cover of episode Michele Jackson on Sunday Service

Michele Jackson on Sunday Service

Publish Date: 2023/8/5
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Let us pray. Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11 24. Dear God, thank you for the blessing of a new day. Thank you for your kindness and love. There is so much that I desire in my life and so many things I want to accomplish. I know that you have set a path for my life.

and you are continually at my side each day, helping me to fulfill my purpose. Each day is an opportunity to partake in the necessary steps for me to walk along the path that you have set for me. I may not always understand what each step means, but I trust that the journey will lead me toward true peace and joy in my life. Thank you for each opportunity that helps me be the best version of myself.

I am so grateful for your support and loyalty. Amen. Thank you for listening to today's daily prayer. For more inspiration and an incredible message from our feature pastor, stay tuned to's Sunday service.

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and does not doubt in his heart, but believes what's going to happen will be granted him. Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them granted. Come on, lift your hands all over this place. Father, we stand in the authority that you've given us in the name of Jesus.

And even as the winds of adversity have been blowing against us, we speak to the mountains in our life this morning in the name that is above every name. And we say back up in Jesus name and be made low for the mighty one of Israel is with us. Come on, if you believe that the Lord is beginning again,

to remove the mountains in your life. Come on, whatever those mountains have been, as we pray, we receive the victory. We receive the overcoming, wonderful working power of Jesus. This is us to win. Come on, you just begin to receive that by faith. Whatever that mountain might be, it might be a health issue. It might be a loneliness issue. Whatever it is,

Ha, Jesus has the answer. God, we thank you that with man it's impossible, but with you all things are possible. And we choose to believe this morning that there's power as we begin to speak, as we begin to declare the word of God.

And Lord, we thank you that you're causing us to overcome the struggles. You're causing us to overcome the mountains. And God, we thank you that you're raising up a victorious church. You're causing us to be a church that is full of faith. And we give you glory in this place for making the mountains low in your presence. Oh God, we thank you that even as we speak to the mountains,

The hills, they melt like wax in the presence of the Lord. Come on, if you believe that, just begin to bless him. Thank you, Jesus. You can find your seat in the presence of the Lord. I'm going to be ministering to you from the theme today of test the voices. Test the voices.

We're going to go back to Mark 11, 23, and I'm going to read it in the King James Version. For verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but what shall believe that those things which he saith.

shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. Test the voices. See, we're still in the 2020s, the decade of the mouth. And I came on assignment to remind you that what you say, you will have. Therefore, you must test the voices.

For the word of God declares that he has given you the authority to speak and to move mountains and situations in your life. That he's given you everything that pertains to life and godliness and that your deliverance is in your declaration. Amen.

And that what you decree, what you release from your mouth has the power, has the authority, has the capacity to bring you out and into the promises of God. For what you say carries the weight of heaven. Who are we that he is mindful of us? And yet he's made us a little lower than the angels and he's assigned authority and power to our voices.

Therefore, we must test the voices that we hear. We must test the voices that we hear. So we're in the decade of 2020s. This is the decade of the word. This is the decade of the prophets. This is the decade of declarations. And I don't know about you, but I can tell from media and from other places that we're in a voice war.

I don't know about you, but there's been so many voices and so much tension in the air because everyone is vying for airspace because even hell is a little nervous that the church might arise in her power and begin to speak those things that are not as though they were and cause things to begin to shift. Don't you remember that we serve the Lord who spoke?

And so he is looking for a people who will also agree with him and declare and release his voice in the earth and establish the kingdom of God. So what you say matters. John 6, 36 says, it is the spirit who gives life. The flesh provides no benefit. The words that I have spoken to you are what?

Spirit and life. So the words we decree, the words that we've released, the words that we speak have the capacity to release life, literally the Ruach of God into the atmosphere so that life begins to spring up in those people around

us in the situations around us and as a matter of fact the Lord has told us that every place we put our feet the kingdom of God is there and so if we begin to speak

The word of God according to the spirit, then life is established. Truth is established. The kingdom of God is established. And right now, we have to begin to test the voices so that we don't become an echo, but we become a trumpet in the kingdom. Echoes mimic the sound.

