cover of episode Dirk Smith on Sunday Service

Dirk Smith on Sunday Service

Publish Date: 2023/11/11
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Sunday Service by


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Let us pray. The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27.1 Thank you, Lord, for saving me from the darkness of my sins that led to death. I was lost until you shined your glorious light into my darkness and revealed your truth. Joy entered into my heart once I found you and gave me strength. You are the strength of my life.

I can live without anyone or anything but you. You are my provider, protector, provision, deliverer, and soon coming king. There is nothing anyone in this world can do to make me afraid when I know you are surrounding me. You defeated my enemies on the cross and I declare that victory over my circumstances. I refuse all fear. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thank you for listening to today's daily prayer. For more inspiration and an incredible message from our feature pastor, stay tuned to's Sunday service.

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Hey, thanks for tuning in to Pray TV. I'm EEM Vice President Dirk Smith. Be sure to follow our EEM channel here in the app to hear inspiring global stories of God's power moving through ordinary people just like you and me. You can also leave us a testimonial of how this content is impacting your life. We'd love to hear from you.

For 60 years, EEM has published, printed, and distributed Bibles and Bible-based materials into 30-plus nations and in 20-plus different languages. As a result of seven couples, they were in their 20s, no children yet, young marrieds, and they make the decision to pursue souls for Jesus, to travel to a foreign land where they've never been, in a foreign language that they didn't know, only to find out

that nobody behind the Iron Curtain as it was called at the time had Bibles in their language. The power to change the world is right here. So Gwen Hensley, who really started EEM, came back and said we have to change what we're doing. We have to provide God's Word in people's languages. And people joined forces. There was amazing partnership. People paying to get the printing press up and going. We stand on their shoulders. Who would have thought

What started as a smuggling operation where they were thrilled to get a hundred Bibles across a border, we're now driving tractor truckloads. We're printing in those very countries that forbid the Bible from being distributed. We're actually putting their people to work and they're printing the Bible.

We're putting Bibles in public schools in the nation of Ukraine, not at our request, at their request. And they're teaching the Bible as curriculum. It's happening in Hungary. It's now happening in Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria. It's spreading like wildfire. In Matthew 28, Jesus' call to us is to make disciples. See, we believe providing someone God's Word is the first step in making disciples.

Like our tagline says, the Bible. We want everyone to get it. Thanks for watching EEM on Pray TV. I'm EEM Vice President Dirk Smith, and I invite you to follow the EEM channel to stay updated on the latest stories and leave a testimonial of how this content is impacting you. You can find Season 1 and Season 2 of our podcast, the 5511 Podcast, directly on our channel.

We're also offering a free 30-day prayer guide covering several of the nations we serve. That guide is available for download at the top of the EEM channel, and we would love for you to join us in prayer.

If you are interested in giving a gift for God's Word, you can do so by tapping the Give button at the top of our channel. Your gift allows EEM to provide Bibles in 30-plus nations and 20-plus languages. $5 gets a Bible into the hands of somebody hungry to know God in their heart language. Thanks again for watching, and we can't wait to share more inspiring stories with you. All right, I'm going to see if I know how this works. All right, that is working.

How many of us felt like this? Now, if you laugh at this, you just date yourself. But you know what? It wasn't just 2020, was it? We could have said 2021, 2022. And we're still in it. It's still happening. Now, what was exposed in 2020? Wasn't COVID. Fear. Fear. We, as His disciples, were exposed. We are scared to death to die.

Petrified of it. Man, we locked down. We covered up. Oh my word, we were in bunkers. And it's still happening. We're still scared of it. As I travel around this country, it's amazing to me the fear that I see absolutely freezing human beings and those that proclaim to be all-in disciples of Jesus the Christ. Now this is the only numbers I'm going to show you just for frame of reference.

