cover of episode SHERRY SHRINER Part 2 of 8: The Elect

SHERRY SHRINER Part 2 of 8: The Elect

Publish Date: 2021/2/16
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You're probably already aware of CAST's new true crime investigative podcast, Lost in Panama. But if you haven't caught up, new evidence and testimony has recently been uncovered in the most recent episodes. It is shining new light on this case. The first four episodes of the series set up the foundation of what is known about this case.

including a deep dive into the suspicious tour guide, the mysterious photos, and the remains. But episode five launches a whole new direction of investigation into this case.

A woman connected to the confirmed homicide of her own son tells us that she knows the same men responsible for her son's death are also responsible for Chris and Lisanne's deaths. Not only that, but she presents to our team a full, detailed story of exactly what happened, how the women were abducted and killed. And somehow, it all adds up. All the pieces start to fit together.

or at least start to make more sense. As time begins to run out on the investigation, but with this major breakthrough in hand, the team in Panama must attempt to assemble a compelling enough theory of the case in order to push the Panamanian government to admit that there's more going on here than meets the eye.

We need them to reopen this case so that a much closer look can be taken at all the new evidence coming to light and the families affected can finally find some closure all these years later. Will they do it? Listen to all episodes of Lost in Panama, available now wherever you get your podcasts. This episode contains disturbing content, including mention of suicide and sexual assault. Listener discretion advised.

On the morning of December 29th, 2012, two kids went outside to play in the snow in Waterloo Township, Michigan, and stumbled upon a dead body. I was shocked.

That's Nate Pingilly. His sister Kelly's body was found laying in a state game area about an hour east of their house. The police told Nate they believed Kelly arrived at the park sometime between 7 and 10 p.m. the night before. She was wearing a purple tank top, jeans, and boots. Her jacket and sweater had been set aside. I knew she was...

Kelly Pingilly was 22 years old when she killed herself.

There's a picture of her online, part of a tribute posted after she died. And in the picture, she's sitting on the grass looking up at the camera, her long brown hair draped over her shoulders. She's wearing a floral dress. Kind of reminds me of something a young girl would wear to an Easter church service. But the thing that stands out the most to me about this picture is the necklace that she's wearing. It's a golden pendant, and it's made of orgone.

I know this because Sherri Schreiner sold this exact necklace on her website. Kelly Pangilli was an orgone warrior. This is Rebecca Lasek. She was best friends with Kelly.

Sorry, what do you mean when you say, like, quote-unquote craziness? What are you referring to? Well, what I'm just talking about afterwards in general, I just call...

Rebecca has tried to make sense of the fact that her best friend unexpectedly took her own life.

The people that were closest to Kelly were stunned by her death. They didn't understand it. How could this have happened? Why would she do that? Kelly was a beautiful, bright, funny girl who could have done just about anything she wanted to. This is Marcy Walsh, another one of Kelly's friends.

And, like, we grew up in small Christian schools. We all met at a small Christian high school. Like, she was a good kid. One of the good kids. These people are not exempt from this kind of situation. They are not infallible. This is something that can affect anyone. Do you think Sherry Schreiner is responsible for Kelly's death? I can't say no, but it's certainly not...

I don't think any one person has 100% blame, but probably Sherry Schreiner was the primary influence. The victims in this story are real people who have suffered immense loss. And the way that Sherry and her followers, the Oregon Warriors, responded to these profound losses shows a staggering lack of sensitivity to other people's pain.

It shows a depth of malice and coordination that kind of makes you wonder why there haven't been more casualties. Of course, as far as we can tell, Kelly Pingilly was the first. From Cast Media, this is The Opportunist, a podcast about regular people who turn sinister simply by embracing opportunity. This is episode two in our series on Sherri Schreiner. I'm Hannah Smith.

