cover of episode Wait, You Don’t Use A Vibrator?

Wait, You Don’t Use A Vibrator?

Publish Date: 2022/7/11
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Mean Girl


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So I've never used a vibrator. Ever. Wait, I'm sorry. Ever? No. Even with Graham? Mm-mm. Ever? Mm-mm. Ever. Not one time. I wouldn't even know how to turn it on and use it. Oh my god, my vibrator's my best friend. I use it almost every day. I had no idea.

What is up, everyone? Welcome back to another episode of Mean Girl Pod. And today we're in a very unique new place. We're not in the studio. I guess if you're listening, you don't notice a difference. Oh yeah, you might want to watch this week's episode because we're not in the studio. I hate to play devil's advocate, but it's also not like...

It's kind of cool though It's very cool It's cool because it's different Yes But it's not like I don't want them to be like I'm going to log on YouTube And we're on the beach We're on the beach

We're actually in a pool right now We're in a pool We're in Miami In one of those zero edge pools Infinity pool Infinity pool and the beach is behind us So you might want to log on YouTube Also I'm not used to staring Being able to see myself So it's hard because I should be looking at you But I keep looking there Jordan's like how do I look Hi how are you nice to see you again Let's get comfortable in this pool We're in my apartment not to let you down No we're in a pool

mentally mentally i'm in a pool we might be in a pool soon since there's no ac and i'm sweating my balls off i know i people that don't live in new york i don't feel like understand like i could talk about the air conditioning and the heat in new york for hours yeah but if i said it to somebody that didn't live here they'd be like this is so boring i don't know what you're talking i don't get it the heat is a whole different type of heat like minnesota it gets hot but

Not like this. Well, there's just central AC. Yes. That is true. We're just literally lacking the bare minimum of air conditioning. Yes, that is true. This is window unit land. I know. The day you find somebody that has central AC, marry them. Marry that person. I've been in a few apartments that have windows.

Not like central AC, but it's the AC that it's like attached to the wall that blows out. Kind of like in hotel rooms. Also nice. Also very nice. I got one of those. What? Yeah.

A lot of... No big deal. All right. All right. It's loud and it's annoying, so... I'll take loud. I love loud AC. That to me, the loudness symbolizes just like cold. Okay, so you know how scents bring you like back to memories? Yes. And sounds can also? Correct. So growing up...

In our house, my favorite noise in the world was when we were getting ready for bed, like the AC would come on and that would like calm me down because I couldn't hear anything. I could fall asleep. So now whenever I hear sounds like that, it calms me down. And I heard it somewhere the other day and it made me so happy. I'm like, I miss a good central AC noise. Yeah, yeah. But you're really deprived of it right now. Those things don't do it. No, no. The window units do not. That was the one thing. So we...

We were at the Shore House this weekend. So like the winner, I don't think we talked about Barstow vs. America. Not the two of my own horn. I won. Wait, sorry, what was that? We won. I didn't feel like I won. I feel like my team won. Yeah, but you still won. I was on, Blue Team won, which was great, which means Shore House. But the thing about the Shore House is obviously everybody goes to the Shore House. But I was there with Graham and then you came in, slept with me, slept with me.

um on the fourth of july night yeah i don't know if you noticed my favorite part about it was it was air conditioned it was it wasn't that strong though i'm being honest but it still was there like i didn't wake up oh i wake up like twice two to three times a night right now hot yeah it's just like i feel like the entry level of new york yeah like just welcome to the city but there i actually slept through the night and i was like oh my god like i wasn't hot so i

Before I met up with Alex in the Shore House, I was staying at a hotel on the Jersey Shore with a few of my girlfriends, my Bumble BFFs. And we were in a hotel. And I run hot. I think I've talked about this. I'm always warm.

And in the morning, all the girls were like, we're so cold. It's freezing. And I'm here like, I'm sweating. And they're like, what the heck? What is it set at? Because I sneakily set it at 60 degrees. 60? And they were so pissed because they're like, Jordan, it's so cold. And I'm like, no, it's not. This is my element. But they were freezing and I felt a little bad, but I slept great. No, you got to take, if you can get to a place where there is AC, it's great.

milk it for what it's worth yeah of course like when you go on dates with guys make sure they have acs before you go home with them yeah 100 that's that's probably really big what's your job do you have an ac yeah literally literally live and do you have an ac unit one time i slept over at this guy's house or apartment house in new york city um you guys excuse me both know him um

And I remember in the morning I asked, I was like, can we please turn down the AC? I'm so hot. And he's like, it's cold in here. I was like, am I the only one who runs hot? Maybe. It was, it needs to be at like 65 for me to be comfortable. Yeah. I am down with that. Yeah. So he's very sweet. He turned it down for me. That was sweet. What a good guy. Very, very good guy. He had one of the ACs that was like in the wall. I feel like guys don't want to openly admit that they're like cold. Yeah.

That seems like a That seems a little It shouldn't But it seems a little Demasculine Oh yeah Demasculating I think that's the word What is that word? De Emasculating Emasculating Emasculating Yeah yeah yeah Cause I feel like every guy I've ever like

is always like, I'm so hot when I sleep. I'm sorry if I'm sweating or hot. And I'm like, same. Guys radiate a lot of body heat. I as well. Do you? Yes. I swear ever since I got off birth control, I am like, I radiate so much heat. It's a problem. Yeah, I think I radiate regular. I'm warm. I'm a warm-blooded human. Or would I be cold-blooded? I don't know. I think you're warm. Oh, I don't know.

Do you know your blood type? No, I should know my blood type though for just health reasons. Yeah, somebody was like, what's your blood type? And I was like, what are the options? Well, I'm allergic to amoxicillin and that's what, so if I was in a car accident, that's like what they would give me. It's a type of penicillin. Everyone gets it for like strep anytime you're sick.

And I should be wearing one of those bracelets because it's such a common drug I use. My mom was like, eh, you don't need one. But no, if I was born in this time, they would put a bracelet on me. Like, you know, like diabetics have bracelets sometimes. I guess. Or is that not a thing? Maybe that's a Midwest thing. Have you seen them? I'm just going to stop you right there. Let's talk about the Shores.

happens when I'm alone for too long. I just feel like I have humans that I want to talk to now. It's tough by doing a podcast when like you're just like hanging out. Yeah. You're like, oh. That's the problem with the couch is that it could be a three hour long episode. I was just like, oh, wow. About the proxicillin. I was about to talk about diabetes cakes. People have been doing those and they put things on them. No, any

Anyways, we went to Jersey Shore. Yeah. People that are listening are probably like, I know about all that. We went to the shore, the Jersey Shore. You went before me. Yeah. So I went to the Jersey Shore on Friday. And like I said, I stayed with my Bumble friends up until the 4th and I met up with you guys.

