cover of episode We Broke The Law & The Law Lost

We Broke The Law & The Law Lost

Publish Date: 2022/2/21
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Mean Girl


Shownotes Transcript

All right, welcome everybody to Mean Girl Pod. I'm Jordan. I'm Alex. The queen has COVID. No, I have to address something first. One, this is our second time recording. Actually, no, this is our third time because we started and we forgot to record the cameras. We're on the struggle bus this Sunday. You okay today? You seem mad. I'm- You seem mad and mean and hyped up. You seem like, what's going on?

Well, you know what? Give us your fact and then we can get into it. The Queen of England has COVID-19. Interesting for those that say COVID's not real. I'm not sure how she contracted it. She did test. It did come back positive. I don't know how she feels, but the Queen has COVID. All right, what? All right, Alex, Harvey or breaking the law? Let's get into it.

Hit me. Which one do you want to talk about first? I'm going to go with Harvey. All right. I let's give a hold on. Let's do a really quick. If you didn't listen to the bonus episode because you're a loser. Yeah. Here's the backstory. Let's do that. Okay. Jordan went on a date last week. Yep. And she really liked the guy. He was a 10 out of 10 on the attractive scale. He was dressed great. Great conversation. Everything went awesome. Yeah.

His phone started going off. One thing led to another. He definitely had told her that he was divorced, but it sort of came out as like maybe they were still together because the person calling him was his ex-wife.

Circle back to Friday night. Harvey text Jordan is like, hey, I listen to the podcast. Gentlemen, if you think that perhaps one of your friends went on a date with Jordan, don't feel obligated to send them the podcast. Yeah, why are you doing that? Why are you ruining our time? Our time. They're like, because he's my bro and I want him to know, which is, you know. Oh, do it for the pod. Do your bro a favor and don't tell him. And you know what? Didn't want to talk about Harvey anymore, butch.

I have to. Okay. Why? Why are you laughing? I'm sorry. You just decide on episode four. You know, I don't want to talk about my date. Like he texted you and he was like, I found out about the podcast. He wasn't mad. No, I'm saying I didn't want to, but then that this happened. Oh yeah. You wanted to put Harvey to bed. Yeah. Yes. I wink. I did. I did. He's hot. You want, but he said we both have some explaining to do, which I, I admire that.

He's not mad. He wasn't shooting you crazy-ass text messages like Clifford was, saying that you're all of these, I don't know, deflecting. I don't want to talk about Clifford. He always does shit out of me. Harvey's cool, though. He's like, hey, I want to talk to you. So did you go? Yeah. I like when someone calls me out, too. So I was like, okay, that's cool. That's cool. We both have some explaining to do. Yeah, I saw him yesterday. Okay. Yeah. Give us the setting. All right. So he texted Clifford.

me Friday yeah he texted me Friday and then I figured I should probably see him in a sober setting because I wanted a clear mind clear eye clear heart I was literally I was literally just about to quote Friday Night Lights and then I was like and I did it and then you did so thank you you're so welcome um but yeah and um Alex was at a baby shower so she couldn't come with me so I felt like the safe thing to do was um go sober go hashtag go sober

Forget Addie and Mark. Let's just go sober. I did. As soon as I walked into that. Okay. Yep. We'll just backtrack. Are you flustered? I'm sorry. Does Harvey make you excited? Yeah. No, he does. Oh. No, he doesn't. Okay. So Saturday we decided on a coffee. You have a crush on me. Shut up, Alex. No, Alex. Stop it.

Tell us the story. Alex, stop, because he's probably listening. No, 100% he's listening. Yeah, he is. So I met him on Saturday. We went to a coffee shop. You know, we talked for about two hours. What did he wear? Everyone's going to want to know what he wore. So he wore Lululemon joggers and a white hoodie. That's a great Saturday morning coffee outfit. He looked... Okay, so a few of my friends know this.

That's like my favorite outfit on a guy. It's a hot outfit. Like sweatpants and a sweatshirt. But what's hotter than sweatpants? Lululemon joggers. Hold on. No one... So our Mean Girl pod just turned off. I don't think anyone can see it on the cameras anyways. Rudy doesn't give a shit. Rudy does not care. He's eating. He's a remote.

oh jesus christ okay talk about the date take the wheel okay um so he was wearing lulam and joggers blue ones and then a white hoodie and it was like a nice hoodie like i said earlier too it was like almost it wasn't it was not kith but it was like that type of hoodie like a talentless mad happy kith like a good good quality hoodie okay um

And then he had like these six shoes on. I don't know the type. And then he just, he was really attractive. Is this a sit down and order coffee or is it an order at the cashier and then sit down? Order at the cashier and then sit down. Who paid for your coffee? He paid for the coffee. Was he there before you? He actually was.

