cover of episode The Art Of The Nude

The Art Of The Nude

Publish Date: 2022/6/13
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Mean Girl


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never just be someone who's like semi-nude semi-nude i have like the devil face like ew loser ew no i don't like the devil face in that context that just made me hate all men hello welcome back to another episode of mean girl pod episode 20 episode oh weird i was gonna say double digits but that was 11 that was 10.

It's been a few weeks. Dude, time flies. Like, time always, like, everyone always says time flies, but when you move to New York, time flies. Days feel like four hours. We were just talking yesterday, because Alana, Alex, and I meet weekly to talk about the podcast, and we're like, we don't have hours in the day. No. Like, how do people get things done? How do you have a family? Hey, is everyone okay listening to this? What are you doing? Why are you...

How do people have a family? I always, I'm like, I can't really take care of myself. How do you take care of kids, work, everything? Let's clap it up for people that are taking care of kids. Literally. Like, they don't sleep. I don't. I think that's just the recipe. The crux of it. Yeah, yeah. It's something they sleep. This is an exciting episode because we had your birthday party. And if you're listening on Monday, my birthday is tomorrow, June 14th.

I can tell this is what's happening on social media right now. We're posting about the birthday party. And I'm just saying happy birthday in general to Jordan. And Jordan's coming behind me reposting everything. My birthday's Tuesday. And I'm like, got it.

I'm very anal, if you haven't noticed. On Twitter, she's like, thank you for the wishes. However, my birthday is Tuesday. Literally, because I don't know. It's just my brain works. It's in my head. It's Tuesday, June 14. So don't wish me happy birthday before unless you say happy early birthday. Let's undo the party. No, no, no. I'm just kidding. No.

I'm kidding. I celebrated my 27th birthday, Alex Bennett, and then our friend Alex Terry, who works in corporate barstool, threw the birthday for me. And it was literally, you guys, I'm not just saying this because Alex is sitting next to me, the best birthday I've ever had. Okay, so you said in passing one day, you were like, I've never had a birthday party.

You wanted to like go to dinner for your birthday. And then you were like, I've never really had a birthday party. I don't love my birthday. It's just and I'm not I don't love it because I'm like, I don't like everything about me. Like, I'm not going to do that whole thing. I don't like it because it stresses me out. I'm very routine, very specific, and it causes chaos in my life.

Right. I think that might be it. Anal. So a birthday throws it off. Right. And maybe you want to control the birthday a little too. Yes. It was very difficult having you control it. It was funny though. When I said, listen, we're going to have a birthday party for you. I'm going to throw it. You were like, okay, Thursday at 8 p.m. But you let me know. And I was like, got it. Okay. Well, that took that. I don't have to wonder. And then I was like, pick the place, but it needs to be X, Y, and Z. Here's the budget. Yeah. I'll send you the list. I'll let me just, I was like, there

Literally, literally. But from there, you relinquished control. Okay, let's like dive inside how you felt and what the birthday was like. Okay, so like paint, you guys should paint this picture in your head. It's this place called Mad Morton's in West Village because you love West Village. Yes. Also, I'm not, I'm poor. So I needed a place that had no down payment.

Yes, this place was awesome because we didn't have to reserve the area. They were like, everyone just pays for their drinks. Yes. Just ideal. Because usually like in New York, if you want to rent a place out, it's like five grand. It's so, it's absurd. And it's annoying because they're like, you have to order off the menu. You have to order like a specific amount of drinks. This place was like, you do you, you, you buy your drinks. You don't have to order food. There's no minimum, nothing. Just come. It was great. They were so helpful. Got me a mean girl cake. I'm, you know what?

We can even have a moment for the cake because I've never been so happy to see a birthday cake in my life. We'll throw a picture up. So you better watch on YouTube because we're going to throw... Oh my God, we can throw pictures of the party up on YouTube. A lot of us are like, duh. A lot of us are like, yeah, that was the plan the entire time, idiot. Oh my God.

Go to YouTube. So you walked in. Okay, so how many people did you invite? And then it seemed like every single person came. It was very crowded in a good way. Like it was sometimes birthday parties can feel empty. This was like because if you're in a big space, but it felt it was like perfect. So I invited, I think, 30. Not everyone could come. But what happened was like the thing I love about New York is like no one gets butthurt or...

It's weird about coming... I feel like in Minnesota, if someone I knew knew they weren't invited, it would be dramatic. Or if someone got invited last month, they'd be like, I'm not going, but here... We were inviting people literally when the party started. They're like, all right, I'll come. We were just texting. You ran into a co-worker on the street and you're like, invite him. He came. Yeah, literally. And no one cares. No, and they were happy to celebrate. Okay, this was my favorite part about it, though. It was friends from...

All walks of New York life. Yes, because you haven't been here that long. Like, it sounds like we're saying from all 10 years. And it's like, you've been here almost a year. But you had so many different groups of friends there. It was so special to meet them because they all loved you so much. I think that was the best part was that all of my friends got to finally meet each other. Like, so many people wanted to meet Alex and Alana because obviously, like, they know this is my life. You guys wanted to meet my Bumble BFFs. Like, you guys got to meet my roommate.

my old coworkers, like everyone finally just got to meet everyone. And I feel like everyone vibed. Yeah.

it was one of those things where in that scenario it would be easy for people to kind of click off like the bumble bffs could have sat at a table by themselves there's four of them one of them brought a friend three of them and one was sick one was sick so there's two of them two of them don't get it twisted you kept telling me you kept coming up to me and being like one of my bumble bffs is sick do you want to send me your number i'll text her really quickly but it could have been clicky

But it wasn't. Everyone just was walking up to each other being like, hi, I'm so-and-so. And then we would just be like, how do you know Jordan? Because that was obviously the common denominator. And then from there, you got to learn like one would say, you know, I was her friend in corporate insurance. It's like, oh my gosh, do you still work there? Like, I feel like we really got to know each other. Also, I feel like everyone...

