cover of episode Fleeing NYC & A Threesome Experience

Fleeing NYC & A Threesome Experience

Publish Date: 2022/3/8
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Mean Girl


Shownotes Transcript

Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of Mean Girl Pod. I'm Jordan Woodruff. Hi, I'm Alex Bennett. I'm reporting live from Oklahoma City. Yes. Alex, do we have a current event today? You know, the only thing, the only current event I could think of is...

man maybe global warming's real because it was it was 90 here on friday and then on saturday it was uh 32 i mean it's 70 in new york city today so i guess like just the weather's insane i don't know i don't have a current event because i've been living under a rock and i was on a phone detox is that a stupid current event what are you guys laughing at can you even hear me a lot of just goes ukraine our defense we did ukraine last week

All right, fine. We can acknowledge the war going on. Elon Musk said that we are going to have to Elon Musk said that we're going to have to start drilling to make up for Russia's sacrifice. I don't even know. I don't know. OK, so speaking of Alana, we got to address the the four news in our life that we posted on Instagram yesterday.

So we posted on our, if you're not following Mean Girl Pod on Instagram, make sure to do that right now. It's at Mean Girl Pod. We post everything there first. But we put up a slight little plug. We put up a subtle passive aggressive plug by Jordan. We got to do better at that. That's a goal of mine to always make sure we're plugging everything. I'm a numbers person.

So we post on Instagram that we have a new release time, new producer, new rules, new us. And I think we just got a quick talk about it. Release time, easy, moving.

Mean Girl Monday's back. That's what we were always going to do. I think everyone can say that Sunday, Sundays, Mondays kind of suck. And what better way to end your Monday than off with one of your favorite pods to listen to or just a way to distract yourself before we roll into Tuesday. So going forward, Mean Girl pod will drop on Mondays at 7 p.m. We also have a lovely new producer, Alana. Hey. Hey.

Happy to be here. Thanks for... Hi, Alana. Hey, Alex. We're so excited about Alana because Alana has like a lot of good ideas. She sent Jordan an awesome text message and was like,

I want to do this, blah, blah, blah. And originally, Jordan and I wanted a guy producer. And then when Alana swooped in and was like, I'll do it, we were like, we're so in on Alana. I have high hopes. Yes, Alana's amazing. She's also my producer for the other things I do at Barstool. So I love her, and I was very excited to have her join the meet girl team. I love you too, Jordan. This guy said it's my bread and butter. Yes, this is Alana's bread and butter. And then regarding the new Rules New Us, you know, you guys...

We'll get into it. You'll figure that out along the way. Just with like, we will as well. But I think the first thing we just have to address is obviously Alex is not with me today. She's in Oklahoma. So Alex, hey, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while. What are you doing in Oklahoma? Oh, nothing. I just came home to water the plant. People actually take that literally. They'll be like, oh yeah, I probably took the PJ home to water the plants. All right. No. No, but you know what I mean. Yeah.

- Yeah, no, no, no, that's a joke. - It's a joke, I'm kidding guys. - It's a joke! At home because you know what? New York City 12, Alex zero. So I gotta be honest, I came home Friday

All right. Thursday night I went out. Yeah. Well, first let's just preface like this is the first weekend Alex and I haven't spent with each other. So I've been seeing Alex in a while. Alana and I don't really know what's going on. Alex texted me Friday and was like, I'm going home. I don't know much of the story. So Alex, if you're comfortable, just lay it all out there because I don't really know what's going on either.

yeah yeah no I'm totally comfortable with it um so Thursday night I went out and got well I went to a birthday dinner so like you probably saw on social media like Hannah Cook came in town let me just say really quickly it was really good to see Hannah um I hadn't seen Hannah in a really long time ever since this mean girl stuff happened but she seemed really good and I saw her right before

for dinner and then her and i went to kat who used to work at barstool we went to her birthday dinner with like a group of girls and it was really fun we went to catch but i've been doing this thing where i don't drink like on like i don't drink on like a monday night at home so

When I go out, I have been getting obliterated in New York City. And when I say obliterated, I don't want anybody to take that lightly. I want to paint the photo of a couple of these times. Also, so Thursday. Oh, sorry. So I just want a quick.

