cover of episode CLINTON ROAD – America’s Most Haunted Highway

CLINTON ROAD – America’s Most Haunted Highway

Publish Date: 2024/6/13
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Destination Terror


Shownotes Transcript

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Can you imagine a place where reality and the supernatural become undistinguishable? A road where the veil between the living and the dead is thin? This infamous stretch of asphalt has become legendary for its spine-chilling tales and unexplained phenomena, earning its reputation as one of the most haunted roads in America.

As darkness blankets the forest surrounding this road, an unsettling feeling of dread takes hold. Drivers report a sense of being watched, an unshakable presence lurking just beyond the treeline. One of the most harrowing legends involves phantom vehicles that appear out of nowhere, tailgating aggressively with high beams glaring, only to vanish without a trace. But the spectral vehicles are only the beginning.

Welcome to Destination Terror, your passport to the scariest places in the world. From haunted hotels to locations of unexplained creature sightings, and now places that we only visit in our imagination, we will travel to places that will provide excitement, adventure, and horror. Today we are visiting the legendary Clinton Road in New Jersey, a road that has a reputation for being the most haunted road in the country.

So if you're into travel and all things scary, listen close and you might just discover your next exciting adventure destination. But hopefully, not your final destination. Destination Terror is an EerieCast original podcast hosted by me, Carmen Carrion. If you would like to send us a suggestion or submit a story with your own experience, you can email them to carmencarrion at

or follow me on Twitter @CarmenCarrion. If you enjoy the show, please follow and rate Destination Terror on Spotify and Apple Podcasts to help us grow. Also, check out for more scary podcasts, such as Freaky Folklore, the podcast where together we explore horrifying legends across the world and tell terrifying tales of monsters both ancient and modern.

The rain fell in heavy sheets, each drop pounding on the roof of the car like a tiny hammer. Trees blurred by as the couple drove down the winding, isolated road, the headlights casting a dim glow through the relentless downpour. Maria clutched the steering wheel, her knuckles white with tension. Beside her, Jake fiddled with the radio, trying to find a station that wasn't drowned out by static. "Turn it off!"

Maria said, her voice tight. "It's just making it worse." Jake sighed and switched off the radio, plunging the car into a silence broken only by the rhythmic thump of the windshield wipers. He glanced at Maria, noticing the tension etched into her face. "We'll be home soon," he said, trying to sound reassuring. Maria nodded but didn't reply. She kept her eyes fixed on the road, her mind racing.

They had taken a wrong turn hours ago and had been driving through the unfamiliar countryside ever since, trying to find their way back to the main highway. The GPS had stopped working, leaving them to navigate the twisting back roads with only their instincts.

They sat in silence for a moment, with only the sound of the rain and Maria's 2024 graduation tassel tapping the windshield with every sway and bump of the car. Jake pulled out his phone and frowned at the lack of signal. "Still nothing," he muttered, shoving it back into his pocket. He looked out the window, the dark oppressive forest pressing in on either side of the narrow road. "This place is creepy."

he said. It's like we're the only people left in the world. Maria shivered, feeling the truth of his words. The road seemed to stretch on endlessly, each bend and curve leading them deeper into the darkness. She felt a growing unease, as if they were being watched by unseen eyes in the woods. I just want to get out of here, she said, her voice trembling slightly. Jake reached over and squeezed her hand.

"We will. Just keep going. We'll find the highway eventually." The minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity. The rain showed no sign of letting up, and the road seemed to twist and turn with no rhyme or reason. Maria's nerves were fraying, her grip on the steering wheel tightening with each passing moment. Suddenly, the car's headlights caught a glint of metal up ahead.

Maria squinted, trying to make out what it was. As they drew closer, she realized it was an old black truck parked on the side of the road. Its windows were tinted, and there were no license plates. Jake, do you see that? Maria whispered, a chill running across her body, causing her to shiver. Jake nodded, leaning forward to get a better look. Yeah, I see it.

Just keep driving. It's probably just someone waiting out the storm. Maria tried to ignore the unease that clawed at her insides as she drove past the truck. For a moment, everything seemed normal. But then, in the rearview mirror, she saw the truck's headlights flicker on. Jake, she said, her voice shaking. It's following us.

