cover of episode Give A Guy Your Panties & Confidence

Give A Guy Your Panties & Confidence

Publish Date: 2022/5/23
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Mean Girl


Shownotes Transcript

Oh boy, I sound psychotic. Yeah, that was crazy. This never happened. You never sound crazy. I really wish I didn't say it, but hear me out. Can't undo it. Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Mean Girl Pod. I'm Alex. Are we still introing our names? I don't know. We did last week. Oh, we did? Yeah. I'm Jordan. And...

I don't know why I'm so flustered. I think it's the studio. Maybe. We're recording in a different studio because today's a little hectic at headquarters, so we're like all shuffled around. And it's Mercury Retrograde, so it's so freaking hectic. I can't. Does Mercury Retrograde actually affect things?

Because I didn't, I never thought it did. And then I was, I had like some issues today and I just wanted to blame them all being on Mercury and retrograde, but I didn't know. Think about what's happened in your life this, maybe it hasn't been that hectic for you because it's different on each sign, but think about the things that have happened in our life. How crazy.

this past week has been yeah it was it wasn't crazy personally it was just crazy for barstool yeah so my brain has just been so scrambled also we're recording a different place a different time i'm really bad with changing up my routines yeah that maybe that's what it is you're you're a routine person yeah you don't like you don't like to be off the wagon um but i kind of like this setting because it's like you can see the full body i love that you're wearing shorts alana's wearing shorts it's hot here in new york it's summer season

Dude, say goodbye to ever looking cute again. Oh, we're going to be like so sweaty. Like hair up every single day. Makeup's not going to last. No. Thank God they've blasted the AC because walking to work today, I was like, what was the point of showering? Oh my God. Right. It was so hot. It was so bad. Um,

But you guys, this weekend, we all went out with each other. It was so fun. We had a mean girl night out. Martinis. Lots of martinis were had. Yes. Martinis are our new drink. I will say it's going to take a bit for me to get into it. Jordan's being a trooper here. I'm on the martini train after Barstool vs. America and Jordan's like, I'm going to try. And I admire that about you. I'm going to try a tequila teeny next because the thing. I thought it was.

was you can put anything i guess you could put anything i should make that up tequila no no anything anything plays anything light any any light colored liquid plays in a martini glass so when you're ordering i can just say can i get a martini with tequila and they'll put in tequila glass instead of regular glass yeah you can have a don julio martini oh fancy would you get olives in it probably not you got maybe lemon lemon oh with a twist twist

Twisted lemon. Wait. I think you would like that, actually. That sounds good. That sounds incredible. So a tequila teeny with a twist. Love that. That's such a fun way. That sounds so hot when you just said it. That sounded like you've been doing this. Like you know all about it. Like you're a hot New York girl. It does. It does. Hi, I'll have a tequila teeny with a twist. You got to pick a specific, though. I'll have a Casamigos tequila teeny with a twist. You don't have to say tequila if you say Casamigos. I'll have a Casamigos teeny with a twist. Oh, there we go. There we go.

I like that. Oh my gosh, that's your new drink. You gotta try it. I'm gonna go on a date with a guy and they're gonna be like, wait, what? You just sounded like really cool. And then they're gonna be like, here you go. And that'll be $35. And I'll be like, okay, bye. Okay. But yeah, so the gin one wasn't that great. I mean, it was good. It was just so freaking strong. I feel like I was taking a shot every sip. That's the thing, you sip them slow.

It's actually a really nice bang for your buck. If you get like a margarita, you drink it fast. But what's nice about martinis is they're right to the point. It's just the alcohol. And you drink them slow. You have a good point there. Like you just sip it. So it lasts all of dinner. I'm a fast eater and drinker. So I need something to slow me down. And if I have a drink that's a little too intense...

Like, I think I was the last one to finish mine. Yeah, I know you were. Which is rare. You are a fast drinker and a fast eater. Yeah, I know. I need to slow down with all aspects of life. So the night was fun. It was very fun, actually. So much fun. I had a blast with you guys. That was our first time us three have all hung out.

Besides Pied Eye, yeah. I mean, like, first time we had, like, a true... Like, going out. A true dinner, bar hop, all over the place, stay out all night kind of thing. Yeah. Got dressed, attended the party. Yeah, it was fun. And I feel like us three have all three very different personalities, so it was just fun to see come alive. Also, Alex, you have no shame at the bars. You're like...

take a video and turn my flash on and blast the whole bar. I'd rather have the content than I would have everyone around me's approval. That's true. I love that about you. You know, I'm like, I don't, because here's the thing. I've been at bars. Okay. I used to feel so awkward when the flash went off, but then I've been at bars and the flash goes off and it doesn't really affect me. Like you feel more awkward when, when your flash is going off, but you don't really notice when the person next to you's flash goes off. Um, let's talk about confidence.

Okay. Just like how our days scrambled, my earring just broke. Mercury. Our intros are also going to be scrambled. Okay, so you brought up a good point, Alex. Confidence and intention. You should talk about that. Okay, because I've been thinking a lot about like,

how to be like, what is confidence? Right. This girl DM me. It was like, what? Like, where does confidence come from? So I started thinking about it. I'm like, okay, if we always waited to do something until we were confident, we would never really do it. Right. But if you linked it to your intention, right?

Like if you started thinking about, okay, we want to do the Mean Girl podcast. Like we always stand here. We don't have a clue what we're doing. Like we don't have a clue what we're doing in life. We don't have a clue what we're doing on this podcast. Like it's all so chaotic. You and I don't even know what we're doing here at Barstool, right? No, I'm doing it on a daily basis. Yeah, we're constantly like we're not the pros and we don't know. But we do have good intention. Yes. Love connecting with people.