Proverbs 4:13 says, "Hold on to instruction." What? "Do not let it go. Guard it, for it is your life." So the wisdom of God has a sound. The wisdom of God sounds like the voice of the Lord that is many waters. The sound of wisdom sounds like those of the Holy Spirit. And Proverbs is instructing us to what?

Hold on to it, to not let it go, because that voice actually carries life.

So what am I saying today? There is a voice in your life that you must learn to discern that is leading you in the pathway of life everlasting. That is the access way to divine wisdom, to the impartation of the Holy Spirit, the access way to the power of God, the access way to your deliverance, the access way to your provision. And God is saying in this hour, you must begin to test the voices first.

because I'm speaking to my people and I'm called victorious. Come on and test the voices. Second Corinthians chapter three says he and he has qualified us as ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the spirit for the letter kills, but what?

The Spirit gives life. So the Holy Spirit has come that you might have life in Christ, life more abundantly, an altogether different experience. I don't know about you, but I didn't get saved to live the same sloppy life I was living before he came in. And so there's a life in Christ that he's awakened us into that requires us to recognize that we know the voice of the Lord for ourselves. Amen.

I don't know about you, but growing up, I knew that when my mother began to call my full government name, that something was off. Get in here was regular. But if all my names were called and then it was get in here, something was happening. I could tell by the intonation of her voice. I could tell by the emotion and the inflection if I was about to get whooped.

Or if I was getting a spanking. I could tell if I was going to have to call on heaven if I was about to get blessed. I don't know. There might be some people that got spanked in their life that are out here. I know that's child abuse in 2023. But I grew up old school. I know that's not popular no more.

I bring that up because when you grow up under a household and an authority, you begin to understand the intonation of their voice. You begin to understand what's required of you. And I want to encourage you that now is the time for you to build the habitation of the Lord, that you might know his presence, that you might know what it is to

to be under the shadow of the almighty, that you might need to know what it is to live under the canopy of his protection, that you would know his voice. And when he calls your name, that you would know what's required of you, that you would know how he wants to prosper you, that you would know how he wants to be your defender. He's a good father.

So we're testing the voices because we want to be a voice for God, not an echo of the culture. And right now, if we evaluate our conversation or our thought life, there are very areas in our lives where we have become an echo of what society is saying. We've abdicated our spiritual authority to what is popular, whether we understand all that that entails or not.

And God is looking for a rare people, a chosen generation that will exemplify the kingdom of God. And so if we're going to be different, we have to become comfortable with not blending in. Comfortable is not popular right now to be saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost for real. We're not talking about rhetoric. We're talking about lifestyle.

And so God is looking for us to be a true oracle, a true voice in the culture. Now that doesn't mean we're abrasive. That doesn't mean we are unloving, cantankerous and religious. That's not what I'm saying. So if somebody in here was thinking I'm on some conservative rhetoric and I'm about to be talking about some choice things that have to do with a political group, you don't understand that I'm preaching the kingdom of God.

Because you will become an echo of another agenda. Proverbs 18 21 says, Dan what? Life are in the power of the tongue and

Beloved shall eat the fruit thereof. Come on, deliverance is in your mouth. You will eat the fruit of your words. Come on, our children's children will eat the fruit of the things that we talk about, the things that we allow in society. Our children will be consuming it. The Bible says that the fathers ate grapes and what? Their children's teeth were set on edge.

So there's a generational impartation that comes from the things that we say and the atmosphere that we create. And God's saying, I need my people to begin to test the voices, test the influences, test the culture, test what you're believing is my word. Test it because I can be found pure. Did you know that for your words, you will be acquitted?

but also by your words you will be condemned. We will have to give an account for the things that we say. And see, we don't like accountability. And when I say we, I mean you and me right here. We don't like accountability for the things that we say, for the way we treat people, for the way we handle situations. That's not how culture is working. But the God Almighty that we serve says, "I will hold you accountable for the things that you say."

And even in my name, I will hold you accountable. So there's a weight and a responsibility and an authority that God has given his people. We've got to choose to step up and live up to that expectation because he wants to let all of heaven back what you're saying, but he don't back foolishness. Proverbs 21, 23 says, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks truth.