This is my review on the shore. Yeah. Give me yours and I'll give you mine. Okay. We had a little bit, we had a little bit of a different experience. Yes. So everyone has heard of the Jersey shore and I think it has a stereotype. I'm sweating. Yeah. It's, it's hot in here. Alana, Alana grew up going to the shore. So like you probably had no stereotype and knew what it was like for us moving here. And then I hear like, you go to the Jersey shore. I'm,

Immediately thinking The TV show Jim Tan Laundry Yes exactly I actually don't know What that is But everyone kept saying That on Twitter So I'm just like Going with It's probably what I think in my head Yeah well no I told a few of my friends Back home I was going to the Jersey Shore And they're like why Right Because they're thinking Like Snooki JWoww Chanting Tan people Pauly D Yes Which they're not even From Jersey I must say They're not from Jersey Okay because I

I had seen Let me just preface it this way Some magazine Ranked the top East Coast beaches Like Travel and Leisure did They put the Jersey Shore Above the Hamptons And that's what like Got my radar going up I was like okay This is gonna be different Than I'm thinking

Wow. And I know a lot of the listeners haven't been there, so I'll be quick. This is what I would say. The food was phenomenal. Phenomenal. Really good food. Best chicken tenders in the world by DJs. In the entire planet. That could have been the 74 high noons. And we were like, holy, like my mouth was watering. That was incredible. Oh, at DJs? Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Their food is really good. Okay, you know how when

you Shazam so I Shazam seven songs we went out on a boat on the 4th of July and then we went out that night and I was Shazam songs throughout the day being like holy shit my life is a music video the next day I'm walking around the town I listen to all I hate I hate every single one of those songs sober I'm like this is boring but at the time I literally thought best song of my life I'm worried that's how the chicken tenders might be are they actually good they're very good okay they are good I

I guess every time I've ever had them, I've been drunk. I think Jenks probably is the better one because of all the dipping sauces. Yeah. The Jersey Shore has ranch. Which is take us back home. I know. Take me back home. It breaks my heart that you can't eat it on a regular basis. There's a really good dairy-free ranch, though.

Really? Yes. Wow. I still enjoy, I very much enjoy, have enjoyed ranch in life. The world we live in. So Jersey Shore, food was great. People were very nice. Having been to the Hamptons in there, I thought that people were way more friendly. They were nice. I thought the bars were a blast. Like I thought the, the way it's laid out and the ability to like go out, have fun, but also hang out and chill was very easily laid out. Like I really enjoyed that. What was your favorite bar? Like I know some people aren't from there, but there are going to be people who know

Somebody can argue with me and I think a lot of people want to. I'm a DJ's fan. No. You liked it? I didn't expect you to say that. I'm team Jeff D'Lo on this. I love the location of it. I thought it was old school. I love the sign. I like the people. That's my least favorite bar. I know you said that. You're a Jenks fan. I'm a Jenks girl. I think there's something about being able to drink on the beach and then go inside with a cover band. I mean, there was like EDM beach dance party vibes and then

or not country, cover band bar vibes inside. I have to go back on a knot. Like it was too crowded. Yeah. We were kind of burnt out when we went. I think everyone, tell them what happened at Jenk's

because it's such a cool story I even told my mom what happened what happened no no it's okay oh the guy you made out with the boy story like let me tell the whole boy story yeah yeah okay so first I'll preface I went to Jenks on Friday before people got there that's why I love it there so much it was like 60% full it was very quiet I went the next day and I met up with Alana and it was like

You were literally stuck to people. And I only had fun because I met a boy that night. The setup of Jenks is phenomenal. You'll like it unless... It's incredible. I think holiday weekends anywhere, everyone can agree, sucks. I think July 3rd, Sunday night, was probably one of the most crowded bar nights in America. Yeah. Oh, I went to Jenks and I left my friends and got french fries because I did not want to wait in line. Yeah. Graham and I left and got food too. No way. Tell your boy's story. Okay, so...

On, was it Saturday? Saturday, yeah. On Saturday, I was with, I wasn't with Alex yet, but I was planning on meeting up with Alana, but I went to dinner first, and when I was at dinner, you guys know me, I'm always on the prowl for hot boys. Always. Like, I see one and I just stare. I just, like, that's literally, like, consumes my mind. I'm boy crazy. Anyways, I'm sitting at dinner.

And this group of guys walks in, and they're around our age. And I was like, oh, wow, they're hot. And my friends also was like, oh, my God, those guys are very attractive, especially the one in the backwards hat. I was like, yeah, he is very cute. Our food came. Didn't really think much of it. He also was so far away at that point that I was just like, eh.

I got to get going. So then later on, we're at Jenks. I meet up with Alana and this like group of guys walks in and I was like, Alana, that guy is so hot. Oh my God. Same guys. Well, at the time I didn't know for sure if it was the same guys. Okay. I was like, oh my God, he is so hot. And my friend was like, that's the same group of guys that was at dinner. And I was like, there's no way. No, it's not.

And then later on I found out it was because we bonded over our love of coleslaw at that restaurant. Cause we were the only ones at the coleslaw and we ignore the rest of the food. Um,

and then uh we ate the coleslaw the coleslaw was so good i believe that and then i was like obsessed i was like i have to talk to him but i was obviously too scared so then a few people persuaded me to with different situations and and things so i got the courage and i hung out with them that night and and what was he like

He was very nice, but Alex, I'm going to be honest with you, I drink a lot and I can't really give you much information on his personality. That's fine. So he was hot. Extremely hot. Like, Alana knows. Like, a few of your friends even came up to him and they're like, actually, I don't know if I should say this. You can cut it out if I shouldn't say it, but they were like, I wish I could have sex with him. If he wasn't my friend, I totally would. Like, two of them did. Oh, like he's that hot. He's like a pretty boy? He's just very...

He's really hot. Can you equate him to a celebrity? Also, he was like a late bloomer. So he doesn't know he was hot. He had my The Summer I Got Pretty summer like three summers ago, and it was like his coming out. Yeah. Good for him. He's super tall. 6'2". Lean. Not like skinny, like leaner though. Okay, like in shape? In shape. Okay. He looked like he was an athlete in high school, like that type of body. Okay. I think longer hair, right? Long hair. With the backwards hair.

Tan, dark hair, good teeth, great teachers. But it was just so funny because her friends were like, that's the hot guy from the restaurant. And I was like, oh, okay.

I don't want to say his name, but like that's my friend. Like it was just like such a weird like especially being in a sea of like 6,000 people. Like what are the chances of that? Right? And then you knew him. Like future Jordan or past Jordan like sitting at that restaurant never thought twice that I would run into him in three hours. Wow. And then you did. That's nice though. Yes. That's real nice. It was fun. He was very, very nice. Very, very hot. I had a blast with him. Everyone left. My friends left. Alana left.

And I was left with him. You stayed. I did. Did you kiss? We did on the dance floor. Oh, you had a diff mode. Jordan had a diff mode on the shore. I had no idea. I had to, I couldn't leave the shore and not kiss a boy. No, but I'm so happy he was on the dance floor. It's like such a better story. How did he do it? Like music's on and then you just like kiss or like paint the paint, the scene.

I don't know why I have Zac Efron in his prime. He looks like Zac Efron a little bit, but tall and bigger. Okay. Does he have Instagram? No, he's not an Instagram guy. I absolutely love that. He's not a podcast guy either. I was going to say, does he know what you do? I think every one of my friends have been affected by my job, so it's okay.

So far, he should be proud to be featured on this. He gets about 10 points for not having Instagram. I'll tell you that. Yeah. He's a 10, but doesn't have an Instagram. He's an 11. Literally. Oh, I love that. I love. No, he's a four, but doesn't have an Instagram. Oh, he's a 10. But this guy's a 10, right? Oh, he's a 10. He's one of the hottest, hotter guys that I've made out with. So were you dancing on the dance floor?

So we had a very much a high school like vibe make out. So there was a Blink-182 and Jimmy Eat World cover band, which. Right. Oh, a Blink-182 cover band? Blink-182 and Jimmy Eat World cover band. Do you know what song you made out to?