Jake turned in his seat to look out the back window. The truck was indeed following them, its headlights glaring through the rain. "Just keep going," he said, trying to sound calm. "Maybe they're just heading the same way." Maria nodded and pressed her foot down on the accelerator, trying to put some distance between them and the truck. But no matter how fast she drove, the truck stayed right behind them.

its headlights blindingly bright. "Why are they so close?" Maria's voice was edged with panic. "I don't know," Jake said, his own fear mounting. "Just try to stay calm. We'll find a gas station or something soon." The road seemed to stretch on forever, each bend and curve leading them further into the darkness. The truck's headlights never wavered, casting an eerie glow on the wet asphalt.

Maria's heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps. We have to do something, she said, her voice cracking. We can't just keep driving like this. Jake looked around desperately, his mind racing. Okay, okay, he said. At the next turn, take a sharp left. Maybe we can lose them.

Maria nodded, her hands shaking as she gripped the wheel. She spotted a turn up ahead and swerved sharply to the left, the tires screeching on the wet road. For a moment it seemed like they might have lost the truck. But then, in the rearview mirror, Maria saw the headlights again, closer than ever. "They're still behind us," she whispered, terror clawing at her throat.

Jake's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. "Keep going," he said. "There has to be a gas station or a town or something up ahead." Maria nodded as she gripped the steering wheel. The truck's headlights bore down on them. The road twisted and turned. Finally, up ahead, they saw a faint light. "There! A gas station," Jake said, relief flooding his voice.

Maria pressed down on the accelerator, the car surging forward. They pulled into the gas station, skidding to a stop near the pumps. The truck's headlights blazed behind them, but as they turned to look, the truck was gone. Maria and Jake sat in stunned silence, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. "What in the hell just happened?" Maria whispered, her voice trembling. Jake shook his head.

trying to make sense of it. "I don't know. Maybe it was just some kind of weird prank." Maria's eyes were wide with fear as she looked around the gas station. "Do you think we're safe here?" Jake nodded, though he didn't feel as confident as he sounded. "Yeah, we'll be fine. Let's just fill up and get out of here." Maria stepped out of the car, her legs shaking as she walked to the pump.

As she attempted to fill the tank, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She glanced around, but the gas station was deserted. That's when she noticed that the pump wasn't working. Jake got out and walked around the car, inspecting it for any damage. "Looks like we're okay," he said, trying to sound reassuring. "Not quite," Maria replied. "This place must be abandoned. The pumps don't work."

She said as she hung up the pump and growled in frustration before slamming the gas cap shut. But as Jake circled around the back of the car, his eyes widened in shock. "Maria, come look at this." Maria walked over, her heart pounding. Jake pointed to the back of the car. There on the trunk were words etched into the paint that spelled out a chilling message: "You're next."

Ice-cold dread held Maria in place, her eyes darting around the empty gas station. "What does that mean?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. Jake shook his head, his face pale. "I don't know, but we need to get out of here now." They hurried back into the car, their hands shaking as they fumbled with the keys.

The engine roared to life, and Maria sped out of the gas station, the tires squealing on the wet road. As they drove, the rain began to let up, but the fear lingered. A dark cloud that seemed to follow them. The road stretched on, winding through the dense forest, each shadow driving their imaginations wild. Where do we go now? Maria asked, her voice trembling. Just keep driving.

Jake said. "We need to find a town, a police station, or somewhere safe." Maria nodded, her eyes fixed on the road. The headlights cut through the darkness, but the memory of the black truck and the chilling message haunted them both. The rain had slowed to a drizzle, and the forest seemed even more oppressive in the dim light. As they rounded a bend, they saw a faint glow up ahead. "That looks like a town,"

Jake said, hope creeping into his voice. Maria drove towards the light, the car's tires humming on the wet asphalt. They entered the town, a small quiet place with a few houses and a single diner. The streets were deserted, the buildings dark and unwelcoming. "Let's find the police station," Jake said, scanning the area. They drove slowly through the town.

Finally, spotting the small police station at the end of the main street, Maria pulled up to the curb, and they hurried inside. The station was empty, save for a lone officer sitting behind the desk. He looked up as they entered, his expression curious. Can I help you folks? Maria and Jake exchanged a glance before Maria stepped forward. We've been followed by a black truck.