Yeah, you're right. There was absolutely no clicks. Everyone integrated with everyone. Like my BFFs were talking to my coworkers who were talking to my like friends of friends who came that I didn't really know. It was just like such a great energy. And also there was no drama. It was so seamless. There was not like that person. Oh, none of that. That's the thing with New York. Like I,

can't describe how incredibly blessed I am in this place. Like, I don't dislike any of my friends. Like, I love them to death. They're so nice and like,

I'm 27, a party with like majority girls and everyone's, everyone's vibing. I feel like it's the prime example of the older you get, you truly get to pick your friends. Like you don't have to waste time on those girls that they're not bad people, but they're not your people. And last night was just like an, a combination of your people. And it was perfect. Also, like, I think we always get in our heads about not, I mean, at least I have, we've talked about this in the pod before, like struggling with friends and like feeling like you need more or you don't have enough or you don't have like the good ones. Um,

If you're younger, it's okay if you don't feel like you have your people. I feel like I met my people at almost 27. Like, when I came to New York, I met my people. And there's a way sometimes where I feel like you can be like, I mean, she's not... We don't really have a lot in common. Or like, maybe our morals are different, but like, I'll still hang out there. It's like, you don't have to do that. You just wait for like the perfect person for you to click. And then it's like, that's what you can do. And last night, I just felt that for you. I felt grateful for you last night. It was weird. I was...

So, so grateful. Like, I can't even express it enough. Also, on a side note, like, we've all, like, talked shit about our friends. Yeah.

I don't think I've ever talked shit about any of my friends in New York. I have nothing bad to say about them. Well, they also, talking to them about you felt... What'd they say? I'm just kidding. So they kind of were like, we hate her. And it was awkward. And I was like, listen, I'm her co-host. I'm going to have to tell her that you said that. They were like, we just love her. Everyone had such good things to say about you. It was really sweet. Yeah, it was a very positive evening. It was.

And everyone was a good amount of drunk, good conversations. It's funny that you said that about people mingling because I thought I was like... Do you ever get so drunk that you...

are like spending your whole night having like hour long conversations with random people. Like that's how I felt like I was spending my night, but I feel like everyone was doing that. So I didn't, don't feel bad about it anymore. But it also, it's not one of it's. So I felt that as well. But today I'm not like, Oh my God, I talked her ear off about nothing. It's like, I know what they all do. I know where they're from. Yeah. Like they were meeting a new friend. Like they texted me. Yeah. Like it was, it was like real, it was very Bumble BFF. It was weird.

that this is only started happening when I got to New York do you guys ever have those moments where all of a sudden you're doing something and you're like oh my god I in this moment right now I feel incredibly happy yes like I feel like we're people always say they're happy but I don't think we all I don't think we feel happiness throughout our life very often like that true genuine happiness and I I feel it every once in a while in New York and last night I felt that like

I'm not gonna be like, Oh my God, that's so cute. You can like feel it. It's like this like butterfly feeling I get. And it's just like, you feel at peace, you're calm. And I'm just like, I'm so fricking grateful. Okay. Let's take that a step further because I don't want people to hear that and be like, Oh, they, that must be nice.

I would say we... Not happy that often. Well, no, but I think as a podcast in general, like in the two of us as kind of like our evolution, we had some shitty ass times. Like we were... I mean, there have been times where we've been texting each other and it's like, I think I'm like...

clinically depressed right now. And it's like to get through those bad times, like to take this podcast, the shit we've taken it through so far, and then to be able to have those moments where you're grateful. Yeah. Like that's really sweet to hear. Also, I think you and I, I think it's safe to say you and I have both been at our absolute lowest in New York.

and highest in New York. Without a shadow of a doubt, the lowest I've ever felt in New York. Yeah, for like, you went rogue for, not even rogue, like MIA for, how long was it? Like a month. Yeah. I mean, I, there was a part, or time in New York where I cried almost every day for like a month straight. I would wake up and be like, I don't want to do any of this anymore. Like I, so like, to feel the happiness, it's like,

It feels good. Yeah. It's like you, it's like you have the cement blocks on at that time and you're taking steps and it's hard. Yeah. But then it makes you even more grateful for the good times because you're like, wow, I got through that really terrible time. Yeah. And it's like a beautiful feeling. It makes you that much more grateful. And also just like surrounding yourself with amazing people and like being in a place you actually love. Like it's just all the little things that add to it. Yeah.

You know one thing I inferred about you last night? That's funny. When I first saw you, like, it was your birthday, and you had on this beautiful champagne set. Wait, what do you mean inferred? What does that mean again? Inferred, like, noticed, took note of. Oh, yes, yes. Like, gathered. Yes. I saw you, and you're, like, glowing. Like, Jordan had a blowout. It was beautiful. And I was like, oh, my God, birthday girl. You look so cute. Immediately. You... I love your dress. And I was like, oh, boy. And we kept doing that all... And it's like... Isn't that funny how...