He who guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from what? Distress. We've been stressed out because we've been talking too much. I know that's not good English. We've been stressed out because we've been talking too much. We don't even know what we hardly talking about. We're not making it out yet, but we're talking about it because fear

Stress, distress is in our heart. And so because that's there, we have to learn how to guard our heart and allow the Lord's words to come out. What time I am afraid, I will put my trust in God. I will bless the Lord. I will magnify him at what? All times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. I will glorify the Lord with me.

Well, can you do that when you come up against the mountain of distress? When that person that calls, that's on an assignment from the enemy, causes your heart to palpate and all of a sudden the atmosphere is shifted. Can you bless the Lord and dismantle the structures that are coming against you? This is what it looks like in real time to test the voices. Proverbs 18. Let's go there. You go there in your Bible.

I'm giving you a lot of scripture today. The words of a man's mouth are deep waters. The fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook. To show partiality to the wicked is not good, nor to thrust aside the righteous in judgment. A fool's lips bring strife. Don't be offended. That's what the Bible said. And his mouth calls for blows.

A fool's mouth is his what? His destruction. And his lips are the snare of his uh-huh. So what we have to recognize is that there's more at stake in our conversation than we might like to think. The Bible's telling us that if we are not careful, we will create an environment of strife.

And we will bring ourselves to ruin if we don't learn how to not be an echo but be a voice.

So right now, if we begin to reflect, we'll understand that there are things in our family line and conversations that were normal at home that the Holy Ghost is now going to tell you you need to adjust. That there are habits and ways of talking and handling situations that just are not going to bring forth the plans of God in your life. And you're going to understand how to build your house.

For a house is built by decree and declaration. So right now, what I've been building you up to understand is the power of the word of God and the power of your confession. Didn't you confess unto salvation? You what? Believed and so you spoke. And so I want to encourage you in this decade of declaration that we are believing, therefore we what?

If you don't believe it, don't say it. Because God wants to see a generation. He wants to see a generation come to know him. And he's calling the church to arise from an audience participation level to an army level. And an army level understands how to what? Take orders, but also to decree what's happening. And to move as an organism that is well-trained.

And so God is looking for us to grow and increase in our discernment that we might know his voice and another we wouldn't follow. So let's look at Elijah. Turn over to 1 Kings 19. And we're going to look at this chapter, but I'm just going to highlight some verses and just highlight some things that I believe the Lord wants to say to us today.

I'm going to start reading in verse 1. I'm reading in the NASB this morning. Now Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword.

Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah saying, so may the gods do to me and even more if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time. And he was afraid and arose and ran for his life and came to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah and

And left his servant there. So we have to understand that while Jezebel, the queen of Israel, is dead, the spirit of Jezebel still comes against the prophetic voice and the prophetic people. And Jezebel's looking to dominate, to intimidate, to lull you to Ahab's behavior, to be passive, to be condoning.

To sit and watch her take over with perversion, with compromise? Come on. And so what happened in society was that before this encounter between Jezebel and Elijah, Elijah actually confronted the whole system of worship of Baal and by the power of God exercised his spiritual authority and actually overcame.

But because a messenger, an emissary of Satan, empowered by the influence of Jezebel, came against him, he ran. In this season, what you do not confront, you will not overcome. What you are unwilling to confront, you will not overcome.

So you cannot run from the voice of manipulation. You cannot run from the voice of intimidation. You must rise up in your boldness and have a conviction of the truth of God's word and of who you are in Christ. So if you don't see the influence of Jezebel in society right now, I just say, Holy Spirit, reveal it.

May they be troubled until they can see what's happening in society and how the influence of the music and the culture and the entertainment that we've been entertaining Jezebel. And so Elijah, he heard the word from the messenger. He didn't even hear it from Jezebel herself. See, that's why you have to test the voices because the Bible declares that we wrestle not against what?

Flesh and blood, but against what? Principalities and powers. Against what? Rulers of darkness and what? Wickedness in high places. And so there is a voice in the voice. Stop negating your discernment. That's the Holy Spirit. Stop negating your conscience. It's the Holy Ghost trying to save you. So the voice came through the messenger.

And then Elijah was afraid. And because fear overtook him. Come on, a spirit of fear can overtake you. Now there's fear that's good, right? If there's a sniper, we're all going to be afraid, but we're going to do what we're supposed to do.