The thing that confused me when I first started looking into Kelly Pingilly's story is that there's nothing particularly unique about her. And I don't mean that in a bad way. I just mean her life seemed really good. She grew up in a good family. She did well in school. She was a good student. She had lots of close friends. She was involved in extracurricular activities. I mean, she was a cheerleader. Nothing about Kelly's death makes any sense from the outside.

I needed to talk to someone who knew Kelly to try to get a sense of who she was, to understand what happened in the days and years leading up to December 29th, 2012, to try to understand why she killed herself. Hello? Hey, Rebecca. This is Rebecca Lasek again. What was Kelly like in high school? She was quiet and she was very caring. She was always the smart kid.

Was she religious at the time? Yeah, well, we went to a Christian school, so yeah, we were religious. Well, I still am.

Rebecca's memories of Kelly have this feeling about them, of being young in a Midwest suburb, of being on the cusp of adulthood but without the responsibilities, of having hours of free time to just hang out with your friends. Everybody just always met at my house. Or we'd meet at Blue Roof, the diner that was in Westland.

And that was a 24-hour diner. Kelly had three best friends, Rebecca, Britt, and Marcy. They all lived in the metro Detroit area and they would hang out after school and on the weekends.

Marcy also mentioned the blue roof in our conversation. We called it blue roof. It was smoking indoors after 10 p.m. still. I smoked at the time, so that was our hangout. We would literally sit there for eight hours playing cards. Our favorite game, local game, Euchre, is...

for four people, two pairs of partners, and so it was perfect. We always had enough for a Euchre game and just enough for a Euchre game. Just, that's the stuff I miss the most.

The four of them graduated high school in 2008 and went their separate ways to college. Kelly stayed home and went to a community college. Do you remember when things started to change? Like, when did she start getting interested in Sherry Shriner? It started off a little bit more innocent to me. Like, she would follow Vigilant Citizen.

and he he would head on his videos like oh this is the illuminati in this kesha music video you can tell we're in this lady gaga like hollywood is all illuminati and you know when when lady gaga covers her left eye specifically in that just dance music video and like point out specific instances of where the illuminati is i'm like wow kelly that's a little bit out there and she's like no it's totally true i'm like okay kelly whatever and like

like joke about it. Oh, so you would joke about it. Okay. So, so it didn't seem like she was taking it too seriously. I don't, I don't think so right away. Cause she would always say like, she's like, I know this sounds crazy. Like I know full well, this is crazy. And like, if I were you, I would also think this is crazy, but it's totally true. I'm like, okay.

She was so bright. She just wanted to know more and know more. I thought maybe with the Christian thing and the Christian school, it wasn't enough for her. So she wanted to learn more, and she went down this weird path.

It's in this year or so, after high school, around 2009, that Kelly started spending a lot more time on YouTube. It's probably how she found Sherry Schreiner. One of Sherry's marketing strategies is that she would post a link to her website in the comments section of other popular conspiracy theory videos on YouTube.

As Rebecca said, Kelly was always really serious about her faith. But at the same time, she was still searching for something. She had unanswered questions. With her newfound interest in the Illuminati, Sherry's message was kind of this perfect combination of Christian faith and conspiracy theory. And the Bible says that there's going to be plagues and diseases that we've never seen on Earth before because they're unearthly.

They're not caused by mankind. They're perpetrated on us by these aliens and fallen angels that have been working behind the scenes to destroy mankind. I've spent more time on Facebook than I ever have before in my life. And the reason for that is because so much of the conversation that Sherry had with her followers happened on Facebook. A lot of it happened on private chat groups that I'm not a part of, but

A lot of it just happened right out there in the public on Sherry's Facebook page. Kelly had a Facebook account and she was part of the conversation that happened on Facebook, but her account has been deleted. But as I was reading through posts on Sherry's page, I saw a comment that someone wrote and it mentioned Kelly's blog and there was a link to it.

Okay, I just found Kelly's blog, and I went to her very first post, and it's called How You Know You Truly Love the Lord the Most High As You Should. She started this blog in 2011, and it's all about Sherry Shriner. I mean, it's all about her thoughts about Yah, Yahushua, et cetera. So she's clearly been involved for a little bit.