This is our distribution. Now, if you don't know what EEM does, and you're sitting there going, who is this guy? I work for an organization, a ministry that publishes, prints, and distributes Bibles and Bible-based materials last year into 35 different countries, 26 different languages, all free of charge. And these are by request. It's not like we're out knocking on doors and saying, hey, would you like a Bible? These are requests that are pouring in. So this is what we've experienced 2019 through

through 2022 in our distribution. Now those are the only numbers I'm going to show you because that's the what. That doesn't really matter. What matters is this. Why? Why is that happening? Because that's the deeper question. What causes requests like that to skyrocket in a part of the world that we're blessed to serve in? Very familiar passage. Paul to the church in Rome before he ever even visited them. And he says this.

Knowing all these things. And again, we have to understand the Paul that we're talking about here. This is the older Paul. He's at the end of his journey. He's been through hell. And he says, in all these things. What are these things? Man, the shipwrecks, the beatings, the prison. I mean, name it. All the things that he's been through. We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

For I am persuaded, focus on that word, I am persuaded that neither, this is interesting, death nor life, death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God. That is in who? Christ Jesus our Lord.

Now that's an easy passage to read through. We get all warm, fuzzy. But I want to be real today. I mean, we're all adults in here. All the kids left, right? Well, some are still here. Let's be real. In the ESV, that says, I am sure. In the NIB, it says, I am convinced. Hope. Oftentimes we misuse the word hope. We say, man, I hope something good is going to happen to me. Like, man, it's a wish.

See, hope in the dictionary is defined, desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment. I believe it's going to happen. Firmly believe it's going to happen. To expect with confidence. Trust. I'm going to call her Esther, not her name. I met Esther first time in Greece in 2016.

When all the refugees were pouring in, which it was really nice to see Ibrahim on screen, by the way. Saw him in May while I was over there. When all the refugees were pouring into Athens from the Middle East, Esther and her husband and daughter were part of that group, came in. She met Christians who attended to her physical needs, gave her food, gave her clothing, gave her a place to stay, and taught her about Jesus. When she was persuaded or convinced...

And I love this next picture. She decides to put Jesus on in baptism, but she's a babe in Christ, not quite ready to get rid of the hijab. Not yet. Some traditions are still hanging on, but she knows this. She knows she needs Jesus, and she becomes a disciple. Now today, because she is persuaded, and that persuasion grows and turns into transformation, which happens inside of us. Scripture tells us that.

If we let it in, if we let the Spirit in, He's going to transform us. Now today, she and her husband and her daughter are back in their Middle East country, which is a very dangerous country, in the underground church, teaching people about Jesus. Now why? Why choose that? She could have stayed in Greece. Lots of them stayed in Greece. She could have gone on to Western Europe. Convinced. Persuaded. Sure. She's not keeping that to herself. No way. Hope. Hope.

It's hope. We have the hope. I want you to meet Yasser and his beautiful wife Zahra. Now, I love Yasser. Yasser is an Afghani from Afghanistan. He's an unusual Afghani because he's real tall, very tall. I usually like hanging around Afghanis because they make me feel tall. But I love Zahra. Zahra is one of my spiritual heroes. They come over to Greece, and Zahra gets a hold of one of the New Testaments that we've been providing in Farsi.

She picks it up and she begins reading it. Yasser comes back to their little apartment and he sees this New Testament sitting on the table. He picks it up and he says to Zarah, you either have to stop reading this and throw this out or I will have to kill you or divorce you. Which divorce in their nation would be death because there would be no community. She would have no one.

Now, I love Zara's words. Her response back to Yasser, her husband. Not, I won't. Not a defiant. Nope, not doing it. Her response, I can't. I can't put this down. I can't stop. It's a have to. Well, as Yasser tells me the story, one day he comes in and she's not there and he thinks, you know what? I'm going to prove her wrong. I'm going to pick this thing up and I'm going to find all the faults in it. So he picks it up and he starts reading it. He says, Dirk,

The words consumed me. I couldn't put it down. I could not put it down. And now today, they are both leading a church in Greece, bringing refugees in by the thousands. I'm going to go back to this picture. You don't recognize this guy, maybe not, but I do. That's Yasser, who is baptizing Esther. That's transformation. That's

Having a hope that says, I've got to share this with you. I cannot keep this to myself. You have to know. You can't live in this fear that you're in. Again, Paul, for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. This is one of these verses, again, I want us to be real. I read this and I think, yeah, isn't that great? But can I say that? Can I say, for me to live is Christ?

