cover of episode Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcements

Publish Date: 2024/6/27
logo of podcast Mayfair Watchers Society

Mayfair Watchers Society


Shownotes Transcript

Hey, everyone. It's Trevor Henderson, artist and creator of Mayfair Watcher Society. And I'm here with a quick announcement. If you like the show and you'd like to connect with other listeners, consider joining our Discord. You can find a link to our Discord in the show notes below. Up next, a short ad break and then this week's episode. This episode is brought to you by Shopify. Whether you're selling a little or a lot.

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We are the Watchers, observers of the strange, the spiritual, the mystical, the magic, the horrifying, the unseeing, the secret, the revealed. Welcome to the Bayfair Watchers Society.

The following collection of public service announcements was created by the Mayfair City Council in collaboration with the Mill Street Players between the years of 1976 and 2014. It is presented now for your edification and entertainment. Before we proceed, a word of warning. What you are about to watch may not be for the faint of heart. It is with this understanding that we begin our journey through the ages.

Our first installment, entitled "Before It's Too Late", was commissioned by the Mayfair Police Department via Council Member Hoskins. The original 1983 recording was submitted by local amateur historian Anthony King. What you're about to hear is a reenactment of a real 911 call made to the Mayfair Police on the evening of September 5th, 1981. Listen closely and see if you can spot what's wrong.

911, what's your emergency? Sorry to be a bother. I didn't know who to call. What's the nature of your problem, ma'am? I saw someone outside. I live alone and I... What's your name and where are you located? My name is Ethel Cartwright and I live on Curtis Street. What's your address, ma'am? Oh, my... Ma'am? I saw him. He was here again, but now he's gone.

Was this person behaving suspiciously? He was swimming through the air, just sort of floating. And he had the strangest eyes. Are you on any medications right now, ma'am? Glass of wine with dinner, maybe? I never drink. The doctor says I can't with these pills. I may have a bum heart, but my eyes work just fine.

alone out here i just like for someone to come out and take a look it's oh wait where'd he go he was just here he was peeping at me smiling remain calm ma'am are your doors and windows locked well yes i always keep them locked like i said i live alone wait i could have before i just saw you outside how'd you get

Ma'am? Ma'am? Are you still there? When officers arrived at the scene, the doors were locked, but Ethel was nowhere to be found. Did you spot what went wrong here? If Ethel had given the dispatcher her home address immediately, perhaps Mayfair's bravest might have arrived while there was still somebody to save. So, if you ever find yourself calling for help, tell us where you are.

Before It's Too Late was pulled off the air less than a month after its premiere, with parents complaining that the reenactment had given their children nightmares. Incidentally, nightmares are the very subject of our next item, a PSA entitled "Watch Your Dreams". In autumn of 1996, Hexalphon Medical Group made waves nationwide with their provocative findings on esoteric sleep vulnerability. In response, the Mayfair City Council commissioned the following informational video:

This 1997 recording was donated by the Mayfair Sleep Survey. If you have a tendency to dream or to suffer from chronic nightmares, it is vital that you stop what you're doing and listen closely. Over the past two months, no less than four deaths were linked to the esoteric dream vulnerability.

All of those afflicted reported suffering from insomnia as a result of unsettling and disturbing reoccurring dreams. And following in the wake of those dreams, each individual experienced a steady decline in their physical and cognitive well-being. As of yet, we have not discovered the true cause of this illness, but our friends over at Hetzel Fahm Medical Group are working hard to safeguard your dreams.

While the dreams experienced by the deceased individuals were not identical, all of them shared specific images, sounds, and emotions. Victims reported experiencing an unexpected and inescapable sense of impending doom. The dreamers also claimed sensing presence of another, not a figment of their dreaming minds, but a real person, never seen but always present and always watching.

Most importantly, the dreamers were each individually able to reproduce a singular tone they claimed to have heard. One of the afflicted were able to transcribe the melody prior to his passing. We will now play you the sample in 3, 2, 1. Whether or not you feel you have experienced the other symptoms listed, if you recall hearing this melody in your dreams, call the Hexal Thaw Medical Group support line below immediately.

Your dreams could depend on it. Thank you for listening to this important message, courtesy of the Mayfair City Council. No conclusive results were ever found regarding the ailment known as esoteric dream vulnerability. Despite this, since 1997, news sources across the nation have attributed at least one death per year to this illness. More than 50% of those alleged victims have been current or former Mayfair residents.

Our next item, entitled "When You Grow Up", is perhaps best remembered for being the most controversial public service announcement of the late 1980s. Originally aired in 1989, public sentiment surrounding this segment has undergone a dramatic shift over the last several decades. Hey there, could you tell me your name? Tina. Johnny. Francesca! And what would you like to be when you grow up? I, um, I want to be the first lady president. Uh...

I want to be a race car driver. I want to be a badder winner! Kids, they grow up so fast. But not every kid gets to grow up. Each of the children you just heard represents a real child in Mayfair who never got the chance to fulfill his or her dreams. Tina told her mother that something had been watching her walk to school every day. She wanted to take the bus. Her mother said no.