Her first blog post is all about the importance of praying before you go to bed in order to protect yourself from nightmares. And this is kind of a disturbing part. Wow. In this part, she said, "...the point is when we don't pray at night and ask for forgiveness and repentance, it's the equivalent of signing a legal document that automatically hands us over to Satan's kingdom."

She's really focused on the nightmares and how vulnerable people are when they're sleeping, which is something Sherry also talked about.

But I revealed how I was stalked by these tall demonic beings at night, and they would stand at the foot of my bed, they would walk through the house, and I dealt with that my entire life. And it was a tall black, one of those black things. When I saw Star Wars as a kid, you can imagine my shock when I saw Darth Vader, because it was exactly what it looked like had been stalking me from the time I was a kid.

I think the night terrors are really crucial to understanding why Kelly was so drawn to Sherry Shriner. Sherry got it. She had also been tormented by terrible dreams. And Sherry didn't tell Kelly to grow up and get over it. Instead, she validated her suffering and gave her an explanation. Night terrors were spiritual attacks.

Now, according to Sherry, anything could be a spiritual attack. Sickness, financial woes, car accidents, computer issues, night terrors. Any bad thing that could happen, Sherry would interpret it as a spiritual attack from the devil. And the more important you were to Yaa's mission, the more you were attacked. Some people don't get harassed at all because they're not a problem.

That's the difference between this show and a lot of other people's. They're not a problem. They're not a threat. In Sherry's worldview, Kelly had been suffering from night terrors because she was valuable, because she was important to Yaw's mission. And not only that, but Sherry offered her a way to protect herself from future attacks. Yes, Oregon does stop night terrors, sleep terrors, the elf attacks. Just put it under your bed at night when you go to sleep, you'll sleep like a baby.

One of Sherry's many websites is She has an explainer about what Orgone does on the site, and it reads as follows.

We have found that with orgone, we can repel negative and evil energies and evil beings. Aliens and demons don't like being around it.

In the ever-present battle between God and Satan, Sherry promoted orgone as the weapon that God gave them to fight this battle with. She wrote, David killed Goliath with a stone. We're killing the giants of our day with orgone blasters that look like hockey pucks. And the orgone that Sherry made did look like hockey pucks, and that's because she used a muffin tin as a mold. She would go out to her garage and make batches of it, and then she sold them on her website.

She also provided a recipe for people that wanted to make their own orgone pucks at home. They're also called orgone blasters or cupcake orgone blasters.

If you want to make real orgone, you have to use clear quartz crystals, fiberglass resin, copper wound in a clockwise direction. And you use the aluminum shavings. It's very simple. It has four or five ingredients to it. I have directions on my website. As soon as Kelly learned about orgone, she latched onto the idea. The magical puck that shielded you from evil. First she bought it from Sherry's website, then she started making it herself.

She had orgone pucks in her house, she buried them in the yard, she placed them all around her neighborhood, and sometimes she would just toss them out of her car window when she was driving. According to Sherry, the more orgone in any given area, the more protected it was. And Kelly wasn't just concerned with protecting herself. She also cared a lot about the people around her. She had a big heart. And this is her brother Nate talking about her generosity.

I mean, she was the kind of person who, you know, like if she went over to a friend's house and she opened their pantry and they didn't have anything or had like no food, she would literally, you know, spend her money. Specifically, a way that Kelly could help people was through placing orgone. Even if the people in her life didn't believe that it was doing anything, it didn't matter because Kelly believed that it was protecting them. In 2010, Kelly lived with her friend Rebecca for a few months.

Rebecca worked for Cutco Cutlery, and she opened up her own office in Adrian, Michigan, which was about an hour from where they lived.

She hired Kelly to be her secretary, so they moved together to Adrian, and they lived in an apartment together. Before this, Rebecca was aware that Kelly was into Sherry Schreiner, but when they lived together, it became much more apparent just how into it Kelly was. She would always put a little piece of orgone outside my bedroom door, and I would trip over it all the time.