That my life is consumed with the advancement of Jesus Christ. It's easy to put this in Pauline terms and listen to Paul say these words, but what about us? Can I actually say that? And do I feel that way? If I die, great. I don't know what to choose. I love the image of the caterpillar that becomes the butterfly. Think about that. You get this worm...

that many of us would just crush, smush because it's nasty, it's eaten our plants, got little holes in our plants, got to get rid of that thing. Spraying for them, we're doing everything we can to get rid of them because they're just kind of, and they just crawl. They don't do anything. They're not pretty. Then they get in this cocoon and they transform and they come out of that cocoon and they're beautiful. People have butterfly gardens. You don't see them have worm gardens.

Love butterflies how beautiful they are and they fly and they're free How many butterflies would choose to go back into the cocoon or choose to go back to be in the worm? Once they're transformed. There's a freedom and they're beautiful. They're completely Different if we're in Christ, we're a new creation. We're different. We're changed there should be the old and now the new and

And it should be a marked difference. But how many of us crawling back in that cocoon? I like getting back into that thing. It's kind of nice and warm in there. Safe. No wind was blowing me around. Didn't have to decide where I was going to land. One of the things that keeps us very, very busy at EEM is the request for Bibles in public schools. This started in Russia, believe it or not. Then it moved to Ukraine. Right before the war broke out,

in the nation of Ukraine we put Bibles in over three-fourths of their public schools they're teaching a they're teaching an elective that is called Christian ethics it's an elective but over 95 percent of students take the class and they started making this offering across their entire nation because they noticed hmm this is interesting where we're offering this the test scores are going up and the discipline problems are going down rocket science right

This has spread and has now gone to Croatia. We've done over a million books in the schools in Croatia. We are just finishing up a project right now, second half of a project in the nation of North Macedonia, 450,000 children's Bibles going into their schools. It's in Romania. It's in Bulgaria. It's spreading because people are looking and they're realizing, hey, this works. This is hope.

Now, when I tell that story or I tell that part of the work that EEN, that we're blessed to be a part of, what do you think the most common statement made to me is? You're saying it right now in your head, so I'll help you. Wish we could do that here in the U.S. Sure wish we could do that here in our country. What are you doing for the U.S.? That's what people say to me, and I'm like, what are you doing for the U.S.? I'm busy in Europe. We're in the parable of the sower business, which really should be called the parable of the soils.

And it's really all about the soil. Nothing is said about the sower other than he sowed the seed. It's about the soil. Do we really want this to happen in the U.S.? Be careful what you pray for. Met with a couple here in Dallas about three months ago, sitting at dinner with them. She says, man, I am praying for this to happen in the U.S. And I said, are you?

I am too, but you better be careful what you pray for. Do you know what's caused the soil to be churned up over there? See, we Americans, and I'm not casting any, I'm not throwing anything at you here, because if I didn't work where I did, I wouldn't know European history either. I was horrible in history in school. But look at their history. It's been churned up and churned up, and that churning up is pain. It's wars. It's hostile takeovers.

It's awful. It's not knowing where the next meal is coming from. It's happening right now. I look over and I see that Ukrainian flag and my heart just hurts. I'm headed there in November. I'm going to be in Ukraine from November 4th through the 12th. Their soil is churned up. Now why is it not happening here? LifeWay Research did some research recently. And they asked this question. How often do you read your Bible? Now the interesting thing is who they surveyed.

Among Protestant churchgoers. Now what qualified this group of Protestant churchgoers? You must go to church at least twice a month. Okay, twice a month. Now that's really the A-team because new research that just came out from an organization shows that we as American Christians average, 75% of us go once a month. So if they're going twice a month, man, they're the A-team.