Quick plug. The only reason why I wasn't at the birthday is because I had a friend in town. I just don't want people to be like, Jordan didn't go because there's bad blood, blah, blah, blah. No, I had a friend in town, and that's why I have not seen Alex because I was with a friend.

You were invited to the dinner. Yes, I was. Just kidding. It's like, yeah, I was. It's like, Alex, okay. No, you're closer to Kat than I am. It's like your best friend. You had a friend. I love Kat. Yes, that's why I was there. Continue. Sorry to mean to interrupt. No, that's okay. Yeah, so I went to the dinner and then we went upstairs to the rooftop. And I've been taking some Adderall and drinking some beverages. And it doesn't end well. It hasn't ended well yet.

I was throwing up everywhere. I threw up in the Uber. My doorman saw me walk into the apartment at God knows what time with throw up all over me. Like, it's like embarrassing. And I'm like, Alex, Alex,

what is your problem like I just have been getting and this isn't the first time like that's definitely not what so I woke up Friday and I was just like anxious and I was having some like bad thoughts and I was just like Alex you're taking every time you go out in New York like you're taking it entirely not even too far it's like gotten absurd where there's times where like I've ended up

in a car with somebody that's not even like a certified uber driver like you and i talked about the time my husband at 4 45 a.m had to zell pay the driver because he didn't take cards and he didn't take vinmo and it's like i'm putting myself in really stupid scenarios like there was a time that i went out and was probably talking to a guy entirely too much like i i don't like this alex at all

Like, at all. It's embarrassing. It's like, I'm just like, what the fuck is going on with you? And it's like, I know better. But Thursday was kind of the final straw for me. That it was like, I know better, but why can't I do better? And I think, Jordan, you'll relate to this. Like, one time I got out of the Uber and I fell. And like, the thing that goes around the trees in New York. Like, I'm going...

I'm zero to 100 and it's like full send. And it's like, I love working a bar stool. I love having this job. It's like, I don't hate the game. Like I seriously hate the player, which is me right now. And it's, I hate me in New York. I like, I hate the way I'm handling things. And for me, like, I'm lucky that I can come home.

and press reset like I was gonna come home I was gonna come back to New York last night and I was like I'm not ready to come back yet like I gotta figure this shit out so I can keep going because like I do I love doing this podcast with you I love doing these podcasts but like I wasn't happy with who I was becoming or like what I was doing and like if actions speak louder than words well I was pretty fucked in that department and so I was like I'm like I gotta put the brakes on like

I can't do a short-term fix. Like I gotta go home. I gotta like, remember where I came from and then I gotta get back. But so, so that's just a light little situation as to where I'm at in life. Sorry. Yeah, no, I think you said that so well, I appreciate you saying that. I think a lot of people can relate to it. Um,

A lot of us have freshman years in our life. I mean, high school, college, first year you're married, first year you have kids where you just don't know what's going on and you feel like you have so much pressure on you and you're panicking. You feel like you're in this alone. And a lot of the times we go to things like drinking and drinking.

It's just like everything hits you at once. And I don't want to be like, Alex, I know how you feel. But I agree. We come to New York. We're in this new environment. We have these new people in our life. We're in our upper 20s. And we're restarting from scratch. It's chaotic. And I agree with you. The person we were becoming with all of the chaos just wasn't ideal. And I think...

I mean, I don't put words in your mouth, but you just you took you use drinking as like a way to kind of calm a lot of the thoughts and like the anxieties and it just got out of control. Yeah, it was like the best outlet. I it was the only outlet I could find. Like I stopped working out. I stopped doing everything. So yeah.