It was trying to run us off the road. The officer's face grew serious. "A black truck, you say? No license plates?" Maria nodded, her voice shaking. "Yes, I mean, no. We didn't get a chance to look for them. And we stopped at a gas station, and then it vanished. But there are scratches on the trunk of our car that spells out 'You're next.'"

The officer's eyes widened slightly, and he leaned back in his chair. You're not the first to report something like this. We've had several incidents over the years, all involving a black truck with no plates. But no one's ever seen the driver, and the truck always vanishes without a trace. Jake's face paled. What does it mean? Who's driving that truck? The officer shook his head. We don't know.

Some say it's a ghost. Others think it may be something even more sinister than that. Could be some crazy redneck's idea of a little fun. But the important thing is that you're safe now. We'll keep an eye out, and I'll file a report. In the meantime, try to stay off that road. Maria and Jake nodded, the fear still gripping their hearts. Thank you, Maria said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Well, he was a lot of help. They left the station, not feeling much relief. The rain had stopped completely, and the night air was cool and crisp. They walked back to their car, the town quiet around them. As they drove away from the police station, the events of the night weighed heavily on their minds.

The black truck, the chilling message, and the officer's words all combined to create a sense of unease that wouldn't easily fade. "Do you think we'll ever find out who was driving that truck?" Maria asked. Her voice tinged with fear and curiosity. Jake shook his head. "I don't know. But I do know one thing. We're not going back to Clinton Road." Maria nodded in agreement, her grip on the steering wheel tightening.

They drove in silence, the memories of the night lingering like a dark shadow over their thoughts. Whoa, landing an account this big will totally change my landscaping business. It's going to mean hiring more guys and more equipment and new trucks for the new guys to drive the new equipment in. I don't know if I'm ready.

Welcome back. Today we're exploring one of the most chilling and mysterious roads in America, Clinton Road in West Milford, New Jersey.

Infamous for its eerie tales and unsettling experiences, this road has become a hotspot for the paranormal. Imagine driving down a dark, winding road, only to be relentlessly tailgated by a vehicle that suddenly vanishes without a trace. Picture encountering ghostly figures lurking near one of the road's haunted bridges.

These are just a few of the spine-tingling stories that have made Clinton Road a legendary destination for thrill-seekers and ghost hunters alike. Buckle up as we explore the sinister secrets and haunting legends of Clinton Road. Nestled in the eerie wilderness of West Milford, New Jersey, Clinton Road stretches for approximately 10 miles from Route 23 to Upper Greenwood Lake.

This desolate stretch has become a hotbed for spine-chilling legends and paranormal activity. Over the years, Clinton Road has gained notoriety for its tales of ghostly apparitions, strange creatures lurking in the shadows, and gatherings of witches, Satanists, and other mysterious groups. Rumors even suggest that professional killers have disposed of bodies in the dense woods surrounding the road.

with at least one documented case, adding a grim layer to its haunted reputation. Featured extensively in Weird New Jersey Magazine, Clinton Road has captivated the imaginations of many. A local police chief aptly described it as a long, desolate stretch that makes the imagination go nuts. With few houses along its path,

Clinton Road winds through undeveloped public woodlands, including the city of Newark, including the city of Newark watershed and state forests. The narrow two-lane road receives minimal maintenance, contributing to its eerie atmosphere. It was only recently that parts of the road were paved, yet it remains a seldom traveled route, even during peak hours.

The name Clinton Road is derived from the original Clinton settlement, once located near the point where the road crosses the brook, much like the nearby reservoir. On May 18, 1983, a cyclist discovered the body of Daniel Depner in a wooded area along Clinton Road in West Milford.

The corpse, wrapped in a green garbage bag, was being scavenged by a turkey vulture. The grisly scene led to the conviction of Richard Kuklinski, an infamous American serial killer, for Deppner's murder. In 2023, a dead dog was found just 10 feet off Clinton Road. The circumstances of its death led law enforcement to suspect foul play.

adding another dark chapter to the road's already sinister history. Probably the most common ghost story we hear about this haunted road is that of a young boy's spirit who lurks beneath a bridge, returning quans to those who throw them into the water. This tale, unique to this eerie stretch, remains shrouded in mystery regarding its origins.

The legend centers around a specific bridge on Clinton Road. Visitors are often told that if they stop their car on this bridge at night and toss a coin into the water below, something strange will happen. As the story goes, you need to stand on the bridge and throw a coin into the creek or river beneath. Some variations suggest that you should do it at midnight for the best chance of experiencing the phenomenon.