Rebecca was and still is a Christian, but she never got on board with the whole Sherry Shriner thing. In fact, she tried to argue with Kelly about Oregon, about how they didn't need it and it wasn't biblical. I remember her saying, like, oh, this Oregon, it's to protect us. And I tried to argue with her. I'm like, okay, so if God, I would always say God. I mean, she would say Yah, because it's Yah or Yahushua or Yahshua. But she's like, well, you can't be praying all the time. I'm like,

Well, that's what you pray for. If God is so great and mighty, you could say just, hey, will you protect me the entire day? Like he doesn't need an object that you made to protect you. And nothing stuck. So I would just accept that I would stub my toe on the orgone.

One of the things that Rebecca said that really stuck out to me is that Kelly wanted to do these nightly prayers together in order to protect her and Rebecca while they slept. ...or, like, particular, like, technology...

The recording's a little hard to hear, but Rebecca is saying that Kelly would rattle off this long list of creatures and technologies that Rebecca had never heard of, and then she would pray for Yaa to protect them. When I heard this, I just, it felt familiar to me, because when I was a kid, I would also pray that I wouldn't have nightmares.

One night, as I was praying, I thought, well, I should also pray for my parents that they don't have nightmares. So I added them to my prayer. I was, please, God, give me and my parents good dreams tonight. But then I thought, well, what about my brothers down the hall? Maybe, you know, I should include them in the prayer. So then I added them to the prayer, felt really good about it, ready to go to sleep. And then this thought creeped into my head, and it was like, what about my grandma?

So then I had to add my grandma to the list, and then pretty soon my nightly prayers were so long and included every single person I knew.

And it was exhausting. But I couldn't go to sleep without it because I felt guilty. Like, if I don't pray for everybody, then they're going to have a nightmare and it's going to be my fault. Perhaps Kelly also felt this guilt. Like, if she didn't say just the right prayer, then her and Rebecca would be terrorized by the devil when they slept. And it would be her fault.

But I also remember her being so normal at the same time. Like we would watch movies together and we would rent like 10 of them at a time and like literally return them all the next day because there was like nothing to do in Adrian. And she was just so normal. I just try to remember like the stuff that she did that was normal. She always make adorable little cutesy noises and I wish I could hear them in my head again.

Eventually, Rebecca told Kelly that she just really didn't want to hear about Sherry Schreiner anymore. Kelly's parents got divorced in high school and she lived with her mother, who was also becoming very wary and suspicious of Kelly's involvement with Sherry Schreiner. Really, the only person in Kelly's life who was interested in hearing her talk about Sherry Schreiner was her friend Marcy. So I think she said that, like, we were...

all like angels in disguise like we just hadn't we don't we didn't realize that we were angels yet

Like, we were put here for a reason, which is obviously a sentiment a lot of people have. But, like, she had all these other beliefs behind it that we were angels from God on a mission. Yeah, which is, I mean, it's a nice message. I do remember, like, her saying that, and that made me feel good because, like, still considering myself a Christian at the time, like...

Marcy and Kelly would meet up, place orgone, and just talk about Sherry Schreiner. What were those meetups like? Like, what would you talk about? Do you remember? I think it was probably...

maybe 60, 40, like 60% being like stuff, like friend stuff, like stuff that people we know, family stuff, like normal stuff. And then I think the other 40% we would get going on, you know, I don't know. Like there was one time I remember we were in the car together and she said she saw a helicopter shapeshift essentially and like in the sky above us.

Um, I didn't see it, but it was something interesting, a new development in this thing that we're doing. Did you ever like meet anyone else that was involved or like, were you ever part of the Facebook chats with all the other Oregon Warriors? No, I was not. It was honestly, for me, it was mostly a way to connect with Kelly, um,

I had had some questions about my own faith. This was offering some interesting answers. And I've always been interested in that kind of stuff, like otherworldly, metaphysical. I think it's fascinating. So I leaned a little harder into that than I probably should have. I believed because I wanted to.