I mean these are the all-in people how often do you read the Bible every day 32 percent now what's shocking to me is the bottom one of this group wouldn't you think the rarely and never would be 0 12 percent let that sink in people are going and doing what you're doing right now sitting here

And they rarely or never crack open their Bible. And we wonder why our nation is going to hell in a handbasket. What are we doing? Whose fault is that? It's our fault. That's on us. Where do we spend our time? Because that's the one thing you hear, isn't it? Well, I just don't have time to read my Bible. Oh, I'm so busy. Average. Average. And this is not them. This is me.

I just turned the big 6-0. All of us in our 50s and 60s, that's us. That's us. Two and a half hours a day. Can you even fathom reading your Bible for two and a half hours a day? Does that just make you go, man, I've never done that in my life. We have time. We have the time. All right. You heard my bio. I'm not a preacher. I don't have a theology degree. I've got an MBA. So I've got a business idea. I'm looking for investors. You ready?

Here's the business idea. I'm going to come here to Dallas and teach you pitiful Dallas Cowboy fans how to be true rabid fans.

because you just don't know how. I mean, you never see that star anywhere. You don't see it on vehicles. You don't see it on your, you never see people, you know, just raving lunacy about the Cowboys. They never talk about the Cowboys. They never talk like they're really a good team when really they haven't won a Super Bowl in forever. I'm an Eagle fan, by the way, sorry.

I come by it naturally. I was born there, Philadelphia, so I bleed green. A little bit of me bleeds green. But I'm going to come here and I'm going to teach you poor pitiful cowboy fans how to be cowboy fans. Right. I heard some of the last, what a dumb idea. You don't need help with that. If I could teach, if I could come in and hold seminars how to shut you people up, then that would be doing something. You don't need help.

paying big money to go to a stadium, or making sure you get out of here on time to go see that noon game, or talking about it over lunch, or around the water cooler, and the armchair quarterback in it, and coaching for the coach, and man knowing all the players' stats, and you got it all down. Then pray tell, if we don't need that, why do we need evangelism seminars? Why do I need you or anybody to teach me

how to talk to someone about the person who has transformed my very existence on this planet. That makes no sense unless, unless I'm not being transformed. If it's just a club, then why talk to people about it? If it hasn't changed my existence, and you heard my story, my wife, who some of you knew, went home. Thank God.

ALS is a horrible disease. Horrible disease. But she knew where she was going. She went peacefully. She went with full confidence. And when you know that this is not home, we all have an end date. You know like the GBD on your milk? We got that stamp somewhere on us. We're all going. If we know that, why aren't we sharing with people how to have the hope and to not be scared to death of it?

You know, birth was pretty traumatic. How many of you remember your birth? What? You don't? That's a trauma time. Why are we afraid of death? It's the other scene. We're in eternity. You do know that. We're in it. That's just the next scene. I am the way, the truth, the life, Jesus says. The. I'm it. Do I believe this? That's the real question. Do I believe this? Is Jesus the way, the truth, and the life for me? Or is it my 401k?

Or is it my spouse? Or is it my children? Or is it my job? Or is it the Republican Party? Or the Democratic Party? Or is it my country? One nation under God? Come on, what a joke. Is Jesus the way, the truth, and the life for me? What kingdom do I live in? You see, that's the challenge. We are both human and spiritual beings.

