cover of episode Breaking Up With Blacking Out

Breaking Up With Blacking Out

Publish Date: 2022/9/5
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I don't think anyone has ever said, I love myself blackout. No. No. No. No, ma'am. It's such a short amount of time. We pay for it. You are drunk for such a small period of the weekend, and you are miserable from being that drunk.

five days yeah hey guys welcome back to another episode of mean girl pod i'm jordan i'm alex that was so quiet i know i don't i don't know okay yeah i'm okay episode 32 baby i know it's very exciting stuff i know and also it's the last well when we're recording it's last day of august but happy september because when this comes out can you believe summer's over

No, and I'm so happy it is. See ya. Like this morning I woke up and it was a little cool out. I felt like fall. I was walking. I wasn't sweating and I was so happy. Yeah, it'll be nice to be. The best part about seasons is once they're over, you're like, you're always excited for a new one to come. And then when that one's over, you're always excited that it's over. So it's like, see you later summer. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. And we are ready for fall. Yeah. And everyone's back to school.

Labor Day's over. So there's not really any other vacations or holidays until, I guess, Thanksgiving. So things are going back into full force. We had a lot of fun in the Hamptons. Yeah, that was our last. That was kind of like our last vacation of the summer. Yeah, it was like one more time. And I feel like...

We would have been doing a disservice to our freshman year of New York if we wouldn't have gone to the Hamptons. Yeah. And I would say the vision I had, because we went to Montauk. There's four different cities in the Hamptons, I guess. We did Montauk, and I would say the hype I had for it, it far exceeded. 100%. I couldn't agree more. When I moved to New York, I made this subconscious – not subconscious –

conscious bucket list in my head of the things I wanted to do and the Hamptons was high on the list and I'm really happy that I did it because it was so fun. And we, you know what I can't get over? What? Is that we, okay, so you can do this thing called Blade to the Hamptons and it used to be where you take a helicopter. Sponsor us. Hashtag please sponsor. Please sponsor. Oh my God, if they did. It used to be where you take a helicopter but then I guess like the locals got mad because it was so loud so they switched to a seaplane. So Jordan and I seaplaned.

That was crazy. You were just looking at me like you couldn't believe that I did that, but you did it with me. No, literally, I was. I was like, I can't believe you're doing this right now. And you're like, but you're here with me. And I'm like, I'm having an out-of-body experience. Jordan was like, oh my God, we're doing this. It was such a cool way to see the skyline. Also...

I've never been in a small plane like a private jet. And it wasn't a private jet, but it kind of gave me that vibe. Yes. And you could see the pilots and their computers. It was so crazy. It was wild. And then we like hit the water. I was like, what is this? Oh my God. We like landed among these yachts in the Hamptons. And I was like, we're not like, we're not here. No, literally. And then also like all the people were so cool to people watch because they're fascinating human beings. They're quite fascinating.

Stylish. Oh my, and the rings. I love it. The girl in front of us, she did this, she tucked her hair behind her ear and Jordan and I were like, she had about five dimes the size of my eye. Long and combined into a ring. It was insane. It's just like a whole different world there and I'm so glad we went at the end of summer because I don't know if I could afford to keep going every weekend and I'd want to go because it was so fun. It's addicting. It's like next summer, I'm like, no. I know. And the boys are cute. The boys.

And you know what was nice about the boys? What? Was they were really nice. They were actually the people there exceeded my expectation of niceness.

And they just like accepted us. And we had like three groups of guy friends. Yeah. And we kept seeing them at, cause it's kind of a small town. We kept seeing them all these different bars. You know what? I think that's my favorite thing about Montauk is that it's so small that you literally see the same people every single night. Like it's a little community. Yeah, totally. Yeah. No, the boys were cute. They were nice. They were cute. They were, they were, they were, they were cute.

They were. Yeah. It was a really great way to end the summer and it made me feel very much so ready for the school year to begin. I agree. Completely. Yeah, that was nice. So we, so it was the first time I had drank. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I did rough and rowdy. So I, I did the, I didn't drink for a month and a half. Yes. Yes.

And so I could tell, I could tell. And so this was like the first weekend that I had really gone out. Well, it was the first weekend I had. It was like my first weekend of summer. Yeah. And I'll have to say, I spent the last three days really like contemplating life in general. Oh, wow. Okay. Drinking in general. Yeah.

Because there's been two times in my life where I haven't drank for... No, three times in my life where I haven't drank for an extended period of time. And all three of them, I look back with such fondness and clarity. And they... It's puzzling to me because...

You should never do anything like, well, you don't have to do anything so brash, right? You don't have to drink every night. You also don't have to do like a hard stop and say, I'm not going to drink. But I'm a little extreme, so I have tended to do that. And when I look back on the time when I lived in LA, and I didn't drink for 14 months, and I look back on that time, and it's like one of the happiest periods of my life. Yeah. And the same with boxing, and I wasn't drinking, so it's having me...

have this whole thought and I know you guys think about this too of like drinking culture growing up I have a question when you were not drinking for 14 months like not even a glass of wine not not nothing I wouldn't even sip if you were like taste this I'm wondering more about like not just cutting it cold turkey but like how can I go out and not binge you know what I mean like

Why do I have to get drunk? Like I could have two glasses of wine, feel buzz, but why, why, what is that like thing in the back of the head? If your head that's like, Oh, I want to hang out with my friends. I guess I got a blackout. Like, yeah, I mean, for me, I know exactly why I get blackout and it's always to cut the anxiety of either a, uh,

I have social anxiety and I don't want to deal with it. B, I have anxiety about meeting a guy and I don't want to deal with it. Or C, I'm actually having a miserable time and I want to pretend that none of this is happening. So it's like I know the reasons why I'm drinking. Right. So I'm very aware of why I get blackout and that has helped me not want to get blackout. But usually it's always because like I've had a bad week. I'm angry. I want to meet a guy but I'm too scared to be sober to meet them. You know what I mean? But it's very difficult because...

Like everyone around you is usually getting blackout too, you know? Yeah. I think it's like if you stop and think about it, it's like what do we love about life? Okay. So I think what's nice about this podcast is we all agree. It's this whole thing of challenging ourselves. Like I feel best when I'm challenging myself, being productive, doing a craft, somehow making myself better. None of that has ever included drinking for me. No. But I think about it and I'm like why do we go out and why do we –

If you have two glasses of wine at dinner, fine. But then it's like, why go out to blackout? But it's almost like all we ever knew. Like, it's all we ever did in college, so you just did it. But then to stop and come up for air and then be like, wait, do I have to do this all the time? Because you sacrificed the night before for the morning after. Like, we probably drank, let's say, a combined hours of eight hours this weekend. Yeah. Wow.

