cover of episode Talk Dirty To Me

Talk Dirty To Me

Publish Date: 2022/7/25
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Mean Girl


Shownotes Transcript

the most unattractive thing that someone can say is talk dirty to me oh i hate that oh my god talk dirty to me you immediately have nothing to say i think of that talk welcome back to another episode of mean girl pod and we're presented by pink whitney air five

We're back in my apartment. It's cute. You should definitely go on YouTube right now if you're not because we're going to be doing a lot of visuals. You're going to want to see how cute this setup is. We'll also spam your Instagram feed so you know what it looks like. Yes. Also, we're drinking wine and we... You don't have to drink with us, but if you want to like...

pop some champagne pour some wine open a beer make an Aperol spritz am I allowed to say alcohol yes you are so it's fine drink some pink Whitney yes it's completely okay water Gatorade and then you can listen to the episode with us we all can have a glass of wine together and chat like besties I'm a podcast listener in the AM so I'd like to throw

out some tea or some coffee. Actually, I'm too. Yeah, that's when I listen. So like just knowing your brain, let's paint the visuals for you. It's like 5 p.m. in New York. We all went to the office today and then we came back to my apartment to record. We popped open some wine. Yep, we're drinking wine. We have some shots of Pink Whitney in front of us, which we'll definitely get into. The setup is adorable. Alana almost threw up because it was so cute.

Jordan liked that line. Jordan goes, is it cute? And Alana goes, it's so cute, I'm going to throw up. I love that. Put it on a sweatshirt. So cute, I'm going to puke. I will say Alana has some good one-liners lately. I'm like, wow, I love that. Like today when she was like, that's Looney Tunes. And I'm like, ah. That means ludicrous, I bet. I'm like, I love it. You're like, sue me. I'm like, I said that when I was 18 to my parents, and I love that line. Like, I would be sassy. I'd be like, or my brother would say something to me. I'd be like, sue me. Yeah.

Like what? And it's almost Okay back in the day When you said Sue me as a child You meant like You won't actually Hire a lawyer And sue me And then like Just to think about The context of that I'm like Fuck off But now it's like Cute when you say it again You're like Yeah I like it You could hire a lawyer And sue me Yeah you could Yeah you could definitely Hire a lawyer and sue You could do it If you wanted Sorry to jump around so much But back to the show How was your weekend? Because you were It was your last weekend On the show How was it?

known I would have had more fun. It was great. It was really fun. Can you describe to me what the Barstow happy hours are like? Because I had a lot of FOMO that I wasn't with you guys. Okay. It was very fun because...

So like we have our house on the shore and then some other people that work at Barstool also have houses on the shore. So it's this really surreal experience where like you're on the beach in a beach town. People are like, we'll host the pregame. So you like go over there and it's so fun. Like it reminds me of being in Oklahoma and having houses and people being like all host the pregame. 40 people go to Jeff D. Lowe's house. Are they walkable? They're like Uberable. Uberable. It depends on what town you're in. Uberable.

Like 10 minutes Uber, but you could walk. Like we walked home from a bar one night. Like, I don't know. It's just like this little magical. It's like a magical land. People get like share house. Like I've had a share house with like 20 of my friends from home for like five years now. Wait, even you don't. I thought you went to your parents house. Yeah. So like now I say like at my family's house, but got it. So like my house, like I still consider that like we like still go there to like party. Now it's just the guys. Oh, three years. It was guys and girls. And it was right. Yes. Really?

crazy. I'm like a kid in a candy store with it because, okay, nobody transplant moves to the Midwest really, but a lot of people move up here. So it's surreal to me to go out there and like you obviously have friends that have grown up out there, but to me, everyone's new and everything's new. And I feel like a kid in a candy store just meeting people. Yeah. And I'm like loving the experience. Totally. The share house was foreign to me. I'd never heard. Where would you get a share house? Not in Minnesota. Never. Everyone does it. I want a mean girl share house.

I mean, grocery house would be cool. My favorite part of the shore is being able to bring Graham and implement him into the office outside of the office. I really like that. Like there's nothing like waking up and having coffee instead of just being like, hey, this is my husband. Like it's a different experience and like environment. So that's been nice. I have two important questions for you. Okay. You can ask them both. Okay. See how I changed it and say, I have a question. I said, I have two important questions. Can I ask a question? One. What? Did Jeff D'Lo have his famous snack set up?

Okay, I'm so embarrassed. I walked in the house. So Jordan and I were ravishes on the 4th of July at this house that was walking distance from the bar because there were snacks at it. I was wearing this tank top. We were acting like we've never been fed food. We didn't eat all day that day. Didn't eat all day. We did not.

So I asked Jeff. You're drunk. I said, Jeff, because I went back to that. I was like, should I Venmo you like 10 bucks for the... He said, you know, the worst part wasn't the missing food. He's like, it was a mess. There was food all over the floor. Not from us. Yes, from us. I was like, I'm so sorry. Yes. And I stole his key. And you stole his key. I know us, though. I know we sat there and ate and those crumbs were all over the floor. I know they were. I was like, I'm really sorry about that. It's like, it's okay. I had a cleaner come and I was like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Jordan, I must say when you drink, your eating is monstrous. It's fucking outrageous. It's one track mind. Like, like people walk by, you're like, Jordan, Jordan. You're like, you are crying. No, Jordan.

Before I knew you really well, we would have these nights out and we're in a cab coming back up on 6th Ave. And you're like, I want pizza. And I'm like, I'm lactose intolerant. I don't care about your pizza. We're in the cab fare. We're five blocks away from my house. And there is a pizza place on the left-hand side of the road. You stop the cab, drive.