God made us that way. But Jesus comes and he tells us, you've heard this. It's a very physical. Nope, I tell you this, spiritual. You've heard this, physical. I tell you this, spiritual. Where's my house built? Not if trouble comes. I mean, if you'd have told me that at 60 years of age, I'd have said goodbye and I'd have spent four years of my life taking care of my wife,

as she died with ALS and that she would be gone at age 53 I just said you're crazy you're crazy it's not if trouble comes it's when it's when it happens if I'm not standing on solid ground if I'm not living in the right kingdom then guess what my kingdom falls apart and I got news for you I don't live in this kingdom man my kingdom is good and yours is too

and it's never going away. But I got to build my house there. Is Jesus my Savior, or is he my Lord, or is he both? Sometimes we get enamored with the Savior part. I want the fire insurance. I want to be saved. Who doesn't want to be saved? But I don't like somebody telling me what to do, telling me how to live. Where is my hope? Where is it? My last story. Yasser, you've met. Bart Rubinsky, our VP of European Operations on the far left. And then Massoud, who

Yasser and Massoud live in Greece. Met them in 2016. They were...

in a big, gigantic hall, spaghetti for about 600 Middle East refugees in this hall, and they're feeding them dinner. And I see these guys. I know they're both from Afghanistan, and I see them serving next to each other, and you can tell they're friends because they're having fun. I mean, they're having fun. I mean, they flick a noodle at each other, and they're laughing, and they're serving, and they're flicking a noodle. So afterwards, I go up to them, and I admit,

I met both of them and I said, okay, you guys are obviously friends. You're both from Afghanistan. I said, were you friends in Afghanistan when you lived there? And Yasser goes, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I said, oh, really? He said, yeah, I'm Shiite. He's Sunni. Good. You moaned. A lot of people have to go Google that. A 1400 year old holy war. Arch enemies. Arch enemies.

What has the power to break down a 1,400-year-old holy war? New peace treaty? New ambassador? How many of those have come and gone? One thing. Jesus, the Prince of Peace. And now today, these two guys sit side by side teaching people about Jesus. Sharing with them the hope.

and the cure that cured the hatred within their souls that had been bred and had been taught. Think we got a little of that in this country? Got to see Massoud in May. Told me a beautiful story. Anahita is his wife. And I'd never heard this story. We're sitting at dinner and he says, Dirk, you know Anahita? And I said, yeah, I know Anahita. He said, you know she's my cousin. And I said, yeah, I knew that. He said, it was an arranged marriage in my country. And he said, um...

I really didn't want her. And I said, really? And Brooke was with me. This is my marketing director. And she was shocked. She was like, wow, we're getting some inside information here. He said, I really didn't want her. He said, but it was arranged. So I was committed. I'm a good Muslim. And I'm going to take care of her. And I did. Took care of her. And I would have taken care of her. He said, but Dirk, when I became a disciple of Jesus, and I fell in love with Jesus,

Jesus began transforming my life. I can remember the day I looked at her and I said, you are bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. That's beautiful. That's transformation. To have that come from within and to see them today, they are a powerhouse for the Lord. Persuaded. Am I persuaded? Have I gone through things and in my life does it drive me further away from God or does it take me closer to him?

Am I persuaded that he is the answer? That Jesus is the answer? My hope is built on nothing less than, I knew you guys could finish that. But is it? Is that where my hope is built? Because if it is, this is going to show it. And when struggles happen, people are going to go, man, I want what they got. How are they handling?

You know why the request for Bibles in Ukraine is skyrocketing? Last year, in that one language alone, went up 40%. Do you know why? Because the believers who are traveling with non-believers are looking at them and saying, you're going through the same hell I'm going through. Why are you handling this with a peace that passes understanding? And they're telling them about Jesus. What an opportunity we have. I love the flags. But you know what? We're missionaries. Right here.

Unless you live a monastical existence, which means you're off living a monk's lifestyle in a cave somewhere, God is putting people in your path every day for you to love on, for you to preach the gospel to through your actions, not necessarily your words. Because when the transformation happens and the assumption from Jesus to us, his disciples, his all-in disciples is, now, since you're all-in, go do this.