More specifically Oh god I wish I was there I wish I was I wish I was there too Mentally I wish I was there I have like these This is painting the picture For me really nicely In my head though Okay so there was A Blink-182 song playing We were dancing You're not like grinding You're like dancing No we weren't

You're grinding backwards. Like, traditionally grinding. Like, high school days grinding, which I kind of vibed with because it was fun. It was like, I'm on the beach. I feel like I'm back in high school. I was thriving. Like, it was a really good time. I love this. Okay. And then he did, like, the good, confident, like, flip. Oh, love. Points for love.

I need to stop. He doesn't have Instagram. He flipped you around and he liked your coleslaw. Yeah. Took my shoulders and flipped. Wins the wedding. And then made out. How was that? And then he walked me home. Shh.

A mic drop And then he had to Take a hundred dollar Uber home I love him I know he was great He was very very sweet He walked you home He did What a gentleman Did he kiss you When he walked you home Yeah yes Did he kiss you Like I'm imagining You guys are like It's like a flirty walk home There's flirty walks right Like you're kind of drunk You're holding hands You're like kissing Boardwalk Boardwalk walk home

I can't really remember. I remember like Jenks and then getting to the hotel, but I don't remember the walk there. Okay. But I know we made out. I think we were just like talking and holding hands on walking home. This is like, this is a perfect shore story. Yes. What a happy 4th of July story. Yes. That's nice. So in true Jordan fashion, you just kind of were like, aren't still texting him. But it was fun. Like it was so fun while it lasted. Yeah.

You just don't really like get attached unless you get attached to them. We're like, really? Only if member, I only get attached to boys who give me no attention. So if he wouldn't have texted me, I probably would have been like, I'm obsessed. You'd be in your brain creating like you'd be like, I think he's a great guy. You could know nothing about him when we'd be sitting here being like, this is what he's probably doing right now. No, Alex, it's getting so bad. Like a quick side note, this guy texted me the other day that I met.

A different day. And he, I don't know if I told you guys this, he texted me and asked me on a date. I felt paralyzed. I was like, oh my God, a boy. I can't delete. Really? I don't know what's wrong with me. I literally don't know what's wrong with me. No, play this season out. This is good. Like, I feel that. I think that's fine. I like, I've never felt paralyzed before.

Like so unavailable where I was like, I feel like I'm going to throw up. I can't. He just texted me. I need to delete and pretend never happened. This is what I think with you. I think it was like there was the dating and it was so fun. And you were going hard at it, right? Because we're all or nothing type of people. Now it's like the summer fun. You have your makeouts on the shore, which is great. But you're not, maybe you're not in date mode. No, I'm not. I do. I think you get very, I don't think you want to be set up on dates.

No. Right. I hate. I think that we just ride this moment. There's nothing worse than when someone goes, Jordan, guess what? I have someone to set you up on a date with. And I'm like, I'm going to go. You'll find them.

I just, I think the summer for you is very just like playful. Also, I was looking at our calendar, like has this podcast. I don't know when I can breathe. So yeah, I think when the football season comes back around, seriously, like when we're wearing winter coats again, you'll be dating again. Yes. Who wants to like date in the summer? Anyways, season is cuffing season. Yes. Right. It's cuffing season in the, in the fall summer. I feel like you're just kind of running around, like not using people, but like,

I'm sweating. But nobody wants. You're just going about your weekend like, oh, if you see someone, have fun with them that night and then you move on. Yeah. Everyone's on the same page on that. I agree with that. Yeah. I think that I'd rather just have fun with you guys and my friends. Well, you guys are my friends. You guys are my friends. You guys are my family and my friends combined and then my other friends. And just like, let's.

Let the days ride. That's a perfect. I think that's perfect. Yeah. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah. So you should be doing in the summer. Yes. But yeah, after that all happened, then we all met up at the shore, which was a blast. It was nice thing at the house. House was gorgeous. It was. Yeah. The the barstool high noon summer house is very it's like perfect for entertaining. But we we had so much fun on Monday on the Fourth of July day. We weren't sure when we were going to leave the shore. Yeah.

And we talked about it drunkenly on Monday, like five different times. We were like, we can stay till Thursday. Maybe we'll leave Wednesday. That alarm went off Tuesday morning.

And we looked at each other and we were like, get the fuck out of the shore. Wait, can I ask you a question? Yes. So, so I'm assuming you're, you're aware of this, but I just want to know if you're aware of this. Like when you make up your mind, there is no talking you off the, like off of that mindset. Are you aware of that? Yes. Like Alex, I were laying in bed and she was like, when should we go back? Kind of back and forth. We did her training. She's like, we're leaving. We're leaving.

Okay, we're leaving because I know when Alex Bennett makes up her mind, there's no going back. I try sometimes to be like, I can be a team player sometimes, but if the decision is made...

The decision is made When you checked out You checked out Out of my way And we're going home That's a great way to put it When Alex checks out She checks out And you can't check me back in But I sometimes love it Because I'm like I'll just let her Take the lead on this She'll get us out of this mess I'm just gonna take the back seat You're like You're gonna

And the team player aspect that I did do that day was not Uber home. That is true. Alex did not want to take the train. She's like, let's just Uber. Coming from the girl who gets car sick, by the way. But time for me, the time, I was having a very hard time with the two and a half hour, arrived at the train station 30 minutes early. Time period for me was very, I was like, or I can Uber for half that time.

But okay, would you have been able to have made it though? Because that car, the Uber to the train station, I felt so bad for you. I,

I, I don't, you know what I think it is in New York, not driving. If I, and I, I subway mainly everywhere. If I get in a taxi cab these days, it's almost over for me. Like I get so painfully carsick. Really? Yes. I think it's because I'm not in the car that often. Wait, what'd you do for BVA? Did you get carsick in the, like the RVs? I was fine in the RVs. I'm, I'm fine taller up. Okay. That's, that's where I'm okay. Like I've always driven SUVs.

And I always on road trips, I'll always drive. Oh, got it. Got it. Good in the front. Got it. But in the back, no. We were literally in the Uber. Our sweet, sweet Uber man, Uber driver was a chatty Kathy. He just wanted to talk and he was the sweetest man ever. It was almost like he's somebody who doesn't get to talk to people. So you just want to talk back because you feel bad.

So we're making conversation and all of a sudden Alex closes her eyes and I'm like, you little bitch. I had to. I'm stuck talking to him now. That is such an asshole move. I was about to throw up everywhere. Your sunglasses are on. You're out. I'm like, she's going to stick me with him. I really like that.

I was done. I took him for the team. I had had it. But you have to remember this. We will. Besides the fact that I was carsick, we woke up with with an all time hangover, but not anything like actually dramatic. But we got up and we ran because we're up and rowdy. We have to run. Yeah. And we did it. And that's what that was the turning point for me. We should have done that at night. Mm hmm.

We didn't it didn't need to be. Well, I think in our head we thought we were staying still at that point. Yeah. So we had all these plans. I feel after like the drinking part of the weekend, we were just going to like chill. And then after the drinking, we everyone was like, let's get the fuck out of here. Yeah. That's all I know. I've like grown up because if I was 21, 22, I could probably have lasted all week. You probably still be there. Yeah, I would still be there. And I also like would have been able to like.

I don't know. I feel like I would be able to just be able to drink again. There's no way alcohol was going into my body that day. I would, 20, even three years ago maybe, would have stayed Sunday to Sunday. Yeah. Could have raged every single day. By Monday even, I was like, how the heck am I going to drink on this boat? But then everyone was in the mood, and I was like, okay, that energy is helping. But I woke up struggling Monday morning. Yeah.