We love what we do here at work because we get to talk to people. We get to say like we get to be self-deprecating. So our intention is really good. So if your confidence was just your intention, talking to a guy at a bar,

Like because you wanted to feel good about yourself and because you wanted to go up and have a conversation with the guy because you want to date somebody because that you want love in your life. That's your intention. Actually, yes. No, if you're not like good, if your intention was like, I want to go talk to that boy to piss off that other girl. That's a terrible intention. And you're not going to get confidence from there. And something bad will end up happening in that scenario. But if your intention is good and it's linked to your confidence, I think.

Alex makes me a better person. No, I don't have this figure. But I was thinking about that. I'm like, okay, we have good intentions. We can be confident about that. Right? That's actually so true because when I think about when I go out talking to guys, I am like, why am I talking to them? Is it because... It's not because I'm looking for a relationship. Is it because I'm looking to get attention? Am I looking to get validation? Am I looking to...

Just have a conversation because I'm bored. That's so valid. You know how they say all the time you find the guy when you stop looking? Yeah. That's because of your intention. If you go out and you're trying to find the guy because you do want the validation or you do want X, Y, Z, your intention's not right. But when you stop looking, then when you're talking to a guy, your intention isn't to find somebody. It's simply to have a good conversation. That's what happens.

Also, I feel like just that in finding your intention through all aspects of life and dating, like when you're talking to a guy on a daily basis, you have to think like, am I talking to him back to like last week's episode? Do I am I talking to him because I like him or am I just bored? Right. What's your intention? What is what is your intention right now with boys? I guess would be a good question.

To have fun. Because you have a good way of going about it, I feel like. I don't ever feel like your dating situation is toxic. I feel like you're just literally having fun. You have a good boundary with it. Yeah, I feel like across the board, it's truly fun. And whenever, since I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm in a really good part of my life where when the guy plays too many games or they start to get obnoxious or I'm just not into it, I'm okay letting it go. I like that. For example, I was talking to this guy last week

yesterday actually and he was just like once again being really weird with the one wordy so I literally was like this is causing me more stress he's adding to my load like we talked about a few episodes and I feel like when you like someone they shouldn't add to your load they should reduce it so I was like you know what I'm done and I've decided I'm just I'm not gonna keep talking to him okay speaking of that what is the current boy update would you give us one you know finessing a little bit I'm just kidding

I'm just kidding. Define it. I feel like with me, I always have a few boys I'm talking to, but not seeing, if that makes sense. Ooh, wait, that's a good way to put that. You're talking to them, but you're not seeing them. Yes, I feel like that's me in a nutshell. I'm always talking to at least two or three guys, but I'm never seeing anyone physically. Like in person. Okay.

I mean, I'm having sex. Dude, COVID's kind of over. If you wanted to. You know what I mean, though? It's like, I just feel like I'm always, every week it's like there's a new guy I'm talking to and it's back to the one hit wonder. I talk to a guy for like a week and then it just fizzles. Wait, I feel like going out again because I was under a rock for a second, but when we went out, there are so many cute guys in New York. Oh, Alex. Yes, there are. There are. I was like,

I was like, oh my gosh, they're nice. Yes, they are, Alex. I don't think we're giving Jordan enough credit for what you did at the bar when you went up to that boy. That was actually really cool of you. Can you tell that story? Yes, I can. That's what I was going to say too is I feel like

Alex, like you, this podcast has helped my confidence tremendously. Should. Because a few months ago, I would never approached a guy that hot at a bar. Really? Never. Oh my gosh. Jordan looked so cute this weekend too. Never. Even Graham the next morning was like, I loved her outfit. And I was like, I know. Oh, you guys are the best.

Quick side note, if you guys are hanging out with girls who don't hype you up, get new friends right now. There's no room for that. There can't be. We can't. Even when we walked out of that one bar and you had your tank top untucked, I was like, tuck your freaking tank top in. You have a cute body. You got to show a little something something. That was so cute of you. I was like, oh, okay. I can't stand. I know we're going a little tangerine now, but we have no room for people in our life who don't want the best from us for us. Right.

Have you ever not? Okay, I will admit to this. I have sometimes in my life, not not wanted the best for somebody, but I can officially say when you have some sort of like ill energy going towards somebody, it's only it's only about yourself. It's always about you, right? Always. It's like being on social media. I've realized whenever I'm jealous of other people on social media, I'm like, wait, I'm not actually jealous of them. I'm jealous of them because of something that's hitting an insecurity inside of me. It's nevertheless.

Never them. Never them. It's a me issue. Yes. So if someone's jealous of you, it says more about them than you. Yes. Okay. So anyways, you look so cute this week and tell the story. So we were at a bar and there was just a lot of really cute guys. And we saw this one guy and he was so cute. And we like walked past us. He seemed a little shy. We don't really know what his intention was.

And then he walked back and we noticed he was talking to another really cute guy. And I was like, I really want to talk to this guy, but I don't know how. So I was like, you know what? I'm just going to go up there and ask if they're single or taken. And this is a really great way to approach guys. I realized because one...

That's just a normal question. Two, if they act weird, you always can blame it on your friends. Any day. If they were weird to me, I literally could have been like, I'm asking because my two friends over here are really interested in you and they just want to know if you have a girlfriend or not. Throw it on other people. Put it on them. Any day. It's a non-losing situation.

So I went up to the and I went up to two guys. So once again, keep the ratio small. We don't need to approach a group of five guys. Raise your hand if you're single so I know if I can talk to you. And I just went up to both of them. They were having a conversation. I was like, hey, I just have a quick question for you guys. And they're like, yeah, what's up? And I was like, are you single or are you taken? And they were actually so unbelievably nice about it. The one is engaged and he was so cool still. He was like, I'm actually engaged. And his other friend was like, but I'm single. And they kept the conversation going. We talked for a bit.