Go make disciples. Get after it and do it with a huge smile on your face because you know where you're going and you know what you have. Do you know what I possess? I have the cure for ALS. I do. I got the cure for cancer. I got the cure for depression. I've got the cure for anxiety. I've got the cure for infidelity. I have the cure for everything. His name is Jesus, but we've got to give up

and rest there. And when we do, Katie, bar the door. The church will expand and explode the way Jesus intended for it to. And this place will be standing room only because you will be loving people everywhere. Everybody you come in contact with, you're going to be loving on them. You're going to be taking care of them and you're going to be telling them. Let me tell you about Jesus. I had lunch with a friend of mine the other day. Dear friend, so when I tell this story, very close friend,

He says to me, he says, you know, Dirk, I know you don't like hearing things like this. You don't take compliments well. But I'm going to tell you, whenever we get together for lunch and I see you, he said, and not in a bad way, he said, somehow, though, Jesus comes up. And he's like, and it's kind of good. I like, you know, because it's encouraging to me. He said, I'm an all-in disciple of Jesus. But, man, I just can't do that. I just can't talk to people about Jesus. And I looked at him and I said,

First off, you know I love you, right? He said, yeah. I said, no, no. I need to hear you say, you know that I love you. He said, I know you love me. Why? I said, because I'm about to get really harsh. He said, okay. I said, you need to stop saying that. He said, stop saying that I can't talk to people about Jesus. I said, nope. You need to stop saying you're an all-in disciple for Jesus because you're not. That's not possible.

If I'm an all-in disciple of Jesus Christ, and he has transformed my life, it is absolutely impossible for me to not tell you about him in some way, shape, or form. And I don't mean be some bright light. That's why Jesus said, you're the light of the world, you're the salt of the earth. Light, think about it. Nobody walked in here and said, ooh, the lighting in here is just perfect.

But if it had been too bright, we'd have said, oh, man, that is bright. Can we turn those down? Or if it's not there, we're tripping. Turn the lights on. I can't see them falling. Think about salt. How many of you sit down and eat your meal and go, the salt in here is perfect. It's just perfect. But if it's too salty, you're spitting it out. We can't be that, but we can't be non-existent. We've got to be. We've got to be persuaded. We've got to be sure. We've got to be convinced. And we have to share the hope of Jesus Christ.

Thanks for watching EEM on Prey TV. I'm EEM Vice President Dirk Smith, and I invite you to follow the EEM channel to stay updated on the latest stories and leave a testimonial of how this content is impacting you. You can find Season 1 and Season 2 of our podcast, the 5511 Podcast, directly on our channel.

We're also offering a free 30-day prayer guide covering several of the nations we serve. That guide is available for download at the top of the EEM channel, and we would love for you to join us in prayer.

If you are interested in giving a gift for God's Word, you can do so by tapping the Give button at the top of our channel. Your gift allows EEM to provide Bibles in 30-plus nations and 20-plus languages. $5 gets a Bible into the hands of somebody hungry to know God in their heart language. Thanks again for watching, and we can't wait to share more inspiring stories with you. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.

baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. No matter where they are read, what look like mere words bound within different covers in dozens of languages is in fact timeless truth.

God's Spirit enables these words to have the power to move nations, offering faith in the face of despair and hope in the face of the impossible. For those who desire to live not by bread alone, we are here. For those who yearn for the light of the world, we are here. We are here to provide the Word of God for the eternal good of all humankind.

Join us in bringing the Word of God to the world, and you can help us in delivering hope to millions of individuals in Eastern Europe and beyond. Visit to learn more, give, and get involved. Thanks for watching EEM on Pray TV. I'm EEM Vice President Dirk Smith, and I invite you to follow the EEM channel to stay updated on the latest stories and leave a testimonial of how this content is impacting you.

You can find season one and season two of our podcast, the 5511 podcast, directly on our channel. We're also offering a free 30-day prayer guide covering several of the nations we serve. That guide is available for download at the top of the EEM channel, and we would love for you to join us in prayer.

If you are interested in giving a gift for God's word, you can do so by tapping the give button at the top of our channel. Your gift allows EEM to provide Bibles in 30 plus nations and 20 plus languages. $5 gets a Bible into the hands of somebody hungry to know God in their heart language. Thanks again for watching, and we can't wait to share more inspiring stories with you.

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