I believe that. Yeah. Yeah. It was nice that I didn't like, cause you were there. Granted, Italy, Italy just like, wasn't wild for me. It was just like, it was a wedding, but like the time zone, the time zone was hard, but you had been sure, sure, sure. And it was so much fun. But I feel like when the time expires and even though we have this week off, it was like, we have to go home. Like I had shit to do. I just like, it was staring at me in the face. And now I need a vacation from my vacation. Yes. I need a, what did you, wait, what did you

call it earlier alana a coastal grandmother weekend a coastal grandmother week and i want to be sitting in a nice little cottage which is what i'm going to be doing this weekend i want to sit on the deck i want to wake up i want to drink coffee then i want to go for a walk and then i want to come back go to the beach and then at night i want to drink wine that's exactly the wine wine i i have a question for you guys yes how because barstool gives us the week of the fourth off which is this week how have you guys been doing having the week off

Bad. Oh, I don't know what to do with myself. I'm doing bad. You guys, I self-isolate. That's why I was talking to you about Moxie Sillings. I haven't talked to anyone since the Uber driver. That was plenty of talking. Literally. That's the thing with me. It's like I go into self-isolation and I'm like, I need to go back to work right now. I need to do something I can't. I feel like...

I've had emotional ups and downs like all yesterday. I feel like I lived nine lives where I was like, I need to be doing more. Am I making the most of my time off? How do I feel about doing anything? Like I was so anxious about it. Also, like when you texted me, was it Tuesday we got back? You're right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you texted me and you were like, that run seemed like years ago. I was like, that literally felt like it was three years ago. Also, that's something I struggle with too. It's like, okay, so everyone just always thinks

Since we work in this industry, we're free all the time. But Barstool really only gives us like two weeks off where we truly don't have to post if we don't want to. We still do, but we don't have to. We don't have that pressure. So I feel guilty. I'm like, I feel like I should be taking this time and doing more with it.

Instead of just sitting in my bed, like you just told me, like, don't just sit in your bed when you go to Rhode Island. Like, go do things because I feel guilty. I know, but it's like, what do you do with the time? Like, I feel like there's time sitting here. It's like, this time is off for you. And that's like, why do we feel so guilty?

I feel like I'm not making the most of it. I'm like, should I be somewhere? Should I just keep doing what I'm doing? The only part of it that I find relaxing is knowing not everybody's in the physical office. That's the only part of me where I'm like, I can sit at home. And knowing that like we actually don't have to hit like our numbers for the week. Yeah. The quotas. Yes. But it's hard to, cause like the regular population, like everyone outside of Barstool works this week. Yeah. My friends are busy. Yeah. Grandpa and it's been working and I've been home.

And... What was it then? Saw some tweets. I'm gonna... I don't know what to do with... I don't know what to do. Your eyes tell it all. I woke up this morning. I don't eat chia seed pudding. I don't not eat it. I just... I'm not the connoisseur of it in the household. Okay.

What an interesting meal choice Yeah he eats it every morning There was chia seeds He makes it himself His digestive system must be fantastic Oh he loves his chia seed pudding But this morning I woke up And there was chia seeds Oh we deep cleaned yesterday All over the kitchen counter And all over the floor

And I just sat there and I looked at it and I texted him. I said, what happened with the chia seeds pudding? He's like, oh yeah, my bad. Ran out of time. Can you get that? I'm like, Graham, Graham, you have to tell me, write a note. Oh yes, I will get the chia seed pudding. Like he does. He would do that for me if I ever like left. But I'm like, I just woke up and yesterday I texted him. I said, how do you think the,

get in the dishwasher if you don't put them in there. You think a little fairy comes in and puts those in there? How do you think does it? So when he got home, my brother, the dish fairy, I asked him yesterday, go, how do you think they get in there? He's like, I never really thought about it. I said, come on, you thought about it. He said, well, I just kind of knew you'd do it. And

And I was like, wait, that surprises me with Graham so much. Me too. They sound like Mike, not Graham. I can laugh about it because like this is the guy that does the laundry. Like he does most of the household things. Like he can fold with the best of them. He vacuums. At the end of the day, all men are the same. But at the end of the day, I was like, bro, not bro, but like...

The dishes. I think it's because I've just been here. You know how I said no offense earlier? Yes. So before I started the podcast, Alex was about to tell me the story. And then I was like, no offense, but wait, let's save it for the pod. I mean, it's in the next way possible, but I totally thought that that would be you versus him.

Okay. No, that's for sure. Oh yeah. That, okay. Yeah. That it is me. I'm the worst. It's hard to picture Graham do anything like wrong. He doesn't. And, and that's like, I was tweeting about it and people were responding. They were like, give a kid a break. And I'm like, the kid has a sense of humor. Yeah. Graham is fine. Also, it's funny. Graham,

Graham can listen to this episode and he will be dying laughing. Like he's having fun leaving his shit everywhere. Cause I'm home this week. Like, you know what I picture Graham literally doing? I see him like literally singing in a corner, like evil laughing, like, ha ha ha. Finally I get to go get back at Alex. Yeah. He has, he trusts me. Like I come home and the laundry's folded. It's not that serious, but I am kind of like,

damn that's i was dying at your tweets i literally was laying in bed and so i was doing the mean girl pod twitter and me girl pod twitter literally just follows like us three and barstool so i only see your tweets because alana doesn't tweet and i was first i forgot i was there i was like why am i seeing all the alex's tweets i love this but then i was like reading all of them like this is actually hilarious it was a story and i was into it well it started because he didn't he asked me what i wanted for my birthday and i said nothing

And then, like, he didn't give me anything for my birthday. Doesn't he know that's a lie all women tell? Well, and I said, at the end of the day, I go, all right, did you really not give me your birthday present? He goes, I asked you what you wanted, and you said nothing. I was like, no, that's when you give me something, because I was so low maintenance to say nothing. Yeah. And he was like, you actually wanted something? And I was like, maybe a card.

always be nice or like maybe take you to your favorite diner or maybe he brings you coffee in the morning something are you drinking caffeinated coffee again by the way no so I didn't Italy because I was so like truly tired yeah and then today he actually Graham left his coffee out he went to Starbucks and got one and left it here and so I was like oh I'll just drink that and I took like two sips of it and I just was like I can't yeah I don't I don't

I don't think the coffee was different over there, but I felt fine on it. Maybe I was truly so tired. Probably you didn't sleep. I wasn't sleeping much, but here I'm just, I'm back to tea. Okay. I was wondering, cause I saw a few of your Instagram stories. I was like, I wonder if she'll like the addiction will like kick back in. No, I thought, I thought it would, but no, it just didn't. That's nice. Yeah. It's good. Yeah. You, I feel like you need to chill, but you're not. Cause you're leaving to Oklahoma tomorrow. Yeah. I would like to chill, but I also can't, I'm in a really weird state this week. Like,

Like, I don't know, this week off is like throwing you through a loop. I did go to the lingerie store, which was fun. Yeah. Okay. So I saw your TikTok and I saw the one of your mom's comment saying, oh, your dad goes there too. And I was like, what is Kim talking about? So then I obviously had to like look into it.

And then I looked into it and I was like, oh my God, I feel like Kim right now. I do not want to see Alex buy lingerie with Graham in the same video. Wait, I didn't see the video. Can you explain it? Basically, he on Saturday was like, let's go on a let's go on a trip together. And I was like, OK, where are we going? We're like walking outside. We're going to the lingerie store because he went and picked me out some the other day, like a couple of weeks ago. Lingerie. Yes. Lingerie. Not lingerie.

