Anderson Cooper 360

Anderson Cooper brings you highlights from CNN's premier nightly news program AC360.


Total: 1335

Mayors in both New York and Los Angeles suggest concerts and sporting events are unlikely to happen

President Trump backs away from his "total authority" comment and now says he'll work with all 50 go

While governors on the East and West coasts of the country have formed pacts by region to decide whe

There are more than 500,000 coronavirus cases in the U.S. with California accounting for more than 2

John Prine, the raspy-voiced, country-folk singer-songwriter whose career spanned five decades, died

John Prine, the raspy-voiced, country-folk singer-songwriter whose career spanned five decades, died

As the death toll surpasses 12,700 across the country, more than 800 lives lost were lost in New Yor

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo say it's a "good sign" new hospitalizations are down in the state. Dr

Despite the CDC recommending Americans voluntarily wear "cloth face coverings" in public, President

Florida, Georgia and Mississippi are the latest states to issue stay at home orders. Michigan Govern

According to the latest projections presented by the White House task force, 100,000 to 240,000 peop

With the number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the United States rising daily, governors in some

With more than 65,000 coronavirus cases in the United States, at least 20,000 of those are in New Yo

With about 56 percent of all U.S. coronavirus coming out of the New York City metro area, a member o

The President signals he is looking for a way to "get our country open again." He said he was talkin

Nonessential workers in New York, Connecticut, California and Illinois are being ordered to stay hom

President Trump invoked emergency wartime authority to speed production of protective equipment and

New stricter guidelines are in place to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. New Jersey Governor

President Trump declares the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency which allows people and commu

The number of coronavirus cases continues to rise throughout the country while the stock market had