can only come from foreplay and not sex. Yeah. Just keep that in mind. Yeah. And men think that it's an issue with them. It's not. No. It's just what turns her on. No. Well, it's just...

It's just her sexual preference. But he said once a girl comes and has an orgasm, when he goes to fuck her, her pussy is tighter because she just came. Really? Yes. I didn't know that. You didn't? No, I had no idea. So fucking foreplay.

Beautiful. It's to get her off and it's to give you yourself a tighter pussy. Yeah. Boom. I swear to God, if all of you don't ace this course, I'm going to be so disappointed. I straight A students. That's all. That's all I'm taking. All right. My favorite segment. And guys, I apologize if I have a panic attack on this microphone because my friend here, Ghostwriter, decided to light a joint and I don't handle weed well.

And I've done a lot of drugs in my day. A lot. Shut the fuck up. Nothing is crazier than weed. Weed is crazier than PCP, I'm telling you. You're telling me? They're going to come out with studies.

Yo, this is terrible information to be spreading to an audience. This is horrible information to be spreading to an audience. No, all drugs are bad. I'm just saying if you could please stop blowing that in my face. All right, questions and advice. This is truly my favorite part of the show. Question number one. Hi, Sophia. Love the podcast, and I'm so glad you're back.

Yay. Are you ready for this one? Oh my goodness. What?

And according to him, they're in an open relationship. The city I'm in is really small and almost all the guys are ugly. So out of desperation, we kept hooking up. But sometimes I feel guilty because he's probably lying about the open relationship thing. Should I keep hooking up with him until his girlfriend is out in a few months or should I just stop now? Thanks, girl. Have you ever dated a girl that's been in jail? No, never. Really? Yeah.

Low-income housing. Why did you play with your hair like that? Why did you go, really? And then flip your hair? No, I think... Is it fucked up that I kind of want to say it's okay? It's completely okay. It is? Yeah. She's in jail. All right. If you go to jail and you think that the person that you're with is...

If you're that naive, then you should just live in that bubble and enjoy that, like, fallacy. You know what? Can we just... I want you to put yourself in those shoes. You're sitting in a jail cell and your girl comes to visit you week after week after week. Are you chill that she's out there getting dick while you're fucking rotting in there? It's okay because when I come out, the buzz that I'm going to have when I get out, I'm fucking something new too. Like...

And then we can go back into being us. Do you know what I'm saying? But just, I'm definitely, you know, enjoying this night. You're coming to my just got out of jail party, right? I think so. It depends what you're in there for. God damn. I didn't judge you.

Oh, my fucking... For my underage drinking ticket? Shut the fuck up. For what you got caught for. I didn't judge you for what you got caught for. I... I'm gonna give... You know what? In this show, I am more woke. I'm so sorry I said that word. I'm sorry. But I really am, and I'm trying to give more healthy advice, but, like, I'm still a toxic bitch at heart. And I think it's fine. I really do. I mean...

Yeah. It's like. It's helping her deal with the stress of the anxiety you put her through by getting yourself in jail. The least you can do is just mind your business for what's going on in the outside world.

Focus on your shit and why you're in there in the first place. Uh-huh. Get your mind right. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Do some push-ups. If you go to jail, you've lost all your fucking rights is pretty much what we're saying. I didn't mean that. I did not mean that. Defund the police. I meant that if you think that your significant other...

is not fucking somebody while you're in jail. You're delusional. That's all I meant. That's true. And just accept it. And it's better when you have some self-awareness and some realism with yourself. You know what it really comes down to? I actually know the answer. I know the exact answer for this question. How long is the bitch in jail? That's what it is. I'm not going to lie to you. She goes in for two weeks. I'm...

Oh my god. I'm going to take advantage of those two weeks. Hypersexual, we know. It's humor. I know, but I think it really comes down to... I know, but you just leaned in closer to the mic and chanted hypersexual. No, but...

No, for real. If this girl is in there for six months, the guy needs to keep it in his pants. For six months? Shut up. And the mistress. Do you get conjugal visits? I was going to ask that. No, I feel like you'll. I don't know how that works.

Whoa, if they're getting conjugal visits and he's still cheating, then like... He's living the best of both worlds because you're all she's got. And you're in the world. You're in the free world. Oh, man, you're living life. If they're in there for... I'm being really toxic. It's just humor. It's humor. I've never cheated. I never will cheat.