And there was, I think there was always that part in me that knew that, like, I don't, not really, I probably don't really believe all this. Did you get a different sense from Kelly? Like, did you think maybe she also felt that same way? Or did you feel distinctly like she believed it more intensely? I believe that she fully believed it. Like, I, that's, I never...

really questioned what she was thinking about it. Marcy said that at that time, she was dealing with depression, and there was something about Sherry Shriner's message that appealed to her, gave her something to focus on, sort of distracted her from her depression. But then one day, she had a wake-up call. Kelly always had a notebook that she carried around, and she would take notes in it as they talked about Sherry.

And one night, she left it on the kitchen table at Marcy's house. And my mom read them and was disturbed by them when she brought it up to me and said, hey, like, I'm really not comfortable with you being involved with this. Like, it instantly shook every sort of belief that I had through Kelly. Marcy pulled away from the whole Sherry Shriner thing after that.

She was still friends with Kelly, but it was a major turning point for their relationship. It was upsetting to me at the time because this was something I had felt was building this relationship between me and Kelly. We had something interesting, something different that not everyone has. Kelly became more isolated. She spent more of her time in private chat groups with Sherry and the other Oregon Warriors. She started transcribing Sherry's radio show every week for free.

which means she was spending so much time thinking and writing about these ideas for Sherry. And then along with that, she was also thinking and writing about it for her own blog, and her blog posts are long. And then at some point in 2011, Kelly got invited to meet Sherry in person, which is something very few of her followers ever got to do. Kelly was secretive about these meetings. ♪

Every few months, Sherry would plan an Oregon mission, which was basically a road trip with a small group of her followers. These are heroics.

The purpose of these trips was to destroy underground alien bases that Sherry identified or to protect certain parts of the country from impending alien attacks. I saved New York back in 2012 from Sandy. We went to New York and bombarded it with Oregon walls all the way around Manhattan.

And it was Obama's plan to put New York on the bottom of the Hudson River. They wanted to sink Manhattan and the Lord wasn't having that one. And so he sent us to New York and when the hurricane winds came, they shifted to New Jersey and Staten Island instead. And so we protected New York at that time from Hurricane Sandy.

In 2011, as Kelly's contemporaries were going off to start their junior year of college, perhaps going on dates, maybe studying abroad or getting a summer internship, Kelly was considering dropping out of college completely. Instead, she was spending her time going on orgone missions with Sherry.

This is Nate Pengilly again, Kelly's brother.

I confronted her about it and asked her about it, but she kind of just denied it. And I tried talking to my family about it, and they just dismissed it as her going through some kind of phase or something. By the summer of 2012, something markedly changed with Kelly. She started having nightmares. She'd always had bad dreams, but there was a different quality to these. They haunted her. Dreams about being abducted, raped, and tortured.

I spoke with Britt, another one of Kelly's friends, about the dreams. So there's some really graphic content in her blog. I don't know if you've read her blog. I'm not sure actually if I recommend it or not. But anyway, there is some really like sexually graphic information in there that she wrote about. And I just...

I'm wondering if that is something that you are familiar with, if she ever said anything to you about that. If it was like her dreams, did she blog about her dreams that she was having? Because she did tell me about some of them. I've just never read the blog. Yeah. Yeah, she did.

okay then um you know I would just hug her and I would say it's okay and you know do you need me to go with you or help you find like professional help because this is something that's like clearly tearing you up inside and she said she was getting help so I believed her yeah I don't want you don't have to go into detail but can you tell me the nature of those dreams that she was having um that

By the fall of 2012, the tone of Kelly's blog got darker.

She wrote this post, and she described in vivid detail about how she was abducted at age 12 by super soldiers and other satanic alien groups, and she was tortured and turned into a sex slave for 13 months before she finally escaped. She believed that Yaw had revealed that to her about her past, and that he was also revealing things about the coming future and his plans for her.