You're so confident. But I love the... I think girls do it a lot. Where you're like, I just wanted to let you know. And it's like, I just wanted to let you know. Instead of just saying, like, thank you. Yeah. It's like... It's kind of like you feel like... Even going back to feeling you need to explain yourself. Yes. Yes. Like, even yesterday, one of our coworkers was saying...

Like, I was like, I don't know if I can go to this event, blah, blah, blah. And she's like, you don't need to tell me why. Just say you can't. Like, no, you don't need to ever explain yourself to anyone. And I was like, that is so powerful that she's like, I say no, and they don't deserve an explanation because they don't need one. I'm like...

It's like a compliment. Just take it. Take the compliment. Just say thank you. Yeah. But instead, sometimes, even for the birthday, it's like, I'm so excited for your birthday. And it's like, look, I'm excited for yours. And it's like, wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're like, Jordan, your birthday first. Then we can do my birthday. You get to have your day. What is that? It's a thing a lot of women struggle with. It's kind of like downplaying yourself and what you're saying. Downplaying your success. Yes. Yes.

all of my friends i've had this conversation in every stage of life with a girl and i'm like why are we both doing it instead of just being like you look beautiful or like you killed that and being like thank you yeah i i feel thank you i think women in general do it all the time and also it's like especially in the workplace like when you get like we just feel the need to always explain ourselves and never just like fully accept it there's this like thing i'm trying to think of oh oh

The dropout. Remember I told you, okay, so in one of the episodes of the dropout, Elizabeth, is it Elizabeth Stone? Holmes. Elizabeth Holmes. In the first or second episode, the guy was like, oh, you got into Harvard, X, Y, or not Harvard, Yale. Stanford. Stanford. And he said something and she was like, so, she's like, well, yeah, why wouldn't I be excited? Yeah.

The guy said, that's like a really incredible accomplishment. Not that many people get in. And she was like, right. Yeah. She was like, yeah, I know. And in that scenario, we would probably be like, oh yeah, like I just a fluke. Do you like, I must've done really well on that one test. And it's like, no, you fucking deserve it. How about that? Yes. We deserve it. How about we're proud of ourselves? Yes.

We need to be better at that. You need to be better at that. Everyone. I feel like we should make even guys too. Yes. Let's hold each other accountable to that though. Maybe we can try that for like a week. Yeah. We should be like, no, take it. And it's something I feel like, Oh God, now that I'm thinking about it, I do that all the time. People be like, Oh my God, congrats on this. I'm like, Oh, it's just, it was not a big deal. Not a big deal. I didn't deserve it. It's like, no, we do absolutely agree. Yeah. Hold on. How did it feel last night? Not having, cause you've only been in New York a year.

We went off on a tangent. Sorry. Back to the party. Confidence for a second. How did it feel not having like your best friends there from like home? So that was the only part of my birthday that I don't want to say sucked, but that was hard was that I didn't get to celebrate such an amazing day with my best friends from back home. Also, like I want my best friends from back home. There's only a few of them to meet all of you guys. So freaking bad.

Is that growing pains? Is that what that is? I think so. And it's just, I mean, I've never not lived in Minnesota up until this year. And it's just like, we're starting to learn that there's like, we're not going to see our friends for maybe a year sometimes.

Do you struggle with some of your friends that live in Minnesota that you might not see that often? Like, it's kind of a long-distance friendship. Do those friendships suffer because of the distance, or are they the same? Are they better? I think the ones that suffer or are suffering, it's teaching me that they weren't my people. Because I have some friends who the relationship is as strong as it ever has been.

I don't think it's a con to say, like, when I moved, we got less close. Because I'll have friends that I don't have to see for two years. And I don't have to talk to that often. But when I see them, we pick up right where we left off. And I know, like, those are my people. Because I think...

We can change cities. We can change jobs. But our moral compasses and, like, who we are as people stays the same. Maybe it gets a little brighter, right? Like, we're like, oh, the new Jordan's so much more confident. But you're the same Jordan. Yeah. And so it's like we can change scenarios, but we're the same person. And so that's, like, when those friendships stay the same. Yeah. But I feel like in some scenarios with people, it's like we're less close because I move. Not a bad thing. Also, I feel like when friends maybe say, like, oh,

we never talk or this X, Y, and Z. They're a little bit too dependent on the friendship because they don't have maybe a lot going on in their life. Like all my, like my closest friends back home, they are motivated. They're working. They're busy. Like they don't depend on this friendship to like get them through the day. Right. And that's like a healthy relationship. You never should be solely dependent on someone too much where you're like mad that they can't talk to you. I don't think you can ever. I love that the older we get too. And yeah,

Yeah, that hit home. It's like you can't be so dependent. You just have to be like, they're flying, I'm flying. We're both flying. We love each other and they know that. Being dependent on someone is the scariest feeling in the entire world. Like dependent on one person to bring you happiness. Yeah.

It's like, even like with a job being just dependent on that job, being dependent on, I'm going to rephrase that being dependent on one thing is such a scary claustrophobic feeling. The only thing to ever, I would say depend on just be you. Yes. And then, you know, you've got a bunch of different bubbles around you. Yeah. Even as simple as,

not to do this, but social media apps, how Gaz is always like, don't put all your eggs in one basket. It's like, imagine Instagram got deleted. It's like, okay, we're huge on Snapchat. Yeah, or like even in a... I was going to say something really heartfelt, serious, and she just comes in with a little joke. Be proud. We are pretty much a piece of it on Snapchat. Yeah, nobody deflect. Everyone just say thank you. We are. Thank you, yeah. Honestly, we...