It would be like work. And then I would go out and I'd wake like I would go out and boom, it would after like one hour of being out, it would be completely black. And then I would wake up the next morning with like a shitstorm of a mess to clean up. And you'd think after I did that twice, I would have learned like I, I was like, I've had the wake up call I need, like I scared myself to death. And then I did it about three more times. And I was like, what's it like?

this has to stop. Like, of course I'm thankful for the lesson and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But like, seriously, like get your shit together, Alex. So that's what I'm home doing. And I'm like taking ownership of all of that. And I'm like, let's get it together so we can get back there and like do things the way that I want to do them. Cause I wasn't doing that. Yeah. Yeah. So through all of this, um, like how did Graham take it? If you guys don't know Graham's Alex's amazing husband, like how has he been handling this? Cause like a lot of people, um, I mean, um,

Yes, a lot of people are married in their 20s, but I feel like it's just... I don't know. I don't want to say... That's a conversation for another time, but I feel like a lot of people when they get married, they don't have one spouse who's going out, going crazy. You know what I mean? So how has he been handling you kind of going this direction when he's been pretty much holding down the fort at home? Yeah, that's a very good question that I'm just going to answer. Honestly, I...

It almost might be easier to sit here and say Graham's mad at me and like he just wants me to get my shit together. I think that would be the easier option because I could say he's mad. He's not. He has been nothing but like very kind and understanding to me.

And I think he sees like the anxiety or like the pressure I'm putting on myself. And I think he's like, you know, Graham and I've been dating for seven years and married for almost three. So he, he knows me. But I think it's hard on him to see me portray myself in this way to people in New York, to people at bar school that don't know me as well as him. Because he's like, you know, you're showing them a different version of yourself than like the one that Graham knows. So it's,

in that sense, he's been very, he's worried about me. He's not mad. It's almost like he's the parent that's like, I'm disappointed. But he's also been very, like, he's been a safe space for me, probably the only one. Like, he's been out of town this past week. So when the wheels really fell off, he was in California.

And he would call me like he would go to dinner with his parents and he would call me and keep me on speakerphone, but mute me. And I would sit at the dinner table with him for hours just so I like wasn't alone. So he's been he's been the best thing ever for me. I would even take it as far to say, like, I don't deserve that level of kindness right now with like some of the things that I've done.

But he has been my rock entirely. So Graham's fine. Like I was joking to him yesterday. I got 99 problems and you're not one of them. Like how did that happen? So he's been awesome. That's amazing. And like, I feel like that's very unique because usually in relationships, the partner is

the problem. Like they're fueling the fire and causing more problems. So the fact that Graham is being amazing, which I can totally see, I've only known Graham as long as I've known you, not very long, but the person that I've seen as Graham is one of the most incredible people I've ever met. So I can like, I know what you're saying is so true. I can totally see him like putting you on speaker at dinner and caring for you. But yeah, I feel like he just

He sees the version that you are and he's like, this isn't Alex Bennett. This isn't the person that everyone knows and loves. This is like a different person that's coming out to play that. Now you're realizing you don't like either.

Entirely, yeah. And he's like, if you were still in New York just going about things, making empty promises to me that it wouldn't happen again, we'd have problems. But we're going to right the ship. Yeah. So that's what we're doing. Are you going to still continue to go out and drink when you come back to New York? Or what's the plan there? I don't know what that looks like. Because, I mean, it definitely...

I would say, I would say for this as far into the future as I can see me going out, it can't happen. Like I can go to dinners and things like that because B the problem is being social is a very large part of my identity. And I love being social. However, being social, I wasn't,

The way I've been going out, you can't even define that as social. That's like debauchery and like reckless behavior. I'd like to get back. Like when I wake up in the morning, when I woke up on Friday, like my cup wasn't full. You know, I wasn't like, I feel like I went out and bonded and had like good conversation. I'm like, I went out and got blackout again and threw up everywhere. Like, I don't remember what I said when I mixed out Adderall and alcohol. I say stuff that doesn't even exist in my brain.