Left me in the cab To go get your pizza And I was like Let me just pay you I'll get out here We'll walk the rest of the way I go in there And you have like Five pieces of pizza When was this? This was like It was the two of us And we were coming back here So Graham must have been out of town Was this when you Locked yourself out of your apartment? I do probably It was probably that night You guys I black out And I become a man No no no it's cute I love that you get hungry No it's fine Not cute Okay on a scale from one to ten If a guy that I like saw that Would he never talk to me again? Yes he would probably Like it more No

Wait, when did you see me eat? Literally every time I'm going out with you. No, he would like you more for that. No, Jordan, it's not bad. I'm just asking you. Oh, we're going to have a dive. Yeah, great. No, it's cute. Graham used to make you a snack pile here. He did, he did. Yeah, it was like your food. Oh my God, the people.

People here have been telling me things when I'm drunk and I'm like, did this just happen overnight or were my friends liars to be back in Minnesota? Like when someone says you're a snorer and you're like, no. You wouldn't know, I guess. Yeah, you don't know if you snore. That's so true. Speaking of food, my second question. Was what? Those chicken tenders you posted on your story, were those from the place?

They were They are so good We go to this bar And next door Is this food shack That stays open Until 2am Throw the name out DJ's DJ's Is that the name Of the food place Next to it though Yes that's the same Oh wait they own it Yeah Oh Oh DJ's I ordered three Okay I didn't have cash And this poor girl Gianna That I've met one time Had to pay for me

Cash only Three turkey Bacon wraps And the chicken I mean I don't know Boxing's got me hungry Oh so you eat a lot Chewing your drug Huh Oh yeah I'm clocking I'm probably in Taking like 5,000 calories a day Okay How Chugs her wine

How was your weekend? What did you do? I mean, I know what you did, but tell the listeners. Oh, yeah. So this weekend was good. My mom came to town. My mom loves New York. And she doesn't. Everyone's like, oh, that's so sweet. It's like, no, she doesn't come for me. She comes for the city. But I also think Tracy's enjoying getting to hang out with you in the city. Yes. Even though we were literally just together for like five days before that.

rhode island jordan what your mother is so sweet she is no she is she loves coming to hang out with me but she like when i tell you she loves new york you guys like she loves new york so she like comes and she's like jordan

I want to see the city. And can I see you? And are you going to be there? Yes. Yes. She's really upset, though, because she really wants to come a time where you guys are both around. But you were in Delaware and you were in the shore. So every time she comes, she's like, I think they're avoiding me now. And I was like, no, it's just our schedules are like, even when Sydney comes. Right.

Right but it's it's so weird though because it's like when my mom comes Alex is gone when my friend Madeline comes Alex is gone when Sydney comes your best friend I'm gone it's so weird. I'm dying to meet Madeline I'm on your best friend's close friend story. Sydney. Sydney.

Jordan, does your mom like us or does she, does she like the show or is she kind of like, are they kind of shocked by the content they see of the show or does she like us? Yes. So my mom listens. Unfortunately, I love you mom to death, but it makes me cringe knowing you listen to every episode. Um, thankfully my dad and brother do not. Yeah.

No, my mom listens. My family is, I didn't think they would be so accepting, but they love what I do. I don't think my dad fully understands what I do and we're going to keep it that way. He does parking on the side in Rhode Island and all the kids will be like, oh my God, your daughter's a mean girl.

was a mean girl and he's like i don't want to know what she talks about but i i love what she does and i support her but i don't want to know um my brother thinks it's cool my mom yes thinks it's very cool also though my mom is kind of like a badass midwest and she is so she's kind of like you she like rebels like she doesn't care about what people think she also likes to do things that are against the normal way of doing things so no my parents are very cool with it and that she's upset

obsessed with you guys I think she likes you guys more than me perfect I would keep it that way just kidding yes my parents like know but they like don't like the other day I met them at a bar and their friends were there and they the first thing that their friend said was like blue balls isn't real oh

And I'm like, no. My mom's kind of prude, so she was cringing. She probably doesn't want to admit that she knows. Yeah. You know what I mean? But they're cool with it. Where was my invite? What? Where was my invite? Oh, it wasn't in the city. It was down the shore. Or mine. Or Alex's. Yeah, you weren't there. What the fuck?

You've been doing that You've been saying mine And you lately I've only done it twice You did it in a text today I did? You said I'm on my way And then I checked it Our way Wait you noticed that? I was like oh whatever No Like when someone says I instead of we That's what she did to me And I was like She did it in the meeting The other day Wait what did I do to you? You said I'm on my way Our You said I love numbers to Chuck And I was like I caught the number

You just are the one That sent the text message No it's a we thing No I'm glad you guys Are calling me all my bullshit Obviously I will say with my phone Do not tell me It auto corrects No no Watch It corrects to on my way When you go on my way Like I just was gonna do O-M-W On my way And it auto corrects To on my way Exclamation mark Okay fair That's the only reason why I swear to God So four not five

I know. I'm so sorry, you guys. I don't mean to do it. I'll never do it again. Watch, you know I'll never do it again. But Alex, how's... Because Kim's in this kind of world. Is she cool with it? Kim is... Yeah, my parents... So my dad doesn't listen. And...