After you toss the coin, you must wait for a short period. According to the legend, if you're patient, the coin will be returned to you. Some say the coin is thrown back by an unseen hand, while others claim that it simply reappears on the bridge or in your hand. The ghost responsible for returning the coins is said to be a young boy who drowned in the water below the bridge many years ago.

He's described as a benevolent spirit who spends his afterlife returning coins to those who toss them into the water, perhaps as a way of communicating or out of a sense of duty. Many visitors have reported experiencing this eerie phenomenon. Some claim to have seen the ghostly figure of a young boy near the bridge, while others have heard disembodied voices or felt a cold presence nearby.

The returned coin is often cited as undeniable proof of the Ghost Boy's existence. It's important to note there are multiple bridges on this road, and no one knows for sure which one the Ghost Boy haunts.

Another bridge, located several miles south of Dead Man's Curb, sits above an old stone-iron furnace, with a powerful waterfall cascading through a rocky cleft. If the Ghost Boy's spirit resides here, his journey to return tossed coins would be a daunting task, if he were alive. Though the Ghost Boy is the most talked about apparition, he isn't the only spirit haunting this road.

Visitors have shared spine-chilling encounters, from spectral figures to eerie sensations of being watched by unseen eyes in the woods. Legends abound about this road, where Satan worshippers supposedly hide behind every tree, sacrificed animals litter the woods, and black trucks driven by escaped lunatics chase terrified teenagers.

Stories of strange lights, disembodied laughter, and ghostly figures add to the road's eerie allure. In 1905, J. Percy Cram wrote about the woods beyond the Clinton Furnace, warning against passing through after dark due to bandits, counterfeiters, witches, and terrifying ghosts.

Once upon a time, a castle rose from the mist of these woods, known as Cross Castle. It was built by Richard J. Cross in 1905. After a fire destroyed much of it, the ruins became a gathering place for teenagers, hikers and even rumored Satan worshippers. The stone walls, covered in graffiti and picked apart for souvenirs, were eventually demolished in 1988.

Clinton Road's eerie reputation isn't limited to ghostly apparitions and sinister human activities. Over the years, the road has also become notorious for unexplained sightings of UFOs and mysterious creatures, adding another layer of the supernatural to its dark allure.

Many visitors to Clinton Road have reported seeing strange lights in the sky, often described as glowing orbs or hovering disks, that defy logical explanation. These UFO sightings tend to occur in the dead of night, when the road is at its most desolate and the forest seems to close in around you. Witnesses describe these lights moving erratically, changing colors, and sometimes even disappearing in an instant.

The most chilling accounts come from those who have seen the lights descend into the forest, casting an otherworldly glow on the trees and the road below. Such sightings have led to wild speculation about extraterrestrial activity in the area, with some even suggesting that the dense woods of Clinton Road could hide secret alien bases.

In addition to UFOs, Clinton Road is known for sightings of mysterious creatures that defy classification. Among the most frequently reported are the glowing-eyed humanoids that some believe to be spirits of those who have met untimely deaths along the road. These beings are often spotted lurking at the edges of the forest, watching passersby with an unsettling intensity.

Their eyes, which seem to emit an eerie light, have been described as both hypnotic and terrifying. Some locals believe these creatures are guardians of the road, ensuring that its dark secrets remain hidden from the world.

Another legendary creature said to haunt Clinton Road is the Hellhound. This spectral beast is described as a massive black dog with glowing red eyes and a terrifying snarl. Witnesses claim that the Hellhound appears without warning, often in the middle of the road, causing drivers to swerve dangerously. The creature then vanishes as quickly as it appeared, leaving only the lingering fear in its wake.

Folklore suggests that encountering the hellhound is an omen of impending doom, further enhancing the road's fearsome reputation. In the heart of the woods, there are also reports of cryptid-like creatures, resembling Bigfoot or other unknown animals. These sightings are less frequent but no less chilling. Witnesses have described large hairy humanoid figures moving through the trees, sometimes emitting low growls or howls.

These cryptids are often associated with areas of the road where the forest is especially dense and unwelcoming. Some theorize that these creatures are remnants of an ancient species that has managed to survive undetected in the secluded wilderness of Clinton Road.