Okay, if the stove is hot, I'm not touching it. Okay, so there's good fear. But there's also a spirit of fear that overcomes us, come on, that paralyzes us, that causes us to have heart palpitations, panic ensues, anxiety that we can't shake, restless nights. Come on, there's a spirit of fear at work.

And so Elijah ran and instead of being the prophet over the nations, decreeing the establishment of the kingdom, he was held up in a cave.

So if the enemy cannot cause you to shut up, he's going to try to back you into a corner so that you remove yourself from the fight. And I came to encourage you that there's a greater one on the inside of you. And if you will rise up, not in your own strength, but in the strength of the spirit, God will cause you to overcome. But you must not run from Jezebel. So we got to test God.

The voices. The Holy Spirit came after Jesus ascended and what was his assignment? To lead us into all truth, to testify of who? Of Jesus. And what? Not to speak of his own authority, but what? To speak of the Father.

And so when we are hearing words that sound good, the Bible says that in the last days men will become lovers of themselves, that the hearts of many will wax cold and itching ears will want to hear what they want to hear. But there's a people that God is raising up that will know his voice and they will not follow because they know the voice of the Holy Ghost.

Come on, you got to test the voice because there are so many voices that we hear. The voice of our pain. Come on, Exodus 6 tells us that the children of Israel couldn't hear Moses as their deliverer. They had waited how many years? The same number of years we waited for slavery to end. How many years did they wait?

Uh-huh. And they couldn't hear the voice of deliverance when the voice of deliverance came because of the cruelty of the slavery, the brutality of their experience. The voice of trauma had outrun the voice of the Lord. And they couldn't hear that their time had come. I came to prophesy to you that now is the time of your deliverance. Now is the time to enter in to the promise.

of God and don't let the voice of trauma, don't let the last season silence the voice of the Holy Spirit. You better test voices. Thank God Moses knew who he was. He's like, okay, God, something wrong with your people. You're going to have to figure this out.

that he didn't quit but if you look at it they weren't ready to move on what God was saying because of the cruelty of what they'd been through I'm not here to dishonor you I'm not here to dishonor your experience I'm not here to say it wasn't bad I'm not here to say that it wasn't what it was but I'm saying there's a plan that God has for your life there's a hope in a future that God wants to release to you and

And he needs you to hear his voice over the voice of your pain. Come on and test the voices. Test the voices. Come on, there's no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. But many of us, hallelujah, are bound by the voice of condemnation of the things we used to do.

but don't do anymore. And yet the enemy feels like he has a right to torment us over things that are already under the blood. I came to encourage somebody that there is now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. If he sets you free, I need you to believe that you're free. I need you to walk like you're free. I need you to talk like you're free. I need you to live like you're free.

like you are free. We sang it all morning whom the sun sets free is free indeed. I hope you believe it for you will have what you say. Come on and test the voices. So we see in society that there's a narrative that's being portrayed of us. There's a narrative about the church that

There's a narrative about believers. There's a narrative about tongue-talking Christians. There's a narrative about the remnant church. There's a narrative that's trying to be painted right now. And you've got to decide, do I believe what culture has said about the church? Or do I believe that he's coming back for a bride without wrinkle, without spot, that's full of faith, and that's ready to rule and reign with him?

Nobody can decide that but you. You've got to make a choice. You've got to make a decision to be a part of the church that is arising in this hour that knows his voice. Hallelujah. So what I love about David is that he knew how to test the voices. David, he would get the ephod.

And he would inquire of the Lord. David was not perfect. We see that he didn't know how to parent his children. He liked to sleep around. But one thing about David was that he was a man after God's own heart because he understood the power of praise and worship. He understood the power of the presence of God and he knew how to repent.

He knew how to turn to God and fall on his face and say, woe unto me. I am a sinner and I need redemption. And it only comes from the presence of God.

God is not looking for a church that is perfect. He's looking for a church that will make room for his presence. And we make room for his presence by recognizing that we need less of us and more of him. That no matter what we've done, no matter what we got caught up on, caught up on, that we can repent, turn to him and enter in and receive from him. So where's your ephod for this season?

Come on and test the voices. Come on, where's your ephod? How are you going to access the presence of God? Psalm 100 says, enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. I would dare to say that your praise and worship is a way that you're going to test the voices. It's in the sanctuary. It's in the secret place that you're going to say, God, is this really you? God, are you speaking to me? Holy Spirit, confirm.