He's good Like he's just like You check in with your gut Okay I think it's different Because I was hired To do content With my mom And it was very clear To my whole entire family What my journey At Barstool Is going to look like Fast forward to now It obviously looks Entirely different than that I'm not doing Mother daughter content anymore Um

My dad will just call me and check in and he'll be like gut check you good like I'm not listening to it because I asked him not to and he's like but if you're telling me not to listen to it I don't know what that means but as long as you're good with it I'm good with it I'm like we're good dad thank you my mom just like rolls her eyes at us and like laughs she gets it she's like in it so she gets it I will say that's like my parents are totally supportive my family is supportive I will say though I had somebody very close to me over the weekend text me like out of the blue and

And just be like, I can't believe you're on this Mean Girl podcast. Like, it's nothing. I see these clips of you come across Barstool. And I was like, they thought it was raunchy. And they were like, sometimes I'll listen and I have to like turn it off. And I was so, I immediately started crying. Because I was...

This is what happens Being from the Midwest And being I love my parents We've come a really long way But when I was growing up Like I always I wanted a tattoo For example My parents like We don't get tattoos Like we just don't get them And I was like Damn like I see tattoos And I love them But we don't do that

And so every time when I moved to LA, they were like, why would you move? We don't need to move. And when I married Graham, my parents had a really hard time with like me now thinking and doing things with somebody else. And it's growing pains and it was healthy and it's good. And like, I'm really happy to the place we've arrived.

But every time somebody tells me they're disappointed in me, my initial reaction is like, I'm wrong. And let me revert back to the line. I stepped off of your line. I need to get back onto your line. And for the first time, like, I think I was crying because I was like, no, no, no. I'm good with where I'm at.

I do do a gut check on the Mean Girls stuff. When we first started, neither of us felt that good about it. But where we are now, I feel like we make a difference in people's lives. And I'm like, I feel good about this. And it's honest what you're saying. It's honest. It really is. And I think about people who want to do anything in life where somebody close to them would be like, I'm kind of disappointed in you. Or like, I don't think you should move. Or like, why would you change careers? Yeah.

And it's like what you like most of the time isn't going to match somebody close to you. Like really, I wouldn't think at all it ever would. Like proximity teaches you that growing up somewhere you think the way the people around you do. But there's always going to be a little something in you that's like, but I want that tattoo. I want to move. And it's like to do that, if somebody's disappointed in you, it probably means somebody's out of their comfort zone.

And it's like a really weird feeling to be like, I love you and I value your opinion, but I'm still going to do it. Yeah. If you had that, like, do you, do you guys know what I'm talking about? Yes. I mean, I feel like this whole change of life going from traditional job in Minnesota to being very vulnerable on the internet in New York city. Like I've lost even friendships along the way cause they didn't understand what I do. But I feel like, like you said, you said it so perfectly. Like when you know it's real in your gut, like,

you know it's not an issue. Like it's a, none of that, I mean, I hate to say this, but like it's a them problem, not a you problem. But six months ago, I'd have been like, it's probably us problem based off of the content we were releasing. And it was, it was an us problem. And that's where I love like the,

You probably have the same thing I do. I have like a checks and balance system. Yeah. It's my gut. And it's the first thing is my gut. And then the second one's like my level of happiness. Yeah. And it's like in the response from people of like, I related so much to the body image episode, things like that. And I'm like, we are, we are helping people. Yeah. Are some of these clips absurd? Of course they are, but you have to laugh. Also, I know like talking about a vibrate, it could be raunchy, but yeah,

Since you were so honest about it And you were like I've never used a vibrator Like so many people reached out And were like I appreciate you One not sex shaming And two letting us know That it's okay To not conform To like this normal thing That most people are doing And that it's okay That I'm not alone Like I love knowing That I'm not the only human That's ever used a vibrator And I'm XYZ age You know what I mean? Yeah I think there's something It's like did I think Some of these sex things Were going to be our topic? No But there's something Literally

liberating about it for like these two Midwest girls that are like I never yeah I never I did not ever do that to talk about it yeah and just be able to be like I this is what I do I sit by my mother-in-law sometimes and I imagine her watching our worst clip

And I just, I don't even care because I'm like, for once in my life, I want to show up in every situation. I want to be a daughter-in-law. I want to be a daughter. I want to be a best friend. And I want to be a co-host and I want them all to be the same person. Like I'm so sick of going back to Oklahoma and being like, yes, hi. Like nobody cares. They just want you to be you. And I used to kind of change that depending on who I was around. And it's like with this podcast, they plaster the clips everywhere that it's like,

Now you can't be anybody but you. It's also kind of like every, it's not like you're the topics or anything outrageous or abrasive or like toxic. They're literally like naive, nuanced, like topics that everyone talks about. Like, it's not like you're, I mean, we were kind of like shove it in there and like, whatever, but it was more like girls like talking about, you know, things that like that aren't outrageous. Yeah.

Yeah. Correct. So it's not like embarrassing and I'm sure my mom, your mom, your mother-in-law, your mom have had those same conversations. Like if you think about it, they probably have talked about some of these things. So it's like we're just broadcasting. Or they've questioned it in their head over and over again. Right. It's not like she's never thought about a vibrator before.

Totally or used one I had some people texting me My mom my parents have Vibrators and I'm like get Out of town like I would Have never yeah but I will Say this I really appreciated The person that reached out Like I we because we had a Long talk we finally got on The phone had a really long Talk and like you the Conclusion to it the Conclusion was phenomenal and Like the basically the the Meaning of it was to like Check in with me and be Like you do know and I

And I was like, you're close enough with me that you can absolutely say that. And the best part of it for me was it was like somebody hit me in the gut and I used to probably would have folded. But I was like, no, I'm passionate about this one. I'm going to keep going. Yeah. And I feel like until the cons way way out the pros like that will be an issue. But right now the pros are tremendously outweighing the cons. So it's like at the end of the day, like I have not seen one negative. No. And it's.