And I was like, me and my girlfriends are sitting over there if you want to join us. And they did. And they're so cool. I hung out with them all night. We hung out with them all night. They were so nice. I would hang out with them again, actually. Yes. Me too. Like, they were very nice, normal, cool. But here's the thing, though. You should always, like, if we are trying to figure out the least harmless approach you can give somebody, that's it. Yes. Are you single or are you, like,

And also never be mad. It also gives the person an easy out too. Cause those guys, if they were like, this girl is, I'm not about it. They easily could have both been like, we're both taken. No harm, no foul.

Zero Like It's a win-win All across the board And if their girlfriends Were standing across the bar And they're like What'd she ask you? Literally big She asked if I was single or taken And I said I was taken Yeah Boom done Over It's just like Literally so easy You're not making the person Feel awkward Because you know how many times Like if a guy approaches you And they ask you Or like make like A weird comment Or try to hit on you You're like You're just kind of creepy Right Like

This is just a win-win. You can't lose in this situation. Exactly. So then from there, they came and sat down with us. And look, we made new friends. Also, another thing I learned, and you have to be very careful with this because some of you might think I'm crazy, but if you're talking to a guy and you like them and they're interested in you...

like take something from them and hold it as collateral so they can never leave i realize i do that a lot i'm sorry i'm sorry hold on excuse me what like like a $20 bill or like their phone or something like you're a little troll collecting treasures hey you're holding them hostage it does explain it i know you can't possibly just mean that serial killer take something take something from the person you just met

They know I took it. Wait, explain it. Okay, so I'm upset. Oh boy, I sound psychotic. Yeah, that was crazy. This never happened. You never sound crazy. I really wish I didn't say it, but hear me out. I can't undo it. Okay, make sure you guys are both interested in one another. Is this the first night situation? Oh my God. In both instances, it has been, yes.

So one time. So, okay. So make sure you're interested in the guy. And I'm talking about taking like a pair of sunglasses. Are you saying something? So you have or a phone. I took a phone once. Crazy. Oh my God. But it's a joke. It's like, that's not funny. You take to my phone. You're just like, I'm just going to hold on to these for you. And then that way they like have to make sure they see you before they go.

I thought you meant at their apartment. You took their phone. No! At the bar!

Dude. Okay, this is so much less messed up. Yes. Okay, so at the bar, for example, you're like... Just a cute flirting tactic. Yes. Yeah, sweet. Okay. Love, love, love. We love it. Explain it better. That was a really shitty explanation. I got it cute real quick. Yeah. Okay, so if you're talking to a guy and you guys are both obviously interested in one another... At the bar. At the bar. At the bar. You can... And like, let's say like they have some stuff, like guys just have all their stuff always out. Let's say their sunglasses fall. You're like, I'll just hold on to these for you.

And then that way, before they leave, let's say they like talk to somebody else or like you're in a rush, like you have to have one more interaction before they walk out the bar. They have to find you before they leave. Oh, you could be like, let's take a selfie on your phone. Then you actually put the phone in your pocket. Yes. And they have to come find you. So one of the guys I was talking to, this was a while back, like a few months ago.

This is how we were vibing all night. We were very comfortable with each other. He was being really annoying about his phone. He kept trying to take pictures of me in a really gross way. So I was like, I'm holding onto this the rest of the night. This is my phone now. And then I ended up leaving the bar accidentally. And I did not have this plan, by the way. He had to follow me out and get the phone. And then we kept hanging out. We actually left together. I love this. That's smart, ladies. Or guys. Oh, I would love it if a guy did that to you. Yeah.

No one is taking my stuff. Jordan would never relinquish control. The only thing I'll preface, please make sure you guys are both into each other. It can come off as completely psychotic otherwise, right? Yes. Don't do anything. Don't do a wallet. You don't need to do that. No, no, no. Glasses, a phone. I don't know. The phone's a little untouched. Chapstick. The phone was only because I was, one, extremely comfortable with him, and two, he kept trying to take pictures. I was like, no, you're done. I don't know. I'm not opposed to the wallet.

All right. I mean, I'm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You and your friends get some drinks. So, I mean, it's just like another really great way to. And I mean, I mean, I wouldn't mind if a guy did that with like my sunglasses. No, I wouldn't care. No, no. I'd be like, oh, I don't. Sometimes we don't need room in our purse. Take off a shoe. Give him a whole bag. Yeah.

That's actually a good one. Take off the bra. Oh, yes. You guys, what if you went into the bathroom, took your underwear off, slid it into a guy's pocket, left the bar, or you were like, come with me, and slid your underwear in his pocket? Would you do that for us? No. Just please. Sample. That's terrifying. That's so self-centered of you not to volunteer. It's so sexy. I don't think I could ever do that. I feel like you have to do that with a guy that maybe, I know we don't play games here, but that's being a little bit of a dick to you, to kind of show him who's boss. Yeah.

Like you're at a bar, he's talking to other girls and you're like, oh no, no, you're mine. So you take your underwear off, get out of the bathroom, put it in his like pocket and you can be like. Left you something. Yep. I think I'm going to do that to Graham. I know that we're married, but that would be a fun flirting. It's a good husband thing. That's cute. Yeah. Keep it spicy. Keep it spicy. 100%. Like you and Graham secretly keep things spicy. Like the outfit he bought for you. I was like, Graham. Oh, he loves to keep it spicy. You have to keep marriage fun. I know. I love that. You're.

You're a fun married couple. People think though that... Wait, do you think it's okay as a wife that I... I was telling Graham this the other day. I want to stay really hot for him. I have fun doing that. That's not weird, right? Not at all. I didn't think so. I think you all should make sure you're staying hot for yourself, but I also think that's really nice that you want to stay hot for your partner too. Yeah. Especially if the other one is staying hot for you as well. Right, that's true. I guess it should be for me too.