I've had one relationship. I did not cheat. Okay, well, that's fine. But I'm being honest when I say I have to just say I think it's okay if you're still fucking him if his girlfriend is in there for six years. It's like, you know. Okay. So. Whatever you say. It depends how long she's in there. All right. You were cheating on a free man. So it's just funny how.

Yeah. I have, I do have a past with cheating. You're a habitual cheater. Yes. You've cheated on every single relationship that you've been in. You've cheated on the guy. What? Yes. You're a hundred for a hundred. Yeah. Wow. But I mean. You are by definition a cheater. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

All right, next one. Here we go. I have been talking to this guy for a while. We have a friends with benefits situation and the sex is awesome. The issue is he recently asked if I would be comfortable fucking him with a strap on. I eat and finger his ass and...

Wait, she what? I eat and finger his ass and would be cool if he wanted to use a butt plug, but I don't know about wrapping a dick around me and literally fucking him. I don't really know how to respond, and I was wondering if you ever did this or if you think it's a little weird. I'm totally cool with a gay and bi.

individual doing it. I'm just wondering if this is something a straight male would ask for. That's a good question. I don't know. I'm conflicted because the sex is great, but it seems odd to me and I'm really nervous to do this. Please let me know what you think. Well, first off... Have you ever been pegged? No. Okay. Never. Not a finger. Would you be down? I'm not there. But like maybe? I'm gonna go ahead and say no. Really? Yeah. Yeah.

But like, I mean. Never say never. I mean, to anything ever in life, I'm not saying that about pegging. Yeah. But I'm just saying. So you've never done it? No. I have. I'm sure you have. What? I'm just kidding. I did it one time as a joke. So only one time? Only one time. It was a dare kind of thing. And I know that sounds very strange to everybody listening. How old were you?

It wasn't that long ago. Like four years ago? Four years ago or something. Anyways, I did it. And even though it was like kind of in this humorous manner, I got a feel for what it would be like. And I have to say, not for me. Not for me. So you had a strap on? Mm-hmm.

That's what pegging is. Really? You can't just use a toy that's not pegging? No, you strap on a dildo and penetrate his asshole and...

It's a lot harder than you thought. It's hard. Okay, thank you. Wait, I have to give it to you guys. Thank you. Because that's what I knew I'm not into it, is I was doing the humping, thrusting thing. You've been so disgusted with yourself. If you took those strokes, you'd be like, what the fuck is this? Well, it made me feel very...

very manly and when i have sex like that's not usually the role i enjoy that feeling what like the manly like the power yeah not really i like to be more submissive in the bedroom to be honest okay you know but i don't know i don't know well obviously but i'm also very manly

Like, I could, like, try to be, like, the dominant bitch. But I... Yes, I have tried it before. It wasn't in a serious manner, but regardless, it went inside his asshole. So it happened, and no. I don't like it. So you said somebody dared you to? Yes. So were there spectators? Maybe. So you did this in front of a crowd? Maybe! So you've performed before? So why don't you...

Yes or no. What about you? I have never pegged. Have you ever had a girl ask you? What? Yes. You have. Double digit times. Wow. Like, really beg. Like, please. You're a pansy. Okay. You're all talk. I didn't know. All right. You know what? We just like started talking about ourselves the entire time. Let's help this girl. Okay.

I think if she is not cool with it and doesn't feel comfortable with it, don't fucking do it. Yeah, I would say don't do anything that you don't feel comfortable doing. And he shouldn't, if you express that you're not comfortable with it, he shouldn't try to continue and coerce you until you say yes. Right. And then I think her question also is she finds it weird that a straight male would want that.

I'm not, I can't judge. If he identifies as being straight, then like, you know what I'm saying? I believe him. I do too. I do too. I think. I think he's just into that. Yeah, I agree. Enjoy yourself. I don't think wanting that necessarily means gay or bi at all. And I hope he handles the rejection of you not wanting to peg him well and maintains his interest in his sexuality. Maybe you could just hold a dildo with your hand and do it.

Because having it wrapped around me. Maybe her hips are better than yours. Maybe she wants to stroke him or she'd be better at it than you. I think that was what kind of really threw it off for me is having an actual swinging dildo there. Like I felt as if I had a dick, an eight inch dick.