It's sex like well most of the time it's not even but when it is sex would be the most out there topic I would say we have yeah everyone's having that yeah come on like we're doing it I don't know it's still taboo it's 2022 and sex is still one of the most taboo topics on the internet it's mind-blowing yeah I used to never talk about it and I think that's what's so yeah it's just like it's so sad because I feel like sex is the thing where we're the most confused about in life but it's the thing that we're all doing in life also it can be probably the greatest pleasure

Like you could make it so sex could be so electric and we're like, let's not talk about it. And it's like, well, we talk about food also orgasmic. Let's talk about sex. Maybe we can make it a little better for each other. Yeah, no, I, I completely agree. So, okay. So I would say, and split my hand on fire, having that conversation with that person that I love so deeply would be me shooting my shot. So I'm gonna take my shot. Oh my God. Wait, what are your guys's?

Have you, did you shoot your shot? You did shoot your shot. Was it? Oh, professionally. Professionally. She did. Do tell. I stood up for myself. Alana. Oh, you're right. I do. Wait, that was so good. Wait,

And you're left-handed. Are you left-handed? Yeah, I'm left-handed. Okay. Is that your left-handed? Oh my God, you're left-handed? Yeah. No wonder with her handwriting it makes sense. All right, hey. A lot of us, the craziest handwriting, but they said the crazier the handwriting, the smarter you are, which I believe. No, I have it queued up for in-feed. It's truly a creative cue. Yeah, very creative. Okay, what was the shot? Oh, yum. Oh, I didn't really want to get into it so much, but I felt a little disrespected, a little slighted, a little...

you know, just taken advantage of. And I literally, I said exactly. I felt like, like I was texting like a stupid ex, like didn't even think about it. But I'm a little slack, sent the email, didn't even read it over. Just sent. Did it go well? Oh yeah. I have a meeting about it. Nice. Okay. Yay. That's a good shoot. Your shot professionally loved one oriented, orientated, oriented, oriented, oriented, um, take a shot. Um, honestly haven't really shot my shot.

This week You've been walking out in the heat I've been walking out in the heat That's been my shot I'm gonna say Life has been pretty I haven't faced a lot of challenges recently And I want that to change But I feel like with summer It's just like It's been very basic You know what I mean? I love the fact though That you haven't faced challenges And you would like to Yes Life is so boring Unless you're challenging yourself Every single day That's where you grow Oh Oh actually I don't wanna like get into it too much But um

So I guess this is kind of shooting my shot. So I'm like very, I don't know if you guys know this about me, but like you heard me say this a little bit today, but I used to like passionately lift for like seven years of my life. Yes. And I'm very, very into working out. I just don't talk about it a lot because it's very triggering to people to like bring up like, oh, I love to work out. I've learned that from therapy and my friends telling me to shut the fuck up.

So I don't bring it up a lot, but it's like a passion. It's a hobby of mine. And I was looking back at my workout journals that I had and I realized I haven't like truly lifted since August 1st of 2021. Okay. Almost a year. I've been in New York and I kind of gave up one of my passions, which was like working out and lifting. I work out every day, but it was like mainly like cycling or going on the treadmill or just like doing BS working out. I wasn't like, I wasn't like fulfilled. So I

And last week I was like, what the fuck, Jordan? Like, why did you give up this full blown passion of yours that you truly like dedicated half your life to? And I was like, I don't know why. I don't know what's going on. So last week I started doing it again. And I am like, what the heck was I missing? What are the first time in a year I'm like lifting again? And I'm so happy. It's like I've been like making my mornings way better. That's amazing. Yeah. That's a shoot shot. That's definitely a shoot. That's yeah. 100%.

And we're taking the shots of Pink Whitney. I was like, what? Alana just mouthed Pink Whitney. Oh my God. Also, this is a reminder. When you go out to the bar, you walk up to that bar and you say, can I get two shots of Pink Whitney? One for you and your bestie. One for you and the guy you want to talk to. But walk your butt over to that bar. Two shots of Pink Whitney. It's the shoot your shot summer. One for you and the girl you want to talk to. Yes, because men, we love you too. It's shoot your shot summer. Yeah.

um shot girl summer shot boy summer shot hot summer whatever you want to call it um and you can get these at pretty much i think any bar at least ask or liquor store and they're so cute asking is free yeah so take your shot of pink whitney and also like i said if you like we said like we said i was gonna say i literally said it no no i was gonna say something else like we said if you shoot your shot let us know yeah definitely let us know yes why haven't we gotten any videos or pictures of people taking shots

I want to repost it. We want to repost it. That was just in my head. All right, let's do the listener question. Yes. Q&A with J&A. Oh, I didn't like that. Well, that was cute. Because we're A, J. Yeah. That's a possibility. I think we should run with it. So maybe next time.

And then we'll probably totally change it and forget that we did that. Yes. What did you used to call it? You can sit with us. Oh, you can sit with us. Yeah. We have 17 different. Yeah. So we have listener questions slash you can sit with us slash Q&A with JNA. Um, yeah. So let's get into it. Okay. In the question section or just in general, you guys should bring up dirty talk in the bedroom. Like I feel like lots of people can be quiet and not talk during sex because it doesn't feel natural or they'll feel self-conscious after what,

after of what they say, et cetera. I feel like that would be a really good topic to cover. So not much a question, more a topic introduction, which I love by the way.

Do you and Graham dirty talk in the bedroom? Or in general, just like maybe over texting, like any way, shape, or form. You know what we don't do? What? Is the texting thing, and we used to. Sexting, as the kids call it. We could live together. Like, when would you really? Yeah, but I think at work that would be kind of cute. Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, someone was gone for two weeks. He's about to travel a lot. I would love like a can't wait to be home. Yeah. Winky face. Or maybe just a little more than that. Either happy or sad.