I guess it is for me. Let's find the intention. Let's link the confidence to the intention. Yeah. So then he still thinks that you're cute. Yeah. Then you feel cute. If I feel cute, then I just am a more confident person. I know a lot of people say they usually gain weight in the beginning of a relationship because you're going out to eat, you're comfortable. I feel like I always look my best because I always want to look the hottest in the beginning of relationships. 100%. I've never gotten the relationship weight. I like...

You know, people always say they're like, I gained the beginning stages of the relationship weight. Right. When you got comfortable, it happens. Yeah. Because you're like, they love me for me. But I feel like I want to get hotter as the relationship goes. Yeah. I see. I see the gaining weight because like you are going out to eat and you're like, he loves me for me. So like you feel permission to gain weight. Yeah. I totally understand. But I am more like you where I'm like, no, let's tighten her on up. Yeah. I feel like I'm always in better shape in relationships than I am when I'm single.

Really? Which is so weird. But I was thinking about the past relationships I've been in, and I've been in better shape being in relationships. Because you want to do it for them. I just want to be as hot as I possibly can for them. Yeah. And for myself, too. I feel like you're in a hot phase, though. I hope so. I like the way you're dressing. I am...

Like I'm really, really working on my confidence right now. And like literally cannot thank you enough. Oh, that's nice. Because you've like showed me like I can be. And I feel like I'm finally taking a little step forward. Yeah. You were planting the seeds. Now you're bearing the fruit. I'm feeling a little bit more comfortable showing more skin. Yeah. You have a very good body. At first it was like you were bagging it up. I was like, what? She's too cute for this.

I feel like there's that one movie where she wears boy clothes every day and then she wears a tight outfit to school and everyone's like, wait, she's a girl. Oh my god, she's hot. I feel like that's what people think. I take off my sweatshirt and they're like, oh, she's actually a girl under there. Oh, look at that figure. I know, you had on tight sweatpants one day and I was like, wait, you look great. Oh, that's funny. But yeah, so... Any more boy updates? Can you say this over sex thing or no? I'll say...

Because I've had sober sex. You will say that to the people. That's all I'll say is I've had sober sex, folks. We are, it was two years, no more. It's over. Finally over. And let me tell you, I've been missing out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you have. Sober sex is so much better than drunk sex. Wait, how was it? It was great. What was so great about it? I think just because like when you're sober, you actually know what you're doing and you can control it.

and you actually can feel things yeah you can feel you can feel them because i you forget how numb your like vagina gets when you're drunk like do you guys realize that like oh yeah like dryness numbness like especially when you drink it's just so much harder to get to get wet but like yeah that's a real thing i realized sober you just you have the ability to feel everything did you orgasm

No, I did not. I was close, though. Did you kegel? I did kegel. I literally did. I made sure to kegel during sex. All of a sudden, we were having sex, and I was like, I'm going to start kegeling. Watch this. It went on like one and two and three and four. Jordan's working out. He's like talking to you, and you're not responding because you're kegeling. I have a question. Have we confirmed on the other side if boys like the kegeling? I've never asked. I think it's...

I think so. You guys... Gorilla grip? You guys... Oh, yeah. That's what you said. You're like, it's like... Wait, what did you text us this morning? I was like...

well because i feel like we don't know how strong it is that's what i'm saying we don't no idea but it's probably like a fucking like a wrench like it's like doing right now like a tool a power tool right i have a quite i have a favorite i don't have a penis either because i don't have that's what i'm saying a favor for you guys will you each have sex with your boyfriends and husband um twice one keegling one not keegling and ask if they noticed a difference

100%. Okay. If you will take your panties off at the bar and put them in some guy's pocket. We will do that for you. That is such a fair trade. Okay. Even though ours would be like something we would do anyway. Okay. I'll do it sometime, but I truly think it has to be a guy that I'm kind of like fucking around with. Agreed. Yeah, I can't just be like a guy I just met. And I think you're right. It does have to be a fuck boy. Yeah. Like, for example, a while ago, I was at a bar.

I was at, I went to like a party, a guy invited me to a party and very good looking guy could get any girl he wanted. A lot of girls were approaching him like that would have been a perfect time if he like what he was giving me attention. But if he wasn't, that would have been a great setting.

Wow. I would love to know the response that happened there. And you know what? You've already put it out there publicly. So like if he happened to know that you were on this podcast or something and he like had some weird way about it, he probably already said I was going to do this. I win. True. What's he going to do? Also, I feel like, I don't know. So please go. Take an extra pair of underwear to the bar. You don't have to take yours off.

Okay, that's so much better because also like girls' underwears aren't the cleanest. Yeah, I was going to say just take a clean pair to the bar and then maybe spray with perfume. Yes, and then dump that in his back pocket. Can you imagine putting in like a pair you've worn all day in the hot New York? Literally, no. Literally, that's not fair. People pay for that shit. I know, but... You can sell that on the internet. Oh, hell no. Nobody is seeing my underwear after I've worn it all day in New York City.

Nasty. It's not painting a great photo. No, it's not. Oh my God. I lost my train of thought. Is the title of this episode, Take Your Underwear Off at the Bar? I'm just kidding. Take Your Dirty Underwear Off at the Bar. The best way to get a guy. What were you going to say? No, I lost my train of thought. I hate when that happens.

What were we just talking about? Underwear at the bar. Oh, having sex twice and then kegeling one time and not the other and seeing if they notice. Oh, thank you. Sometimes, now that I live in New York, I feel like I sometimes pretend I'm in a movie. And that's something you would do in a movie. So I feel like I would be more open to doing that. Do you ever do that? Think that we're in a movie? Just act like you're living in a movie in New York? Yes, because everywhere you go around here, I've seen in movie scenes.

