cover of episode The Secrets of Nuuds with Daryl-Ann Denner

The Secrets of Nuuds with Daryl-Ann Denner

Publish Date: 2023/11/14
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Unlocked with Savannah Chrisley


Shownotes Transcript

Kevin Hart here. You know, with Chase Freedom Unlimited, you can cash back 3% on dining, including takeout. So when your daytime's snacking or your lips are smacking, you're cashbacking. How do you cashback? Learn more at Restrictions and limitations apply. Offers subject to change. Cards are issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank and a member FDIC. Fresh Step knows you'd do anything for your cat. From getting them food that's nicer than yours to letting them take a midday nap on your keyboard. So why settle for basic litter? Switch to Fresh Step.

Fresh Step cat litter locks in liquid and odor on contact, giving you up to 15 days of odor control. Learn more at Step it up to Fresh Step with superior odor control versus leading value clumping litter. Fresh Step is a registered trademark of the Clorox Pet Products Company. Febreze is used under license from the Procter & Gamble Company or its affiliates.

On this week's episode of Unlocked, I have Daryl and Dinner, right? Right. Nailed it. Because we were talking about the same thing before and I was like, I'm probably going to butcher it. Hey, you wouldn't be the first or the last. It's fine. It's a hard one. Okay. So for people that don't know, you are the founder of Nudes. Yep. Which is amazing. Thank you. I have to tell you what happened. So

I saw it was an ad or someone wearing it or something like a few weeks ago. And I was like, Oh my God, I love that. And so I went to the Instagram to message, but you,

your company Instagram had sent me a message like a year ago. Yeah. It was like wanting to send stuff, which I never saw it. And I was like, Oh my God. I was like, I want this stuff. So you guys send it to me. So that's what I'm wearing now. And it is the most comfortable thing ever. I love it. Like I have a long torso. So like a lot of them, like they cut me in two and the front, not a good feeling. Um,

And this one does not. Good. Yeah. We made it so it doesn't give you, hopefully, a front wedgie. That was the whole goal. Nobody likes that. Nobody wants that. No. And when reading, too, like about the company, because you have four other sisters, right? I do. I have three sisters. Three sisters. I got to kill. I got to kill.

i gotta count i got three sisters and one brother so four other okay so four other siblings yeah and your sisters were like a big inspiration for starting your business totally yeah we're like all between me my mom my sisters we're all like we have totally different body types totally different shapes we range from like i'm five one and my one of my sisters is like almost five seven

And we, at the time, ranged from like an extra small to a 2X. And so I was like, I want to make something that fits us all. We all feel good in. Flatters all of us because we represented so many different body types. And I was like, let's just do it. I can, I know we can do it better than what's out there. Yeah. So that's what we did. And we used ourselves to like fit. Yeah. Because whenever you have a personal experience with something, it just, you can tell. Oh yeah. Like, I mean, I even just...


I got halfway through college, my undergrad, and when you start clinical shadowing and actually getting into what it would look like, and I was like, "I hate this." And I tried out so many, then I went the whole dentist route. I was like, "I gotta use this somehow," because I worked so hard for it. And then I was like, "I hate it."

I added on a business major, like at the last second and I like finished it. I was like in case. So I did that. And I don't know, I just kind of like put one foot in front of the other, but I knew I didn't really want to go the medicine route. And so I just tried different stuff. I like ran our family's construction company's accounting office and

And then they asked like a local private school asked me to be a chemistry teacher. So I was like, sure, I'll try it. And I just basically said yes to like whatever came my way. And so, yeah, I taught chemistry. And then while I was doing that, my husband was like, you should start blog. It was blogging at the time. He's like, you should start blogging. And I was like, all right. He's like, you could do that. So I,

I tried that in the middle of it and then like just kept doing that as like a creative outlet and it took off. - And when would you say that it took off? 'Cause I mean, you have a very dedicated, like huge following on Instagram. - Yeah, thanks. I mean, you know this, but I feel like it took off, you know, every day for eight years. So like to me it didn't take off overnight. - Was there ever a moment that you saw it like spike drastically or was it just a slow growth along the way?