We're killing it in every aspect of life. I feel like you had to, like, re-download Snapchat, Alex. I know. You didn't even have it. Oh, I did. I 100% had to re-download Snapchat. I had to log into the Snapchat. I don't even know what's going on on Snapchat. I just know we're massive. Hey, Snapchat's back, baby. Someone's going to see me in the stream. Did I see you on Snapchat? I'm a Snapchat girl. Yeah.

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Snapchat's back though. Yeah, let's talk about that. You said that the other day. You were like, just wanted to let you know Snapchat's back. And I was like, not in my world, but it is in yours. So what are you using Snapchat for, you Snapchatter? Well, first off, Snapchat was invented when I was like a freshman in college.

That's like when it... Really? I was 100% a sophomore in high school when it started. So you were probably in college, yeah. When was Snapchat invented? Actually, no, you're only a year older than me. 2011. Okay, Snapchat... When I graduated high school. ...was big when I was a freshman in college, though. Like, also, I'm from frickin' North Dakota, Minnesota. Like, we didn't use... We didn't use technology over there. Snapchat's huge in the middle of America. It's not a tractor trailer.

Snapchat and barbecue. I've never been on the Snapchat trend. I never really liked it. It made me really angry. One of the biggest turn-offs, me and all my single friends say, if a guy ever asks for your Snapchat before your number, red flag. Remove them. Block them. Delete them. Get rid of them. That's a running joke. Especially on dating apps, when you're messaging someone, they're like, what's your Snapchat? And you're like,

What? Why would you want to go from an app to another app? That would stress me out. Yeah, get the number. I don't know. Love that. I'm starting to realize, like, I should take advantage of Snapchat more because... Okay, so I'm not looking for a serious relationship. I don't like to text.

but like Snapchat is great because you can see someone's face. You can send like one a day, make them realize that you're still thinking of them. You can like show people what you're doing, which I think is like the coolest, like when guys like send pictures, like what they're doing, I think that's like such a turn on, you know what I mean? Yeah. Like they'll be like, Oh look, Ryan. It's like a view of the lake. You know what I mean? Right. Um, so do you take, so you're, you're taking like selfies, sending them to guys. Like how are you using the app? Um,

Usually selfie, yeah. Like a selfie and then you're like, just got to work. No, so, okay. What does the Snapchat look like? First off,

I'm talking to your mom right now. Is it like hungover? I'm like, Oh Jesus Christ. YouTubing relationship sometimes hurts. I'm actually very active on Snapchat. I didn't mention that, but that's how I talk to a lot of my girlfriends. I would say great for long distance friends. Yeah. For groups. Yeah. Yeah. Me, my bone BFFs have a Snapchat. Yeah. I'm so active in that, but anyway, continue. Um, but honestly, I know literally that's a great way to keep in touch with your long distance friends. Yeah. Um, anyway, so on Sunday, this just happened. So it's been a week. Um,

I decided to add every guy I've ever spoken to in New York on Snapchat. Okay. Okay.

I was like, ooh, this would be a fun game. Let's see your response. And a few guys responded, and it was just, like, back and forth, like, snaps. But it makes things less serious, more casual. So casual. Yeah. It just, like, it makes you, like, you're able to talk to someone you like without making it overwhelming with, oh, I have to text them back. Right. Like, I don't get offended if someone doesn't snap. Like, if I send a snap and they don't respond for a full day, that doesn't offend me. But if I text someone and they don't respond for a full day, I'm like, fuck off. Mm-hmm.

You know what I mean? Right. Don't you get that though? And you could send someone anything on Snapchat, something stupid. And if they don't answer, it's not the same as them ignoring a text. Okay. Yeah. It's not the same thing. Yeah. So this, I was snapping this guy the other day and he didn't respond. One was not offended. Two, two days later, I re-snapped him because I didn't think twice, but I would never double text. No. Right. It does seem like the most, it seems like a really fun way to communicate. Yeah. It's just like, I love it. Casual. Yes. Yeah. Have you ever sent a nude on it?

I've never sent a nude in my life, Alex Bennett. Ever? Ever. No, I'm not kidding. I've never sent a nude. I don't believe you. You can ask any of my friends. Even boob. Sorry, boob. Bra? No. Cleavage? Cleave? What cleavage do we have? Wait. No, no, no. I was fully dressed. I've sent sexy pics, but fully dressed. One time to a guy, he was...

He like kind of like kind of ghosted me. So I like looked really good one day and I was like wearing like a slutty top and I like sent him I just like sent him a picture of myself on Snapchat. Snapped it. Just snapped him and I was like whoops wrong person. That's oh the classic. I think okay. I think that nudes are a lost art form. They are. They can be so tasteful.

If you take If you trust the person Because there's always The disclaimer of They can get leaked And that can be A complete shit show Let's take that Out of the equation Yeah And talk about nudes In a perfect utopia Exactly And it's like I think nudes can be Your body Like if you're For me For example in marriage Like

Before that With Graham We dated long distance In college I would send him Like nude photos And like He Loved them But they were like Special for him Yeah You know And like Sometimes we joke Because he'll be like The ass looks good today And I like Don't have an ass But I'll be like What's mine is yours And like I feel that way And so it's like I think sometimes

Nudes can be so tasteful, but they have like a negative connotation. Yes. I have a question for you. What? So when you were sending nudes to Graham, did he ever ask or did you just send them? He... Okay, I think I would feel really...

if he asked. Right, right. Right. Yeah. I always sent them. So even though you, like, let's say you, you were doing this for like a year. He never, like, he never expected them for you after you sent one. No way. I love that. That's a really good point. It was like a treat for him to get them. Like he knew, not a treat. No, it's cute. Yeah, but it is a treat. It is a treat actually. It's a gift. It's a gift. Yeah. Nudes are, nudes are gifts. Yeah.