Or maybe we could do Entirely better than that I forgot Do you send him nudes still? No I mean I think I would If he was away That's a sext I would love to do When he's gone I will definitely be doing that Okay but in the bedroom But yeah first of all Backtrack to you guys All right Do we dirty talk in the bedroom? Oh Yeah I would say Okay I would say we do But I would say It's the same thing Every time Like cause we know The sweet spots So like If it's I'm never like I'll just say like

I'm trying to think. You don't want to give us specifics of what you guys say? A few of your sound bites that you go for. We have our sound bites, but they're always the same sound bites. We can ask, is it when you're doing foreplay or when you're actually having sex? This is what Graham would like me to explain to everybody. Okay. Because I was talking about this the other day. I love this. And he was like, well, you told him we don't do foreplay. And I was like, no, kind of forgot to explain that part. You said you don't do foreplay? No, we don't do foreplay. I didn't tell you guys that. Oh, you guys don't do foreplay? No. Stick it in. Wait.

Oh my gosh. Wait, I'm confused. This episode could be two hours with what you just said. What? I don't know. We never have. Like, I don't even really know much about foreplay because I forgotten. We literally just like, it takes us like five seconds. Like get him hard. That's the most important part. I can like turn on like a light switch. Like, so I'm like ready to go. And then that's it. That's all the foreplay is. Are you jumping back and forth while you guys are actually having sex?

Like you said you were 69ing. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I love to try to make sex last forever because I think it feels so good. Okay. So we don't do the foreplay thing though. It's like immediately we'll go into it and then like I'll stop because I'm like I don't want an orgasm. I do not want this to end. Then we'll do the 69 thing. I have a question for you two ladies in relationships and marriages. The longer you're in a relationship, does the foreplay tend to go away? No.

Or have you ever done foreplay? We used to do foreplay when we were dating probably the first year. Okay. No, we definitely did foreplay actually. But now it's like we've transformed or transferred into this thing where we like to make the sex part longer and we'll like jump into the 60s, like things like that and like play around while we're doing it. But we don't do foreplay than sex. It's like sex foreplay. Do you? Mm-hmm.

You do do foreplay. Okay, like what? If you want. You don't... I mean, just the... Specifics, details, everything. It's a little different every time. A little shuffle play. Am I dumb or... I thought foreplay was everything up until the dick goes into a hole. That's what I consider it to be. I would agree with that. Okay, okay. Just want to make sure we're on the same page. So you guys don't like make out or kiss? You just... We would make out? We would make out?

No we No we did We would maybe like If I was in the kitchen Making dinner Which would not happen Just kidding I'm just kidding No I don't blame you If I was in the kitchen Watching him make dinner And he like came up behind me And was like Touched your boobs Touched my boobs I'd be like Okay I know what he wants to do Like we would kiss a little Like in the kitchen And then we would go To the bedroom But we just like Don't like foreplay It's one of those things

To call back to A previous episode Where you know how you Like communicate things You like Yeah Like there was just one day I remember we were in Colorado With me? No not with me Like years ago And I was like I hate the foreplay part He was like same

And we just were like, let's not do it. Love the communication question. Do you guys make out? Yes. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Oh, yeah. But not, you just don't need to like get aroused. No, I will like, we like kiss the whole entire time during sex. Oh, okay. A lot of it. Like I love to kiss. I do too. It's like the best. Isn't that the best? Making out's the best part of life. Don't you think? I will. If someone asks me what's the best part of life, I would say making out. Lips are meant to touch. It's electric. I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's electric.

can like lip to lip contact gives you like an inside look at somebody's soul it like lets you know the compatibility compatibility compatibility why compatibility compatibility what they like what type of person they are it's like i feel like i can read someone's mind when i make out i love it are you doing like tongue like are you just doing lip to lip because people kiss differently top bottom lip upper lip you know remember we talked about this bottom top your what are you

So remember Pre-lip Lip top Pre-lip fillers I was bottom But now that I'm I have lip fillers I kind of like to Switch it up Back to the question Yeah sorry Sorry Depends on the situation When it comes to making out Yeah okay So yes we don't We do It's just the same stuff Every time Okay What about you guys Okay so I kind of have like A vulnerable story Okay I've never really Talked about this Because it's kind of Embarrassing but it's not I'm out of my seat I'm sorry So I

I really enjoy sex. And back in the day, I was somewhat vocal when I had sex. And I liked making noise. I also thought that's what guys also liked. And I liked it too because I felt like it was fun to make noises and to talk dirty in bed. But a few years ago, I was seeing this guy...

Granted he was very introverted And we would have like this like Crazy sex Like it was the most intimate sex ever And I was like very vocal during it And I like

made noises i like said stuff and one time he like made a comment that he thought it was almost like embarrassing what i was saying and ever since that then like you guys i'm not kidding you like we had sex he told me that i literally told him he had to leave and i never spoke to him again like i was so traumatized i have literal ptsd from that and i cannot make a sound when i have sex now i'm literally traumatized

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay. It sounds like he has Christian guilt. Maybe I was like brutish. He was from, he was from the South. Okay. He was an engineer and he was extremely like type a introverted.

