cover of episode Toxic skinny influencing, AB's baby shower & political differences in relationships

Toxic skinny influencing, AB's baby shower & political differences in relationships

Publish Date: 2024/8/12
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Welcome back to another episode of Mean Girl Pod. Why are you smiling? Hello. I don't know. I always smile when I say that to you. Hello. Um. What? I've been saying that, what, 129 times now? It never gets old. It's really not that many times when you think about it. Like, you've only said it 129 times. That's actually wild. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Because are we hitting? We're going to be on three years. Wait, no. Yeah, we'll be hitting three years in February. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. I guess we're like February. I mean, that's like, what is that? Seven months away? Six? September, October, November, December, January. Six months, yeah. Yeah. It's funny though, because like if somebody just randomly was like, how many times has Jordan said welcome back to the episode of Mean Girl Pod? I'd be like, I don't know, 500. Right? So we talk about razors in this episode because it's one of our sponsors. Can you even shave your legs at this point? I was going to ask you that during the ad, but I was like, I probably shouldn't.

Um, yeah, so I can shave my legs. Like this is the thing about pregnancy. Like my nails and like the hair on mainly my under arms grow like, like a guy, like so fast. Like I'm clipping my nails. I don't have a manicure anymore at all whatsoever, obviously. And I like have to clip them like weekly.

And like my extensions are grown out. So I'm actually manually removing my extensions myself today after this. I Amazon like the extension remover. But you know what? You can't shave pregnant. You can't see below the belly at all.

Like, you just, like, and you can't suck in. You can't. So I used to see all these girls make memes of being like, how are we supposed to shave the you know what area? And I was like, it can't be that bad. And it's like, you just, like, can't even. Like, you just move around. There's no, like, you just have no idea. Wait, your hair really grows so much faster when you're pregnant? Yes. Oh, my.

my gosh. I would think it would be the opposite because like the baby's taking all your nutrients from you, but that's crazy. Maybe it's all like the dairy you can eat now. Yeah. Have you ever had the Starbucks feta, um, feta and

spinach wrap? I have, yeah. I just had that. That's just like a pizza. They can't call that healthy. It was just bread with cheese on it. I'm pretty sure that's 600 calories. I don't think it is healthy. It's gotta be 600 calories. I mean, I haven't looked at a calorie and I can't tell you when the last time was, but

I was just like so hungry before this and I was driving here and I was like, I have to get food immediately. Well, my favorite thing is like when you go into Starbucks and you're like looking at the food that looks so good and the calories are just like bold, large font right in front of you and you're like, okay, I guess I'll just go with my black coffee today. Yeah. You know what? You know what? I'm not hungry anymore. Thank you. Oh. Um, so I wanted to ask you what your rose and your thorn was for this week.

Yes. Okay. So my, I'm trying to see what I wrote down because I thought about it again this morning. Oh, okay. So my, my actual rose, I'm going to change it is I haven't, I went on a walk outside last week and I like severely overheated and like sat down at Harrison had to like come get me in the car, but I love walking right now. And so, but if I don't get up at like 7am, then I miss my walk time.

And it's just like this compounding effect. And so I went downstairs the other day and he had got like a treadmill and put it in the basement. Yeah. And there's like a fan on it. He's like, Oh, I love that. But he was just like, you need this. And I was like, I wanted that like so bad, but like the thought of getting a treadmill and like figuring out logistically how to get it felt like

felt impossible so every morning I mean I can I can't walk faster than a 2.6 today I hit my fastest time which is 2.6 on the turn I like I can only go for 20 minutes it's not even a mile I hit 0.85 of a mile I'm wiped out like I'm panting but it's like the highlight of my day like I get up and I'm like I get to go on a walk and I'm not like gonna die so that's like by far

been the rose that's the rose of the week um and then you have Haley Bieber doing Pilates every day with her private chef wait what's the temp right now in Austin um well let's see it's let let me give you the heat index oh god because it's actually like kind of cold in New York for the past few days because it's rained so it's been in the 70s like we actually had our windows open yesterday and it was it was incredible

I'm not sweating this episode. It says feels like 104 and it does. Good pause to talk about Monster because this is one of my favorite flavors. I like this in the white and the orange. I pretty much like all the flavors, but this grape one is so freaking good. You love purple too, so it's fitting. I love anything grape. I'm such a grape gal. Like, you know, the big league chew. Did you ever eat that when you were a kid? Yes. I should say chew it, not eat it. I ate it as a kid, but you shouldn't eat it.

It's so good. So you just stick your hand in there. Did you have the grape flavor of that? Yeah, and it reminds me of this monster. It has like that delicious grape taste. Oh my gosh. Like I used to actually like eat it when I was a kid. Like I would like chew the gum and swallow it because it tasted so good. Oh yeah. Why do you not think that's... Did you do that too? Yeah, I totally did. And they would say, what did they say about it? You can't digest it for 10 years. Yeah, they say gum sucks...

get stuck in your stomach for seven years right yeah or 10 or something yeah I haven't swallowed gum in a while so mine's all digested as yours I sure hope yeah yeah yeah it should be I don't think I swallowed gum past the age of 19 oh my god I was 19 10 years ago yeah you've definitely definitely passed that um but yeah this flavor is so good there it's just really hard to get

a grape flavor good because a lot of times grape flavoring tastes like cough syrup or medicine but monster they know what they're doing they really nailed all their flavors and i feel like every time you bring in a can it's just like it's like they nailed their cans too like they're fun colors and like not to keep bringing up calories i don't know why this is the second time i am like the fact that it is only 10 calories like just does make you feel a little bit better and like zero sugar

To just be like chugging a couple a day. Actually, don't do that. Maybe just one a day. But I've had sometimes I've had multiple days are so good. Oh, no doubt. And you can just. Yeah, you're making me jealous. I'm really jealous. Like in my heat, that would feel great. Well, in a month and a half, this will be your go to drink to stay awake when that baby comes. Yeah, it will be. That's my postpartum fuel is monster, obviously. Yeah.

But sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your roses and thorns. What's your thorn of the week? Okay, my thorn of the week is, again, I guess I can't remember anything. You're small. Your brain is shrinking. It's so shrinking. I'm like, I don't know what I was going to say. Thank God I wrote it down. My thorn of the week is I wanted to paint.

The baby girl's like artwork in her room. And I started it and like, I hate it. And I just am like a really bad artist. So I've ordered some more like stencils to try again. But I'm very disappointed in myself. So that's my thorn of the week is that I'm not,

I don't know why I thought I could just pick up like a 48 by 48 painting and nail it, but I can't. Let's talk about Hungry Root and meal prep because Hungry Root is the easiest way to eat healthy. They send you fresh, high quality groceries, simple, delicious recipes and the essential supplements. It's like having someone else do it all the planning and shopping so you don't even have to think about it.

Jordan, you are obsessed with Hungry Root. I am. So my favorite thing about Hungry Root is that when you sign up, you get to pick what type of food you want. So I was able to do

not only gluten-free but celiac which Pete's celiac so we can't even mess with gluten which is so great and we could do like high protein healthy food so you can kind of gear it towards what you want to eat and it's just made eating with him so much easier because sometimes we have to have different meals because like I can have gluten and he can't so now we can have like the full meal together we can make the full meal together we don't worry about contaminating anything and it's just made our lives so much easier and the food is amazing

So good. The steak fajitas, Alex, you would die. Like, they are the best. That literally sounds... I want to eat them every day. It sounds absolutely incredible. So right now, Hungry Root is offering Mean Girl listeners 40% off your first delivery and free veggies for life. Just go to slash Mean Girl to get 40% off your first delivery and get your free veggies.

that's don't forget to use our link so they know that we sent you enjoy but i feel like you are because i was gonna ask if you do paint but i feel like you are that person who when you do like arts and crafts yours turn out good i i am good like i do have the left brain

is my strong side. Like I am, I can be artsy. It's like too big. Like the 48 by 48, it's like massive. And I just am having a hard time like filling it. And I don't, I don't know. So it's not, it doesn't look great right now, but I have a backup canvas. So I might use that. I mean, 48 by 48, it's huge. You could do like a big paint by numbers. Yeah. It's like really, really, really big. So I don't know. That's my thorn. Is it just, I didn't nail it round one, but I have time. So I will, um,

I'll figure it out. What's, what are yours? Well, my thorn is, are my stupid nails. Alex, look at them. Are they, I can't tell. Are they chipping? They're naked. Oh, they're naked. Uh-oh. Last week you literally complimented on my bright pink nails that I had just gotten done and now they have fallen off. Man, they were cracked too, weren't they? Are they thin underneath? Because remember, I think the girl made them really thin. Yeah, and I'm not kidding you. I powder dipped and I picked all of them off so easily. I was like, ugh.