Oh my god, I'm starting to really like him. Okay, so he's there first. You walk up. You see him. You go to the counter. Order the coffee. So I walked in. He was sitting at the table. Or just like a table. You know how coffee shops are. They're just like little tables. And then he saw me, sat up. He hugged me. We finally got that hug. Finally got to touch him. Harvey. Harvey listened to the episode and knows Jordan wanted a hug. Yeah. And then...

We got up. We went to the counter, ordered coffee. I obviously tried to pay. He said, no, don't be ridiculous. He paid. He got a hot...

um americano with double shot of espresso i don't know if that's like already in it but he asked for like another two shots holy shit i know he got an okay well that's what lawyers do i guess um and then i got ice cold brew with um almond milk if anyone's wondering i don't think they were they might be i love knowing and then um that was like my second coffee of the day because i had dunk in earlier that morning so i was ready to go any more details about the coffee

People actually are so curious about what coffee I drink. Alex Bennett. Shut the fuck up. Anyways, so we sat down and we chatted for actually an hour in the vicinity and then we walked for the other hour. Did you get another coffee for the walk or did you? No, we didn't. It was really cold, so...

Why are you laughing at me? It was cold. And you know how like you're freezing. You don't want to have to like hold a cup of coffee. It was easier. I just like put my hands in my pockets with my mittens on. You guys want the details. I'm giving you the details. Keep going. Don't let me stop you. I'm not stopping you. So we talked. What are you talking about? He explained that. The first hour. What did he say? Is it his wife? We got fish.

Yes. No, it's not. Sorry. We got right down to business. I like asked him up front. He claims he's fully divorced. Do you believe him? I do.

I don't know. I mean, I do, but just because, like, someone's fully divorced doesn't mean they're not connected to that human being. Again, I mean, they were married for, what, nine years? Yeah. That's a long time, especially during, like, very developmental years, your early 20s, late 20s, early 30s. Like, that's, like, when you kind of figure out the person you are. So I don't think you can go from being with somebody for nine plus however many years they were dating to –

Being like see you later Like it doesn't work that way So he tells you He's like I obviously Listened to the episode You think this woman We alias turn Nicole Let's just stick with it So you think I don't know her name by the way Like even if I Yeah he didn't tell me He was very private Which I respect actually Totally respect that Yeah So we're calling Harvey's ex-wife Nicole So he's like Nicole We were married But we are fully divorced And we don't live together Right I assume

I didn't even think about asking him. There's no way. If you're fully divorced, you don't live together. Oh, I mean, New York's expensive. If they have a lease. He's also a lawyer. Harvey, could you circle back? Yeah, that's actually a valid question. I didn't even think about asking. I just need to tap into your brain here a little bit. How does that not come up? Alex? Two hours. When you have somebody that attractive sitting in front of you, you get a little flustered in the brain. You sit across from me every day.

Just kidding. I had to take that. I also don't sit across you ever. I also think you're ugly as fuck, Alex. No, I think you're gorgeous. It took you like 30 seconds to say that. All right, keep going. So I didn't ask that question, but that's valid. I honestly think that, I mean, so where we ate was a hotel. So I guess now that I think of it, what if she's in...

Like, they share a lease. And what if he's staying at a hotel? No. He didn't include that. You have to know more. Did he say... He didn't allude to his living situation at all? I just didn't think about asking. I don't think if he... Did he say when the divorce was finalized? Yeah, like, I think it was, like, a few months ago. Okay.

Then, okay, he would allude to being in a hotel, and I think he would also allude to living together. I think they totally both live in normal places by themselves. Yeah, but think about this, Alex. Okay, you and Graham live in a very nice apartment. If you and Graham were to get divorced, could you afford that apartment on your own? That's a hell of an expensive apartment.

Like, think about it. He's a lawyer. Right. You think he lives in the slums of where I like where I live? Yeah, I could because it's a shitty apartment. But think about like how nice of an apartment they probably have together being that they're 35. He's a lawyer. She also probably works. Could you afford that apartment on your own if Graham just left?

So no, but I'm definitely not living with the person I just divorced. Okay. No way. So either he's living there and he got her a new apartment or she got a new apartment or she's living there and he got a new apartment. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Or...

They live together. I don't think that's the option, but I didn't think about the New York factor. Yeah, it's expensive. Also, the market's so hot right now. It's so hard to find places. Like, I don't think she would be willing to downgrade because they're not upgrading. They don't live together because if they lived together, she would not need to call him so often on the date because she would have known where he was. Or if they lived together, she's wondering why he's not home.