The only trace left of Tina now is a chalk drawing and an underpass that never seems to wash off. Every night, Johnny complained about the very tall man outside his bedroom window. He asked to sleep with his parents. They told him he was too old for childish things like that. One morning, Johnny didn't come down for breakfast. When Mom and Dad went to check on him, all that was left was an empty bed. Francesca came home crying because her classmates made fun of her imaginary friend.

Her dad told her to toughen up and face reality. The very next day, Francesca would climb to the top of the jungle gym to get away from her bullies, and everybody on the playground saw just how real her imaginary friend was. Parents of Mayfair, listen to your children. You may not be able to make her the first lady president, or him a race car driver, or her a ballerina, but you can ensure your child grows up. After When You Grow Up premiered,

The Mayfair City Council was accused of blaming grieving parents for personally failing to prevent tragedy. At first glance, it might seem strange to you that parents were not listening to their children. I think you'll find the next instalment in our collection illuminating. In 1976, Chief Linus Burnham of the Mayfair Police Department recorded a personal message regarding the then-recent phenomenon of "lure girls". The video was broadcast to Mayfair residents via a public access channel at regular intervals.

Special thanks to Deirdre Myers of Radio Mayfair for donating a high-quality copy. Good evening, Mayfair. This is your police chief, Linus M. Burnham. I have an extremely important message for you all tonight. We at Mayfair PD have received a number of concerning reports regarding incidents in the East Galt Woods and nearby Toca Lake. We need to talk about these lure girls. You may be asking yourself, now, what's a lure girl?

Is she dangerous to me and mine? I hope to answer those sorts of questions for you tonight. According to what you folks have been telling us, a lure girl is a young lady, maybe 5 to 11 years old. She's got long, dark hair and typically wears plain clothing. Lately, there's been some confusion. Lure girls do not take on the appearance of your children or your neighbor's children. If you see a lure girl, she'll be a child you've never seen before.

After the fact, you might find that you're unable to recall the details of that little girl's face. These lure girls have mostly been sighted on the edge of the East Galt Woods, accompanied by the sound of a child crying. All sightings have taken place between 10 p.m. and around 1 a.m. While these lure girls themselves seem to present no physical threat, they're known for taking advantage of well-intentioned members of our community. Upon the approach of an adult,

The lure girl will run deeper into the woods, beckoning for a victim to follow. If followed, the lure girl will lead her victim farther and farther away from any sign of civilization. Once suitably disoriented, her victim will find himself caught up in a game of hide and seek. Any attempt to approach the lure girl will result in her vanishing, only to reappear elsewhere. This game will not end until the victim surrenders.

A young man is dead, three more have been hospitalized after spending days lost in the East Galt Woods. Countless more have reported losing hours finding their way home after being led astray. If you insist on visiting the East Galt Woods or Toca Lake this summer, do not follow any unfamiliar children into the woods. Look, I'm a father myself. I know how hard it is to be tough on a kid, even when it's what's good for them. If you see a lure girl, do not attempt to aid her. Ignore any signs of distress.

It may just save your life.

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Thanks for listening, and now, back to the show. According to local accounts, sighting of lure girls still persists to this day, albeit in much smaller numbers than when this video was originally recorded. Instrumental to the lure girls' mania were the contributions of Mayfair's own children. Exempt from becoming victims themselves, local children made a game of imitating lure girls for their own amusement, often competing to see who could do so most convincingly.

This is no doubt why the legacy of the Lurgils has endured in the collective memory of Mayfair citizens even decades after the events in question. The next item on our agenda did not fare so well. 2003's little-remembered "I've got a secret" was the result of a short-lived statewide panic which never quite found its footing in Mayfair. This was, perhaps, because the presentation of the subject matter inspired more idle amusement than it did real terror.

The manner in which the announcement was presented led casual viewers to mistake it for a political advertisement, as it opened on a shot of an unremarkable-looking man sitting in a blank room facing the camera. Special thanks to May Ms. Vidpod, a pair of young local historians who donated this material. I am a friend of yours. Do you remember me? I think we met at a bar last week.

Journey was playing on the jukebox and I bought you a beer. Or maybe you were at school and I was your substitute teacher. The one who inspired you. The one who gave you all an extra ten minutes at recess. Whoever I am, you like me. You trust me. You let your guard down around me in an instant.

I've got a secret. Maybe if you asked your friends about me, it'd be different. Maybe if you look a little closer, you notice something wasn't right, but you didn't. And I gotta say, I am so grateful for that. After all, I can't fix you if you don't trust me. Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!

I made Miss Melody Kane so much more symmetrical. I can't wait to do the same to you. While not well remembered today, Melody Kane was a household name in 2003, after the 14-year-old girl was discovered in a school bathroom, horrifically disfigured, yet miraculously unharmed. The case was notorious for its complexity. Fellow students consistently recalled seeing a stranger enter the bathroom with Miss Kane,

but none could agree on the stranger's appearance, giving rise to fears that any unfamiliar figure could be the culprit. I've Got a Secret's decision to invoke the name of Melody Kane, while understandable, was not warmly received by Mayfair residents. This, in combination with the announcement's use of dramatic editing and vague language, failed to resonate with viewers. However, vague language and dramatic editing were not always an obstacle in this regard.