Like I'll go into these restaurants. I'm like, oh my God, I just saw Ashton Kutcher here literally in a movie. So then you start to think it's like a movie scene. I was walking down from West Village to the office the other day and I had my AirPods and listening to like this really good song. And I was just strutting and I was like, I'm in a movie. Music video. Yep, everyone's watching me. I have to say this. I know that everyone listens to this doesn't live in New York, but there is some vibe about this city. Do you guys feel that?

Yes, every night. This is why I think I'm gonna have such a hard time getting into a relationship because

Every night I go out in New York City, it's like a whole new adventure. It's so exciting. I never know what I'm going to get myself into. And even both of you guys on, and I mean this in the least cocky way possible because I truly think anyone can do it. You're like, are you going to meet a boy? And I go, of course, every night I meet a boy. Because you can. No, you can. You can. 100% you can meet a boy anytime you go out of New York because there were so many and they also want to meet you. Yes. Yes.

I think it's really sweet. Yes. I've also realized guys are scared shitless to talk to girls. So girls, please realize you have the upper hand when you're out. I think girls truly listen. I love the male species, but but they I don't think are going to do it. They're not even those guys. I think I even asked them. I was like, they're like, we love or I think I'm pretty sure one of the guys was like, we love that you came up and talk to us. Like, that's so attractive because I think guys are really scared.

I think they are scared. And it's like if the intention is good, I think there's no other reason to not. Because what do we say? What's worse? Regret or rejection? Regret. Yeah. In every scenario, I think I'm trying to think of one scenario when it wouldn't be. Yeah. What's worse? Regret or rejection? Yeah. Regret. Would you even care if there was 10 hot guys and you went up to them all and they all rejected you? Yeah.

You would not care because you wouldn't want to go home and wonder. No, I would not. I mean, it would hurt in the moment, but it wouldn't hurt long term. Regret hurts long term. That sticks with you for life. Let me rephrase that. They all had girlfriends. That's what I think the biggest fear is. I don't think the fear is like actual rejection. I think the ego. Yeah, that's ego. But I think the fear is like,

It's an awkward scenario when they're like, oh, I'm taken. Like that to me, that I think was what people think is awkward. Yeah. Right. So if they all did that, but the guy was so cute or he had some way about him, then you would not want to go to bed. Then I'm like, oh my God, what if that guy was single and I never went and talked to him?

exactly i like like rejection awkwardness is so short-lived but like i promise you regret we'll stay with you the rest of your life i like that a lot that goes with that that that i think goes with jobs too yeah that's actually like friendships your shop yeah i took a poll um on the the mean girl pod instagram i think when you were at barcelona versus america and i asked people because rudy was talking about how guys are so afraid of rejection too and

Everyone was like, regret is so much worse than rejection. Really? Yeah. Wow. We all agree with that. But I don't know that we live by that. No, we don't. In the moment, I think you get scared. 100%. I can't. I hate this room. I can't look at you. My neck hurts so bad. That's okay. I don't hate this room. I like this room, but it's very difficult for me. You don't need to look at me. It's fine. Yeah, I'm starting to spasm. So I'm just going to look at you on here. Also...

I have a tip for men. What is it? Okay, guys. We always want to make sure that we give as many tips to men as we do to women because we are equal here. Yes, we are. 50-50, baby. Be she and them. Whatever your pronouns are, we love you. Okay, guys. If you want to make a girl remember you, make a girl like you, make a girl become obsessed with you,

You have to just do one thing and that is buy them an Uber home. It can be home from a date. It can be home from the bar. It can be home from a one night stand. It can be home from them leaving your apartment at any time of the day. Let me tell you, two men have done this to me in my entire life and I will remember these two men for the rest of my life. Did this happen to you recently? Because that felt powerful. It's only happened to me in New York.

Sometimes it happened to me only in New York. I think men in New York are just, I mean, I would say a little bit more of a gentleman. I know that's surprising because people like Minnesota, everyone's so chivalrous. No, they're not. Sorry, Minnesota. Ricochet shot. People think of when they think of Minnesota. I know, but no, I'll say it's happened to me. I didn't get it.

Okay, no, I did. That was an insult. Yeah. We're thinking Minnesota and I'm thinking like, you know, a suit opening the door for you. Anyways, I don't know what it is, but all my single friends agree. There's just something about somebody buying you a new home because one, it's like shows respect and it's just so nice.

It shows they care. It shows they care. It's what do you think, though? Okay. Shows maturity. Shows maturity. Ability. Financial. Shows that you can father that child. You can call that Uber. I know. But I do think, okay, because this is kind of a thing that I've heard brought up a little bit. And some guys don't do it.

And most guys don't. Most guys don't do it. But I think those guys think of it. I think they're like afraid to be that nice of a guy. But that's the thing. It's not nice. It's like hot and respectful. Yes. That's why I think we need to nail into people's heads. You're not being a nice guy by doing that. You're being an actual badass. Yeah. You're being a man.

Like, that's man shit. Yes. Man shit. Yes, exactly. Yes. It's like ensuring you'll get home safe. That's not nice. That's man shit. I think people aren't thinking it all the way through. You got to buy girls Ubers. I think buy them too many Ubers. If you want...