Just one after another. And my nails aren't even destroyed. Like, they look fine. But I'm like the...

I've just had it. I've had my, that was the last straw. I'm going back to Russian manicures. Yeah, don't go back to that place because I, you know what, the mistake I've made and maybe you have too is like if I get a bad manicure somewhere but it was convenient, I'll go again and it's always a bad manicure both times. Yeah, like New York City does a lot of things right but there's just a few things that they can't get right and I think nails is one of them. They do do a lot right though. They, most of the time they nail it but

No pun intended. But that, yeah, yeah, you have had it. You have kind of.

- You have kind of had a nail struggle, I do believe. I did too when I lived there actually. I never loved my place, but they were close. That's a good point. Right? Nails and then Mexican restaurant, like Mexican food. I've just never found like a really good Mexican restaurant. - There's none. They don't have, because I think we like Tex-Mex and I don't think they have that there. - Yeah, I like the place you took me when we went to Oklahoma with like the queso. Oh my God, that was so good. - Tex is the best. Oh my God, I guzzle, I impart queso. Wait, did you do your thorn first?

Oh, I did. I didn't even think about that. You're supposed to do your rose first. This is fun, though, because you'll end with your rose. My rose is Love Island. I know that season has come and gone, but I finally started watching it. And I am so sickly obsessed. I can't stop talking about it. What's so good about it? I think...

So the reason why I like it is because it's not on cable. It's on Peacock. So they can pretty much do whatever they want. Like, it's so juicy and saucy and, like, sexy. And they say things and they all kiss each other and wear, like, little lingerie and little Speedos and stuff. And, like, you just can't do that on cable. Like, The Bachelor has become so PG where it got boring. And on Love Island, it's just like, I mean...

They have literal episodes where they have a kissing contest and they all kiss each other and rate how good of a kisser everyone is. It's wild. So it's just really good TV. It's really good TV. And all the contestants, I love it because they all genuinely seem to love each other, but then they all yell at each other at the same time. But it's funny because it's like one second they're calling each other like,

They'll be like, you stupid bitch. And then they'll be like, but she's my best friend. And I'm just like, what is happening? So it's like unfiltered, like good TV. People, I mean, people love it. There's gotta be a reason. Yeah. And I was just, I am not, I swear TikTok was listening to me because now my whole For You page is Love Island. And I've gotten on this, the winner of last year's TikTok. And she has a series of like

all these truths behind Love Island. It's fascinating what they make these people go through. Like you and I got a little bit of a glimpse of a reality show and how like actually horrible it can be filming one when we were doing our reality shows at Barstool just with like

how isolating it is. Like you really don't have your phones. You really are on a strict schedule. You aren't really allowed to talk to each other unless the cameras are on. And she was just saying like some of the contestants are in quarantine, not quarantine, they're like in lockdown for 40 days waiting to go on the show. No phones, no phones.

Like they can't talk to anyone. They can't really leave the resort. Like it's just I'm like, this is crazy. But it's so it's real. I do like it when they do it that way, though. Like it's actually they make you like not check your phone and stuff beforehand because I do feel like that makes good TV. Well, if you get kicked off the show, you don't get your phone back until your episode airs. Wow. Yeah. I mean, the episodes come out every day, so it's they'd probably wait like forever.

Two, three days max. But that's also crazy. There's episode coming out every single day. It's genius, though. Like, I think that's what our people like. Our people, our generation. But like, I don't even like reality TV, but I am obsessed with Love Island. Like, I can't wait to go home tonight and watch like Pete's Pizza to Work thing tonight. And I'm just going to binge watch it.

Until he gets home. How many? I'm so excited. How many seasons are there? So the UK has a ton. This was the sixth season for Love Island US. But you can start a season whenever you want. Like you don't have to watch one, two, three, four, five, six. You can just start six. Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah. And there's like 36 episodes. So it's like you're in it for a while. It's not like a 10. Mini? Yeah. Like you should try watching it when you're...

relax trying to relax like you would you would be able to sit there all day it's amazing okay I will I mean I keep thinking that would be the one I would try just because I do feel like if everyone likes something sometimes I'm like I don't know that would be for me but this one I'm like totally like I think people just like love it I was the same way and then finally when Pete was gone last week I was like I'm just gonna try it I like this is the time to just try all the TV so I put it on and

That's a decision I made in a long time. Haven't put it off yet. What episode are you on? I'm on episode 10, I think. So I still have 16 more to go. 16, 36 episodes is crazy. I know. I love Leah. She's like one of the most popular female leads on the show. And like Rob is hilarious. And he's one of the more popular male leads. Like it's just, it's so great. Like I'm a little sad that I'm not

obsessed when everyone was watching it but it's kind of fun because now I can talk to everyone about it because everyone's like yeah I've seen it already good okay all right well maybe I'll do that then I I haven't just like chilling in bed a lot so that's a good thing to do yeah I've been loving it quick pause to talk about Athena Club which you guys have heard Jordan and I rave about for a very long time and let me tell you what showering and changing changing

Showering and shaving has completely changed since we found Athena Club because usually when summer's over, don't you just give up on shaving? Like you're like, what's even the point? Because I'm not going to be in a bathing suit anymore. Well, the point is maybe your partner, I don't know yourself. It's just disgusting to let, to let things completely go.

So the good news about Athena Club is they make shaving amazing year round. That's why they have thousands of five star reviews from customers. And that's why they have a built in guard to help prevent razor burn while being gentle on the curve. Seriously, it is like the best shaving experience on the planet. And they have hyaluronic acid in there and it's just like a glide.

I feel like Jordan wants to say something. Yeah, because, you know, this is my favorite razor in the entire world. Last night I was sitting down and Pete like touched my legs and he's like, do you shave your legs every day? And I was like, no, I literally do not have to with Athena Club because one, the shaves last longer and two, my legs are so much smoother. I shave like every three days. Yeah, it's it's seriously incredible. Yeah.

I'm obsessed. So you guys obviously want to show your skin you care with the Athena Club razor.

kit so all you have to do today is sign up and you'll get 30 off your first razor kit order just go to and use promo code mean girl that's with promo code mean girl for 30 off we have to address the elephant in the room that everyone's mad about us about for everyone's mad about us i didn't even know they were mad until you told me and i was like oh

Because I didn't even, yeah. The baby shower? Why didn't you invite me to your baby shower? Yeah, that thing. The amount of comments and DMs. I am like, are you joking? I think that... Okay. So if you don't know, if you're... Wait, quick, if you don't know, Alex had a baby shower in Oklahoma. And...

Everyone is like, why didn't you go to Alex's baby shower? Why didn't Alex invite Jordan to the baby shower? That's what we're talking about. Okay, I didn't invite a single person from out of state to the baby shower because...

I think that would, I think it would be rude of me to invite you. Like I have, I have, I counted this morning cause I knew we were gonna talk about this. I have four, like I would say best friends that live not in Oklahoma that I've made, you know, between Newport, LA, New York. Um, that would be it. And not, none of you guys were invited because that's like saying hi for the unborn child.