Mm-hmm. I just don't think they live together, but please could you okay keep going I need to know where you left it. So we know if you can ask him if they still live together Oh, I'm seeing him again. No, that's right. I said, I don't know. Okay, so I asked him that and then honestly after that like we kind of just talked about Like one another we just had like a second date Also, nobody mentioned that there was a podcast about him like that just didn't happen. He just was like, oh, yeah anyways, so

So we did talk about that, but not in like a weird way. Like he was much more so interested. Like one of his best friends is a big Barstool fan. And I mean, guys, they're from the East Coast, so...

makes sense so one of his friends heard about the date and sent it to him yeah um and he's he he doesn't like follow barstool religiously but he like knows barstool he like knows dave obviously like he follows him all that did he mind no he was really cool like he thought it was actually very cool that i work at barstool he thought it was really cool that you and i have a podcast together like that we're like doing our own thing um this is this is what i'm talking about

this guy I like him yeah he has a sense of humor he doesn't even follow barstool but he's kind of like I'm not that mad because he gave you a good date and he knows it and we reported that also I think he's so confident that he I mean he is very confident I mean I think you could you saw that on the date yeah you don't have to tell me yeah and I think when you're so confident in yourself like this stuff doesn't bother you because like he knew he what

I was just thinking if a confident guy doesn't care that we do this, we could now go respond to all the Twitter trolls that have a problem with insecure. They are. Insecure. Why would you have an issue with this if you're confident? Like, I'm confident, and if the roles were reversed, I would love for a guy to take me on a date and then rate me on a podcast. Like, I'm confident.

I agree with that entirely. That's kind of our angle too, but keep going. We want to know more about Harvey. Two hours is a lot of time. Yeah. Well, I don't want to like, we talked a lot about each other and I don't want to give any personal details about his life because we don't do that on this podcast. We keep faces and names private.

Could you tell us walking away though, like your favorite part about him? Was there like a, was there like a hobby that he has or like, did you like to travel or something that like aligned with you? And you were like, Oh, I'd like that. He's very active. Okay. Like he likes to work out, which I also love to work out. Um, he described his perfect, like, so a question I asked and it's like, what's your ideal Sunday morning? And so glad he didn't say, does I describe your perfect date?

No, he likes to like work out and then get breakfast. And that's like my favorite thing to do is like get a good workout and then go to like a really good breakfast. So like we have similar interests. He travels a lot for work, like a lot for work. Like he's gone this whole week. They could live together. I mean, if he's gone a lot. Oh, so now you think you know, you're on my side. I'm not on a side. I'm trying to get the answer.

I'm trying to Sherlock Holmes it. I feel like... Since you didn't ask. I personally think that I just didn't think about it. Like, that's a very bad... Alex, I'm sorry. You weren't with me. I know. I would have walked over. We didn't get this answer. What's the situation now? So the situation now is I don't think I'm going to see him again. What? There's a few different... There's a few reasons. One, he's...

busy below just hear me don't don't pretend you're gonna talk with him just hear my reasons okay one he's busy beyond belief he's a lawyer he does like commercial lawyer stuff he travels groundbreaking shh he travels all the time i'm very busy like the next time i could see him i think honestly is like no it's not i was gonna say next week but it's not because my friend's coming like literally like two and a half weeks from now with our schedules two

Don't feel like personally dealing with his baggage at this time in my life. Maybe in six months him and his ex-wife, wife, whatever the fuck she is. I don't know. Are fully not connected. Not living together. Maybe she's seeing somebody else. Then I would revisit it. But to be on a first date with someone and have somebody call them that much. And have him choose her name.

I mean, granted, he knows me nothing. He doesn't know me. But to choose her issues on the first date to end the date because she's calling him that much, like, to me, that makes me feel like that's not going to change anytime soon.

That I'll get. So that was valid. That very ending little nugget right there about him choosing. I'm not a priority. You, you, he let her win. Like she got what she wanted. If she imagined he was on a date and wanted him to leave and he did do that. Yeah. Now, what about the fact that you really enjoyed this guy? I also wasn't done. Oh,

Oh, there's another one. Don't let me stop you. The third one was just that I don't, um, you and I decided I'm going to be single for freshman year and I want to be single for freshman year. Unless you go on a date that you love and then that will suck. But yeah, but I, there's just, there's just like factors that I don't want to deal with right now. Like I want to be a priority and I wouldn't be in his life.

So you're never going to, I don't care what you do, but you, I do, but you're never going to think or talk to Harvey again. No, I dated somebody for a short period of time that like didn't make me a priority and I don't, it messed with my life so much that I don't feel like

I don't ever want to go through that again. And I see similarities between Harvey and that person. And I don't want to ever deal with that deal with that again. It was like, it was like bringing back flashbacks. Okay. I am going to step out of Alex's body and into a listener's body. Okay. And I'm going to kind of play that role now, please. So don't nobody tell me that you think that I'm saying this. These aren't my thoughts. I just assumed somebody would wonder this. Is he making you a priority though, by reaching back out and listening to the podcast and saying, I want to meet you again and clear up some inaccuracies.