So him and I want to get to like, we want to get to like health, like a healthy version of socializing. Yeah. You're having like, you know, like, and I don't what, Oh, I was just saying you're having like a legit freshman year, like of college, like going out, getting obliterated, blacking out and not remembering the next day. Yep. Exactly. Yeah. And I don't like that. No. And like, there's a good, there's a, we can go out. I mean, not you. I mean, like in general, like,

People can go out and drink. I feel like there's like the people stay home, like the happy medium and the people who get like obliterated. Just got to get you to like the happy medium. Yeah. I need to have a normal relationship with socializing. I just right now, clearly like I can't handle that. So him and I like this week for me is just like,

kind of, I'm just figuring it out. I don't know. I don't want to say anything that's like not true. So I guess the answer is I don't know what that looks like, but it looks different than it has been. I know that for sure, but I don't know how, how much him and I want to, all I know is Graham and I will be on the exact same page with what that looks like and feel really good about it, but I don't know what it is, but I'll keep you posted on Instagram probably. Yeah. And like Alex, everything you've said, I completely agree with, and I don't want to

share my sex that's just like exhausting to hear like yours and then mine but yeah I mean our freshman year we've we have a lot of pressure on ourselves I'm definitely going through it as well I'm not loving the person I'm becoming um I'm just doing it a little differently than you like you're not less blackout I'm not getting obliterated um I uh hold my alcohol a little little better younger and better I'm just kidding um

Yeah, I just struggle differently. I definitely internalize my emotions and I've gone through a lot of pressure in the past. So I feel like I know how to kind of go through it and like not fix it, but just, I don't know. Everyone deals with struggles differently and I'm sure I'll be hit in the face when you're more stable because that's just I feel like why we're also good friends. But yeah, freshman year, a lot of pressure, a lot of struggles, but yeah.

I'm excited to see where we are in a year. I think it's important to note, though, that you and I like the pressure. Yeah. We we were familiar. We're both familiar with pressure and we like it. I'm just handling it shitty outside of work. Yeah, but that's normal. I mean, like we all like I said, we all handle the pressure differently. And literally we we've no idea why, but it just hits people harder at different points. We also have to realize we're in New York City, the fastest going city in the world with people.

Like the craziest amount of pressure in the world, working in like a brand new industry in our upper 20s. Like it's just a lot of things at once added to the, never mind. I was going to try to do a metaphor, but I'm bad at those. Wait, tell me about your weekend. Yes. So let's pivot. Yeah. So I, since I don't have a drinking problem, I did drink this weekend. Just kidding.

So one of my good friends from home came to visit me. That's why, like I said, I wasn't at Kat's birthday. And that's why I didn't see Hannah. We already had like all these plans made. As you guys know, I'm very anal. I've had these plans made for like three months. So I was like, I'm not, I can't change them. But we went out and Alex, the weirdest thing that I've never experienced happened to me on Thursday. Like, and I just need your advice. Like,

I don't know if I'm in the wrong, if this person's in the wrong. I don't know. I just said this has never happened to me before.

Um, so to paint the picture, I went out with my friend who was visiting. We had dinner and then we went to a bar and you know how when you go out, we all have like those defining moments that will define if we go home early or if we're going to keep staying out. Do you guys know what I mean? It's like you're here and it's like you hit this wall of like, I will go home at 10 o'clock or, or something will happen that will trigger me to go out till four in the morning.