Which I would if I was a dude, for sure. I have that type of eight inch bad bitch energy. I wish you could see her playing with her hair and looking so confident while she's saying it. Okay, girlfriend, good luck. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. You got this. All right. This next one I love. So get ready.

Hi, I need some advice. I have been seeing this guy for about a year now, and I do see a future with him. And recently we've been talking about moving in together. However, we have been having big disagreements on money. I have worked really hard to get where I'm at, and I am a homeowner. Congrats, girl. Congrats. He rents. Dump him! Why'd you say it like that? Yo, no way you just shamed him for that. I'm kidding.

So naturally, he would be the one moving in with me. The issue is that we cannot agree on how to split expenses. He wants to split it 50-50, but he wants his name on the title.

I am pushing for he pays significantly less than me, only the strata, but I won't put his name on the title. He thinks I'm not treating him as a partner, but to me, I don't want his name on something that I worked so hard to build, especially so early. He's six years older than me.

Da-da-da-da-da. What do you mean da-da-da-da-da? Six years older is a huge aspect of this too. Right. Yes. Yes. And then she says, I guess my question is, how do you navigate the money talk when you, the woman, make more money? Is him requesting his name on the title a red flag? I don't want to make him feel like he is less of a man or less of a partner, but also it's my property. Not sure how to articulate this to him and would appreciate any advice, criticism. Love the pod, babe.

What an amazing question. Wow. Wait, that is a high quality question. It is. There's multiple aspects of it. There are. There are. Where do you want to start? So I want to start by saying just flat out, I think that you absolutely put your foot down and you do not put him on the title because you don't want to and it's your fucking house.

And he can pay significantly less. I don't think you cave into his like 50-50 thing. I hear all that. But even before I would think about the splits or the money or whatever, it really comes down to, for me, her saying, so soon.

A year? Yeah. One year? And somebody wants their name on a title? Mm-hmm. What? Wait, actually, that's... That's the... To me, that's the reach. That's a... That's the red flag. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. Six years older, okay, sees you... And then you make more money, him moving in with you. It seems like... I don't want to say he's taking advantage of you, but if you put that on paper...

And just looked at a person A, you know what I mean? And you're saying it looks bad. Yeah, I don't, that's not a good, no. I mean, I don't think it looks bad because, I mean, he is going 50-50 and all of that. And I don't necessarily think he's like trying to pull some shit. I don't. But I think you're right. The fact that it's early on in the relationship, like that is enough to say, yo, we're not doing the 50-50. Your name is not going on the title.

Yeah. But it is very interesting. This is similar to a prenup because I had an extremely serious relationship with a guy and he actually made more money than me. And we were talking about marriage and

And I was like 100% prenup. And he looked at me as if I was a fucking monster. And he was like, why the fuck would we do that? We will be together forever. Remember, he's making more money than me. And it's a thing. Like, it's a thing. Wow, he sounds so wholesome. He does. But I just...

I will always get a prenup. I mean, we've all heard those stories from women that marry a guy that is way more successful and they didn't get a prenup and then he loses all his money and she fucking finds a hundred million dollar company and it has to end up giving him 50%.

Because she didn't protect herself. Yeah, yeah. No, I hear you. I just like went off on a tangent. Express yourself. Express yourself. Let that out. I wish you guys could see like the body language. But I think, girlfriend, I think that...

It does not make him less of a man. And I understand what you're saying. He might feel emasculated, but that's on him. That's his insecurities. Explain to him how you feel and you love him to death, but lay down the law. Yeah. And maybe if you want to wait longer to have that conversation, like you're saying. Also, we don't know every detail either. He might...

want to put money into the house and improve it or you know what I mean? Like we don't have a ton of information here, but. Right. Talking about finances in a relationship is a very tricky thing. It's exhausting also. It is. It is. And it's hard to navigate for sure. Definitely. All right. Next question.

The other day, I found out via Facebook that my ex-boyfriend has cancer. It's lymphoma stage unknown. I feel really weird. I don't miss him or have feelings for him, but we were great friends, not just lovers.