I paid for it for 72. Yeah. Well, also, I mean, think about it. Like, when you think of college, the people had the most fun were the people who got blackout every weekend. You know what I mean? I don't know. I feel like we associate drinking with having fun. But something with this summer is I went out once this summer, and I had one of the best summers of my life. I think the thing is... So that happened to us on accident because we had a productive summer. Very, yeah. But I think...

The thing is, it's hard to do it first. Yeah. To say it's hard to it's hard to consciously say I'm going to stop drinking or I want to cut back drinking. Yeah. But doing it by accident or doing it for something like attaching it to progress or attaching it to, for instance, for me, it was boxing.

Then you have like a purpose behind it. And then it was easier, but it's only awkward to not do it for like three hours. Well, because it makes me mad too, that how we have to like tie something to it. Cause if you don't, you're going to get all the societal pressure. People looking at you like you're weird for not drinking or you're anxious as fuck in your brain. I have some friends that count my drinks. What? Yeah. They like shame you for drinking. They're like, you're too behind everyone else. Oh,

literally ketchup ketchup ketchup like boils my blood like I have one friend that always does it and one of my other friends knows how much I hate it and like she'll just try not to laugh but it's like I feel like that's kind of like

I get where the intention is coming from, right? Like when your whole friendship almost has always revolved around like drinking is the fun thing we do. But like to count how drunk someone is like, hey, like I don't want to be drunk. I don't want to be blacked out tonight. Like I know I only had three, three high noons or whatever. Like,

Why is that a shameful thing? Well, it's insecurity of your friend. True. That's like why she's doing that. But I don't even think it's an insecurity. I think it's more like a lot of people still attach...

blacking out as a group to, like, that's how fun we had that night. Yeah, like, the sloppiness is, like, the good memory of it. Yeah, like, me not being drunk enough contributes to, like, our night not being as successful. Right, right, right. Does that make sense? No, it does. It does. Wait, no, that's actually so true because...

There are some nights where people... Like, some people will be like, oh, I just couldn't get drunk. And they associate that with not having that much fun because they couldn't get drunk. Yeah, like the nights of failure. Yeah. That's so valid. So, it's so... It is so valid. And it's like... It's like something that I've been thinking about is like...

accepting where I'm at in life, but not making it a reflection of like who I am at the moment. So it's like, that's something I've been like, it's been stumping me lately is like, okay, so where am I in life? Okay. We're here at mean girl pot. I'm here in my marriage. I'm here. We live in New York, blah, blah, blah. But it's not like who I am.

And I feel like that's what gets me with the drinking thing a lot is it's like, I'll go out and then I didn't get anywhere. Like I'm feeling so unfulfilled by it or something. And I'm like really struggling with that. And I'm like, what do you want to do? Like, what does the rest of your life going to look like? Yeah. You know, like you're not getting, I got really like addicted to the purpose of the not drinking. So now when I do go out, it's like we had so much fun, but I'm like,

not what was it all for yeah because I love those memories but I'm like I was feeling so much better not doing it yeah it makes me sad because I feel like as a society and especially in I feel like our age is really difficult because we're not in college anymore and we're not at the point of like where you should be settling down so and you ask your friends like I don't really want to drink oh I guess we just won't hang out then there's been so many nights where none of my friends and I want a drink so we just don't hang out and I'm like why

What happens to doing sober things like going to dinner and having one or two glasses of wine or going to the park or having a movie night? Like no one does that anymore. And it makes me sad because those are like the best nights. Can I just say this actually? Sure. Why not? Sure. Sure. I've been thinking about it. Okay. Maybe an unpopular opinion. Maybe it's just my opinion. But this two glasses of wine at dinner thing, I'm miserable afterwards. Really? I am.

I'm miserable afterwards. Define like, what do you mean? Why are you miserable? Well, I'd rather have my full functioning brain or I would have rather have had so not so much wine, but enough wine to where I'm like silly. Like, you know what I mean? So it's like the, the middle ground for me has always just been like, I just want to go to bed and wake up the next day. Like I want it to be over. So for me, I I'm different because wine is like,

an experience. It's a hobby. It's something I truly love. So I don't look at wine as something to get me drunk all the time. Like I look at going to dinner and trying wines that pair well with my food or like I love wine. Like I love it. Yeah. But if I went to dinner, I would never just have like two tequila sodas. I would be like, wait, what?

Yeah, like I had a couple drinks. Like you want me to have two tequila sodas at dinner? Are you kidding me? Either I'm going to be drinking a whole bottle of tequila or else I'll just stay sober. Right. So I get that. You know what I mean? Like me, I always go home and shower before bed. So I always think about my two glass of wine shower and I'm like, I hate it here. I'm miserable in this body. Are you both at two glass of wine? I buzz slightly, but I'm not...

You don't love it? No, I'm just like, why? I get easily peer pressured into it, honestly. Because I still associate it with like a bonding thing. Like Jordan and I got drinks last night. If she had gotten another one, I would have done it just because it's like, I still associate it with like if I don't get another drink, I'm like rejecting her. It's awkward. It's awkward. You know what I mean? It's like, oh, I'm not trying to, I don't know what that is. No, it's so true because like in my friend group,

We're always like, we should do sober X, Y, and Z, like sober September, sober November, whatever they are. And we all kind of, it's, I hate to say this, but we all kind of get frustrated with that one person who's like, we're going to do, I'm going to do sober September because in our heads, we assume that they're going to become a hermit and not hang out with us anymore. But in reality, they might be thinking, I'm going to do exactly what you do. I'm just not going to get blackout with you guys. Yeah. You know what I mean? I don't know why we get so angry sometimes.

That's like you get pissed off without you get annoyed. You're like, why not hang out with me? Yeah, right. I take it as rejection of that. They don't want to hang out with me all September. No, that's that's actually such a good point. A lot like I never thought of it that way, but I take it as getting rejected for the rest of the rest of September. So a lot of people probably the biggest question I get because Graham's so Graham Graham did the the reason I first went sober was I was having a really hard time bridging the gap between graduating college and going into my professional life.

Oh. And I wanted to start, I wanted to start this company. And I was having the hardest time doing it because I was like going out a lot. And so one day I was like, I've had enough. Let's just do 90 days sober. And so I told Graham I was going to do 90 days sober. He said, okay, I'm going to do it with you. Then we ended up, we loved it. So that's why I did 14 months and he still does it today. A lot of people will DM me and they'll say, so if you're, if you want to do the sober month or something, but you're nervous about it, people are like, how do I even start it? And I'm like,

I wanted to say this. It's awkward, but...

