Lighthouse Faith

Fox News Religion Correspondent Lauren Green uses her wealth of stories, vast network of contacts, a


Total: 310

It's not about reinventing yourself, because you already have within you all the gifts and talents y

The Christian Church is built on the foundation of forgiveness; of Jesus Christ's death on the Cross

He used to hustle his way through life. Had his first drink at 8 years of age and it was downhill fr

Theodore McCarrick was one of the most powerful priests in American Catholicism, rising to the rank

You might call him the Billy Graham of the Catholic world. Fr. Patrick Peyton coined the phrase, "Th

Halloween is one of the most fun childhood events; dressing up and trick-or-treating is a yearly rit

On November 11th, 1620 Christian Pilgrims from Europe landed on Plymouth Rock. They were fleeing rel

"Has America reached its expiration date?" That is a question Dr. Alex McFarland asks in his new boo

This is the second of two podcasts on the Catholic Vote. The phrase "So goes the Catholic, so goes t

The Catholic Vote: PART I


The phrase "So goes the Catholic, so goes the election" has been tried and true for the last few dec

The new accord recently signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain is a glimmer

Believing in the power of prayer means believing that America can be saved from the many sins that p

In this nineteenth year since terrorists attacked America, the nation is reeling from another form o

In 1917 three children from the village of Fatima in Portugal, witnessed what they said was a visita

If there's one thing Phil Robertson isn't shy about, it's telling people about Jesus, and that they

The recent deaths of Rep. John Lewis and Herman Cain represents something larger than the loss of tw

A Father's role in today's culture has been more or less sidelined at worst, or undefined at best. B

Michelle Kim appears to be a normal, twenty-something year old, first generation American, living th

"God is eternal," and everything else is temporary. That includes the Coronavirus, loss of jobs, rel

One of the hardest lessons in the Bible we face is the reality that we are all sinners and "fall sho