Hold on. What did he say? Were you in the middle of it or had it ended? And what did he say? It was in the middle of it. And it was like, the sex was phenomenal. It was in the middle of it. And he was, I can't remember exactly what he said because like, honestly, I kind of like blacked it out because I was like very embarrassed and traumatized. Now that I think about it, I was like, it wasn't a me thing. It was him because if it was any other guy, they would have had an incredible

an incredible they would have loved it they would have loved it yeah it was almost like he was like laughing and was like do you have to make like do you have to like make noises when you have sex good for you for asking him to leave oh i literally i literally got off of him and i was like what did you just say and i was like you cannot like i pretty much said you cannot sex shame like one that's so rude of you to do two if you have a problem with it say it nicer and three you need to get the fuck out of my apartment he left he like reached out to me a bunch of times and i told him i never wanted to speak to him again

good for you I I was like you know when you're angry with someone and you just feel this anger where like you truly like you know sometimes you end things with someone you're like I want them to text me yes it wasn't anger I was like I never want to see your fucking face again because you knew it wasn't right I knew

I knew it wasn't right too. I knew it was normal what I was doing. And three, if I want to express myself sexually like that, let me express myself sexually like that. Do you miss making the noises though? Because it was obviously natural to you to like want to. Yes. And I, I swear to God to this day, I cannot make a peep when I have sex. Like you don't like, are you talking about talking or are you talking about noise? Like moans,

Talking like I'm so Traumatized by it I have like literal PTSD From it I know I haven't had a lot of Experiences to do that Because I haven't like Been in a long term Relationship where I feel Comfortable but yeah What if a guy was like Making some noises And kind of like I'd like you to Show me something back Do you think you'd be Comfortable doing that Or still no?

I don't know I haven't been given the opportunity that's fair that would be fair thoughts on guys making noises love when a guy you guys embarrassed about that no I mean they could have had a similar experience maybe some girl hurt them but like I love when guys make noises because it tells me what I'm doing is correct correct it's like because sometimes it's scary to be like hey I like when you do this so instead of saying that start with the moan

I want Graham used to not say anything. And I asked him why I was trying to remember what his answer was. Do you remember? Yes. I just remembered it. He was afraid that I wasn't enjoying it as much as he was. And so if he made the noises, then he would feel like selfish or be like kind of like embarrassed. Like, were you not enjoying that as much as I was?

So maybe that That could be like a window Into like maybe why a guy wouldn't But I think a girl Making sex noises Is incredible Like it's natural Because you're like I'm enjoying it Like I want to say something It's the only way You have to tell them Which it's so weird Because like a lot of guys I've been with Say how much they love When girls make noises But you know when you're like Traumatized It's like

It it's like you don't know how to explain it. It just like doesn't come out when you're traumatized. It's yeah set having a having a traumatic experience during sex is it's I think it's impossible to come back from like you. Yes, probably you you honestly probably won't do it again until really you're comfortable with like really comfortable with the guy and speak thing about you're like naked. You're vulnerable like the most vulnerable like position you possibly could ever be in and someone like tells you that and it's just like all right stop.

We talk a lot about like Communicating with people During sex And I'm all for it But I think like Guys listening especially If you're gonna tell a girl Something like You have You have to Almost the sandwich policy Of like You are so Fucking hot Like

Maybe not. Maybe a little less noises. Maybe scream a little less. Yeah, scream a little less, you little animal. Like, give her something like that. But to say it like that is like, what did your mama do to you? And granted, like, he, like I said, he was so smart, very type A. He didn't have a lot of social cues, but it's like, dude. He definitely felt, like, embarrassed, maybe. It was a him embarrassing thing. It was definitely a him thing. Like you said, he probably, like...

Was going back to like Who fucking knows Anyone Probably It was probably A save yourself For marriage situation And it reminded him Of like How bad Sex is dirty Yes yes yes It probably made him Think sex is a bad thing Yeah I don't know Where that came from But yeah People do think it Yeah yeah definitely But no Dirty talk Is extremely hard So yeah No I I don't know How to dirty talk In the bedroom anymore Because of that situation

I hate that. I think the best dirty talk is telling them what you're enjoying. I know, but I like, I become a mute. And descriptors. I shouldn't say a mute. I'm okay with like, I don't, I actually don't know. It's been, it's been a long time. Like I said, since I've been comfortable with somebody in the bedroom.

I hope that you can get back there. You will. I know you will. I know you will. I'm excited for that for you. The person I marry, he will make me comfortable. Beyond. Yeah. Okay, but you know what I think too though? I think if a girl is dirty talking, moaning, things like that, that's a massive sign for the guy that she's loving it. Loving it. And then I think the guy should reciprocate a little. Yes. But these guys that have these big egos, if a girl's like,

Like I'm fucking loving it Then you're like Like what a win for you Wait What's your favorite thing That I would say A guy that Graham Could say to you That would turn you on It's to touch the boobs But If you had to say Something verbally It would probably be like

Oh I like when he says you feel so good Because I like the feeling I was like it would be nothing that he would say to me That's like you look hot Because that just doesn't do it for me But like to feel Because I always say like the reason I love sex With like the person that you care about Is it's one way to feel connected Yes So that's what it is If a guy came up to me and was like I wanna And he was like I wanna fuck you I'd be like I would melt in my pants

His hand on my neck. But it has to be saying. And whispered in my ear, I want to fuck you with his hand on my neck. I would come right there. I always think there's a big difference though, Graham, and I've been talking about this. The difference between, okay, this would be one dirty thing that we would talk about. It's like the difference between sex and like fucking sex.

Because there's sometimes where I'm like, you're fucking me versus like, oh, we're just having like sex where it's like a little sweeter. I've experienced. Oh, that's totally different. Yeah. Fucking, sex, making love. That's the, that's one thing I will say. That's my one dirty talk thing is I'll be like, and we're in, we're fucking. Yeah. If you're, if you're fucking and you're just like letting it rip. Yeah. The most unattractive thing that someone can say is to,

is for them to say, talk dirty to me. Oh, I hate that. It's like, oh my God, I can't believe we have not brought that up. Talk dirty to me. You immediately have nothing to say. I think that's all. I think I could talk, I could speak Spanish and then a Spanish person tries to talk to you and you're like...

frozen in time. It's like you have nothing to say. I also think it's insulting. They're like, tell me what you like. You say something and I will like go on with it. But to say like, talk dirty to me, it's like, excuse me, like I have no idea what to say on command. Like this is a natural conversation. Or when a guy's like, when I hate when guys are like, do you like that? I'm like, what am I gonna say? No. Right. Like what? Like describe what it is that I should be liking. Do you like that? I'm like, what? What are you doing? To request dirty talk just spiraled.