When you're not drinking and you go to dinner with your friends for the first 30 minutes, right when they all order their drinks, that's it. That's the only time it's a little weird. Once you get over the first order, then you're like, cool, I'm going to walk home after this. I'm going to wake up the next morning. I'm going to feel fine. I did it. I wanted to try it. I did it. They also had fun. Like if they had wine or something, not a big deal. If they don't also not a big deal because you just find yourself having actually a really good conversation. Yeah.

It's like one of those things where the mountains seem so tall. It feels like Mount Everest, but when you get up to it, you're like, this is a small little hill. Yeah. And you just like can walk right over it. But I think the thought of it, if anybody listening is like, I do want to try it. It seems so daunting. Yeah.

But it's really a beautiful thing to try if you want to. Some people can do the one glass of wine, have no problem. They have zero problem with drinking. It affects their life in no way. Some people are like, I would like to try not doing it. And I think it seems like a big deal, but I think it's a really beautiful thing if you do. Yeah, I also feel like if,

It does seem like a really big deal Maybe you're surrounding yourself with the wrong people Like maybe you only can hang out with those people if you're drinking Because deep down you don't really enjoy their company Because there's plenty of friends that I Can hang out with sober And we have a blast Like you and I the majority of our time when we hang out is sober And I enjoy it

very much I actually prefer us hanging out sober because like our ideas are so crazy and good but there have been friends in my past life where I'm like if I'm gonna spend two hours with you I need to be drunk right and they probably shouldn't be my friend anymore no I think more the idea seems daunting to you personally like you're like I can't possibly go out but you want to

Do you see what I'm saying? Yeah. Where you're like, I couldn't still be social. Yeah, yeah. Like, they're drinking to cut the social anxiety. Yeah. And you're like, I think you could. Yeah, like, I feel that way. I have horrible social anxiety when I go where I'm like, no, no, no. If I'm going to go out, I need to be drinking. Right. Yeah. Correct. Not because of the people I'm around, just the social anxiety in general. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's what sucks, too. It's because then when you don't drink, like, I am that person who does turn into a hermit. And I need to figure out how not to be. It makes me sad, too, because drinking...

away so much of your precious moments. Because if you think about life, the moments you're supposed to remember the most usually involve drinking, like your wedding or your birthday. And I

I think about a lot of the big moments in my life and I don't remember them because of drinking and it's really sad to think about and you're like why wouldn't I just stay sober so I could remember my like I don't remember my 27th birthday yeah at all it was my first birthday in New York City and I should remember that but I don't because I was black out and people are like no but it was your birthday you have to be black out it's like why right that's such a good point you know what I mean it's your wedding day yeah like oh you should have blacked out like

Why? Yeah, why should I? Or you, that means you had fun. That means you had a fun birthday because you blacked out. Oh, you didn't drink enough, probably had a boring birthday. Right. When, in true reality, had you have done something, like, okay, this is extreme, but like a sober helicopter ride or something on your birthday, you would never...

No. Forget. Ever. Like you would never forget something like that. But instead. Yeah. Something I've been reading. I wrote it down because this is like, this was my favorite quote I read, but it says ego wants to prove itself. Self-esteem wants to be itself. And I was thinking that's my relationship with drinking like in a nutshell.

my ego like I want to prove myself yeah you want to prove you can do it yeah I want to prove that I'm fun but now I'm asking myself lately love the past three days I'm sitting there asking myself is self-esteem wants to just be Alex well who is it and I'm like for the life of me for the life of me yeah because if you if I have gotten those moments where I don't drink and I feel like I'm the lame friend yeah sucks but it's like

It's kind of a quick side tangent. I've been on a lot of dates in my life. My favorite date to this day has been that one time in my life when I went on a sober date. Coffee? Yeah, the coffee one. Best I'd ever been on. And it was sober. Yeah. Because I remember the full thing. I was able to have a full-on conversation. I didn't have any anxiety the next day. Like, what did I say? Was I stupid? Was I too drunk? Like, there was no anxieties that came along with that. Right. And you're right. It was only awkward for like the first 30 minutes. It...

And then it was fine. There is an awkward, like, I don't want people to be like, it's because if, if it was easy, we would all be doing it. Yeah. Yeah. But there is an awkward moment, but it's such a small, it's such a small period of time that the rest of it's the best. Yeah. The rest of it's almost so good. We remember it as the best moment. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I don't think anyone has ever said, I love myself blackout. No, no, no.

No, it's like, oh ma'am. And we, it's such a short amount of time. We pay for it first. You are drunk for such a small period of the weekend and you are miserable from being that drunk five days. Yeah. And it makes you forget life and like the present moment that you only get in this moment. Yes. And the brain, the brain, man, I listen, there's so many mornings I've woken up and I have looked at Graham and been like, you know,

Are a genius because you're not feeling this. Oh, I'm always so envious of Graham. Like whenever we've done like things where he's there, I always think he'll be fine the next day. He'll just wake up and get right to life. And we're going to, we're going to be like, it does. It does suck because when you think, when I truly think of a life without drinking, I think of a boring life and that is so messed up, but I do. And it's not. And I, and I used to think that too. And it's like, I think a lot of people think that and it's,

Graham teaches me this mainly, but I'm like, it's not true. It doesn't have to be that way. Isn't that crazy? And we don't know that. So what do you like want your relationship with alcohol to be? Like what do you wish it was? Like, what are you trying to get? Are you trying to say like you wish you were sober or like, you know what I mean? I would say this, I would say this week I have really been having to look at the two stints of not drinking and they, I did them for a purpose. So it was pretty, it was easy. I, I,

Was so happy. Like I loved it. And it is just something I'm like. Now my therapist says. She's always right. I'm just kidding. She's like the best thing we do. Because after rough and rowdy. I had a really hard time. Letting myself go to the Hamptons. I knew we were going to go. But my call with her was all about. Why am I having such a hard time.

Feeling like I can go and I can have fun. And she's like... She was talking to me about the doing and the being brain. So the doing brain is the working brain. Do, do, do, do, do. And the being brain is the brain sitting on the beach with the mimosa. That's having way too much fun. Neither of those extremes are good. The best one is the middle where you can do both a bit. So she's like, you just spent so much time in the doing. You have got to go give the being a little treat so you can go back to the doing. I thought, okay, that's good. And that's what we did. But it's like...