- Slow growth along the way. I think 2020 was like a big year for me overall. There was a point, like a pivotal moment in time where it changed. It was obviously slow growth ever since I started in 2015. But at the end of 2019, I had like had my son in the beginning of 2019. And like, it was, I remember it was like so iconic for me. Labor Day weekend of 2019, I had had like super long extensions that everyone had. I had like hair down to my waist.

And Instagram was like this perfect place of like, you know, it was perfection at the time. Everything. And so I just couldn't keep up anymore. Having just had a kid, I was like, I can't keep up this perfect persona. I can't do these perfect outfits anymore. I either have to quit or I have to just like be myself, like one of the two. And I cut off all my hair and I just like took out all the extensions and I cut it really short.

And I just like started Labor Day weekend. I was like, I'm just going to either quit or just try being myself. And I did that. And then it just took off. I think I went in 2020.

I went from 200,000 followers to a million in like a year and a couple of months. That is crazy. Yeah. But I also say, that's what I was about to say. During that time, people were craving for, first off, something to believe in, number one. And second, they wanted to know that like, hey, they're not perfect. Their life is a mess, just like my life's a mess. And we figure it out as we go. Totally. Because the whole perfect thing,

is exhausting to watch because it's like, I don't want to watch a perfect life. Like have something wrong with it. Exactly. Yeah. So I think that like when I just like started showing, like I started showing my family, I started showing just like

how I didn't know what I was doing as a mom, as a wife, as a person, you know? Well, because you got married really young. Really young. We've been married 11 years, 11 and a half. Okay. So I got married at 21. We waited to have kids until I was 28. And so I just like everything...

I don't know. And having kids was such a life changing moment for me. And so. And was that something, it wasn't always something that you knew you wanted. Right. Oh gosh. So like, yeah, we waited a long time because I think with me, I've like tried to figure out like, why didn't I want kids? Because I come from like an awesome family. Like they're my best friends, my closest, like my siblings are my best friends. So yeah.

I look at it and I'm like, why wouldn't I have wanted that? And I, it's not that I didn't want that. I just, I really liked my life. Like as I loved being young, I loved having like a carefree life. I was like, I do what you want when you want. Yeah. Right. I was like, kids are going to tie me down. So like, why am I going to do that? I love where I am now. And then like,

we were talking and I was like, when I'm 50, I'm going to want a, like a table full of my kids, you know, grandkids. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, I don't want to be alone. I know that. I know I like, it's fun just him and I now, but I'm not going to want that forever. Um, and so I kind of like, we, we always laugh. Cause I feel like I just like close my eyes and I was like, okay, I'm going to do it. And like,

- We did and it was the, I mean now obviously I've never met a person who says they regret having their kid, but still like I want five kids. It was the best decision obviously I ever made, but yeah.

Yeah. It's super awesome. And so you got married at 21 and then you've been married 11 years. I'm 32. So why did, why the vow renewal? Oh, okay. Yeah. So we did a vow. Okay. So we wanted to do a vow renewal at 10 years. I don't know. Iconic, whatever. Being married so young. Yeah. Do you ever hear that? It's like shocking that you've made it with getting married so young, especially in today's day and age.

Yeah, I think we grew up. I love how you're looking. Okay. Her husband's over there. So she's like, what's the right answer? Um, I feel like, okay, so we've been dating since I was 15. So literally we met on a cruise ship when I was 15 years old. You met on like the cruise teen room. Oh yeah. Teen club on a carnival, terrible cruise to Mexico from LA. I literally, carnival's going to come at us because I said something in another podcast.

podcast about carnival and I was like these cruises are but here it is yeah my mom's worst nightmare my parents were absolutely mortified he was 18 years old and I was 15 years old my parents hey I've had that my parents were like you know strict Christian parents they were like absolutely not this is completely unacceptable and so I kept doing it and then I kept doing it it's fine

Yeah. And then we ended up, we went to college together, whatever. And we got married after we graduated. Okay. But when you met on the cruise, we're going to go back. Where, like, where did you grow up? Where did he grow up? Okay. So we're both, those episodes.