Confirm what you said to me in secret through the scriptures. Then I might walk even with hind feet. Then I might not miss the mark. Then I would be like an arrow that doesn't miss its target. Come on, you got to learn how to test the voices. David knew how to inquire of the Lord and receive strategy. Come on, he accessed the presence of God through praise and worship.

How do you access the presence? Do you live in the presence? Do you have a prayer altar at home? Or do you just wait till we come together and then you approach his throne of grace? For the Bible declares that we have a great intercessor and he made a sacrifice that we might come

to the throne of grace and obtain mercy. And that's just not on Sunday between nine and 12 o'clock. That's every day. How do you access the presence? How do you access his presence? How do you hear his voice? You must be sure and you must try the spirit by the spirit. There are many of us sitting in this room today that are meditating on plans.

Plans of transition, plans for expansion that we believe the Lord has given us. And I want to encourage you to model yourself after David. This was the word of the Lord to us from 2 Samuel chapter 5. He overcame the Philistines the first time because God told him, attack them directly on.

But David, while he was wilding out and didn't have everything all together, he knew that he better not go into a fight without inquiring of the Lord. He better not try to go and make destiny moves without accessing the presence of God. And so he inquired of the Lord again and God released a different strategy. Now is not the time to be on autopilot. My God, my God.

Now is the time to check again and say, God, I know you said in the last time that I've encountered this. I encountered this enemy before. I encountered this kind of debt before. I encountered this type of strife in my marriage before. I encountered this type of confrontation on my job before. But this time, is this the strategy? Is this my five stones? Is this how I'm going to win this battle?

It is in Christ that we have the victory. That's what we're saying. He is the spirit of wisdom. He is the spirit of truth. And the Bible declares that he causes us to be victorious through him. But if we don't ask him, if we don't inquire of him, if we don't allow him room to speak to us, how then are we accessing it? So this is the time.

Where you have to inquire of the Lord, do I go up and take them? Not every time that David fought did the Lord say yes. But there were times where he said, no, wait, because I'm going ahead of you and I'm going to prepare the way. So you are not alone in your struggle. You are not alone in your fight.

As a matter of fact, the Bible declares that God says that in the fire, what? He will be with you. And when the waters rise to flood level, he will not cause you to drown and that he's with you in every season. He will never abandon you. And so we can't act like we're fighting by ourselves. Oh, I found another voice. Isn't that the voice of the deceiver?

Because this is the tale that's the oldest time. Satan came to Eve in the garden and he said, did the Lord really say? So I think I found a voice in your life that says, well, if you were, if you are a Christian, should you really be struggling with this at this point in your walk with God? Should this really be the status of things that are happening in your life to serve the devil notice on your behalf?

that you might begin to recognize the voices and choose life. The voice of condemnation, the voice of fear, and the voice of what? False accusation. The Bible says that Satan stands at the throne of God accusing the saints how many times? Day and night. He ain't tired. He trying to take you out. Wake up. He trying to take you out. He's trying to make sure that you don't make it to your destiny.

He don't take no days off. I mean, he's such a buzzard. He don't take no days off. So while you sleep, test the voices. For those that what? Live a walk by the spirit are called what? No longer walking after the flesh. So I found another voice. It's the voice of your flesh. So we've got to test the voice. Is it me? Is it my comfort? Or is this really the Holy Spirit?

So this is important because the same Holy Ghost that falls on you like fire, that causes you to quake and speak in another tongue that man can't understand is the same Holy Ghost that will cause you to be accountable and to produce the fruits of the Spirit called self-control. Discipline, love, patience, long-suffering, right? We love the experience of the Holy Spirit.

But we aren't always trying to be fruit producers of the Holy Ghost. So this is the time that we have to test the voices because the fruit of our lives is based upon us, our integrity, our character, what we do behind closed doors where nobody else is. Hallelujah. So Elijah, he encountered another voice. Go back over there to 1 Kings 19. I'm going to start reading in verse 9.

Then he came there to a cave and lodged there. And behold, the word of the Lord came to him. And he said to him, meaning the Lord said to him, what are you doing here, Elijah? Elijah said, I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts. For the sons of Israel have forsaken your covenant, torn down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left alone.

and they seek my life to take it away. So he said, go forth and stand on the mountain before the Lord. And behold, the Lord was passing by, and a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking into pieces the rocks before the Lord. But the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind and earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.