I don't know. It really threw me for a loop because I'm looking back at the sober time and I'm like, I just was so clear. I don't know. Maybe it's because I live with someone that doesn't drink. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, it's weird because the time that you told me you weren't going to drink, I just assumed like, like you've all these assumptions, like I'll never see her. She's going to be boring. She's not going to have fun.

but none of that's true. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like you can, you can have a lot of fun sober. I love it. Yeah. You have just as much fun sober as I think you do drunk. And even Graham, like I assumed like, oh, he must be boring. Right. He must never want to go out and do things, but he does. He does. Yeah.

So it's just interesting. It's just something I'm thinking about. What I think the answer is to the question is like, I'll go out some, but I'll also learn to love to stay in. I just want to love that part too. And I learned that. That's what this past time taught me was loving a Friday night inside and truly loving it and finding the full benefit. And so I really want to find that like grown up balance, I guess. Yeah. Finding balance again. Yeah. I think I want to be black or white. No, no. The gray is beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. I think I want to...

And it's different because I'm single. Like, go out with my friends and still be out, but just learn that I don't need to be blackout. Right. Because I... Because since I look like...

I essentially like I'm single. I don't like see my room in a ton. Like I don't want to being home alone does not sound fun for me. Like I don't want a night in. And I think that's really real for a lot of people. Yeah. Like I don't want that. Like I, I mean once a week is fine, but like I don't want my weekends be me at home. Cause then I feel like life's passed me by and I'm not doing anything. Yes. But it would be really nice to go out and do things and, uh,

wake up the next day being like oh I only had three drinks like I feel fine reserving reserving the the days for the worth it one yeah you know don't you like that when you're like okay like like last night it fell into your lap and you're like it was worth it yeah I only had two drinks and I was so content with that yes and I woke up feeling completely fine this morning and I think that's like that's the girl it's not every night out yeah

Which we don't even do anymore. Like literally possibly could never, ever. If you have one blackout night and you're gone for like a week, your brain is. Week or two. Yeah. And then you like start to enjoy the recovery. And then you're like, I'm not drinking anymore. And then you're like, okay, I'll go out. It'll be fun. Oh, this is just making me, there's just so many things that are coming up with this. Like, I don't know. I just hate it. It's like, why do I have to, why do I, why do I associate drinking with having fun? If I'm not drinking, it's not gonna be fun. I don't know why you do.

I don't know. I feel like you don't actually. Or like you do. No, like if I, I'm such, like, I don't know. It's weird. It's hard for me to comprehend, but I don't know. I guess it depends on the situation. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe it's if someone was like, you can't. That's like when I get irritated. That's the thing. The hard no. But I think like it's so fun. Yeah. Like we have fun all the time. All the time. And we're always sober. But we're also doing things. Maybe it's just like taking an extra step to actually do it.

Do something. Correct. Not just like sit and like be on your phone. It's like, no, like do an activity. Go for a walk. Go to the park. Go to dinner. You know? Yeah. We've been struggling to find like activities or we're not even struggling to find actually. We're in the Mecca of the activities. But we've been talking about all these fun sober activities. We want to do like pottery. I don't know why that one sounds so fun. I love arts and crafts, like doing arts and crafts and stuff like that. I want to take you guys to a boxing class.

Love working out. Because the best part about it is that you have to think.

You know when you're on the treadmill, you're in your thoughts. Yes. You're hanging out and you even get off to get on your phone. During a boxing class, like you can't. Yeah. Because you're memorizing combos. That's why I love Orange Theory. Yes, exact same thing. I think we would like... I think you guys would love that. I'd love that. Yeah, it's right up your guys' alley. Yeah, let's like do things like that. Perfume classes. Build your own... Make your own perfume. That would be fun. I would love to make that perfume. I know. There's so much. There's so much here. Also, a picnic...

Well I don't know Actually Graham did Graham one time Went and sat in Central Park And had bug bites All over his legs For a very long time He brings some bugs Spraying citronella candles Yeah yeah yeah I think it would be fun Though like We could go to the park The prettiest park Arguably in the United States of America Yeah And have a meal Yeah yeah We should do that Yeah Yeah

there's just so much out there that you can do sober but we just haven't found those things yet let's make a list yeah let's make a list try to just like knock them out my my the thing I love the thing I became like addicted to sober was just reading and journaling and it was like so fulfilling but it would be nice to go out yeah more but I think it's different for you like we just have to remember like people who are single that's not gonna be fun necessarily because we don't want to be alone but you have someone with you you know what I

And he's in the other room doing the same thing and we feel like we're bonding. Yeah. But we're not. What you're saying like sounds great in reality, but like it makes me feel like you talking about what you're talking about right now makes me feel alone and isolated. Oh, wow. Because I'm like those activities sound great, but that means I'm alone all the time. Yeah. And you don't want to be alone. No. No, I don't. I see what you're saying of like, I don't want to go home. I remember that. Yeah. Like last night, I, my friends canceled on me last minute and I didn't want to go home because I was like, I cannot be alone two nights in a row.

and I didn't know what to do and I panicked yeah yeah it literally I was like I felt debilitated I was like I can't I can't I can't go home I can't I cannot go to the home no literally and I was like Lana Michael you can't leave me like I need to be around somebody right no I think that's real though I think it's not what's always nice between you and I is we're going to hit everyone like well everyone's gonna be like I'm one I either live with someone or I don't we're gonna

We're going to mess everyone up. You know, like what? You got a roommate or you don't. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You live alone or you live with seven people or you got to put like. Yeah. But I remember when I was in a relationship that that would sound lovely. Yeah. Being in like bed reading sober. That sounds really nice with a person next to me doing that. Oh, my God. It's the best. But we're going to find what we're going to do now is find sober activities for girlfriends to do together. Yeah. That's like the best of that's the best of the best. You know what I'm going to do? What?

So you know how I've been saying I'm going to start dating again in the fall? Yes. Maybe I'll try to push going on sober dates. Like, instead of someone being like, let's get happy hour after work, I'll be like, how about we go for a walk Sunday morning and get coffee? Okay. Oh, that's so lovely. I would rather...

You have to help me with this. I would rather eat a light bulb. Wait, you really hate that? Then I would walk with a person more than a block. Okay, fine. No, you're so, you love to do it. How do you do it? How do you know how fast we're walking? What do you do if the light's flashing? Oh my God. Have you ever had a B-real just went off? I'm doing it. I'm doing it. Get close to me. Get close to me.

All right. Sorry. No, it's very important. No, no. When I walk, Alex, you, I'm sure you've realized I just, if I don't care if I'm ahead of everyone, like I will be that friend who just walks by myself ahead of everyone. Like I'm with three people. I'm like, and you're not walking up to my, my pace. I'll just walk ahead of you. Oh, what about with this guy though, that you've never met? And then how, I mean, walk me through this. If, when I think of top three worst dates in the world, I think of going on a walk.