No, not necessarily. He could just be curious to what I'm going to say about him on the podcast or just be interested to see like what this is all about. But he didn't... That seems to be the least interesting part to him about is this barstool thing in the podcast. I also think though like...

he's curious like we have a podcast where we talked about him who wouldn't want to talk to me about that like they're like whenever you're involved in your like integrity and your personal life of all people are going to want to figure out like what is this girl all about or let me please like let me get on her good side so well where she doesn't talk about me anymore for all I know he could listen to the Clifford episode and saw how we drag him through the mud like he doesn't want that for himself I don't a and on the other motives I mean it's a 35 year old lawyer be nobody knows it's his identity

So we're not... Men have egos. Only as friend. Men have egos. And if they're friends...

Oh, that's even worse. I feel like the guy's egos are even more hurt if their friends know. Right, but I don't think that he, I don't think his sole motive was for us to clarify on this podcast because we weren't even going to talk about Harvey on this podcast. We specified last time Harvey's going to bed and it's over. And then he texted me. Then he circled back. I don't think that was an ego-driven move. Or he's a narcissist. What? Maybe he's a narcissist.

Did you get just to hear, can, can you just answer this honestly for me? Did you get narcissistic vibes from Harvey on Saturday? And, and, and know this, know this out of the next 10, hold on. Let's say you go on 10 dates. You can't call him all narcissist. And we called Clifford one. So use your narcissist card wisely here. Was he a narcissist or not? He gave me subtle hints of one, like very much like I told you, like love bombing.

Yeah, that's a trait. Also, like, when it seems like it's too good to be true, that's a trait. And he seems too good to be true. 100%. Traveling too often and having the ex-wife. It's just, like I said, it's just, it's, yes, he's great, but also at the same time, like, I'm not out here looking for a husband or a boyfriend right now, and he doesn't, like,

strike a nerve where I'm like, ooh, maybe... Like I said, I told you, if I meet a guy that something switches in me where I'm like, wow, I like him, like I want to date him, I will date him. I will make him my boyfriend. Date the shit out of that guy. Date the shit out of him. But...

Harvey like great guy so hot but there's something there that's telling me to like not pursue it like something in my gut is telling me to just leave it alone because if I get involved I will be the one who's hurt at the end of the day yeah when you play the gut card I think there's one thing that is inarguable and it's when you say my gut tells me X my guts always right and I never used to listen to my gut but now you gotta listen to your

gut I'm 26 now and I'm listening to my gut I think it's nice too that you know that there are other dates you'll be going on well yeah that's the thing too it's like I love being single more than anything um and I think it's so fun to go out and meet guys and go on dates and meet guys and just not have to explain myself to anyone

You're doing whatever the fuck you want. Freshman year. Yeah, I've been single for like four years and I love it. Yeah, and what's a fifth? Is that true? Yeah. Do you care? No, not at all. I've got to stop asking you how you feel. Well, it's okay if you ask me. I'm like, why is that an issue? Oh, we just said we thought we were too nice to each other. Well, that's not you being nice. That's you being curious. Maybe? Yeah. No, I...

Literally, I'm so content being single that another year won't hurt me. Also, once upon a time ago, I went to a psychic who said I would meet my soulmate when I'm 29. Oh my God. I would literally, well, hold on. Do you believe in psychics?

I guess. Yeah, I do. Okay. So you think you'll meet your soulmate when you're 29? I have this weird feeling that I think I will be settled down with somebody when I'm 29. I could easily meet them earlier on. You could meet them. Here's the thing. You could meet them on one of these dates. And since we do integrity in our reporting and if the date's good, we report that, you could easily fall in love and there will be nothing we can do about it. What if I already met him? I think that you did on Saturday. Yes, Rudy. No, I've got. Nope. Oh, he's raising his hand. Sorry. I did not see that.

It's okay. I just had one question. So you said that you kind of threw the narcissist flag twice. Did I? You did. Thank you. Sorry, I've dated a lot of narcissists. I don't know. You threw the narcissist flag twice. Now, I'm doing this more as a defense for you so you're prepared for this. So what are you going to say when guys find out that you have a podcast that's basically 90% about your own dating life?

Is someone going to, what's going to happen when they say you're a narcissist? How do we defend that as Jordan Woodruff? I'm going to be honest with you, Rudy. I have battled that thought in my head a lot that I could potentially be a narcissist. No, I'm not kidding you. It's an issue I have that I like am trying to work out. Are we upset if she is a narcissist? No, I'm just saying that you got to be prepared for that fight. Oh no, I am. You can even ask my friends back home. Like I potentially could be a narcissist.