Okay, actually, I have a question. If you, if a guy was like, come out to eat with me here, or no, no, no, not in that scenario, not meet me on a date, but if you were at a bar far away from him, you know, a 20-minute Uber away from him, and he wants you to come to his bar, and you're like, but I'm far away, and then he calls you an Uber, and it's like, Uber's outside, are you like... Jordan would arrive with her panties in her hand. Literally...

literally go home with him in a heartbeat i would oh oh my god there's just something about a man taking control that just does me dirty that's what it is it's control i love when people control me step up in a healthy way in a healthy way okay yes oh my god alex like the only time i wouldn't accept uber is if i was going on a first date because i was like i don't know you right because it'd be creepy i was gonna say like if he ubered you to the date but that's weird yeah but then like

Also, guys, you have to know where this lady lives. It'll make it way possible. Exactly. You can track them. And he's like, oh, I saw you. And then what a good conversation. Oh, I saw you got home. Yes. And also, too, for guys, it's a little trick, too, because if the girl doesn't text you saying thank you, they're probably not that nice.

that nice. Did you text and say thank you for the Uber? Right away. I always do. Yeah, that's good. There's no games with this situation. You should always thank them for the Uber. Man, these guys are like, damn, every time I have a girl over now, I'm going to have to be calling Ubers. And you are. Yeah, but also it definitely makes you figure out the type of person they are because if you bought a girl an Uber home and she didn't thank you, I think it's good to say that one, this girl is trying to play way too many games. Two, she's just not polite. Or three, she's very self-aware. So maybe you shouldn't talk to her again.

Absolutely. Yeah. Going to pay for her to get home. Absolutely. Ubers aren't cheap in the city. They're not. They're not cheap in general. It's like so nice to extend that. I think even if you had, even if you're the kind of guy that's like, I don't really want to see her again. Still Uber her home. Like what a nice thing to do. Mm hmm.

And we'll get them out of there if you want them to leave. Yeah. I got, Hey, I got you an Uber. Hey, gotcha. That too. That like that too. The guy can bring up like, Hey, I can get you an Uber home when you're ready. And then she might be like, fuck. Not the hint. With a bar to bar Uber. That's,

if a guy bar to bar uber's hot if a guy ever did that for me i would literally marry them i feel like if you were on the verge of thinking if you were interested in him and not that that would make you be like oh okay let's go the confidence yeah control the risk oh then you'd know they really wanted to see you oh that's a win-win-win that's those are w's all around and it's not even cocky it's just freaking confident totally confident that is like

The prestigious, pristine, pristine, pristine, pristine, top shelf confidence. Yes. Top shelf tequila confidence. That's right. 1942 tequila confidence. That is. Yeah. I have an announcement. What? Brain dead. I have two more things for you before you go. Sorry, Alex. No, I'm just saying if I go a little mute, I'm very hungry and extremely thirsty. Do you want some water?

You are hacking up a storm over there. I'm going to take my thing off for you. This is Alex. So I'm going to record because I said so and then jump right into Mean Girl. I'm like, no, you're not. You're not going to make it. I wouldn't make it. We're banking episodes. I know. We're banking episodes. But before you go, I have two more things for you. One, we just have to talk about how hot mustaches are. I never knew a mustache was so hot until about a month ago because men everywhere are wearing them.

Like where are you growing them? Like just a mustache, not a beard. Yeah. Just a mustache, like a full grown mustache.

What does it say to you when you see a guy? Because some guys can't. They're not a stash guy. To me, it kind of screams like I'm goofy, but also can be really serious. Love that. Kind of like a little grungy, too. Yeah. It says I don't take myself too seriously, but I'm willing to experiment with new things. Yes. Like facial hair. It's kind of like a mullet partying in the back, but it's in the front.

Correct. It's like he knows how to party, but he's also like seems like a really good guy. He inevitably has style. I mean, a person with a mustache has to have some sort of like vibe about him. He can't just be like in a golf shirt. They always have like a little bit of like a, I don't want to say a hipster vibe, a little bit of like a, not grungy. That's kind of a, that's a weird word. Did I say grungy? You know what I think it is? I think it's very rare that guys have a style and own it. Yes. And a mustache is like a very clear defined thing.

aesthetic and like style type. Yeah, yeah, definitely. You know what I mean? Well, Alex, you can eat those snacks. Oh, yeah. We have to talk about the spicy question of the week. What is it? What is it, Alana? Hit us with the spicy question of the week. The spicy question of the week was when a man comes on you, who cleans it? And when...

And why, I guess. I love this question because I feel like it's so controversial to what males and females think and prefer. Like, I feel like girls and guys, we each think something different, prefer something different. Totally. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to this. I think it's just fun to hear people say. I want to hear your married thoughts first. Okay, my married thoughts are...

I think they'd be the same thoughts. I have to pose a question to the room that I'd like everyone to answer. Does the guy, where do you prefer the guy to come? Because I feel a type of way about this. Not inside me, that's for sure. Hey, that's a good, that's a really birth control. The sides and sides. Oh, um. Knock off. Yeah.

Jordan with the obvious. No, some girls are crazy and they're like, please come inside me. Dude, that's like some athlete shit. I know. I know. Poking a hole in condom coming in. Oh, scary, scary stuff. If a girl ever says, please come inside me, probably should kick her out. Do not buy her the Uber. That is the one. The only instance you could not buy her the Uber is if she asks you to come inside of her. I think stomach is great because yours are his.

Mine. Easy cleanup. She is laughing at me. Okay, okay, okay. Oh my God, I almost just peed my pants. I need a Kegel more. A Kegel, come on. You can tell Alex has not eaten enough today. I'm famished, but sometimes I have Graham come on his own stomach, which I'll get to. Keep going. Okay, it was a big dick. Jesus. Subtle plug. No, I'm just kidding. Okay.

I can't talk about Graham that way. It's like talking about my dad. Okay, so I would say coming on my stomach because one, if it's on, some guys love coming on girls' faces, which I think is so fucked up because it's like you have makeup on, it's messy, it's dirty, and we're not doing that. Sometimes guys like to come on like the boobs, like go for it. There's nothing here. It's just like my stomach. So it's going to be the same flatness. So you feel free to do whatever you want.

Is that a thing? Yeah. Well, a lot of guys like to be, like, titty fucked. And then they'll, like... Then it's like... Oh. You can't do that, Alex. No, hell no. You don't have big enough boobs for that. Then you get close. So then...