Adding to the mystique are tales of strange human-like figures engaged in ritualistic activities. Some visitors have reported stumbling upon robed figures performing ceremonies deep in the woods. These sightings are often accompanied by the sound of chanting and the flickering lights of torches or candles. Such encounters are typically brief.

as the robed figures vanish into the darkness upon being noticed, leaving behind the unsettling sense of having witnessed something forbidden. One especially chilling account comes from a group of teenagers who ventured into the woods late at night, hoping to find evidence of the paranormal. As they walked deeper into the forest, they began to feel as though they were being watched.

Suddenly, a low guttural growl echoed through the trees, followed by the appearance of two glowing eyes in the dark. The teens fled in terror, convinced that they had encountered one of Clinton Road's many legendary creatures. These tales of UFO sightings and mysterious creatures only add to the terrifying mystery of Clinton Road.

Whether it's the unsettling presence of glowing-eyed humanoids, the ominous appearance of the Hellhound, or the mysterious UFOs that light up the night sky, there's no denying that this road is a hotspot for the unexplained. For those brave enough to explore its shadowy path, Clinton Road offers a journey into the unknown, where every step could bring you face-to-face with the supernatural.

Overnight, Duncan's Pumpkin Spice Coffee has sent folks into a cozy craze. I'm Lauren LaTulip reporting live from home in my hand-knit turtleneck that my Nana made me. Mmm, cinnamon-y.

The Home with Duncan is where you want to be. He's the most terrifying serial killer you've never heard of. Haddon Clark has confessed to several murders, but investigators say he could have over 100 victims. At the center of the mayhem, a cellmate of Haddon's that was able to get key evidence into Haddon's murder spree across America.

The relief that Maria and Jake felt as they merged onto the main highway was short-lived. Though they had escaped the immediate threat of the black truck, a lingering dread clung to them.

The memory of the words carved into the paint on the trunk of the car, spelling out "You're next" haunted their thoughts, making every passing car and shadowy tree seem sinister. They drove in silence for a while, the hum of the engine the only sound in the car. Maria still continued to grip the steering wheel until her knuckles were white, her eyes darting nervously to the rearview mirror.

Jake stared out the window, lost in his own thoughts. "Do you think we're really safe now?" Maria asked, breaking the silence. Jake sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know." That officer seemed to think the truck might be some redneck, but he also said some people think it's a ghost or something else. But do ghosts drive trucks? Maria shook her head, her anxiety mounting.

I don't know what to think anymore. This whole night has been a nightmare. There were no hotels in the town where the police station had been. They were forced to drive further in search of one. As they drove further away from Clinton Road, the landscape began to change. The dense forest gave way to open fields and small towns, their lights welcoming them to civilization.

They passed through several sleepy villages, each one more reassuring than the last. Finally, they reached a larger town with a few motels. Maria pulled into the parking lot of the first one they saw. A run-down but welcoming place called the Rest Easy Inn. They parked the car and walked into the lobby, their bodies heavy with exhaustion. The desk clerk, an older woman with kind eyes, greeted them with a warm smile.

"Good evening. How can I help you?" "We need a room for the night," Jake said, his voice strained. "Do you have any vacancies?" The woman nodded, her smile never wavering. "Of course. Just sign in here and I'll get you your key." Maria signed the register with shaky hands, glancing around the lobby. It was quaint and cozy, a stark and pleasant contrast to the terror they had just experienced.

The woman handed them a key, and they made their way to their room, eager to put the events of the night behind them. Once inside, Maria locked the door and leaned against it, letting out a long breath. "Thank God," she said, her voice trembling. Jake wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "We're safe now," he murmured, though he wasn't entirely sure he believed it.

They took turns showering, the hot water a welcome relief from the cold rain, and the terror that had gripped them. Afterward, they collapsed onto the bed, their exhaustion overwhelming. Despite their fear, sleep claimed them quickly. Maria woke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It was just after 3 a.m. Something had woken her.

but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. She listened intently, the room silent except for the soft sound of Jake's breathing beside her. She was about to dismiss it as a bad dream when she heard it. A faint, rhythmic tapping. Her blood turned to ice in her veins as she realized the sound was coming from the door.