And so I need you to walk. Yeah, you won't walk with me. No, I won't walk with you. I need you to walk me through this. Okay, so to be fair, I've never gone on a walk on a date. We can go to a coffee shop and sit down. But I don't know. We would just go for a walk. And I like walking because you don't have to look at people in the eyes. You can walk side by side. That's a pro. And I get uncomfortable with eye contact when I'm nervous. Just the initial meeting.

Where would you, would you go on like the West side highway or we walk in the city streets? I think on a day it'd be probably smart to go on the West side highway because it's an actual walking path. Like you don't have to worry about the stoplights or where are we going to walk next? We can turn left, right. It's just straight, straight line. Okay. Let's do like one more. Really? Let's do a, let's do a bad date. I love all those effects are so much. It's so funny. No, I can't. When I think of walking, I wish I could, I think we're going to

We're going to work on this. We've got to. It's almost like something I should do now. We're going to go on walks together. Oh my God. I should force myself to go on a walk. Yeah. Because it would make me so uncomfortable. Yes, you should. And I should just be like, why? Yeah. Us three are going to go for walks. That's an uneven number. She literally started boxing and she can't go for a walk.

I feel uncomfortable. We're going to start a walking crew. We're going to start taking our MGP meetings and go walking when it gets a little cooler out. Yeah, that's actually a good idea. The juices are flowing. Yeah, we're going to... I also am my best self being active. So when I walk, I just feel like I can breathe. I'm like...

I don't know. I just, that's my, that's when I'm in my, my best self. I default to walking behind people too. Yeah. We're going to fix that. Okay. What was your question about worst date? Worst date. What is my worst date? Well, what's your, my idea of a worst date is going on a walk with somebody and it being very highly awkward and not knowing when the talker turn. And then when it ends, how do you leave? Do you just hug and then like you awkwardly walk off? So now what's your worst date? I'm so glad you're married. Yeah.

I guess the idea of my worst date would be going on, getting drinks with a guy who's, and just gets trashed. Okay. Him, him getting just trashed. Okay. I'm not getting, I'm just like on one drink, drink one. They're like another, another, another. And then they're like, and then you're like, Oh, I don't want to split the boys. Like actually, can you pay? Wait, but that's it. Hold on. That's like a, I need like, that's like a scenario. Yeah. I remember. Uh,

Oh, you want like an actual scenario? Like an event or like going to a museum or something. Ew, yes. I hate museums. Okay, so that would be it. Yeah, if a guy ever was like, want to go to the library museum, I would tell him to fuck off. Want to go look at books? No. How do you go about movie first dates? Not first date because you want to talk and get to know them. Okay. It wouldn't be a horrible date, but you're like, bro, like I want to get to know you. You know what's not a bad idea with your friend sober? What? A movie. Oh, I used

I used to always go to movies with my friends sober. It's hard. We actually, in New York, I did that with my friend the other day. And if you feel awkward talking, you just don't. Movie theaters are like crazy cool now. Yeah. They're like in sofas and they bring you chairs. And you get drinks. We're not drinking. You get popcorn. Popcorn. You put M&M's in your. Yes. We should go to a movie. We should. Actually, movies is my favorite thing in the entire world because it was the one time you couldn't touch your phone. You kind of like forgot about your problems and you could have popcorn and candy and pop. Ooh.

Everyone's doing the same thing. Like we're all in this movie together. But now movies are like $100. Yeah, they did. They definitely went up. But no, I went to a movie with my friend. We went to Elvis and it was really nice. I saw Elvis. It was long. It was nice. I love that movie. Yeah. We need to work on it. It shouldn't be this hard to be sober. But you know what? We're at a hard time in our life.

Because we're all we're doing I think that our 20s is when we have are the biggest transitions and we cope with those transitions through alcohol. But I'll say this. I think it's really healthy that we're all thinking about. I think it's like appropriate. And I think people think about it, but I don't think they always want to say it to their friends. Like who wants to bring up that combo first? Not me. Well, this is something that me and my friends talk about a lot, too. Like it's a consistent conversation. Like one of us is always like, I should be sober, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like so we're all thinking it.

Sober is... Yeah, we're definitely all thinking it. Sober has such a negative connotation to it because it immediately means you suck and you're judging everyone else. Or why do we either have to go zero to 100? Why can't we learn how to have that two to four drinks and be done? That's what I want to work on. I don't want to give up drinking. I love to drink, mainly wine, but I don't want to get blackout anymore. I am so okay having...

two to four drinks yeah like i'm not gonna have one not that crazy but i don't need to have more than four especially if i'm out from six to midnight like four drinks is perfect i'm usually sober by the time i get home that's my ideal night four drinks just to like enjoy it with your friends but that's like that's gonna be my goal okay i love a goal no more than four drinks i like that unless i'm with a boy i don't know what my goal is yet i'm still debating life but just know that like

we'll love you if you choose to drink or not because um I've seen you sober and I love sober Alex so much oh yeah no yeah no I I know you do I I know that you will love me I know that about you I don't think that you won't I love you Jordan's abandonment issues like fuck the people that don't drink which one are you thinking I know it's so sad but literally like don't

You see me more actually when I don't. That's actually so true. I see you a lot more. Yeah. You know what? You should be sober so I see you more. That's right. I come, yeah, it's exactly. I'm going to do an Everly Well ad. Is everyone okay? Yes. Let's jump in. Everly Well. Yeah, because it's healthy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you've been experiencing symptoms and don't know where to start, listen to this podcast. I'm just kidding. Everly Well is committed to listening and supporting your journey towards better health and wellness. The Everly Well podcast

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So for the listeners that are listening to this show, Everly Well is offering a special discount of 20% off every at-home lab test at slash mean. That's slash mean for 20% off your next at-home lab test. slash mean. Yay! So, Alex, speaking of sober activities, I know that you and your husband have sober sex. So?

So please, I'm dying to know about your role play date that you've been teasing us with. If there was a segue there, you were going to make it. I know you and your husband have sober sex. I hope. He doesn't drink. Can I say something actually? Please.

When he did drink, I hated drunk sex. Yeah, drunk sex sucks. It was terrible, even with a person I was quite literally married to. Dude, I tell you, I'm going to make a goal of mine to have nighttime sober sex before 2023.

Yes. Sex sober is deserves to night time. Night sex. Night sober sex. Night sober sex. Yeah. Not morning sex because that's always usually sober. Night sober sex. Yeah. Yeah. Before 2023. That's it's beautiful. Hard for me to say because that sounds really scary. 2023. It does sound like sounds like four years away. I know. It's not that. I know. I know.