After the earthquake, a fire. But the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, a sound of a gentle blowing. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went and stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, What are you doing here, Elijah?

And he said, I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts, for the sons of Israel have forsaken your covenant, torn down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left and they seek to take my life away. The Lord said to him, go and return home.

Your way to the wilderness of Damascus. And when you arrive, you will anoint Hazel, king over Aram. Jehu, the son of Nimshi, you shall anoint king over Israel. And Elisha, the son of Shaphat, of Abel Meloah, you shall anoint as prophet in your place. It shall come about.

The one who escapes the sword of Hazel, Jehu shall put to death. And the one who escapes the sword of Jehu, Elisha shall put to death. Yet I will leave 7,000 in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him. May the Lord add a blessing to the reading of his word.

So Elijah encountered another voice and it was the voice of the Lord. But it came as some of your Bible said, what a still small voice. Because Elijah, while he was afraid and had been overcome by a spirit of fear and had run from Jezebel, he had history with God.

And because of that relationship of intimacy, he didn't need anything but the still small voice to engage with God and to come out of the cave.

Many of us right now have allowed the enemy to back us into a corner and we're waiting for some big explosion of the power of God, something to fall out the sky. And I want to encourage you right now that the still small voice of God is accessible and available to pull you out from where you are into his purposes.

God still had use for Elijah and even as he had use for Elijah, he still has need of you, ma'am. He still has need of you, sir. And now is the time to tune in to hear the still small voice that would come to you in the midst of the crisis, in the midst of the chaos, in the midst of the shaking, in the midst of the pandemics that are coming. Amen.

We must know his voice. So in the last days, we know that there will be many voices, many false teachers, many false prophets, and it's incumbent upon the people of God to get to the place of intimacy, to know that who we serve is who we serve, and to know the voice of God.

This is your mandate and this is your charge in this hour. Test the voices. For the voice of the Lord is powerful. For the voice of the Lord breaks the cedars. For the voice of the Lord is the voice of healing, the voice of deliverance, the voice of freedom, and the voice that releases life. Come on and stand to your feet.

Come on and bow your head right where you are. Father, we thank you right now that you are tuning our ears and you are applying salve to our eyes today that we might have eyes to see and ears to hear what's on your heart and what your agenda is, that we might co-labor with you, that we would not be hijacked by the culture,

that we would not be intimidated by Jezebel, and that we would not abdicate the authority that you've given us in the earth realm. God, we thank you that you've given us keys to the kingdom. Lord, we thank you that you've given us authority in the earth.

And right now we thank you that you're helping us to understand who we are in you and the great responsibility that you've given us to steward. We are humbled. We are honored.

That you would consider us to be your representative, your ambassador to do your work in the earth. That you would even qualify us to do those things that you have spoken. Right now we agree with what's been spoken even from the foundation of the earth regarding our individual lives and our families.

Lord, open the book, open the scroll over our families that we might read those things that you have apportioned to us before time began, that we might begin to enter into the promise that you have for us. Holy Spirit, we give you permission.

to break us out of religion, to break us out of the forms of what we thought we knew. We give you permission to begin to download it, to begin to speak to us, revelation that we might be able to find ourselves in the scriptures and hear the voice of life that is speaking. Today, we purpose in our heart to take our voice back.

to no longer be an echo of the wisdom of the culture, to no longer be an echo of the wisdom of man. But Lord, we thank you that you're causing us to have an authentic faith that will release your voice first to us, our children, our family, and to our community. Come on, you release a prayer, whatever's in your heart to the Lord. Come on and do business with God.

Before I close the service, I want to pray specifically for those who've been dealing, battling with anxiety, with panic. Where are you here? If you would come forward, I want to pray for you and with you. So,

Shaker ebosana ma sho lelele inanama ha yele boshataya. Shoka rabba sata rebekete ishoka labahana. Shona manderdiyaba sho terebe sheke nemosana ha yele boshana. Shoka rabba sho terebe shekete inamando rabaha. Shoka rabba sho terebe kene moshata rabba sete.

Thank you. Come on, just begin to lift your hands before the presence of the Lord. 2 Timothy 1 verse 7 says, For the Spirit of God has not given us, God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity, love, power, and a sound mind.