She turned slowly, her breath catching in her throat, as she stood and tiptoed to the window to get a look. But before she could see if anyone was at the door, there, just outside the window, was the black truck. Its headlights were off, but the dim light from the motel parking lot cast a faint glow on its menacing form. A shadowy figure sat in the driver's seat.

its eyes glowing faintly in the darkness. As Maria watched in horror, the figure inside the truck turned its head slowly to face her, its eyes locking onto hers with a sinister stare. Maria's scream caught in her throat as she shook Jake awake. "Jake, wake up! It's here!" Jake bolted upright, his eyes wide with fear. He followed Maria's gaze to the window.

His face paling as he saw the truck and the figure. "What the hell?" he whispered, his voice shaky. Suddenly, the truck's engine roared to life. The sound was deafening in the otherwise silent night. A deep rumble that seemed to vibrate through the walls of the motel room. The figure inside revved the engine repeatedly, each roar louder and more menacing than the last, sending a jolt of terror through Maria and Jake.

The figure leaned closer to the window, its gaunt, hollow-eyed face coming into view, leering at them through the glass. The engine continued to rev, the noise growing more insistent and aggressive, as if the truck itself was alive and furious. Call for help now, Jake! Maria cried. Her voice edged with panic. Jake grabbed the phone on the nightstand, his hands trembling.

He pressed the buttons, but nothing happened. "It's dead," he said, his voice shaking with fear. "We need to get out of here," Maria said urgently, breaking the spell. "Now!" They scrambled out of bed, grabbing their clothes and shoes in a frenzy. Maria's hands trembled as she unlocked the door, her eyes darting back to the window.

As she swung the door open, she froze. Hanging from the door handle was her graduation tassel. "Jake, look at this," she whispered, her voice trembling with shock. "How did this get here?" Jake's eyes widened in horror as he saw the tassel. "They must have been right outside," he said, his voice shaking. "We don't have time to think about it now. We need to go."

They burst out of the room and ran to their car, not daring to look back. Maria fumbled with the keys, her hands shaking so badly she could barely get the door open. They piled into the car, and Maria hit the gas, peeling out of the parking lot and back onto the highway, the black truck roaring behind them, its headlights blindingly bright.

Maria's heart pounded in her chest as she sped down the road. The truck hot on their trail. "What do we do?" Maria cried, her voice laced with panic. Jake glanced back at the truck, his mind racing. "We need to find help. This town has to have a police station. We can't keep running like this." They drove at breakneck speed, the truck never more than a few feet behind them.

The road was deserted, the darkness pressing in on all sides. Maria's hands were slick with sweat, her knuckles aching as she gripped the steering wheel. Up ahead they saw lights. Maria's heart leapt with hope as they sped towards it, the truck still in relentless pursuit. They spotted a police station and screeched to a halt in front of it, the truck pulling up behind them. They bolted from the car and ran inside, breathless and terrified.

The station was quiet. A lone officer sitting behind the desk. The officer looked up in surprise as they burst through the door. Maria couldn't shake the sense of deja vu. "Please, you have to help us!" Maria cried, her voice trembling. "There's a truck chasing us!" The officer's expression turned serious as he stood up. "Calm down and tell me what happened." Jake took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

We were followed by a black truck with no license plates. It's been chasing us for hours. It started earlier this evening on Clinton Road. It's right outside. The officer nodded and grabbed his radio. Stay here. I'll check it out. He walked outside, his flashlight cutting through the darkness. Maria and Jake watched anxiously from the window, their hearts pounding.

The officer shone his light around the parking lot, his brow furrowing in confusion. He turned back to the station, shaking his head. "There's no truck out here." Maria and Jake exchanged bewildered looks. "But it was right there!" Maria insisted, her voice shaking. "We saw it!" As she spoke, Maria's heart sank with a terrifying realization. This wasn't the first time they had pleaded for help.

And it wouldn't be the last. Each desperate escape led them to another town, another police station, and another fruitless search for the truck, trapped in an endless nightmarish cycle, where the black truck was always just a few feet behind, never allowing them the solace of safety, but forever chasing, forever haunting.

Thank you for joining us on our journey down Clinton Road. Tune in next week as we discuss another terrorific location. I'm Carmen Carrion. Remember, you can send me suggestions and stories of haunted places to my email, carmencarrion at or follow me on Twitter at Carmen Carrion.

Go to to find other terrifying podcasts, such as Freaky Folklore, hosted by me, Carmen Carrion. Until next time, stay safe out there, until I see you at our next destination.