Okay, hold on. Let's play this out. Jordan, you're a narcissist. Are you cool with that? Yeah, that's fine. Okay, so I guess that's the fight. Okay, well then how are you going to – then if you say that, then how are you going to be able to tell a guy, I got narcissist flags, I'm out? I got narcissist flags, I'm out. That's all it says. What do you mean? Then you're going to be accused of being a hypocrite. I am a hypocrite, 100%. Oh my god, all day, every day. I've been called that like every day of my life.

I don't even know what to say to that. I also feel mind fucked with that. I was like, did that just, did that just happen? But I guess, I guess what it boils down to though is like, yeah, you want to be a narcissist. Fine. Doesn't mean you have to date one. Yeah. What she said. Okay. Fair enough. And I'm not a narcissist. I just think that like, um, I don't know. Yeah. Okay. I could be a narcissist. Yeah.

Yeah. Also, is there a part of you that, that is like, are you trying to gain the upper hand by rejecting him and hoping he comes back? No, no, no, no. That's like the one thing at the end of the day, like I was involved in a relationship that like tore me apart where that happened. I'll never do that to someone else. Okay. Yeah. So I'm going to go ahead and put, if I was a betting woman, I would put money on the fact that we do hear from Harvey again. Yeah. But I'm not going to see him. Don't, don't,

Alex, I've gone on a lot of dates. I get to place my bet, though. Can't you say something? I guess. You're getting a little feisty. I can also say things. So I've been on a lot of dates in New York City, and there's one person that sparked my interest. Who? I'm not going to say his name. I can't even believe what I'm talking about because he couldn't be listening. He's not going to know it's him. No, he's not. I've been on actually more dates in New York City than I have four years in Minnesota. Mm-hmm.

there's one person that sparked my interest where like I was like yeah I actually would date them like so I know that that feeling is out there and I don't get that feeling with Harvey I that's fine I'm not arguing that I just think we hear from Harvey again yeah yeah and I'm gonna say I'm not gonna see him okay that's fine but I think we hear from him yeah yeah I think yeah yes a hundred percent I'm sure I'll hear from him I'm not gonna see him Harvey could you do me a saw and just text Jordan you can but I won't see you where did you what do you think

I think that's, as the kids say, cap. I hate you guys. This is not team up on Jordan. Well, we're using the information that you've given us. You said when you first met him, you didn't care he was divorced. He told you that he was divorced. And then you said you didn't want the baggage.

So you said you didn't care about the divorce, but then you did care about the divorce. You said he's really hot. You're not interested. It seems to me, you know, this isn't a judgment. Listen, there's lots of people that I've been very attracted to that I pretended I didn't like. It seems like you're highly attracted to this person and you're sort of pushing it away because you don't want it to, for whatever reason, you don't want it to happen. At the end of the day, like I said, he reminds me of somebody I once dated. That ended today.

in a fire, a California forest fire. And I will never get involved in that again. People have died in California. Yeah, I died. It was the worst experience of my life and I'm never going to go through that again. And that's what Harvey reminds me of. But it's only the second date. When you know, you know, that's all I'm going to say. All right. If the roles were reversed though, would that be considered unfair? Maybe, but I don't care.

You have that right. You have that right. You have that right. I'm just asking questions so that you sort of think through the other side. Because like think about it this way. If a guy would go out with you and he hears a podcast like this guy was great. He was hot. He had good style. He was very, you know, polite. He was a lot of fun. He reminded me of someone I used to know. Peace. That's pretty. That would be in my if you were in those shoes, would you say that's unfair? Rudy makes valid points. He makes really valid points.

Yeah, you're still entitled to... I think the Trump card always is my gut says no. That's fine. Yes, and I'm not saying you should do it. I'm just saying that you got to understand his side of the fence if you were on that side of the fence. Also...

You've been divorced for what? Three months? Like live a little. That's my, that's my. He's trying. He's going on dates. Be single for a while, bro. Like, do you don't get to tell the 35 year old what to do and not to do? He can do what he wants. He can go on dates. You guys are telling me what to do. Oh, oh, okay. This is a devil's advocate podcast. Yeah.

Yeah. Listen, like I said, like Alex said, she's correct. If your gut says no, then I'm not going to be like put a gun to your head and be like going to fucking date with this dude. Also, part of me like, yeah, I probably would really like him. But like, I also really want to keep staying single and enjoying my singlehood in New York City. And if I go on a third date with Harvey, I don't know if that's going to happen. That's fair. Oh, because if you went on a third date, you might fall for him. Yeah. So it's the protective aspect. Yeah. Yeah. Like maybe in six months, Harvey, like text me in six months.

Or a year. Harvey's not going to do that. Harvey just says, I don't wait for anybody. He's going to be remarried and divorced again by then. Maybe have a kid this time.

