Lighthouse Faith

Fox News Religion Correspondent Lauren Green uses her wealth of stories, vast network of contacts, a


Total: 310

JJ Wright brings to audiences a new vision of religious music. No longer is glorifying God confined

As a journalist I've written a lot about Pope Francis, the Shepherd of the Catholic Church. But like

The New Testament in the Bible is relatively short compared to the Old Testament; it's about half or

A lot of women when asked about their relationship with their mother will answer: "It's Complicated.

The greatest generation as they're called, has given us many heroes. But not every heroic story of W

A father is not only needed in a child's life, he's a crucial part of a child's mental and emotional

Our world today is not short on spiritual gurus who want to help you discover a hope and a purpose f

Few films today deal with the Second Amendment from a sympathetic or positive point of view, but tha

Foremost expert on the Catholic Church, George Weigel, is an acclaimed scholar and Church analyst. R

She is the daughter of the most famous evangelist America, and probably the modern world has ever kn