It was like a I had like a tie It was like What is that called? That's not to me That's not lingerie A choker? It's like an outfit Oh like a Leah what do you call that? Oh like a Like a true like lingerie Like an outfit Okay because I was gonna say Lingerie to me is just like Sexy underwear Like cute lacy things This was like It was like a biker skirt Like what is that called? Oh really? Yes Yeah I could show it to you Can you please after this? Oh I

Oh, I have it. Hold on. No, do it now. Okay, that's the thing that like throws me off is like, like I see Graham as like a teddy bear, like a brother. So I can never picture him doing any of this. No, isn't it so weird when you like think about the fact that like everyone fucks? Yes.

I mean, like... But it's because, like, for... Like, I can picture, like, you and Mike doing that. But, like, for Graham, I think... I can't picture Graham liking that either. But that's... It's a quiet one, I guess. That's why they have such a good marriage, everyone. This is why their marriage... Like, one of the many reasons why their marriage is successful, because they keep it spicy. So he picked that out? So, okay. Were you there? No. Wait, I didn't expect that either. Oh.

He picked this out for me. Oh, God. Wait. Okay. Hold on. Is there something in there? Graham Bennett picked this out. Okay. Tell us how he, like, did he, like, lay it out in the bedroom? Were you together? No, no. I just came home one day from work and he, like, had it on the bed and he was like, I've missed going to the lingerie store. Like, when we first tried to make it spicy again, he would go. And, like, that was really fun. And we, like, hadn't gone since then.

And then I came home and he's like, I passed by like there's a good one over here. Oh, clean, nice. Like, and so he went in. He's like, I thought this would be so cute. So we got it. I love that. Okay. This to me is not. This isn't really lingerie to me. I don't know what you would call that. Very true.

So where does your vagina go? You just go in. This is like a skirt. And then this is like a see-through top. Wait, that's hot. This is my favorite part. I loved this. Wait, that would be like almost cute underneath a shirt. Like if your nipples weren't fully exposed. Wait, is that like a little bow tie thing? Wait. Okay, I'm not kidding you. I swear that this is the secret sauce to keeping a marriage hot. It was so much fun. Is that a tie? It's a tie. It's a tie. And then there's arm cuffs. Did he rip it off with his teeth?

He kept this part on I like loved this I was like leave the tie on Okay I Oh the tie's connected to the bra No they're separate They're separate I love the bra The bra is cute It would be cute under a top Like kind of unbuttoned You're right Yes I wasn't gonna bring this part out I think it's worth talking about Okay Uh yes it is Okay Sorry Graham Okay And every mother Okay this The whip Wait The good old whip

Have you ever tried... I wouldn't whip that on your leg. Oh, Alex! In the first place. You were already doing... Yeah, Jordan, stop touching the goods. I think it's used goods. These are used goods, you guys. Just let me touch your wood that they've used to slap your asses. But you knew what it was, right? But in my head, I was thinking this is clean. This is not used. This is used. Have you ever used one? No. I never...

I think I had used one like a long time ago and forgot. A whip? Yes. Yeah, no, I've never role played or anything like that before. Have you ever used a whip? No. Whips and chains. I think I'm a little confused about how you use that. Okay. I also was. We were like just playing with it. The whip is awesome. Okay. Go on. And for the people that are listening and can't see it, it's like that kind that's like

It's not like, what would you call it? Velvety at the end? Like a tassel. A tassel whip. It's like a tassel. Maybe go on YouTube and turn it on at this point. Fast forward to whatever seconds we're at. I think I've seen that on like Fifty Shades of Grey. You just like drag it kind of. You just act like, you just like whip and the tassels kind of like get your clit a little bit.

Oh, so you whipped the vagina. They're so long, like you whip the back. Wait, I get that. That's amazing. Honest to God, I was like, wait, what? Wait, so did you underhand it or did he overhand it? I think he was like side handing it. Like lightly. Very lightly. It's not a hard thing. Wait, so then like the whips goes above. Like if your butt's here, then it like whips. Oh, so you're like on your knees or something.

Yeah right Right right Like and It was I was like Holy shit That's amazing Yeah I love that Yeah so I Actually at first I was like What are we gonna do With that We're not gonna use it He was like Let's just try it And see what it does And then I was like Wow Wait I wanna try that now I honestly would Recommend it Like I think it would be This is the only reason Why I want Like a boyfriend So I can do like Fun things like this The

Okay, this is the other thing, like the lacy bra. Is this washed? This is washed. Okay. Can I touch it? Wait, Alex, this is so cute. That's what I think of when I think of lingerie, though. Me too. That kind of reminds me of pink. I would wear this like out...

Like underneath a shirt. So was this like a... This is so cute. It's called Hustler. Let's see the underwear. Like I feel like I've been to like a sex shop before with like toys. Wait, this is so cute. Is this a lingerie shop? It's both. For both. Okay. Right when you walk in, there's like really pretty like cute stuff like this, right? And you're like, oh, I would wear that. And then in the back, they have like these outfits and like the toys and things like that. I love. Which I don't know if...

know any other toys to get besides the whip like i'm not familiar no anal beads never done that but i would i i mean i'm not like opposed i just don't know see that's like literally like i would this is what i'm most excited about for having a boyfriend among other things but like to be able to do like the cute things like that and try toys out and because you're more comfortable with that person you know what i mean but let me ask you this do you think it's like like i like i

I'm down to show you guys that. And obviously, I just showed a lot more people. But like...

You would be like you at first I was like, that's so weird to talk about the lingerie. And then Graham was like, why is that weird? Like it's a normal like we're married. It's like even if we were dating, he's like, it's a normal thing. And then I'm like, why do I feel so silly? Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty open and sexually with my friends. So I feel like I would tell them, but I wouldn't like bring it up to like a group of girls I just met with you guys. I actually feel completely fine. And I would actually go into much more detail about it because I like feel so comfortable talking to you guys.

But I used to be like I would feel weird about that Like you would walk into a lingerie store And be like oh I'm not in here Like back in the day That's how I felt That's how I feel like buying vibrators I still kind of feel like I'm not in here But it's like why do we need to be embarrassed Like we're just humans Maybe because like It's Sex is still kind of taboo I feel like that Part of sex Like the What are they Not like just role playing But

Like chains and whips And all that So like that is still Kind of taboo I feel like Yeah Especially in a marriage Right right Maybe that's more what it is Like I feel like A girlfriend boyfriend Lingerie is more acceptable Than a husband wife lingerie Yeah and it should be Completely The opposite Why would you not Like you're gonna be With them forever Why would you not be like Oh we wanna try this Or we wanna try that Yeah that's weird Well yeah Yeah

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Can I ask you guys a question? Yes. I love when you say that. I'm like, what? Yeah. Oh, boy. So someone asked or told me something last week, and I thought it was very interesting because it has to do with guys with big noses. And I feel like both of your guys' significant others have bigger noses, right? Like, would you agree? Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Oh, Mike does. Yeah, big noses. Does, yeah. In the most beautiful way possible. Which I say, I like...

Guys with big noses. I love big noses. That's masculine to me. Yes. I mean, no offense to guys with small noses. Short king, small nose season. I love big noses. Don't they say the sharper the jawline and the larger the nose, the more wise you are? I love that. My ex-boyfriend also had a massive nose too, so I'm just used to it. So she told me that apparently guys with big noses give, or big noses help stimulate the clitoris.