Her blog posts are very dark leading up to her death. They're all about torture and rape and these predictions about a coming war and destruction on Earth.

The beginning of the end times, basically. I was just up in her room, like one of the last hangouts, or I think it was like the summer of 2012. And we were watching movies in the basement, and I went upstairs to her room, and I saw this really pretty journal. I'm like, oh my gosh, this is beautiful. And I just opened it, which I probably shouldn't have, just because it looked like a journal. But I just wanted to see what the pages on the inside looked like. And like on this one page, she's like, this is like, I am Kelly...

And I have eight astrals living inside of me. And she had the names of the eight astrals on the page. One of them was Vixen. That's the only one I remember. And then another page, she said that every night aliens were coming into her room and taking eggs out of her ovaries. And it was hurting her. Rebecca was alarmed by what she read, and she wondered if she should talk to Kelly about it.

But also, she didn't really know what to say. That was like a more like a, oh my gosh, this is going way farther than I ever thought that I ever had. On December 20th, Kelly wrote a blog post that said that very soon an event would happen that would merge all existing timelines and that anyone who didn't follow Yaa would be killed as a result. She thought that she and Butch had the key to hell.

Kelly had a boyfriend. He lived in Germany and he went by the alias Butch online, but Kelly called him Philip or Phil. They met through Sherry Schreiner. They were both Oregon warriors.

She first mentioned him in her blog in 2011. And then in April of 2012, she wrote, Special thanks goes out to my darling Phillip. I love you forever and ever and ever, to infinity and beyond. In a letter to Rebecca, Kelly explained that she and Phillip had a mission to complete that was vital to the success of defeating Satan. Because she felt like she was one of the warrior elect and she was going to help out in heaven for a while.

And she was going to give, like, Yaa the key or something like that to Hel. And she was just going to be back. The elect. This was part of Sherry's ever-developing doctrine. You know, the elect are the first fruits of the Father. They're the angels here on Earth. They are the first fruits to Him. If you look at what the elect mean, it means firstborn. Firstborn. What are the firstborn? They were angels in heaven when they first created the firstborn.

I've ever an article angels in the flesh and angels coming to earth from heaven being born as humans fulfilling roles for the father here on earth and then they will be taken off the earth and that is what Lucifer is waiting for that is what they are all waiting for for these first fruits to be taken off the earth so that they can begin their reign on earth without the father's full presence here

According to Sherry, once the elect leave the earth, there will be no one left to stop Lucifer from taking everything over and raining down terror on the entire earth. The elect are only 144,000, and they are the first group that leave. The title of Kelly's blog is First Fruits Elect. So she believed that she was part of the elect, part of the first group that would leave earth, which would mark the beginning of the end of the world.

I guess closer to the end, she was really insistent that the end of the world was coming. She was like, if it's dark for three days outside, do not go outside. Always something like that. Just don't.

Trying to make sure we're prepared. But then she packed a bug out bag, basically, and was like, hey, Marcy, where can we put this so that people will see it or people will be able to get to it who need it?

A bug-out bag is basically like a survival kit that contains food, water, first aid kit, anything that you might need or find useful in a big natural disaster. And so we went to the trails by my house and we hid a bug-out bag for someone. We were sure that God would just lead them to the bug-out bag they needed, I guess. But yeah, she wanted to make sure she could help as many people as possible.

It's admirable. Kelly believed that a war was coming soon, and she knew she wasn't going to be around to help out. So she packed a bag with food and other survival supplies, including orgone, and hid it in hopes that someone in need would find it. Her blog from this time is also filled with warnings about apocalyptic events that were coming soon and advice on how to survive. Mostly the advice is, trust y'all and have lots of orgone nearby.

Kelly Pingilly spent Christmas of 2012 with her family. What they didn't know at the time was that she had already unenrolled from school and quit her job. For Christmas, she got a bunch of high-value gift cards and stuff, and she mailed them away to her friends. That's Kelly's brother, Nate.