Would you like to fly to Oklahoma? Never cheap. You're going to have to connect. And then bring me a gift. Would you like to do that? No. For a baby shower that's going to last two hours. Like, you actually were kind not inviting me because then I didn't feel guilty. We struggle. We often talk about on here like these destination bachelorette parties.

Okay, that's at least, you know, three days of like things to do. A baby shower is two hours long.

Yeah. Also, I feel like because I was thinking about this because I didn't even think twice before because I was like, of course, if Alex is going to have a baby shower in New York, I would be there. I'd probably throw it. But I didn't think twice about it being in Oklahoma. And then I saw those DMs and I'm like, I don't know when it comes to shower at the end of words like a bridal shower, a bachelorette shower or a baby shower.

I don't think if it's not in your state, you're going. Like, I'm not going to a friend's bridal shower. I'm not going to a friend's baby shower if they don't live in the same state as me. I could not agree more. It's just like, I couldn't agree more. I can't even believe that anybody would wonder. Because I have to not only, like you said, for a two-hour event, I have to buy a plane ticket, buy a hotel ticket.

And buy a present, which I could just send you a gift. So that's like, let's say, $1,000 for two hours out of a whole weekend. That's wild to assume. She's not born. She won't know. Like, do you know what I mean? I don't even feel good. Like, I'm just like, what on earth? It would be in like, yeah, like Harrison's parents, his mom and his sister were also invited, right?

And my family went up to the Vancouver one that they threw because like our families needed to meet. But past that, like we don't need to be traveling for the baby showers. Right. And also like you being the mom-to-be, you're so, I can imagine, so busy at the baby shower.

You're not missing anyone. You're not taking head count. You have bigger fish to fry. I could not agree more. I mean, it's just like that to me. Yeah, I would be like embarrassed had I been like, would you guys like to come to my baby shower in Oklahoma?

Right? Because then what do you do with us the rest of the time? Like, okay, Jordan, bye, have fun in Oklahoma. I'm going to relax and sleep now because I'm exhausted. Totally. I'm about to have a baby. Exactly, exactly. And like you get like, yeah, right, yeah, no. So that's why, people, because it would be crazy of me to invite anybody from out of state to the shower. Yeah, I had a – one of my good friends is getting married and I am going to her bachelor party. I'm going to her wedding, obviously, but I'm not going to her bridal shower and –

A while back, I asked one of my friends who's gone to a million and one weddings. And I was like, is it rude of me not to? And she was like, no offense, Jordan.

You will not be missed. No one will even realize you're there or not there. Like she, this is her day. She could care less. And I was like, thank you. That actually made me feel so much better. You're like, you know, I need that. No, I think we like, I think it was after COVID. We like overdid things to the nines, right? Like I'm sure people travel in for some people's first birthday parties for kids, right?

No one's getting invited out of state to my kid's first birthday party. Yeah, that was wild. And it's just I was just like, wow, I never expected people to even think about that. I was just like, I'm in New York. She's in Oklahoma. Like, what? Yeah, no, no. I also I just watched this clip all my way in here from the I've had it podcast.

Jennifer and Pops and they were like there's somebody who's like I've just had it with these people posting photos of their kids with like an emoji over their face and they're just like your kids not that important why are you why are you posting the photo one number two why are you putting the emoji over their face and I just was like cracking up watching the video and then I'm just thinking it's also like the the gender reveals sometimes are so grandiose these days and

And then it's like people are wondering why you weren't at my baby shower. And it's like, why would she be? Like everyone, calm it down on the kids. Wait, can we talk about the emoji thing quick? Because that cracks me up. I think it's so funny.

and weird when people post a picture of them and their baby online and they put an emoji over the baby's face. It's like, don't post the picture. If you don't want your kid online, I 1 trillion percent respect that, but don't post a picture of the baby and then just put a smiley face emoji over it. Like, that's weird. Especially if it's like their newborn photo and like you have, and listen, some people want to keep their kid private. I get it. But, but I'm just like,

what's the point of the photo then well that's I mean if you want to keep your kid private just don't post the picture it's just like the mom looking beautiful and then they're just like yeah like an emoji and you're like what I know sometimes it's just the kid and like there's an emoji over it and I'm like you could just that could just get it off Google just get some random kid off Google yeah post that photo then it's it's so it's so strange to me it's like listen

You either be all in or all out. Either post that child or don't post the child at all. I agree. I completely agree. I love like, yeah, like I've seen so many kids going back to school this week and like their parents have just like posted them and they're just adorable. Have you guys thought about, you and Harrison, if you're going to post your

kid online at all or if you're gonna like keep it private have you guys even had that conversation well it's crazy how that is a conversation nowadays oh I know well here's my thing all I know is like I think all babies look for the most part the same so I I mean I'm definitely down like the first six months when they start to when she when she starts to like really develop her face I'll talk to him about it because like I do think we need to agree on it but one thing I did say at the end of the day was like all babies just look the same he's like yeah

So that part I've got down. Just like when she's born and at first it's like you can't pick my baby out of a lineup against another baby. And the phase changes so fast where like in one month they will look completely different. Yeah, yeah. So I feel fine about the beginning. And then I lean towards posting her just because I don't think I'll post her a lot, right? But I do just want to post. Like I love seeing...

Like, I love seeing these kids go to school and, like, hold up their sign, like, their kindergarten sign and stuff. Like, I think that's really adorable. So, I don't know. We'll see. I can't believe you're about to have a baby. It's still... Every time we get on this podcast and I see you, I'm like, you are one week closer to being a mother. Oh, my gosh. I know. I just... I'm 34 weeks. I know. You're due. I mean, technically, you could have the baby, like, in a healthy range anytime now, right? Anytime. Yeah. It's just, like, you just...

So I had a friend tell me that her friend's water broke at six weeks and I was just, or six weeks out. And I'm like, that's me. Oh, I was like, what? You're six weeks out. That sounds so much shorter than a month and a half. Right? Well, I used to think, I used to think back in April, I was like, it's never going to be July. Like it will never be July. Now it's August. And I'm like, oh, I August, August to me used to seem, cause I had, cause there was a time where it was so tough and,

And I think I just never thought I'd be here. And I'm like, we are in the home stretch. I mean, at least she'll either be a Virgo or a Libra and both are great for females. So you're good on the Zodiac signs. At least. At a bare minimum, she'll be one of the two, which is at least good. I know. I am. It's so funny. The things like we've talked about our signs so much.

But when you get pregnant, you're not thinking like, what's nine months from now? What's she going to be? When's the birthday going to fall? But I will say this, like I do love, I love our birthdays because they're middle of the year.

But I'm also glad like September's good. You know, like it's not on Christmas. Except you have to figure out if you're going to hold her back or like if she's going to be the youngest of her grade or the oldest of her grade. I know, but I, so I was the youngest in July and I think September's too young. Let's talk about ZocDoc because there's nothing more important than your health. The older you get, the more you go to the doctor.

And there's nothing worse than you need a certain specialist who takes your, insert your insurance here, that's within blank miles of you, who doesn't have a, I don't know, five-week loan.

long wait list just to get an appointment who doesn't keep you waiting in their waiting room for 30 minutes to an hour who spends more than my gosh there's nothing worse than going to the doctor and they spend five minutes with you and you're in and out but you waited for an hour and who can actually help you with the actual issue that you're having everyone knows the frustrations of trying to find that doctor that I'm describing right there's so many little things and they're so important so enter ZocDoc which is

Jordan and I have both used. We've moved to new cities and when you move to a new city, it's like impossible to find somebody that takes your insurance that can get you in. But ZocDoc seriously puts it all in one place. So ZocDoc is a free app and website where you search and compare high quality in network doctors. Choose the right one for your needs and click instantly to book an appointment.