I really have no idea how to feel. It makes me incredibly sad and worried, but not in that way, if that makes sense. I told my boyfriend that he has cancer and he was empathetic, but I feel weird telling my boyfriend that I'm actually worried about my ex. The fuck do I even do or how should I even feel? Am I weird for caring? Does it make me a shitty girlfriend for caring about my ex having cancer? Send help.

You want to take this one? Yeah. Go. If you don't mind. Fly. Do not feel bad about caring about somebody who you used to love has a potentially life-ending disease or sickness. Absolutely. What? I feel bad for people I don't know that have that. Yeah. You might feel bad about something you see on Twitter. Right. Learn from somebody you love.

and invested you like grew from them and learned from them regardless of how it ended or what the experience was even if it wasn't a positive relationship it's still okay to feel bad like that's just how you feel you don't have to apologize for your emotions and if your boyfriend is insecure

that your ex with cancer is not allowed to get any sympathy from you, then I mean, that's a red flag in and of itself that you should definitely be aware of. Yep. I completely agree with that. I think that you do not need to feel guilty about this at all. At all. Do whatever you feel like you want to do. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah.

She asked, you know, what do I do or how should I feel? You can feel however you want. And this goes for anything in life. Your feelings are always warranted. 100%. That's number one. Number two, what do you do? If you want to reach out to him, absolutely do it. And your boyfriend needs to feel confident enough in the relationship to be okay with it. Yeah, he should be supportive. Absolutely. Yeah.

And thank you so much for writing that in. Yeah. Thank you for sharing that with me. All right. I think this is our last question. So it better be a banger.

Hi, I love you, but please address on your podcast charcuterie boards. Why the fuck are they popular? They just fucking sit at the party and no one touches it. No one wants it. Just get a bag of Cheetos and put it in a bowl. IDK. It's not cool or cute. What the fuck?

I love when these questions come along. They're few and far between. Yeah. Yeah.

Wow, it sounds like you have a lot to say about them. You're like, why the fuck are we talking about charcuterie boards? No, I think that she's just upset that some Instagram influencer made it trendy right now to post the meat and cheese. And like, we know you're not eating that. You just want it for the, you know, aesthetic. Right. I fucking hate you. That's kind of like what the question was. You know what I mean? I thought you were going to say she is hating on it because they did a better charcuterie board than her. That's true.

That's the thing. It's like people do competition. Are you saying her question was riddled from insecurity?

Kate, I understand what she's talking about because on Instagram, I don't know if you've noticed because you probably just follow a bunch of like thoughts that. Oh my God. What? I'm reformed. Oh my God. A man is never reformed, please. The charcuterie board thing, it's a trend and people are posting that shit left and right. Like it's a personality trait. It's not. It's not.

I'm also not eating out of a bowl of Cheetos at a group gathering. True. Pre-COVID. I'm still not eating those Cheetos. Yeah. Like, absolutely not. Someone needs to let these people posting this shit that they're, like, not following CDC regulations, honestly. They're, like, promoting fucking bad...

So I guess it wasn't really a question. She's just venting, which is totally fine with me. It's okay. We'll always be that ear to listen. They don't bother me. I like pictures of food and I like charcuterie boards, except I recently cut out pork because I'm trying to eat less meat. That's the best thing to cut out. Yeah. Pork on my fork. Never heard that.

Guys, thank you so much for listening. Ghostwriter, I almost called you MILF Hunter. Ghostwriter, thank you so much for being here. We cover a lot. We cover a lot. I'm exhausted. It's exhausting. Let's go get something to eat. Let's have a drink. Dry January. Oh, right. Dry January. Oh, my God, guys. Guys, I'm fucking up already. Um...

Go follow me on all of my socials if you want. I am like so, I'm like riddled with self-doubt. I just said if you want. Guys, go follow me on all of my socials. It's a great follow. It's a great follow. You won't regret it. High quality social media. It is. I'm a big fan. Thank you. It's Sophia Franklin. Sophia with an F. Franklin with a Y. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok. TikTok.

I just made my first one. You'll see. I'll show you. And I have new merch dropping tomorrow. The sweatpants. And it's dope. You're wearing sweatpants right now. There's a set. There's a lot. Where's mine? You'll see it. If you pay for it, I'll give you my website. Website, by the way, guys, Thank you so much, Ghostwriter. I love you. And that's it. See you, Sloots.