He noticed that Kelly gave away pretty much everything she got for Christmas. When he asked her about it, she simply said that other people needed these things more than she did. And he believed her because Kelly did things like that. She had a big heart. Along with her blog, Kelly loved writing letters to her friends. This is from a letter she wrote to Marcy. She also wrote a letter to Rebecca and Britt, but they wouldn't get them until after she was gone.

Kelly pulled into the parking lot of the CVS near her home in Redford sometime before 5 p.m. on December 28th. A receipt found in her car shows that she bought a box of sleeping pills and some generic pain medication. She went back to her car and drove west towards Waterloo State Recreation Area, about an hour away.

At about 7 p.m., two hours after Kelly left the drugstore, Kerry Holmes popped in on a friend who lived across the street from one of the Waterloo State Recreation Area parking lots. He noticed that the parking lot was empty.

But when he left his friend's house at 10.30 p.m., he noticed a white Buick in the parking lot, which he later told the police. You, Becca, and Britt all shared the prayer for travelers card. I gave you the let go and let God card because I felt you would need it the most when I asked God to help me decide which ones I should give to each of you.

Kelly parked her car and waded through about a foot of snow along the side of the road, and then down, through a line of trees and into a clearing. You started to walk the way of the world and lost your path from what I could see. But I don't know what was in your heart.

You are going to have difficulties beyond what you could possibly imagine. So will I, and so have I. I'll always regret that we didn't accomplish more together. But I have left the past behind me. And someday you will find a way to do so too.

She swallowed the sleeping pills she had purchased earlier, and then at some point, she took off her jacket and sweater and laid them beside her. Later, Kelly's parents would find a handwritten note that she left them.

I think the note is important because it shows how deep Kelly was into this mindset. She didn't think she was dying. She thought she was coming back. Mom and Dad, I'm off to fulfill my destiny. Smiley face. I love you all. Sorry I can't tell you where I'm going. I don't know when I'll be back, so I wanted to make sure that you all knew that I loved you. Smiley face. Also, sorry about the car. Kelly M. Pingilly. Kelly Pingilly was a real person.

Someone's friend, daughter, sister. She died at 22, too young. She died because she believed that she had a mission to complete that would help save the world. She believed that she was a warrior in a very important battle. But the battle doesn't exist. It never did. She was never a warrior. She never had a mission. The truth is, she believed something with all of her heart that wasn't real.

What you believe matters because it impacts all the decisions you make, even the decision to live or to die. Kelly Pangilli was not a hero. She was just a person, a person who didn't get the chance to grow up. And Sherri Schreiner taught her everything that she believed about heaven and hell and the battle at the end of the world. So I can't help but wonder if Kelly Pangilli had never met Sherri Schreiner before.

Would she still be alive today? If you're thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. It's available 24-7 across the United States. 1-800-273-8255. Next time on The Opportunist.

As Kelly's loved ones grieved their loss and tried to cope with the fact that she was gone,

Sherry Shriner's followers would start to conjure up mystery and accusation and reveal that things could get darker than they already had. Okay, the weird thing about Kelly, for me anyway, was the day after she was killed, I was on her Facebook page and there was a post that said, it's amazing how you can make...

A murder looked like a suicide. Heartaches over to the new has someone made you oh so blue. If not, you've got a lot to look forward to.

The Opportunist is a cast original podcast. It's produced by myself and Kate Mays. Editing, sound design, mixing and mastering by Matt Sewell. Colin Thompson is our executive producer, music editor and supervisor. Story development help from Jennifer Cronin.

Our podcast art is by Code of Arms. The Opportunist is written by me, Hannah Smith. Original script and some interviews by Tony Rousseau. Thank you to everyone at Cast Media for your feedback and support. And the love that once mattered doesn't matter anymore.

Someday when someone says to you, darling, you and I are through, you'll see what you had to look forward to.

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