Yeah, and you're not going to be like, well, where's the rest of my gifts? Yeah. You only get one. And I don't think you should feel weird about sending them. Like, do you guys know what I mean? Sometimes you're like, oh my God, she sends nudes. And it's like, they have a bad reputation. Like, it's like a taboo thing. The word. Yeah, I think you're thinking like that a girl takes a photo and sends it out to 20 guys. And it's like, no, it's like a precious little thing with your person. Rename. Yeah, what's renamed nudes? An academy. Nudes. What's nudes in French? French.

Well, like an academy is a drawing of a female nude. I like that. That makes it sound eloquent. Yeah. But what is nudes in French, though? A nude. A nude. A nude. Nude in French. French always makes everything sound sexier. Class. Okay, new. New. Okay, I can't do that. Learn to pronounce.

A new. A new. Okay, it's not new. I like the line a little better. No, it is an academy. Academy. Because it's like, it is, it's special. You curate it. You send it to your partner and it's just for them and they should be grateful for it. And that's it. Also, a woman's body is an art piece. Yes.

And I think a nude says I love my body Which kind of goes back to what we were talking about earlier Just like accepting a compliment It's really hard I feel like for girls to be like I think I look good Like I'm just proud of my body Like I'm okay with my body I'm proud of my body And then to send a nude's like capitalizing on that

I wonder too. So like, I, I've never sent a nude. And really the only reason why I haven't is because, um, I'm just like, I don't trust anyone. And I'm afraid that they'll leak them. Like literally, like I don't trust. I wouldn't like, I'm always like, but what if we end things and they hate me and then they send it out to the entire world. And now with this job, I can never send a nude unless they're like my husband. Right. I mean, that's a real fear. Yeah. That's valid. You should save nudes for your partner. Yeah. I don't,

It's a new age. Okay, so there's like this. I just told my friend this the other day. There's like certain people. So this is a quick side tangent. But like girls are always like, they don't want to date me. Or how can I make my boyfriends like, because you're doing girlfriend things when you're not in a relationship. And nudes is a girlfriend thing. And if they want nudes from you, they can date you. Yeah, what would be the point of a nude if you weren't dating? Right? That's like, well, glory.

Glorifying. Just to fuck, I guess. Yeah, it's that fuckboy mentality. Like, come over. Yeah. But that's it. Also, like, I guess, too, if maybe if you're just, like, having a fling with someone from a different state, like, it's kind of keep things spicy because you don't see each other very often. I don't hate that. I like that. I'm good with that. I like this conversation because I need to repair my relationship with nudes. I want to get back into that. I just didn't know where you were going with that.

I was like, what? What happened? Have you and Mike ever... I've sent him nudes, but I would like to do it more, I guess, because, I don't know, I hit puberty very young, so I was sending nudes when I was in seventh grade. That fits for you. Not the nudes in seventh grade, but hitting puberty young. I could see you being a hot little Alana. Yeah.

I could see your parents being like, shit, she's hot. Like a hot tamale. No, but yeah. So like I was always getting asked to send nudes and I would do it because I was like a young girl. I just wanted like boys to like me. And then like in college, I dated a boy long distance, my ex-boyfriend. And he was very demanding with nudes. Like I would want to send him. No, I actually got to the point where I hated when he would ask me for them. And then I would send him one. You just want to send a little one, like just like your stomach and your boobs maybe. And it'd be like,

Grow grow grow Get more and more graphic And like you don't I don't know Like it's just a lot of pressure And I don't like that No yeah I just want to send one And feel like it was my choice Wait he would Wait would he ask for more Like you'd send him one And then Or are you saying He started saying Send me nudes Or like send me pics Both I probably Yeah it probably Always was like that

I doubt I ever send them by my own accord. So now how do you feel about them when you think of it? You feel like it's a chore? It's such a chore. Like, that's how I think of, that's how I, that's the connection I make with them. And I wish I didn't think that. And I want, I like this conversation because I want to rethink, I want to, I want to like give, send them to my boyfriend. Yeah. Just one at a time though. And be like, oh, thinking, especially as he travels a lot.

Exactly. And then he'd send it to him when he's doing the pod. You know, just one in the other room. Yeah, that would be hot. When he's on Apple Play. But like, yeah, I have this like fear, I guess. I send one and then they're like, well, you know. Yeah, because your ex-boyfriend ruined your experience with them. Yeah. No, I get that. Like if I would be so turned off if a guy ever asked me for a nude versus me wanting to just send him a nude. Yeah. He should be so grateful for the one and make you feel so hot.

And like you're his. Also, yeah, if you're a guy listening, never ask. Never ask. No, don't ask. Because it makes the girl feel, we're not asking for yours. Because your bodies aren't near. Women's bodies are like art. They're beautiful. And like they're all different. Sorry. No, no, go ahead. No, no, no, finish. I don't remember. Women's bodies are like art. Oh, yeah. Women's bodies are like art. And you get to pick.

how you want to send it and when you want to send it and when you feel good because half of sending a nude is like i feel good right now yeah you know and you don't want to share that with him yeah and you and you don't want him to ask no i think sometimes it's fine like if you guys like playing like a game like where there's definitely a tone that's like we're sexting yeah like oh yeah like you're like okay if you lose you have to send me like you can make it funny but like never just be someone who's like send me a nude send me a nude

I have like the devil face. Like, ew. Loser. Ew. No. Ew. I don't like the devil face in that context at all. That just made me hate all men. I agree. I'm like, no. But I want to send... I want to send... I don't send Graham nudes anymore. I don't... Not nude. What's the new word? Academie. I don't send Graham academies anymore. It already feels better. Right? And I'm like, I feel like I should because...