Maybe. Yeah, I used to know what that feels like. Yeah. So we were, yeah, I was going to say you had a lot of those defining moments. But anyways, I was out at a bar and it was one of those things where,

I was like, you know, like it's Thursday. Not a lot's happening. This will probably be an early night. Head home at 10, whatever, 11. But then all of a sudden the bar went from zero to 100 where there was really no one there to all of a sudden everyone just flooded in. And a lot of guys were there. And I'm not kidding. Me and my friend were like getting ready to walk out the door. And then all of a sudden this guy like

inserts himself into our conversation, starts chatting, starts buying us drinks, whatever, like nothing, like nothing crazy. We were having fun. And then all of a sudden, um, he was like, do you want to go to a different bar? So we went to a different bar and in the process he was like doing Coke, which I'm from Minnesota. I'm not, I know a lot of people do Coke. Like that's not the weird part. The weird part is like people just doing Coke in public, like at

at a bar doing coke like there's like people don't go to the bathroom anymore for this I don't know and then we're we're in the uber doing more coke and I'm like all right I'm not gonna judge you you do you it's Thursday we all we all struggle different differently but that's not the weird part the weird part is we then went to another bar um that was like a very much a traditional restaurant bar where people were having meals not drinking a ton and I'm over here

literally making out with this guy for what seems to be three hours in a fully lit bar, fully lit bar for three hours. I didn't have any Coke. I was just drinking normally. I wasn't even that drunk. I didn't do, I didn't do drugs or the drugs. I want to be clear. I don't do drugs. I did not do the drugs. I like, I can ask some questions really quick. Yeah. I haven't even gotten to the weird part, but yeah. Oh,

Oh, we're not there yet. Oh, no, you can ask. I mean, feel free to ask. Okay, one, is the guy attractive? Yeah, he was attractive. Did he ever offer you any of the drugs? Yes. Yes, I said no, because I don't do drugs. Well, yeah. Okay, but he was offering them. It wasn't like just his party. No, no, no, no, no. He was very giving to the people around him.

Okay, what time are you at the very well-lit restaurant bar? So I think we got to that bar around maybe 1130-ish, midnight, which I know sounds late and you're like, no, like you were at a bar at this point. But this bar was not a bar. It was like...

I don't know how to describe it, but it's kind of like the bar you go to after work at 4 o'clock. I'd be curious to know for the guys listening if they would – like if you're a guy and you're doing drugs at the bar –

I'm wondering if the girl that you're hitting on keeps saying no, if you keep doing them, I don't know. I'm not a guy. I just think that's food for thought. Okay. Now get to the worst. Yeah. So yeah, we're just, we were making out at the bar and he kept asking me, he was like, can you come home with me? Can you come home with me? And I was like, one, no, my friend's in town with me. She's here as well. Also, my friend was with us the whole time and there was like other people that she was talking to. Um,

And then he was like, can I go home with you? And I was like, no, my friend's in town. Like, I'm not going home with you also. I don't, at this point in my life, have casual sex. If you guys remember from episode, I don't know. So he just kept asking, asking. And then my friend heard him ask and she was like, yeah, yeah, come over. Come over. Come on. Come over. And I was like, all right. Just kind of like turned into more of a yes man. So I brought him to my apartment and I

Um, I'm pretty sure this man was going to have a three way with me and my friend. He like got into my bed and what is going on? I also like I said, I mean, I was very drunk, but I also like

didn't even want him to be there in the first place but anyways he's in bed uh my friend's also in the bed i'm now in the bed but like nothing's happening i want to be clear like nothing's happening and i'm just like all of a sudden my friend is like why why are we here and i go we're here because of you we're here in this place because of you so she went to the couch um

And then it was just him and I in the bed. And he kept like, we were making out, but he like kept trying to like try things. And I was like, dude, I'm not going to have sex with you. Like one, it's now three in the morning. Like I'm past that point in the night where I'm even like interested in even kissing you. And it was one of those things where it's like you're laying in bed with someone and you tell them you don't want to do anything. And like just rolled over, like fully done with me, which I was like, cool, whatever. I don't care. And then he left and,

about two hours later because it was a Thursday he had to work on Friday. But it was one of those things where like he got out of bed and just did like the full one night stand approach where like didn't ask for my number, didn't say bye to me. I was like awake. Like I kept my eyes closed because I didn't want to like interact. But he just got out of bed and walked out. And without any regards to like being like, I don't even know his like, well, I do know his first name, but I don't know anything about him.