And I wanted to know if that was true, if it helps with clitoris stimulation. Not putting the nose on it. I think that's what she literally means. I think it would mean that if they're eating you out, the nose would be rubbing up against it. So you asked me this when I was at me and my girl's dinner. And I read the text out loud. And he was like 100% correct. Like I've consciously thought about that before. Really? Yeah. He's like, I've literally like used my nose before.

Wait, that's incredible. You should ask Graham about this. If a guy's eating you out and they're, like, going to town, they're, like, digging in there. And they're, like, going all over the place. Yeah, and they're, like, their nose is... Think about it. It's, like, it's rubbing up against it. I'm trying to think about the times. I guess it depends, like, how crazy they're going. Because, like, obviously, if you're eating a girl out, you can be very gentle and your nose could not touch her. But if you're going, like, to town...

Or maybe you need to be going to town so your nose touches her. I don't know. I've never eaten a gorilla before, so I can't tell you how it works. I feel like if you're going down, if you're spending some time more south. Yeah. That's when the nose. That would be when the nose does come into play. I don't know. I'm thinking lots of, I'm getting lots of tongue right now. Like I'm replaying it in my head because there's obviously a way like,

I think Graham mainly uses his tongue, but I need to ask him if he uses his nose and if he does intentionally. Wait, or if a guy, unless you meant South of the Border as the butt,

Is that what you're talking about? Yeah, I guess like just the whole. Yeah, if you're like going below and like going down that way, then the nose is going down with it. I feel like that would feel great. That would be amazing. The nose, you should, they should use your nose. They should. I like, I don't mind if he ever uses like his fingers because it's the same exact thing. So why not use your nose if it's there? Good point. That would take a lot of coordination though. Yeah.

That would be impressive to know. Yeah, but I feel like if you're in the moment and you're just like getting it on with someone, any type of extra touch and stimulation just feels fantastic. You know what I mean? Like you're extra lubed up, you're wet, everything's just like sliding around. Yeah, why not throw the nose in there? It's even kind of like when a guy has some scruff, that scruff even can add stimulation. I'm anti-scruff. Really? It hurts me.

Down there in general because I'm anti-scruff Around my mouth because my skin is so sensitive Hurts me everywhere That's a big one for me actually That I've forgotten about you're pro-scruff I'm very anti-scruff anywhere Let's be clear pro-scruff down there Anti-scruff up there because my skin is so sensitive Like I'll make out with a guy and I'll have like a rash on my face And I should say 5 o'clock shadow Not scruff like soft scruff You're pro-scruff on their face Down there or you're pro them having scruff Down there

Well, both, because I'm not anti, like, I don't believe in, like, everyone needs to be clean shaven 20%. I feel like that's so juvenile. So, yeah, they can have scruff down there. But I was talking about scruff on their face going down on a girl. Okay. Yeah. I completely, I hard disagree.

Quick thing. One, so guys, if you have a big nose, use it. Use it or lose it, okay? Get a nose job if you don't already use it. I'm just kidding. No, literally. I feel like, guys, you can use your big noses to your advantage. I do, but I really think that would take some serious coordination. I think it would take some serious coordination. This is the other thing I'm thinking about with this. That doesn't turn me on. Yeah, I guess it depends if you're an internal or external person.

stimulate like if you get more stimulation from internal or external i'm gonna try it i'm really thinking about this i didn't know what your nose theory was until now like if you were masturbating would you get turned like would you come like from internal or external like do you put the like use the vibrator on the outside or do you go in so i've never used vibrator ever

Wait, I'm sorry. Ever? No. Even with Graham? Mm-mm. Ever? Mm-mm. Ever? Not one time. I wouldn't even know how to turn it on and use it. Oh my God, my vibrator is my best friend. I use it almost every day. I had no idea. I would not know what to do with it. Do you ever use it, like, do you use other toys, vibrators? What? No, and like, I'm not judging you at all, by the way. I'm like, mind blown because your life. It's just because on that vein of like all that fucking stuff.

Wait, no. Yeah, I'm obviously down for it. I think I was entirely too lazy to ever go get one. Alex, your life could change forever. If you use a vibrator, your world will explode. How do I use it? I don't even know where to begin. So you buy a vibrator. There's multiple different types of vibrators. You can get vibrators that go in your vagina, outside of your vagina, all over the place. And it vibrates on your clit and you cum.

Okay I'll try it But like We should go to the sex store With Alex And get her a vibrator Yeah Yeah what When would I do it Ask him Ask Graham to do it for you Well how do you masturbate I don't Oh I just You have a husband What about pre-Graham I feel like I've masturbated For so many years of my life I never You don't have a dildo right No

I so I what is that weird no it's not weird no it's never weird we do not have sex shame here okay that's not weird at all I know I just thinking about it yeah never did no I was thinking no um vibrators are amazing to have sex with as well I have heard this how I'm you know I'm down for toys how do I what would I do there so I guess the way he could do it is he could use it in place of his finger

So like he could be eating you out and using the vibrator because vibrators can go in the vagina as well. So he could be like putting it in because you could get a smaller one or you guys could just like he could be using that.

Instead of fingering you in general, like, while you guys are making out, just, like, foreplay to, like, get you in the mood. Okay. Okay. Let me ask you this. Yes. So, keep going. I was going to say, but your mind is going to be blown. Really? Yeah. By using a vibrator, my mind will be blown? Like, have I been missing out? Yeah.

Can I ask you, this, is it worth me trying it if I've never done it? Yes. Yes. Oh. And have Graham do it. Okay, here's my question. This is what I've been struggling with. I've been having so much fun having sex lately that I'm like, I don't want it to end. Will it last, will it make it last longer? No.

I mean, I feel like it could make you come sooner because it's so amazing. But I don't want to come sooner because how do you make it last longer? Like, when you come sooner, then it's over, but it's so much fun to do it. Like, how do you make it last longer? I guess when you're on the verge of... Like, if you know you're coming close to coming, just, like, throw it away. Throw it out. Throw out the room. And then just... Okay. Keep it going. Okay. Because, like...

I mean, I'm not going to lie to you guys. I'll just be bored at home and I'll be like, yeah, I'll use my vibrator. Like, literally. I did it three times yesterday. I was like, yeah, I have nothing else to do. Really? Yeah. Watch Bridgerton. Use the vibrator. Go get a facial. Use the vibrator again. Go to bed. Do you think there's such thing as sex...

Stamina Like um Prolonging the orgasm process Like Is that a possibility That you could do somehow To say like I don't want I don't want an orgasm Or I want an orgasm And I want to do it again Like I just feel like The sex thing's been really fun In the summer And I don't know No no I want to make it longer

Are you able to go multiple times? Like, I'm not somebody who can, like, once I have sex, I'm not someone who can be like, let's go again. I have to wait a few hours. Same. I have to recharge. But I hear all these people saying, I've read magazines where they're like, you can orgasm, then you can go, like, they're like, try it again. And I've tried it again, and I'm like, no way. So when I masturbate, I can orgasm a few different times. Like... In a row? In a row. Well, I'll, like, orgasm, and then I'll just keep it going. How long? And then I'll go again. Um...