More so actually now. It's like why on earth did I stop doing that? You're his wife. He should have a whole folder of me. Okay, so you are going to be... You're going all over the place this summer and I don't think Graham's going to be with you all the time. So I think that you should...

take some nudes put them in a folder and then every time you guys aren't not every time because it'd be a lot but like when you guys like haven't seen each other for a few days you just like send them one i love that idea yeah would you feel weird like so you and i are going on a trip and then like you're in the bedroom and like i'm in the bathroom and you're like what are you doing i'm like taking a pic for graham you'd love that i would love that i'm always that friend is like i gotta take my my mirror selfie hold on and everyone like if i'm in the bathroom while my friends are like

here's Jordan again, posting a selfie. I'm obsessed with selfies. I love them though. Yeah. That's my way of expressing like, I think I look hot. Yeah, exactly. And you should think you look hot. And I just like to share it to the world. Now I'm single. Take your top off and try it again. No, I'm just kidding. Wait, wait until, wait, wait for the right person. But I think you should experiment with the nudes. They'd be fun. When I'm in a serious relationship, I will 100% send you. Yes. Let's, let's make it for your boyfriend. Yeah. It's a, it's a relationship. Um,

Little treat. It's a treat. It's a treat. Yeah, we got to save things for relationships because I feel like people...

I think that's like why as a society we struggle with like, when are we dating? When are they my boyfriend? It's like, we don't know because we blur the lines of boyfriend, girlfriend. So often. Or not boyfriend, girlfriend, boyfriend, girlfriend. I know what I meant. I got to give it to us right now because you know, it's a little hung over in this room, but in a mean girl fashion, we're like, we're doing the podcast. We're going to arrive to work. I think my face looks like a different color. I have shingles. Oh yeah.

Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. What's up with that? What's up with that? You guys, Alex has shingles.

Literal. The thing you get when you're 60. Yeah. But I think it's a wake-up call, Alex. That's nice. So you get shingles a lot when you're extremely stressed and burnt out. Not burnt out, but like stressed and overwhelmed. Alex is the most go-go-go person I've ever met in my entire life. And I'm glad she has shingles because this was the way for her to realize that she needs to take a step back and do more self-care, more self-love. Yeah.

I was like, chill. I was like, um, I have shingles. And Jordan was like, oh no, like you got to take care of yourself. And then the next time I was like, can I go to the office? Like, yeah, I have to just cover them. Yeah.

I guess, yeah. I didn't really think about that one. But I, okay, knowing you though, if you were quarantined, you would go crazy. I would be depressed. Yes. I would be sad. Yes. No, they're good. They sting, but they're fine. How long does it take for them to go away? I take the Valcatrez for seven days. Okay. And then I put this cream on it. Wait, how long is that going to be on you? I'm going to the Hamptons and like, I can't wear a swimsuit. No, it's bad. It's really bad. Alex, how long is that going to be there? I don't know. Here. Here.

Oh, is it itchy or it's just very bad. But it's it shoots. It shoots inward and like stings. Really? That's like what it is. It's like shooting pains at different times. My friend's boyfriend had it like I think it was last summer. And he said it was the most painful experience of his entire life. He had all of his back. Yeah. And it was like pussy. And that's when it's contagious. Like you're not contagious. No, I'm fully covered up. Yeah, it just sucks.

It's a wake-up call. It's a wake-up call. You need to take care of yourself more. Yeah. Yeah, I do. I'm just, I'm thinking about taking care of myself next week and then I'm thinking about the meet-up. Yeah. And then I'm wondering if we talked about that or not. Oh my God, we, you guys, we have such exciting news that's happening Wednesday, June 15th. Wednesday, we're having a Mean Girl meet-up. This Wednesday. This Wednesday. Oh my God, two days. Today, two days, unless you're listening on Wednesday, it's tonight. Okay.

Yeah. Yeah. And it's a...

Mad Morton's where we had Jordan's birthday because it was so much fun the staff was great food was great you come buy your own drinks it's gonna be it's gonna be it's not let's say this it's not to come meet us the mean girls it's to come hang out with people that also engage in the mean girl energy yeah think of it more of a place where you can go and meet people that are like you like cool vibe like you can meet your new best friend if you're a guy come maybe you'll meet a single girl if you're married come bring your husband bring your

friends like we'll double date with you yeah it's literally i i think of it more as like like meeting people that you will love not meeting us no it's not a meetup for us this is the thing we'll go out and we'll meet people like oh like i've seen the all right i listen to the pod like you know and they're not like fangirling they're just like oh yeah i listen and we're like oh like let's hang out a little and we'll sit and talk to them everyone's awesome we've met some really cool people and it's like let's all go to the same spot because we have a lot in common let's chat also like