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So stop putting off those doctor's appointments and go to slash Mean Girl to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today. That's slash Mean Girl. slash Mean Girl. Oh, I think so, too. I think she, I would definitely be like, you have to be the oldest. Because then when you're a junior in college, you're 21, which is awesome. Yeah, I think she's got to be, I think she has to be older. I agree. Because I think September's too...

July's pushing it on young. So I'm in June and I was the same way. It sucked being the youngest at June. Yeah. Like I was literally a senior being 21. I was the DD for the longest time because all my friends turned 21 in like November, December, January. And they all had their cars and they drove to school. When is Harrison's birthday again? March. March.

March. So is he, uh, have we decided, is he a Pisces? Not decided. An Aries? No. What's the other option? He's an Aries. Pisces. Pisces. He's a Pisces, right? That's what, yeah. Julie just confirmed that your husband or your husband, your boyfriend is a Pisces. He's a Pisces. Oh yes. Cause Julie's a Pisces. Cause what? Oh, right, right, right, right. Julie's a Pisces. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, I think he's, he's not an Aries, but I'm compatible with Pisces. And I remember looking this up right at the very beginning. Yeah. And I was like, okay, cool. Yeah.

Yeah. But like if she's a Libra, she'll be so like happy-go-lucky, like pretty much like me. And then if she's a Virgo, she'll be like very strong-headed, like very determined. I know that might be scary for you. Oh, no. I'm sure. And wait, which one's born first? Sorry, Virgo's first. And then Pisces is – sorry, and then Libra's second. But like she's going to – that's like the 23rd. I think the 21st is when it switches over. So she's like –

Right on the cusp of she could either be a Virgo or a Libra. She's right on the cusp. Which one's the hard-headed one? Virgo. So earlier. I want her to come. Oh, I don't want her to come earlier, but I do want her to come earlier. Okay, fine. Fine. Hard-headed for life is fine if she comes early.

But right now it's Leo season, so she could also be a Leo if she's very early. Oh my gosh, I have so many options. Are Leos good? Oh my God, I love Leos. They are like the, just like the cutest, sweetest, bubbly people. Like everyone loves a Leo. I don't know anyone who doesn't like Leo. Okay, that's good. Okay, that makes me feel better. And they're smart. Like they're smart and determined people. Okay, as long as she's got that or not, whatever she wants to be is fine.

I'll let her choose when she's bored. I don't care what she is. Just as long as she's happy. That's all that matters. I'm dead. Okay, we have so many topics. I know. Where do you even want to begin? What's the most interesting to you? The most interesting to me is... I'm going to let you pick the most interesting. Well, I'm kind of into...

What about the Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, the End With Us movie team? Oh, yeah, that's a good one because that movie comes out. That movie came out Friday. So like this drops today's Monday. So that just came out on Friday. So they're newly doing all of the premiere stuff. So there is a very popular book called It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover, which is

I asked you earlier if you've read it. I was like, of course she hasn't read it because she doesn't read good books. Well, I don't read fiction. I know. Julie was like, have you guys ever talked about smut on the podcast? Like book smut, which was just like sexy fairies and stuff. And I was like, well, I've recommended Alex smutty books, but...

I mean, I would pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to watch her read a smutty book. Oh, my God. I think I've tried, like, once. I just, I am, I can't, I can't go to these, like, imaginary lands. I'm like, what? It's not real. It needed to be real for some reason. But I know people, I obviously know who Colleen Hoover is. I'm familiar with the book, and I know she's all the rage. Yeah, so her book was just made into a movie with Blake Lively, and is it Justin Bal-

Yeah, I'll just call him Justin because I don't know. I can't remember his last name. So Justin is the main male lead and Blake is the main female lead. And everything was going fine. Like when the movie was in production, like they were being shown together normally. Like they were filming, blah, blah, blah, blah. Everything was fine. And then now all of a sudden they're doing press and like these movie premieres. Justin isn't being shown with like any of the cast. Almost like none of the cast wants to interact with him anymore.

on, like, the carpet, during the interviews, at the movie premieres. None of them are, like, following each other on Instagram. And everyone's like, what's the deal with Justin and the whole cast of It Ends With Us? Like, why isn't he involved when he is literally not only the male lead, but the director of the movie? Because he's the one that bought the rights, right? Yeah, he directed the movie, too, yeah. Okay, so what do you think it is? Okay, so...

This is a new take that I just thought of recently. Like, literally, I watched a TikTok about it earlier today, and it's totally changed. And this makes me sad because I love Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds so, so much. But they are both two individuals who are very involved in, like, the production side of movies. Like, Ryan Reynolds produced, probably, like, wrote, directed Deadpool. And some people are...

assuming, guessing that maybe Ryan tried to get too involved with it, ends with us with Blake and those two tried to take too much creative control over Justin because Justin was directing it where it almost was a falling out. But since like Blake and Ryan are like the love, lovable ones, everyone loves, maybe more people sided with Ryan and Blake, or maybe people liked Blake and Ryan's ideas more than Justin's. And I think that could be why there was some,

like, butting of the heads because Ryan is very pro, obviously he's very pro everything his wife does, but like, he's been doing press almost for this movie. Like, he's been interviewing the characters of the movie. He's been at like the press tours, which is like not common for other actors to be interviewing actors of another movie. So it's almost like he's taken over like a part of this movie because now, and where's Justin? It's so weird.

So what I, my like sort of thought was, was that Ryan stepped up to do press for it because Justin was MIA. And yeah, I think he like stepped up to do that for Blake to like help push it. But I think, I think there's something, what did the article I read say about,

Uh, something about it made me think Justin, does Justin have a podcast? He does, but an episode hasn't been released in weeks. Yeah, I think whether there might be smoke, there might be fire with Justin. Like, I don't know what he, I don't want to say he did something, you know, I don't, I don't ever want to say somebody, um,

I'll just use, like, I don't want to say he hashtagged Me Too movement something. I don't know. Because I think that's, like, way brash to put on somebody. But, well, I think what I read, like, everyone's unfollowed him. Yeah, and even, like, one of his co-hosts of the podcast was at the premiere, and she wasn't even, like, she posted a ton of pictures on her Instagram story being like, I went for this movie, so excited, and she only tagged Blake in all of the Instagram stories. She didn't tag Justin once, which is weird for, like,

his co-host. It's weird...

And it's not like he got sick because they would tag him, but it's like they're mad at him. Yeah. And I don't know why. Because Colleen followed him but unfollowed him, right? Yeah. Everyone's unfollowed him. She, to me, is not the one to be doing that. You know, like the person that owns the right to your book to produce the movie out of it. So I don't know what it is, but something to me seems like he did something. I don't know what it was.

Yeah. And like, maybe it was Blake or Ryan or this or that wanting to take more creative control. And he was like, just got too big of an ego and was like, no, this is my movie. Like, I'm the reason why this is a thing. And Blake was like, no, it's a thing because of all of us type of situation. And then everyone was like, F you, Justin, like, you're in it for yourself only. And if he was like that on a movie, I could see him being like that on a podcast. Like, maybe he just gets...

A little too big of a head. I don't know. Yeah, I think on. I know. I think it's interesting. Here's my question, though, because Blake, Blake and Ryan are like very quick to not give us the tea. Don't you think? Like they're not. Oh, yeah. They're they're hush hush about things. But I'm like, who's going to tell us who's going to make it spill?

Someone's got to tell us because everyone wants to know. I mean, with the internet, we will definitely find out. I mean, it's definitely bringing more buzz to the movie. I mean, I've been excited about this movie since day one. I read the book. This was one of those books that I cried reading. It was...

I remember, like, I can vividly remember myself reading it because it, like, was so good at that time. So I am just so excited for this. And now I feel like this is going to be one of the biggest. They're saying that this movie might make more money than Deadpool and Wolverine. I think Blake deserves that. I agree.