Those LA to Mexico cruises are typically all Southern California people. And so we grew up like 45 minutes apart. Oh, that may... Still, it was like... So you kept it going after the cruise? We kept it going. Did you break up at one point? To my parents' disdain at the time. What? Did you ever break up? No, never. We've never broken up since I was 15. Not one time. What? No. That is crazy. So we've been together... So literally, I don't really know my life without him. Yeah. So to say like, is it shocking...

It's shocking just if I like look around, but I wouldn't know how to live life apart from, I mean, literally one of, we call it our sister, but one of my sisters is actually his sister.

I met him when she was four. So she's 21 now. So she doesn't know life without you. And she lives with my parents now and we can get into that. But yeah, she, uh, she lives with my parents and she's like, you know, he met my brother when he was six. So then he runs nudes with us. So it's like, yeah, that is awesome. Also too, when you just said, and he runs nudes with us, like for people that are just here that it's going to be very interesting. Yeah. Yeah.

He runs, he runs nudes. My brother helped us found it. And so it's just cool. Awesome. Yeah. That's amazing. So what would you say? Okay. So the vow renewal, you always said you were going to do it at 10 years. Yes. Okay. Gosh, I got way off track. So the vow renewal we wanted to do at 10 years and then we launched nudes in 2021 and our anniversary is at the end of July and we launched nudes in the fall. And so it was just like,

At that moment in time, we had way too much going on to like do that and plan that and whatever. And so then we had planned for both of our sides of our family to go to Hawaii this year and literally like,

like two months before we were going out, it clicked. And I was like, wait, why don't we just do it there? We're already going to be there. And so then I like called up a planner and I was like, so in eight weeks, we're going to Hawaii and I would love to just like make the vow renewal part of it. And so we just planned it like on, I do stuff like that all the time. That's amazing. Hey, I'm kind of that way because like,

I don't know. I have this like fear of commitment of like planning something. I'm like, I don't know if it's because I'm scared it's going to fall through or maybe I don't know. So I just wait to like last minute and I'm like, all right, let's do this. Yeah. It was literally like seven. I think it was seven and a half weeks before I called her and I was like, I want it in Hawaii, but I want it not to be looking Hawaiian at all. Like I want to just have it in Hawaii. And that proved to be extremely difficult because most people who have events aren't

on Hawaii, want them to be very Hawaiian themed. So anyways, it was a very challenging little thing to pull off, but we did it. And it was so, it was so cool because we have gone to that spot in Hawaii since I I've been going with his family since we were 18 years, I was 18 years old. Wow. And so we did it at that same spot with our two kids. And there's like this tiny little chapel it's called like place of joy or something, um, in the coves where we like always go.

And we used to walk by it when we were dating, like when I was 18 years old and I was like, oh my God, it'd be so cool to get married there. And but knowing I would never because it seats like 30 people. Yeah. I knew we would have like a wedding. But yeah, that's where we did it. That's awesome. Literally 11 years later. It was so fun. Oh my gosh. So what would you say the key has been for you guys? In marriage? Yeah. Oh my goodness. That's a great question. Yeah.

Give me a second. Let me think about that. I think for us, the key, one of the keys for us is I feel like we, A, assume the best of each other at all times. Like I assume that Daniel always has my best interest in mind and I want him to assume that I always have his best interest in mind. And I think knowing that it helps us like play on the same team because I'm like, okay, I know you want

what I want and whatever. And I think that just, yeah, playing on the same team, like we do everything together in our life. Like we work together. We obviously have our kids. We like our husband and wife, we do a lot of things together. And like knowing that someone's on your side all the time is huge and pivotal. And I think that, I think we assume the best, we believe the best. Like

I, and that's a big thing because a lot of times in relationships, it's so easy to just like assume the worst and to, and when you're constantly on the defense, I feel like it's a recipe for disaster instead of being like optimistic and thinking, well, maybe they did mean it this way. Maybe they, you know, and I start on the defense. Yeah. Like I start on the defense, but I think that, yeah, assuming the best and like,

we have like gotten to grow up together. And so I think that it's cool to have someone, you know, that's believing the best in you also want what the best for you. So like Daniel, there's been times in our marriage where like, I mean, most of it, to be honest, or Daniel is like pushing me, encouraging me in what I want. And like to be able to have somebody who always has,