Harvey was a great date, so thank you for that. Now, do you want to talk about how we broke law? Yeah, you're over there spinning in that chair. That chair's going to fall out from underneath you, which is how I know you want to change subjects. I broke the law. Law did not win. No, we won. No, I broke the law and we won. You know that song? No, I don't, but I just... Yeah, like, I broke the law and the law won. I'm not going to sing it because I'm a horrible singer. I don't know it. Oh, Jesus. What about, like, yes, we're going to... Do you know it?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's... Like...

Is it I broke the law in the law? Yeah, I broke the law in the... Oh. It's by the clown. Okay, that's fine. I think it was the way you were singing it. Well, I didn't want to get copyrighted from YouTube. Or like... Trust me, your musical ability, that's not going to happen. You should actually try to get copyrighted from YouTube and see if you can sing that well. Guess who's going to jail tonight? What?

Still don't know the song. The algorithm will not recognize that as a melody. The algorithm might just kick us off anyways. We vandalized. That was us on Instagram. Everyone's like, yeah, we know. I know. I mean, we literally posted pictures of our... Spray paint smells like perfume. It's like you took your hand and put it in perfume and then nail polish remover and put it in there for five minutes and then you smell it and you feel like you're going to...

You know when you... Cry. No. You know when you're, like, in a room and the smells are so strong you feel like you're going to die? What is that? What's that? I don't know.

I just know. Oh. Traditionally, spray paint smells, like, the kind that you get from the store and stuff smells awesome. What? I like, you know, that people, like, sniff spray paint to get high. Like, that stuff smells good. This was not that. This was, like, legit spray paint for sidewalks or something. Like, from an art store. Oh, it was. And it, like, stayed. Like, I woke up and my hand smelled horrible. I showered. My hand smelled horrible. I was like, Alexa. What?

Please don't. Oh, Alex had to get her nails redone. I did because they were black. Anyways, we went and spray painted though at like 2 a.m.?

Last night, it was so fun. Yes, it was 2 a.m. We did not get in trouble by the police, but we did get in trouble in a way. We were walking down. I mean, everyone knows where it is. Yeah, West Village. Yeah, in a very nice area. And Alex decides to pick a brownstone with a light on and somebody inside of it.

and spray paint right in front of their eyes view admit this podcast would be boring without this moment that's true you know like what was spray painted sidewalk that's not exciting you bring a little edge the cops weren't gonna come unless i called them but this man literally came out and yelled at us yep he's like i have to walk out every morning and see mean girl i'm like well at least you'll be nice that day probably because it'll be on your mind but we ran i've never i'm sore

never been so fast in my life i was so scared because i don't like getting in trouble right i don't it makes me so scared but you have no moral compass sometimes i have a purpose but i don't have an issue with like okay um i couldn't commit a crime that hurt somebody uh but i can spray paint a sidewalk are we allowed to say the person who came with us or no yeah my husband came yeah grandma came with he wasn't gonna miss out on a good time no so at the end of the day people are always like

what does Graham think what does Graham think Graham loves it great yeah I think people think like well I know people don't think anything because I don't think they know yeah but um they don't know either way but Graham loves the bingirl pod like we went out on Graham Alex and I went out on Friday and we ran into a group of guys and we were chatting it up and Graham like was so cool with it oh he doesn't care no he doesn't care at all I mean if I was Graham I wouldn't care either I

That's my thing. I'm like, he like does Graham care? I'm like, would would you care? Like if you were great, I mean like I feel like if you were Graham, why can't care can't care like because I'm your wingman on dates. You're you're one of the best wingman wing women woman that I'm woman wing woman that I've ever had.

I dated Graham long distance through college. And so I would go out for all four years and I was the wing woman for all of my friends. And I mean, we would just like, they'd be like that guy. We would catch him, lasso him in and just reel. I think the best part is like two things. One, you are like truly a, like a hype woman. Like, you know, sometimes you're like friends with the girls and they like kind of try to throw you under the bus in front of guys and make you look stupid. Like Alex,

pumps me up like I'm the fucking queen we'll go into lying territory if we need to like literally what are you like that's her like literally Alex is out here I'm like uh I don't even know you say like the best things about me too you get you ask these guys so many questions

We asked a guy on Friday night if they could pardon anybody for their mistakes. Like, who would they pick? One was Chris Brown and one was Ray Lewis. I was like, oh, shit. Yeah, you're literally out here being like, don't date these guys. If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be? Who's the life of the party? Who makes the most money? Like, Alex is asking all the questions that I need to know to find a good date. That's right. We had a group of like, I don't know, eight guys? Yeah.