I'm happy about that. And I'm happy Ryan's like rallied behind her and like supported her in the role too. Like I hope, no, I don't think, I hope they're not competing. I'm sure they're not, obviously. But that would be just because Deadpool is like notoriously just like a phenomenal sequel. The word's not sequel. Phenomenal what?

movie? Yeah, but like series. Yeah. So I feel like what's the word? So I feel like it would be cool for Blake to like be up there with him. Yeah. No, I saw Deadpool and Wolverine. It was great.

It was so funny. Was it? Yeah, he's just funny. That was the movie I went to and I brought a whole bottle of wine and you DM'd me and you were like, did you really bring a whole bottle of wine? And I was like, of course I did. I'm just so jealous. I was just like, a full, like the full bottle? Isn't that, I know it's so, it's so funny because it's like, sometimes I'll panic and I'm like, oh my gosh, what happens? Like, I'm just not going to be alone. Like, what happens if once something happened to Pete and like, I was just left alone, what would I do? And then Pete was gone for a week and I was like,

Don't get me wrong. I missed him like crazy. But I was like, I had a blast. I went to movies alone. I brought a whole bottle of wine. I colored every night. I watched Love Island. I was like, I mean, I would be a true introvert and not hang out with anyone. But I was like, I had so much fun. And you're like, I mean, I would be totally fine. No, you would be distraught. But...

I would be so distraught. But for people out there that, you know, don't have the person yet, there are so many fun things to do. And the movies are great to go along to. No one cares. You need to go to the movie alone. You're not talking to anyone anyways. And bringing a bottle of wine, that was such a move. Like, this one girl DMed me. She's like, when I go, I just bring a glass with me too. And I was like, that's a move. Now I'm a loser because I should have thought of that. Yeah.

So you're fully taking the whole thing in. Oh, I love it. I mean, I just have so many things. I saw this, my friend Nugget Claire sent me this TikTok and it was this girl and she was like, you guys better watch out. Once I get like 50 units of Botox, you know, shed all my baby weight, get some sort of childcare, get a manicure, highlight my hair and find some energy. Like I'm going to be so back. Yeah.

And I was like, yeah, what is the, what are you most excited for once the baby has been delivered? Because I forget like how few things you can do. Like my forehead. Full movement. Full movement. Like my crows are just like here. They're like so out. Oh, I just, I don't know. Energy. I think energy. That's all I want. But I mean like if you had to pick like drinking a glass of wine, Botox, getting your nails done, highlights, like just like a...

like a funny thing like girl I'm gonna do it all in the same day like I'm gonna stack I mean I would get so much Botox like what happened to her I will be like bleach blonde I'll probably get extensions down like I'll overdo the extensions I will just be like I will have I'll have tips like I'll go back to my old like so extra I'll get my nails done like I took it all for granted I'm sorry to the universe um but like I'll have a full spa day and do it all so like every all of it you're

You're going to be like, Harrison, I'm leaving. I swear to God, if you talk to me for this whole day, I'm going to lose my mind. You come back and you're just Barbie. I'm going to leave looking like this and I'm going to come back a whole new me. Yeah, I can't wait. So every single thing. Oh my God, that's going to be so fun. I feel like you should do like a series on social media of like getting your groove back type of thing of you just like filming.

All the things you're doing. I would love to watch that. Before and after. This is me right after I had the kid and this is me the next day. Because it's so funny. We do so many things to keep up with our appearances and then when you're pregnant, you truly can't do any of them. You can't do Botox. I'm assuming you don't get filler, but you can't get filler, right? No, you can't do any of it in pregnancy.

like here's the thing there's a guy that'll do my hair one of my friends messaged me she's like I got my hair done in the second third trimester I can go get this what's the point for me to get up every day and put it in my tail like no like so I'm just saving money I'm just like why would I get a manicure for me to like look at them in bed true you are saving money and I'm like so excited about it I'm like I used to be like I don't want to go to the nail place

because I don't want to sit there. Now I'm going to be like, I get to go to the nail place and I get to sit there and I get to get a new color. I'm dead. That is so funny. I do want to hear about your gallery house Hamptons experience, but is that for the end? I know that just derailed that. Oh, no, no, no. I was going to tell you about that when I, um, during our, during our catch up because, um,

I know that you went to the gallery house with Joey last year. I believe it's the exact same house. It is. I could tell from one of your videos. It's the exact same one. The best ever. So I went there for the weekend and oh my God, the house is stunning. It's too good to be true. To be in a house that is...

So air-conditioned, you have to wear a sweatshirt to bed. That was incredible. I slept with a sweatshirt on. I haven't slept with a sweatshirt on in three years because New York is hot even in the winter. Right. Like, fully stocked fridge with Diet Coke, rosé. I was like, it's the little things in life that I really miss. But, like, I forget. Like, I am just, I'm hitting this very pivotal moment where I've noticed it's coming, but, like,

I truly am growing up because last year, even if we were in the Hamptons at that house, you and I would have gone crazy. We would have drank all day, gone out, drank all night, probably get back at like 4 a.m. I go to the Hamptons. I have like two drinks during the day, two drinks in the evening. And me and my friend Abby, we are in bed by 1030. I pop a melatonin. I am dead asleep. One of the best things in my life. Yeah.

You, like, loved the air conditioning and, like, thought the beds were, like, the thread count of the sheets was nice. I'm like, I'm just here for the cleanliness. Yeah, I'm just here for the... And, like, I saw the gift, like, the gifting, like, suite that you posted. It's, like, it's just... It's the best way. This gallery house, it's a Gary V deal, right? It's still VaynerMedia. Yeah. You're so spoiled. Like, there are not words. Literally, as we were leaving, and everyone is so nice, they were, like...

They're like, our goal is to make you feel spoiled. Did you feel spoiled? And I was like, I felt like a queen. I felt so spoiled. I'll never be able to come back from this. Like, I realized...

I all I need in life is a very clean house with a fully stocked fridge and central AC and I will be so happy. No, it's so it is. It's just so true. And like in New York, it's very difficult to find those things. Like some days I do have that feeling of like, do I ever want to leave New York? Like just like every once in a while, like I'll just be like, if I leave, I miss it. And then I'm like with Jordan.

You will live in a house that is clean with AC and you will live. You have a car where you can go to the grocery store and stock up on food and you don't have to only grocery shop what you can carry home. Like life is going to be great. No, I went to the grocery store twice yesterday.

It's it's I'm obsessed. I just like we went last night. We were there till like they closed like we were just like walking around. I was like we have a refrigerator that can fit it all like we haven't had that in so long. Oh, yeah. Do you guys have a car? I didn't even ask you that. Yeah, we have we have a car. We need to get so we have a car in Harrison because in Harrison have a car in LA. I don't think you know. He did. He had a car in LA and then shipped it here.

So we have, we have his car and he thinks we can survive on one car because like we are really walkable from things. And he like loves, and I like that too. Like I kind of like that urban living thought and,

And I love his car. It's just, I think we might need two cars, but we'll see. So we're going to see. Yeah. Cause you never know when the baby's born, like how often you'll have to like go out and about, but have you just been loving driving? Oh my gosh. I just drive everywhere. Like I take the long way. We go on drives at night. Like I just love it. Just love it. I'm so glad you have a license again. Me too. It's great. I'm so, actually I just have a temp, but yeah, I mean, I'm getting my, it's on its way. I'm,

Because you have to get the temp license and then get the real license. I forget that you, since when you move to a different state and you like drive a lot, it's illegal to not have that state's license. I just never worried about that because in New York, I don't drive. But I now have a New York license. I know. I can't believe you have a New York license. That's so cool. I just never did that. I know. I only did it because my license expired. But I'm better not have a New York license for long. I'm just kidding. For long. Okay.

Okay, so the next topic. Oh, we should talk. I don't know if this is like over because we have the Olympics left and then we have like, I think you call it ED TikTok, eating disorder TikTok. Yeah, or like skinny toxicity TikTok. Yeah, okay, both of those. So we can do the skinny one. You had mentioned it like two weeks ago and I didn't know what was going on.