I can probably do like three or four. Wait, in a row? Yeah, but I could never do that having sex. Okay, maybe that's the difference. If I have sex with a guy, I'm good for like a few hours. Like my body wouldn't be able to handle it. I'd be way too sensitive. I'd be like, oh, okay, no. Sensitive, and I wish that wasn't the case. It's like almost like when you vibrate or when you use a vibrator to cum, it's like a different feeling. That makes sense. I will say having a guy make you cum is way better.

Oh, so it's different. It lasts longer. Yeah, I don't think, it's like a different thing. It's like a whole, it's like, it's kind of like cardio versus lifting weights when you go to the gym. Like they both give you like, oh, running versus lifting weights. Like you get that like runners, you get that high from working out, but it's different. Okay, so I'm going to get a vibrator. Yeah. And then I'm going to have him use it on me while we're having sex. And that's the best way to do it? No, no, no, no. It's like foreplay.

it's foreplay yeah it's in place of his dick yeah and then the dick yeah yeah it's it's a completely separate thing yes yeah once once the dick is in don't use a toy yeah got it got it got it okay unless you want to put up the butt or something yeah you guys into the butt thing i love yes i am are you i mean i'm not into anal i'm not about i've been there no never again but i like a finger

No, no, you're not. I just think you're funny. I like a finger. I do like a finger. I'm with you. Sometimes if I can't orgasm, I feel like it's not intense enough. I'm like, can you? It's because it's it simulates. I don't know if it's like the clit or what, but it adds stimulation. It's so sensitive. That's this thing. I haven't used it yet.

Oh, wow. That goes in the butt plug. Oh, yeah. Never used it. So you have that. Okay. I have this. I just haven't used the butt plug because I just haven't needed it yet. And what's the name of this store? Hustler. Okay. Also, I'd be curious for you to just use the vibrator on your own because if Graham's gone for a few weeks and you're horny, just go in your bedroom and have a night. But I've noticed if he's gone and I wait, it's that much better. I do get that. You have great self-control, which...

Is impressive. Which vibrator might take that away? I'll see. I'll just, I want to get it and have him use it because I don't even know how to use it. I wonder if he knows. You guys are going to have so much fun. You also can watch like tutorials too if you wanted to. I'll do that. I love like apps and things. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like it's like, it's like riding a bike. You just like know. You know how to do it. Yeah. You're going to have so much fun. I'll keep you posted. I'm going to try the nose thing and the vibrator. Um. The vibrator thing was like a favorite thing of mine for a while. Really? Mm-hmm.

By yourself or with Mike? No, no. Like, I never used it. I have not used it by myself since, like, he did it. But have you used it by yourself before? Yeah, I had it for myself, and then it was, like, it's old. And then after that, after, like, we used it, I never used it again. It's just, like, a fun tool? Yeah. Okay. Like, would you recommend she gets a smaller one then? No, I think that you should get the kind that looks...

Is it called the rabbit? I have the rabbit. Yeah, that one. Okay, get the rabbit vibrator. It looks like... Or the wand. I really want the wand. Oh. Why are you laughing? I had a few for a while. It's hard because they're hard to describe and they're very weird looking. The wand looks like a microphone almost. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The one I'm thinking of goes like... It's like a stick and then it has the thing. Yeah.

Yeah I have that Yeah yeah yeah It's cool Do you think our moms Use vibrators Or is it a younger thing I don't know how To answer that Okay I just always wonder Well I wonder like If we use these toys And things I wonder in my life I'm always like Does this expire At like 35 Or do you just like Power through And always use it Because I think it's so fun I feel like

they were probably more taboo back in the day. I think people have masturbated forever. I just think that people were more hands-on with it. Literally. You just used your fingers. Yeah, which I'm not a fan of that. I don't like that. I just like the vibrator. Yeah, it seems like the vibrator works. Like, I've always heard people talk about it, but I've never thought about it. I mean, how do you think I went to almost two years without having sex? Yeah, no, I know you're an advocate for it. I am. And I haven't had a boyfriend or, like, the same... I haven't had, like, the same...

someone I'm having sex with consistently in a really long time. I don't think I would need it though if I was. You know what I mean? Right. How you guys stopped doing it. Like I think I'd be content. At least I hope I would be. I think you would be. That's like the goal. Like not feeling the need to masturbate when you're in a relationship because they're so good at having sex. I'll say...

I would say yes to that big time. Like it would hurt my feelings. I think if Graham was like, yeah, like I was masturbating like in vice versa. If I was like, yeah, I was just masturbating while you were gone. Yeah. That's why I was thinking about the vibrator and I'm like, I don't think I would use it on my own because I think I'd be like, wait, that's like our thing. We do that together. Yeah. It's funny too. Cause like a lot of, almost all of my girlfriends are single. Um,

And all my friends back home, like we all have gotten vibrators together. Cause it's just like after a while, first off, keep us posted on the vibrator. Well, that's, I'm so excited for you. I would give you anything to never know what that feels like. So I can experience it for the first time. I'll try that. If you, when you find somebody that you're comfortable doing it with, if you'll get a whip. Okay. It's so fun. Deal. Yay. I was going to ask you, especially since you guys married relationship, single, what were your thoughts on, um,

shaving down there because you brought that up earlier and I was like I could care less if a guy's like not clean shaven like I feel like that's so when I was 20 years old I was like ew he has pubic hair and I'm like I don't fucking care

My only thing about it is... So, okay. So, at first, I don't think I cared. Then, sometimes it would hurt. Like, because it would rub me. Yeah. And I'd be like, ow. Like, I would have like a rash. And I'd be like, ow. So, my only thing was, if it caused pain, I'd be like, can we trim it a little bit? But I never... It's so funny. I never started... I never even thought about it, as long as it wasn't painful for me. And then, Graham one day was like, I think...

I think I should start manscaping. And I was like, why? And he's like, I just want it. Like, I'll feel better. And so I was like, okay, if you feel better, you do it. That's the thing. I was like, I feel like guys don't care at all what it looks like down there. A vagina is a vagina to them. But it's like, I shave for myself.

Are you completely cleanly shaven? Well, I am now because I have laser. Okay, but were you before? I would... Not like perfect, but every time I knew I was sleeping with a guy, I would freshly shave. But when I was in a relationship, I...

really didn't care. I was like, whatever. Wait, Jordan, I have laser too and sometimes are you like, oh, I kind of miss it. Okay. Yes, because now I kind of feel like a child. Me too. I wish I kind of left a little strip or something. I'm like, she's bald. Yeah. Like a Barbie doll. I've never thought about it that way. It's not very like, it's, I didn't realize like pubic hair makes you feel womanly and then like, I'm a fucking 12 down there. Sometimes you miss it. Yeah, I want a little hairstyle. I want to style it. Yeah.

Seriously, though. It will blow out. Yeah. I just want to comb it. I don't need the bikini line back, but I miss it on top. I know. I kind of wish I just got a bikini blazer. I do, too. Yeah. Not the full Brazilian. I don't need to have a full Brazilian. I miss her. That's true.

That's a good point I should appreciate mine more Yeah I never do like waxing Don't I'm just entirely too lazy That's why I had to get laser hair Because waxing fucked up my vagina Yeah Oh gosh I did it one time before spring break And it hurt like a mother But I do think that would be a very valid point That you would miss it if it was gone I appreciate what you have Do you shave? Like do you think about that with Graham? I do Yeah I'm pretty shit I would say I'm like 90% of the time Yeah But there are times Honestly I do it out of

Like I don't ever want it to hurt I don't want it to be like prickly And then I just feel like I should keep up with it Also I used to wear underwear Every single day like leggings Jeans all of it and then Probably like the past year I've like completely stopped wearing underwear Same And so that I do take into account a little bit more Yeah I hate underwear I only wear underwear with jeans

You do wear it with jeans? Yes, just because it's, like, uncomfortable. That's fair. That's the thing. It's, like, comfort. My jeans are tight. Yeah. I need to protect her. Help her out a little bit. But, like, leggings never. These never. I have underwear on today, but just because I want to keep these clean for a few days. That's fair. I will say we're under a little bit more in New York because, like, washers are not as accessible. Oh, yeah.