And I decree over you the freedom of God, the love of God, and the freedom that comes with the Holy Spirit. That today would be a day of freedom and deliverance for you. That the assignment of anxiety, of panic, of worry and torment would go at the presence of the Holy Spirit.

I'm going to lay hands on you. I'm going to touch you as a point of contact that the power of God would be released over you, that you would begin to walk free from any entanglement. Sanamake shekete. Sanamake alabasondahaye. Soterrebeshekidamakoshataya. Sanamake ah.

I release my faith and I thank you, God, that the spirit of anxiety is being broken right now. Devil, you may not have her in the name of Jesus. I come against every generational, everything that would even speak to her in the night season. And I say, go now.

of Jesus fear go in Jesus name let the power of God consume her let the grace of God come upon her that her life will never be the same in the name of Jesus anxiety go Hanuma shake a fear bow to the presence of Jesus I gotta thank you that whom the Sun is set free is free indeed and I thank you

that even nightmares and torment is being broken right now? Ha, fear of the future, fear of infirmity, get out now. Hey, ha, namashike, ha, give you glory that the fear that he fears will not come upon him in Jesus' name. Ah, thank you, God, that you're a provider and there's no fear of lack that can consume the people of

I break every assignment of fear upon your daughter and I lose the power of the Holy Ghost now. Hanamashakaya. Oh, I thank you, God, that the assignment of anxiety that came through the door of infirmity is being broken right now and I decree a new mind, a sound mind, comes upon your daughter today and I thank you, God, that she'll begin to sound different by the river of mine, that there's a sound coming

Every anxiety, every anxiety, every palpitation, I command you to go in the name of Jesus. I decree sound sleep, sound sleep over your daughter in Jesus' name.

let the power of the Holy Ghost begin to fall upon your daughter Jesus. Ah, thank you God. I thank you right now that fear is being broken. No more intimidation, no more trepidation. I decree it so in the name of Jesus.

Every generational assignment, I break your power in the name of Jesus. I cut the cord all the way back to her native land. And I decree that even as she stands at this altar, that the assignment of fear and demonic torment is being broken right now. Jesus, generational fear.

now in Jesus' name. I decree authentic fire. I decree authentic fire begins to fall upon. She might know the voice of the Lord. Then she might know the voice of the Lord. Thank you for an authentic upon your son. Right now in the name of Jesus, every assignment of fear, I break your power in the name

And I say go now. Loose hold of the Son of the Most High. God, we thank you that you love your daughter and that pass out every fear. God, I thank you for the revelation of the love of God. Go down on upon your daughter like to right now in the presence of God that she might know the love of God. Like not every assignment of fear. Lord, that no longer shall she be afraid.

but she will know that she is loved. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Father.

And daughter, the Lord says, I am worthy of your trust and your devotion. For surely I shall deliver you. For surely I will set your feet my solid foundation to slip in the season. As you step in faith, I am right at your side. My hand

for good and not for evil upon you. And so now I work a fear upon your mindset, upon even those things that you would try to go after, even in the realm of entrepreneurship. And I decree a loosing your life according to the power that's already resident on the inside of you. And I bless your child in the name of Jesus. And I thank you, Lord, for the task that is

because of the anointing I break the power of fear and in every foul spirit of infirmity I break your power right now in the name of Jesus that the fear that has gripped her heart shall not come to her I decree it so that the fire of God begins to burn out every report that is trying to break the power of events that have come against her mind and I lose the power of Jesus

that she will walk free and walk whole. This day, I thank you, God, for the testimony, the testimony that will cause many to be saved. How you delivered her out of her fears.