And I think, is the ringleader of it Liv Schmidt? Oh, you can't be saying her name. Well, I'm going to say I know her and I love her. I'm going to just say. Okay. I was like, woohoo.

Yeah, she commented on my cheesy bread TikTok yesterday. I was like, I need to try that. So I just want to talk about it very candidly. Oh, I love that. I love a candid conversation. Yeah, so the girl who, I guess... So there's been, I mean, there's always been people promoting toxic eating habits, fitness, being skinny on social media. But I would say Liv Schmidt is...

quote unquote, like the ringleader that kind of started this new movement of people talking about it again. Yeah. So I so you had said that and I was like, well, I know Liv because I met Liv going to an event last year in New York and

And we were both late, me, her, and Ams. We were, like, outside the doors late. And I was like, oh, my God, are you going here? And I'll say she was, like, the warmest, nicest person ever. And we ended up getting each other's phone number. And when I got her phone number, it started with 405, which is Oklahoma City area code. And I was like, oh, my God, where are you from? And she's like, well, I grew up in Dallas. But my dad, I think he's the team doctor or something for OU. So her, like, phone number. And so anyways, I would run into her on the street, X, Y, Z, like,

things I would say about Liv were like, she's unfiltered. She's truly nice. Like she was so kind and warm and like all of those things. And I would watch her videos, you know, like I would see them on TikTok and I would, I would comment. I just make you look adorable. And I definitely saw the weight loss journey had happened, but wasn't paying any attention to it. So I went and did a deep dive on what I think she's coined as

like skin, how to stay skinny at a nine to five. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And I think, uh, I think she says, I watched all her videos and she's saying she's trying to get it on the right side of tick talk for people who are trying who like, it's not triggering to, I don't think those people exist. I don't, I'm not so sure how you like talk about that in that way, but

But I was looking at it more of like a science experiment, just like diving into it. And I just, I'm like, Liv, when you say like how to say skinny in a nine to five, it's going to just promote so many feelings from so many people, of course. Yeah, I mean, it has been one of those things where it's not like she's just...

making like annoying content she's making like dangerous content that's triggering a lot of people's like past present current eating disorders or body dysmorphia or like young girls on the app who think like the only way to be skinny is to eat this little food or this or that and my thing is is like I don't know Liv and I don't know I'm not her doctor or anything but to me it seems like she struggles with disordered eating or potentially eating disorder so like she's not

fully, like her thoughts like aren't super clear because when people like struggle with eating disorders, like it consumes your entire life. Every single thing you think about is food, being skinny, this or that. And

I don't agree or like anything she posts, but it also makes me really sad that the only way people are like talking about is like ripping her apart. Where in my mind, it's like if someone bothers you online, instead of talking about them and allowing more people to be aware of them and to help that, like, which is going to create like a bigger platform for them is because I didn't know she wasn't until this. Like, how about we just block them, protect your own peace and keep promoting like your healthy thoughts? Yeah.

Right. It's just getting to the point where it's like there's just so much bullying involved. Like, I don't like Liv's content at all. I block her because it triggers me and I don't want to see it. But I'm not going to sit and be like, let's destroy her. It's like, like, just block her and

Let's promote positive eating and positive body image and this or that and continue on this side of TikTok. I totally agree. Like, I think the content that I think using words like skinny or things like that, I think are dangerous. Right. I think. Yeah, I think they're they're more often hurtful than they are helpful. And I think weight in general is so such a tough thing to talk about.

And so your own personal journey, right? And triggering for so many people. And I completely agree with you. It's not our jam and it is triggering. But I feel like the content became more about being right and less about just moving on and being like, that's not for me. Yeah, because listen, you're not going to be able to bully her off TikTok, which I feel like a lot of people are trying to do. So the only way to... I don't want to say like...

silence her because that's a very harsh term but like to lower her ability to get out to more people is like blocking her and not allowing her to gain a larger following because by bullying her like large creators are promoting her content in a way like like saying her name i mean she went from like 300 to 600 700 000 followers in like a week because

people were talking about her so it's like we can't like don't you should never bully someone offline like block them move on and then they won't have as much of an audience to promote their toxicity too and here's the thing like if people are a fault like that that content is resonating with some people that's the that's and it's like that's just I think we all have to like face that side of it if it's just like it's not gonna be for us never um but like

The fact that the more you amplify it, like, I do think it can be a really dangerous place to play because some people that do follow, like, it could be from, like, a trigger standpoint. And I think that's just, like, I don't think that's happy or healthy. I think it can be scary. Yeah, no, it's really sad to see. And it's just anytime I see someone, like, talking about even, like, what I eat in a day is on TikTok, I'm like, just knock it off. Like,

Any type of food culture, even like sometimes fitness culture on social media, I'm like, this is just triggering and it's toxic. And if you're not a doctor or a dietician or a certified trainer, it's like, why are you talking about it? I was thinking about doing a What I Eat in a Day as a top model, but like as a joke, like with my stomach out. Oh, I was like, what? And then being like seven of these juicy breads because I got served like all of these, like What I Eat in a Day is a runway food.

model somehow that got on my for you page for like I got like five in a row and I was just like what you can't that can't be it it's just like I'm but it's just like you you can't yeah I agree with you I'm just kidding I would never post that but like posting what you eat today all bodies are different like it's not what you eat isn't gonna work for somebody else like how many times we have to learn the lesson right

Oh, and you know what really started really pissing me off is that it's almost like we always talk about groupthink and like people jumping on the bandwagon. And it's like, all of a sudden I saw all these like other girls like making hate video towards Liv and this or that. And it's like, come up with your own thoughts.

before you just like remake someone else's hate video like that's like what got to me it's like um girlfriend I'm pretty sure I saw you promoting working out twice a day to get skinny two months ago and now you're saying what Liv is doing about food is so different like that stuff pissed me off I was like I want to unfollow everyone there are okay I will say I actually think that's another good point I do think there are some double standards follow flying around on there too like that that's kind

That's kind of the whole thing, right? Like, we're like, it's toxic. It's X, Y, Z. But then it's like, we're all a little toxic. And sometimes we don't even realize like no one's you can't you don't win on the Internet. You know what I mean? These days? Yeah. It's like, let's bully instead. I'm like, wait, what? Yeah. Like, how did we get there? Like, yeah, it is a lot going on. Yeah. I don't know what to make of it. I just don't.

I knew it was a tie. I did see. I just love that button that's called unfollow and block. Like, I don't know why people forget to do that. I block and unfollow so many people on a regular basis. Like, if someone annoys me, it could be them sneezing the wrong way. I'm like, unfollow. Yeah. And some people, instead of doing that, get in those comments. And it's just like, you do reserve the right to, like, control your feed. Did you forget? Right? Right.

Oh my God. If I see any mean comment, I'll block that person. And it's like, I just, it's me just not wanting to see their face because this is my page and I get to choose what I see. Totally. Exactly. Yeah. But it's just sad. It's just, it's crazy too. Cause I feel like you and I grew up in that like, um, low rise skinny jean culture. Like the really, really like, like the anorexic look was in like, remember like Mary Kay and Ashley Olsen and like Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton, like

That was so in, and that was, like, a very toxic skinny trend, and it's just like, let's never, please never get back to that. And every once in a while, I see us, like, starting to go down, but, like, someone, like, bumps us back to remind us how bad that was. I'm just like, don't, let's please never allow that again. No, I know, because it's just like...

How many times we have to learn the lesson. It's not everything. It's just not. You know what I mean? There's so much more. You don't have as much energy. We've talked about it. We've never been our like. Yeah. Listen, I think what you and I both hope is like.

Everyone can have a healthy relationship with their body, but like we can't even define what that is because like healthy looks different to different people. Will you teach me about the Olympics now? Because they're ending. They ended yesterday. They are ending yesterday. I mean, as in this is Monday today. So, okay. So the first one, did you see the girl propose? Alice, I think it's Fino, proposed to her after she won the race. Yes.