Also a good point. It does help with the cleanliness. Yes. But yeah, no, I just do it out of... I would say I'm pretty shaven.

Yeah, I feel like pubic hair, like, at the end of the day, it's more of, like, a comfort thing because if it gets, like, a little too long, then it, like, irritates or, like, wear underwear and it, like, hurts your bikini line. Or, like, if a guy has, like, that prickly hair, then, like, yeah, it hurts. Mm-hmm. I agree with that. So it's, like, I guess you almost have to, like, fully shave or grow it fully out for it to not be uncomfortable for you and your partner. I do think pubic hair is prettier when it's, like, shaven to some degree. Like, there's...

There's not I'm trying to think in my head Like with a guy It was like completely I've never seen a guy Completely grown out That to me Might gross me out I think only on TV I have Never seen it in person That would gross me out Like cause like When you're stuck The hair's getting Oh no no no I think You can't get head If it's not shaven Yeah no That's maybe that's That's where it comes in At first I said comfort But you're right There will be There will be no 69ing If we are not pretty shaven Yes men If you want a blow job You better shave But like I feel like

Yeah, no. He can't eat you out. I feel like it's like maintaining like a little scruff on your face. Like you got to trim off the edges, keep it a nice length, a uniform length. Does that consider manscaping? Is manscaping fully shaven?

Okay I don't know If so I need to preface this Graham is like grooming It's not Because if it was all gone I agree Like little boy status Yeah I hate that I hate to see That you have hair I literally hate that I'm like ew Just like get it Revisit this in like a few days And that's grown out a little Yeah I hate the bald Yeah get it to a good spot Or when it's like

bald after like two days where it gets really prickly. Yes, it hurts. No. Then, yeah, that hurts then. You have to have it to where you can see it though and you're like, you're still a man. Yes. But it doesn't hurt. Yes. Sometimes rubbing up against it can give you, I'm a big missionary fan. Wait, no. Same. No. No, no, no. I misunderstood what missionary was last time we talked. I forgot to tell you this. Oh. I thought missionary was girls on top.

It can. It can be. My mom told me that missionary was when guys are on top because back in the day, back in like the biblical times, it was the only way that having sex was acceptable was if they were on top. Oh. What's it called when a girl's on top? I think our society considers anyone on just like on top, on top to bottom missionary now. Like all, everyone I know. That's what it is? That's what we think it is. I don't know. I thought it was girls.

always guy on top like if i said missionary meant i would mean guy on top if i was on top i would say i was on top i guess it doesn't really have a name what's what do you call it with the girl on top riding riding but what if you're not like i knew i was a writer what if you're like laying oh you just i don't know it's a sex joke what is it referenced being a rider

nice that's not what i meant nothing i am i i that's my favorite same yeah but um the reason why it's like that's i think the easiest way for me to come 100 because it gets the clit too yes yes yeah i guess i don't know what that's called but i don't like when they like make me you know how you're like riding a guy and they like push you up they want to like see everything like i don't enjoy that i'm like no i want to be like

Who pushes you up? What? So you know when you're like a perpendicular. Yeah, you know when you're riding a guy and then they want you to like straddle them but like sit on them. It's like truly like riding a... Oh, they push you back so you're more up and down? Yeah, so they can see everything. Are you into mirrors? No, I don't want to see myself. That's why I don't like sitting up because I don't want to be that exposed. I love mirrors.

this is rapid fire like but this is what happens when you haven't recorded in two weeks i know like there's so much so much so much to dive into where's the mirror in your bedroom the closets have mirrors on them are you gonna be one of those people who has mirrors on your ceiling no because it wouldn't get the angle that i wanted i think if i could just see myself that'd be fun but i don't need to see them in a mirror do you don't like this i love to see the the process

interesting i guess i've had sex with someone i'm super comfortable with in so long i don't know yeah i mean i think mirrors are like pretty because you get to see like you're feeling it but you don't know what it looks like because our bodies are art pieces of art we are art forms and then and then you just add in the word fucking and it's just all messed up doesn't it doesn't sound as pretty how do you guys feel after last week's episode

Oh, you thought about it more? Yeah. I really liked that episode. I'm still working on it. It made me more aware, but like the problems are still in my head. You know what I mean? Mm hmm.

That episode for me last week was really hard to record and I had an emotional hangover. Yeah. And I actually feel like it brought a lot of the problems to the surface. My therapist always says this to me. She's like, once we talk about things out loud, know the next few days they're going to get worse before they get better. Yeah. And I've really felt that with the body image. I'm like, like, I'm just like, yeah, it made me sad because when we were feeling a little worse right now.

I'm in a worse stage yeah yeah But I'm aware of it but I know it gets better After this yeah like When we were on a boat with all of our Co-workers and I like refused To take off my jean shorts until I got like Blackout and like that Probably wouldn't have been the case If we recorded that episode because I'm more Aware of my body issues now

Yeah, especially I feel like we, while we were at the shore, just like had a lot of fun and like ate everything we wanted. And I don't regret that at all. But then on the other side of it, I'm like, I'm so like hard on myself. And it's like just, you know, but I will say a lot of everyone's feedback was like, no, it's totally fine. Everyone's feedback was like,

you guys talking about your body image made me feel so much less alone and I was like that's really nice and comforting but holy shit I feel I think it just it made me aware though it's like since we're all different sizes and people DMing us are all different sizes it's it's truly it will it will not matter how small or how big you are it's a something you have to fix in your brain

I was going to say that's like a chemical that you said the most about losing. Graham asked me, I came home and I was like, oh my God, Alana, I had this point today that I've never thought of. But if you lost the 15 pounds or whatever it was, I think you said 12 and you, I would feel the same way. Yeah. There's no number out there. It's just how we feel internally. Exactly. Yeah. So it was very eyeopening and like, I'm so happy I talked about it because of like the feedback and, um,

Just learning more. But now I'm like, I probably should go to therapy. Yeah, it's done. Yeah, probably should. I'm getting it. I'm going to get a new therapist in the fall once things calm down. In the summer, it's pointless. I have no time. Can I counter you? Yeah. The fall will come. I know. You should. We're going to. Yes, ma'am. You've been saying it. I know. Every.

I know. I'm avoiding my... I should. You loved it when you started going. I know. I know. But the process of finding a therapist is exhausting and everyone is so expensive. That is... That part's so true. I called a place and they're like, yeah, it's $2.75 a session. I'm like, fuck off. And you have to go weekly. Yeah. I'm like, I don't have that money so I'm going to be more stressed financially because of you guys. That's the New York thing is the weekly. That's a crazy amount of money. I know. It's insane. It's insane.

um i'm guys i'm brain dead also um yeah my i have to leave because my train leaves in an hour and a half and jordan has to be seven hours early to her train so we we have to go sorry guys love you but i have to wrap up this episode because my train leaves an hour and a half and i have to be at the train station at least an hour ahead of time and there's no we can't talk her off that ledge so without further ado like comment subscribe follow us on instagram follow us on

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