Like wants that for you. Yeah. It's so cool. And so like, and same and vice versa, like getting to see him, he helps obviously run nudes, all the like,

I do a lot of the marketing and all of that, but he runs a lot, the business part of it and getting to see him like take on this like huge company and run it has been so cool. And so like getting to like push him in that. And I don't know, we just like want to make each other better. We want, it's really cool. That's amazing. So when it comes, what? Let's hear it. On like the teen side, it's also like,

There's some areas that she will be super busy. Maybe talk about dishes, for example. She'll be in the heavy season, I'll do the dishes. She'll be in the heavy season, she'll cover some of the responsibilities that I have. We look at it all as a whole, as a team, us versus everything else, rather than it's easy to get where it's me versus her. We have arguments, it's me versus her, but it's us versus everything else.

Yeah. And that's the biggest thing that like, I feel like, and I say this about all the time. I'm like, my generation has done everything.

you know, like mental health, we've like normalized that, like, it's okay to not be okay. But my generation has sucked in a lot of things and like relationships being one of them of just like everything's so disposable and, Oh, if this doesn't work, I can just get a new one. It's fine. Let me go shop on Instagram. Let me go, you know, on every which app I can slap, like swipe right or left on. And that's the biggest thing is it's like, Hey, it's,

us against the world. It's not like me against you. And it's not, and I love what he said because he was like, she's in like a busy season. I can do the dishes too. Oh yeah. We like bring a hundred, each of us bring a hundred. And so like not half, like it's not a 50, 50 thing. Like we both bring a hundred. And I think like for us, I never, when, when we were talking earlier about like, is it crazy to think that we're still together with like, you know, so many things happening in the world for us, it's never an option to not like that. Never. Yeah.

the word divorce has never come up one time in our marriage. We never talk about it. Like we've never broken up. We've never, like it, we are committed in the long haul and there's seasons that suck. I'm going to be honest. Like there's been years of our marriage, not years, like seasons, like the year we had our son that having kids for us was each time has been like a huge life changing shift. And it's been like not our best season. And, but like,

you have sucky seasons of life and you're going to have sucky seasons of a marriage or relationship and you just stick it out. Like, well, and that's the thing is people are, people are like, Oh, it should be great. It should be great all the time. And if it's not, then we have to get divorced. And that's like what the mindset is in today's day and age. And I'm like,

not no like you don't like throw the baby out with the bathwater no it's like things are tough right you work through it and you talk through it and that's why it's like I mean I was engaged and like I called off my engagement because I was like I don't want to be divorced I'm not gonna look at this like sure but I would love to have had a great big wedding and all these things and all the business opportunities that came along with it sure but like when you sit down you're like I don't

if this isn't going to last forever, like I don't want it. No, it's like, it is the biggest like life decision that you make as that person. And if it's the wrong one, like I, you just don't, you don't want to make the wrong one. Like, so that's incredible that you call it because you don't want to make that. You get to make it, you should make it, you know, one time hopefully. And like, that's it. And obviously different things that happen, happen outside of people's control. But yeah,

Yeah, for us, as long as it's just like hard seasons, like I go through hard seasons as an individual just to think that I'm not going to go through it in a marriage and it's still, yeah, you know. Hey there, it's Kevin Hart. With Chase Freedom Unlimited, you can cash back 3% of drugstores, cash back on your late night snacks and your back to school backpacks. That's a fact. How do you cash back? Learn more at Restrictions and limitations apply. Offer subject to change. Cards are issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank and a member FDIC. Fresh Step knows you'd do anything for your cat.

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and how is it like working with each other because obviously you've built this company and how has that been because that's a different dynamic i feel like yeah uh we've worked with each other for a long time so okay yeah my dad has a construction company we worked together there he actually worked for my dad before i did and then that's awesome yeah um

- And so for us, it's pretty normal. I think that the hardest part for us is turning it off. - Like leaving work at work. - Yeah, which we don't do. - And not bringing it home. - Yeah, we're not that good at it yet. - We don't do that. - But we're trying to be better at it. One of our marriage counselors one time, we went to marriage counseling after we had our son and-- - Which is so healthy. The fact that people have enough self-awareness to say like,

Hey, we should go do this instead of like pushing it to the side and ignoring it. No, it was so good. We've been, it was one of the best things we ever did, but we went and he told us on a date night, you shouldn't talk about work or your kids. That was like very challenging for the two of us. But I mean, we still try. We didn't, we're not that good at it, but we, we still try to do that.