She proposed to her boyfriend of nine years. She proposed? She proposed.

I saw, I mean, I like kind of looked into it when I saw what you posted, but I didn't want to like, I wanted you to explain to me. That's so cute. Well, it's okay. I think it's. Or is it not? No, no, no. I think it's really cute. I think it's really cute. I also think he waited nine years and she gave her moment to him, kind of. Oh, that's so valid. Like at first. I'm getting caught up in like the serendipity.

Spontaneity of the moment. It's cute. No, it is cute. Like, I'm sure... I didn't read the comments. I'm sure half are like, that's really sweet. But then at first I was like, that's adorable. And then I was like, hold on. Hold on. Nine years? And like, you won? What is she? Is she a... A track. Yeah, it's a track. My for some reason... Oh. She broke the... Okay, she broke the European steeplechase record. I told myself that if I ran under nine minutes...

knowing that nine is my lucky number and that we'd been together for nine years, then I would propose. And I'm like, you, you kind of had this like moment, you know? And also like you, you won to propose. You didn't win for yourself. Yeah. I don't know. I like loved it. And then I was like, well, I don't know. Well, now I'm sad because I don't like it anymore. I wondered what you thought.

Like, it is cute. It's cute. Yeah. When you first said that, I got happy because I heard propose. But now that's such a good point. Like, this was her moment. And out of all nine years and many days they've been together, it's like this was her big day and she did give it to him. Like, why hasn't he proposed ever? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. So I thought it was like, because I felt what you felt. Like, I felt so many things.

And I kept thinking about it after I read it, and that's why I added it to the list. Because when I was scrolling, I was like, cute. And then two hours later, I was like, a little not as cute as I initially thought. Well, and it's like, did she propose at the Olympics because it would be in front of everyone and he couldn't say no? Yikes. Didn't think about that. Could be. Right? It's like nine years. Might as well do it in front of a big crowd. It's like proposing at the baseball game. They're not going to say no. Nine years is like...

It's a really long time. So that's my first one. Okay. And then... Okay, so your girl, Michaela, she did an apology. Oh, yeah. Did you watch it? I watched a little bit of it, and then I was like, Michaela. Okay, I'm just going to play it. She believes that I called our team lazy and lacking talent. And if that's really how she feels, I am really heartbroken over it. But not just heartbroken because...

It isn't how I feel or even what I previously said, but heartbroken because Simone's latest post and others that followed it fueled another wave of hateful comments, DMs, articles, and emails.

Hate that includes death threats to me, my family, and even my agent. So my family and my friends don't deserve to be caught in...

across fire here they've done nothing so to Simone I am asking you directly and publicly to please put a stop to this um so it was a little hard to hear but long story short I'm getting the gist that like a lot of hate is being directed towards her and she's asking Simone to just make it stop yeah and I yes that but before that it's like I didn't say what Simone interpreted

See, I have an issue with this type. I don't want anyone getting hate, but I have an issue with these types of things where people want to talk, talk and talk. But as soon as it comes back to bite them or they realize the majority isn't on their side, then they're like,

whoa is me I'm now the victim but it's like Michaela you said some nasty stuff to you you tore down the American or the US Olympics team and now that you're realizing like people aren't on your side you're like I'm kind of playing the victim card asking Simone to like direct the hate somewhere else but it's like

you kind of started it. I don't know. I know. So, I know. Like, I don't want hate towards her, but it's like, why did you make those mean videos in the first place? So, I went back to, like, find what she made, and it was a... There was, like, one talking about they're not as... They don't work as hard as they used to, and they're not as talented as they used to be, right? Yeah. Were there more? She did the... Did you see the video where it's like, put a finger down if...

And it's like all these things about how like she didn't get to be in the Olympics. Like I can't remember at this point, but it was like it was her not being nice about the Olympics. And she was like pretty much complaining about the Olympians. Her time is like trying to be an Olympian. Just like a very, very negative approach to the U.S. gymnastics. Yeah. I mean, that's going to that's going to what goes around comes around at you. That's what's going to happen there.

Now, death threats, that's crazy on any scale, right? Like, we can all agree to that, you know? So that's not cool. But I don't think that's Simone's job to be like, dear internet, you're on a different wavelength if you're sending death threats to somebody. You know, like, who feels that strongly about anything? And Simone, all Simone did was...

make a caption based off of what Michaela said about the team. Simone didn't make a video being like, Michaela's blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, she said like what? Not all people deserve a microphone. And then she made the caption, which I went back to scroll the caption last night. I think she's changed it. What's it? Do you know what it says now? Now, all of her captions that I was looking at were very just like, go Olympics, go.

happy to be here like that kind of thing she might have changed it actually pretty quickly and people just like screenshotted it because maybe she was like oh yeah oh no it says lack of talent lazy olympic champions on july 30th so she still has okay all right let me look yeah but it's like oh yeah she does i mean i'm on simone's side it's like like that's like someone coming for me bullying the crap out of me

Me barely even like acknowledging it, but then everyone is being like, where's this girl coming from? And then her being like, Jordan, you need to make this stop. People are now hating on me. It's like you started it. Right, right. No, no question. And like, it's kind of like the ball doesn't lie, you know? Yeah. It's like, don't make mean videos in the first place. I didn't get the sympathy card from her of like, OK, listen, I said some things and

And I shouldn't have said them. And the Internet is making me pay that something like that. I could be like you tugged at our human strings. But it was like I didn't say that. And she interpreted it wrong. It's like, well, we all heard what you said and interpreted it pretty much the same. You know, it's like I didn't say that. And then can you stop bullying me instead of being like, yo, listen, I messed up.

I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. I'm also getting bullied to like the extent that's not healthy or good. Like that, you know, I think people could have been like, okay. Yeah. That's so true. She, yeah. She needed to take responsibility of her actions a little bit better. If we would have started there, then I would have been like, okay, that's thank you. Thank you for that. And then that's sad. Yeah. People need to get better at apologies, man. Yeah. Okay. And then.

What the do we do the listener question? This is a good listener question because I feel like it's very timely with what's happening right now with politics. Yes, I completely agree. Man, we're just going to ride this political wave all the way to the election, aren't we? We're up, down, side to side, making camo hats. We got all this stuff going on. It's just like, here we go.

Do you know that Tim Walz, he's the mayor, I'm sorry, governor of Minneapolis, Minnesota? Yes, I did. I did know that. Yes. Sorry. I always call Minneapolis, Minnesota because like New York City, New York, where I'm from, Minnesota. He was my governor. Yeah. No, I saw that. I thought I, I think it's a good pick. I think we've got a great, I think we've got great...

Debates coming up. Yeah. I mean, it's just listen. Politics is like Love Island right now. It's just like we are getting it from all angles. OK, listener question. I've been dating my boyfriend for a year. And when we first started dating, we didn't really talk about politics, mostly because I'm pretty moderate and there haven't been much to talk about at the time.

Well, now that the election season is here, politics has started to come up between us. I am very open about talking about both sides and making sure to do my own research, but he is not. He gets very defensive, is not open-minded, even when I present facts, valid points. Do you have any advice on this type of situation? I don't think this is a breaking point. I just wish he could see things from a different perspective, not just everything on social media. This is a great question, and I think a lot of couples deal with it. I think one thing, like one reason I always love talking to you is

And there are people like this that are not so brash and hardheaded and like open minded. I think being like an open minded skeptic is like a really healthy way to get places. And like as humans, we're going to have differing points. But to be like so set on one and like not like your flag is planted and you're not going to move is.