We get a lot of DMs where people are like, oh my God, I think that way too. Or you are literally saying what I wanted to say. And it's like, we're all the same type of like energy. We all have the same vibe. So it's like, we want to meet more people that are like that. Yeah. We're just two girls that talk on a mic. Like, we just want to do that at the bar. Yeah. And also, um, so, so, so when, so Wednesday night, derail you. I don't know. Really good. Nobody, I love that nobody even interrupted you. It was you who did it to yourself. It's going to be very,

very, very casual. Like, don't feel like you're coming. You're like, oh, I'm going to be really stressed. It's like, literally just think about you going to a bar and drinking with your friends. I feel like we're just trying to recreate the energy at your birthday party, which was just like people meeting and making new friends. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to tell, we're going to bring our friends too. Like we keep telling people, we're like, everyone just come. I mean, if anything, listen, if none of you guys come, it's just going to be our party if you want to come. Also, how cool, because like,

We talk about like Graham or Mike or Bumble BFF, like my friends all the time. And it's like, you guys actually can meet the people we talk about all the time too. You know what I mean? Yes. Come meet the Bumble BFFs. Come meet Graham. I don't know if Mike's coming. Come meet Mike. Is Mike coming? I think the spit and chicklets guys are going to be in town. So maybe they can tell them. Okay. Let's rebrand it. The spit and chicklets meet. Yeah.

It's packed. There's men down the block waiting. Look at you, dude. All hockey players. That would be my choice. Actually, it's a spin check. It's already. No, it is. We'll have a kissing booth. Do you guys want to meet Biz and Whit? Come to the meet up. Can they come? I'm just kidding. I would literally... I love hockey boys so much. I would die if a bunch of Canadian hockey guys showed up and be like, all right, we're in. And we're having fun.

Also, like, don't feel like you need to dress up. Come in your work clothes. Come in fucking leggings. I don't care. Wear your merch. Wear your merchandise. Merch. Also, you guys better take pictures in your merch and post it so we can post it. Or send it to us so we can post it. Yeah, tag us. Tag us. Some people are like, oh, I got your merch. I'm like, if I don't see a picture of you wearing it, I'm going to be there. Yeah, like, are you lying?

Can you prove it? Can you prove it? Do you have a receipt for that? You know what you guys should do in the merch, which would be cute, is use it as an excuse to take a really hot selfie and post that. You know, like sometimes people, I use the eye patches for that. Sometimes I think they look cute in the morning because I only wear my eye patches. But it's like, you just post selfies all the time. Do it with the merch. Yeah. Or like to get the,

The phone case I love the phone case I've been doing that Actually all the time Like I use my phone case As an excuse Yeah I like that Because I'm like I'm promoting the merch Not my face I like that It's the merch The phone case is the coolest Piece of merch Sorry

I'm obsessed. Okay, we're long-winded on the merch. Sorry. You guys got it. And come to the meetup. Oh, don't... This is... Yeah, that's great. It's great. Wait, what? What were you going to say? I was going to... Sometimes I feel like I reiterate shit for hours and it's like, they got it. Yes. No, they understand. I think you understand. Nails often. Give ourselves some grace. We are a little...

I'm hungover. Slushy. I love the word grace. Yeah. I don't know why. My therapist told me that like back in the day and I always use it. I'm always like, give yourself some grace. What does that really mean? Like forgiveness. Be kinder to yourself. Yeah, I like that. Don't be so hard on yourself. I think there's a sense of pride, not pride, but being... And not only does it mean don't be hard on yourself, but then take it a step further and actually be proud of yourself. Yeah. Like, for example...

Like if I could be like, oh my God, I was so drunk last night at my birthday. Like I probably was an idiot. It's like, give yourself some grace. It was your birthday. You're allowed to be drunk. The worst thing a friend can do. You didn't have any of these friends. No. Is take photos of you when you're being a shit show and put them on or keep, keep, put them on social media. That is a bad friend. That friend, we don't give advice on this podcast. I'll just a little bit on this as if you have a friend that capitalizes on you when you're down. Capitalizes your, like your bad, like.

the worst version of you, that's a shitty friend. But last night, you were the drunkest girl at the party. It was your birthday party. You had to be. Which she should be. Blast. If you weren't, that's actually a bad friend that got drunk at your birthday. You should have been the drunkest. Yeah. It's like outshining someone on their wedding day. Yeah. It's like, this isn't your party. It's her party. Also, my roommate was incredible. She took care of me last night. But she, this is like what a friend should do. So she sent me a bunch of like shit showy pictures and she was like,

I'm deleting them because I hate when people do shit like this, but I just wanted you to see, but no one else will see it. That is such a good friend. That was like perfect. That almost sounded like you wrote that. That's a perfectly worded text for the situation. Yeah. Cause she was like, I want you to see, cause she thought it was hilarious. She was not judging me. And also like, so when she was describing the night to me, you know how some people like make you feel like shit.

Yes. You did this and then you did this and then you did this. She described the night in such a lighthearted, funny way where she was like, never be embarrassed what you did. She's like, remember, I threw up on my birthday. You have to throw up. But it was so funny. And she was describing to me and I never once felt

bad about myself. Judged. Yeah, I judge. There's two types of texts you could receive today. How you feeling? Hate you. Or, oh my god, last night was so fun. I'm glad you had a blast. Love you. Yes. Like, don't prey on the people that... Yeah. Do not... No, that is not mean girl energy. No. Also, I was a good drunk. I didn't text one boy. I woke up. All we need to know. First thing I looked, I was like, please, please, please. It was a very girls front...

Girls first. Girls. Yes. Girls first. Because sometimes like as much as it's fun to like a guy, they can like hinder your mind. Like he didn't show up or he's not talking to me. Like I didn't have any crushes there. So I never had that thought process. No, I think it's good. What was that? Nothing. Shut the fuck up. I have like my lip quivered.