That's awesome. You don't want to get to the point where they obviously leave and there's nothing there other than... I hear so many people, they're like, okay, you basically have to reinvent your marriage once kids leave, which is like...

Totally. Which is probably true regardless, but I still want there to be some sort of like relationship and connection outside of that. Yeah. And that's, what's awesome. Cause you do have work that like, you get to see these different sides and too, I'm like, if I'm working with someone, I'm like, Oh, that's hot. Like, you know, like watching someone like you love work. I'm like, that's really attractive. Yeah. He does. So he does so good. And we work, we've always like had our own lanes. And I think that that's really good for us is like,

I do a lot well with nude specifically like I do a lot of the marketing and I just trust and that he has the other side yeah and he trusts that I have that side and we respect each other in it and I think that's a big deal how long did it take you guys to build nudes so nudes launched October 28th of 2021 okay 2022 excuse me so just one year wow holy cow that's amazing and then

it like was an idea the summer before that. So like 18 months before it started. I'm not quite 18 months. Wow. Yeah. So it took like a year and a half to launch. Was it scary to go out on a limb like that?

In the world that we live in to where it's so saturated. Like you can, especially too, like clothing, you can, I mean, you can get anything in the snap of a finger. And I thought like, I knew nothing about making clothes. Zero. I think there's so many things. I don't know that I've ever even...

but we knew nothing about making clothes. I kind of was like, okay, well if we, you know, just to be fully honest, we took like a lot of our savings and leveraged it against it. So we were like, oh crap, this has to work. But then like when it was launching, I was like, I don't know anything. I had at that point had never had a clothing company. I'd never used a warehouse. I had never. And I had all these people on the other side trusting me as to like, okay. And I'm like, I, you know, frankly,

don't know what I'm doing, but I'm trying and I'm like trusting that people were hiring know what they're doing. And so, yeah, it was my, I think for me, my biggest thing, and I'm sure you can relate to this too, is I just want my reputation protected and my heart protected because I know that like my heart is good and I like,

for me, the scariest part is, okay, I'm putting this out into the world and I know like to my core that like I stand behind it and it's good. And I just like hope everyone else loves it and they have a great experience with it because

it's my it's my name on the line you know like and i really value that anytime any person gets any piece of nudes like to me that's like my name on the line and i like want them you know to be happy with it i treat every single i tell the customer service girls i'm like treat every single customer like it's my sister because i love that like if she was emailing you how would you respond you know and because to me that's how i've like treated these girls for years and so

they're the same girls to me. And so it's just like on a different scale. And I just, at the end of the day, I want to make sure that they feel taken care of in the same way that I've always like felt about them since way before nudes. So that's my biggest like thing with launching it is I always wanted people to feel like, okay, like,

This is still her at the end of the day. Cause it is it, I mean, it's bigger than me now. The coolest thing ever is when I get to see someone, we call it my family and I call it seeing it in the wild. Like when you're just walking around and you see someone in it. So we like go to the mall or whatever. And my sister went up to someone and she's like, Oh my gosh, it's your shirt is nudes. And the girl looked at her like she was a psychopath.

And I was like, I was over there and I was like, yes, she had no clue who you were. Yeah. So I love when people like get to have it and have no clue who we are. Cause like it's then extended past me, which is like my goal for it. So what, what did you start out with? Like how many SKUs did you start out with?