I think is like a really hard way to enter a conversation. Yeah, I think being closed minded is a horrible trait and there's nothing more. The person like what I hate most is when someone will just take their view and shove it down your throat, but are never willing to hear your view. I think that is so horrible. Like I will hear your views all day long, but I want you to also hear mine because

So I feel for her and I feel bad that he's not even allowing her to have like an opinion or talk or like... It's not like she's being like, I need you to believe what I believe. But it's like, I just want you to hear me and listen to me and know where I come from. And like, I don't know how to change those types of people though that are like that. Because I know a lot of people who are like that. In politics, I think bring it out more than like anything else. Sometimes I think religion does too, actually. But it's like...

It's like, it would be really cool if both people sat down and it's like, okay, we, we promised to be open-minded during this conversation. You almost went like topic by topic and you were like, okay, how do you feel about,

I don't know, the climate change. Yeah. And then not how did your parents tell you? Like, how do you actually feel? And there's like so much research you have to do, right? And it's like, it is impossible, but being like so wound up about it, it kind of like puts the other person into like fear zone. Exactly. And you know what surprises me is that I am a little shocked that he's not like this in more areas of his life because I haven't met a lot of people who...

are not opinionated, but then very opinionated by just politics. Like usually the people I know shove a point of view down everyone's throat, but they're also very opinionated people across the board. I never had one friend who was like, da-da-dee-da-da. But if you don't believe my political view, I can't ever speak to you again. No, I think you have a really good point, though. I don't know anybody that's like,

laissez-faire in every aspect of life that politics are like, I'm going to get on this one. But maybe it'll, maybe this will cause her to look at other areas and be like, no, he is really opinionated here, here and here. Yeah. Because I mean, there are people in my life that are, or were in my life that I had to like remove because they were too strong opinionated. And I'm like, I can't even have a conversation with you or like, you can't even hear me out.

I can't be your friend. It's exhausting. I agree. And you know what I was thinking about just now? Like, I don't know. I kind of feel like this election will be close, right? Like maybe it won't, but I think it will be. Okay. Well, there's a reason like that's going to be close because like half are going to think one way and half are going to think the other. So to like assume that's not 99%, 1%.

That's like 50-50. So to assume that you're just so right and the other person is so wrong, to me is this holier-than-thou viewpoint where it's like, no, there's a lot to debate here and talk about and get on the same page of, and we get a lot of misinformation. So this election specifically, it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, do do your research. Do talk to people about it. Figure it out. Because I feel like politics, we've been burned by...

confirmation bias so much in the past like 10 years that it's like how could you sit there and like know you're so right yeah and like listen they could make a pact where they say that they don't talk about politics ever in their relationship but politics is that one thing that commonly destroys a lot of relationships so it's like even if she's maybe a little bit more moderate and he's more opinionated it's just like that one thing that I know has pushed families apart and

who that's pushed relationships, friendships apart. And it's one of those things where even if you're not super political, when you're newly dating someone, you should always kind of get like a gist of their political view and just to see how they like approach it. Similar to religion. Like it's just one of those things that you should just be like how they don't need to believe exactly what I believe, but are they willing to like hear me out and hearing other people's side? Because I don't care if you don't believe in everything that I believe in, but I want you to be

and want to understand my thinking process and like where I come from and like why I think what I think. I think that's a really good point. Just understand it a bit. Because like you can be as moderate as you want, but when abortion rights come up, you're going to feel something. You're just going to. Right. And I think it's a really good point. Yeah, just understand lightly, you know, what we're dealing with. I do agree. So I don't even know like the advice to give. Like you could try to sit down with him.

But I don't want to be a negative Nelly, but I just don't. I don't know. Like if I can't see this going well, because the thing is too, like if his party doesn't win, is he just going to be a jerk about it for the next so many months, years?

People turn evil when politics are pro, which is a nasty, nasty topic. It's the weirdest thing. Like every four years, there's like brace for impact people. I do think maybe she could just say to him, like, can we sit down and like, can we not be so on our high horse about our views and like have a common ground? Please, can we have that talk? Yeah. Be like, I'm your girlfriend. I love you. I'm not attacking you. I just want you to hear me out. I want to hear you out. So...

Get a talking stick and sit down and pass it back and forth. Yeah, like we're on the same side, which is just like, I don't know, you know, the side of figuring it out. Yeah. Oh, I feel bad for her. Good luck. But have the combo. It's okay. Good for you for being moderate.

Yeah. Should we quick do recs? Yes. What is your show? Okay. So I kind of take my rec back. So my rec was The Good Girl's Guide to Murder. It just came out on Netflix. It's only six episodes. It was good, but then like the first three episodes were great, but the first two episodes were great. And then the last...

were not that great, so I was a little disappointed. But it's like a good show if you just want like a quick six, 45-minute episode show to like get you through the weekend or something. Okay. So it's like a kind of wreck. Yeah. It's a true crime-ish, silly-ish show. It's British. Do they have accents? Yeah. They're British actors. Six is nice. Like, that's good. Six parts is easy. Do they finish it? Yeah, I was going to say Love Island, but...

Yeah. They wrap it up in a nice bow. That's good. I'm in on that. Yeah, Love Island is what I thought. Yeah. Yeah. What's yours? Have you ever seen John Reacher? Jack Reacher? Yeah, Jack. It's Jack. It's definitely Jack. I knew John didn't sound right. I was like, that doesn't sound right. With Tom Cruise? Yeah. Oh, or with, is it Tom Cruise? I think it's Tom. He's the one. Yeah, it's Tom. Isn't it Tom? Wait, why am I getting, yeah, it is, but why am I getting confused with Jack Reacher with John Krasinski? Yeah.

Oh, no, no, no. You're right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It is. Tom Cruise. He's made a bunch of Jack Reacher movies. No, I have seen one million trailers for it, but I've never watched the movies. I just like they came on and I just was watching them and they were they're just it's just a good solid movie. Like I enjoyed them. So I just kept watching them and like I thought they were good. Isn't there like 10? There's a lot. I don't even know which one I was watching.

But I was in, I was like really into it. I was like halfway into it. And then I got really into it. And it's just the only thing I've watched this past week. So it's my wreck. I love that. John Reacher. It's very, um, you know, there's all those movies of those guys like that. It's the same plot, but they're good. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I like that. Have you seen American Sniper? Oh, of course I have. I love Mark Wahlberg. Oh,

The ending to that movie. That's a great movie. It's a great movie. Is it? I thought it was Bradley Cooper. Bradley. Yeah. Brandon's like, no. Wait, which one is Mark Wahlberg in? And I actually hate the ending. Do you know the ending I'm talking about? I can't tell you if you haven't seen it.

Yeah, I've seen it. American Sniper. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's an abrupt ending. Okay. I'm thinking, I think Mark Wahlberg was in the movie Sniper. Shooter. He was in the movie Shooter. Okay, he's in something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Bradley. Bradley Cooper, American Sniper, Mark Wahlberg, Shooter. Both great movies. Both great movies. Similar movies. But American Sniper is great, but so sad. Ugh, it's such a good movie, and then it's just like, are you...

effing kidding me. Wait, I was watching it with Harrison and we like stopped it before. And I was like, glad we stopped it with like 15 minutes left. And he hadn't seen it in forever. And he like totally forgot how it ended. And he's like, okay, like we're good. You know, the ending. And I was like, I mean, yeah, you know, he goes home and like somebody comes and kills him. And he was just like, are you kidding me? Like, I forgot that's the ending to this movie. And I was like, yeah. And it like ruined my life.

yeah I remember it was one of those movies I cried it was so sad I I just I just I'm never gonna get over it because what a guy and then wow I love Bradley Cooper yeah me too the real guy respect to the real the man he's playing him yes yes yes okay well hope you have a great week you too

Have a great week. Bye, guys. Okay, that's it for today's episode. As always, thank you for listening to Mean Girl Pod powered by Just Media House. I'm Alex Bennett. And I'm Jordan Woodruff. So, A.B., do what you do best. If you enjoyed the show, don't forget to like, comment, subscribe, rate, and review. We are at Mean Girl Pod on all platforms. Stay connected with us on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

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