Okay so Give it to us I'm so excited They've been teasing us with tweets and little things here and there Tell us everything I want to know everything

Okay, well, I have two things to report. Also, quick, if people are wondering what we're talking about, last week we talked about role play and we gave Alex some role play ideas. So the thing I love about you is that you try these things out with your husband. I do, and he loves it. I love your sex life. Okay, well, the first thing, I got to go in chronological order. Okay, please. Because on Monday, I realized I hadn't had an orgasm in like three weeks. What?

Okay But you were still having sex Yes Okay But I was enjoying the sex But I wasn't orgasming So Maybe stress from off and rowdy That's exactly what I think it was I remember being like I'm loving the sex But I'm not having an orgasm So it had been like three weeks I went back and looked

We don't do a ton of foreplay, but we do just enough. And that always includes for me him touching my boobs. And this had never happened to me before, but I had an orgasm before we had sex because he was touching my boobs. Just? Yes. Wait, when you say boob, do you mean the nipple or the breast? The nipple. With his hands or his mouth? Both. Wait, you had an orgasm from...

nipple play yeah we do was it incredible was like a different type of orgasm was it more intense and less intense I didn't know everything it was so intense I I'm getting turned on right now I like was like I was like oh my god like I was like totally I was like holy now the problem is I don't know if it's because I hadn't had one like because afterwards I was like what was that he was like have you noticed you have an orgasm in a while and I was like I think that was the boxing and

I don't know if it was like pent up, but I didn't know that that was possible. I did not either. I've heard urban legends. Thought they were myths. I didn't know. Thought it was Bigfoot. Wait, so I'm confused a little. Yeah, what? Because I feel like when you orgasm, it's like centrally here. Right. You feel that.

No I did So where was it? He did have to like Touch me a little There was a little Of that going on It wasn't just like Fully like Okay that's what I thought Got it But I was like Oh my god And I was like I just had an orgasm From my boobs I called it the boobgasm I'm like How did that happen But I think It's because that area On me is so sensitive And you put a vibrator There right? It didn't do anything? Like a lip knot As much Let me make sure Did you check that? Wow I know I was like

I'm very jealous of how sensitive your boobs are. I don't even know. That's incredible. I know. Isn't that crazy? A boobgasm. A boobgasm. Did you like it more or less than a vagina orgasm? Well, it was so intense. I was like...

I'm not super audible usually when I orgasm. I was being highly audible. But again, I think it was a combination. I think it happened because it had been so long. Wow. Yeah. Love. Why are you twitching over there? Look at her. Alex, I said this to you the other day. If I don't have sex soon, I'm going to die. You did say that. I wrote that down. Yeah, no. And I need to have sex so bad right now. Okay, so what do we do about that? Like where do we...

I don't know because I don't have like anyone I can just call up. I think people assume I have like, I think this massive roster of guys I talk to at all times and I don't, I'm literally a child with men. Like I don't speak to guys usually. So I don't have anyone I can just talk to. Okay. Let me ask you this though. This weekend in the Hamptons, there was plenty of guys that thought you were plenty hot and, and any of them would have taken you back and you just didn't like, cause when you say that, like if I don't have sex soon, I'm going to die. Are you talking sober sex? Are you talking, I don't want to be the one night stand. Like,

None of these guys you thought were cute? What was it? I think if I don't have sex with someone I actually like, I'm going to die. Got it. Because you guys know that the one night stand, they don't do anything for me. They probably make me more irritated. So you didn't like any of those guys though? Like that, like I know it was hard to tell. I mean, there was definitely a few that like I thought were attractive that piqued my interest. But like if I had sex with them, it would have been a true one night stand because I knew nothing about

them. Okay, so it wasn't like you need... I don't have sex with someone I like, see what I'm going to die. Have a crush on. Fair. I will die. Very fair. Very fair. Because you could go outside and... Yeah, I could... I could raise my hand and be like, who wants to have sex? And we would be good to go. I could put on my story. We'd be fine. You'd find a person, yeah. But I want to have sex with someone I like. Correct. Yeah. That's sweet. Okay. So I'm going to die if I don't. I want to let you know. So that's why I'm twitching because I'm... Who do we...

What do we, okay, well work on that and report back. We will. That's your homework. Yes. Don't, don't come back to the work unless you've done that. Okay. Okay. So then, so then I tried the role play. Yes. What we decided on kudos to Graham because he came home with five options. Oh,

And at work, what busy day at work? I know I texted him and I was like, Hey, we're doing the role play thing tonight. He's like, okay, here's the top like scenarios. All of them were pretty traditional. Okay. So we settled on, I went to the gym and I was boxing and then he came to the gym to like pick me up as your husband.

No, like, pick me up. Oh, you guys haven't met yet. Right. Like, we just saw each other at the gym. And we were doing the thing where, you know how sometimes in the movies you have the gym crush that you, like, see at the same time every time? So it's that, right? But you guys are both single. So you were AB and he was GB. Correct. Before you guys had met. I've never even met the kid. Okay, but you're single. We're both single, yeah. And, like, we keep seeing each other at the gym. Mm-hmm.

And then you're like, oh my God, I think you're so cute. So in my mind, the only way I could justify it was I had to go back to like the first time when I had met him. And so I was like, okay, so it's just that later in life. So we're re-meeting for the first time, but he's him and I'm me. Good love. Then, okay, so he like picks me up at the gym and then we're like, oh my God, you want to go back to my place? The problem was we kept falling into like us because he's like, I do think it's hot when you box. Like he's like, so we kept reverting back to...

Kind of like... So then we get home, and I did see a bug, so it did kind of... You should have role-played the moment you got your new hair. You should have walked home and role-played. Too late now, sorry. We have another question. Were you guys laughing? A little. Because we were like... The first time he walked up, was he like, hey, I'm Graham. Yeah, like... Did you laugh? We didn't injure ourselves. He was just like... Because the boxing... I had the boxing room myself, thank God. So he just comes in, and like...

The thing about it was I kept wanting to cancel it. I kept wanting to be like, we're not doing it because I was like, this is going to be awkward. But he was like, every time we try new things, we're happy that we did. Like, let's try this. It's fun. There's a reason people do it. And I'm like, okay. I think the problem was we kept falling into him and I. Yeah. And so we did go back and like we did have great sex and it was...

It was fun because it like knew the whole like take the clothes off, the sweaty clothes off thing. And like that was really fun. But we I think we fell way far back into like being ourselves way too often.