Didn't ask for my number. Didn't ask for my name. Just left. And I was like, what happened? Okay. We'll call this the roast or be roasted part. Because I'm torn. I'm not totally on your side. No, no, no. Can I just make a statement? Maybe. I'm just kidding. Of course. Well, all I was going to say is, I think...

I respect the hell out of this guy because he didn't give me any false hope or expectations. He didn't ask for my number. He barely even asked for my first name. He knows nothing about me, but like he didn't want to. It wasn't like, oh, Jordan, it was so great to see you. Let me have your number. I'll call you. We're going to I'll see you again. And then he ghosts me like he didn't give me any false expectations. And I kind of appreciate that.

Yes, I think if we take this guy's intentions right off the bat, like doing lines at the bar, getting in the Uber, buying you guys drinks, like making out for three hours. Like I'm like, we've read this guy like a book. He wants a one night stand and that's it. And like the fact that the next morning, A, he's probably on the come down. B, he hasn't slept. C, he's like, I gotta get the fuck out of this chick's apartment. Yeah.

like I'm kind of like yeah I saw that definitely coming it'd be weird if he was like hi I'm Brett you know I'd be like wait what yeah no but I'm I like when I woke up I was kind of like what just happened because I know some people listen they're like that wasn't that crazy you know I'm from Minnesota things like this don't happen I've never seen somebody do drugs at a bar in front of my face like still new to New York City um and then the whole three-way thing like

Even my friend woke up the next day and she was like, I think you wanted to have a three-way. And I was like, okay, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought that. But at first I woke up a little... Do you call it a three-way? A threesome? What do you call it? That's just... I call it a threesome. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. I think there was a lag. Keep going. No, I was going to say that I woke up a little annoyed because my ego was right in front of me being like...

Jordan, like, you know, I have we all have egos. It was just like hitting me in the face that morning. But then I got to think and I was like, you know what? No, I'm appreciative that this guy didn't give me any. Like I said, false hope didn't ask for my number and will never reach out to me. And that's OK. I think more men should be this way. In his defense, I think you gave him false hope. I would be pissed. Entirely. Did I? He's he's. Yeah, I would have thought that. He's coked out of his mind. He doesn't know. And you know, I'm actually surprised you did it.

yeah also I think you have to think about it from his perspective like he wasn't doing cocaine in the bathroom he was doing it in front of you so like you know the level of messed up this guy is two girls take him home there's three there's three of you in the bed I mean he's confused so I'm in the wrong like we're gonna roast me for this one

I would say it's a little, it's not like super obvious, but yeah, I think this one's your fault. Oh, all right. I'll take it. Because he wakes up and he's probably like, you know, he's in your bed and you're like, all I want to do is make out like it's three. I'm past the point. He's like, then don't invite me over. And he probably doesn't remember if you or your friend invited him over. That's actually so valid. Like I actually wasn't the wrong in this situation.

It's not like super wrong. Like you weren't like, you didn't do anything bad. You just probably strayed him along too far. And then he's like, and then for him to get up and leave, like, I don't think your ego can be hurt by that. No, these are valid points. Very valid. I also will say too, like we all knew his intentions. No guy's just going to come over at three in the morning and be like, I want to cuddle with you. Like we're aware. Especially not,

Not one you just met at the bar and it's like that atmosphere. Yeah. You know? Yeah. So, yeah, that was my Thursday. And then the rest of the weekend was very eventful as well. I won't get into, like, every single day, but we did go to this one bar with very attractive bartenders from Australia and Ireland. And I will say I've never been interested in – been into accents until now. Wow.