I'm learning, I don't know anything about warehousing, but I'm learning that SKUs is like each size and color. - Okay. - He's gonna be like, "That's not SKUs." But styles. - We had like 900 SKUs. - 900 SKUs. - Okay. - You and I would not consider it like that. - Yeah, but you meant like, okay, yeah. - Styles. - So I guess styles. - How many styles? - We're going with styles. He's educating us. - I know. We had a crew neck bodysuit scoop. I wanna say like seven. - Okay. - We started with seven styles in like,

I mean, the colors varied in like eight-ish colors each. So that's where I like wanted the full color palette so people could get like the full experience. But we started with my, the first thing we actually made was the t-shirt, the everyday t-shirt. I like always wanted the perfect t-shirt and I would buy like, I would buy so many t-shirts. I'm a jeans and a t-shirt person. So like I would buy so many t-shirts and I was like, none of them are perfect. Like they're too thin or whatever. I don't know. I always had to complain. And then I,

One of my friends was like, you should get this t-shirt. And I looked it up. It was like 150 bucks. I was like, all right, this is ridiculous. It's a white t-shirt, $150. Like, I'm like, I gotta make something. Like I will say, cause see this, like this body suits the first thing I've tried. Yeah. Like for me with t-shirts, cause like I have bigger boobs, but like my waist is smaller and I'm like, nothing ever fits right. Right. Like rarely will I wear like an actual t-shirt. Which, okay. Speaking of making it, when we were making it,

They, we hired someone who had obviously had experience making clothes because I had no idea what I was doing. And so she was like, okay, we'll get a fit model. And I was like, what's a fit model? Like I knew literally zero. And she's like,

oh, it's a standard size, like proportionate medium. And I'm all, and then you grade up. I'm like, well, that no wonder clothes don't fit people, right? Because no one is a standard size, proportionate medium, and then grade it up that way. Like, of course it doesn't fit. So I was like, no, I'm not doing it like that, which is, has been a headache for them. I was like, I,

i want to fit it like one size to go off of like the industry as a whole and it's proportionate which who is proportionate no one no one and so i was like well let's fit it on multiple sizes so i fit it on a 2x which was super cool because my sister at the time was a 2x and she was like literally nothing fits me right like the proportions are all off because by the time you get to that size yeah she's like

for example she's like in the pants my calves aren't 10 times bigger like they're like you know like she's like it just everything looks weird on me because they graded it up all funny and so we were able to do like the sleeves differently so we did changed it like for each size range which is super fun and cool that's amazing I love that so when

Because in the first year, I mean, you sold an insane amount, right? What was the number? I saw it in the Forbes. Yeah. Or like how many pieces, units? Yeah. That's crazy. Like people don't realize. I think it was more than that. It was more than that. It was like 500, I think. Yeah. I think it was way more than that. Yeah.

I think it was in the fives. Yeah. I think it was in like 500. See, like that's. It was in the fives. I want to say that's what it was. Oh yeah. Orders. Okay. Pieces like in the 500,000. Yeah. I want to say like half a million pieces. Yeah. Which is crazy. Like people don't realize how hard it is to actually sell that. Yeah. I think that I honestly think the reason nudes is successful at the, at its core is because I actually care about the person at the end of it. Like, um,

And so we cut zero corners. Like I don't even price. So when... So the pricing of it, tell me how it ranges. So it ranges like...

Our t-shirt, it ranges from tank tops are the least expensive. I would say the tank top body suits are $48. And then it depends like a sweatshirt's $98. Some, we just came out with sweaters. Those are more, I want to say they're the hoodie is like 128 bucks. Yeah. But that's the thing is you pay for what you get. Yeah. And so it's, it is sure. It's an affordable, it just depends. People's every day affordable is different. But for me, I'm like, it's affordable and it,

It's cheaper than having to repurchase it every other month because it doesn't wash up well versus paying a good price for it and having it for a long time. Right. And when we made it, they wanted me to price it beforehand. They always want you to do that, which is weird to me, too.

But they're like, oh, okay. So what do you want to sell it at? I'm like, that's irrelevant. Let me just make it and decide, like, I want to make it perfect. And then we'll decide based on how much it costs, how much we need to sell it at. And so that's how we've done it, which is backwards. Also, I didn't know, but I was like, let me make it so that the seam does the way I want it and doesn't cut into you and whatever, all these things. And so we did that and then price it from there. And I want...