And you were like, who's the life of the party? Who makes the most money? Who gets into trouble? Like, you asked every single question under the sun. Superlatives. You were the best swing woman, and you taught me how to get a guy to buy me a drink. Yeah, Jordan was like, that guy's hot.

And that guy knew he was hot. Yeah. And he was playing hard to get. But that guy had a best friend. Yeah. And so I was like, you got to go through the side door, which is approach the best friend and be so like fun and cute and talkative that the, that that too cool for school hot guy sees you doing that. And then you're not giving him the time of the day. And he always wants what he can't have. Well, that too cool.

cool too cool for school Hawkeye did not give us the time of the day though at that point we had started talking to so many people because we were having the Ray Lewis and Chris Brown conversation that random people in the bar were like well this I'd pardon Tiger Woods I was like that's getting out of hand we actually did have a lot of people involved

When the guy said, I would forgive Ray Lewis, and then the other guy said, I would forgive Chris Brown, every guy or... It wasn't... Nobody was flirting anymore. No, we were like... And turned into a whole panel. Yeah, we had like a legitimate... We were cold in court. Yeah. At the bar. Literally. Nobody was drinking anymore. We were all like, okay. No, no. And then... And then Kobe, all this stuff was happening. And then you and I were shouting out manifestations, drinking. Yeah.

You said you were like, no one's going to buy me a drink. And I was like, somebody is about to buy you a drink at this bar. We're going for the best friend. That was freaky. I kid you not. Jordan orders a glass of wine and the bartender says that guy covered your tab. That was actually, that does not happen. That was so freaky. I literally go, Alex, I just like, I want a guy to buy a drink. Cause at this point, like you and I already spent like a lot of money. We had spent a lot of money and I don't have that much money. Yeah.

Alex does I don't no I don't and um we were we had been drinking and we had dinner before and I was like I'm done spending money and I'll that's all I wanted and you and like literally you talked about like let's manifest it and I was like okay we'll take two sinceres not the same thing as sauvignon blanc exactly the same thing I researched it

And the bartender was like, no, it's okay. This guy got your drink. I was like, what? So we used that glass of wine to manifest for the podcast. Number one podcast in the world. We're sitting there at this bar. I'm sure everyone around us was like, what are they doing? But if you don't put it out in the world, it's not coming back. And then we were clinking so hard that both of our stems of our wine glasses broke. That's how you manifest, though. If you're not breaking glasses, you're not doing it right. You know what I mean? Like.

Can we say the bar we were at? Is that allowed? Yeah. We went to the Spaniard, which is... I mean, Common Ground is a blast, but Spaniard, OG. Favorite bar in New York City. Wow. You're going to throw that out there? Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I will. Okay. All right. No, the Spaniard...

I have never found met up. I've never met a bar that I love more. Like I love the bartenders there. I love the people there. I love the vibe there. I love the bathrooms there. Wow. I love everything. I don't even like the Spaniard that much. This is great. I love it there. But also it's because, um, I think this is hard because I don't think people know what the Spaniard is if they don't live in New York. Oh, we better come to New York and check it out. Come with us. The reason why though, is because I've had so many great memories there and I've met so many great people there as well. Um,

I've met guys there that I really like. I'm moving you on from the Spaniard. Why? Because. Where are we going? I don't know. Somewhere else. Anywhere.

I made the conversation. Oh, yeah. I don't care if you go to the Spaniard. No free ads. Yeah. We, since this podcast is about Jordan and I's freshman year, we booked a spring break. We're not going to tell you where, but we did book spring break. Yep. Yep. Stay tuned. You know what I realized? What? We actually are going when other people are going on spring break. I didn't even think about that. I told you that. Remember? Because you were like, the flights are expensive. I was like, a spring break. You have to remember that happened. No. No.

Then you don't listen because I said it. No, you didn't. Yes, I did. No, you didn't. No, you didn't. Okay. Okay. When people find out where we're going, they're going to... They're not going to find out until we land. I know, but I'm just saying we are going to get some comments. Also, should I go on a date on spring break? 100%. No, I'm asking the audience, not you. Well, they can't respond. Yeah, they can. Here, let's ask again. Guys, should Jordan go on a date on spring break? I heard a yes. Yes.

You're good. We're gonna change your hinge location. I'm not ever going on this podcast again where I drink and you stay sober Okay, actually, you know, it's good because you stay on your a-game you're on yours Well, I got a question why how do you go on a date on big how would you go about going on a date on vacation? What do you mean? How would you not don't I'm saying like how do you do it? Like you just meet a guy at the hotel bar. I think he means like location

Yeah, like you don't know anyone where you're going. Can we walk to the bars where we're going? Yeah. Wait, wait. We have a car. Yes. We have a car. You're giving like so many hints by asking me those questions and looking at me. A car is not a hint. The cars are everywhere in the world. But like I'm curious, like you said, should I go on a date? Like is there someone at the location that you know? We're going to change my hinge location a week in advance.