That's okay, though, because I feel like some people roleplay because they need it in a relationship to have a successful, healthy sex life. You guys don't need it. That's what we were both like. We're having so much fun being ourselves. I was like, this is... It also sounds like you have to work up to. Yeah. That's a lot of acting. That sounds like an hour-long fucking play. Yeah, I was like, I want to go to the gym anyways. So I was like, let's do it here. You try it. And then we were just being ourselves every day.

This is a night that I've done very many times in my life, gone home from the gym. You know what I mean? So I think maybe an outfit or something would help, like a real one. I want to have sex. I want you to so badly. Okay, tell us how you feel. Talk us through it. Talk us through it. What do you mean? Okay, why do you want to have sex? Because I'm horny. Okay, we're going to go a layer deeper. Okay. What does horny feel like to you in this moment? I'm verbalized. It's like a therapy session.

The lower half of me is just tingling like crazy all the time. Okay. And it wants to be touched? Yes. By a person. That I like. That you have feelings towards. Yes. Nice. I want emotional sex.

It doesn't have to be like intense emotions. Just like someone I'm like, I know. Yeah. Yeah. That should be a simple. Yeah. I don't feel like in love with this person. I just have to like, like them. So you want, you just want to have sex. You just want to have sex. You want passion. Yeah. We're craving passion. Sexual tension, passion. There's nothing wrong with that. I know. I,

I want that for you. I think it's like part of what is. Is that confirmed? It's like part of who we are as a human to want to have sex. Yes. That's a thing. I haven't had that in, oh God, years. Because everyone I've had sex with has been like one-off men, you know? Mm-hmm. Because we're hardwired.

To have sex. Yes. As humans. Yeah. And you're missing that, but you want the passion component. Yeah. It doesn't really intense. It just has to be more than a stranger, you know? Yeah. Yeah. That's not, you're not asking a ton here. No, not. And I'm, I might die soon though, if it doesn't happen. So what do, okay. I don't know what to do. Get back on the dating apps, I guess. No, no, no. Remember we decided simply that we were going to meet them in person. Yeah. But I don't know how to do that.

All I do is... I'm either in this office or I'm at my apartment. Okay, so we need to get you laid. But it's not laid. Laid's not the right word. I'll get laid. We need to get you...

back out there back on the horse back on the horse you guys think i should download hinge again and just go for it i don't i think you should go the traditional route how do i do that alana we just get back out there start doing back in the city back to school time you guys gonna go out and drink with me yeah i'll go out with you i'll go out with you have a drink or two actually that would work because you guys could stay sober and then you could be like my eyes and ears

We could be any level, whatever we chose that night, whatever everyone was feeling. You could be 17 sheets to the wind or you could be sober. No, you know what? You know what, Alana and Alex? What? You both have a man in your life. Okay. Okay.

Tell your men to each find me a prospect. That's more like it. That's also fair. That's homework. We need a group thing. Tell Mike to get off his ass and find me a boy. Tell Graham to get off his ass and find me a boy. I found you one and you turned him down. Oh, Alex. I'll find you another one. Thank you. He was a good one. I'll do it again. We're going to a wedding. We are going to a wedding. Oh, yeah. It's so fun. We'll do things like that. We're going to go to an OU football game. Would you do long distance? No.

Probably not. Depends on the situation. If he traveled to New York, probably. Like a good amount at least. Oh, even if it's just once a month, that's perfect. Okay. So you would? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just wouldn't do someone who like lives in a different state full time and has no thoughts and plans to ever come to New York. No flexibility. Because I'm not moving out of New York. No, no. But he could do both. Yeah, yeah. You could see what happened from there. He's like, I work in New York once a month. I'd be like, perfect. Okay. Yeah. So a setup's good. Okay. I'm... I...

Are you over, like, texting a boy for fun? I've been over texting a boy for fun for about... Ever. Okay. Never have enjoyed it. I would much rather have a guy pick up the phone and call me or FaceTime. Like, that's why... The guys in the Hamptons did that. And that was such a turn on. FaceTiming? FaceTime. They would just FaceTime the next morning. Yeah, they would just FaceTime. Like, hey, ladies, what's up? Do you want to go out tonight? And I was like, I...

Love that. Yeah, cut for you. Cut to the chase. Call me. Pick up the damn phone. Quick, ask me how we're... We don't talk for an hour. We can talk for 15 minutes, and that's it. I hate texting. Honestly, a lot of kudos to them. They were pretty... They were also like... Yeah. So hot.

No. A guy I dated for a while in, I think, 2019. He was older. He was like 30, 32. And my favorite thing about him is that we never text, but he would call me every day. Oh, I love that. He would pick up the phone and FaceTime me. And he even did that after our first date. He was just like, hey, what's up? Do you want to do something this week? And I was like, okay.

oh baby that's hot like oh yes I will like damn okay we don't have to worry about texting all day all night you just FaceTime me I love the boy the boys were movers and shakers I liked them because they liked me because I was married and they they I think it says a lot about a group of guys if they're like oh we're not gonna talk to the married girl yeah but they just like they were like I was in the group text yeah no it was incredible it was incredible like I love that confidence there's just something about a man who picks up the phone and yep that's what I want

Okay, we're going to find it. Yeah. So Graham and Mike have until October 1st. And if you guys don't, I'm not going to talk to you anymore. Well, mine up. Okay. We won't be friends anymore.

Yeah, so there. I won't do the podcast anymore. So now it's on you guys. Why'd you guys end Mean Girl? Because we couldn't find Jordan. Jordan gave us this deadline. This arbitrary deadline. No, I think we can do it. We can at least try. Yeah. Yeah. Please. No harm in trying. Please. Yes. But I think the hinge thing. So don't do it. Not until October 1. Okay, I can wait until October 1 to do hinge. Let's wait. Let's wait. Let's wait. Okay, deal. And I have to work on putting myself out there more.

Yes. Jordan Woodruff is coming out of hibernation, ladies and gentlemen. Mainly gentlemen. Mainly. But either. Well, I mean, I'm not a lesbian, but hey. I'm just kidding. But if you decide to be, let us know. Thank you. Yes. So gentlemen and maybe ladies. But for now, gentlemen. For now, just gentlemen. But in the meantime, to fulfill my sexual needs, we have a great...