Honest to God, I wasn't going to say anything. You did that. I saw you on the corner of my eye. That's awful.

That's all I did. I don't have any crushes right now and life's great because whenever I don't crush on people, life is good. Every time a boy's involved, life is bad. Okay, a lot. I have crushes right now. No, it's okay. You don't. I do actually. A few. I don't think it's a crush though. No, he's a subconscious crush. Yeah, it was an intrigue. Yeah. An intrigue. If you're, if you're, you know, had a couple, 12 shots and then it comes out of your mouth. Did anyone else hear me say that? No, one person. One person.

That's the thing, too. It's like when I... Oh, my God. When I drink, I word vomit about guys I like, and I don't think I thankfully talked about any of them. No, you didn't. You were... Honestly, you should be very proud of your performance last night. I know. I felt like... But I think you were so... I think I just was taking it all in because I was so fucking happy. You weren't like... That's the thing. Because you know how you get like anxiety? So Jordan, before we started recording, was like, was I mean last night? And it's like...

that's everyone's first guess. Or annoying, yeah. Yeah, like, was I some type of way? It's like, absolutely not. If you were anything other than happy and sweet, it was a little quiet. And, like, I think that's because you were taking it in and you were so happy. I was really surprised. A lot of people said I was so happy and, like, smiley, which, love to hear that. But that's, like, so... But, like, that really means, like, I was, like, really kicking it all in. No, you were vibing, for sure. I was. Totally. And I also, like, it was so fun because I got to talk to Mike more. I got to know him. I got to know, like, um...

I was going to say all your friends you guys brought, but I don't think you brought any friends. I got to know more co-workers. Were we supposed to? You know Graham plenty. But I know Graham very well. But it was just a really great opportunity to get to know people that are in everyone's life that we just all don't know. That's special. Special people, yeah. I can't describe to you...

My friends, I think, were more excited to come to meet you guys than they were to celebrate my birthday. And I love that. It was really nice to meet them. Also, they were very complimentary of this podcast because it wasn't in like a, no, I love the pod. It was like, oh, yeah, you guys said this one time. I felt like they were our friends.

They, 100%. They're the most supportive people I've ever met. But I felt like they were also just, like, genuinely interested in it. They are. Oh, my God. After you and Graham's episode, um...

my, my, like my Bumble BFF friends, like literally were like, my Bumble BFFs, my Bumble BFFs, like they like were so, I sent you the text so complimentary. Like they were like pretty much like in tears. Cause it was that they loved the episode so much. Like they, they never just like, Oh, great episode. They're always like specific. Like, Oh, I love that. You said X, like you can tell that they engage in like my best friend back home. She will bring up specific things. I'm like, you actually listened to every episode. I know all,

But my mom made a good point. I really hope to death she doesn't listen anymore. But she was like, I liked listening because it made me feel like I knew what was going on in your life and that we were having a conversation. Because I don't talk to my family every day. But it's like an inside look on what's going on in their life so they feel like they're back together with you. Yeah. And it was like, we always try to keep this podcast real. We were talking about it the other day. We're like, do we talk about blowjobs too much? And we're kind of like,

No. If it goes there, it goes there. Yeah. If it happens, it happens. That's kind of how we concluded it. Yeah. We try to keep it as just like normal and like our lives as possible. If Jordan blew seven guys, we would have to talk about that. That would have to come up. Yeah. But if not, it's not happening. Yeah. Like, for example, the week we talked about it, I had just hooked up with three guys, which...

I think that's really how the conversation got brought up. But this week, organically, it's true. I haven't talked to any guys since then. I haven't hooked up with any guys since then. So it's like sex isn't happening in my life. So why are we going to talk about it? Right. We talk about what's happening in our life real time. Like the things you guys hear are what's like legitimately going on in our life in real time. Yeah. And there's going to be probably days where we come in here and one of us is crying and we're like, it's a fucking mess right now. And it's like, and we'll tell you that. Best friends in your ears. Best friends in your ears. Like it's just us girls chatting. Yeah.

like we're out to dinner yeah it's like the biggest compliment i ever received because i'm like a massive sex in the city fan was someone was like i feel like it's like an episode of sex in the city where like they're always just like chatting at brunch or dinner and it's like that's how i feel with you guys like you're just shooting the shit chatting and like being friends i think that i think the podcast goes like both ways

Yeah, that was sweet. Well, I was thinking about it, but I was thinking about it because when somebody gives you that nice of a compliment, right? It's like, that's really nice. But on the other side of it, it's like not just, it's like a circle. Does that make sense? Like, it's not just for the listeners. It means as much to us. Like, I feel equal with the listeners and I'm like, it means as much to you guys as it does to us. And it's like 50-50. Like, it's just... That's part of my week is... 100%. Also, like, one's in a relationship, one's married, one's single. So it's like you hear...

Every single type of topic. All walks of life. Yeah. This married girl has to go. Yeah, she's going to the Hamptons. Gotta go. Oh, yeah. I'm going to the Hamptons. Who's going out east? Okay, like, comment, subscribe. Follow us on YouTube. Subscribe to the YouTube channel. Leave us a review. Follow us on Instagram. And take pictures in your merch.

Oh, and come to the meetup. Definitely, definitely, definitely come to the meetup. We love you guys. We're so excited for summer. We have big things coming. We're just, I'm just happy. Jordan and I are going on a trip. A little staycation. But we'll tell you about that later. Yeah. Love you guys. Bye. Bye.