So that's something I'm going to look forward to. I was going to try and do the accent to you, but I can't. Please don't ruin it for me. Oh, okay. I have it embedded in my head. Don't ruin it for me. We'll go back. Maybe. I don't know if I'm socializing, but we'll go to the bar and see the cute bartenders. Well, I mean, it was one of those places. I went...

It was like earlier in the day. It was just one of those things where you're walking around New York and you bop into bars like you're not ready. And then you just like sit somewhere and then you stay for a really long time. So we always could go for an early dinner.

Yes, I love that. Also, maybe I was thinking when we're on spring break, we could try because, okay, so Jordan and I are still going on spring break this Thursday. I'm so excited. I'm just going to go from here and you're going to go from New York and we'll meet each other there and it's going to be great. I'm really excited about it. I do hate that we're not flying together.

I know flying together would have been, it would have been like so much fun, but I think while we're there, we can find a bar that has accents. I'm going to look for that. I didn't know that was like a new thing for you. Uh, yeah. And I mean, I'm excited for spring break cause I've loved meeting new people. So that will be fun. I don't know what we'll get into.

Also, the guys on Hinge in the location that we're going are very, like, I feel like they're your type entirely. Yeah, they seem great. I mean, I haven't been talking to them. How are they, Alex? Good. You're almost a professional. Oh, I almost just gave it away. They're good. They're nice. Graham and I have actually been, I've been, like, screenshotting and sending them to him and, like, letting him pick the guys. And so it's been good. Oh, great. You're sitting pretty. Me and Graham are now my pimp couple.

Yeah. And so we'll do a date while we're on spring break. I'm excited for spring break. I think it's going to be fun and it'll be good bonding for us outside of New York. I know. I'm excited to take our friendship outside of New York because it's interesting. Like when you're friends with someone in one place and all of a sudden you go somewhere else like, I know it's cool because that's never happened to me in my life because I just moved to New York from my home state. I've never experienced that. Wow. Yeah. Yeah.

This is a big weekend. We're going to make a lot of content. We're going to have fun. And then, and then it's great that we've moved to Mondays because we get back Sunday and then we can record Monday and divulge all. Yeah. So going forward, you guys, we promise we'll be consistent with the Mondays, 7 PM mean girl Monday.

I think that's everything. Obviously, make sure to follow Instagram at Mean Girl Pod. TikTok. What? Oh, God. What? If we can get a thousand reviews on Apple, we're like 50 away. We can get tattoos on Spring Break. Okay, so that's what I was thinking. We're less than 50 away now. We're so close. And New York, if you don't know, minimums for tattoos are very expensive. Like we're talking like $200. I have a feeling where we're going, minimums for tattoos might be less than

So we could bang a few out.

Oh, I think there's a lot of tattooing happening where we're going. I decided my mom's going to be so mad at me for saying this, but I kind of want to get a sporadic, not sleeve of any sort, but do sporadic mini tats throughout my whole lower arm. And I'm like, I can't do that in New York City because minimums are literally $200. I'd pay like $350 for this little heart. Not happening. So I'm going to have to get them when I travel. What? Tattoos in New York are very expensive.

Um, yeah, that's like, so Zoe Kravitz of you. I love that. Let's do it. We'll look up places. Yeah. So make sure to leave reviews on Apple, Spotify, make sure to, uh, leave us five stars, leave a review, subscribe on YouTube, follow the Tik TOK and the Instagram and also our own socials, just Alex Bennett and then, uh, Jordan Woodruff.

Did I miss a platform? What a great episode. I know, and we're excited for Alana. I'm excited for us. I'm excited for you guys. You guys can stalk. I can't hear Alana, but I'm so excited about Alana. She said she's so excited. If you want to stalk Alana, you have to follow Mean Girl Pod because she's one of the few that we're following. So that's the only way you're going to find her. Okay. I think that's everything. Alex, I'll see you in a few days on spring break. Oh, also make sure to follow the socials because we'll post everything about our spring break journey on there.

I will see you there. And yeah. Thanks, guys. Bye. Bye, guys. Love you.