Oh, okay. And she's going to start chatting. You guys are like fucking CIA. You're going to do research beforehand? 100%. Do a recon mission? We're going to get a good guy. A rich man. I want it to be Friday night. And I want it to be rich. Wait. You're so hung up on the rich guy thing. Yeah, why? Let's talk about that. I kind of want to dig into that a little bit. Yeah, what is that? What the fuck is that? What if there's like a real... Like Paul Walker. Imagine like Paul Walker Fast and the Furious 1.

Paul Walker's rich. Yeah, but like I'm saying in that world, he's like a poor hot guy. You're not fucking with Paul Walker. Fast, furious one. OK, I'll be honest with you guys. OK, feel free to quick say your thoughts before I proceed. OK, I'm thinking like just randomly Howard Schultz. Like, I know that's random, but who's that? He owns Starbucks. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing until the Starbucks thing. So it's like, what if you fell in love with the guy that had a ton of potential?

Okay, here's my thoughts. Marry for love. End up rich. Yeah, whatever. Here's my thoughts. I am fully, I like fully know that I will be successful on my own and I'll make a lot of money for myself. Like, no doubt in my mind. I don't want a man who's rich to provide me money. I want a man who's rich who can experience the same things in life that I like. Like, I like to do things that cost money. Like, I love wine.

I want to go to Napa and Sonoma and see a cool place, go to the French lingerie restaurant and have a lot of wine. I want to go on vacation. I want to go to Europe. I want to go to Australia, New Zealand. Like I want to do like very cool things in life. And I am a-okay paying my own way. And I can pay my own way.

But I've dated people in the past where we have not been able to experience things because they not necessarily don't have the money, but like maybe they're like stingy, cheap or they don't have the money. Like I just want somebody who's like, fuck it. Yeah, I have the money. Let's do it. Like I like to have spontaneous things. Like I like to be spontaneous and do crazy things and go out to really nice dinners. And like that's what I want.

- You don't have to pay for me, 'cause I can pay my own way. - Okay, so you don't, we're not talking, Rich is kind of relative here. You want a guy that has a good job and can afford to do the things you wanna do and wants to do them. - Yeah, like no one has to pay, I mean, if you wanna pay for me, cool, whatever, I'm not gonna argue, but you don't have to pay for me. I can pay my own way and I will because I'm gonna be rich.

That's my thing. What, Rudy? You said I'm going to be rich. Well, yeah. I mean, no, I'm poor right now. Exactly. So how are you going to hold that same standard to a guy who may also be in the same position where he's going to be rich in his own brain? You guys suck. No, you provide theories that can have holes poked in them. Yeah, I just want you. I don't want you to be unhappy. I want you to be happy because you may run into a guy that's going to be rich. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, that's fine. Okay, fine. Deal. Deal. If he's going to be rich, that's fine.

It's a gamble, though. That's a gamble. You're believing in somebody. And also, he doesn't have to be rich. He just has to like... He has to be able to afford Napa vacations? Yeah, he just has to be willing to do things I want to do. So we don't need Forbes 30 under 30 type situation. We just need him. Just like a lawyer. A humble rich man.

A humble, cool, spontaneous, rich man. I just want to like experience cool things in life. And like, I don't want it to be held back because someone's not willing to spend money. You don't have to apologize for that. I'm in on it. Yeah. And I'll pay my own way. Okay. For all the guys who are probably going to DM me saying I'm a bitch, like I'll pay my own way, but not right now. Is that what you're saying? I do. That's the only question I do have. Are you talking? No, not right now because I don't have the flexibility in my life to do it right now. So this guy's in like a year.

I was going to say five years. Okay, great. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like when I'm 30. Okay. One. That's five. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You don't have to be like throwing up hundreds and thousands of dollars now, but like have a decent job and be motivated and like know that you have a goal in mind to like be successful. You're more concerned with where they're going than where they are. Yes. Okay. Yes. Yes.

yes you said it that's a good note to end on that's fair that's fair Jordan and I are going to get into something very exciting this week but you'll just have to follow it along on Instagram yeah yeah okay yeah so follow us on Instagram follow us on Twitter follow us on TikTok follow us on YouTube now subscribe to us on YouTube also what are the tags give them the tags at mean girl pod everywhere except YouTube's

at Jordan Woodruff. But it's all in our link tree on our Instagram. And go on YouTube. No, go on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and leave a review and leave a comment, please. Because once we get to 1,000 comments, we're at 800 right now. Once we get to 1,000, Alex and I are going to do something big. Yes, get a tattoo.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Once we get through a thousand reviews, comments on Apple, we will get a tattoo. We love you guys. Send it to a friend. Bye. Bye.