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All right, so let's get into that listener question. Let's get into that listener question. Oh, okay. I can't find the actual screenshot, but basically the question was, and we get this a lot,

should I get off birth control and if I do like how do I feel it was is it worth the risk the libido the libido if it affects the libido a lot of people always ask me like oh really yeah yeah and oh well first off team mg team mgp is birth control free now we are yeah I just start stop taking my last pill pack like two weeks ago and are you hornier

Yes. And like, I literally, I did not, when you just said that I was like confused because I didn't realize there was a correlation there, but it makes like,

like a shit ton of sense because I was expecting the other things at first but like everyone says like the fogginess and all that libido was the first thing I noticed and I was like I didn't necessarily have a low libido yeah but all of a sudden I'm like thinking about it a lot and when I was in birth control I'd mass pray like once a week now I mass pray every day what's what talk about the fogginess because I only I only took it for a month so I don't really know life with it oh okay I I

I'm kind of an anomaly with birth control. I got off birth control and only good things happened to me. I was like immediate non-brain fog after birth control. What made you want to get off of it? I was tired of...

like fake hormones were controlling my life. I've been on a lot of different birth controls and I've had really bad anxiety because of it. I've been like this or that. I've had bad experiences. And during COVID, I was like, I'm not having sex. So why would I put myself through these things?

these weird fake hormones like I don't even know who I am okay I don't know who I am without being on these hormones and I want to know who Jordan is okay and I got off of it and it was the best decision of my entire life it was the weirdest thing I truly felt like I was living in a caged box and then as soon as I got off birth control all of these things I felt like the world was

was so much more open. Like, all of a sudden I was like, I'm gonna fucking move to New York. I'm gonna quit my job. Like, all of this stuff happened after I got off birth control. Wow. I truly felt like birth control kept me in, like, this box. Wow, that's crazy. Yeah. That's so crazy. I didn't know about the brain fog thing until I saw other people talking about it, like, online. I was like, that makes so much sense because...

I thought my brain fogged. When you're on it, you have that. Yeah, you do. So you're talking brain fogging. When you're on it. Sorry. So I thought I was like that because I stopped taking Adderall after college.

Now I'm... Then I was like, wait, is that because of the... I'm not on Adderall anymore or is it because of the birth control? It happened at like the same time. I stopped taking Adderall, started taking birth control. And now I told you, like I said, I got Adderall prescription again. I used it a little bit, stopped taking it and stopped taking birth control. And I'm way more clear. So that leads me to believe that it was the birth control making me foggy. Not like I need Adderall.

Yeah. Yeah. Isn't that strange? You know, because I told you I thought I had Alzheimer's. Yes. Yes, you did. I still have a little bit. It's going to take some time. But I feel way more aware of like, it's so hard to explain. No, it is hard to explain. Weird things happen to me. My taste in men also changed when I got birth control. Oh, really? Mm-hmm. Like pre-birth control, I always dated blondes.

And then when I got on birth control, I was only dating brunettes. And then when I got birth control, I started being interested in blondes again. It was the weirdest thing. What? No, I'm dead serious. You can ask my friends back home. It was so strange. My type of guys changed. Wait, what? Yeah. Now it's like balance. I don't discriminate hair color. Like I like brunettes and blondes, but it was the weirdest thing. That's like as soon as I got birth control, I started talking to all these blondes. Yeah. That looked nothing like my ex.

but they looked like my boyfriends before birth control. Oh, that's crazy. I know because it changes everything. It changes the, what you look for in a man, like why you like people. It's, it's actually incredible.

Crazy and incredible what birth control can do for you do to you to you. Yeah, I was gonna say I think that I think the craziest thing about it is everyone just always assumes supposed to like get on it at a certain time. Yeah, and that that just like never worked for me. So I couldn't do it. But to hear everyone else be like I was on it because you're just like supposed to but like it makes you feel all these crazy types of ways and then it's like I'm gonna get off of it and you feel so much better. That's like that's beautiful. Yeah, I have less anxiety because of it too. I love that. Yeah, it's been it's been a great it was a year in March. So it's been a great year and

four months it's weird because it's like a lull too it's not like you feel like there's something wrong with at least I didn't feel like there was something wrong with me but now that I'm not taking it anymore I'm like I feel different yeah mine took about three months and all of a sudden I was like whoa it was like what I woke up a new person it was I can't describe it's so strange you hear a lot of success stories people to get off of it never will go back on yeah that's nice and when I get I don't know how to like

Have sex? Yeah. How am I supposed to protect my... I'm just doing the pull-out method right now, but... Same. It's been going good, though. You guys talking about your safe sex practice makes me so anxious. Because I'm like, please do not get pregnant. Well, what would you do? What would I do? You guys know I just take blame B. Which I won't be doing anymore. That's fucked with you, too. No, going forward, I'm going to be really good about...

Wearing condoms. Okay. Good for you. We support that. But I also track my cycle. I know when I'm ovulating and stuff, so just being smarter about that. And you just wouldn't have sex when you're ovulating kind of thing? You would wear the condom then. Wear the condom. Okay. Yeah, I've had sex plenty of times ovulating. That's when they say it's best. I know. That's when you're the horniest. Like right now, I'm ovulating. Is that how your leg's twitching?

literally literally okay what a fabulous episode pink whitney pink whitney did anybody shoot their shot i'm sorry but what oh the outfit i did shoot my shot okay what was it

she went for it she went for it you texted a boy you like yep okay so that's that's your shot is you texted a boy that you liked yes did you first first yes i think that's important there ladies if if you want something you just got to go for it life's too short to wait around i agree wow and i'll figure it out i'll figure it out figure it out nice jordan

Um, my shoot your shot was I've been wanting to schedule laser for like my face, my neck and my chest. Okay. Oh, for skin or hair for skin. Okay. Not hair. Oh, I want to lay. I want to shed the, I want to shed the sun. Okay. Um, and I feel like it's something I should do.

I just keep feeling like it's something I should do after every summer and I never do it. And so with the money that I got from Ruff and Rowdy, I went, I scheduled it. I prepaid for three sessions. Hell yeah. What is laser for? What do you mean? What is that? I don't know what you mean. They'll basically like read, they'll, I'll shed a layer of skin and it'll turn over my blood cells. Ooh. So I'll be out for like three days. I'm doing on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, hang out at home, peel,

And it helps with like fine lines, any sun damage that could be like early. Wow. Yeah. So I'm excited about it. It's upkeep, but I was like, this feels grown up. Let's do it. I love that for you. I'm excited. Thank you. Your skin's going to look beautiful. Thank you. I mean, it already does, but it's going to look more beautiful. It's a maintenance. I'm like, we got to do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. We're sunscreen folks.

And yes, uh, okay. Maybe, uh, do what you do best. Like, comment, subscribe, like, like, and comment and follow us on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, subscribe to the YouTube channel and leave us a podcast review wherever you listen to the podcast. And make sure to watch our vlogs every Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Eastern Standard Time. We love you guys. We love you. Have a great week and happy September.

September! I know. How does it happen?