And then they like come like here. I will say though, lately before the week for my period, my boobs get so much bigger and I'm in love with it. Love. And they kind of hurt. Yes. Like right. And like the nipple, the nipples are always hard. Oh, yeah. It looks great on tank top. Mine sides hurt. Yeah. That's how I feel right now. Oh, are you about to start? Yeah. Right before I leave too, which is great.

But yeah, okay, so continue. I don't think we understood where you preferred. Oh, stomach, stomach. Your stomach. My stomach. Okay, mine. My stomach. I am like, yeah, stomach also, but also sometimes his stomach. How does this work? How does it not work? How, in what scenario does it not work? I guess we were just talking about different positions right now. I think that's the thing. Assuming I was on top. Okay, exactly. Now I understand. Oh!

I forgot. You're like wiping. Like, can we not? Sometimes I prefer to just like not. Okay. Any other position though on my stomach? Always on my stomach. Sometimes I don't really care where. Stomach. Stomach. As far away from the vagina as possible. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's scary when they come and all of a sudden you're like, you're really close. Yes, entirely. You're close to the hole. You can sing. Can you? No.

Give us a line. Drop a tune. I'm toned down. Give us your very best. I can't. I'm like a bird. What do you guys want me to do? I'm sick. I'm like a bird. She didn't try. Okay, Alana, where do you prefer?

Tits. See? Told you girls like that. Boys do too. Okay, I'm going to try it. Stomach is like... Alana has big boobs though. Yes. Are more exciting than ours. Yeah, so she has some place for the mic. The guy to land it. Does it matter? Maybe I have a bigger affinity for mine then? Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, I forget I have them. I think the biggest thing, when I'm having sex with someone and...

They come on me. They need to get me the towel or the cleaning object, but I will clean it off myself. I do not want them to be scrubbing the cum all over my stomach. You better get your butt up and get me the product to clean, but I will clean it myself. Entirely, they must get up and get it. If they don't, I would lose my fucking mind if they didn't. Alex, the amount of guys who don't, though, that's... What? Really? Are you...

Guys, we do not give advice or tell you what to do on this podcast, but you must give the girl or the guy, the other guy. This makes sense because I was wondering why you love this question. Yeah, it's very controversial. Passionate about. Yes, very passionate. I didn't know a world existed. I didn't know a world. I'm into that. Oh, you see you taking ladies don't realize how hard we have it out here. What? You this?

Well, they'll just kind of be like, they'll be like, good to go. And you're like, um, I should, I should say we shouldn't have to ask. You should not have to ask. That happens more. I mean, they always kind of have to get up and get it. Cause like you have come on, you should be like, okay, let me walk over. Um, but like there's been times where that's happened and I'm like, can you please get up and get me something? That's, that's, um, I'm, that would go into the deal breaker category. Yes. That is a, is that a, is that a selfish trait or is that, is that an untrained? It's an unaware. Yeah.

selfish yeah it's worse it's not even selfish it's like you have so little awareness of the world around you yes you're an idiot yes yes that's not even your mom i didn't teach you that's just you didn't wake up yeah yeah guys get the towel yes you just wrote on their pillow literally the guy ever did to me i would flip over and be like i'll wipe it off your sheets yeah we so somebody's done that to you though oh yeah it's happened a lot i'm so upset not not like i said like everyone's always gotten me something but like there has been times where i'm like

Oh, my God. Did you get me a towel? Yeah. Can you please? So unattractive. So unattractive. It's such a maturity thing, too. Like, this happened a lot more when I was in my earlier 20s than it does now. But I hate when guys, too, they, like, get a towel or paper towels and then they try to help and you're like, no, sweetie. That's nice, though. I prefer that. It's so stupid. I'm like, you don't know what you're doing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The effort of trying. Yeah. So they come...

Or the the the worst is when they're coming and they want to like come in your mouth I'm like, you're not putting that near me. I forgot all of a sudden Well, the guys would be like, hey, can I come in your mouth? I forgot about the coming in your mouth thing people do feel some type of way about that I don't get it cuz you're good. Yeah guys love that. Why I don't know you weren't giving him head Why would he just put in your mouth, but it's different if he puts it around your mouth How do you have enough time to get it to the mouth? I?

You know what I mean? I mean, it happens relatively quickly. I mean, like, you're in your back. How much time do guys have when they know they're going to come? How many minutes, seconds do they have before it actually comes? We have, like, boom. That's what I mean. Like, when the guys come, like, they can't really control it. How are you, like, thinking about it? I'm going to get to your face. No, it would be, like, dribbled up me. Not to get too sexual. Why stop now? You know what I love?

I'm about to get my period, so I'm so much horner this week. You should text one of those boys. I love when you're having sex with a guy and he like...

You have a condom on, of course. They can come inside you then if they have a condom. Only if you want. Do you use condoms? Yes, I do, Alex. I'm safe. Are you on birth control? No, Alex. But I'm now always incorporating condoms into my routine. I'm smart. Beautiful. Also, if I have sex with a guy and they don't have a condom, that's just like a red flag too. Like, dude, have some respect. Yes. But I love when you're having sex with a guy and then they finish and then they just hold it in you.

Do you know what I'm talking about? Wait, what? Okay, so you're having sex with a guy. They come in a condom. Oh! They just keep themselves inside you. Yes, I forgot about that part. I love that. Why? I don't know. There's something so intimate about that. Oh, that's nice. I think it's the intimacy. Like the passion. Yeah. Yeah, you do kind of feel, I guess, a bit. I've actually never experienced this, so I don't know. I'm just trying to put myself in the position. Do you guys wear condoms? No. So don't do that.

Yeah, I wouldn't do that. I don't do that. Do you guys wear condoms? So don't do that either then. What does the condom matter though? Just because they're not coming inside you then. Oh. Because then this way they can come inside you and they can just hold it there.