It's supposed to be a conversation So if you want to do it You have to start it Like you should say something Guys If you're listening We have no tips But the only tip Is do not say talk dirty Do not say talk dirty to me Do you like it? That one doesn't give me like That doesn't grind me Like what? Yeah That's boring to me Talk dirty to me Is like almost insulting

Like, you do it to me. Like, you. Yeah, you do it to me, bitch. No. Alex, that's so true. It's like, you do this for me. Like, it'll turn me on. But like, it's like a. Yeah, why don't they do it? To a street. Like, why don't you say something and I'll respond to you? Yeah. That's so valid. I cannot believe we did not think of that good call. Wait. Also, the whole thing about like fucking having sex and making love. It's like, have you had all three? Is that a question? Yeah. At the same time or with the same person? No, just in life. Yeah.

Sometimes in the same hour Yeah I'm sorry I was mean No I felt But I was like No it was like Wow I wish I could have it all In the same hour with somebody Okay but you do know Yes You know the feeling Yes Of the three Yes Okay what's What's your guys' favorite

Making love Making love Yeah What was the last one Fucking having sex And making love I love How do you describe having What do you mean by that So to me making love Is like The sex is so Intimate It's like the intimacy That's mind blowing But what's What's just having sex

Neither. Just happening. You love them. Yeah. Okay. Quickie before you like a long quickie before you might have to like go out to dinner. The fucking I think there's like the three ways but fucking and making love are both equally as powerful and electric but the fucking is more rapid and like a little bit more like you're sweating and more more physical and more raunchy a little bit more like fuck me versus like I love you. Yes. But the but the making love is just

Just as intense But it's like Slower Yeah Sex to me is like Checking a box Yeah But I think sometimes For me that lives In the middle of them Like we'll go We have to have The sex phase Sex is a chore Sex is a chore You just said that

Yeah, that was really well put. Good job. Like I think about it all the time. Very well put. We know actually though, like having sex isn't what you want. You either want to be fucking or making love. Sometimes you do have to be. And I got to like, like I think about the guys I've had, I've met and we just quick like go back to their place. Like that's truly in my mind. I was like, yeah, we just fucked. But no, we just had sex.

Because it wasn't like passionate or like rough or raunchy or like long term. It was like quick in and out and then I was out the door. You know what I mean? I feel like you can't get that with a one night stand. You can't. That's why one night stands suck. That's why one night stands suck. I feel like we're writing a thesis right now. I know. We are. We're like tying everything together. This is literally a dissertation. This one is a dissertation.

Um, I do, I do have a thought on this actually that I want to tell you guys cause you're not married. The sex is the worst in the honeymoon stage. Wait, why? Isn't that interesting? Wait, what? I don't know because this is a you and Graham thing or like you've asked other married couples. I've asked a couple of other married couples this and they, they agree because this is like so weird, but it goes back to this. If you're talking about having fucking or having

making love and we're excluding sex right yeah when you're in the honeymoon stage like you're not your most raw self like you're kind of it's like if you go out to dinner and you get all dressed up for a nice restaurant that's the honeymoon stage but then the rest of marriage is like sweatpants sushi on the couch and the sex is better in that time because you're like both being your like most real raw self so it's like more passionate yeah

Isn't that weird to think about? I thought honeymoon would be like the most crazy sex. So did I. Also, do you want to know why I thought that? It's because in a relationship, the honeymoon phase is usually like when sex is probably the most like dramatic. You know what I mean? In a relationship. Most definitely agree with that. Yeah, but marriage, not so much. Totally, totally good point. Good to know. Yes. Wow, that's crazy. Something to look forward to. Now it's time for, drum roll please, tell a story segment. Story time.

Story time. Okay, ready? We're picking out the pink Whitney hat. I love that hat. I cut all them up. We got a lot of compliments on that hat, by the way. People love that color. Okay, she's smirking. I love when a lot of kids are excited. This is a good one. This must be like a really good one. I just feel like, I have a feeling it's going to be Jordan. I don't know why. Ran into your ex while you're with another guy. Alex, did that ever happen to you? Yeah. Me too. Actually, it was Mike.

Oh, shit. Wait, what? Well, Mike was my new boyfriend. Oh, yes. Oh, it was at Parker House, actually. Really? Yeah. So I know we're only going to do one, but I'll tell you this really quickly. Quick tell a 30 second story. So when I I when I started Barstool, I was working on another podcast. I had another boyfriend from high school on and off through college, whatever. Obviously, he had met Mike, whatever. We were friends. Me and him broke up.

And it was kind of like quiet. Like we didn't speak for months. This was in like March. So now fast forward to 4th of July. Mike so happened to have gone down the shore with one of his friends that was from Jersey. Like it wasn't like he was with me, but obviously I met him at Parker house. Like we had been hooking up for like a month or two at that point. And obviously my ex had no idea.

And he saw us like making out in the corner of Parker House. And I'll never forget his face. And it makes me like literally want to like... Alana. Yeah, I know, guys. Stop. Sorry. No, no. I'm not saying... No, I know. It's so mean. No, it's not mean. You were living your life. You were not together. You owe me nothing. I'm just saying like... It was bad. And it was like that meme where they do math. Like the math meme. Yes. Like it was like, oh, like I see what's going on here. Also, I'm not saying, oh, Alana to...