We thank you, God, that it's the anointing that destroys the yoke. And I lose the anointing of God upon your daughter, God. And I thank you, Lord. I thank you, Lord, that you're working a miracle. Is there anything too hard? Is there anything too hard for the impossible possible? And we thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Go now in Jesus name. You must lose hope. Replace if you've tried to wrap around her feet so that she can't take steps forward and it feels like one step forward and one step back. How we break the assignment of fear. Blind spirit, you must come out now in Jesus name. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

the power of Jesus, your daughter, to begin to sing and even to begin to prophesy and to begin to sing and to begin to prophesy because of the anointing that's upon her life. I break the power of fear that's coming, that's coming through experience. And I thank you, Lord. I thank you, Lord.

broken over her and she'll sing a new song with a new sound in Jesus name. Fear go, fear go. We break your power now in the name of Jesus. Come here in the sanctuary. Just begin. Come on, just begin to praise him for sons and daughters receiving their freedom. And I see that there are decisions that

and you've been afraid to move because there's been a voice that has said that you cannot handle where God is leading you and I've been well able to take the land and that every place that you put your foot the Lord your God is with you in Jesus name I break the power of anxiety and fear go now in Jesus name

decree that the anointing of God and the authentic experience of Jesus comes upon this daughter now. Every spirit of witchcraft, get out. You must bow to the name. Loose hold of God's anointing. You must bow to the name.

You may not stay, you may not hide, therefore you must go, you cannot stay. Things that have been rehearsed, rehearsed in your mind, that come to you in the night season, and I'll break the power that would come in the night season. I thank you, Lord. Come on, receive that freedom.

Come on, receive that freedom right now. Come on, receive that freedom right now. We thank you, Jesus. We thank you, Father, that whom the Son has set free. Indeed. God sets free. Fear go. Worry over the future. Worry your provider. You're her Jehovah Jireh. The provision of it right now that she would have confidence in Jesus' name. Spirit of Pharmakeia.

Break your power right now that would bring open door of fear and infirmity. We break it now and we decree you have presence of Jesus. Get out and return no more. In Jesus' name. Every type of panic, every type of fear, even the fear that would cause her not to be able to speak of power now of Jesus. And I thank you, God.

that you are bringing a renewal of joy, a renewal of peace right now. By how that fear is calm, I loose the healing anointing, the balm of Gilead to begin to flow and to heal your body in Jesus' name. Now, in Jesus' name, every anxiety, every form of panic, get out. In Jesus' name, anxiety and fear.

Fear of the future, you cannot stay. Fear of failure, get out. Has set free, is free, is free. Every assignment of fear, I break your power in Jesus' name. Lord, that you have made her unique. You have made her beautiful. She is the apple of your eye. She is your flower. You are causing her.

to be able to speak. I thank you that you've given her keen discernment. Fear is gone. She'll begin to speak what she says with confidence so that many can know who you are. I break the power of fear. I break the power of anxiety. I break the power of panic. Panic, get out. Panic attacks, get out now. I thank you, Lord. I thank you, Lord, that

cast out fear. Let the love of God, the power of God come upon your daughter. Father, I thank you. I thank you for the creativity given your daughter. And I thank you, Lord, that the assignment of fear is being broken, that she might be able to release and write those that you've been giving her. And so, Lord, I thank you that the assignment that fear came to kind of clog up and make things

or to give a lack of confidence in those things that she must write. I thank you that it's being broken right now in the presence of Jesus. Oh God, we thank you.

We thank you, Lord, for how you're moving in this place. I know there's a prayer team assigned to this service. Come on, wherever you are. If you wanted to receive prayer for any reason related to the message, we're going to allow you to do that now. So if you want to respond and receive prayer. I just knew that my assignment was on fear and anxiety. You have authority based on the battles you win.

Yeah, anxiety was something that tried to take me out in 2020, but I'm still standing. So if you want to receive prayer this morning in response to the message that you might know the voice of the Holy Spirit, that you might have the fortitude to test the voices, maybe there's a voice that you recognize today that's been in operation in your life, wherever you are, come on. I'm going to pray a corporate prayer. If you want specific prayer regarding your need,

prayer ministers are here for you. Father, I thank you, Lord, that you're tuning us like an instrument, like a guitar, like a piano, to be in tune with you, that we might know the times and the seasons, that we might not miss our visitation. So we thank you, Lord, for your mercy and your grace, how you pursue us

to invite us into what you're doing in this time. And Lord, we just say as Hope Christian Church, whatever you're doing in this season, don't do it without us. Father, whatever you're doing in this season, we want to be co-laborers. We want to be partakers of what you're doing. In Jesus' name.

Amen. Listen, this is the official end of our service. So if you want to receive prayer, you're still welcome to come. But if this was your first time, welcome to Hope Christian Church. I'm so glad you came. This was not an accident, but a divine appointment for you.

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