"Piracy can be lethal" released in 2004 is inarguably the most well-known of our collection. While anti-piracy messaging was in vogue, the ways in which this particular instalment deviate from the norm still defy explanation.

Think piracy is harmless? Think again! Not only does it fund organized crime and terrorism, but if you get your hands on a hot tape, you are in for a world of pain. Hot tapes are a dangerous new addition to the shadowy world of pirate video, created by highly organized individuals and dangerous cults. These pirated tapes are popular new releases, or infused with occultic power.

Watching a hot tape will change you. Your physical form will become host to an alien force which will use your flesh as a corridor between your dimension and his. Once you've watched a hot tape, there is no going back. There is only one way to distinguish between a hot tape and a normal VHS tape. Ensure your safety. Support official releases. Piracy. It can be lethal.

"To this day, there have been no reliable accounts of deaths caused by hot tapes, or even evidence of the existence of hot tapes. It is unclear who in the employ of the Mayfair City Council wrote this script, or how it made it into production unimpeded, but its influence is undeniable and inescapable."

So much so, that in the 2011 mayoral race between Democratic incumbent Ron Steinbeck and the Republican challenger Tom Keller, it was referenced in the political attack ad "Can We Trust Tom Keller?" While the race was notorious at the time for its heated tone and the violent manner in which it ended, it is best remembered now for ending Ron Steinbeck's career. Mayfair. A pleasant town full of hardworking people.

And under Ron Steinbeck, it'll stay that way. But one man wants to change that: Tom Keller. But can we trust him? You can tell a lot about a man by looking at his family. At 14, Jace Keller faced multiple suspensions for selling his classmates fake hot tapes. Does that sound like a child raised by parents with the well-being of our community in mind?

Does that sound like a family you would want to live next door to? Have dinner with? Would you trust them to watch over your home while you're away? Then why would you trust them with our community? A vote for Tom Keller is a vote for Hot Tapes. On every corner with the mayor's approval. Is that really the man you want running Mayfair? Vote with your heart. Re-elect Ron Steinbeck. I'm Ron Steinbeck, and I approve this message.

Those interested will remember that Tom Keller won the 2011 mayoral election by a landslide and will go on to serve for two consecutive terms. Our final item for this evening sees the return of an old friend. After more than 20 years, Hexalthon Medical Group re-emerged with startling new evidence: a psychological phenomenon they called "Extrinsic Thoughts".

This PSA, Identifying Extrinsic Thoughts, describes a psychological phenomenon they claim is unique to Mayfair. After its release in 2018, the subject of extrinsic thoughts had become a point of idle discussion for many local health professionals. Which of these are appropriate thoughts to have upon suddenly waking up at 3am? Man, I need the bathroom. I should get a glass of water.

This is the perfect time for a walk in the woods. What if you received a knock on the door in the middle of the night? That's strange. Maybe I should call the police? I should grab the baseball bat from next to my bed. I'm sure they're a friendly stranger. I should invite them inside.

What if you found yourself walking through the woods in the middle of the night and a strange voice asked you to come closer? Well, that's a little creepy. I think I should keep my distance. Hmm, I should take a look without getting too close. I should join him in the woods and see what he has to say. If you agreed with the third response to any of these questions, your thoughts may not be your own.

There are entities which can put thoughts into your head, and while these thoughts seem like your own, they're anything but. Extrinsic thoughts are extremely dangerous. If you think you may be suffering from extrinsic thoughts, call the Hex Health and Medical Support line below immediately. Your thoughts could depend on it. It seems some things never change. Thank you for listening to tonight's special presentation.

We hope you leave us tonight better able to identify real threats in your day-to-day and cast aside manipulative messaging. You never know what will be on TV. Thank you for listening, neighbor. Mayfair Watchers Society is based on the works of Trevor Henderson, created by Trevor Henderson and Pacific S. Obadiah. Public service announcements was written by Henry Golley. Narrator, Wisvig Collins. The police communicator, Johnny, and psychology were played by Giancarlo Herrera.

Police Dispatcher, Tina, Political Shill, and Thought #1 were played by Janine Bauer. Ethel, Francesca, and Thought #3 were played by Katrina Pesina. Dream Spokesman, Pleasant Man, and Ron Steinbeck were played by Marquise Moore. Interviewer, Anti-Piracy Guy, and Thought #2 were played by Chris Harris-Vicci. Chief Burnham was played by Gary Scales. The dialogue editor was Jesse Hall. The sound designer was Brad Colebrook. The music was by Matt Royberger.

The showrunner was Cale Brown. The creative director was me, Trevor Henderson. The producer was Pacific S. Obadiah. And the executive producers were Tom Owen and Brad Niska. The Bloody FM Show. For more information, visit