Always What was him I'm saying I feel bad for you Because like That's also traumatic For you and Mike To have to deal with that Yeah It was really awkward And also imagine At the time Like I said before I was in the share house Yeah With boys and girls And he was in it Oh shit He was in it Yeah He's in my friend group

Did I? Was he there that weekend? We were on the shore. Oh, he was there. Yeah. And I was really worried. Which one was he? Did I meet him? No, you didn't. But you might have been like, that guy's hot. Probably. Oh, good job. Mine's not. I want to hear yours. No, mine's not like interesting enough. Like that was a good one. Yeah. Mine's not that. Yeah. Good job. Oh, fuck. Yeah. I said it all around me. It wasn't that great. Yeah. Mine was my brother's roommate. It's not. Yeah, it's not riveting. Wait, I have a question. Was yours with Graham? Yeah, I was with Graham.

So Graham was your ex or your new boo? My new boo. I think it's interesting because I feel like so many people, including myself, forget that you had boys before Graham. Yeah. My mom will be like, you did not date them technically. And I'm like, yes, I did. Like I had boyfriends. Okay. This brings me up to something that I want to ask you about. Like once you get married, do you still like think about other people? Not think like, okay, let me see how I should phrase this. Like,

Do you even like cross... Did they even cross your mind? This was like, what, 10 years ago? Mm-hmm. Like, does it even like... Do you laugh kind of? Okay, so...

So I you exes used to seem so big to me and then the moment and I would run into them a lot his mine and I was like oh my god they're they're now dating so and so like I'm now dating it was like the biggest deal. Wait you run into them because you're in the same friend group or because you're a small town both. Okay mutual friends smaller town. Okay. And then the moment.

we got engaged. It was like, it's like the Trump ball. It's like, you're so secure in that relationship that now when Graham and I were home a few months ago, we were golfing and I ran into my first boyfriend on the golf course. And it's just like him and Graham walk up to each other. Like, what's up, man? Like,

Once you're into the marriage zone, it's out the window. Is he in a relationship? He's now married as well. This is my thing. If somebody is any type of way to you once you're married, that's like a problem. Yeah. Because...

You're in the covens Of like You're literally married So if they're like Still kind of weird to you About it I'm like That says so much about you Like we can't be petty About this anymore Yeah Like exes have to go Out the window And you have to say hi You have to be the big person You I'm like If we ever see Any of your ex-girlfriends

This is my thing. I always tell him, I'm like, now that we're married, if we ever see one of the girls you cheated on me with, we both walk over there. We both say hello. We are married now and we're secure in us. And so we go out there and we say hi. And you're a team. We're a team. Because you don't want them to think that you care. And if I still care, what would that mean? Yeah. I mean, I wasn't over it. I feel like, and correct me if I'm wrong because I'm not married, but I feel like once the wedding ring goes on, like,

You're like I said you're a team and the anyone that you dated and dated you you guys all have to act mature absolutely and you I always tell him if we see an ex or if we see a girl from the past we both have to go over and say hi and be nothing but nice I wish we could do that with my ex I tried to I'd say hi to his girlfriend I can't get myself he's dating.

Okay. I talk to his girlfriend more than I talk to him. It's really weird. This is a tough situation. I seems like it. Yeah. Um, and like Mike still calls him my boyfriend. Cause when we, we, when we met, he was, yeah. You know what I mean? It's like a joke, but also it's like conditioned in his head. Yeah. Yeah. He's just like funny with me kind of, but like, um, yeah, it's like weird. Like I, I want, I wish I could own it.

But it's so... It still feels so sensitive for some reason. I don't know. I think it can stay sensitive until you're in the next phase. Yeah. I think it's all... Because the phase you're all still in is dating. And that's the phase. Yeah. That's a sensitive time. That's true. It's just so interesting because like...

Love is such a crazy thing where someone truly could love you for the rest of their life and you could have no feelings for them. And I was just about to say, like, by this point, you should be getting over it. But, like, sometimes, you know what? And sometimes it's, like, for different things. Like, sometimes it could be, like, truly, like, an ego thing, butt hurt, awkwardness, heartbroken. You know, you never know. Like, I think that we should also talk about, like, just exes and partners in a new episode, too, because it's – isn't it so interesting how people come into your life –

and you love them and you date them and then a year goes by and you will never talk to them it's like it's like that one song where it's like strangers to friends friends to lovers strangers again yeah and it's just like it makes me very like nostalgic and sad but it's like also so powerful at the same time because everyone teaches you things and oh no i can't even talk about it yeah i was gonna go down i think somebody should have a dinner party with all their exes because there's a really good chance you'd all get along really well

If you could get over it. Probably. Because you have a ton in common. You have something in common with them? What's my new thing? Follow us on TikTok because right now we're at 199K and we want to get to 200K. Wait, let's check. Let me check. Let me check. Oh, and then this kept me up last night. Hold on. I'll do it next. Okay, okay, okay. Come on. I'm guessing two, 201. Two, 201. Oh my gosh. Okay, follow us on TikTok. Wait, wait. And?

We're really big on YouTube now. This is what I was going to say was keeping me up is at Barstool, they have these plaques in the hallway. If you get 100 subscribers and we want a plaque. Like, comment, subscribe. Follow us on YouTube. Follow us on Instagram, Snapchat. Leave us a review. You guys know the drill. You guys know how to do social media and podcast platforms. See you there. We love you guys. Thanks for listening. Love you. Bye.