Come inside the condom. Come inside the condom and then hold her dick inside you. Yeah. It's just like very like, it's very, I don't know how to describe it, but if you, every time I've told my friend this and they've done it, they actually like, wait, no, that was really nice. I bet. It's just very intimate. I think you don't get a lot of intimacy. Well, because I think when people, when a guy comes and then gets up, something very disrespectful about it. Yeah. It does feel you're just kind of like, oh, we're done. You're welcome for being here. Like not even a breath. Yeah. Yeah.

Or what you guys can do is you don't have to have coming involved. Just when you're having sex with a guy next time, just like stop and just have them hold them inside you for a while.

Have you done that? Yeah. Well, I have a tip. Okay. It's one of my favorite things I've ever done. Okay. So married girl tips. One time I was sharing a hotel. We were in Miami and I was sharing a hotel room with my best friend, Sydney and Graham was in Miami and we were like newly dating. And so we like hung out that night and I was like, Oh my God, you should come back to the hotel room with us and like sleep in my bed. He's like, Oh my God, your friend's going to be in there. And I'm just like, just come on. So he comes in there and I don't know, like,

It's your very best friend. So like she doesn't care. Like it's a very comfortable room for everybody. But he's like, we got to have sex. And I was like, OK, but I don't want to be loud. So he just like got hard and then just like I fell asleep kind of like with it in me. Like it was just like soaked. Love. Yes. Mormons do. Why? Why? That's like not the loophole. Yeah, it's like a loophole. It's fucked up. It's not considered having sex. So there's no thrusting.

Isn't soaking amazing? I enjoyed it. I thought it was so intimate and sweet. Soaking is amazing. No disrespect to Mormons. I just didn't know why. Mormons love it. Yeah, I think it's great. I didn't realize that wasn't considered actual intercourse. I love when you're in the middle of having sex and all of a sudden you just like... You like...

grab them so they can't keep thrusting and you're just like just like hold on yeah like when you're making out with someone you just like then you can get you throw you could throw a kegel in there yes oh it's a great time to kegel like think about it it's like it's like when you're making out so and then you just like you know when you just like hold a kiss yes love just i don't know there's something about it that it's indescribable it's like the best feeling in the world

Not to pivot, but you saying holding a kiss. Did anybody go outside yesterday? Yeah, I went outside for eight miles. Did you see an abnormal amount of makeouts? No. I saw a lot of people using like a lot of tongue like. Makeout season, baby. Yeah. Love that. I saw a lot of people holding kisses. I love holding, the holding pattern. Same. I think that's why I like sober sex because you can be more intimate.

It's so much less about like the act of fucking. It's more like sex. Yeah, it's more like loving. Yes. Like actually the L word. More intimate. Intimate. Passion. No, there's got to be another word. Steam. Hold on. We're not. There's a word we're not thinking of, right? Lust. Wait, lust. Why does lust have a negative connotation to me? Because like when you lust someone, you just like them physically pretty much. You don't like actually love them. Oh, you're in lust. You're in lust. You're just like obsessed. It's just like two bodies doing what they're hardwired to do. Just like friction. Yeah. Yeah.

Sober sex is just great. It's very nice. But yeah, I don't know. There's something about soaking, man. Soaking season. Alex, take it away because I did last time, baby. Okay. Credit Karma uses your credit portfolio to show you offers that are tailored to your financial situation. I'm actually going to use this and we should all use this because travel season's coming up. Credit Karma partners with wide range of credit card agencies.

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that thank you alex thank you jordan okay um guys so i just want you to know it's my turn to leave now what goes around comes around done alex was on the show no i'm doing a show but i've only gone for a week which is really nice um can't really give any information because i don't know how much i'm allowed to say but can you say you won't have your phone i'm not gonna have my phone for an entire week like the real kind of not have her phone like they're taking it from my hands and

They're taking my phone from my hands. I'm giving them, giving it to them. You're going to feel so refreshed though. I think it's going to be really nice. I know, but I won't be able to. Oh yes, it's going to be great. So I'll be a little MIA, but I'll be back by Memorial Day. We'll be back by Memorial weekend. Alex will do a little solo up with the, say the boyfriend. Me and my boyfriend, no, Graham. I'm excited about that one. Yeah, I'm too. So everything's going to be great. Yeah.

I'm going to go to Miami. Yeah, Alex is going to Miami. She's going to wear this hot blue dress. If you don't follow her on Instagram, you should because she posted about it. You posted on yours, right? Yeah. Let your husband shop for you because it'll show you what they think of you. Yeah, that's a hot dress. Literally, when I saw that, I was like, damn. I hate it. I put it on. I was like, what the fuck is this? Then I started looking. I was like, I love this thing. No, literally, when you first put it on, I was like, I don't know if I feel... I thought it was a hot dress, but I was like, I don't know if I feel... Then I was like, damn, Alex, are you moving that? I was like...

That's what it was. At first I was like, this is terrible. I was like, you can just see every like the ab lines. I was like, oh damn, she looks fire. It's nice in the shoes. I need those shoes. Oh yeah. You can borrow the shoes. They're good. So she were you a 10. Yeah. A big dick. Yeah, you do. Wow. Um, do you want to do the whole shit thing?

Ladies and gentlemen, like, comment, subscribe. Follow us on Instagram. Follow us on Twitter. Follow us on TikTok and leave a review on Spotify or wherever it is, Apple, wherever it is that you listen to podcasts because you've made it to the end of this episode, which means you clearly enjoyed it. So give back to us what we gave to you, which was 45 minutes of your best friends in your ears. Yes. Love you guys. Hope you have a great rest of your week. Happy Monday. And we will see you next.

Next time. I'll see you next time. Jordan will see you the time after that. Yeah.