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Restrictions and limitations apply. Offer subject to change. Cards are issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank and a member FDIC. Wanted to make it, my goal was to make it attainable because I knew that the quality wasn't necessarily going to be the most affordable on the market. Yeah. But I was like, let's just try to make it as attainable as we can to as many people as we can rather than like $150 t-shirt.

it's not going to be target but you're also not going to have to replace it yes well that's the thing it's like there's another brand of body suits that like I've worn just because it's easy it's hard to find just like a plain body suit yeah and but like anytime I sit down in it I'm always like trying them by jeans like trying to unbutton it when I sit down you know because like it's so tight yes and this I swear I'm not just saying it because you're here like it is so comfortable

and I love it. Good. Like so comfortable. Yeah. So I want people to feel

More than anything, like with nudes, I want people to feel good in their clothes. The inclusivity of it is like, it's amazing. The fact that anyone can wear it at any time and feel good. And I love it. Thanks. And I do love just like the fact that you went out on a limb, did this, and it is an insanely successful business. Thank you. I love it. We're really proud of it. And like, it's so cool. We get to do it with our family. So like my brother works for nudes. Our sister works for nudes.

um that's awesome and so obviously like within the past few weeks you've been doing tons of sneak peeks i know i always do that it's not their favorite shaking his head he's literally i spoil everything so it's fine so what what do you have coming up that you can tell people yeah so i don't know when this is going to air so i'm just going to throw out what two weeks three weeks two

Okay. Here I go. Okay. Here I go. You asked for it. Sorry. I got to do it. Okay. Um, we have a bunch of different waffles. So we did a waffle. Is that what you have on? Because I want that so bad. You walked in. I'm like, this is amazing. It's so fun. So this launched, uh, I want to say like two weeks ago. Okay. Um, but then I liked the fabric so much. We made it in like a lounge set. So there's like a wide leg pant and like a long sleeve crop tee that goes with it.

and then we have like a thicker waffle set that's like a jogger set that comes out in a couple weeks we did a puffer vest that comes out on Black Friday stop I'm excited I just spoiled that I'm so excited

exciting. Yeah. Sweats that come out on block Friday. And, um, we have tones, which is little kids version of the same thing. Yeah. And so we did like the sweats for like the whole family. Cause I don't, I don't know. I'm not like a matching family Christmas jam person anymore, but I was like, we could do matching like sweat sets. That'd be really amazing. Yeah. So right now, will you ever

come out with anything that's like maybe like a capsule or like special item that's like very off the wall like maybe like a bright colored okay we did that in when was it august august we did bubblegum pink okay and how did that that was our fastest sellout ever really okay i'm gonna be totally honest we got so lucky when i you have to order this stuff like six months in advance or more yeah

I had no clue Barbie was going to be the thing. Oh, wow. That is...

That is God right there. God favor right there. Like literally I was like, wow. Okay. I'm just like very, you know, lucky here. But yeah, the timing of it was literally like a couple weeks after the movie. So we sold through every unit we had and oversold because when things sell so fast, like the computer doesn't catch up as fast or the system or whatever. And it, we sold everything within three minutes. That,

That is amazing. It was crazy. It was so fun. So we did pink. I have like other neutrals. We're going to do more colors. Okay. Right. It's, I don't know. We're going to do, we have like our most requested color launches in, I want to say like 15 of our styles on December 1st. Okay. And then we have another bright that launches in the holiday. Okay. In holiday. What's your most requested color?

You're like, wow. I'm so mad. Heather Gray. Yeah. Stop. I'm excited for that. See that. Oh, that's going to be great. It's going to be fun. Yeah. That is awesome. I love it. Well, I'm now dedicated. Thank you. I'm like a dedicated wearer now. I love it. Okay. And so as you know, when you walked in, I told you, we've got some like fangirling going on in here. I love you for it. Okay. Let's see it. The fact, cause the fact that she caught this.

I was like, this is a good question. I want to hear it. Okay. So she said you sneakily mentioned that you wanted to make sure your new acne medicine was pregnancy safe. Okay. Just in case. Yes. So, so does that mean I'm pregnant? Yeah. Is that the question? I'm not pregnant or like a third baby soon. Oh yeah. We definitely want a third baby soon. Um,

Yeah. We want a third baby soon, but I'm not pregnant. Okay. Well, see, like, honestly,

she said she wanted like, I was like, this is, she's, I told my doctor, I don't lie. That's the thing. I'm like a very, like I announced my pregnancies like right after I find out about that. I'm like, I'm like a very open book. Um, yeah. Cause there's this new thing about like lying about being pregnant till after you have a baby. And I'm like, what is this? Oh yeah. No, I don't even hide it till when, you know, you're, you're supposed to. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Um,

Um, I just feel like I share every, like if I had a miscarriage, I would share that information. So I just, cause it's relatable. Yeah. And it's just my personality. So I'm just like open book. But when I shared that, it was literally what I told my doctor. I was like, I want to get pregnant in the near future. Like, I don't want to go on something that is, I'm gonna have to change. Yeah. So,

Anyways, I shared that information. A lot of people caught on to it, not just her. And I was like, wait, no, I'm not pregnant. But yeah, no, I do want, we do want, I want five kids. So that's amazing. So what's the ages of your kids now? They're two and four. Okay. Um, so this, when we have our third baby, it'll be further apart than those two. Yeah. Yeah. Who knows? Maybe I've spoken it into existence. Maybe Nashville is like the place that happens, you know, you're here for the week.

Hey, I don't know. We'll see. But yeah, we do want three or our third, right? Yeah. Probably. I would say hopefully next year. That would be awesome. So soon. Yeah. Okay. But, um, all right. So where can people go to find nudes? Nudes is at N-U-U-D-S. Okay. To use because we didn't want people searching Daryl and Denner nudes. Yeah. And so that mostly Daniel. Uh, so.

So we changed the spelling of it primarily. And it looks cooler, but primarily because of the, you know, Google search wouldn't be great. You're not going to find anything if you go search for that. No, you're not. But we just didn't want a popular search term. Exactly. Yeah. Okay. That's amazing. Cause I'm telling you guys, I don't just say this cause she's sitting here, but I'm like obsessed. So go check them out. It's amazing. And do, I don't know, not to put you on the spot, but if you have like a code for people who are listening, um,

I don't. We just did our birthday sale on Black Friday. We're going to have a special gift with purchase. Okay. Black Friday. I'll tell you what it is. Okay. Sure.

- Why not? Just tell us all. - Okay, so when we do pop-ups, we do like exclusive merch. - Okay. - And our most requested merch is, we always do like a hat, a dad hat. - Yes. - Well, naturally we did a trucker hat, but dad hat is like our most requested. And so we got these cutest, it's like a bone colored cap, like part with like a coffee, dark color you're wearing, Bill. - I love that. - Yeah, and so that's the gift with purchase on Black Friday.

Such a pretty hat and I'm so excited about it, but no one, you're the first person to hear about it. Okay. Well, I'm excited. So, and this will be what I think right before Black Friday, right? Yeah. Right before Black Friday. So it'll be perfect timing. Yeah. So that's on Black Friday weekend. I'm so excited for it. I am so grateful that you came. You're just awesome. I absolutely love you. And now you're headed to my good friend, Shannon Ford's podcast. I know. I was telling her right before this, like literally first in-person interview.

I've ever done. And I just decided to do two in one day. Exactly. And the fact that I've known Shanz since I was 16 years old, which is so crazy. She's awesome. She is so cute. Yeah. Oh, so good to talk to you. Loved it. Oh, that's just me. Perez Hilton.

Drinking all the tea that goes on in this world. And with the way social media is, I just can't get enough. I'm obsessed. It's like every day something new and scandalous comes out and I want it all. I'm the OG of entertainment gossip. And if you are like me and have an unrelenting thirst for all the drama that's flying around, you should listen to my podcast. The Perez Hilton Podcast. Available wherever you get your podcasts.

Got a hunch about this football season? Put it in play with FanDuel's easy-to-use app. Right now, new customers can bet $5 and get 200 in bonus bets. Nothing can stop this team. Nothing! Sounds like someone's got an optimistic hunch. 21 Plus and present in Virginia. Must be first online real money wager. $5 deposit required. Bonus issued is non-withdrawable bonus bets that expire seven days after receipt. Restrictions apply. See full terms at slash sportsbook. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.